#Python Exam Help
pythonhomeworkhelp · 2 years
Python homework help is the help you don't know but it's your need. It could be your homework, projects, exams, or thesis, we help you with everything. Our experts take care of the minute details that make your homework unique and the best. What else! We also guarantee you top grades.
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paperconsumption · 1 year
i love when the notes the professor posts are extremely unhelpful and explain nothing and the concept isn’t mentioned in the textbook at all
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thank you for responding, i figured tumblr might have trashed my ask. you’ve helped me a few times already, so thank you for your continued patience as we care for our BP coco! we love her so much and she’s always been a moderately active snake, even enjoying warm skin contact or coming out to explore with supervision. however, for the last couple months we’ve seen almost nothing of her! i figured she was going into shed at first so i kicked the humidity up from 50s to 60s. but after all this time we’ve only seen her for her to eat and it never seemed like she was in shed. i’m worried we’re overfeeding her because even though she’s eating like a champ, she doesn’t seem that hungry to me until we give her a f/t rat (then she’s all about it). my husband is very worried she’s going to starve to death in there because she isn’t coming out so we’re still feeding her every few weeks. i’m more personally concerned that i haven’t seen her drinking much at all.
i was worried for her so i pulled the top off of her humidity hide, and this is what i saw:
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are those fat rolls or dehydration? i want to do right by this little lady but i’m just not sure what i’m doing wrong :( i’m happy to take her straight to the vet, but if this is normal i wanted to know first.
So sorry to hear Coco hasn't quite been herself!
So, right off the bat, good news and bad news. Good news: she's at no risk of starving in there, and you also don't have to worry if you haven't been seeing her drinking (most bps will drink when we're asleep or otherwise not watching, so it's actually rare to catch them at it). Bad news: she definitely does look to be overweight to me. It probably looks a bit worse than it is in this picture because she is curled up pretty tight, but I am seeing some fat rolls.
Dehydration in ball pythons looks different - you'll see wrinkles, yeah, but they'll look more like the skin is pulling up. Here are some pictures of dehydrated snakes so you can see what I mean:
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Any sudden change in activity is enough to get me a little bit worried, so this is one of those cases where I do think a vet visit would be a good idea because it could be down to such a wide variety of things. My hunch is that you're probably overfeeding a bit; the lack of hunting behavior despite a good appetite is a pretty strong clue there, and snakes who are full will tend to spend more time hiding anyway as they digest. In addition, carrying some extra weight can make a snake less active than usual because of the strain on their bodies.
Now, as long as you're not seeing any obvious signs of illness (wheezing, open-mouthed breathing, any noises, etc.), I really don't think this is something you'll need to rush to the emergency vet for, but I think a wellness exam would be a good idea (if only to rule out anything more serious). Any sudden behavior changes always put me on high alert. You know your snake best - if something seems off to you, it's worth checking out, if only for your own piece of mind!
I think your best course of action is probably just going to be to cut down on your feeding frequency and size for a while. Going a size down and spacing your feedings out will help; I rarely ever feed my own ball pythons more often than every three weeks. They're very easy to overfeed, especially if they have good appetites like Coco!
Like I said, I don't think you've got any sort of emergency on your hards, and I think your best option is just going to be feeding less often, but I'd recommend a vet visit just to make sure nothing's up.
All the best to you and sweet Coco!
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edupunkn00b · 2 months
Roomies, Ch. 4: The Gladiator
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Prev - The Gladiator - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
WC: 3548 - Rated: T - CW: swearing as always, suggestive, making out, very brief physical altercation - Written for @intrualityweek 2024, Plushies/Stuffies
Logan makes an observation. Oh, and did you know that The Gladiator 2 is coming out next fall, starring Pedro Pascal. Now you do.
After that first awkward gathering in the dining hall, he and Patton met up with RoLo most mornings for breakfast. And a lotta lunches. RoLo usually had dinner by themselves and those first few evenings, Patton acted a lot like he did their real first night. Quiet when he thought Remus wasn't looking, and then he'd get chatty, with a big, bright smile that stopped just before it reached his eyes. 
He’d perk right up at breakfast, though. The clouds would lift from those sky blue eyes, and his laughter came easier. And sometimes, when he was very lucky or very funny, Remus could pull that same sweet laugh from him. Tittering bells, tinkled keys at one end of a piano.
But usually, his biggest smiles were still reserved for Ro. For the first time in all their lives, really, they didn’t have any of the same classes and Patton would devour Ro’s tales of his day like a ravenous python.
Two months into the school year, though, and Patton’s face would still fall every time RoLo got all handsy in front of them. Fingers twisted around each other in his lap, Patton would sent his gaze down to his plate like he didn’t know where to look. Or he’d jump up, voice high and overly cheery, and offer to refill drinks or fetch more napkins or ketchup or some shit.
Finally even Logan noticed.
”Ai, mi amor, do not fret,” Ro had murmured, pressing Logan’s hand to his lips the breakfast right after midterms. “I’m certain you did wonderfully on your exam!”
”Yeah,” Patton said as he pushed up to his feet. Eyes down, he grabbed the three empty cups on the table. “You’re so smart, Logan, I’m sure you aced it! Hey, why don’t I get us more juice and stuff.”
Remus kicked his brother’s shin under the table and looked pointedly at RoLo’s hands when he looked his way.
”What the hell, Re—
“Oh, I do not require a refill,” Logan interrupted, giving Ro’s hand a little tug. “I must leave soon. I have an early lab this morning,” he said, swapping his empty cup for Roman’s half-filled one. “It does, however, appear you could use some assistance, Patton.” 
Ro finally got it and stood. “I shall see you after class then, mi amor,” he murmured as he bent and kissed Logan’s cheek. “Allow me to help you, Pat,” he smiled at Patton, laying on the gallantry chokingly thick.
Patton would barely look at him. ”Oh, thanks, Ro, but you really don’t hafta-”
”Please?” He said, reaching for the cups.
The morning sun glinted through Patton’s eyelashes when he finally looked up at Ro, casting long shadows over the apple of his cheeks. A slow smile spread across his face and he nodded. “Thanks,” he said and handed over one of the cups.
”It is my pleasure, my dear Pattington Bear,” Ro intoned in his best Prince Charming impression. Remus wanted to gag. “I’m happy to be an extra set of hands in all your endeavors!”
Patton giggled, bright sunlight cutting through the storm of his earlier expression. “My knight in shining armor.”
”After you,” Ro bowed, one arm spread out as though without his direction Patton somehow wouldn’t remember the way to the juice dispenser.
Patton gave him and Logan a little wave with one of the tumblers and chuckled, trotting off with Ro. 
Logan watched them leave and it was all Remus could do to not turn around in his seat and do the same. “You know,” Remus said, voice low so it wouldn’t carry over the din of the other breakfasters. “You have nothing to worry about with him. Ro’s head over heels for you.”
“I appreciate, though do not require the reassurance. I am well aware,” Logan said, smiling into his still half-filled coffee. “Roman has long since outgrown his old middle school crush.”
Remus felt his own jaw drop. How—
“You needn’t look so shocked,” Logan murmured, a smile quirking up his lip at Remus’ surprise. “Roman and I discussed it when I asked if he was aware of Patton’s feelings for him.” Logan took another bite of his food and chewed before adding, “I did not, however, discuss with him how your middle school crush has not evaporated with time.”
“What?” Remus choked on his yogurt. He dragged a napkin over his mouth and balled it up in his hands, shaking his head. “I don’t—I don’t have a—”
Logan met his denial with silence and that damned cocked eyebrow. Fuck he used to think that looked so hot. And now?
Sighing, Remus sat back in his chair. “It’s not just a crush, it’s—”
A bright peal of laughter drew both of their attention and Remus turned in his seat, following the sound. Patton and Ro were at the other end of the dining hall. Mouth covered with both hands, Patton couldn't quite muffle his laughter as he watched Ro balance a tray on his head, three filled glasses teetering on top. Ro turned a slow pirouette, then curtseyed when Patton applauded, not a drop spilled.
Remus turned back in his seat and saw Logan had been watching not the spectacle but him. He shoved the dirty napkin in his pocket. “It’s not just a crush.” 
“Indeed,” he said. 
Apparently Logan wasn’t satisfied with a mere confession. Steely blue eyes stared at him like a bug on a slide and Remus stared back. If Logan knew, how long would it be before everyone else did? “How could you tell?”
“Despite the declarations of self-described experts, autism is not necessarily the inability to perceive and properly interpret social cues,” Logan said, wiping his mouth and rising to his feet. “It is often the unwillingness to play pointless games that fail to address the matter at hand.”
Remus stared up at him, eyes wide. He’d always thought Logan to be kinda oblivious to all the glances and fidgets and glossy eyes on the other side of the table.
Logan continued, “May I suggest you direct your romantic attention elsewhere? With someone who is a willing recipient of said attention?”
”Hey, if you wanted to get back together,” Remus smirked, “You could’ve just said—”
He cut him off with a single raised hand. “Don’t deflect. You know I meant somewhere else outside this group.”
Remus shifted in his seat and stared at the sunlight reflecting off Patton’s coffee cup. “I… I don’t know about that, Lo.” He shook his head.
”I predicted you would say that. Fortunately, I prepared for such an outcome. Two tables down and three over is an attractive man who’s been watching you all morning,” Logan said matter-of-factly as he gathered his bag and jacket. “I tutor him in Biochem. His name is Jake. He’s a sophomore, reasonably intelligent, and an athlete.” He raised one eyebrow. Like Spock, he did it a lot. “And he’s clearly interested in you.”
”I’ll think about it,” Remus said, turning when he heard Patton and Ro’s voices grow louder. “I promise.”
“We are long past the time for consideration,” Logan said with a tiny smirk as he waved and nodded across the room. “I gave him your number last week.” On cue, his phone buzzed on the table, lit up with a text notification from an unknown number. “Call him today.”
Jake didn’t work out. ‘Reasonably intelligent’ turned out to mean ‘needed to demonstrate said intelligence by intellectually shitting on everyone around him,’ so after two dates, Remus mostly-gently asked him to stop calling.
Max and Taylor and Haseem hadn’t worked out, either. They were… fine, he supposed. Cute, good kissers, decent enough guys, but they just weren’t…
Remus had finished towel-drying his hair and was darkening his eyeliner in the dingy bathroom mirror when there was a knock at the door. Patton poked his head into their bathroom, one corner of his mouth pushed up into a little smile. “I think he’s here, Re.”
He met Patton’s eyes in the mirror. The heat and lingering steam from the shower was drawn to his features, glazing his round cheeks in a soft glow. Yes, he was here. Right fucking here next to him.
Remus put down the pencil and shimmied his shoulders, turning like a runway model. “Whaddya think?” He wore his new jeans with the rips in the thighs and a fishnet tank to show off his newest tattoo. 
“You look great!” His eyes darted to the door at a second knock. “Okay if I get it?” He started to turn when Remus nodded, then slid back. “Wait, which one’s this?” he whispered, the memory of the night they’d inadvertently overheard a couple breaking up in the hallway three doors down fresh in both their minds. Noise sure traveled on this hall.
“Uh,” Remus tapped his phone to check his last message. “Devin Moore.”
“Oh… Oh!” his face brightened in recognition. “I’ve got Stats with him. You ready?” he asked, flashing one more grin.
“I’m almost done, yeah,” Remus murmured. “Thanks, Pat.”
“Anytime, Roomie,” he said, running off to the door.
“Hey there, Devin!” Patton cheered as the door squealed open. “Re’s just about done.”
“Oh, Patrick. Hi.” Devin’s voice sounded… off. Surprised, maybe. Hadn’t he told Devin about his roommate? But something else in his tone urged Remus to finish up fast.
“It’s Patton,” Pat correctly, voice chipper but… thin. Like it got sometimes when talking to RoLo.
“Right… Patton. Nice to see you.”
Remus burst out of the bathroom and twirled, trying to ignore the voice in his head that said he’d seen Ro pull the same trick. Patton’s stifled giggle made it worth it, though, and he flashed him a quick grin before winking at Devin. “Hey there, handsome. Lemme grab my boots, and—”
Patton slid past him and grabbed his fleece lined MC from the closet. “It’s 40 degrees out, you should take this,” he murmured, eyebrows raised at his tank top.
He looked over at Devin’s puffer jacket, long pants, and boots and nodded before smiling at Patton. “Thanks,” he said and shoved his arms through the sleeves before joining Devin at the door. “Don’t wait up, yeah?”
“I won’t. I’ve got a quiz tomorrow.” Patton laughed. “Have fun!” he added and, with a little wave, closed the door behind them.
The credits had just begun to roll when Devin stood and motioned toward the aisle. “C’mon, it’s all on IMDB anyway,” he said when Remus, frowning, remained in his seat. 
Casting one more glance at the screen, he shrugged and sidled past the couple sitting near them. He wanted to see it again anyway. He could stay for the credits then. And If RoLo hadn’t gone yet, maybe they could all catch it together. Though Pat probably wouldn’t like that scene in the arena pits. But he could warn him about it, maybe they could even use it as a chance to get refills and check out—
Devin’s arm snaking around his waist pulled his thoughts back to the present. “Where’d you go, Sexy?” he purred close to his ear. 
Remus consciously leaned into his embrace and smirked, “I was not thinking about how hot Pedro Pascal looks in a toga.”
“Hmm… you weren’t, were you?” Devin’s lips grazed his neck and Remus let his eyes fall closed before nodding.
“Mm-hm,” he hummed and pushed away all other thoughts. Devin was hot, generous, smart. Here.
Devin led them closer to the exit and a blast of frigid air slammed into them as the doors slid open at their approach. “I’ve got heated seats,” Devin murmured, drawing him closer. “Why don’t we go for a drive?”
They didn’t even make it out of Park. For all its pretentious bells and whistles, the climate controls on the giant touch screen did at least make fast work of warming up the car. Under cover of the tinted—and now foggy—windows, Remus soon found himself straddling Devin’s lap on the driver’s seat, both of their jackets abandoned in the backseat. 
Even with the seat pushed back all the way, the steering wheel kept him close enough to feel exactly how pleased Devin was with their positions.
“I like your tattoo,” Devin smirked up at him, scalding heat in his eyes. He traced the longest tentacles curling toward his navel and chuckled. “It’s like they’re pointing me somewhere.”
“Yeah?” Remus shifted, not necessarily trying to move out of his reach but not sliding closer, either. “How ‘bout you?” he asked, tracing the skin just under his sleeves. “You have any ink?”
“And mark up the guns?” Devin said, pulling him in for another kiss.
Remus closed his eyes and abandoned himself to the scent of Devin’s hair gel, the heat of his mouth. The warm, rough palms dragging down his back. He pushed up Devin’s shirt, fingers walking along the cut of his abs. “You do keep it tight,” he whispered against his lips.
Trailing kisses down his jaw and along his neck, Devin laughed again, breath hot against his skin. He smelled like stale popcorn. “I knew you didn’t go for the doughy types,” he mumbled before sucking just below his ear.
“What?” Remus’ eyes snapped open.
“You know,” Devin chuckled then latched on to a new spot. Remus held his breath as he sucked hard against his skin. Finally Devin broke away, nipping at the mark he made. “Like your dorky little roommate.”
Remus pushed away from him, steering wheel jammed into his lower back. “The fuck you just say?”
“Oh, no, baby,” Devin cooed, one hand at his waist, the other pushing back hair from his eyes. “I’m all on board with that body positivity thing. As long as he’s happy, it’s none of my business. I’m just sayin’… you know…” He shrugged like his point was obvious. “He’s a bit… chunky. Not your type.” The hand that fell down to Remus’ waist burned through the mesh of his shirt. “Not in our league.”
Skin crawling, Remus shook his head and climbed back into his own seat. “Yeah, Pat is way the fuck out of your league.” He reached back and grabbed his jacket, ignoring Devin’s protests. “I’m gonna take the bus home. Have a good night,” he said, opening the door.
“Wait, baby, don’t leave like that—” Devin’s hand closed on his thigh before he could slide out of the car.
Grabbing his middle and ring fingers, Remus pushed back and twisted. Hard. Devin was left bent over the middle console, arm crooked back and hand up by his shoulder. Remus leaned close to growl in his ear. “Touch me again and I’ll break your fucking arm.”
“Okay, man! Okay,” Devin cried. Remus released him and he clambered back into the driver’s seat. “Jesus, you’re fucking crazy!” he said, starting the engine.
“Damn right I am,” Remus grinned and slammed the door shut just as Devin floored it out of the parking lot. He shot through the empty intersection just after the light turned red. “Call me fucking crazy,” he said, shaking his head.
Shivering, he took out his phone and, pretending he didn’t see it was already 34° out, pulled up the transit app. Good, he didn’t have long to wait for the next bus. He walked quickly and zipped up his jacket, shoving his hands in the deep, warm pockets. “Thanks for making me bring this, Pat,” he whispered to himself, already a little warmer.
Shaking off the last traces of his anger, Remus stopped outside his dorm room door and took a slow, deep breath. That asshole wasn’t worth another ounce of his energy. 
But inside his room was someone who was.
Remus dragged his hand down the door, loud enough to be heard inside if Pat was still awake—and possibly changing—but not nearly loud enough to wake him if he’d already gone to bed. He waited a beat then typed in the code and slowly opened the door.
Hallway light spilled into the dark room and cast a golden wedge across the floor and their beds. It caught just a bit of Pat’s curls where they peeked out from his usual nest of blankets and pillows. Looked like a halo. Remus’ shoulders dropped as the last shreds of tension from his fuck-awful night slipped away. When he turned to close the door, he was surprised to realize he was already smiling. 
Pat shifted in his sleep and as Remus’ eyes grew accustomed to the dark, he saw the stuffie Pat slept with fall to the floor with a soft thud. Remus toed off his boots and left them under his bed, then crept closer and crouched to retrieve it. It was a stuffed horse, about as big as both hands splayed out. It had a star between its eyes and a dappled grey coat. 
The first time he’d spotted the bit of grey fluff spilling out from Pat’s blankets, he’d had a flash of recognition. And his guess had been right. The stuffie really was Phillip. 
Ro had won it at their seventh grade end-of-year carnival. Just after Remus had won a stuffed stingray at the same bottle game. Remus couldn’t remember if he’d actually told Ro who he’d planned to give it to. Maybe he was just that obvious about it back then. All he remembered was that Ro had beat him to it, bowing regally and presenting the little grey horse to Pat like the golden apple offered to Helen of Troy.
For as old as he was, the little stuffie was in pretty good shape. He was a little threadbare in a couple spots and there were crooked black stitches along one hoof, but the plush material was still fluffy. He smelled like Pat’s conditioner.
His mane had splayed out in the night, sticking up every which way. Remus chuckled and smoothed it back down, leaving a little swoop over his eyes the way Pat’s hair fell over his own forehead when he got excited. Satisfied the little horse was back to his previous state, he looked up—
Right into Pat’s wide eyes.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry I woke you,” Remus whispered. Smiling, he offered him the stuffed horse. “You dropped this in your sleep.”
“That’s not—” he started, sitting up and shaking his head. 
Remus frowned and sat the stuffie on top of his covers. Pat stared at it for a moment before plucking it up and thrusting it under the blankets. “You—you weren’t supposed to see that,” he whispered.
“Pattycake,” Remus laughed, sitting back on the floor. “I saw Philip our second night here. I couldn’t sleep. You rolled over and I saw you cuddling him.”
“How—” He stared at Remus, lower lip caught between his teeth. “How did you know his name?”
Remus shrugged, “I was there when you got him.” 
Pat blinked, eyes faraway, replaying the memory like a movie. Suddenly his eyes widened, shiny in the dim light. “You remember that?”
“‘Course I do,” he nodded. “You don’t have to hide him. You don’t have to hide anything from me, Pattycake. I’m your friend.”
Pat’s head hung down and he hugged his knees to his chest. “My other friends made fun of me for keeping him.” He snaked one hand under the covers and fished Phillip out. 
“Those assholes didn’t know how to be your friend then, did they?” He pet the star on Phillip’s head and smiled up at Pat. “I’d never tease you, not if you didn’t think it was funny, too, at least.”
Pat looked back at him for a long time, holding his gaze. Finally he smiled. “Yeah,” he said, nodding. “Yeah, I know.”
“Ro, on the other hand…” Remus smirked, softening into a full grin when Patton giggled. Copper bells tinkling in the air. “Yeah, Ro, I’ll tease the fuck out of him.”
“He’d probably think you were sick if you suddenly stopped teasing him.”
“Yeah, he would,” Remus laughed. He reached for Pat’s hand then shifted at the last second and gave Phillip another little pet. “Good night, Patttycake,” he murmured. “Gonna take a shower and wash the stink of burnt popcorn offa me then head to bed.”
“Good idea,” Pat nodded. “‘Night, Re.” 
He pushed up to his feet and Pat got settled again under his covers, Phillip clutched close to his chest. Remus pulled off his belt and his shirt, then left them on the floor of his closet. In the dark, he felt around for a pair of sleep shorts from his drawer and headed for the bathroom.
“Hey, Remus?” Light from the art building’s veranda sparkled in Pat’s eyes.
“Yeah, Pat?”
Barely visible, he sat up and fidgeted with Phillip’s mane. “Breakfast tomorrow?” 
Remus’ throat clenched. Ever since the night Remus had spent at Taylor’s place, every day Pat would ask him if they would still go together to breakfast the next morning. Like he couldn’t trust anymore that Remus would be there.
He smiled, nodding, though he knew Pat couldn’t see him. “You bet. I’ll finagle fresh coffee from the kitchen and you can get us the good table by the heater.”
“It’s a deal,” Pat laughed and settled back into bed. “Night,” he whispered after a moment. Remus could just make out the flash of his smile in the dim room. 
“”Night, Pattycake.”
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izicodes · 1 year
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Hiya! My name is Izzy-Loa, and a Jr Web Developer and today, I thought it would be a great idea to just share my own personal coding journey! I have answered a lot of asks in the past about how I recommend other people to start their coding studies, what websites to learn from and roadmaps etc. But one question I kept having to repeat myself answering is the "Okay how did you get started?" - it is completely my fault not writing this down properly~! (I did actually)
Anyhoo, I'll just speed through my journey, sharing what I learnt at what times and what I'm currently doing now! ✨
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☆ Starting from Scratch
I started coding back in 2017 during the summer break when I was just 15 years old. At that time, I didn't even know what coding was! It was my dad who suggested that I learn HTML. I hesitated at first, thinking HTML was some "complex high-level programming language". Little did I know, it was just a markup language...
I started with HTML and then moved on to CSS during that summer. However, once school started in September, I set coding aside and forgot about it. The following year, 2018, I decided to give it another shot and relearned HTML and CSS. But again dropped it because of school work and upcoming exams!
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☆ The Turning Point
Fast forward to 2020, a year that marked a turning point!. I started creating websites using HTML and CSS. I briefly played with JavaScript but decided to focus on mastering HTML and CSS.
In January 2021, I made a significant decision. I dropped out of school due to personal reasons and decided to fully commit to programming, plus getting my first remote job (non-Tech). From there, I gradually delved into JavaScript a lot more and even dabbled in Python along the way. My learning process was on and off, but I was making progress! Around this time I learnt Git and GitHub!
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☆ The Apprenticeship
Around September/October time, I applied for an apprenticeship. My skill set included HTML, CSS, Python, and basic JavaScript. I got accepted and continued to learn Python, delving into C# and Java as well. It was a challenging but rewarding experience! Happily dropped Java towards the end!
At work, I also learned SQL, working with Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL. I even explored .NET Framework and ASP.NET. It was a lot to take in, but I embraced the learning process! The older developers at the workplace were super helpful and very experienced - felt as though they were happy to give me all their knowledge as best they could~!
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☆ Expanding My Knowledge
During my apprenticeship, around October 2022, I decided to further expand my skills. I enrolled in a front-end bootcamp, where I revisited HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also learned jQuery, Node.js, npm, and even ventured into React. Though, due to not practising it enough, I forgotten React and Node.js~!
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☆ My Ongoing Journey
Currently, I'm continuing to explore Python and experimenting with Lua. I'm also revisiting JavaScript, jQuery, and recently, I've started working with SCSS (Sass) to streamline my CSS development - I highly recommend people in Web Development to learn SCSS!! I love it so much!
Looking ahead, my learning wishlist includes TypeScript, React, Vue.js, Angular, and C++. However, I'm not rushing into learning everything at once. I'm taking my time to absorb each language and framework thoroughly.
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In summary, it has been a continuous evolution, from HTML and CSS to SQL, .NET Framework, and various other languages and tools. I've faced challenges and taken LOTS of breaks, but each step has brought me closer to becoming a proficient developer. I want to be better! But slowly and in good time!
Hope this was somewhat helpful to other people and yeah, have a nice day/night!
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⤷ ○ ♡ my shop ○ my twt ○ my youtube ○ pinned post ○ blog's navigation ♡ ○
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burikumu · 2 months
Sharing my "ideal" study schedule weeks before the MTLE March 2024 (Board Exam)
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Of course this didn't happen/ there were some adjustments made 😅
Also I'm not sure what I was doing. I might go on a little bit of more detail about the schedule on the NEXT POST.
What I did basically:
I've allotted Sunday as my rest day and scheduled my breaks.
Each subject, supposedly covers 4 hours (but I miscalculated the other times of the day and only became about 3 hrs, hence the adjustments)
Since I had a lot of subjects to cover I've tried to incorporate this method instead of blocking.
Videos that helped me in Scheduling and Interleaving:
How to study MANY SUBJECTS without crying from stress & regret 😭 by fayefilms
A Science based System for Learning ANYTHING quickly by Python Programmer
How to study multiple subjects by Koi Academy
Videos that help me to understand revision and other study methods:
Lecture #9: How to Read so that you *Retain* Information by Jeffrey Kaplan
Spend 1 Hour Studying to Save 20 Hrs Later by Justin Sung
Study With Me (Live) - Guided Technique Walkthrough by Justin Sung
How to Revise EFFICIENTLY | STUDY CLINIC by Justin Sung
The Ultimate Speed Learning Tutorial (Learning in Layers) by Koi Academy
How Do You Revise for an Exam? (Live Coaching | JUST-IN-CASE) by Justin Sung
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nanimoshiranaikoneko · 7 months
Hello Tumblr
i have been on the platform since 2012 but i have never actually wrote any posts so i finally made a decision to create a new personal account (even tho that account have been created and been empty since 2020 but these last four years were hard for everyone). I graduated from a university in 2021 and got a translator degree but due to various reasons (in the world and in general) it was hard to apply it in job searching. and i've been feeling super lost and depressed all these years. and i decided to give a chance my small coding dream since i had since high school (in my country we need to pass entry exams at school and my computer science teacher prohibited me even trying passing the exam and during that time i was listless and AGAIN a lost teenager who had no idea what to do with their life so i didn't even try fighting and just gave up the idea and chose a path of my other passion: languages /after graduation i picked up japanese so i keep learning new stuff and it helps me a lot to cope ig/) so here i am just turned 26 this month and started learning how to code last month only. i had a slight idea of how html worked plus we had python usage in linguistic at university (for some reason it was super weird lol) i have been practicing for 10 days straight so i thought it's gonna be a good idea to participate in 100 days of coding as almost a complete beginner and track my progress (plus i haven't actually been practicing english that much so it is also a good reason to start that blog) so my progress in the last 10 days looks like that: 1. revised html basics 2. started css journey
i use online video courses on Youtube by freeCodeCamp.org and creating an actual web styling with a tutor does actually help a lot! i enjoy studying but i do understand that i need much more time to practice myself
after i am planning to start JavaScript but we'll see how it will go and i am still not sure which path to choose but ig front-end sympathise me a lot plus i am planning to pass JLPT N3 this year so maybe i will post some updates too but i am not sure yet is it better to participate in summer or winter exam i don't think anyone will be interested in my journey but when i see people posting their progress in any sphere it inspires me a lot
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Econometrics Demystified: The Ultimate Compilation of Top 10 Study Aids
Welcome to the world of econometrics, where economic theories meet statistical methods to analyze and interpret data. If you're a student navigating through the complexities of econometrics, you know how challenging it can be to grasp the intricacies of this field. Fear not! This blog is your ultimate guide to the top 10 study aids that will demystify econometrics and make your academic journey smoother.
Economicshomeworkhelper.com – Your Go-To Destination
Let's kick off our list with the go-to destination for all your econometrics homework and exam needs – https://www.economicshomeworkhelper.com/. With a team of experienced experts, this website is dedicated to providing high-quality assistance tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you're struggling with regression analysis or hypothesis testing, the experts at Economicshomeworkhelper.com have got you covered. When in doubt, remember to visit the website and say, "Write My Econometrics Homework."
Econometrics Homework Help: Unraveling the Basics
Before delving into the intricacies, it's crucial to build a strong foundation in the basics of econometrics. Websites offering econometrics homework help, such as Khan Academy and Coursera, provide comprehensive video tutorials and interactive lessons to help you grasp fundamental concepts like linear regression, correlation, and statistical inference.
The Econometrics Academy: Online Courses for In-Depth Learning
For those seeking a more immersive learning experience, The Econometrics Academy offers online courses that cover a wide range of econometrics topics. These courses, often led by seasoned professors, provide in-depth insights into advanced econometric methods, ensuring you gain a deeper understanding of the subject.
"Mastering Metrics" by Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke
No compilation of study aids would be complete without mentioning authoritative books, and "Mastering Metrics" is a must-read for econometrics enthusiasts. Authored by two renowned economists, Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke, this book breaks down complex concepts into digestible chapters, making it an invaluable resource for both beginners and advanced learners.
Econometrics Forums: Join the Conversation
Engaging in discussions with fellow econometrics students and professionals can enhance your understanding of the subject. Platforms like Econometrics Stack Exchange and Reddit's econometrics community provide a space for asking questions, sharing insights, and gaining valuable perspectives. Don't hesitate to join the conversation and expand your econometrics network.
Gretl: Your Free Econometrics Software
Practical application is key in econometrics, and Gretl is the perfect tool for hands-on learning. This free and open-source software allows you to perform a wide range of econometric analyses, from simple regressions to advanced time-series modeling. Download Gretl and take your econometrics skills to the next level.
Econometrics Journal Articles: Stay Updated
Staying abreast of the latest developments in econometrics is essential for academic success. Explore journals such as the "Journal of Econometrics" and "Econometrica" to access cutting-edge research and gain insights from scholars in the field. Reading journal articles not only enriches your knowledge but also equips you with the latest methodologies and approaches.
Econometrics Bloggers: Learn from the Pros
Numerous econometrics bloggers share their expertise and experiences online, offering valuable insights and practical tips. Follow blogs like "The Unassuming Economist" and "Econometrics by Simulation" to benefit from the expertise of professionals who simplify complex econometric concepts through real-world examples and applications.
Econometrics Software Manuals: Master the Tools
While software like STATA, R, and Python are indispensable for econometric analysis, navigating through them can be challenging. Refer to comprehensive manuals and documentation provided by these software platforms to master their functionalities. Understanding the tools at your disposal will empower you to apply econometric techniques with confidence.
Econometrics Webinars and Workshops: Continuous Learning
Finally, take advantage of webinars and workshops hosted by academic institutions and industry experts. These events provide opportunities to deepen your knowledge, ask questions, and engage with professionals in the field. Check out platforms like Econometric Society and DataCamp for upcoming events tailored to econometrics enthusiasts.
Embarking on your econometrics journey doesn't have to be daunting. With the right study aids, you can demystify the complexities of this field and excel in your academic pursuits. Remember to leverage online resources, engage with the econometrics community, and seek assistance when needed. And when the workload becomes overwhelming, don't hesitate to visit Economicshomeworkhelper.com and say, "Write My Econometrics Homework" – your trusted partner in mastering econometrics. Happy studying!
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iamhereinthebg · 5 days
Hello, How are you? I remember reading a long time ago that you are working in Animation and I wanted to know if you have any tips to get into an animation school.
Sorry for the weird question, I don't really know who to ask
Hello hello! I am fine thanks I hope you are too Anon ^^ No worries this isn't a strange question I am happy if I can help :))
Unfortunately I won't have much advices to give for some stuff, especially 2d animation schools.
I am specialized in 3d rigging and my school was for 3D/Cg animation and in France, so I know it can't apply on schools in other countries since all of them have their speciality.
I personnaly had a big entrance exam, where I had animation history, English and General knowledges tests + an essay to pass for writing. An oral test with a teacher/professional where you have to show your portfolio etc and storyboards and still drawings (here it was objects) to do in one day. But it depends on each school so if you have one in mind (especially if it's in the US) you can find some portfolio reviews on youtube really easily ^^
I do think there is wayyy more tutorials/reviews for 2d animation school (if you want 2D check for Calarts, Sheridan and Les Gobelins for example there are tone of videos for them ^^)
(here you go for example, and most of the time people answer question in the comments sections too :))
For 3d/cg hmmm it's great to have started a little bit 3D before school (blender exists now it's free yayy) But otherwise you don't have to have insane drawing skill to go in compared to 2d animation schools (I mean of course but voila ahah) The school is here also to let you learn, so of course you don't have to know everything about 3d before but it's nice to know some stuff before. Knowledges of the history of FilmMaking/Cinema and animation is always great!
If you wanna start with great basis, I think for 3d artist it's of course Anatomy for sculptor that comes first which explain really well sculpting (and topology too If I remember correctly) They are also a lot of tutorials on youtube for blender and maya
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I will be really honest but I am mostly specialized in 3D rigging which required more technical skills rather than artistic ones, compared to Texturing/Shading or Compositing for example.
In 3D you have differents jobs which can be classified like this (to take with a grain of salt of course, all specialities are both technical and artistic) and the more technical jobs you will have the more learning Coding is important too (but this can come after, just if you reallyyyyyyy want to do really advanced 3D/CG learning Python is always great)
For more general advices, I will say to just be curious ^^ Life isn't just about your job and people are always interested if you do sports/you go to museums/you watch movies etc. Idk for other countries but it was also pretty important for my school
And be aware that what is asked to the students change each year for the entrance exam (I passed mine when I was 17 so it was a long time ago already :') a lot of stuff must have changed)
Idk If I answered your question but that's all I can say for now. If you have more advanced question on CGI/3D I would probably be able to answer but not so much for 2D animation. And be aware that some jobs exist in both pipelines too! Like Storyboarders or Concept artists
I hope it helps a little and I hope you will get to go into this school ^^ Good luck!!
oh for 3d I definitely recommend this channel I love this guy a lot! He explains really well the basis for 3D animation and even if you don't wanna do that I do think it's interesting ^^
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business-seo-simmu · 1 month
Top  Courses for Aspiring Developers: Elevate Your Skills and Career
Nowadays everyone wants to enhance their skills and career. Everyone wants to improve their skills and take their career forward. You  want to improve their skill and take your software development career to the next level.
Today’s tech-driven world, aspiring developers are in high demand. Here’s a guide to some of the top courses designed to elevate your skills and boost your career prospects in the field of software development. Developers use web development languages to help create dynamic web pages. The most common coding languages include Javascript, Python and C. we must constantly update our skills. We should assume good skills that will take our career forward. In this article, we will suggest courses that can help to make software developers. 
1. Full-Stack Web Development
 This course covers everything from front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to back-end development with Node.js and Express. It’s ideal for those who want to become proficient in both client and server-side programming.
2. Data Science and Machine Learning
 This specialization includes courses on machine learning, data mining, and data analysis. It provides a deep dive into algorithms, statistical methods, and practical applications.
3. Cloud Computing
This course prepares you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam. It covers designing distributed systems, deploying scalable applications, and working with AWS services.
4. Mobile App Development
This series of courses is designed for aspiring iOS developers. It covers Swift programming, user interface design, and app development practices.
5. Cybersecurity
 This specialization covers essential cybersecurity concepts, including risk management, cryptography, and network security. It’s designed for those interested in protecting systems and data.
6. Game Development
This specialization covers game design principles, development processes, and interactive media creation. It includes courses on Unity and Unreal Engine, two of the most popular game development platforms.
7. Software Engineering
 This course provides a comprehensive overview of software engineering principles, including design patterns, testing, and project management.
8. DevOps
 This course introduces key DevOps concepts such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure as code. It’s ideal for developers looking to improve collaboration between development and operations.
By identifying the right courses and doing those courses, we can follow the path of success. As you consider the courses to take, we should do the courses in which we are interest.
Top  Courses for Aspiring Developers: Elevate Your Skills and Career
Nowadays everyone wants to enhance their skills and career. Everyone wants to improve their skills and take their career forward. You  want to improve their skill and take your software development career to the next level.
Today’s tech-driven world, aspiring developers are in high demand. Here’s a guide to some of the top courses designed to elevate your skills and boost your career prospects in the field of software development. Developers use web development languages to help create dynamic web pages. The most common coding languages include Javascript, Python and C. we must constantly update our skills. We should assume good skills that will take our career forward. In this article, we will suggest courses that can help to make software developers. 
1. Full-Stack Web Development
 This course covers everything from front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to back-end development with Node.js and Express. It’s ideal for those who want to become proficient in both client and server-side programming.
2. Data Science and Machine Learning
 This specialization includes courses on machine learning, data mining, and data analysis. It provides a deep dive into algorithms, statistical methods, and practical applications.
3. Cloud Computing
This course prepares you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam. It covers designing distributed systems, deploying scalable applications, and working with AWS services.
4. Mobile App Development
This series of courses is designed for aspiring iOS developers. It covers Swift programming, user interface design, and app development practices.
5. Cybersecurity
 This specialization covers essential cybersecurity concepts, including risk management, cryptography, and network security. It’s designed for those interested in protecting systems and data.
6. Game Development
This specialization covers game design principles, development processes, and interactive media creation. It includes courses on Unity and Unreal Engine, two of the most popular game development platforms.
7. Software Engineering
 This course provides a comprehensive overview of software engineering principles, including design patterns, testing, and project management.
8. DevOps
 This course introduces key DevOps concepts such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure as code. It’s ideal for developers looking to improve collaboration between development and operations.
By identifying the right courses and doing those courses, we can follow the path of success. As you consider the courses to take, we should do the courses in which we are interest.
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a-fox-studies · 1 year
i’m a senior in high school and want to start learning programming but i’m scared cause i feel like i’m not passionate enough in it to be good if that makes sense? long story short, last year i changed schools and school systems. the one i was in didn’t use python in maths but the one i’m currently in does all the time. so i kept losing points in tests and exams on programs but i don’t want that to happen this year. can you help please?
I get why you feel you aren't passionate enough because back in 2019 when I was in school, I had an option to choose between computer science and home science — and i chose the former only because I didn't want to learn about cooking, and maintaing a house.
But I was absorbed into the subject almost immediately. I became passionate.
The post is a little too long, so I'll put the rest under the cut!
If you really want to get into programming, then I would suggest go for it! Because who knows, if the world of computer science is your calling, then you might get drawn in like me :)
Another tip I'd like to give you anon, is NEVER memorize programs. That is the biggest mistake when it comes to learning about programming. You need to understand what every line means, what every symbol represents, and if you don't understand the logic of a program, don't hesitate to ask the teacher until you can finally comprehend. I've seen many of my friends memorize programs and write them off by heart in exams and although for some of them it worked in their favour, it never did in the future. Because now they have no idea on how the programming language works, and they have no skill to write their own programs.
Last but not the least, once you are familiar with the basics of whatever programming language the syllabus focuses on, I would suggest you try writing code for some programs by yourself. Try figuring out the logic, and implement it using the language. This train your brain to think efficiently so you can figure out the logic for more complex programs.
These are the principles that I followed in my coding journey, and I'm doing really well :) I wish you all the best in your journey too!
P.S. if you want any resources related to programming, hit up @xiacodes she's amazing at them
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bufomancer · 1 year
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August 2023 Pet Budget with 21 rodents, 7 reptiles, 2 amphibians, 2 cats, & 1 mantis. Additionally, 6 foster rodents.
I spent a total of $419.14 on all of my pets this month.
As usual the biggest expense was the rodents. I paid adoption fees for Radish, Sunny, and Bandit this month plus I bought several new toys for the rats.
The herp spending was pretty basic. Just food, a new UV bulb for my crestie, and some live plants for my ball python. Spending on my mantis’ food is also included with herp spending.
For the cats I only bought food and litter. I get a discount through my girlfriend’s work and I had rewards to use so that’s why it was so cheap this month!
Next month will be another spendy month for the rodents as I need to buy a bunch of plexiglass to make a deeper dig box for the rats. I do not anticipate any expenses for my herps or cats beyond food and cat litter next month. But you never know! I am hoping to not buy anything for the rodents beyond necessities (food, bedding) & the plexiglass but if I have enough room in my budget I will start buying the pieces for my syrian hamster’s upgraded enclosure.
Disclaimer that this is my personal spending, mostly for my own reference (posting it publicly helps keep me accountable for actually tracking this) and in case anyone is curious what the monthly cost of owning a lot of pets MIGHT look like. Some people spend a lot more and some people spend a lot less- As long as your animals’ needs are all met and they have species appropriate enclosures, there’s no right or wrong amount to spend.
Also, I don’t track veterinary spending outside of my cats’ yearly exam cost.
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bofiercy · 1 year
hey! i'm back.
yeah i stopped posting,blaming it on the exams.Exams are successfully ended today and i did good on those exams yk a lot better than the last sem/internal exams.Only thing i should work on is TIME MANAGEMENT,i am gonna work on it for sure.
I stopped learning javascript on my exam days,i think i made excuses to stop learning js temporarily, since i had a lot to study during exams.I shouldn't have done that.If you wanna master any skills,make that as a habit to learn everyday.Consistency is the key!
I'm just talking to myself rn,things i want to remember all these things.
Well i am going to continue learning js,starting it by tomorrow.I need to revise the topics i covered earlier again.I asked my friend to do the js learning with me.That would be so helpful yk we could clear doubts and all.
I also planned to do an udemy python course, i wanna get a deep grasp of it.I will update it later.So thats all.Hopefully i will reach my daily goals and update here according to the plan yay.
happy lesrning! happy coding!
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lyddsworld · 1 year
I provide top-quality assistance in computer science/ programming and engineering related courses. I offer help in projects, assignments, code reviews, and exams.
You can reach me through:
Discord: smarttutor#2355
WhatsApp/text: +44 7380 809343
Here are some of my areas of specialization:
 Java and android programming.
 C and C++
 Front -end and web development: HTML, CSS $ JS.
 Data bases; MySQL, Postgres SQL, SQLite & H2
 Python.
 Networking.
 Cyber security.
 Operating system: Linux, windows, and Mac.
 PHP.
 All office packages.
 Aviation and Aeronautics.
 Electrical Engineering.
 Computer Engineering.
 Prices are negotiable depending on the workload.
 Half or an agreed payment is made as a commitment fee and the rest upon completion.
 Favourable payment plans.
 Payment is made through: PayPal- goods and services
When you hire me, you hire the best: thank you.
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izicodes · 1 year
Hello, I'm only wondering how you would go about building a track to get a job in these lines of works, if you have advice. Thank you :)
Hiya! 💗
I have some advice yeah! Do bear in mind, the way I got into Software Development, now focusing on Web Development, was:
A couple of months of self-studying HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python
Applied for a Software Development Technician apprenticeship - working in a company whilst studying at a college (had to do it online because of COVID restrictions)
Completed the apprenticeship + 2 exam certificates in Programming and Software Development
The company I did my apprenticeship hired me straight after I passed.
Other people had similar routes e.g. via higher education at a university or college, or did the complete self-study route and got a job at a company or just freelancing. Everyone's journey is different!
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Building a successful track to get a job in Software Development requires a combination of a lot of things and not just learning how to program. I will assume you want to get into Web Dev, but this can be applied to other areas e.g. Game Dev or Moblie Dev. Here are some steps you could take:
Education and Skill Development
The most obvious: you need the skills...
Could find schools, online schools, colleges or universities to learn the subject: This is if you can. Some people learn better with a teacher there to help them so maybe attending a school setting is better for you!
Online courses and tutorials: Enroll in online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Codecademy to learn specific programming languages (such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript), frameworks, and development tools commonly used in web development.
Build a portfolio: Create a collection of projects that showcase your skills. Develop websites, and web applications, or contribute to open-source projects to demonstrate your abilities to potential employers. Use places like GitHub or GitLab!
Practical Experience
If you don't have the opportunity to be already working in a company in their IT department for experience, try these two types of experience you could try for experience:
Internships and part-time jobs: Seek internships or part-time positions in software development companies. This provides hands-on experience, exposes you to real-world projects, and helps you understand industry practices.
Freelance work: Take up freelance web development projects to gain practical experience and expand your portfolio. Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer can help you find clients and build a reputation.
Networking and Professional Development
Join online communities: Engage with online forums, developer communities (such as Stack Overflow), and social media groups to connect with like-minded individuals, seek advice, and stay updated on industry news.
Create a presence and show off your coding journey: I am a huge advocate for this. I had friends that I've mentioned on my blog that got their first developer job solely because they were posting their projects and learning journey on their Twitter accounts. For example, my friend Hikari (her Twitter) got her job because the employer saw her tweets of her progress then he noticed her portfolio page and asked for an interview with her - then she got the job. Try your chances with this method!
Contribute to open-source projects: Collaborate on open-source projects on platforms like GitHub. This not only helps you enhance your coding skills but also showcases your ability to work in a team and contribute to larger projects! Working in a team is a key skill!
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Hope this helps! Thanks for the ask! 🙌🏾💗
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
Video Game Writing
51st Post! Our 50th post was the Star Wars one and I didn’t notice. My exams are officially over, and you know what that means. I have 0 knowledge of anything that is not programming that I will need to make a game, and it has been literally years since I last touched Unity.
So, here’s a checklist of things I’ll need to learn:
Unity: I have 3 options for 3D game dev, namely Unity, Unreal Engine and Godot. I could go into detail on why I chose Unity, but that would be boring, so in short, Unity is easy to use and uses C# and is popular with indie devs, UE is more complex, uses C++ and in popular with AAA games, Godot is free and open-source, but it less popular and has much less resources on the internet, and uses C# or GDScript, a Python based custom language. I would use Godot were it not for the fact I have little experience, so I’ll need tutorials and such, and I have experience with Unity.
Music: Ah, the bane of my existence. Okay, I’m overplaying it, composing doesn’t really come easy to me. I can play the keyboard a little, and am decent at playing by ear, but beyond that, no ability at all, and with the theme, that’s gonna be a problem. Hopefully I’ll get everything figured out by then. Sound design too, but I’ll probably be using online libraries or something, creating my own sounds could be a little complicated, but might have to do for certain stuff.
Art: Art is important in games, but not as much as music for mine. I will probably have to use low-poly models and flat textures and stuff. It’s not going to be pretty, but that’s not the focus, as is the case for most indie games.
Writing, our topic of the day. Now, there’s a huge difference between screenwriting or novel writing and video game writing. I, admittedly, haven’t played too many story driven games, so my experience is a little limited, but bear with me. Video games are an interactive medium, so there’s the intricacies that come with that. Okay, let me walk you through this with examples.
For once, I think I’ll (painfully) skip Undertale.
Subnautica is mainly a survival-exploration game, and the story is pretty secondary, but I wanna cover all bases. The story is pretty Robinson Crusoey. The protagonist, Ryley Robinson, is a janitor on a spaceship which was attempting a slingshot maneuver with the planet 4546B but it crash landed and the crew escaped in Lifepods. By the time Ryley wakes up, the rest of the crew is dead, and Ryley just happens to land in the only Safe Shallows. The rest of the story is Ryley exploring the Aurora, finding rocket blueprints because Alterra (the company behind the spaceship) does not care enough to rescue him, because greedy corporation, and escaping. When Ryley returns home, he has a debt of 1 trillion credits because every resource he uses from the planet is apparently owned by Alterra. This is an example of a story where the protagonist doesn’t matter much and it’s pretty much the player playing. I will elaborate later.
Alan Wake and Control
Alan Wake and Control are games by Finnish studio Remedy Entertainment. Creators of games like Max Payne and Quantum Break, they’re known for narrative driven video games. Alan Wake’s story is split into episodes, a sound decision imo considering the storytelling style.. There are “Previously On…” sections for each episode so people who left off somewhere in between are not completely lost, but the game is relatively short, so I don’t think it was that necessary. I don’t want to spoil too much, so I’ll only get into the premise and a bit of the beginning for each game.
Alan Wake is a bestselling author going through a writer’s block. He and his wife, who has a fear of the dark, go to Bright Falls for a vacation. His wife disappeared/is kidnapped and Alan thinks she fell into the lake on which their cottage is on and jumps in, and it fades to black. Alan wakes up and he’s somehow crashed a car. He goes into the town to get help and has to fight through people covered in a weird dark mist. Oh right, he had a dream in the prologue section that taught him how to fight them, which is by shining a light on them for some time until the mist is gone and bam-bam. On the way he also finds manuscripts laying around the path which appear to be telling the future. I’m sure you can piece together what is going on with what I’ve told you so far.
Alan Wake’s story is simple, but gripping, which is probably the best kind of story. I probably would have finished it in one sitting were I not terrible at combat. It takes a pretty common fear and turns it into a villain (huh, I see the Stephen King inspiration now). The idea of the story being deterministic and physically pre-written is pretty novel. There are also these random TV sets lying around, which play this show called “Night Springs”. Night Springs appears to be a TV Show that tackles supernatural topics. They talk about the Many-Worlds interpretation, and the episode where they do is uh disturbing to say the least, as is the case with most of them, I guess, and a man who killed someone who seems to have identical fingerprints, which I think is referenced in a quest in Control? I can’t find anyone who also thought so, so I might be tinfoil hatting. The other collectible is uh… coffee thermoses..? They appear to have no significance, is it a lazy addition to pad out playtime? I have no idea. It’s referenced however in Control, with a document by the FBC saying that Alan Wake was seen collecting them and they seem to always dispense “refreshing and strong” coffee no matter what was poured in. I don’t think Alan drank any of it because he can’t run. Seriously. He is winded after no less than four seconds. Seriously dude, I know you’re a writer and all, but I haven’t run a meter in 3 years and I can run for longer.
Okay, that went on for long enough, so let’s move onto Control. Control is a new weird action adventure game also developed by Remedy. Jesse Faden is from a town called Ordinary (I know, ironic) where an Altered World Event or AWE for short occurred and she was separated from her brother, Dylan. Aided by this supernatural entity residing in her mind, she spends the rest of her life investigating what had happened to try and find her brother, and she’s led to the Federal Bureau of Control, deciding to take up the job of the janitor’s assistant. Things don’t go exactly to plan and she ends up Director. And as it turns out, that a resonance-based life form is infesting people and making them do their bidding. The rest of the game is Jesse exploring the Oldest House, the name for the FBC’s headquarters, assisting the Bureau while trying to find her brother. Control has a weird system for collectibles. There are documents, split into Research, Case Files and Correspondence. Most of them are in various levels of censorship, ranging from 
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Whatever this is to
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The censorship is perplexing in most cases, like in the former, like what the heck happened there that almost everything had to be censored, and in the latter one, the words seem obvious, but is it actually what I think it is or is it somehow more sinister..?
Control is heavily inspired by the SCP (Special Containment Procedures; backronym: Secure. Contain. Protect) Foundation uh mythos? The SCP Foundation deals with containing and documenting paranatural objects, locations, even individuals. The FBC also does that, they send out operatives to locate Altered Objects or Objects of Powers(OoPs). Altered Objects are just plain supernatural objects. OoPs however, can allow a parautilitarian to bind with it and gain powers, like Jesse does. This is one place I think Control excels at. Control does not spoon feed you the info for each AO, and you have to go searching for the documents on it. 
Ah, damn, I don’t have the time to go into the rest of the things I wanted to talk about, so I’m going to put this on the back burner. The next few are going to be pretty low effort :P since you know, travelling laptopless. Ciao!
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