#Raine whispers appreciation
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Raine reached peak badass in the finale and you can pry that out of my cold dead hands. Not that anybody will even try, anyway.
They were reaching unprecedented levels and it was legendary! From fighting the possession to stomping Belos for the quick, painful death, Raine did some crazy shit! And their body wasn’t even in the best condition, either!
Suffered through the Draining Spell, pulled off Eda’s arm to save her, got turned into a puppet supposedly after having just woken up from the DS, spent Titan knows how long just standing motionless in the Archive House and relying on Eda’s visits to stay sane, got possessed by Belos, managed to undo the Collector’s puppet spell, and fought off Belos when fighting for control and definitely dislocated a limb or two.
Raine finally got the opportunity to face him, to fight him alongside the love of their life, their future son, and their technical future daughter who was then powered by the freaking Titan. They got to deliver the final blow, one of the final stomps, on their worst and most hated enemy. Raine sacrificed everything to make sure that Belos and the coven system were eradicated. To make sure that wild magic got to thrive.
And I cannot think of a more badass character than Raine Whispers. In fact, I think Eda said it best:
“The coolest, baddest, kick-buttiest witch of all time.” -Eda Clawthorne, ‘Them’s The Breaks, Kid.’
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theomegachoc · 5 months ago
I did it, I finished the raeda poem animatic
Now, what to draw next
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sockatoothewafflebird · 2 months ago
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oh my god. if i had known sooner, i would have done something- drawn a tribute, maybe- for this show. this show is a part of me. this show has been with me through so much and it is impossible to overstate how much it means to me. it was there during the best and worts times of my life. i cannot ever ever imagine my life without this show.
so, as a tribute to it, because i MISSED THE DAMN ANNIVERSARY OHMYGOD, i'll tell my story with it. i feel like it should be shared because i know there are others out there that appreciate the show just as much as i do. this is pretty long so uhhh word wall warning teehee
i remember when i first discovered it,
about halfway into 2020. season one had finished airing by the time i found it. i had heard things about this "lumity" characyer and decided to try it out because i was an "ally" at the time (oh, how things can change).
it wasn't on a streaming service yet, nor did my family use cable TV, so i watched the entirety of the first season through clips pirated on youtube.
i fell in love with it. watched every theory video i could get my grubby little hands on, watched reaction videos, watched those iconic lumity animatics and listened to the songs on loop for months. it became a part of me.
and, guess what? i made the lego eda meme my pfp on my school laptop (remember that one guys?? oh man that was a WHILE ago) and someone in my school, a new guy, asked me about it. said he liked my pfp and asked if he could sit with me and my friends during lunch. and now, even after both of us moving thousands of miles away, we're still in touch.
that was FOUR YEARS AGO. i know that seems kind of a short amount of time, but i've never held a friend that long before, having moved around a lot in my life. long story short the owl house got me like half the friends i have today.
anyway, back to the show.
i can never forget the hype when season 2 was announced.
i remember scrounging youtube like a starving dog for any content, teasers, theories, etc etc etc i could physically find. i was a pretty sheltered kid back then so i couldn't see any hype for it on social media other than youtubers gushing about theories. but i felt like i was there with everyone, squealing and kicking our feet together over our favorite show getting a new season.
most vividly, i remember being fucking pissed when i saw that the third season we could've had was cut short. i remember all the angry videos, and the petitions, everyone, everyone was all collectively screaming for this to change. we wanted the show to get what it deserved, but alas, it's Disney. so of course we just had to make do.
when season two began airing i forgot all about my anger. i forgot everything because, i had to watch it as soon as possible. i'll remind you, dear random internet user, that my family did not have cable TV at the time, so i couldn't watch it the second it aired there. i watched youtubers' reactions to the episodes.
it was the best feeling ever waking up on a saturday and seeing all of the reaction streams to the episode from all my favorite youtubers- i had to watch it all through the tiny top left corner of my phone screen and i was ecstatic. i loved being able to watch the show with everyone else, even if i sometimes missed reaction premiers or streams and got to them a day late- it was in the top ten most fun months of my life.
oh, and, do you remember? do we all remember Through The Looking Glass Ruins? the episode where gus develops his character and powers, and also the episode in which... you know... amity and luz indirectly admit their feelings for one another? TO each other? you just had to be there for the EXPLOSIONS that happened online that day. the absolute SCREAMS of joy from everyone when amity cheek-kissed luz at the end. it was amazing to witness so many people everywhere, in my social circle and online, collectively cheering and shouting for joy over a queer couple. a sapphic couple, portrayed positively, and casually, and OPENLY.
you have no idea how amazing it felt, after years of questioning myself, to see that on screen. to see that and to see everyone happy about it.
in the time between season one and season two's release, i opened up about questioning my sexuality to my parents, and they were... reluctantly supportive. i took a ton of time to figure it out myself, like maybe two years of constantly cycling though labels and wondering and wondering and thinking really really hard about it.
i remember seeing luz and amity very clearly being a potential couple in the show, and then they actually BECOME A CANON COUPLE a few episodes later, and feeling utter jealousy because i wanted what they had. the world exploded because, for a lot of people, this was a huge finally moment. finally, we have something good for ourselves. i remember watching and re-watching the lumity scenes in the first part of season two over and over and over, and thinking, "i don't want this with a boy. i want it like that." and it was liberating. i cannot thank this show enough for that feeling of fully accepting myself as a 100% organic home-grown lesbian.
that's just my experience with the show, but i'm sure there are tons of other similar stories, because this show was my first exposure to positive queer rep (raine whispers and amity blight are me favorite characters, i think you can guess why) and that changed everything for me.
anyway, on with the show.
the second part of season two released, and the fandom went wild. i cried. i sobbed. the finale was amazing, the lumity moments were amazing (they're portrayed as one of the healthiest couples i've ever seen in modern media ohmygod), the story was amazing. every episode, banger after banger. every minute, smile after tear after mind-blowing moment. the owl house team took disney's smelly, rotten lemons, and they made fucking lemonade. the best lemonade i've ever had.
and also, can i talk about how amazing it is to see so much representation of usually horribly portrayed groups? luz is canonically ADHD. many characters could also be seen as neurodivergent (gus my beloved) eda's curse is a stand-in for chronic illness. hunter's entire story is one about abuse, and belos's is a story of how a person can become a monster, about how sometimes monsters cannot and should not be redeemed. this show is a fucking masterclass in rep.
anyway, "season three" (fuck yoy disney) was amazing, and every episode made me bawl.
i remember seeing that they released the episodes in youtube, and i remember the absolute beauty it was to see millions upon millions of views for it. i remember watching the first one while making myself an omelette. that omelette ended up having my tears in it. i'll have you know that i almost never cry at media, so the owl house really fucking achieved something with all of the tears i shed.
i remember crying when luz "died," crying when she came back and screamed in bel-ass' face , "EAT THIS, SUCKAAA"- and i remember crying at the collective "byeeee" from the whole cast. i remember feeling a sense of bittersweetness that it was over. but the whole cast got the endings they deserved, and that was enough for me.
the owl house is a part of me now.
the owl house's run was a comfort when the news was screaming and crying, it was a comfort when i needed escape, and it was a huge part of the person i am today. i cannot ever thank this show enough.
i'll probably draw something to commemorate the anniversary if i ever find the time, but for now, this post is a way for me to send my appreciation towards the fandom, the creators in the fandom, and the creators of the show that made it possible. this show is over now and has been for years, but it will never leave me. happy five years, everyone! here's to many more! 🥂
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phoenixlionme · 1 year ago
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I REALLY love Raine putting their hand on Eda's waist in this shot. Eda is now in her very tall, harpy form but Raine still has their hand on the former's waist. It's so cute.
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nonbinarycollector · 2 years ago
i feel like sometimes we dont give enough attention to toh having FOUR TRANS CHARACTERS. FOUR. thats INSANE? and they all present differently, are all different ages, and ALL of their pronouns are respected. holyy shit. getting a character of color whos middle aged and they/them, a teenager that doesnt bind and looks feminine and is STILL they/them and respected as such, a little boyish child god with he/they pronouns, a chill dad whos heavily implied to be bigender, ITS AMAZING!! they dont even fall into the pit of "only aliens are nonbinary" BECAUSE they made raine, an average witch, nonbinary, and made masha, a normal teenage human, nonbinary too. whenever i think about it too long i explode of happiness. thank you so much toh
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crimeronan · 1 year ago
i'm mostly over Representation In Fiction Feelings but i DO still get kind of emotional about raine having pre-T and post-T voice actors. not even in a seeing myself represented type way (i am not on T and don't currently plan to be), but just bc. it's such a lovely reflection of the space we live in. a decade ago it was revolutionary for kids to see same-gender parents on TV and go "oh, some kids have two moms," and now in a very similar way kids get to grow up learning that some people have high-pitched voices in adolescence and low-pitched ones when they get older. parents explaining "your older cousin might sound a bit different when they come for thanksgiving this year" and a kid just going "oh, like raine!!" that..... that Does get me. wah.
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nutria--oscura · 1 year ago
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innocence-wont-save-you · 1 year ago
Ok quick question, can you like, confirm you’re genderfluid? I know that I should technically already know this since I’m your overseer and we are connect to you, but I’ve been headcanoning you as a boy this entire time. Have I like, been misgendering you?
You give your overseer a long, bewildered stare. "Yes? I am genderfluid? What do you—why are you asking me to confirm I'm genderfluid?"
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pb-loves-owls · 2 years ago
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I know it’s unlikely but—
what if they saw Eda and was just like “time to turn up the rizz”
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Need I say more?
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dabidagoose · 2 years ago
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babyspacebatclone · 2 years ago
Totes agree with loving how in-universe the harpy forms are regularly considered positives for both sisters - including as physically attractive to appropriate people.
It is explicitly a curse, something that has caused both of them so much pain.
But Lilith’s embracing of her inner self is key to her happiness.
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And for Eda, well, yes, this comic is basically just rehashing canon.
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kruegerspillow · 3 months ago
simon riley who just needs to be understood. that's all. one whole jar of pity wouldn't do it, he needs you to acknowledge him. and, when you do, he'll surrender himself faster than he should.
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The rain pours down heavily against the roof, the sound of pitter-patters humming throughout your house.
It had been weeks ever since Simon's leave and the sudden change hits you harder than a damn truck. It's just going to be a few weeks, he wrote down in the letter. But, you never really believed him, no. Fuck, you know he'd do anything (that includes lying) just for you to be at ease.
Though, the bed felt colder than before. Your place felt even more... tense, with the feeling of unease running through your body and the unusual, eerie silence. His job wasn't an easy one, and with the fact that his life is on the line, it made it worse.
Your heartbeat quickened as you looked down at your phone, scrolling through the messages and pictures Simon had sent the other day. You don't understand how soldiers could be so composed in the middle of the battlefield, including Simon himself. You'd be damned if you heard a single gunshot ringing across you.
Suddenly, the familiar sound of a car engine knocked you out of your trance. Your head perked up, a feeling of hope sparking up in your weary heart. Could it be him? You thought to yourself. He's earlier than usual.
You placed your phone on the table, gaze locking onto the front door as you leaned back against the armrest of the couch, a pillow pressed against your back. The sound of the engine eventually came to a stop, then—
There he was. Simon motherfuckin' Riley.
He took off his boots and placed them aside as soon as he met your gaze. The smell of rain and dirt lingered around him, but he didn't care anymore. Not when the love of his life is right in front of him, waiting patiently to be placed into his embrace. But, he's fuckin' exhausted, and he can't help but let the feeling of fatigue take over his body.
He closed the door behind him, walking towards you with a look of deep longing and care. His bags were left right beside the front door. Your eyes travelled over his figure, searching for any new scars or wounds.
"Bloody 'ell, I missed ya s'much." He murmured, his voice raspy and carried a handful of emotions.
Before you knew it, he plopped down onto you, head resting against your plump thighs, earning an amused gasp from you. His arms softly wrapped around your waist, slipping underneath your shirt before caressing your bare skin. You sighed in content, relaxing beneath him before your hands made their way to his hair, running your fingers through his hair.
"Welcome home, Simon." You greeted him, your voice filled with warmth and relief.
He grunted in response, burying his face between your thigh, causing you to nearly whimper in response. But you knew he ran out of the energy, having finished a tiring deployment. Your gaze softened at the sight before you. Sometimes, even the strongest souls get exhausted.
"Want me to make tea for you, love?" You softly whispered into his ear.
He shook his head, wanting to hold you just for a while (that's a lie. He'd go through the whole month burying his face into you) and you understood, staying silent as you embraced him. You let him do his thing and fuck he was turned on by that mere fact. But, for now, lust was long forgotten, buried away by the need of your comfort and warmth.
Your hands gently massaged his tense shoulder, feeling the way his muscles relaxed under your touch. Slowly, his vision fades into nothingness, for your touch has provided comfort even to the soul of the corrupt. Surrendering himself into sleep had never felt so... easy.
And, soon, he'll show you just how lucky he is to have you.
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kruegerspillow © 2024 ➵ do not feed my work into ai, repost or translate my work. Reblogs are much appreciated ୨ৎ
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nutria--oscura · 2 years ago
Shout out to my friend who, even though she has never heard a single episode of dndads, listens to my rants about the new episodes every other week <3
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ateezscupid · 1 month ago
nerdy pervy bf yunho who instantly got red and hard whenever you wore his clothes
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ATEEZ MASTERLIST / REQUEST yunho sees you in his hoodie and shorts ♡
"Yunho!" You jumped up and down excitedly as you stood on the other side of the door, watching as he walked into the apartment with a tired smile. His eyes searched the room, looking for the source of the noise. When they landed on you, his expression brightened. "You're home!"
You were wearing one of his hoodies with your pretty white pajama shorts, and he couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through him at the sight. He dropped his bag on the floor, a mix of textbooks and gym clothes spilling out. "Jesus…"
"What-?" you started to ask, but the words got stuck in your throat as Yunho stepped closer, wrapping you in a bear hug that was at once comforting and overwhelming. He smelled faintly of rain and mint, the scent of the outdoors mingling with the clean scent of his deodorant. It was a smell that was uniquely him, one that never failed to make you feel safe and loved.
"Oh- okay-"
"I love when you wear my things." he murmured into your hair, his voice gruff with affection. You couldn't help but lean into his embrace, feeling the tension of the day melt away as his arms tightened around you. His hand traced patterns on your back, and you felt a shiver run down your spine.
You pushed yourself closer until you felt something poking your stomach. You furrow your eyebrows. "Yunho,"
"Are you hard?" You whispered the question into his ear, your voice barely audible over the sound of his steady breathing. He pulled back slightly to meet your gaze, a playful glint in his eyes.
"It's not my fault," he said with a smirk, his cheeks flushing slightly. "You just look so… tempting."
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corners of your lips. "Well, I'm not complaining," you admitted, leaning in to kiss him lightly. His lips were warm and familiar, and the taste of mint from his breath washed over you.
He kicked the door closed behind him and picked you up, spinning around with you in his arms. You giggled, feeling lighter than air, as he carried you into the bedroom. The room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn to keep the evening light at bay. He set you down gently on the bed, and you watched as he pulled off his shoes and socks, then reached for the hem of his shirt. His muscles rippled with the movement, and you felt your breath hitch in your chest.
"Yunnie~" You teased as he threw his shirt aside, his abs flexing with the motion. He chuckled, a sound that never failed to make your heart flutter. You scooted back on the bed, making room for him as he climbed in.
"Yes, baby?" He said as he climbed into bed, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight. He leaned over you, his eyes darkening with desire as he captured your mouth in a kiss that was anything but light. His hand slid under the oversized hoodie, tracing the line of your waist before moving up to cup your breast. You moaned into his mouth, the sensation sending sparks of pleasure shooting through your body.
"Can you eat me out-?" you mumbled against his lips, feeling a blush creep up your neck. It had been a long week and you hadn't seen him much. Your body craved his touch, the feeling of his mouth on you.
Yunho's eyes lit up, and without a word, he kissed his way down your neck, peeling off the hoodie as he went. He left a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses down your chest, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin of your collarbone. You shivered, arching into his touch.
When he reached the hem of your pajama shorts, he took a moment to appreciate the view, his eyes lingering on the lacy underwear you had chosen for the night. He hooked his fingers into the waistband and slowly dragged the fabric down your legs, leaving you exposed to the cool air of the room. You watched him, anticipation building in your core.
He took a moment to gaze at you, his eyes roaming over your bare skin. He leaned down to kiss the inside of your thigh, the gentle pressure of his lips leaving a trail of heat. You bit your lip to stifle a gasp as he continued his exploration, moving closer and closer to your center. His tongue flicked out to taste you, teasing your clit with feather-light strokes. You arched your back, silently begging for more.
Yunho chuckled, enjoying the way you squirmed under him. He took his time, savoring every inch of you. His tongue swirled around your clit, pressing harder, then retreating. Your hips bucked in response, seeking more of the delicious friction.
"Mmm, Yunho," you gently grabbed his hair, urging him closer as your legs fell apart. His mouth was hot and insistent, the pressure of his tongue increasing with each pass. Your breath grew ragged as he began to suck, the sensation shooting straight to your core.
You could feel your arousal building, the ache growing with every flick of his tongue. The sound of his mouth on you filled the room, a wet, intimate rhythm that echoed in your ears. Your hands tightened in his hair as you lost yourself to the sensation, the world outside the bedroom fading away to nothing.
"Yunho, please," you begged, your voice strained. He looked up at you, his eyes dark with lust, and then he was diving back in, his tongue pressing against you more firmly, more urgently. You felt yourself getting closer, your body tightening with each stroke.
"That's it, baby," he murmured, his voice muffled by your cunt. "You taste so good."
The words sent a new wave of heat through you, and you bucked your hips, trying to get more of his mouth on you. He groaned in response, his hands moving to grip your thighs, holding you in place as he licked and sucked with a fervor that was both thrilling and overwhelming. Your toes curled, your nails digging into the sheets as the orgasm built within you.
It crashed over you like a tidal wave, a powerful rush of pleasure that had you crying out his name. Your body convulsed, your muscles tightening around his tongue as the sensation washed over you. Yunho didn't stop, continuing to kiss and suck at your sensitive flesh.
"Y-Yunho! Oh my god-!" You gasped out, your eyes flying open as the intense wave of pleasure subsided. Your body was a trembling mess, the aftershocks of your orgasm still pulsing through your veins. His mouth remained on you, gently lapping at the wetness he had created, his hands still gripping your thighs.
"You're so beautiful when you come," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. You couldn't help the blush that spread across your cheeks at his words. He kissed his way back up your body, his eyes never leaving yours. When he reached your face, he captured your mouth in a kiss, the taste of yourself on his tongue.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, needing to feel his warmth enveloping you. His hands roamed over your body, touching every inch of you, as if he hadn't seen you in years rather than just a few days. You moaned into his mouth, feeling yourself getting wetter with each stroke of his thumb on your clit.
"I'm gonna treat you so good, princess."
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thinkinonsense · 5 months ago
old man!logan howlett x young fem!reader
cw: cheating, heavy flirting, smut, kinda dark
authors note: i have no idea what came over me and i cannot explain it. also! gif credit to the amazing n talented @silverskyeline <333
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he never should've gone to the bar. never should've let you run your pretty mouth. most definitely never should've bought you that martini. every weekend he watches you seduce the men at the bar until one of them falls into your trap.
logan would scoff, mumbling something under his breath about how stupid that bastard must be. despite the fact that the only thing holding him back from your advances was the thick gold band on his finger, reminding him of where his loyalty should be.
"lovely seeing you here again, logan."
he loathed your wicked smile and how your voice sounded like rain fall. trying his best to avoid staring into the eye of the storm but your presence demanded to be seen. practically ripping his hazel gaze off the wooden table and over to that tiny dress you were wearing. dark navy tight against your skin in a way that could make any man sin.
"missed ya' last weekend." you purr. "where were you at?"
"home." he states, gruffly.
"that's boring. why were you at home?"
"wedding anniversary."
the words made your tummy flip with excitement. you didn’t know much about logan outside of his favorite brands of alcohol, but you did know that he had a wife at home. he never mentioned her by name. sometimes, she would call the bar if it was “too late” for him to be out but other than that, she was a ghost.
“cute. you should bring her here one weekend.” you propose, almost making logan choke on his whisky. “bet she would love to see where you run and hide at night.”
“it’s not her kinda scene.” he responds.
“aw, i’m sure we would be friends.”
“and why’s that?” you fake pout.
logan leans in close before whispering, “don’t think she would appreciate you beggin’ for her husband to fuck you in a dirty bar bathroom every weekend.”
“i didn’t say we would stay friends.” you giggle, making his cock stir in his work pants. “also, the invite is still open if you miss fuckin’ someone younger.”
the second you are out of sight, off in the pool room next door annoying some other asshole, he groans under his breath. logan hated how well you read him. you knew he wanted you but you were smart enough to make him come crawling to you if he wanted to feel your tight cunt wrapped around him.
after a couple minutes, a few men left the room and logan got up to take their place. when he walked inside he saw it was empty except for you sitting in one of the chairs on your phone.
“glad you decided to join me.” you smile up at him.
logan ignores you instead going over to get a stick and start playing. you finish your martini and join him as he sets up the balls. catching you off guard, he tosses you a stick too.
“if i win, you leave me alone for good.” he huffs in your face.
“sure but what do i get when i win?” you smirk.
logan ignores your question and growls, “ladies first.”
it's dead silent as you bend over the pool table to line your stick up to the diamond. logan's far too busy staring at the wet spot on your light blue panties. he never admit it, even if you knew for sure that's where his eyes were. it wasn't until he lost sight of the spot that he realized you already took your shot.
"your turn, old man." you tease, moving out of his way.
the two of you go back and forth for a bit but you were growing tired of this game. instead you decided to make things even more interesting.
"so when i win, are you going to finally fuck me?" your bluntness always left logan speechless.
"you already know the answer to that, sweetheart." he replies, trying to focus before shooting.
"sure, blah, blah, blah, something wife." you mock with an eye roll that almost made logan chuckle. "but seriously? when was the last time you two had sex? you probably got cobwebs in there."
that got a small smirk out of him. one that you count as a win.
"it's just a band. it comes off, see?" you lean over and take the ring off of his finger, placing it on the table.
logan stared at it for too long. feeling the distance of his commitments. you turn his head towards you with a light hook on his grey bearded chin. the lust in his eyes told you that you had won.
"you know what else comes off that easily?" you whisper, lips inches from his. "my panties."
a good man would've walked away. a good man would've returned home to his wife. but logan wasn't a good man. never had been and never would be.
an animalistic urge fell over him, grabbing you with the ease of a rag doll and bending you over the pool table. the wedding band was inches from your parted lips, moaning prettily as logan spread you open with his thumbs and licked a wide strip up your cunt, burying his face in your arousal and letting it coat his beard until he could only taste you.
"f-fuck me." logan groans, pulling back to catch his breath. "taste better than i imagined."
"knew you wanted me." you smirk, feeling his middle finger circle your entrance before pushing in. a loud moan is pulled from your throat as he hits that spongey spot with ease.
"weren't lying 'bout being tight." logan marvels, watching the way you suck in his finger.
he attempts to push in his ring finger as well and you wish you could've seen his face while he struggle to get it in. quickly, you reach for the wedding ring next to you then grab his hand from inside you. fumbling to get the ring back on him before he questions you.
"what are you—"
"go on." you coax, looking back at him with dark eyes. "try it now."
logan shouldn't have been so turned on from the image of his wedding ring coated in your slick; but here he was watching it disappear and reappear inside of you.
"right—fuck! r-right there..." you pant, arching farther back to meet his thrusts.
"does it turn you on being a homewreaker?" logan asks, back up on his feet and nibbling at your ear. "knowing that you have a old married man fucking you with his wedding band on?"
"mhm..." you mumble against the table. he takes the opportunity to pick up his pace, feeling you clench down. "d-don't stop..."
within seconds, your gushing around his fingers and dripping down his hand. right when he pulled out of you, you turn around and push him back into one of the plush chairs to undo his belt. falling to your knees, you begin to stroke him, tracing his veins with your tongue and tapping the tip on it.
"always knew you had quite the mouth on ya', princess." he grunts with a fist full of your hair.
you smile, taking him all the way until his tip hit the back of your throat and the hairs at his base tickled your nose. logan was finding it harder and harder to control his animalistic urge while your gagging and drooling all over his lap. quickly, you release him with a pop and stand up to straddle him, lining him up to your entrance and sinking down slowly.
"shit, you're so fucking tight." he says, gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises.
"only for you, logan." you whine, grinding down on him, rocking back and forth.
roughly, logan pulls the rest of your dress off of you, throwing it on the floor somewhere behind you. large hands touching you all over in ways you've only dreamt of. meanwhile, your attacking his neck like a madwoman. biting and marking him up like he's yours.
desperately, logan fucks up into you, needing more. his tip nudges that sweet spot within you, making you moan loudly in his ear, encouraging him to go faster. so focused on the squealing of your soaked pussy. he captures your lips, kissing you tenderly. you can feel his high approaching, twitching inside of you, and you needed to do one last thing before it hit him.
carefully you pull away, gripping his chin and pulling him face to face with you. his eyes are blown out with desire as he stares at you.
"tell me your mine, lo." you whisper against his lips.
logan can feel you clench tightly around him, waiting for him to give into you completely. he presses his thumb down on your button, moving in fast circles to get you there with him.
"f-fuck, i'm yours, baby." he moans, coating your walls with spurts of his release. "i'm yours."
"t-that's right." you moan, kissing him roughly as your high washes over you.
"you look so pretty like this." he coos, watching the pleasure run over you.
for a moment the two of you sit still, trying to catch your breath. logan's mind races, not meaning to cum inside of you but it's far too late now.
"lets keep this a secret between the two of us, huh?" he says while you play with his hand, mischievously. before he can notice, you pocket the ring.
"sure thing, baby." you reply. "i'll gladly be your little secret but have fun explaining those marks to the old ball and chain."
logan looks down at you and that wicked smile of yours, only to realize just how fucked he is.
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