#Binary entity
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beckyblah · 2 years ago
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Second qsmp poster :P
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chamoemileclown · 2 years ago
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He’s in danger! ^^
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mikaikaika · 2 years ago
You go away for a few days and the sky comes crashing down
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masked-ragdoll · 2 years ago
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Yesterday's event was so amazing I just had to draw my favorite part aka when Phil killed the fake Chayanne aka code monster :D
I drew this on stream today and attempted to combine tham's rendering tutorial with my own style
I love how it came out!!
close up under the cut
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whoturnedgravityoff · 2 years ago
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a page of trying to find a binary monster design and idk if i like what i came up with aaaghhh
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randomdegu · 2 years ago
Oh my god first the binary in a book, convincing them to go and be AWAY from the eggs. Then philza gets attacked by the binary entity when he is the only one with them, not to mention those eggs all have one life left. Was the binary entity listening in on them and used their curiosity as a weapon to get most of them away from the eggs in hopes that they could kill one? I dont know a whole bunch of the lore and I know I'm missing a few things but from what I have seen while watching between bbh, foolish, and Philza so I could hear as much lore as possible (also might I say that metagamers are really spoiling some things, and the reason I made myself learn how to turn off whispers on twitch.), they seem to want to silence anyone who is questioning what the federation is up to and distract them from investigating. Or in Phil's case they were probably going after the illegal items he had, in a lore sense it could be the federation not wanting the players to be powerful enough to stand up against them. Oh god I'm now obsessed, new hyper fixation has been found.
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cellberry · 2 years ago
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jaidenmaybe · 2 years ago
Juanaflippa and Tilin Cuphead
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cometstorm1 · 2 years ago
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QSMP Philza art go brr
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mymameisnotknown · 2 years ago
Philza naming his axes "Die" in binary is gonna scare and confuse people who are unaware when they just see
Name was killed by Philza using 001001 10010 0010100 (whatever numbers it is)
The binary monster has just rooted fear in everyone in numbers and its gonna be a jumpscare for me everytime he uses it pffft
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sp4mja · 2 years ago
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archetypal-archivist · 2 years ago
How to Count to 31 on One Hand: Translating Binary Fast
This is a practical guide for taking the table below and turning it into something that makes sense.
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These are the basic translations for binary to the alphabet and on first glance this is pretty intimidating. So many numbers, surely the only way to know them all is to memorize them, right? Nope!
The first step to knowing the alphabet is knowing how to count on one hand. Stick out your thumb on your right hand and clench the others in a fist. This represents the number one. Then fold down your thumb and stick out the index finger next to it- this is two.
Then stick out both index and thumb- you now represent three, aka 1 + 2. Thumb and index. Continuing this pattern, your middle finger is four, your ring finger is eight, and your pinky is sixteen. To represent a value like fifteen, you would hold up all the fingers on your right hand except for your pinky. Likewise, twenty two would be holding up your pinky, your middle, and your index- 16 + 4 + 2. Using this method you can get up to 31 but for our purposes, we only need to be able to count to twenty-six.
Hold up just your thumb on your right hand again for one and compare it to the table above. The first letter of the alphabet is A, and if you look, you will have a one- a value- in the place furthest to the right out of five spaces. A one in a place means your finger is raised there and a zero means the finger is held down.
This pattern continues- the third letter of the alphabet is C, represented by values in the two rightmost spaces, just like when you hold up your thumb and index. 0 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1. Fifteen is O, all fingers held up except for your pinky, the leftmost space. 0 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1. Twenty-two, V and 10110.
Binary is a way to communicate complex information with simple "on and off" signals, just like raised and lowered fingers. So long as you can count on your fingers and match the value up to a letter of the alphabet, you'll always be able to translate letters and with practice, you can get pretty speedy with it.
Have fun! :)
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mikaikaika · 2 years ago
Phil had a theory today that the code is a federation experiment gone wrong. He said that the code was originally supposed to be part of the eggs but the Federation screwed up while creating him which led him to being the code and the reason it majorly attacks eggs is because it is mourning the life that could have been and is envious of the others who succeeded. Same reason why it hates Federation or its allies because it holds them responsible for it's failed existence .
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captainkat8art · 2 years ago
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Haven’t gotten to catch up on QSMP recently (tho I’ve seen some lore on the dash) but here’s my take on the binary entity- or maybe the thought of it-
the only thing we know is they are gonna take care of their kids!… at least they will try
All they can do is try
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the-crimson · 2 years ago
Idk if this is a plot hole or intentional but the book the code gave Etoiles made it look like the binary entities were trying to learn how to communicate - but when cosplaying as eggs they can write on signs and communicate perfectly well.
It’s interesting and I don’t have the brain to theorize what this means. Are they channeling dead eggs when cosplaying? Are they becoming something else when cosplaying? Why do they lose this knowledge when in their “true” form?
What does it all meannnnnnn
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cerunilea · 2 years ago
You know, if the people giving Cellbit the mysterious messages were really an ally or wanted him to actually know what's going on, they'd give him actual info instead of vaguely threatening and demeaning notes. Like, "interesting performance"? That is basically reducing all of his fear, stress, and actions in the current circumstances to something they find amusing. Not to mention the last time they sent a note, it was clearly something they had to have known could (and did) get interpreted as blackmail/a threat towards Richas. Regardless if they are implying they are on the same side in terms of goals, they are not treating him as an equal in this situation and are purposely keeping him in the dark, likely in an effort to make him do things that would benefit their own end goals, which probably will not lead to the overall health and happiness of the islanders and eggs.
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