|| 𝓔́ t r a n g è r e;;
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   It was hard to keep her faith in love when so many had let her down, breaking her heart as if it were made of simple glass rather than an organ in her chest. They would take and crush it, throwing her feelings back in her face.
   “Strange perhaps, to one innocent of heartache,” she replied. “I only hope you live your life free of the pain that consumes mine.”
                   𝓘nnocent   of   heartache? That  perhaps  she  was ––– she                   had  felt  pain, real devastating pain that had almost ruined any                   and all possibility of pursuing her true passion, music. However                   that pain wasn't related to romantic love at all.
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                                      ❛ You should know. . . ❜                                                         A warm smile was offered.                                      ❛ . . .That the heart can fall in                                      love more than once. ❜
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|| 𝓔 r i k;;
[The scorpion. His burning eyes were locked upon her dainty hands as they touched upon the figures of Japanese bronze. She’d turned the scorpion. She’d turned it! A perverse joy ripped through his black being. This was a victory, such a grand victory! She was his. Christine was finally his and his alone. Oh, how he had the urge to clap or to dance. The sound of the rushing water beyond the walls of his house only filled him with more excitement. He knew in the room beyond, his problem was being washed away as they spoke, that the vexatious youth that truly held Christine’s heart would drown and be gone for good. And the meddlesome Daroga with him. A case of the wrong place at the wrong time. To hell with the promise he’d spare them.] “Ah, my dear, you’ve made the perfect choice,” [he let out a little too jovially, patting the turned scorpion. Osseous fingers ghosted over the case that held both figures.] “I promise you, I will make you the happiest of women, Christine. You’ll want for nothing. Oh don’t cry, you know I hate to see you cry. Or are they tears of joy? That would be different. Oh, I’m sure you’ll adore the wedding march I’ve written! And the Kyrie!”
                           𝓣hose   words   filled   Christine's   chest   was   a   strange   com–                           bination ––– one   that   her   body   couldn't   take   making   the young                           soprano   fall   to   her   knees ––– pain, crushing, ruthless, that seemed                           to  clasp   her  poor  heart   with  an  unbelievable  force; pain that fore–                           shadowed  what  the future held for this girl, darkness, eternal darkness                           and  incarceration.  However  there  was  also  a   feeling of relief, it was                           done. Raoul would be safe, safe from him now that he had her [ oh god,                           he had her forever ], he'd   be able to live a happy life, marry a lovely girl                           and have a beautiful family. A   selfish   sob  left her throat, not even that                           thought was able to make her feel better about her own life.
                           ❛ Monsieur de Chagny and,  and the Persian, both of them                           are now safe, are they not? ❜  That  question  was the only res-                           ponse Christine was able to elaborate. She needed some kind                           of affirmation, of reassurance that her sacrifice had been worth                           it, that  Raoul  would  be  safe  and  sound. ❛ For you promised                           me, Erik, do not forget. ❜ 
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                   ℒittle ℒotte thought of everything and nothing…
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|| 𝓔́ t r a n g e r;;
Sitting, twiddling his thumbs, humming softly – these all occupied Raoul’s time as he watched and waited and …                  no one came to get coffee…
                                Is it me? Am I a turn-off? I should be smiling and upbeat!                                 The thoughts reverberated, bouncing off the walls of his mind.
                       A deep exhale. A check of the watch. A yawn, and a stretch.
It seemed to be that maybe no one really wanted catering when a girl with frizzy red curls approached his dumb little card table. He blinked his eyes several times, trying not to look so darned sleepy, cleared his throat and stood up in readiness.
                               “Good morning, miss; can I get you something?”
                       𝓢he     smiled  broadly,  the young   man  that  seemed  to  be                       taking care    of the little  department did seem    to be somewhat                       tired, but then   again, who in the building didn't? Christine didn't                       mind waking up early and she'd  had plenty of sleep the night be-                       fore, h o w e v e r  she knew that there weren't many that were as                       lucky as she was.
                                              ❛ Some coffee would be                                              nice, thank you. ❜                       The girl replied politely, he seemed to be a nice guy. In all honesty,                       coffee  wasn't all she wanted, she was also quite hungry and even                       though she could clearly see there was food, she still felt the need                       to ask.                                              ❛ And is there anything to                                              eat? ❜
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|| 𝓔́ t r a n g è r e;;
| A•B █►
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                            “Of course.”                    She smiled, holding onto the boxes before                           looking about and around her with a curious                           note that only ended with her eyes set on the                           kind face near her.                                                      “You work at the                                                                      opera house?” 
- X -
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                 ❛ 𝓘 do. ❜                                  She nodded  as  she  took   the                                  boxes from the other woman's                                  hands, the poor kind thing had                                  already done enough.                 ❛ I'm  a   chorus  girl  and  a                 ballerina ––––- however to–-                 day I'm  just  running  some                 errands for  the Theatre, our                 regular errand boy has fallen                 ill. ❜
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                               ❛ || this is my world.my fight. || ❜
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iindiscriminate liked for a starter | like the post here
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                        ❛ 𝓣his  is  my  first                     time   in   America,  it   is                     a. . . R i v e t i n g country,                     I'd say. ❜
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|| 𝓔 r i k;;
[The right thing, she’d said. A terrible laugh peeled from his throat. To hell with the right thing. What was right and wrong? A silly little concept that meant so little. No, he did what he felt he had to do. Right… Wrong… They had nothing to do with his intentions.] “Does that matter so, my sweet? Of course it doesn’t. All that matters is what you choose.”
                   ℋow had everything come   to be this way? A quiet voice                   in her mind spoke to her, telling her that she should have run                   when she had the chance;  and maybe she should have, but                   she hadn't, and she knew that if she could wind up time she                   would have chosen to sing for him one last time again. Chris-                   tine was aware of how foolish she was, but in the end, she'd                   rather be foolish than cruel –––––- but her    foolishness now                   was beside the point, she couldn't let all those people in the                                                         Opera House,  Raoul  die.  But. . . Could she                                                         spend the rest of  her  life  with  him? Could                                                         she bear  to live as a slave? Christine shook                                                         her head, hopelessly trying to stop the tears                                                         from running down her cheeks, she couldn't                                                         be this selfish, even. . .    Even if it costed her                                                         her freedom. With a heavy  heart she turned                                                         the scorpion,                              sobbing still.
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The Morning After Sentence Starters
"Get out, get out, get out, get out!"
"Do you remember anything from last night?"
"Why are you in my bed?"
"I'd offer you breakfast, but I think I'm too sore to move."
"So.. Was it good?"
"Who topped?"
"I thought you'd be gone by the time I woke up..."
"I should go."
"This didn't mean anything."
"We shouldn't have done this..."
"Of course I'm freaking out! You're my friend!"
"I'm guessing this was a one time thing?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know how this goes. I'll grab my clothes and get out of here."
"Good morning, hope you don't mind me borrowing your shirt.."
"I made you coffee, did you want some Aspirin?"
"This stays between us."
"Congratulations. You actually convinced me to sleep with you."
"Are you sneaking out on me?"
"So, how much for last night?"
"Holy shit! she's on her way over here right now, she/he CANNOT see you!"
"Don't answer it!"
"Do you have any idea how wrong this was?"
"We're cheaters. We're horrible people. Oh god my mother would be so ashamed of me right now."
"..Do you wanna do this again sometime, maybe?"
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starter call, friends! 
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𝓔́ t r a n g è r e;;
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                 Truly, if Anne had had a free hand, she                    would have waved a friendly dismissal in                    the other’s direction; instead, she held onto                    the boxes and allowed her head to shake                    in response. “Nonsense.” She stated,                     keeping the grin across her lips. “You                    need not apologise, for I would not have                    offered the help if I could not spare it.” 
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                         𝓒hristine tucked a strand of hair                         behind her and smiled before starting                         to pick up the carton boxes.                                                                           ❛ You're very kind,                                                                           thank you. ❜
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( itisacorpsewholovesyou. )
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“You cannot lie to me, my darling for I see all. I know that you went out. A thousand veils could not disguise your loveliness. The question, however, is why did you go out?
To see your precious Vicomte, perhaps?”
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                 "𝓘 swear I didn't! Why would                  I do that? I. . . I wouldn't want to                 upset you–––––- no! I wouldn't                 want to see him, no. . .!"
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𝓔́ t r a n g e r;;
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“Well, I guess you should count your stars. Seeing as you  don’t have to.” Managing a small smile, he gave her a light  nod before adding.”I forgot to ask, were you looking for someone?”
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                     ❛ 𝓨es, I certainly should. ❜                                                            ��  Christine smiled shyly before                                                               nodding.                     ❛ Oh, yes, actually but I'm afraid                     he must have forgotten about our                     appointment ––– since I've been waiting for over an hour. ❜
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ooc; okay, so I decided I’ll make a Fem!Bruce Wayne so here are a few more polls (I’m sorry itrwidjanwa)
what should the url be?
how about the face claim?
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𝓔́ t r a n g è r e;;
| A•B █►
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           Of course she’d stayed, watching the other as she perhaps would until she disappeared around the corner, but obviously she didn’t get that far; it was all the once- queen could do before chuckling and nodding her head, moving to help the other girl without even a second doubt. “Of course. It’d be my pleasure.” She said as she took a few of the boxes that had fallen. 
- X -
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                   ❛ 𝓣hank you, and I'm sorry,                   you probably have something                   more important to do than help                   someone clumsy pick up boxes. ❜                                      She gave the other a both                                      apologetic and grateful smile.
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ℳ a e s t r o;;
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“That is all I ask,” [he crooned, trying not to sound too delighted, too earthly. Oh, how devoted she was to him… How happy it made him… It was a struggle to keep his tone in check. But he would indeed be watching, listening, measuring how well he had taught her.] “That and that you give yourself over to the music entirely.” [He couldn’t wait to hear her very soul sprout wings of its own and take flight within the melodies sung by Marguerite should she heed his instruction. Their practice was one thing, a performance was another.]
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                     ❛ 𝓞f course, Master, I                     always do. ❜                                          Christine had to admit, she was nervous, but                                          most certainly she was as thrilled as a little girl                                          would be in a Christmas morning. Before she                                          could say anymore words, there was a knock                                          on her dressing room's door and a voice could                                          be heard warning that it was time.                     ❛ I have to go now, I sing for                     you tonight. ❜
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Please help Franny pick a new muse?
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