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ravensincowboyhats · 2 days ago
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Just the normal amount of relief upon seeing your best friend is still alive after the summer holidays.
Prongsfoot being dramatic at the train station, as usual (get a room)(they're platonic)(or are they)(knowing Sirius' parents the dramatics are justified)
This one's just a quick thing, because life is getting in the way. How dare they try to make me work :|
Just to clarify, this is James and Sirius being one of the strongest bonds in the marauders era, whether you want to interpret it as platonic or romantic is up to you, I like it either way
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ravensincowboyhats · 6 days ago
House elf speech and the ‘happy slave’ trope
The way house-elves speak with their exaggerated, broken syntax, subject verb disagreements, and deferential tone bears an uncomfortable resemblance to the way enslaved people have been depicted in film, particularly in movies that glorify the antebellum south.
Take Winky’s syntax :
“But I knows Dobby too, sir!” squeaked the elf. She was shielding her face, as though blinded by light, though the Top Box was not brightly lit. “My name is Winky, sir — and you, sir — ” Her dark brown eyes widened to the size of side plates as they rested upon Harry’s scar. “You is surely Harry Potter!”
Then there’s Dobby:
“Dobby has traveled the country for two whole years, sir, trying to find work!” Dobby squeaked. “But Dobby hasn’t found work, sir, because Dobby wants paying now!”
Even Kreacher, who has a slightly different speech pattern still broadly speaks in the similar affected way.
“Kreacher did not see Young Master,” he said, turning around and bowing to Fred. Still facing the carpet, he added, perfectly audibly, “Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is.”
This linguistic pattern is not unfamiliar. Compare it to:
Mammy from Gone with the Wind: Miss Melly, this here's done broke her heart. But I didn't fetch you on Miss Scarlett's account. What that child got to stand, the good Lord give her strength to stand. It's Mr. Rhett I's worried about. He done lost his mind these last couple of days
Or Uncle Remus in Song of the South. “Oh, I knows. I knows. I’m just a worn-out ol’ man what don’t do nothin’ but tell stories. But they ain’t never done no harm to nobody.”
The same tropes are at play. Stilted, infantilising speech. These films, particularly Gone with the Wind and Song of the South, glorify the antebellum South by presenting enslaved characters as devoted, content, even protective of their oppressors.
This is where the argument that house-elves aren’t slaves but brownies falls down. If house-elves were truly just magical beings with their own culture, their speech wouldn’t so closely mimic the linguistic markers of servitude used in films that softened the horrors of slavery.
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ravensincowboyhats · 7 days ago
I need more sapphic WolfStar with trans Sirius.
I want transfemme Sirius with a buzzcut and a tight little tank top and cargo pants and massive boots and piercings and tattoos. She first grew her hair as long as possible to prove her gender to the Blacks, then, when she ran away, buzzed it and has cycled through every haircut imaginable since, just to stick it to her family that she can be a woman with short hair. She cuts her own hair, too. She pierced her own ears and septum and did stick-and-poke tattoos on her ankles in her bedroom at 12 Grimmauld Place (everything else is done professionally). She’s taller than most men and absolutely uses it to her advantage.
I want fem!Remus who wears ankle-length skirts and 70-year-old-man jumpers and blouses only grandmothers wear. She has curly hair that she doesn’t know how to take care of and usually just wears it in a messy ponytail. She always has her mom cut her hair. She tries to cut her own bangs a few times. She tries to do her makeup on special occasions, but, somehow, it never ends up looking as nice as it does on other people. She spends all day in bed when her monthly cycles match up too closely. She bites her lip and chews her nails.
I need Sirius teaching Remus how to do her makeup. I need Remus teaching Sirius about periods and what it was like growing up a girl and all the little things that she missed out on. I need Sirius seeing an “I <3 girldick” shirt and buys it for Remus (who refuses to wear it in public, but it’s comfy and oversized, so she ends up wearing it at home). I need Sirius who knows about periods, but is fucking appalled to learn how bad they can get, and spends all of Remus’ worshipping her. I need Remus who keeps getting whiplash every time Sirius changes her haircut but cannot get over how nice she looks constantly.
I just need sapphic WolfStar with trans Sirius.
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ravensincowboyhats · 7 days ago
Classics percy really is the best because it’s the field he could most reasonably cheat at. Imagine him calling up nico like “hey can you resurrect homer, I have a paper due on Friday”
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ravensincowboyhats · 7 days ago
Yay I don’t know most of these!!! Like no idea!! It’s like I’m new all over again (I love not knowing what’s up it’s why I’m perpetually only dipping my toes in the lightning era)!!!!
Hi I'm in the mood for Jily and idk what to read, could you rec me some really good Jily fics???
Hi there! So I have no idea if you want oneshots, multichaps, smut, AUs or whatever so I’m going to rec you a bit of all :D
And all the Wolves Cry (I’ll pass you the tissues) (rated M)
the right note (so much squealing)
The Incident in the Library (one of the first jily fics I ever read so all I’m going to say is ehehehehe)
when you broke my chest (lol nope just no)
A Proposal of Sorts (dying because it’s so fluffy omg)
t shirts and knickers (omgomgomgomgomg)
Occupational Hazards (tbh just read everything by her just do it okay)
this fic is not okay okay but I’ll rec you it anyway (because you’ll need a fucktonne of Kleenex after)
Wrong Suitcase (this is part 2 but part one is linked at the beginning so go forth and suffocate from fluff)
The Boyfriend trilogy (probably my favourite multichap ever)
The Age of Inertia (the James in this is just…*heart eyes*) (also I believe this is rated M)
Turning Tables  (*makes inhuman wails*)
All Right Evans (*louder inhuman wails with curling up in the fetal positions because so many things) (rated M because here’s also fantastic smut wink wink)
New Year (this fucking fic is2g)
Unnamed Birthday Smut (this has a follow up to it somewhere…)
Top Dog (probably some of the best smut ever) (a bit ooc)
Red Velvet Ribbon (festive Christmas smut because why not)
Stockings  (cutesy smut)
The Progression (awkward cutesy smut)
Ticklish (O.O) (maybe a little bit ooc? but that’s just my opinion)
Question Time (not like full on smut but there is plenty dirty sexy times for everybody)
Stay the Night  (cutesy smut also???)
Hijacking (funny really funny smut)
Bloody Shangrila (all muggle AU which is probably the bloody best AU thing ever)
Starstruck (modern day AU that’ll probs leave you in stitches)
Under a Trillion Stars  (I simulataneously hate Dee and love Dee for writing this fic because the feelings are real and just leave me here to die)
Tyranny’s Disease (PIRATES)
Key Limes (:DDDDDDDD)
Lead on to Fortune (royalty jily!!)
Petal in the Rain (eep!)
And Just Like That (I love this so so so so much omg)
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ravensincowboyhats · 7 days ago
First year: hat too big for her head. Gaps in her smile when she grins at the mirror every morning. Best friend named sev and best sister named tuney. Loves Hogwarts. Loves Charms class, loves mail time in the mornings, loves her four-poster bed on cold evenings. Loves magic.
Second year: growing into the hat. Still has sev, but tuney fought with her all summer. Loves her roommates and their Saturday sleepovers. Doesn’t mind the boys in her year, although one of them (can’t be sure who since they travel together) left jammy fingerprints on her copy of Hogwarts: a History. Has a knack for potions too, and stays after class to chat with jolly professor Slughorn every once in a while.
Third year: read a book over the summer about saying affirmations in the mirror every morning. Has adopted it into her daily life. Only sees sev on the weekends now. Is learning wizarding chess from Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, because they need someone new to play. Admitted to the girls she thought potter was cute, but then he hit her in the back of the head with a snowball, so that’s over before it started.
Fourth year: cut bangs one night when she couldn’t sleep. Likes them, and might like the attention that boys are giving her now too. Barely spoke to tuney at all this summer. Working on advanced charms work before owls year, and grinning in potions whenever Slughorn compliments her. Embarrassed, because she couldn’t help but cry the first time she got called a mudblood, but newly friends with Alice from the year above, who lent her a handkerchief to clean up quickly.
Fifth year: still saying her mirror affirmations. The girls all line up with her to do them together now. Last year with sev, not that they were speaking a lot anyways. Got a brand new copy of Hogwarts: a history from an anonymous person who got into the girls dormitory. (A note on the cover says “sorry we got your old one sticky”. The person (people) is not very anonymous at all). Growing out the bangs, as they’re too much upkeep with class and prefect work and shouting at people for using slurs in the hallways. Breaking in a new pair of boots.
Sixth year: doesn’t talk to sev or tuney, but loves Gryffindor house more than ever. Spends a night wiping blood off of Mary’s face when she gets attacked. Spends a night wiping blood off her own face a week later. James finds out and sneaks five nifflers into the Slytherin common, except he labels their backs numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, so the whole house spends weeks looking under their beds and in cabinets for the extra one. She shouts at him for it, and then she kisses him, and then the girls see them in the corner and scream. Finally beats Remus at Wizarding chess.
Seventh year: has her own room this year. Graduation day, the whole year lines up in front of the common room mirror instead for affirmations. (“We’ll live” “we’ll win” “we’ll be happy for as long as we have”). Stopped going to slug club meetings so she didn’t have to hear about how extraordinary it is for a muggleborn to have her skill. Got a tattoo with Sirius on the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year. Loves James. Loves her girls. Still loves magic.
And THIS one is from a notes page that I actually titled “take your heart off your sleeve and put on your big girl boots.” That line didn’t make it into the final cut but I think the sentiment still stands
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ravensincowboyhats · 8 days ago
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medieval & magical lily evans & james potter mood board
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ravensincowboyhats · 8 days ago
Just thinking about if James and Lily lived and they got to take little Harry to get glasses for the first time and he's so excited because it's 'just like dad' and James helps him pick out nice ones and they show all the options to Lily, who nods encouragingly and tells him how handsome he looks
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ravensincowboyhats · 9 days ago
hey hi hello can we talk about Tonks?
bc I was talking to tsukiko31 about Tonks's canonical middle name being Vulpecula?? (I think it came from an old radio interview so it falls into that gray area of canon adjacent to me)
Cause here are my thoughts, right? There's something about Andromeda running away from the Black family but maintaining the family tradition of naming your babies after constellations?? I don't know bc it's NOT a first name, but it's still very much there,,
Also VULPECULA?? Little fox? Best nickname, possible Animagus form??? there's something there about metamorphagi and foxes both being seen as shifty creatures, that sort of old trickster god untrustworthiness about them
is this something you have a take on? I need more opinions,,
Can - can we talk about Tonks?? At this point, just try and stop me, honestly.  This is great timing because I mentioned this on tiktok yesterday and now  I wanna talk Nymphadora Vulpecula Tonks - in that order.  I have accidentally written you an essay. 
Nymphadora  Like ‘Narcissa’, ‘Nymphadora’ comes from Greek literature rather than a star (Nymphodorus of Athens is mentioned in Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War) and from Andromeda’s pov Tonks is likely the ‘gift of the nymphs’ because she was a born shape shifter [something I think becomes even more interesting if you think about how metamorphmagi are likely treated, Andromeda accidentally dehumanised her own damn daughter because of it (something something changeling something something)].
But Tonks actually emulates the most famous Nymphodora - a saint from the 4th century, who is said to have laughed in the face of her capturers after they told her to give up her beliefs. Very Tonks-esque.  Perhaps not in the way Andromeda planned.
Vulpecula  Naming Tonks after a star, even if it’s her middle name, ties Tonks to the Black family tradition - there is no escape for Tonks despite not actually growing up in the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, because there was no real escape for Andromeda either. “Nice mental health issues. did your mummy pick it out for you?”.  I think Andromeda brought some of the values of the Black family with her when she left, because a lifetime doesn’t just vanish like that. She liked some of the stuff and forgot to unpack others - and that ended up on Tonks. The name proves it. 
And the idea of the little fox star is great, and I think the whole vibe works great for Tonks. Like fuck yeah little fox — gives me this sense of someone small but quick and clever, underestimated but able to prove themselves, like Tonks is. but the idea it’s because foxes are shifty?? heartbreaking right there and I’m not going to be able to STOP thinking about it ever. 
Tonks Being a descendant of the Black family, having a name that befits that, and CHOOSING to go by the name of your muggle-born father who is the sole reason you’re not still part of that family??? ICON. TONKS IS THE MOMENT.
Beyond just not liking the name (and like yeah nympho- dora, I can see why), every time Tonks says calls me Tonks she goes ‘I am not with that family, I am the daughter of Ted Tonks.’ 
Tonks is so damn proud to be Ted’s daughter. She could have changed her name at 18, and instead she CHOOSES to stick with Ted’s as her first name -- because it means that much to her. 
Tonks’ name sheds so much light on her, and Ted, and Andromeda and I just …ugh i love it. 
Thank you for sending me this ask, hooollly shit.
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ravensincowboyhats · 9 days ago
Real. Deadlines make me cry
Alternate universe where I literally just to go to school forever (for free) so I can just learn about art and literature and history and languages for 100 years. No job skills. No credit requirements. No student loans. Just learning.
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ravensincowboyhats · 9 days ago
Petunia’s just a sad jealous loser abuser vs. Barty is an insane genius (and an extremely dedicated member of a terrorist group) who was so threatening to public safety he had his soul sucked
There is no excuse for him if you can’t see Petunia as complex layered and human
little fandom rant, while we’re talking about misogyny in this fandom, it’s so so frustrating the double standards that women are held to. every time you bring up a character like petunia, comments sections are filled with “i love her but that doesn’t excuse xyz” coming from the same people who post daily about characters like barty. it’s such a standard that women are always held to and men in fandom aren’t. women like petunia, belatrix, umbridge are seen as “bad characters” whereas peter, barty, and regulus get to be “complex”.
i just think if you go to comment “i love her but…” with some characters, and wouldn’t ever do that with others who have done the same (or often worse) things, maybe think about why that is. think about why you think it’s okay to like some characters and others you’re not without adding a list of disclaimers.
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ravensincowboyhats · 9 days ago
A truth as genuine as such has ne’er been revealed before !!! 👏
You're laughing but if Ron had the option to get pregnant and carry his and Hermione's babies like a male seahorse he would.
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ravensincowboyhats · 9 days ago
as it is Sybill's birthday do not be surprised if you start coughing after taking her story/personality/traits and giving it to another character
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ravensincowboyhats · 9 days ago
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ravensincowboyhats · 10 days ago
I would read/watch the shit out of this omg
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Adventures in Babysitting
A @jilymicro-oops and hinnymicro oops for @ginnystrophyhusband Hinny Prompt: Cupboard Jily Prompt: Chaperone Word Count: 1063
James hadn’t expected to come home to a spotless house—after all, they’d left their sixteen-year-old son in charge of both the house and his four younger siblings.
What did surprise him, however, was finding their four-year-old curled up in the downstairs cupboard when he went to hang up his cloak.
“Lil?” he called out, staring at the boy. “There is a boy in the cupboard.”
A loud screech erupted from the small child.
James grinned, unfazed. “My apologies,” he said to Matty before calling back to Lily. “Correction! There’s a banshee in the cupboard.”
Lily appeared at his side, eyes wide with mock alarm. “A banshee? How terrifying! I suppose we’ll have to banish it.”
“No!” Matty protested, clutching the doorframe like his life depended on it.
“Well,” Lily said, tapping a finger against her chin as if deep in thought, “maybe if the banshee gave me a kiss, he could stay.”
Matty scrambled out of the cupboard and ran straight into his mother’s arms. She scooped him up with a laugh as he planted a kiss on her cheek.
“And what exactly were you doing in the cupboard, Matty?” she asked.
“Harry told me to play hide-and-seek,” Matty said proudly.
“Ah, and he hasn’t found you yet?”
“Nope! I picked a good spot. I fell asleep, and he never found me.”
James and Lily exchanged a look.
“Classic move,” James said, shaking his head. “A bit amateurish, though. Would’ve thought Harry was cleverer than that.”
Lily kissed Matty’s forehead. “Come on, love. Let’s get you to bed while Daddy goes off to find your brother and sisters.”
“No! I’m still playing!”
“But you won,” Lily pointed out.
“I want to play more!”
James sighed, shutting the cupboard door as Lily carried Matty up the stairs, their battle of wills still going strong.
“How about we play bedtime?” she suggested.
“That’s a stupid game,” Matty grumbled.
James followed them up but veered off toward the twins’ room instead of Matty’s. When he opened the door, he was momentarily stunned to find Evan sprawled on Lottie’s bed, pink floral bedspread and all, calmly reading a book.
“What are you doing in here?” James asked, raising an eyebrow.
Evan barely looked up as he flipped a page in his book. “Harry said I had to stay out of our room.”
“Right…” James said slowly. “And where are the twins?”
“Giving each other makeovers with Mum’s makeup.”
James pinched the bridge of his nose. “Of course they are.”
Closing the door, he crossed the hall to Matty’s room, where Lily was still locked in an intense negotiation, trying to wrestle their youngest into pajamas.
“Lottie and Mia are making a mess of your vanity,” James informed her.
Lily, mid-struggle, barely spared him a glance. “Got it.”
“I’ll come help you—after I have a good talk with Harry,” James said. “And possibly stun Matty into his pajamas if you’re still fighting by then.”
Lily snorted in acknowledgment, still wrestling with Matty, as James made his way down the hall to Harry and Evan’s room.
Pressing his ear to the door, he heard giggling.
James knew his eldest son pretty well. He knew Harry wasn’t one for giggling.
James knocked. “Harry, your parents are home.”
“Shit!” came a whispered curse from the other side.
“What time is it?” another voice asked, sounding frantic.
A thud, followed by frantic shuffling and muffled movement.
James sighed. “Harry,” he called, voice firm. “I’m coming in.”
James pushed open the door to find Harry sitting stiffly on his bed, hair a mess—but that wasn’t unusual. What was unusual were the misaligned buttons on his shirt, his bare feet, and the upside-down Quidditch magazine clutched in his hands.
“Really, Harry?” James asked, crossing his arms.
“What?” Harry said, feigning innocence.
James raised an eyebrow. “You locked your baby brother in a cupboard so you could make out with your girlfriend?”
“He went in there on his own!” Harry protested.
James wasn’t impressed. He really thought his son would be more creative than this.
“And I didn’t have my girlfriend over,” Harry added quickly.
“Nice save,” James said. “But not good enough.” He walked over to the wardrobe and gave it a sharp knock. “Nice to have you over, Ginny.”
“Thank you, Mr. Potter,” came Ginny’s voice from inside.
James sighed. “You should probably go home now.”
“Yes, you’re probably right,” Ginny agreed. “The smell of Harry and Evan’s socks is doing me in.”
Harry groaned and dragged the magazine over his face.
The wardrobe door creaked open, and Ginny stepped out, smoothing her hair. “Umm… well, I guess I’ll owl you, Harry.”
James gave her a pointed look.
“…Or I’ll see you on the train when we go back to school?” she amended, glancing nervously at him.
"Goodbye, Ginny," James said, holding the door open for her. "Safe Floo travels."
Once she was gone, Harry let out a slow breath and looked at his father. "How much trouble am I in?"
James folded his arms. "Your mum and I trusted you to watch your siblings."
"We did!" Harry insisted.
"Hard to watch them when you’re locked in your room."
Harry huffed. "Evan’s fourteen. He can handle them for a few minutes."
James gave him a pointed look. "Or next time, we call Professor Bagshot over to supervise you babysitting."
"I don’t need a chaperone!"
"Harry, you can’t have your girlfriend in your room when we aren’t around."
"We weren’t doing anything. Really."
James tilted his head. "Then why did you hide her in the closet?"
Harry groaned, rolling his head back against the headrest. His eyes traced the glowing constellations on his ceiling that Sirius had charmed years ago. "How much trouble am I in?" he repeated.
James smirked. "You’ll find out in the morning. But it’ll probably involve scrubbing the makeup stains out of the carpet from Lottie and Mia’s ‘beauty experiment’—the Muggle way."
Harry sighed. "Got it."
Later that night, after James and Lily had finally wrangled all five of their children into their proper beds, they collapsed onto their own.
Just as James was settling in, he heard giggling from down the hall.
He froze.
"Shit," he muttered, already swinging his legs out of bed.
Lily cracked one eye open. "What now?"
James ran a hand down his face. "I gave Harry a pair of two-way mirrors for his birthday."
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ravensincowboyhats · 10 days ago
james loved lily so much and im kind of not normal about them and probably won't ever be bc wtf !!!
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ravensincowboyhats · 10 days ago
of course the marauders were dickheads at the age of 11, they were having their midlife crisis
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