#Code monster
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beckyblah · 2 years ago
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Second qsmp poster :P
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chamoemileclown · 1 year ago
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Etoiles won in the end but his moment of hesitancy when he started healing the code killed me
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handbarfs · 2 years ago
Juanaflippa, can you please stay?"
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this fucking stream,,,,, oh my god
this post on twitter say hi to me on twitter raaaahhh!!!!!
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thepenguisalive7 · 2 years ago
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I’m so sorry
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royalarchivist · 1 year ago
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A Code Monster just appeared moments ago at the prison, lassoed Arin (Luzu) and flew away with him.
He was able to throw his TNT to the other prisoners, and was kicked with this message:
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Has sido echado de QSMP: Te tengo You have been kicked from the QSMP: I have you.
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shikai-the-storyteller · 2 years ago
Is that really JuanaFlippa?
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Based on everything we know right now, the answer is "no"
What's more likely is that this is a Binary Monster pretending to be JuanaFlippa.
On a meta level, we know the admins of dead QSMP Eggs said they won't reprise their roles, but it's no fun to base lore analysis on meta alone, so here's a lore explanation for my reasoning:
First, and perhaps the most obvious explaination: JuanaFlippa never had cracks in her shell. She died long before the event where all the Eggs got kidnapped and were returned with cracked shells, yet this "JuanaFlippa" had cracks. What's interesting to note here is that during the Election Dinner when the fake Chayanne and Tallulah tried to trick Phil, he immediately pointed out that they didn't have cracks in their shell while the real Chayanne and Tallulah did. Perhaps the imposter was trying to overcompensate for their previous mistake by adding cracks to JuanaFlippa's shell not realizing that she never had them in the first place.
The reason why I specifically say this is a Binary Monster is because of the signs she left:
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We've already seen the Binary Monster(s) try to replicate regular non-binary writing before when Etoiles encountered the fake Dapper and fake Tallulah (the book he showed Forever pictured below):
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"My Dapper me na name" ���> "My name is Dapper"
We know the Codes are constantly evolving and learning, so naturally their writing is getting better too (though we can clearly see 1s and 0s and other errors in "Flippa's" signs despite this).
But what's the Code's motivation in doing this?
In the past, we saw the Code(s) mimic Eggs because they wanted to attack and kill Presidential candidates— but that's a pretty recent development. Remember: before the elections, they were attacking the Eggs (though they also attacked Maximus and Cellbit at one point). The motivations of the Binary Monster(s) has always been unclear, and there's a lot of potential roads we could go down while theorizing, but in the interest of keeping this as relevant to the current discussion as possible, I'll focus on just one:
We have strong evidence to believe that the Binary Monster didn't want Islanders to stay on the island. It kept attacking the Eggs and leaving behind signs that said "Last Warning," strongly implying that it was trying to chase them away.
HOWEVER: shortly before the elections, QSMPGlobal tweeted an image of the Binary Monster above the Federation building.
[ Note: I thought I had this photo saved, but I didn't. I've been scrolling through their media tab for 5 minutes and Twitter crashed, so I'll have to add this photo later. It’s very late and I am so so tired. ]
This is the first time the Federation acknowledged the existence of the Binary Monster, and afterward, it said Islanders wouldn't need to worry about it attacking them. Why would the Federation suddenly acknowledge this physical embodiment of a mistake, an error, on their (supposedly) perfect Island?
The answer? The Federation took control of the Binary Monster. Why else would they suddenly deem it "not a threat"?
We could clearly see the Binary Monster deteriorating over time during the election arc. It looked shabbier and shabbier as time went on during the election arc. Something was clearly wrong with it (perhaps whatever the Federation was doing to control it hurt the Code in some way? Maybe the Federation experimented on it and made their own Binary Monsters?) But I digress-
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The next time we see the Binary Monster after the Election ends is on Tazercraft's recent stream this week. Not only does it have a new upgrade (the strange OP sword Cellbit + Etoiles saw records of), it also ignores Richarlyson and opts to take a swing at Pac and Mike instead.
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Now here's where things get really weird.
Earlier this week, we also saw the Binary Monster on Etoiles' stream. It didn't attack him, and instead leads him to a sharestone, which teleported him to a portal. He's given this image, then is kicked from the QSMP with the message: "The Nether Awaits."
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So what does this have to do with JuanaFlippa?
...Well, that's the question, isn't it?
This is where things start getting murkier. I want to draw our attention to two specific things Flippa said before she left:
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"It's not safe out there for me."
"Please keep this a secret."
The Binary Monster has already proven time and time again it's a force to be reckoned with. Why would it need to hide? Is it so that it can get closer to Charlie? (And if so, why? To mimic him? To get information?) I think a likelier answer is that the Binary Monster is trying to hide from the Federation itself.
Perhaps whatever the Federation did to shackle it— whether they experimented on it or copied it or whatever— left it damaged and weak. Or perhaps it isn't damaged at all; it just needs to lay low and needs someone else to do its dirty work for it (like sending Etoiles on a quest to find that strange shield in the Nether).
Unfortunately, a lot of this amounts to speculation because we simply don't have enough information yet. (It's also very very very late for me, so this analysis is purely driven by sleep-deprived madness and love for QSMP lore and JuanaFlippa).
Whatever's going on, we need to be very careful and think carefully about this being's motivations. Like Cellbit said: "Eyes always open."
Anyways, feel free to share your thoughts in the tags or comments or whatever, it's always fun hearing what people think of my analysis posts. You can find other analysis posts in my QSMP Info and QSMP talk tag.
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my-craft · 2 years ago
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The Monster.
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snopiah · 2 years ago
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What’s Going On In Quesadilla Island? 🏝️
[GUAPODUO GayAndSad.jpeg] | [Eggs] | [JuanaFlippa’s Things] | [Foosh and Leo, Mamadisimo] | [Baghera Doodles] |
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s1lly-billy · 1 year ago
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Oh guys she's so fucking dead
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Shes so fucking dead
Ohhhhh noooooo my girlllll noooooo aweeee I'm going to sob nooooooo....
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masked-ragdoll · 2 years ago
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Yesterday's event was so amazing I just had to draw my favorite part aka when Phil killed the fake Chayanne aka code monster :D
I drew this on stream today and attempted to combine tham's rendering tutorial with my own style
I love how it came out!!
close up under the cut
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mikaikaika · 2 years ago
Phil had a theory today that the code is a federation experiment gone wrong. He said that the code was originally supposed to be part of the eggs but the Federation screwed up while creating him which led him to being the code and the reason it majorly attacks eggs is because it is mourning the life that could have been and is envious of the others who succeeded. Same reason why it hates Federation or its allies because it holds them responsible for it's failed existence .
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tharett · 2 years ago
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Never Mess With Mama Bird
"Nunca Te Metas Con Mamá Pajaro"
Esp: Odio que se me baje la calidad 😭
En el Instagram me recortan la foto(y la calidad se hace c*lera 😩)y me pone de malas, pero quien sabe, aquí tal vez se mire más mejor al publicar ajjajs
Pero bueno, tengan un trabajo viejo y más o menos terminado xdxd
Eng: I hate when my quality goes down 😭
In Instagram the post cropping is so bad (makes the quality go to sh*t 😩) and it makes me very salty, so who knows, maybe thequality here would be better ajsjsj
But anyways, have an old and kind of finished work xdxd
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chamoemileclown · 2 years ago
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He’s in danger! ^^
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handbarfs · 1 year ago
you and me against the world, flippa!
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ghostatrandom · 2 years ago
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The world is testing me but I do not fall astray from the whimsical and love filled narratives. CodeFlippa au/hc/theory everybody! She is Flippa but corrupted but it doesn’t matter cause her papa loves her and she will defend him from all harm! (Yes I do not have a consistent design yet for any of the eggs I should get on that soon)
I've been wrong before.. but I've also been right so yeah take it or leave it
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royalarchivist · 1 year ago
Foolish: [Typing in global chat] CODE. COME HERE AND ZAP ME. Or- I don't know what the Code has to do. I dunno.
Fit: Yeah. Strike you down with lightning.
Jaiden: Maybe just a little kiss on the cheek.
Foolish: Maybe he's gotta bleed on me
Phil: [Laughs] A little kiss! A little kiss on the forehead for the cold. "He gave me little treats as a reward, little kiss!" Little kiss.
Jaiden: Tiny little peck!
Fit and Jaiden:
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Foolish: [Laughs] Holy sht, what the fck.
Phil: Oh god. That escalated quick.
Foolish: Thank youuuu, thank you, manager.
Jaiden: We're just helpin' out. [Laughs]
Foolish: That'd be a wild- like, would you guys judge me if that's like- you saw that going down?
Jaiden: Absolutely not.
Phil: Foolish, I've seen you do way worse for way less. [Laughs] Do not worry.
Jaiden: We've seen you get pregnant.
Foolish: Oh yeah.
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