corporationsarepeople · 6 months
“Two minute wait times?” What the hell is Raffensperger talking about? If there were two-minute wait times, they wouldn’t have had a need to pass the law.
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equusspirit · 11 months
Predictably, GOP Senators & House Representatives Have Boxers In A Twist
Note: This does not mean a wedgie. Americans invariably go there. It means to be anxious, worried, upset, or bothered. Now, carry on. U. S. District Court Judge Steve Jones ruled on October 26, 2023 in a 516-page order that the State of Georgia’s redistricting map was in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1963 (again) and must be redrawn. This lawsuit had been filed by several groups because…
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usnewsper-business · 1 year
Under Fire from Trump, Georgia election official refuses to resign #election #georgia #Raffensperger #voting #Warnock
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willpollock · 1 year
'It's been humiliating': Coffee County official slams lack of transparency in '21 breach
UPDATE 4: just completed in-depth interview with Coffee County board of elections member Andy Thomas, who had choice words for Raffensperger and state of the investigation thus far will turn it around ASAPhttps://t.co/cd8btyCF2D — Will Is Social Chair Of Fani Willis Fan Club ⚖️ 🌻 (@bywillpollock) June 14, 2023 As it turns out, not everybody enjoys living behind a wall of secrecy. In researching…
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odinsblog · 8 months
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Just a reminder that Lindsey Graham still needs to be charged and held accountable for his role in the January 6th insurrection and trying to overturn the election.
👉🏿 https://www.vox.com/2020/11/18/21571684/lindsey-graham-brad-raffensperger-georgia-ballots
👉🏿 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/georgia-election-brad-raffensperger-lindsey-graham-throw-out-ballots/
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
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Exactly five years ago today, 25 July 2019, Donald Trump phoned President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine and threatened to withhold US aid unless Zelenskyy could provide "dirt" on Joe Biden.
That's a nice little country you have there. It would be a shame if my buddy Vlad rampaged through it with his war criminals and took away all your washing machines and toilets. Sad!
This attempted Mafia style shakedown of a friendly power led to Trump's first impeachment.
Trump later defended his conversation with Zelenskyy by calling it a "perfect phone call".
Trump has since made other phone calls of varying degrees of perfection.
We recall the two calls he made to Georgia Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger to try to overturn the 2020 election results in that state. In case anybody has forgotten the context...
Jimmy Kimmel's reaction on 05 January 2021 belongs in the Smithsonian.
Donald Trump's perfect phone calls continue to the present time. Over a week ago he called anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. with whom he traded bizarre conspiracy theories and seemingly offered him a place in his administration if Bobby would drop out of the race. Yeah, imagine Trump as president with RFK Jr. as Secretary of HHS; their campaign slogan should be "Make Pandemics Great Again!".
If you'd like to mark Perfect Phone Call Day today, call vote slackers or low information voters and remind them that Democrats have a reality-based presidential candidate who is 18.3 years younger than Trump.
Trump will not be defeated without extra effort from all of us this year. That means real world volunteering, vote registration, and contributions. Take it upon yourself to be the virtual pro-democracy precinct captain to your group of friends and colleagues.
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dadsinsuits · 2 months
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Brad Raffensperger
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The Supreme Court on Monday raised the bar for prosecuting Donald Trump, ruling that he has immunity for some of his conduct as president in his federal election interference case, but maybe not for other actions, adding another obstacle for special counsel Jack Smith taking the case to trial.
In a novel and potentially consequential case on the limits of presidential power, the justices voted 6-3 along ideological lines to reject Trump’s broad claim of immunity, meaning the charges related to his attempts to overturn the 2020 election results will not be dismissed, but said some actions closely related to his core duties as president are off-limits to prosecutors.
"Big win for our Constitution and democracy. Proud to be an American," Trump said in a post in all capital letters on his social media website Truth Social.
Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, said further proceedings are needed in lower courts to determine what conduct Trump can be prosecuted for. Among the conduct that the court determined to be core presidential powers and therefore subject to immunity are Trump's contacts with Justice Department officials. Trump is also "presumptively immune" from being prosecuted for his contacts with Vice President Mike Pence in the weeks leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by his supporters, Roberts wrote.
The indictment alleged that Trump sought to pressure the Justice Department to investigate unfounded claims of widespread election fraud as part of a plan to keep him in power despite President Joe Biden's election victory. Trump also wanted Pence to refuse to certify the election results as part of his ceremonial role at the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6.
"The president is not above the law," Roberts wrote. "But Congress may not criminalize the president's conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the executive branch under the Constitution."
What that means for the case going forward remains to be seen. Trump’s lawyer conceded in the oral argument in April that at least some of the allegations in the indictment concern private conduct that would not be protected by any immunity defense. Likewise, the Justice Department lawyer arguing the case for the special counsel said the prosecution could go ahead even if some official acts were protected.
At a minimum, there will be further proceedings before U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan to determine what, if any, of the other conduct alleged in the indictment is protected. Among the acts she will review to determine if they are subject to immunity are Trump's contacts with people outside of the federal government, including state election officials such as Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, whom Trump pressured to reject results showing Biden victories.
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midnightfunk · 2 years
Earlier this week, Trump renewed attacks on Freeman, whom he accused of lying to the Jan. 6 Committee after the complete transcript of her interview with the panel was made public.
"What will the Great State of Georgia do with the Ruby Freeman MESS?" Trump said on his social media platform, Truth Social.
Von DuBose, a lawyer representing Freeman and Moss in a defamation lawsuit against Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, said Trump "continues to threaten their safety."
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ms-cellanies · 2 years
Finchem, a member of Oath Keeper’s, MUST BE DEFEATED IN ARIZONA.
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kp777 · 2 years
When prosecutors know or suspect that lies were told within a grand jury room where all testimony is given under oath and penalty of perjury, they conclude that crimes are being covered up.
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calicojack1718 · 22 days
Comment on This: Why is Georgia's Governor, Brian Kemp, Campaigning for Trump?
Reading time: 2 minutes What gives? I thought Trump and Kemp hated each other after the 2020 11,000 votes phone call, but now Kemp is campaigning and fundraising for the Old FART? Why would he do that?
Way back in 2020, the Old FART famously asked Governor Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to find him 11,000 votes, which, much to their credit, they refused to do. Since then, Trump has hated both men and Georgia. Trump even went so far as to give Kemp the “Little” moniker, recently referring to him as “Little Brian, little Brian Kemp. Bad guy.” He was so angry, he helped…
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filosofablogger · 1 year
A Little Thing Called "Integrity"
I quit my job once after working at the company for just over a year.  Why?  It was a small company owned by one woman who could at times be sweet as syrup, and at other times unreasonable as a two-year-old child.  At the end of the year, in preparing the financial statements that would be used as a basis for filing that year’s taxes, she told me to record a large number of her personal…
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whitesinhistory · 1 year
ATTENTION GEORGIA VOTERS: Check your voter registration by going to mvp.sos.ga.gov to make sure you are still registered to vote and not at risk of being caught up in Brad Raffensperger’s voter purges!
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willpollock · 1 year
EXCLUSIVE: Piercing 'cone of silence' in Georgia's '21 Coffee County breach [Blog Series]
"no collusion with Coffee County goons and unaware what they were doing"—Cathy Latham, who held the door and brought boxed lunches @MarilynRMarks1 @jennycohn1 @100FrogLegs @carrybeyond @CheryleJ0806 pic.twitter.com/NaAI3klHhd — Will Is Social Chair Of Fani Willis Fan Club ⚖️ 🌻 (@bywillpollock) September 6, 2022 When domestic terrorists swarmed the nation’s Capitol on 6 Jan 2021,…
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Rolling Stone: Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged
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