#i love you andrew but goddamn
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sparrowseagles · 1 year ago
i NEED the marauders girlies to look at Dominic Sessa bc that's Remus Lupin right there im sorry but Andrew Garfield will never come close he's lacking the tall weirdo gene
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Sooo…..that progress report huh?
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priestfrommidnightmass · 1 year ago
one of my personal favorite american vandal scenes for no reason is when sam puts an uncalled for amount of effort into an irrelevant side project to find the hottest mom at hanover and really it’s just a ploy to call peter’s mom hot and peter’s like hey. can i borrow that ruler you’re holding and sam’s like No. I feel like you’re gonna hit me. but hands it over anyway and peter absolutely does hit him and says through the most gritted teeth that’swhatyougetforputtingmymomonthere. i have it clipped who am i kidding
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goldengodcannibal · 4 months ago
my concept and general existence of gender doesn't exist but i'll watch or see something that just roots me firmly in loving being a gay man
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cerealbishh · 1 year ago
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"But why else suffer through this life if not for love?"
🎥: @stillreprise
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spill-to-t · 1 year ago
The fact that I won't be able to watch the 'The Ones Who Live' Spin off is frustrating me more and more... I'm so in love with this couple, I don't even know how I survived these 2 1/2 season without 'em... SERIOUS PROBLEMS FOR SOMEONE WHO LIVES ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOTHERFUCKING ATLANTIC OCEAN
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redding · 1 year ago
oh my GODDDD i fucking love the rick vs okafor argument in episode one holy shit it's so good. craig tate and andrew lincoln complement each other so well it's SO tense SO emotional SO interesting i will never be over it i fear
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astralilith · 1 year ago
Even after many years and many incredible Hozier songs later, nothing has managed to stab me in the heart and leave me bleeding on the floor quite the same way as the lyrics "When my time comes around lay me gently in the cold dark earth. No grave can hold my body down – I'll crawl home to her."
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darishima · 8 months ago
Whose your favorite drag queen?
a lovely question. also a very complicated one. clears my throat . I HAVE A LOT OF THEM.
if i had to pick a solid number one ever, i'd probably say trixie mattel even though that's a basic af answer. i just watch her content the most, plus i listen to her music super frequently; in general she's the queen whose content i interact with the most and i love her.
my second favorite (a very close second, almost tied) is katya. again yeah a basic answer but its also a GOOD ANSWER. i started learning russian originally because of her, and like trixie i watch tons of videos she's in and listen to her music, just slightly less than trixie cause theres less to consume. love her vibes. whats wrong with her (lovingly). i wanna study her
easy number three placement is gottmik. inspired my dream to become a drag queen because i finally saw a queen on rpdr who was like me (transmasc) and i truly think she's had some of the MOST incredible runway looks in history, especially after her run on as9. she was robbed as fuck by the way, fuck the producers for setting up the season like that it was rigged. rigga morris. justice for mik and plastique. gottmik deserved to win season 13 (i love symone too dont get me wrong) and she ABSOLUTELY deserved to win as9. those fucking runways? not even top 3?? i'm going to kill myself in front of rupaul to permanently alter the trajectory of his life.
as for other like honorable mentions, all my answers are again very obvious because my favorites are the fan favorites but i love laganja estranja, adore delano, gigi goode, crystal methyd, bob the drag queen, peppermint, + more. oh and sasha colby. everyone loves sasha colby. i think my least obvious fav is ivy winters (s5) or max malanaphy (s7)
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 9 months ago
There’s no Andrew without Kevin and no Kevin without Andrew they would not have existed without each other (there will always be a Kevin and Andrew before Andrew and Neil)
kevin was the first person who wanted andrew to get better, even if he wasn’t the one who could make it happen he was fighting for it every step of the way
andrew was the first person to promise kevin he could run, and put his body in front of his over and over again. andrew was the first person who helped kevin fight back against his abusers.
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joejhang · 5 months ago
fanon neil vs canon neil
god i am so FUCKING done with the aftg fandom mischaracterising neil i'm literally writing fucking ESSAYS about it and pacing circles muttering about it under my breath it's driving me up the goddamn wall so i am going to word vomit brain dump yap about all of it in an incoherent tumblr text post. spoilers ahead continue at ur own risk
i've said it before and i'll say it again I HATE FANON NEIL. istg this fandom LOVES to mischaracterise neil and ykw i think i know why. they take the smallest most unnoticeable parts of his personality and then exaggerate them to disproportionate and unrealistic levels in order for him to fit their idea of a conventional, stereotypical and desirable main character. they smooth out his jagged edges and prick at his "insecurities" to make him more likeable, more acceptable and more conventional of a narrator/main character and in doing so erase so fucking much of his personality and draw as a character that he loses just about all of the flavour that made me love him in canon. and also especially within the andreil dynamic this fucking fandom just loves to tweak neil's character until he's basically unrecognisable just so they can cram andreil into some preconceived socially acceptable clichéd ship dynamic. because andrew is perceived as the typical mysterious, moody and grumpy love interest therefore neil just has to be the sunshiney smiley blushing cute softboy in exchange. yeah because all gay ships have to be grumpy-sunshine and black cat-golden retriever dynamic. i raise you: andreil's dynamic doesn't work because of their differences it works because of their similarities. if u think about it andrew and neil are honestly very similar people in the way they think and process emotions and events and that's what allows them to connect and understand each other. andreil would not work if neil was super sunshiney and a blushy soft mess and andrew was the stoic, never smiling, unemotional stone of a guy the fandom loves to make them. just accept they do not fit into the conventional boxes laid out by booktok for what gay ships look like. i fucking digress.
neil is also just insanely mischaracterised on his own. people love making him very jittery and insanely oblivious and easily flustered with a generous serving of self-esteem issues. i hate to break it to you guys: neil josten is not insecure. i don't think there's a single instant in the series where neil is actually insecure about anything. as a narrator, person and character, neil is very realistic, pragmatic and logical. ruthlessly so. i'd say on this, neil is even more cerebral and unemotional than andrew is. neil is very straightforward and realistic abt himself in his narration and i'd honestly say his opinion and views about himself are one of the only things in the story that isn't affected by his narrator bias. if neil is anything, it's self-aware. i'm now going to present all my fucking evidence.
neil doesn't have a sexuality crisis. literally in the entire series never once does he even question his fucking sexuality. it's implied he's already figured out he's aspec/demisexual from the moment nicky questions him about his sexuality. neil says "i don't swing" and follows up in his narration: it wasn't quite the truth, but it was close enough. and later when he starts his relationship with andrew he doesn't ever question the nature of his feelings towards andrew or even anyone else and is pretty clear about it when andrew breaches the topic: "kissing you doesn't make me look at them any differently" so yeah neil is pretty certain and aware of his sexuality.
neil isn't insecure about his appearance. i feel like this is gonna require a bit of work to explain but hear me out. it is mentioned several times that neil has a complicated relationship with his appearance because he looks so much like his father/abuser. this is obviously understandable; you wouldn't want to look into the mirror and see the man who gave u all ur scars. that being said, neil doesn't have a lot of strong emotions regarding his appearance. most of his feelings of panic tied to when r*ko dyed back his hair is because of how it would be a lot easier for his father to discover him now that he has his original colouring back. i'm also pretty sure neil knows that he's cute. like it's never explicitly stated but i've reread aftg maybe fifty times and trust me i can read between the lines. neil explicitly says that he has a "love-hate relationship with his reflection out of necessity" and while the "hate" part of that statement is obvious: he doesn't like that he resembles his father, i've sort of just accepted that the "love" part of it is that he knows he's kinda fine. it's not brought up by him at all bc neil as a person is not one to linger on people's appearances almost at all. i think the only people to get a decent amount of lines dedicated to their appearance in the narration are allison and andrew. but yeah i genuinely don't think neil thinks he's ugly or unattractive and he's probably definitely been told how cute he is by others enough that he doesn't harbour any delusions about how he looks. regarding his scars, he never expresses any insecurity towards them and how they look, he just doesn't like them on display understandably bc of how acutely they point to his past and childhood that he's trying to hide.
neil is actually very very confident in his own and other people's abilties. this is esp regarding exy. he knows he's good at the game. like he knows. the most distinct example i can think of for this point is when kevin tells neil that he was at castle evermore to try out for the perfect court when they were younger. neil doesn't even doubt for a fucking second that he would've made it onto the perfect court. never does. he skips over the second-guessing and doubt part and just straight up starts daydreaming about the future he could've had playing with kevin and r*ko. like that really got me bc it's easy to assume neil would be super unassuming and have low self-esteem but no like neil doesn't doubt for a fucking second that he deserves to be perfect court. it's just that he doesn't believe in r*ko's delusions enough to play along with it by the time he gets the tattoo. he's also insanely confident about the foxes and their abilities and also kevin by the end of the series. at the beginning he takes a pretty realistic vantage point and says that with the way things are, the foxes will never beat the ravens. but even with that pov he still has the gall to challenge r*ko on LIVE TV and i doubt he's lying when he declares so boldly to everyone that if the foxes were united they'd be an unstoppable force (and guess what he was fucking RIGHT). and by the end, when the foxes are united, he has no more room left for doubt at all. some guy tells neil to kick the ravens' asses and neil just replies with zero hesitation "that's the plan". like he's so fucking on board with it. and he never once doubts that kevin is the best striker in the game. like literally never. at first he considers r*ko and kevin on par with each other (possibly, it's never stated outright) but by the end he literally has no doubts when he says "kevin is the best striker" like goddamn the amount of confidence neil has is so underrated.
neil is a very unemotional narrator. it actually gets me all the time how logical and ruthlessly pragmatic neil's narration and inner monologue is. some of the only strong emotions portrayed in neil's narration are anger, irritation and occasionally grief, which is only ever triggered by major trauma-inducing events (e.g. dr*ke). almost all of his inner monologue is analytical and observing others and dissecting either other people or the situation he's in. and almost all of his decisions and actions are made based on impulse and instinct. neil is a very instinctive person. this is outright stated in the way he plays exy; in theory, he can't give u a lot, but in the heat of the moment he's at his best. this applies to practically all facets of neil's life. he never plans his moves or what he's gonna say (except like that one time when he planned out what half-truth he was gonna tell andrew post-columbia). he's super quick and on the ball and literally does whatever the fuck he wants at any given moment. he's also insanely good at compartmentalising. like it's difficult to explain but while his priorities are obv hilariously skewed, they're also very clear in his mind. things he considers unimportant he simply just doesn't think about. what others look like and what they think of him don't factor into his internal monologue or his thoughts at all he literally just files them away in the back of his mind until they do end up becoming useful or important to him. he barely comments on andrew's appearance at all until andrew becomes someone worth staring at and admiring for him. the only reason he describes allison and renee in the detail that he does is because it's important in understanding how and why he reacts to them the way he does. this man was literally about to lose his goddamn mind at the fall banquet but he specifically reserved his mental breakdown for after the banquet so he could spend his time roasting the fuck out of r*ko. bro fully locked in and was like "clock riko now break down later" and i respect it.
neil doesn't actually have a martyr complex. it's funny because almost all of aftg is him being the absolute fucking opposite of a martyr. he wilfully sticks around the foxes knowing he's putting himself and them in danger. he doesn't "sacrifice" himself until he's absolutely forced to by his father's people. by then, he's already told himself he can't and won't run and he's smart enough to know he'll never get away anyway. and going to evermore wasn't about self-sacrifice or martyrdom it was about protecting andrew and those two are pretty fucking different. he knew he was coming back from evermore and he knew that he wouldn't die there, despite all the shit he went through, so i don't think that can be counted as "self-sacrifice". he was doing what he had to do to protect andrew, the same as andrew would've done for neil or aaron or kevin or anyone else he'd sworn to protect. the kidnapping in baltimore was the culmination of neil's character arc, which isn't really about learning to be selfless and self-sacrificing, it's about learning to stand his ground and stop running. those things r crucially different: neil not running in baltimore wasn't about selflessness, it was about courage. yes, part of it was obviously inspired by the foxes and motivated by not wanting them to be hurt but i truly believe it ultimately was about neil learning to stand his own ground and make his own home and have it be something he's willing to die for. call it whatever u want honestly i just don't think neil is as much of a martyr/sacrificial lamb as the fandom makes him out to be.
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fallstaticexit · 5 months ago
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Prev / Next / Beginning / Pillowfort
TW: Drug Use - Marijuana
Transcript under the cut
Jonathan & Malcolm: Grandma Queenie!
Queenie: Hello boys. I see your mother is taking yet another trip out of state.
Jonathan: Mommy is making a house for a movie star!
Queenie: Hmm. Well. You two must be hungry. Poor things. Come inside, I’ll have lunch prepared.
Malcolm: I want peanut butter and grape jam with no crust on them!
Queenie: Anything for my boys.
Nancy: We can leave now. Take me to the airport, Andrew.
Driver: Yes, Mrs. Landgraab.
Nancy Narrates: [If I spent too much time with my sons at home, I was losing focus on the business. If I was buried under my work, then I was neglecting them. No matter what I did, there was no pleasing her]
Nancy Narrates: [So I focused on my work and on my friendship with Judith. Each time I flew out to Del Sol Valley to check on the progress of The Ward Den, I’ve grown to know the global superstar. I’ve grown to love her too]
Nancy Narrates: [I was beginning to realize, wealth was one thing. Fame was something entirely different. For the first time in my life, people looked at me, not through me and I had Judy to thank for that]
Fan: Oh my god! I love your movies, Ms. Ward! We’re your biggest fans!
Judith: Oh, how cute. Who can I make this out to?
Fan: Oh, please Mrs. Landgraab, can I have your autograph?
Nancy: You want my autograph? Really?
Fan: Oh, yes please! I admire everything you do! God, I want to be you! A power woman. Ah! Meeting you feels like a dream!
Nancy: I- wow. I’d be happy to.
Judith: You were born to be a star, Nan.
Nancy Narrates: [And as promised, I gave her the house of her dreams, with the view of the entire world from her balcony]
[cork pop]
Judith: WOO! Time to pregame before the real party starts, Nan!
Nancy: [exhales] Hmm. I haven’t smoked pot since college.
Judith: It’s legal in DSV. I even got a prescription for it, for anxiety.
Nancy: If I wasn’t an east coast girl, I’d consider moving out here.
Judith: The Hills isn’t just for movie stars, you know. You’re making quite the name for yourself and there’s a calling for talented female architects. You could tap into the market like nothing.
Nancy: No, I’d never hear the end of it. My mother hates what I’m doing. The Landgraabs are supposed to be noble, humble philanthropist not celebrity icons.
Judith: Fuck her, respectfully. I divorced my parents and was emancipated at 16 so I could protect my assets and my goddamn sanity. I don’t regret it one bit. You have your own name to consider. That old bag can stuff it.
Nancy: Right.. I don’t want to ruin my high, darling. Let’s change the subject.
Judith: Alright. So tell me, friend. What else haven’t you done since college?
Nancy: [snorts] Not much. I was a very good girl.
Judith: Oh bullshit. There’s no cameras here, you don’t have to put on a show for me.
Nancy: I’m serious. I hit the books. Partied very little. Went to church every Sunday.
Judith: And apparently you smoked pot.
Nancy: [smirks] Apparently so.
Judith: You are such a little mystery to me.
Nancy: Maybe that’s a good thing.
Judith: Give me something. I tell you everything, I don’t want this to be one sided.
Nancy: [hums] I guess, when I was younger, I had- thoughts of sorts. I still do.
Judith: Thoughts? About?
Nancy: I guess...thoughts about women.
Judith: Oh, honey, don’t we all!
Judith: I think that’s normal. Women are passionate creatures! We love with our whole selves, with our mind, our body, our entire being. We crave likeness, at least I do. I feel incredibly sated in talking with you than with a man, even if he was a lover.
Nancy: I’m not talking about friendship, Judy.
Judith: No? Oh!
Judith: Ahhh, I see! You know, I do think women are very sexy. Not sure if I could commit to the whole eating pussy thing. I could receive it though. You?
Nancy: I think about it so much that I fear the desire for it will consume me.
Nancy: The wanting—the ache—is so deep inside of me that nothing can reach it. I used to be able to ignore it, but now it just sits there, tormenting me and gnawing at me from the inside. I’ve.. never said it out loud before until now.
Judith: [gasps softly] Oh my.
Nancy: [sniffs] You think that’s strange?
Judith: No, I think it’s hauntingly beautiful. Have you ever thought about fulfilling those desires?
Nancy: You mean... go sleep with a woman?
Judith: Why not?
Nancy: I’m married. I could never do something like that to my husband. Besides, it’s just silly, little thoughts. It means nothing.
Judith: It hardly means nothing, Nan. Listen, I love ya to pieces. Should you ever choose to do what you want and lose some control, I will love you then too.
Nancy Narrates: [Lose control? The very thing that I clung to in this life? I couldn’t fathom it. Who would I be if I gave into the things I truly wanted]
Nancy Narrates: [So, when it came to a lesson in losing control-]
Nancy Narrates: [life introduced me to Lily Feng]
Lily: Mind if I sit my drink here?
Nancy: No, not all.
Lily: You’ll have to forgive me, I am a bit nervous. It’s not everyday I get to meet my idol. I hear you designed The Ward Den, it’s marvelous.
Nancy: Thank you. A little out of my element, but I liked the challenge. I didn’t catch your name.
Lily: Lillian Feng. You can call me Lily, if you like.
Nancy: Are you from here?
Lily: Oh, no. I’m from Tomarang, originally. I live in San Myshuno. I’m new to the area, still getting my footing in my practice.
Nancy: My office is in San Myshuno. What do you do?
Lily: I’m an interior designer. I own and manage a small, modest firm. Popular in the east, but I’m hoping to make a name for myself here in the states.
Nancy: You own your own firm? Wow, that’s- amazing. I don’t meet many women in your position. Especially not in this field.
Lily: It certainly wasn’t easy. I have to claw my way to the top. When it’s a man’s game, you can’t play it nice and safe, although I’m sure you’re aware.
Nancy: Unfortunately so. Have you any prospects since moving to San Myshuno?
Lily: [tsks] It’s quite the competitive market. There appears to be a whole network I can’t seem to tap into. I have had my eyes on the Dreamer project.
Nancy: [blushes] Ah well, it’s likely because of me- well, my company. I’ve yet to acquire it. Anyway, it’s who you know that gets you through the door in this business. The Landgraab Co. tops the market.
Lily: What a shame. That would make you my biggest competition, wouldn’t it? And such a pretty threat too.
Nancy: Ah. Well. That’s...kind of you to say. Um.
Lily: Oh, my drink!
Nancy: I-I can grab it for you-
Lily: Don’t fuss, I’ll get it.
Nancy: [gasps]
Lily: Now, we were talking about the Dreamer Project. So, you’re familiar with it?
Nancy: Mhm..
Lily: I hear the City Council is looking to expand San Myshuno with an entirely new district. It will be the biggest project of the decade.
Nancy: Mhm. Y-yes.
Lily: Any chance that Mayor Dreamer made a inquiry with the Landgraab Company?
Nancy: I...I can’t say.
Lily: [chuckles] I’m only teasing. I know you’d never reveal your hand so easily. Besides, it should be a given. The project sounds perfect for the Landgraabs, being as though the Dreamers are likely interested in classical architecture.
Nancy: Actually, the project is more modern. High tech.
Lily: Huh. Is it now? Who would have thought?
Lily: It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. I’m happy to have met you.
Nancy: [breathlessly] I’m happy to have met you too. Are you leaving?
Lily: I have an early flight. The city never sleeps, and neither do I.
Lily: But I’m sure you’ll see me around.
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Hello i have a idea, how about Yandere Andrew and Ashley x Older Sister Reader with plot being something like
Y/N never cared about Andrew and Ashley cus she find them annoying, she never tried to be good sister even a little and didn't pay attention to their strange behavior towards her, bc despite her careless they loved her and always clings to her and ruins her relationships with boys and girls. And after another ruined relationship, Y/N finally fed up and leaves them, they of course tried to use manipulations and even threats in hopes that Y/N would stay and be theirs but all this things doesn't worked on her. After a two weeks Andrew and Ashley manages to find Y/N....with new boyfriend which makes their blood boil, bc Y/N is theirs only
Facts - 1. Y/N hates mom and dad as much as Ashley, thats why she lived with Andrew and Ashley
2. Y/N is not any better than Andrew and Ashley. Y/N kills some dudes before just for fun
So what do you think?
Thank you anon I needed the motivation TwT
TW: Manslaughter and Murder
Yandere!Ashley and Andrew x Older Sister!Reader
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You’ve been fucked over since birth
Teen parents, one who was spineless, the other who was a manipulative bitch- both who had no idea what they were doing or how to use a goddamn condom
Yeah, you were screwed
By age 4 you learned that you can only really count on yourself in this shit bag of a world
Unfortunately by then, your mother already popped out two other crotch demons to ignore
They thought you were such an independent child, why not have another? This one is also quiet and doesn’t complain- so again!
They stopped having kids after Ashley came around- and if you’re going to give your little sister credit for anything, it’s that she taught them to use protection next time
Or convince mom to get her tubes tied and avoid this whole thing again, truthfully you didn’t care how they went about it- so long as you didn’t have to deal with any more annoying little shits
Ashley and Andrew were always clinging to, which was a normal thing you heard little siblings do….but god they took it to the extreme
Making up excuses to leave class so they could go bother you in yours, following you around all day, Ashley would try to climb you and cling to your back so she would always be close to you
You hated it, you hated it so much
You groaned, jostling in your bed to turn your back to the little shit. You just wanted to sleep, it was the one time you didn’t have to deal with either of them but here’s shit one now!
Andy reached a hand out and poked your back, or where he presumed it to be under the covers, “Y/N?” He persisted, “I know you’re awake.”
“How the fuck do you know that?..” you mumbles from under the covers.
Andy reached his hands out and tugged on the blanket to try and pull it off, “You never sleep on your side, your body naturally turns you on to your back. And you have a specific look you make when asleep.” Andy tried to replicate the look, an open mouth and shut eyes. His lip twitched a little for authenticity.
You sat up, staring daggers at him, “Do you watch me sleep? Little creep—“ you threw your pillow at his face, which had the opposite effect you hoped for. You wanted him to feel dejected, walk solemnly back to his bed while you struggled to ever sleep again. But no, your little brother just laughed and hugged the pillow tight.
The noise caused the small form under the covers of the bed across the room to rustle. Great, you both woke LeyLey. The lump under her covers shot up, pulling at the starry blanket so she could look at you two.
“Ooohhhh, are we sleeping in Y/N’s bed tonight!” She sounded excited, crawling off of her bed and rushing over to Andy’s side. She noticed the pillow and tried to take it, “Give!”
“No way!” Andy held the pillow close to his chest like a treasured gift, “It’s mine! Y/N gave it to me!”
Actually I threw it at you, you thought- but the two were too focused on their tussling to notice you watching unamused. God at this rate they’re going to wake up mom and dad and then you’ll somehow get in trouble—
“You’re their older sister!” Mom would say, “You should be mediating them!”
Technically you shouldn’t. You should be asleep. Or not even born. Self deprecating aside, you would much rather go to sleep as soon as possible, and it’s clear Andy and LeyLey won’t leave unless you let them sleep with you.
So, with a sigh, you pull the covers away, “Get in here you two- and stop fighting over the pillow!” You snatch it from Andy, who gives you the look of a sad puppy you just kicked, “You’re gonna wake mom and dad.”
LeyLey looked ecstatic, hoping into your bed and climbing over you- making sure to ‘accidentally’ knee you in the groin. You wince, you may not have anything down there- but it still hurt! Andy was next, climbing up and settling down on the other side of you. He hugged your arm, smiling softly. LeyLey wrapped her tiny arms around your waist, as best as she could to hold on to you. You sat there, uncomfortably waiting for them to let go, only for their soft snoring to tell you they fell asleep.
Clinging to you.
You groan, this is going to be a long night.
You had hoped that as your siblings got older they wouldn’t need their big sister as much, oh how wrong you were
It seemed like the opposite was true- the older they got the more they needed you. The more they clung to you.
They always had an excuse for needing you, this happened so much that any friends you made drifted away from you
Which only gave you more time to spend with your ‘precious little siblings’
You had planned to leave. To buy a bus ticket and drive far far away from your childhood home and your fucked up family
But then the quarantine hit
Mom and dad ditched, Ashley being the last one to see mom on her way out
But even with the two extra mouths gone, the rations drained fast and the wardens made no effort the feed the three of you
The laundry detergent looked tastier everyday
Besides the lack of food situation- Ashley and Andrew loved the quarantine
They got to be with their big sister 24/7
And holllyyy shit they abused that
Most mornings you would wake up to one of them in your bed, clinging to you like a leech
You stopped kicking them off after the 10th time, it just became a routine
Whenever you went into a room, conveniently they also needed to be in there
About to shower? Ashley needs to do the laundry!
Want to take a nap on mom and dad’s bed, Andrew’s looking for a book, he’ll even read it to you as a bedtime story. How thoughtful
It got to a point where it was just second nature to find them within 3 feet of you
Though there was only so much one person could take
And after the newscaster announced the quarantine would be extended for three more weeks, well….
You stared at the sleeping forms of your siblings, wanting to be 100% sure they were asleep before you enacted your plan. You pulled the covers off of yourself, quietly getting up. You’ve lived in this trash fire of an apartment for 24 years of your miserable life, and thankfully memorized the creaky spots on the ground to avoid.
You couldn’t spend another three weeks in here. The three of you ran out of food a little over a month ago, and you weren’t going to let paramedics find your starved corpse being clung on to by your siblings. Hell no!
Your eyes darted between Ashley and Andrew’s beds as you walked, one misstep and they’d ask where you were going- then everything would go to shit. Your hand slowly raised itself to the doorknob, quietly twisting it. You flinched as it cracked open- looking to see if anyone woke up. Ashley was closest to the door, but she slept like a corpse. Andrew on the other hand was a light sleeper, so it was mostly him you were worried about waking up. You gave a silent sigh as he turned out to still be asleep.
You tiptoed through the door, flinching as you tried to quietly close it. Once the door was shut, your hand hovered over the knob as you waited.
You were just in the homestretch now. Your wallet was already in your pants pocket, really that was all you needed to be honest. You had no items of sentimental value to bring, no. You wanted to forget this place. Burn it to the ground in your mind.
You made your way to the balcony, Ashley stupidly left the key in it. You opened the door and took in the fresh air….well- as fresh as it could be with the air pollution. You looked over the balcony, searching as you spotted your escape. A rickety looking water spout. It looked faulty, like it was about to snap off of the building, if not that- just cutting your hand on it was enough to contract tetanus. But honestly, you didn’t care.
You hoisted yourself on to the balcony’s ledge, hugging the wall and swinging your foot over to hook around the spout. Success! Alright…you just gotta..
Hyping yourself up, you ripped the bandaid off and just got it over with. You succeed, you just have to shimmy down to your escape. You fail, you die.
You succeed though, holding on to the water spout like your life depended on it. Which it did. With care and ease, you worked your way down the spout, until your feet touched the concrete ground.
“Hey!” A deep voice made your blood run cold. Turning your head, you shielded your eyes from the bright flashlight. The man behind it wore a uniform similar to the warden’s, he must work with them, “What are you doing?”
You needed to think fast. You looked around and noticed a stray brick at your feet. You whipped your head back to the warden, his eyes fixed on you as his free hand hovered over his gun.
It all happened faster than you could process. Chucking the brick at the asshole, he fell to the ground with a thud. You didn’t look at the body, didn’t bother to make sure he was still alive. You ran. And ran.
You’ve never ran so fast in your life.
You were free. Free!
Free from starving!
Free from any of this shit!
Sure you probably killed a man, but it was imperative to your own survival
Not like anyone knew it was you anyway
Ashley and Andrew were going to starve, so any connection people could make to your disappearance and the warden’s death will be gone soon.
You bought a bus ticket and high tailed it out of there
Got a new job, and saved up enough for your own shitty apartment
Sibling free too!
Life was…starting to look okay, for once.
We don’t talk about the people you mugged to help save up for this place though
That’s between you and whatever fucked up good there is in this world
….and the people you mugged. Them too
But- point is, you’ve got a job, an apartment, a boyfriend that you met through work
Everything was pretty okay
You fumbled with your keys, eventually getting them to turn the stupidly janky lock. God you needed to get better locks installed, the keyhole being stripped from years of wear and tear. Apparently the landlord refuses to get them changed. But hey, at least your door opened
You wish your door hadn’t opened.
Before you could take in the gruesome sight in front of you, the wretched stench of blood and decay hit your nose. It wafted into your open mouth, slack jawed from shock and grazed your tastebuds. You quickly slapped your hand over your mouth and nose, dry heaving to not throw up.
There, in the middle of your apartment was the cooling corpse of your boyfriend. His body was mutilated, blood being lazily cleaned by his attackers. A tall, messy black haired man was on his hands and knees, wiping at the blood- while overtop of your partner’s corpse was a woman with her own black haired pulled back into a ponytail.
Green and pink eyes.
….your siblings.
“Oh!” Ashley looked up, grinning ear to ear, “Y/N! You’re home!”
Andrew perked up as well, sitting on his knees now as he shot up like a meerkat. Both scrambled to their feet, clinging to your arms as you stared at the body in shock.
“Sorry for such a sloppy job, we’re normally cleaner,” Andrew’s words were trying to reassure you, but it was just doing the opposite, “He just wouldn’t die.”
“You really know how to pick em sis.” Ashley’s nails dug into your arm, her statement feeling more like a jab than a compliment.
Though your body was there, your mind wasn’t. It was running a mile a minute trying to answer so many questions. How did they find you? How did they get in? What’s with the candles? What’s with the weird runes on the floor?
You feel like none of those will be answered, and as your little siblings nuzzle against you like cats- the harsh reality dawns on you.
You’ll never escape them.
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brye-writes · 4 months ago
Sometimes I remember that Neil “I have a bit of an attitude problem” Josten literally grew up in the goddamn mafia.
Like Andrew is definitely not the most lethal of the two of them, Neil just chooses to not be anything like his father. He’ll only lean into that side of himself to keep the Foxes (his REAL family) safe.
I love Neil Josten so much can you tell?
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palmettoshenanigans · 10 months ago
also ALSO-
I know the old "AFTG is badly written" jokes but hold the FUCK on for one goddamn second
I have been writing for almost 20 years. I got my college degree in English and the only reason my specialization wasn't creative writing is because I had bad time management skills and missed my chance to do my final creative writing workshop. I'm autistic and Storycrafting and Wordsmithing are my special interests. I understand writing pretty well.
AFTG opened my fucking eyes to a blind spot of the utter craftsmanship of writing sticky characters that infect you with brain worms, and here it is:
The Conflict of Material and Form
AKA the Character Creation version of Nature versus Nurture
"This isn't who I truly am. This is who I've had to become, what I've had to fashion myself into to survive. The original me is buried in there somewhere, if only you knew how to look. If only you knew to look beyond the mask."
Easily exemplified with our fave lil guys-
Neil Abram Josten:
Material: smartass with a smart mouth, attitude problem, cares about people deeply, sharp tongue to cut a bitch with, kinda feral, a lil unhinged, oblivious idiot
Form: quiet and hidden, liar liar pants of fire, run rabbit run, docile and tame, hyper-vigilant and hyper-observant
Andrew Joseph Minyard:
Material: caring, protective, strong sense of justice, gentle even, cares deeply, give me sugar or give me death, yearning
Form: cold, apathetic, ruthless and unforgiving, allow me to introduce you to my knife, regret? don't know her, i want nothing nothing nothing
Why am I using 'material and form' instead of 'nature and nurture'? Because I am a subscriber to "Characters are not meant to be real people; they are mirages of real people meant to encapsulate a function or idea that serves the story". But use whatever terms click with your noggin.
This isn't about 'want vs need'. This isn't about 'lie believed and truth learned'. This is about Presentation and Basic Action - how would this character react here? Which part are they reacting from?
With Material vs. Form, one isn't the 'true' version and the other the 'false' version of the character. They are both true and real in their own right. The Secret Sauce is that the Material and the Form fight 1v1! And regardless of which part wins, there will be consequences and rewards; so which rewards do we want and which consequences are we willing to suffer? And this fight happens beat by beat, scene by scene, plot point by plot point.
At one point in TFC Neil laments his inability to shut his fucking mouth because his Form of 'don't stand out dipshit' and his Material of 'initiate smartass.exe' are disagreeing with how to respond to his circumstances! It's that fucking meme "My healed and unhealed versions of myself deciding who is going to handle this situation" but as Storycraft!
Now, I don't think this is a new idea by any means. But sometimes to make the essence of an idea truly stick, it must be presented in multiple different ways until one triggers a "Eureka! By Jove! Aha!", and this was the way that truly made this concept stick for me. And why did it stick? Because AFTG is a labor of deep love and passion for Characters and all their complexity and inner machinations, and that depth of devotion had to manifest as some good ass writing somehow my homies in christ.
I have a collection of my favorite Storycrafting Wisdoms and one of them is effectively:
"Put Compelling Characters into a Compelling Situation and see what happens."
And Nora does Compelling Characters beautifully
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wizard-tinky-winky · 1 year ago
I'm on my knees BEGGING people over on twitter to just read the goddamn extra content bc some of you were asking questions Nora answered YEARS ago like fuck you mean you're surprised Kevin is bisexual?????? he was in a polycule with Andrew and Neil in every other draft???? he fucked men at the nest????? he says it's easier to be straight to the public???? be so fr. and I can tell Nora is loving that she can just.......retell some jokes like the one about Andrew being too short for forehead kisses, but confirming Neil gives them anyway READ THE FUCKING EXTRA CONTENT YOU WILL BE HAPPIER I PROMISE
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