#sinjoh ruins
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quartings · 5 months ago
I translated and analyzed the leaked Pokemon Theogony diagram!
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Here's the non-spoiler version from the Sinjoh ruins Arceus event! The leaked spoiler version with specific and leaked names is below the cut!
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Things to note:
1) Tex is Regigigas maybe because it sounds like "Tectonic" + "Rex"? Since it moves the continents? (Dumb joke about how the Regi family can be found below Clay's Driftveil City in B2W2)
2) Despite appearences, the notes say the pink circle is for the god of time, and the blue one is for the god of space- could be cool to see Dialga and Palkia with swapped colors! Also note that Giratina isn't in the original version, but has a circle for it awkwardly added in the final version.
3) Pseudos have their own section- weird that Latias, Latios, and Gyarados are Pseudos but Salamence isn't. They're all bunched up in a section called "Supporting Legendaries". The three gen 4 placeholders for "Dahabu", "Saan", and "Gordon" could be for Garchomp and two other lesser legendaries like Cresselia and Darkrai or something. Or since they omitted Salamence, they could also not include Garchomp and the circle could be for something like Heatran instead.
4) Note that "Supporting Legendaries" are different from the birds, beasts, and regis, which are called "Servant Legendaries".
5) Also "Smilay" (Smile>Gratitude>Shaymin) and "Birthly" (Egg/Phione>Manaphy) are my speculations on the mythicals, but no confirmation, obviously.
6) Also there's a decent chance most of this is now moot since this diagram is from 2005 and we've had over 5 generations since then.
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solarcanic · 9 months ago
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《 Seek out all Pokémon. 》 - SinJoh Ruins/Arceus Wallpaper/Lockscreen
• 2960px height, 1440px width.
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kaytjohanna · 14 days ago
With custom game stuff, I've decided to film (a rather rough quality) of the Sinjoh Ruins event from Soul Silver, specifically the Moment of Creation! I know some folks have likely never seen this event, so I'll film other events by using the codes/cheats I have available: how it would look if you were playing :D
Just to explain for those who may not know what this event is: Once you receive any Arceus and have it as your walking pokemon in your first party slot (doesn't have to be a movie version, it can be transfered in from Pokemon Platinum/Diamond/Pearl), you head to the Ruins for Alph and attempt to go inside, where the curator will stop you and take you right into the main part of the ruins, where Unown are most common.
From there, you're immediately teleported to the Sinjoh Ruins, and are met with a hiker in the mountains, and the Sinnoh champion herself, Cynthia. Follow the plot from there, and behold the majesty!
I picked Giratina, but it's essentially the same for all three except for the colour, if I remember correctly, of that yellow orb at the end.
I hope you enjoyed :D
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professorcocoa · 2 years ago
Sinjoh Ruins Day 2:
I have nothing to add. The unowns are making fun of me, the markings in the wall I found today mean literally nothing special (or at least I think they don't) and to top it all off, they stole the cake Alex brought me ;-;
They didn't even eat it. They're just playing with it right in front of me. I fucking hate this place, I fucking hate these unowns and I fucking hate WHATEVER THE FUCK KEEPS MAKING THIS WEIRD ASS NOISE!!!!!!!
That's all for today.
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the-npc · 10 months ago
I found almost every photo used in the Arceus HeartGold and SoulSilver event!
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More photos and commentary after the readme!
Most of these are stock images(no surprise), but it was really hard to get some in a decent quality, and some were hard to find period, since so many of the sources for these link to now defunct websites. I found most of these and put them in a twitter/x thread years ago, but I went back and found some in better quality and found some I hadn't back then when I was painting over screenshots!
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There are still a few that I haven't found. This sun is extremely hard to find specific images for on account of it looking like so many other stars and having very specific detailsthat don't get picked up on by image searches like the spots:
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These books are also very hard to find because they look like every other stock photo of books being stacked on top of eachother:
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And there's an eclipse image in the cutscene which I'm not sure about, because it could either be a stock photo or a picture made by gamefreak, I personally am not sure. If you find any higher res images of the ones I found or found the actual images for ones I haven't, please lmk bc that would be so cool!!!
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fallershipping · 30 days ago
Giratina ripping gashes in the spacetime continuum just to get Arceus's attention and drag the alpha beast out of its den seems like a very silly, cat-like thing to do...
But to be honest? Great, giant dragons with god-like powers but with the territorial aggression and temperamental attitude of a wild beast is kind of terrifying. There is no 'divine authority that acts in mysterious ways' like what we think human deities would be like. A rampaging Giratina, Dialga, or Palkia getting into a scuffle is like... Two lions fighting each other atop an ant hill, kicking up dirt and sand and ants flying off and not caring if they're ok or not.
Arceus is known as the ALPHA Pokemon, but perhaps in the sense of being the 'Apex Animal' or highest of the pecking order over the four divine dragons (if we count arceus as a dragon)
Each has their role to play and their niche in their celestial ecosystem... But each is also arrogant. Palkia and Dialga take on forms that mock Arceus's figure, and Giratina does a bold move to challenge Arceus for alpha status.
Arceus... Really wants these lizards to leave it the fuck alone and to stop fucking up its divine patching and knitting of the fabric of reality.
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saturnniidae · 7 months ago
Thinking about early last year when I was deep in the trenches of pokeani hyperfixation and brainrotting over a whole post-canon au about Ash and Gary traveling together in their late teens because estranged childhood friends who simultaneously know each other incredibly well, but are also strangers in many regards make me SICK.
The idea was Gary and Ash had a promise to travel together as kids before their falling out and finally decide to make good on it (because after an incident on a Project Mew mission, Gary has holed himself up in his grandfather's lab and is making himself miserable, and Ash is realizing he initially didn't understand how much publicity would come with being World Champion so he goes back home for a bit)
But oh shit they get Hisui'd and have to deal with being centuries in the past but seeing the faces of people they've met and fought before (both of them have like a mini heart attack upon meeting Cyllene bc the famliy resemblance is STRONG and they're both like 'what the fuck how are you alive we saw you launch yourself into a space portal') basically digging up old trauma because I love love love thinking about how much the stuff with Team Galactic in Sinnoh must've messed Gary up for years afterwards.
Anyways, I just found the doc for it and damn I need whatever I was on last year because I dare say it goes kinda crazy
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antihibikase-archive · 1 year ago
Thought about the PokeAni Movie plots since the entirety of Relic Castle Arc was inspired by the Entei Movie (and The Book of Exodus), so I came up with post-Relic Castle adventures for them;
Manaphy Movie - takes place a year after Relic Castle, which is how Cheren gets his Manaphy. The Slater brothers head to Oblivia with Noland and Norman only to get entangled in a mission with Rand, Noland and Norman's youngest brother. Hilbert sneaks onboard with Nate and Hugh, and they go through the plot of the Temple of The Sea, with the antagonists being Purple Eyes of the Pokemon Pinchers.
Celebi Movie - takes place around the same time as the Manaphy Movie; Bianca leaves on an assignment to the Sinjoh Ruins from Fennel, and is accompanied by Hilda, Rosa, and N. Trekking through the forest leading to the ruins, they meet a pair of sisters with an injured Celebi, claiming they were transported out of their time and are seeking for a way to return while avoiding the strange people in suits who are seeking to capture Celebi. The antagonists are Archer and Arianna, ex-executives of Team Rocket.
Deoxys Movie - takes place just before SM/USUM arc, so around a year and a half or two years after Relic Castle, with the setting being a newly renovated and technologically advanced Battle Frontier in Hoenn, having been modeled after LaRousse City in the anime following Anabel's retirement. Grimsley and Nikolai came to Hoenn under orders from the league, for Nikolai to look into a meteor that fell in the vicinity recently, while Cheren accompanies Nate in trying out the different facilities.
After Deoxys awakens and unintentionally traps everyone by tampering with the electromagnetic waves, the block bots and robots in the city prevent many from leaving, trapping them in the area with Deoxys and its growing clones, who is searching for something. There aren't antagonists in this story considering it's Deoxys and Rayquaza simply having a misunderstanding and involving the people in the area, but Nikolai takes Tory's place in befriending the docile Deoxys within the meteor.
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gummy-sharks666 · 8 months ago
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Fun fact I love giratina so much I hunted its shiny in every game it’s possible to be obtained
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pastelfates · 1 year ago
bc dash,,, poke!verse Sunny 💕
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obscure-pokemon-facts · 2 days ago
#419. In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, if the Player doesn't choose Giratina at the Sinjoh Ruins, and chooses either Dialga or Palkia instead, it will become impossible to obtain Origin Forme Giratina and its respective Forme-changing Griseous Orb.
This is because the Griseous Orb held by the Giratina obtained in the Sinjoh Ruins cannot be found anywhere else in the game, and with both Origin Forme Giratina, and the Griseous Orb being untradeable in Generation IV, any Player who didn't choose Giratina here will be unable to ever obtain Origin Forme Giratina. (X)
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loathsomespider · 5 months ago
you mean to tell me that the sigil that appears in the hg/ss sinjoh ruins arceus event actually meant something all along, and it's referential to both guys we thought were kind of normal and refers to guys we don't know? hello? who the fuck are smilay and birthlee? gordon? it's like christmas for me, guy who thinks the most compelling part of pokemon is the mythology
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gouda-nough · 2 months ago
Remembered the whole Sinjoh ruins event and i think it has funny potential in the Arceus Ingo au
Ingo handing over one of the creation trio eggs over to Akari... he's like oh i found a strange egg near the Temple, here you go! When he's actually Arceus and just wants to give one of his favoured humans a neat egg.
Maybe what it hatches into depends where she is, if she's nearer the Pearl Clan, Diamond Clan or Turnback Cave. Or if she's got any of the older creation trio in her party. Congrats on the baby god random 15 year old lol.
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professorcocoa · 2 years ago
Sinjoh Ruins Day 8:
I noticed an interesting thing today
as I said, the ruins are a place that connects our multiverse in this weird way, being the basis of many different interactions between worlds, and I decided to test it.
I'm not very good with technology, but I managed to connect to this weird "tumblr" site. It's pretty similar to rotumblr, even the names are pretty similar, but people there don't have pokemon.
Or like, they do, but it's apparently a game of sorts!!
They also have these weird creatures that look like pokemon called animals, but it's quite hard to tell their typings. Dogs, cats, fishes, crabs...
Dogs seem to be normal, ground and/or dark. The same for cats. Fishes and crabs are water, I think, but there are a lot of fishes that seem to be from other typings, mostly being psychic, fire, fairy, dark.
Maybe one day I'll try and learn more about this strange world.
That's all for today.
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warden-melli · 5 months ago
Pokémon Legends Arceus theory:
While the identity of the protagonist(s) in legends Arceus bare a striking resemblance to Dawn and Lucas from the Diamond and Pearl games, it is never confirmed in game that these characters are actually one in the same. Most players assume that you play as an older version of Dawn or Lucas. One who has been selected by Arceus, and brought to the past to carry out its bidding, but there’s some clues that indicate that this may not be the case. While there are alternative theories to who the protagonist may truly be (including them actually being Dawn or Lucas’s child, and not them themselves), I propose one of my own
At the start of the game, this is some of the first dialogue we encounter
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The way that it is worded implies that the character being spoken to wouldn’t already be familiar with what a pokemon is, or the Pokémon world. We know that the player character in PLA is around 15 years old. Older than Dawn and Lucas in their DPP appearances, so it’s out of the question that they wouldn’t already know what a pokemon was. They lived and grew up in that world, and we know that they have had many adventures with pokemon by their sides, so it truly doesn’t make sense for Arceus to explain the concept of a Pokémon to seasoned Pokémon veterans such as Dawn or Lucas
The text also explicitly states that the character will “soon find themselves” in a strange world that is inhabited by creatures called pokemon. This seems to indicate that whatever world this character existed in prior to the Pokémon world, didn’t have any creatures called Pokémon at all
There’s also the matter of the players mobile phone. We get to see it briefly in the opening scene, before Arceus transforms it into the iconic Arc Phone.
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And it looks suspiciously like a real world, modern smart phone. Now this could be Dawn or Lucas’s phone from the future, but the problem with this is that phones in the Pokémon world do not look like this, with the Rotom Phone being the standard
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These phones have a distinctly different shape and properties to the one the player first arrives with. It’s only after Arceus transforms the phone that it more resembles the look of the other phones seen in the series
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This points to the character, whoever they may be, not coming from the Pokémon world or it’s future, but from somewhere else entirely. But where?
In HG/SS there was an (extremely creepy) event, in which you witness Arceus creating a new Dialga, Palkia or Giratina (based on the players choice). Interestingly, this event takes places at the Sinjoh ruins, and includes Sinnoh’s champion Cynthia, which is a neat little connection from this event to PLA in and of itself, but it’s the actual cutscene that’s relevant to this theory, more specifically the visuals. They show the real world. This is just a tiny selection of the multiple real world images presented as part of the cutscene
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This is the real world in a Pokémon game. This shows that is very possible for Arceus to reach across time, space, dimension and even beyond. Into distant realities. That the Pokémon world has worlds beyond it, and that Arceus can see and reflect them all
This theory argues that this is where Arceus abducted the player character from, and instead of being that worlds Dawn/Lucas from the future, they’re instead a different Dawn/Lucas from an alternate dimension. Ours.
Now I know what you’re thinking. This can’t be true. They have to come from the Pokémon world, because the characters are wearing clothes that reference other pokemon locations, and the phone case has an image of a pokeball. The wording is a clear 4th wall break to set up the plot of the game, and Arceus is obviously talking to the player, not the literal character themselves… and you could be right, but I believe I have an explanation
It’s merch. Pokemon does exist in our world, just not as real creatures that physically exist. It’s very possible that the clothing the player is wearing (and their phone case) are simply pokemon merchandise, and they’re huge pokemon fans. While their battle prowess could be explained by future Dawn/Lucas having mastered their skills over the events of DPP, it could also be that the alternate reality Dawn/Lucas gained those same skills simply by playing the video game version(s) of DPP. It’s important to note that the shirts shown in game have no obvious connection to the Sinnoh based Dawn/Lucas, but the designs would be familiar to anyone who has played the other games in the Pokémon series (having appeared in XY and Sword and Shield)
Okay, assuming this was the case, wouldn’t this mean that the character would already be familiar with pokemon, even just as a franchise? Didn’t the dialogue imply that they wouldn’t know what a Pokémon is at all?
True. While it’s a certainty that a future Dawn/Lucas would already know what a Pokémon/the Pokémon world is, it’s also true that In this exact scenario, it’s very likely that of course the character would know what a Pokémon is. But in the context of them being real life creatures, in a strange new world?
Not exactly…
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(This is just a silly little theory, please don’t take it too seriously lol. There’s plenty more arguments that could be made for and against it, but it’s interesting to think about anyways and just for fun. I kinda like the air of mystery and unanswered questions that the Pokémon world has, and it’s tons of fun to overthink/over analyse the games)
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fallershipping · 4 months ago
PLA Spoilers
I kinda wish that at the true end of PLA where you earn Arceus, it's more like the Sinjoh ruins event where Arceus gives you an egg that hatches into a new "baby" Arceus, like another fragment is born. I guess it would be ridiculous since you're at the end and now you have to grow your damn Arceus into being viable but what is there to do after every Pokemon is caught?
Well, personally I'd like to believe that the "fragment" was a new baby um... Personality of Arceus? A new 'iteration' of Arceus? A new incarnation?
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something that has to grow into its own, much like how every arceus is one with a new personality, a new characteristic, different ivs, etc.
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