#Q! Theory
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mikaikaika · 2 years ago
Phil had a theory today that the code is a federation experiment gone wrong. He said that the code was originally supposed to be part of the eggs but the Federation screwed up while creating him which led him to being the code and the reason it majorly attacks eggs is because it is mourning the life that could have been and is envious of the others who succeeded. Same reason why it hates Federation or its allies because it holds them responsible for it's failed existence .
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lucabyte · 5 months ago
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#they said i couldnt have a worse speech bubbles to image ratio and i said 'bet?'#isat spoilers#in stars and time#in stars and time fanart#isat fanart#isat siffrin#isat loop#two hats spoilers#isat#lucabyteart#sifloop#not rlly but it gets the tag in case ppl r backscrolling my tags on my blog for some reason#anyway this dialogue has been kicking around in my files for about 2 months as it is known to do & i wanted to play with typesetting#'write a fic if you like words so much' absolutely not . what if it was pictures instead. and also i wanted an excuse 2 loop gradient#but yeah uhhhh this is very . very loosely the result of me thinking about the 'island is trapped in the fucking future' theory.#like if so. would it just like. reappear. when the rest of the world catches up w where it was stuck in time. like . 20 more years on.#and thus the q: god wait at what point would sif be older than the age they last knew their parents to be. theyre nearly 30 now so like.#you can see my logical path thru these thoughts yes? anyway i think its fun when these two put their braincells together to realise#the horrors. and kind of exclusively the horrors. wahoo!!!#anyway food for thought re: island reappears and to the islanders it's not been any time at all. but its been like 30 years for the rest#fuck do you do: your boy returns 30 years older plus a family (maybe even a child) and minus . a fucking eye.#also theres a fucking angel with them? update. thats also your boy what the fuck. wait fym theyre married. hold on. wait--
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jaygeezthechosen · 1 month ago
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desualt · 10 days ago
B: It's pretty nice.
P: Yeah, It helps me think cuz I don't get distracted with anything.
B: No, I feel ya. This remains me a lot of what I see inside of my head all the time.
P: Nothing?
B: Yeah, it's just empty.
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This guy
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quartings · 5 months ago
I translated and analyzed the leaked Pokemon Theogony diagram!
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Here's the non-spoiler version from the Sinjoh ruins Arceus event! The leaked spoiler version with specific and leaked names is below the cut!
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Things to note:
1) Tex is Regigigas maybe because it sounds like "Tectonic" + "Rex"? Since it moves the continents? (Dumb joke about how the Regi family can be found below Clay's Driftveil City in B2W2)
2) Despite appearences, the notes say the pink circle is for the god of time, and the blue one is for the god of space- could be cool to see Dialga and Palkia with swapped colors! Also note that Giratina isn't in the original version, but has a circle for it awkwardly added in the final version.
3) Pseudos have their own section- weird that Latias, Latios, and Gyarados are Pseudos but Salamence isn't. They're all bunched up in a section called "Supporting Legendaries". The three gen 4 placeholders for "Dahabu", "Saan", and "Gordon" could be for Garchomp and two other lesser legendaries like Cresselia and Darkrai or something. Or since they omitted Salamence, they could also not include Garchomp and the circle could be for something like Heatran instead.
4) Note that "Supporting Legendaries" are different from the birds, beasts, and regis, which are called "Servant Legendaries".
5) Also "Smilay" (Smile>Gratitude>Shaymin) and "Birthly" (Egg/Phione>Manaphy) are my speculations on the mythicals, but no confirmation, obviously.
6) Also there's a decent chance most of this is now moot since this diagram is from 2005 and we've had over 5 generations since then.
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todayinhiphophistory · 5 months ago
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Today in Hip Hop History:
A Tribe Called Quest released their second album The Low End Theory September 24, 1991
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dnalt-d2 · 1 year ago
So we all know Pomme and Richas disappeared before the testing started, and I remember seeing someone say that they went to Purgatory for the rescue without Phil
But I raise you one better
They went to GET Phil
They are currently dragging his unconscious ass to a boat and leaving as we speak
He's gonna wake up and it'll basically be like
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It would be SO fuckin funny
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belanova · 2 months ago
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Dash active look at my Brainrot actually
Explanation of how I got here! ✨ So in deltarune the person who talks to us in the beginning in the game might be two people
This is because the Japanese translation in the game the person who speaks to us is using the two alphabets of Kanji and Katakana
Which is really weird!!! katakana is only used for loan words so writing like this is really strange
The only other person who speaks like this is in Undertale is W.D Gaster (and queen but that's emphasis that she's a robot... Unless. 😳)
Then suddenly when the vessel gets yeeted the text turns back into Kanji and Hiragana, and refers to you as the player as Omae (which is kind of a distant way to say you)
The only other person in the Undertale who speaks like this is Chara (dun dun dunn) since the rest of Undertale avoids Kanji Chara stands out as using it extremely frequently and uses Omae for the player
Which is why people believe there is two people in the intro and the second person is Chara
The reason I don't believe it's Chara simply cause Chara is like.. dead
Lmao ik they can probably access supernatural dead powers and is technically the one you actually play in Undertale, but it seems strange for Undertale to be a game about keeping goodness in your heart and the power of friendship just for the other game to prioritize the geno route like that
but Yk who does have extremely similar quirks to Chara and would make the most sense to talk like them? Kris dreemurr
I think it would be a crazy crazy parallel of the games where in Undertale you get to name the fallen child, in Deltarune your protagonist names you
And frankly I think it just be cool if our protags first dialogue is telling the player that theyre not playing as the vessel but as them
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ghostatrandom · 2 years ago
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I am not inmune to silly minecraft roleplay I am so sorry for the person I am about to become-
Sooo q!Jaiden is my favorite character ( q!cellbit is a close second-) and that theory about Jaiden being a federation experiment made my brain go "oh yeah I need to draw this there's no other way" so uh yeah, hello qsmp fandom take this humble headcanon of mine
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soracities · 10 months ago
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Khadija Queen, from "Theory; Evidence of uncertain shifts"
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secretly-asleep · 9 months ago
People don't talk nearly enough about Q in Bungo Stray Dogs. Even with their limited screentime we still got a massive insight into their backstory. Compared to Kyouka, who when we meet, presumably was aready in the PM anywhere from 6 months, to 4 years, making it possible that she joined at 10 years old, her being 14 in the current time.
We've seen how being a part of the Port Mafia affects different people, but no one has been part of the PM for quiet as long as Q, and we don't even get to see what their life was before the PM. But we can assume it nothing good. We know that Q is one year younger then Kyouka, but the diffrence between the two of them being, that Q joined the PM at 6 years old, or prehaps even younger. My theory is that Q was locked up for at least a few years in some sort of 3rd space (similar to Lucy's ability) possibly by Dazai's order.
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( Q, age 6 )
Character's like Dazai, Chuuya and Higuchi have a strong distain for Q, which means Q has been locked up for at least 4 years. Q supposed ranpage where they took out Chuuya's subordinates happend when Q was 9. (Q being 13 in the current time)
Compare Q to Yosano Akiko, who was 11 when she joined the army. And because of Mori's tactics and manipulation, earned the nickname of "Angel of Death". We saw in real time how quickly Mori is able to dystroy a person, make them a shadow of themself. How he turned a 11 year old, happy, friendly Yosano, who was ready to help anyone, into a child that was borderline shellshock, a person that was content to rotting in a asylum for the rest of her life. And after 3 years of her being unresponsive, in that said asylum, she still fought the idea of being able to exist as a real person.
The thing that stands out to me the most is that Q has more hatred towards Dazai more then Mori. Because we can safely assume Q was at least partially under Dazai's training, and we know Dazai does not have the most orthodox methods of beating new PM members into shape. The way Mori trusts Q to walk around and take the train on their own, without fearing that they might run away is really telling of how much the loyality to the PM was burnt into Q mind. We can imagine Q does not remember much of anything before the PM. Q has had only one place in this world untill now, and that has been being a killing machine for the PM, no questions asked, we can probably assume Q has no idea that they could leave.
The only autonomy Q has ever had is regarding to their power, but even that being dictated by Mori's orders. Q has no autonomy over anything in their life, if It's regarding if they want to kill people or not, if they want to help do the PM's bidding, or if they are content with being locked in, presumably, self-isolation for over 4 years. Lock up a 9 year old kid for 4 years only with their own thought's and be suprised when they turn out that way.
I've always thought of the parallels between Kyouka and Yosano, the same way both of them were made to hate their powers, Kyouka having to use it to hurt people against her wishes, and Yosano essentially being forced to make the people she looked up to, come to the brink of death, only to send them to die again.
Both Kyouka and Yosano were extreamly ashamed of their powers, becuse it made human life seem so insignificant, Kyouka being able to kill without actually being close to a target. and letting Demon Snow do it for her.
Kyouka and Yosano's abilitys are both not necessarily meant to hurt people, one being healing, and the other protecting it's user, not to mention, Demon Snow is a gift from Kyouka's mother, given in order to protect her.
Now, back to Q, a power, that we don't know that much of, for example, we don't know if the mind control could make someone feel at peace. But that wouldn't matter, because no matter how Q's ability was used, Q's ability can only be activated when somebody hurts them. No matter how much someone tries to use Q's for good, It will always hurt someone, that either being another, or Q themself. Do we really put it past the PM, in all the years Q was in training, to not have tourtured Q untill they got ahold of how their ability worked? The subordinates Chuuya talked about, are we sure that wasn't a cruel training for Q? Where Mori made people hurt Q, those people possibbly being people in the PM?
One is being forced your ability to cause harm, the other is your ability being designed to hurt you, and everyone eles.
If Q was subject to so much pain in their formative years, imagine how desensitized, they are to it. And all of this, the work of Mori, and the rest of the Port Mafia.
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When Q was kidnapped by Steinbeck and forced to hurt so many civilians, we saw how people are able to manipulate Q's ability against their will, and who's to say, The PM didin't do that aready?
We saw how Q says that they never chose this ability, and how they didin't understand why all these horrible things happend because of them, asking Steinbeck why this is the case, when everyone is supposed to be equal in the eyes of god. Steinbeck being that god does exist, but that he has no space in his heart for Q.
This makes it pretty apparent that Q has not wanted to hurt all the people that they did, but that they were conditioned to do so, by the PM.
Q hasn't been seen since, but I would really enjoy seeing Yosano and Q interact, becuse they share so many similarities.
I don't think there would be a redemption arc for Q anytime soon, but Q is very dear to me as a character, and I really want them to appear more, the only problem being is, I have a feeling they are once again, locked up.
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mikaikaika · 2 years ago
Guys do you think the QSMP is pulling a Truman Show and we are all part of the official audience narrative
Like simulation theory is still my best bet because Cucurucho had no reason to tell the truth to Cellbit. It could have easily lied to him and we wouldn't have known the difference. So taking that, the trailers, and the update account all into consideration it can be theorised that this is all a social experiment except instead of being a simulation it is being conducted infront of a live performance.
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aring-king-king · 1 year ago
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lloydlings · 8 months ago
new and updated theory on the source of lloyd’s power!
in dragons rising there definitely has been lore dropped here and there but more than anything I find ammunition to power my long winded theory that lloyd’s powers come from his heart, in theoretical and just elemental sense.
doc wyatt has established there isn’t a set explanation (YET) in show, but he did like one of my tweets regarding my claim that Lloyd’s power resonates within the heart and soul.
starting out, lloyd’s power has never been defined. it is hinted by the writers that lloyd has no idea what it is, though what we do know is that it—-
1) can create life and destroy it (the book of elemental powers)
2) draw energy from the elements
3) shield oneself / very powerful in attack
4) does not belong to the source dragon of energy but belongs to the source dragon OF LIFE
5) has some sort of connection with the FSM
and lastly, by LEGO GROUP’s definition.. it’s ENERGY.
energy can have have different meanings. energy in lightning’s case seems to be the electrical sense, but energy can .. power up things, it makes things work -
energy is also used as a synonym for life force, this is demonstrated when referring to the act of draining source dragons and the whack-rats.
what i am getting at, is I believe that energy in the sense of lloyd’s powers is that he holds the essence of life itself. his power works hand in hand in his survival as well as keeps him alive.
now to connect him to LIFE , a source dragon, was very interesting but made a great deal of sense. Life is in everything, energy can create life.. who created life?
THE FSM used elemental powers to bring Garmadon and Wu into existence, he also holds the ability that past his death, he could steal lloyd from the mortal world to speak to him in the grasslands.
the elements of creation can be drawn from in their energy for lloyd, but the elements of creation were the core four.
LIFE = Lightning, Ice, Fire, Earth
that also makes sense as to when he was dying in mystake’s tea shop that they had to use their elemental powers of creation to revive lloyd or heal him.
now jumping into the theory that will always be my favorite, and the show itself actually jumped into it was elemental powers being felt or drawn from different places depending on the elemental powers, ie nya with veins, zane with his mind, etc etc etc—
lloyd’s power comes from his heart in my opinion.
firstly, life—- energy is what makes the heart beat, you cannot live without that.
mentally, lloyds power has always been his true self, his heart, the way he cares so deeply for people (even if they do not deserve so)
green in spirituality also represents the heart chakra, it is very similar in description.
but as someone so close to his mortality, and who i believe is always aware of such, it makes so much sense.
in s8, when his element is fighting for him as he’s succumbing to his wounds in the fight in krytparium it sparks on his chest,
following this— the elemental master figures that were released in the SOG wave depicted different elements and where they were located differed on the ninja, lloyds was insanely insanely obvious—
overdrawing from his element has caused him great sickness multiple times. we see this with golden power, then we see this with him fainting while using his element against griefbringer in MOTM (something very opposite to his element— death)
the fact that his power kept him alive but also left him for a bit after he almost was on the brink of dying in s8
now with dragons rising and the conduit putting him in a semi coma for several days because of his mortality
he puts his hand on his heart when he approaches the imperium source dragon when saying “this place, i feel weird”
him believing he’d die from conduit power…
it’s justttt…
but that being said there is so much they could discuss about lloyd in show, whether discovering his powers, or seeing the actual scope of what they do
lloyd is very hesitant and he out of anyone never talks about his powers or how they work
but there’s so much there, like what if his elemental power could heal people or bring people back to life (other than himself LOL)
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desualt · 1 month ago
Wait, I just realized something! Someone may already have talked about this. But what if !Bad, every time he dies, he eats his own body because it is the only way that he can get back his memories. When Chip's pig died, tr!Bad ate it and said he transferred the dead pig's mind to the new pig.
He can get his memories back this way, but I wonder if he can see or feel the memories of the living things he eats.
(This is why he says he would eat Foolish or his friends if they die? Because he wants to see/feel the mind of his friends?)
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minugasakuranohana · 28 days ago
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Ru / Eng
Их способности вместе — это что-то с чем-то. Тотальный контроль. Абсолютно жуткое трио. Добавить Дазая – и вообще будет полный улёт. (читать голосом панды) Они были бы легендарной четверкой в Йокогаме. Четверка смерти (а в случае чего, ещё и жизни. или наоборот). И ведь у Мори был шанс собрать их всех. Он и Фукучи могли пройти примерно одинаковый путь на войне. По крайней мере, оба побывали на острове, а Кансай, откуда и где "нашлась" Теруко, мог быть по пути отступления их войск ± (гл 115). Мори тоже мог бы её подобрать. Вот только тут вмешалась "реальная история" знакомств и взаимовлияния писателей и задумки Асагири. Но Мори ещё и доктор. Представляете, Фукучи такой: «Пойдем со мной, я тебя спасу-», а тут Мори, откуда не возьмись: «А ну лежи, где лежишь, я врач, а ты вообще где учился, чтобы к раненым лезть?! Иди, воды скипяти, умник, блядь»
Они могли бы быть как мафиозницам, так и командой одаренных психотерапевток - лайтовое такое AU, где мафии вообще нет, её уничтожили ещё до того, как Мори стал боссом, не знаю, если бы предшественник бесоёбил посильнее, Рандо подобрал Танеда, и новоиспечённое агентство подключилось. Мори Теруко подобрал в конце войны, быстренько отучился на психиатра из чувства вины перед Йосано, нашёл её (в её психушке. или нет), оттуда же спустя ещё немного появились Дазай и Кью... Но, Нацуме всё ещё нужна третья часть для его концепции – организация, которая сможет реально контролировать преступный мир, поэтому Мори основывает новую мафию, начиная с подпольных медучреждений
Вы хоть раз пытались представить себе ada!Коё?! Я мозги себе сломала, думая, какую одежду он�� бы носила и как устроены хакама 🤯😵‍💫
А вы никогда не думали, что самым первым двойным черным могли быть Нацуме и Хироцу?!! Так много возможностей! Кстати, дизайн Нацуме чутка похож на Шифу, а ещё он (irl) одно время был наставником писательницы Окуро Теруко.
Прическа Мори и Йосано отличается только челкой, по-сути
Теруко и Кью! (Не обращайте внимания, просто читаю статьи по психологии, пытаясь понять Кью и можно вылечить нарушения психики, которые (предположительно) возникают из-за чего-то в раннем возрасте, если длительно использовать способность Теруко на человеке. А ещё они немного похожи) А Йосано может вылечить нарушения работы мозга, связанные именно с веществами, которые участвуют в обменных процессах, гормоны там и прочие?.. Не может, наверно. Но если нарушение вызвано физической травмой, то может же? Это очень сложный вопрос...
Their ability together is something to behold. Total control. An absolutely terrifying trio. Add Dazai and it's a full set. They'd be a legendary four of Yokohama. The death four (and, optionally, life. Or vice versa).
And really Mori had a chance to get them all together. He and Fukuchi might have traveled roughly the same path in the war. At least both have been to the island, and ±Kansai, where Teruko is from and where she was “found”, could have been on their retreat path (ch 115). Mori could have picked her up, too. Except that's where the “real story” of the writers' acquaintances and mutual influences and Asagiri's plot intervened. And Mori's a doctor, you know? Imagine if Fukuchi had said, “Come with me, I'll save you” and then Mori, out of nowhere: "Well, lie down where you lied, girl, I'm a doctor. And where did YOU even study to help the wounded! Go boil some water, you fucking shit."
They could be either mafia or a team of gifted psychotherapists - a light AU like that, where the mafia doesn't exist at all, it was wiped out before Mori became boss, dunno, if the predecessor fucked up harder, Taneda picked up Rando, and the new detective agency got involved. Teruko was picked up by Mori at the end of the war, he quickly studied as a psychiatrist out of guilt for Yosano, found her (in that clinic. or not), Dazai and Q came from there a little while later... But, Natsume still needs a third part for his concept - an organization that can actually control the underworld, so Mori starts a new mafia, starting with underground medical facilities
Have you ever tried to imagine ada!Kouyou?! I'm still wondering what kind of clothes she would wear and how the hakama is arranged 🤯😵‍💫
Did you ever think that the very first double black could have been Natsume and Hirotsu!!!! So many possibilities!
Natsume was mentoring irl Teruko for a while.
Mori and Yosano's hairstyle differs only in the bangs, basically
Teruko and Q! (Don't mind me, I'm just reading psychology articles trying to understand Q and "can mental disorders, that presumably arose from something early in life, be healed if you use Teruko's ability on a person for a long time, fixing all fuck-ups?". They're also a bit alike. Can Yosano cure brain disorders related specifically to chemicals involved in metabolic processes, hormones and so on? I don't think so. But if the disorder is caused by physical trauma, can she? It's a very complicated question...
one more doodle
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