#yep‚ we got a Devin sighting‚ everyone
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Roomies, Ch. 4: The Gladiator

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WC: 3548 - Rated: T - CW: swearing as always, suggestive, making out, very brief physical altercation - Written for @intrualityweek 2024, Plushies/Stuffies
Logan makes an observation. Oh, and did you know that The Gladiator 2 is coming out next fall, starring Pedro Pascal. Now you do.
After that first awkward gathering in the dining hall, he and Patton met up with RoLo most mornings for breakfast. And a lotta lunches. RoLo usually had dinner by themselves and those first few evenings, Patton acted a lot like he did their real first night. Quiet when he thought Remus wasn't looking, and then he'd get chatty, with a big, bright smile that stopped just before it reached his eyes.
He’d perk right up at breakfast, though. The clouds would lift from those sky blue eyes, and his laughter came easier. And sometimes, when he was very lucky or very funny, Remus could pull that same sweet laugh from him. Tittering bells, tinkled keys at one end of a piano.
But usually, his biggest smiles were still reserved for Ro. For the first time in all their lives, really, they didn’t have any of the same classes and Patton would devour Ro’s tales of his day like a ravenous python.
Two months into the school year, though, and Patton’s face would still fall every time RoLo got all handsy in front of them. Fingers twisted around each other in his lap, Patton would sent his gaze down to his plate like he didn’t know where to look. Or he’d jump up, voice high and overly cheery, and offer to refill drinks or fetch more napkins or ketchup or some shit.
Finally even Logan noticed.
”Ai, mi amor, do not fret,” Ro had murmured, pressing Logan’s hand to his lips the breakfast right after midterms. “I’m certain you did wonderfully on your exam!”
”Yeah,” Patton said as he pushed up to his feet. Eyes down, he grabbed the three empty cups on the table. “You’re so smart, Logan, I’m sure you aced it! Hey, why don’t I get us more juice and stuff.”
Remus kicked his brother’s shin under the table and looked pointedly at RoLo’s hands when he looked his way.
”What the hell, Re—
“Oh, I do not require a refill,” Logan interrupted, giving Ro’s hand a little tug. “I must leave soon. I have an early lab this morning,” he said, swapping his empty cup for Roman’s half-filled one. “It does, however, appear you could use some assistance, Patton.”
Ro finally got it and stood. “I shall see you after class then, mi amor,” he murmured as he bent and kissed Logan’s cheek. “Allow me to help you, Pat,” he smiled at Patton, laying on the gallantry chokingly thick.
Patton would barely look at him. ”Oh, thanks, Ro, but you really don’t hafta-”
”Please?” He said, reaching for the cups.
The morning sun glinted through Patton’s eyelashes when he finally looked up at Ro, casting long shadows over the apple of his cheeks. A slow smile spread across his face and he nodded. “Thanks,” he said and handed over one of the cups.
”It is my pleasure, my dear Pattington Bear,” Ro intoned in his best Prince Charming impression. Remus wanted to gag. “I’m happy to be an extra set of hands in all your endeavors!”
Patton giggled, bright sunlight cutting through the storm of his earlier expression. “My knight in shining armor.”
”After you,” Ro bowed, one arm spread out as though without his direction Patton somehow wouldn’t remember the way to the juice dispenser.
Patton gave him and Logan a little wave with one of the tumblers and chuckled, trotting off with Ro.
Logan watched them leave and it was all Remus could do to not turn around in his seat and do the same. “You know,” Remus said, voice low so it wouldn’t carry over the din of the other breakfasters. “You have nothing to worry about with him. Ro’s head over heels for you.”
“I appreciate, though do not require the reassurance. I am well aware,” Logan said, smiling into his still half-filled coffee. “Roman has long since outgrown his old middle school crush.”
Remus felt his own jaw drop. How—
“You needn’t look so shocked,” Logan murmured, a smile quirking up his lip at Remus’ surprise. “Roman and I discussed it when I asked if he was aware of Patton’s feelings for him.” Logan took another bite of his food and chewed before adding, “I did not, however, discuss with him how your middle school crush has not evaporated with time.”
“What?” Remus choked on his yogurt. He dragged a napkin over his mouth and balled it up in his hands, shaking his head. “I don’t—I don’t have a—”
Logan met his denial with silence and that damned cocked eyebrow. Fuck he used to think that looked so hot. And now?
Sighing, Remus sat back in his chair. “It’s not just a crush, it’s—”
A bright peal of laughter drew both of their attention and Remus turned in his seat, following the sound. Patton and Ro were at the other end of the dining hall. Mouth covered with both hands, Patton couldn't quite muffle his laughter as he watched Ro balance a tray on his head, three filled glasses teetering on top. Ro turned a slow pirouette, then curtseyed when Patton applauded, not a drop spilled.
Remus turned back in his seat and saw Logan had been watching not the spectacle but him. He shoved the dirty napkin in his pocket. “It’s not just a crush.”
“Indeed,” he said.
Apparently Logan wasn’t satisfied with a mere confession. Steely blue eyes stared at him like a bug on a slide and Remus stared back. If Logan knew, how long would it be before everyone else did? “How could you tell?”
“Despite the declarations of self-described experts, autism is not necessarily the inability to perceive and properly interpret social cues,” Logan said, wiping his mouth and rising to his feet. “It is often the unwillingness to play pointless games that fail to address the matter at hand.”
Remus stared up at him, eyes wide. He’d always thought Logan to be kinda oblivious to all the glances and fidgets and glossy eyes on the other side of the table.
Logan continued, “May I suggest you direct your romantic attention elsewhere? With someone who is a willing recipient of said attention?”
”Hey, if you wanted to get back together,” Remus smirked, “You could’ve just said—”
He cut him off with a single raised hand. “Don’t deflect. You know I meant somewhere else outside this group.”
Remus shifted in his seat and stared at the sunlight reflecting off Patton’s coffee cup. “I… I don’t know about that, Lo.” He shook his head.
”I predicted you would say that. Fortunately, I prepared for such an outcome. Two tables down and three over is an attractive man who’s been watching you all morning,” Logan said matter-of-factly as he gathered his bag and jacket. “I tutor him in Biochem. His name is Jake. He’s a sophomore, reasonably intelligent, and an athlete.” He raised one eyebrow. Like Spock, he did it a lot. “And he’s clearly interested in you.”
”I’ll think about it,” Remus said, turning when he heard Patton and Ro’s voices grow louder. “I promise.”
“We are long past the time for consideration,” Logan said with a tiny smirk as he waved and nodded across the room. “I gave him your number last week.” On cue, his phone buzzed on the table, lit up with a text notification from an unknown number. “Call him today.”
Jake didn’t work out. ‘Reasonably intelligent’ turned out to mean ‘needed to demonstrate said intelligence by intellectually shitting on everyone around him,’ so after two dates, Remus mostly-gently asked him to stop calling.
Max and Taylor and Haseem hadn’t worked out, either. They were… fine, he supposed. Cute, good kissers, decent enough guys, but they just weren’t…
Remus had finished towel-drying his hair and was darkening his eyeliner in the dingy bathroom mirror when there was a knock at the door. Patton poked his head into their bathroom, one corner of his mouth pushed up into a little smile. “I think he’s here, Re.”
He met Patton’s eyes in the mirror. The heat and lingering steam from the shower was drawn to his features, glazing his round cheeks in a soft glow. Yes, he was here. Right fucking here next to him.
Remus put down the pencil and shimmied his shoulders, turning like a runway model. “Whaddya think?” He wore his new jeans with the rips in the thighs and a fishnet tank to show off his newest tattoo.
“You look great!” His eyes darted to the door at a second knock. “Okay if I get it?” He started to turn when Remus nodded, then slid back. “Wait, which one’s this?” he whispered, the memory of the night they’d inadvertently overheard a couple breaking up in the hallway three doors down fresh in both their minds. Noise sure traveled on this hall.
“Uh,” Remus tapped his phone to check his last message. “Devin Moore.”
“Oh… Oh!” his face brightened in recognition. “I’ve got Stats with him. You ready?” he asked, flashing one more grin.
“I’m almost done, yeah,” Remus murmured. “Thanks, Pat.”
“Anytime, Roomie,” he said, running off to the door.
“Hey there, Devin!” Patton cheered as the door squealed open. “Re’s just about done.”
“Oh, Patrick. Hi.” Devin’s voice sounded… off. Surprised, maybe. Hadn’t he told Devin about his roommate? But something else in his tone urged Remus to finish up fast.
“It’s Patton,” Pat correctly, voice chipper but… thin. Like it got sometimes when talking to RoLo.
“Right… Patton. Nice to see you.”
Remus burst out of the bathroom and twirled, trying to ignore the voice in his head that said he’d seen Ro pull the same trick. Patton’s stifled giggle made it worth it, though, and he flashed him a quick grin before winking at Devin. “Hey there, handsome. Lemme grab my boots, and—”
Patton slid past him and grabbed his fleece lined MC from the closet. “It’s 40 degrees out, you should take this,” he murmured, eyebrows raised at his tank top.
He looked over at Devin’s puffer jacket, long pants, and boots and nodded before smiling at Patton. “Thanks,” he said and shoved his arms through the sleeves before joining Devin at the door. “Don’t wait up, yeah?”
“I won’t. I’ve got a quiz tomorrow.” Patton laughed. “Have fun!” he added and, with a little wave, closed the door behind them.
The credits had just begun to roll when Devin stood and motioned toward the aisle. “C’mon, it’s all on IMDB anyway,” he said when Remus, frowning, remained in his seat.
Casting one more glance at the screen, he shrugged and sidled past the couple sitting near them. He wanted to see it again anyway. He could stay for the credits then. And If RoLo hadn’t gone yet, maybe they could all catch it together. Though Pat probably wouldn’t like that scene in the arena pits. But he could warn him about it, maybe they could even use it as a chance to get refills and check out—
Devin’s arm snaking around his waist pulled his thoughts back to the present. “Where’d you go, Sexy?” he purred close to his ear.
Remus consciously leaned into his embrace and smirked, “I was not thinking about how hot Pedro Pascal looks in a toga.”
“Hmm… you weren’t, were you?” Devin’s lips grazed his neck and Remus let his eyes fall closed before nodding.
“Mm-hm,” he hummed and pushed away all other thoughts. Devin was hot, generous, smart. Here.
Devin led them closer to the exit and a blast of frigid air slammed into them as the doors slid open at their approach. “I’ve got heated seats,” Devin murmured, drawing him closer. “Why don’t we go for a drive?”
They didn’t even make it out of Park. For all its pretentious bells and whistles, the climate controls on the giant touch screen did at least make fast work of warming up the car. Under cover of the tinted—and now foggy—windows, Remus soon found himself straddling Devin’s lap on the driver’s seat, both of their jackets abandoned in the backseat.
Even with the seat pushed back all the way, the steering wheel kept him close enough to feel exactly how pleased Devin was with their positions.
“I like your tattoo,” Devin smirked up at him, scalding heat in his eyes. He traced the longest tentacles curling toward his navel and chuckled. “It’s like they’re pointing me somewhere.”
“Yeah?” Remus shifted, not necessarily trying to move out of his reach but not sliding closer, either. “How ‘bout you?” he asked, tracing the skin just under his sleeves. “You have any ink?”
“And mark up the guns?” Devin said, pulling him in for another kiss.
Remus closed his eyes and abandoned himself to the scent of Devin’s hair gel, the heat of his mouth. The warm, rough palms dragging down his back. He pushed up Devin’s shirt, fingers walking along the cut of his abs. “You do keep it tight,” he whispered against his lips.
Trailing kisses down his jaw and along his neck, Devin laughed again, breath hot against his skin. He smelled like stale popcorn. “I knew you didn’t go for the doughy types,” he mumbled before sucking just below his ear.
“What?” Remus’ eyes snapped open.
“You know,” Devin chuckled then latched on to a new spot. Remus held his breath as he sucked hard against his skin. Finally Devin broke away, nipping at the mark he made. “Like your dorky little roommate.”
Remus pushed away from him, steering wheel jammed into his lower back. “The fuck you just say?”
“Oh, no, baby,” Devin cooed, one hand at his waist, the other pushing back hair from his eyes. “I’m all on board with that body positivity thing. As long as he’s happy, it’s none of my business. I’m just sayin’… you know…” He shrugged like his point was obvious. “He’s a bit… chunky. Not your type.” The hand that fell down to Remus’ waist burned through the mesh of his shirt. “Not in our league.”
Skin crawling, Remus shook his head and climbed back into his own seat. “Yeah, Pat is way the fuck out of your league.” He reached back and grabbed his jacket, ignoring Devin’s protests. “I’m gonna take the bus home. Have a good night,” he said, opening the door.
“Wait, baby, don’t leave like that—” Devin’s hand closed on his thigh before he could slide out of the car.
Grabbing his middle and ring fingers, Remus pushed back and twisted. Hard. Devin was left bent over the middle console, arm crooked back and hand up by his shoulder. Remus leaned close to growl in his ear. “Touch me again and I’ll break your fucking arm.”
“Okay, man! Okay,” Devin cried. Remus released him and he clambered back into the driver’s seat. “Jesus, you’re fucking crazy!” he said, starting the engine.
“Damn right I am,” Remus grinned and slammed the door shut just as Devin floored it out of the parking lot. He shot through the empty intersection just after the light turned red. “Call me fucking crazy,” he said, shaking his head.
Shivering, he took out his phone and, pretending he didn’t see it was already 34° out, pulled up the transit app. Good, he didn’t have long to wait for the next bus. He walked quickly and zipped up his jacket, shoving his hands in the deep, warm pockets. “Thanks for making me bring this, Pat,” he whispered to himself, already a little warmer.
Shaking off the last traces of his anger, Remus stopped outside his dorm room door and took a slow, deep breath. That asshole wasn’t worth another ounce of his energy.
But inside his room was someone who was.
Remus dragged his hand down the door, loud enough to be heard inside if Pat was still awake—and possibly changing—but not nearly loud enough to wake him if he’d already gone to bed. He waited a beat then typed in the code and slowly opened the door.
Hallway light spilled into the dark room and cast a golden wedge across the floor and their beds. It caught just a bit of Pat’s curls where they peeked out from his usual nest of blankets and pillows. Looked like a halo. Remus’ shoulders dropped as the last shreds of tension from his fuck-awful night slipped away. When he turned to close the door, he was surprised to realize he was already smiling.
Pat shifted in his sleep and as Remus’ eyes grew accustomed to the dark, he saw the stuffie Pat slept with fall to the floor with a soft thud. Remus toed off his boots and left them under his bed, then crept closer and crouched to retrieve it. It was a stuffed horse, about as big as both hands splayed out. It had a star between its eyes and a dappled grey coat.
The first time he’d spotted the bit of grey fluff spilling out from Pat’s blankets, he’d had a flash of recognition. And his guess had been right. The stuffie really was Phillip.
Ro had won it at their seventh grade end-of-year carnival. Just after Remus had won a stuffed stingray at the same bottle game. Remus couldn’t remember if he’d actually told Ro who he’d planned to give it to. Maybe he was just that obvious about it back then. All he remembered was that Ro had beat him to it, bowing regally and presenting the little grey horse to Pat like the golden apple offered to Helen of Troy.
For as old as he was, the little stuffie was in pretty good shape. He was a little threadbare in a couple spots and there were crooked black stitches along one hoof, but the plush material was still fluffy. He smelled like Pat’s conditioner.
His mane had splayed out in the night, sticking up every which way. Remus chuckled and smoothed it back down, leaving a little swoop over his eyes the way Pat’s hair fell over his own forehead when he got excited. Satisfied the little horse was back to his previous state, he looked up—
Right into Pat’s wide eyes.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry I woke you,” Remus whispered. Smiling, he offered him the stuffed horse. “You dropped this in your sleep.”
“That’s not—” he started, sitting up and shaking his head.
Remus frowned and sat the stuffie on top of his covers. Pat stared at it for a moment before plucking it up and thrusting it under the blankets. “You—you weren’t supposed to see that,” he whispered.
“Pattycake,” Remus laughed, sitting back on the floor. “I saw Philip our second night here. I couldn’t sleep. You rolled over and I saw you cuddling him.”
“How—” He stared at Remus, lower lip caught between his teeth. “How did you know his name?”
Remus shrugged, “I was there when you got him.”
Pat blinked, eyes faraway, replaying the memory like a movie. Suddenly his eyes widened, shiny in the dim light. “You remember that?”
“‘Course I do,” he nodded. “You don’t have to hide him. You don’t have to hide anything from me, Pattycake. I’m your friend.”
Pat’s head hung down and he hugged his knees to his chest. “My other friends made fun of me for keeping him.” He snaked one hand under the covers and fished Phillip out.
“Those assholes didn’t know how to be your friend then, did they?” He pet the star on Phillip’s head and smiled up at Pat. “I’d never tease you, not if you didn’t think it was funny, too, at least.”
Pat looked back at him for a long time, holding his gaze. Finally he smiled. “Yeah,” he said, nodding. “Yeah, I know.”
“Ro, on the other hand…” Remus smirked, softening into a full grin when Patton giggled. Copper bells tinkling in the air. “Yeah, Ro, I’ll tease the fuck out of him.”
“He’d probably think you were sick if you suddenly stopped teasing him.”
“Yeah, he would,” Remus laughed. He reached for Pat’s hand then shifted at the last second and gave Phillip another little pet. “Good night, Patttycake,” he murmured. “Gonna take a shower and wash the stink of burnt popcorn offa me then head to bed.”
“Good idea,” Pat nodded. “‘Night, Re.”
He pushed up to his feet and Pat got settled again under his covers, Phillip clutched close to his chest. Remus pulled off his belt and his shirt, then left them on the floor of his closet. In the dark, he felt around for a pair of sleep shorts from his drawer and headed for the bathroom.
“Hey, Remus?” Light from the art building’s veranda sparkled in Pat’s eyes.
“Yeah, Pat?”
Barely visible, he sat up and fidgeted with Phillip’s mane. “Breakfast tomorrow?”
Remus’ throat clenched. Ever since the night Remus had spent at Taylor’s place, every day Pat would ask him if they would still go together to breakfast the next morning. Like he couldn’t trust anymore that Remus would be there.
He smiled, nodding, though he knew Pat couldn’t see him. “You bet. I’ll finagle fresh coffee from the kitchen and you can get us the good table by the heater.”
“It’s a deal,” Pat laughed and settled back into bed. “Night,” he whispered after a moment. Remus could just make out the flash of his smile in the dim room.
“”Night, Pattycake.”
#Roomies#intruality#sasi#sanders sides#sanders sides fanfiction#sasi fanfic#ts remus#ts patton#remus sanders#patton sanders#roman sanders#logan sanders#OC - Devin Moore#yep‚ we got a Devin sighting‚ everyone#look out
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New Life: Prologue
Hey yall! I recently got the inspiration to write my first fanfic ever since I started to play the VN mobile game, Choices! Lets just say … I got addicted real quick lol. This fanfic series will be Julian x M!OC (HSS) This is my first time writing..so any feedbacks is appreciated ^.^ Enjoy!
Word count : 1780
Rating: T ( for mention of profanity)
Pairing: Julian x M!OC
All characters and mentions are property of Pixelberry studios
tag list: @choiceslife @griffinsbigdickenergy
On Highway 12, Tuesday, 10:00 PM
I stare lazily outside into the night sky; the view of trees turning into a sea of green as we drive down the highway to our new home in Cedar Cove.
“Are we there yet?” I ask the driver. My dad briefly looks at his phone.
“No. Don’t worry , we’re almost there”
“That’s what you said two hours ago” I groan. He chuckles slightly. My mom chimes in.
“We’ll be there before you know it. Take a nap sweetie.”
“Fineee” I grab my ear buds before leaning back in my seat and rest my head on the window. I shuffle my playlist before falling fast asleep.
“ All of this could have ended differently. I screwed everything up back at Bowie. I lost all connections I built with my IB friends… and most importantly, Devin; my crush” I sniff softly “Maybe moving away… was the best choice” I thought before falling into a deeper sleep.
A brief memory of Richard comes across my mind in my sleep; a memory that I wanted to delete from my memory. He marches towards me, furious.
“You!” He seethed , jabbing a finger in my face “You caused this disaster!” This really wasn’t the time for confronting me.
I scowled. “Excuse me?! You know I was just following your orders!”
“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” We were now face to face “Now because of you, we lost the competition and the funds to support the IB program!”
I was one second away from punching his face. “If you give me a momen--” Before I could finish, he turned away.
“Fuck you, you piece of shit” he growled “Lets go “ He ordered everyone else. After that, rumors started to spread around the school; that I was the worst person in the entire school. Cold glares and isolation was only the tip of the iceberg. I came across Devin one day from the opposite direction. At Least I have one person that could brighten my day, or so I had thought.
“Oh. Hey Devin!” I greeted.... A moment of silence, not a single glance in my direction” Devin?”
He grunted. “ Get away from me.” This wasn’t his normal behavior and I made the mistake of confronting him.
“Wh-- Please don’t tell me you believe the rumors that's been going around these past few weeks.” Devin gritted his teeth and pushed me towards the lockers. “Ow- What the hell was that for?!”
“I’m not gonna say it again. GET.AWAY.FROM.ME. I don’t want to see your face anymore” He threatened.
That was when my world started to break into a million of pieces. Richard’s words echoing through my mind. “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”
Gritting my teeth,“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I scream back, waking up. A moment of silence pass as I try to regain my composure. “Oh”. I look up to my parents staring back at me from the front mirror.
Turning back,“Oh honey, another nightmare?” My mother asked, face slightly frowning in concern. “You were thrashing back and forth again.”
“I-... no...maybe” I sigh “It’s nothing really”.
“Are you sure Ben? You’ve been having a lot of these night scares recently ever since we moved.” My father asked,throwing a concerning look in the front mirror.
I shrug. “Just a bit stressed from the past few weeks. Don’t worry.” Life was hectic for all of us due to sudden changes at my parents’ jobs and it showed. “Once we get to our new home, I’ll be all better.” I cleared my throat. “How far are we away from Cedar Cove now?”
“Well..” My dad looks at his phone again “We’re not too far away now. About ten minutes. We’ll probably see the sign for the city along the way.” No sooner than he said, we pass a sign with Cedar Cove in big letters. The sea of green gradually shifted to buildings and highway lightings.
“Ugh ten more minutes until I can sleep in a real bed--”
Suddenly,the car came to a jolting stop to a stop light.
“Woah!” I gasp, thrown out of my seat. “What was that for dad?” pouting as I got back up.
He chuckles. “Haha, sorry about that. Just tired from all the traveling, didn’t see that stop light”. My mom elbows him from across. “Ow! Sorry Sorry” he laughs. “We’ll be in Cedar Cove and to our new home soon..”
I roll my eyes “ ugh just save me from this nightmare already.” I grumble as I look out into the night sky.
We drive down the streets of Cedar Cove, taking in the view of the town. The town looked pleasant enough.
“ Turn left and your destination will be on the right.” The GPS stated.
The car came to a stop as we arrived to our new driveway. “FINALLY! WE’RE FREE!” I shout as we get out of the car. “Hey mẹ* . Can I borrow your arms?” I hold onto her hands and lean back to stretch my spine. Crack, Crack. “Wow … that must have been one long ride” I thought. We stretch for a bit longer before dad came over to hand me the keys to the house.
“Don’t go losing the keys now.”
Rolling my eyes“When have I ever lose the house keys?” I joke. He chuckles.
“Anyways, the moving truck should be here tomorrow . Go help mom bring in the beds and call it a night. Tomorrow is going to be one busy day.”
I nod. “The sooner the better” I laugh as I help my mom bring in the beds into our new house. The house didn’t look half too bad, in my opinion. It was smaller than our old home, but it had that familiar quaint feeling. At last, I chose my room and dropped my bed in a corner. I took out my phone and checked the time. Yikes, 11 P.M. I flop onto my bed.
I flop onto my bed.“Good night mẹ”
“Good night darling, rest up. We have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow” I groan a reply before falling asleep.
Beep. Beep.Beep. I half open one of my eyes to look at my phone.8:45 AM. “Ughhh, too early for this” I roll across my bed. “5 more min--” I mumble before the door to my room suddenly opens.
“GOOD MORNING SQUIRT!” My dad beams. I really wasn’t in the mood for this. I squinted.
“Good.. morning to you to dad” I mumble as I lazily wrap myself in my blanket.
“Time to rise and shine! We have a lot of stuff to do.”
I don’t know how he’s so active in the morning. “Yeah.. i’ll,rise and shine in like 5 min--” I start before he yanks the blanket away from me.
“AHH! Fine i’m up.” I complain.
He laughs “Go get some breakfast and i’ll see you in a bit”. I yawn before getting out of bed to do the usual morning routine. Afterwards, I plop down on one of the makeshift chairs in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal.
“So what’s the plan for today?” I ask before eating a spoonful of cereal.
“Well” My mom takes a sip of her coffee”The moving company is arriving this afternoon. Then we have to head to the local dealership to get you a car and we’re going to shop around for furniture.” She hands dad a cup of coffee.
Finishing the last bite of my cereal and gulping the milk down. “I see and by we, you mean you and dad?” She playfully slaps my shoulder.
“ Yes dear” rolling her eyes
”We’ll handle the moving stuff, in the meantime you’ll drive around town and visit your new high school” My dad states.
I felt a knot form in my stomach. “Fantastic. What’s the address to the school?” I lend my phone to my dad as he types the address in. “Oliver M. Berry High. Not too far away from here.”
My mom chimes in “ We contacted the principal before hand, and she’ll get you settled.” Both of them finishing their cup of coffee. “Ready to go?”
“Yep. Give me a min to change into some clothes and i’ll see y’all at the car.” I got up and walked back to my room.
Berry High, eh? Let’s hope it’s better than my previous school I thought before changing out of my house clothes. We drove to the local dealership to rent a car for me. I’m not entirely picky when it comes to cars, as long as it gets me from point A to B. We drive up to the entrance and a employee comes to greet us.
“Good morning there! Welcome to the Cedar Used Car shop. How may I help you today?”
“We’re here to buy a car for my son. We just moved into town today.” My dad says.
“Oh! Welcome to Cedar Cove. Please come this way to view our selection”
We spent two hours or so testing out the multitude of cars available. We decided on a 2005 Honda Accord. My parents signed the papers and soon I find myself inside my car.
“Drive safe son” He hands me the keys to the car. “We’ll take care of the rest”
“I will.” I look at the time on my phone, 11:30 AM. “ Oh it’s almost time for me to go. I’ll be back later tonight.” My parents nod. “Have fun shopping” I joke before driving away.
“ Your destination is on the right” my GPS stated.
I glance over to my right and came across my first sight of Oliver M.Berry High school. I furrow one of my eyebrows in surprise.
“Huh… this school looks a bit smaller than Bowie” I thought in disappointment. I searched around for a guest parking spot to park my car. “Well, this is my new car now. Better than nothing I guess”. I parked my car and got out “ Well here goes nothing. “ I took my first steps on Berry High’s ground. A small grin comes across my face.
“Wow this place looks a bit better than I thought it was” I thought as I observe the environment. I opened the front doors of Berry High and a woman in a yellow blouse came to me.
“Good afternoon , young man! You must be Ben Burton, our new student.” She offers a handshake, smiling.
“Uh… Yes I am.” I shook her hand “and you must be?”
“ I am Principal Hughs and I welcome you to your new home.”
*mẹ= mom in Vietnamese
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Complete Silliness
Starring Alicia Pendragon: A sort-of Harry Potter crossover fanfiction where the AP characters are Harry Potter characters except they aren’t. Full nonsense and... yep pretty much nonsense. Enjoy
Once upon a time in a fictional land, there lived a handsome Dark Lord named Tom Marvolo Riddle. He hated all things in life - people, food, rain, sun, even cotton candy - and yet he was obsessed with living.
Alicia Pendragon couldn't understand it at all. Of course, it wasn't her area of expertise. That was Talia and Devin's job. They were the awesome peasant-wizard/knight(s) on a quest to defeat him. And Frederick was the one with a lighting scar on his forehead, to prove he'd survived Tom Marvolo Riddle's cleaning curse. And Jack was the freaky nemesis of Frederick who thought all muggles belonged in Azkaban, but for some reason stayed with Talia and Devin and Frederick. Maybe because he was sort of a muggle. But she'd learned not to remind him of that.
As a matter of fact, if she'd had it her way, all of this would be Alicia's area of expertise. But her father would rather she go to a bancy fall and marry a prandsome hince, or something of that sort. Like the union by marriage of two kingdoms would help the world at all! . . . Well, maybe a little, but it would be much more useful to defeat the Dark Lord. And more exciting.
That was why she had devised a cunning plan. She would make the Devin-knight like her! And then he would invite her on the quest with him, and of course an honorable princess couldn't refuse a favor from a knight. That was what she would tell her father, anyway...
"Boys are better fighters!" The blue-haired knight said.
"WHAT? Oh, I'll show you, YOU STUPID KNI-"
"GUYS!" Talia yelled louder than Alicia would have thought possible. "We're supposed to be defeating Tom, here!" There was momentary silence, interrupted only by Frederick's groans.
"My head!"
The Dark Lord looked equally pained. "Your head? What about my entire body! And my wedding! Ugh, just take the stupid princess! I can't stand to be in your pathetic presence!" And he apparated away.
Then back again. "AND DON'T CALL ME TOM! I AM-erm... uh..."
"Stupid?" Alicia supplied, very annoyed with all the going-ons. She hated being kidnapped, and her plans to woo Devin were tossed to the wind, because no way was she ever speaking to the jerk again.
"Yeah, Stupid!" And then he realized what he was agreeing to. "I mean no, you insolent noble! I am... AHRIMAN!" He apparated away again.
"... Ahriman? Is that suppose to be scary?" Jack started laughing. "Sounds- like 'Mary- Ann!'-- Fool!"
Frederick groaned again and clutched his head. Alicia rolled her eyes. "Well, you rescued me! Congratulations, peasants! As payment for your services, I will now join you on your quest!"
"WHAT?" Devin protested.
"You heard her, Devin!" Talia gushed. "Ooh, finally there's another girl! I'm not the only brains around here anymore!"
This what met by general annoyance, except from Alicia, who smirked at the success of her plan.
"Ooh, finally! A rich muggle to steal from!" Jack grinned.
That put a damper in her mood.
This was it. The end of the war had finally come. That, or the end of the world. Whichever came first.
"Aww, not you again!" Ahriman drawled in a whining voice. "Can't you let me take over the world, achieve immortality, and kill muggles in peace?"
"Your time on this earth is over, Tom!" Talia proclaimed fiercely.
There was a momentary silence, over which only the sound of Frederick's groans could be heard. Talia nudged the dozing knight standing next to her. "Hmm? What? I 'gree with Talia!" He drifted off again. Alicia rolled her eyes.
"Die, Ahriman!"
"Ooh, you remembered my name!" The Demon Dark Lord gushed. "I should reward you! DEATH EATERS!"
Hooded figures immediately appeared beside him. "Yes, my lord?"
"Bring this girl my supply of lemon drops! You know, those ones that Dumbledore forced on us. Remember him? That scary old druid of time?"
"Yes, lord."
They disapparated.
"What? I don't want your lemon drops!" Alicia protested, disgusted.
Lord Ahriman made an insulted noise. "Fine, you ungrateful swine! Don't take them!" The death eaters apparated back in and handed Alicia the lemon drops.
The cloaked wizards dropped the candy like a hot potato and cowered. "Sorry, Lor-"
"DID I SAY YOU COULD SPEAK?" The deatheaters shrank back, shaking.
Devin rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just defy him?"
Ahriman gasped. "HOW DARE YOU-"
"COTTON CANDY!" Sang a voice that sounded suspiciously like Jack's.
Maybe because it was Jack's. He twirled into the room, glowing, holding bags of fluffy pink perfection. Frederick momentarily forgot to groan.
Talia sighed. "Jack, really we don't have ti-"
"GET THAT HORRID CONFECTION OUT OF MY SIGHT!" bellowed the Dark Lord, jumping into the arms of the nearest deatheater and cowering even as he shot a black glare in the candy's direction.
Jack's good mood melted like a popsicle abandoned in the desert on the hottest day of July. "But..." his lip trembled and tears started streaming from his eyes. "But I worked so hard to bring it here all just for you and I almost lost it once and three times I nearly diiiiiiied!" He was sobbing before he even finished the sentence. "Please take it!" He bawled, shoving the candy at Ahriman.
The demon hissed and recoiled. "No! NO! NOO! LEAVE ME ALONE YOU STUPID MUGGLE! NO! AGH!" He leaped from the deatheater's arms and pulled out his staff. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"
Frederick dived in front of Jack, but too late. The curse had already connected.
The body hit the ground with a resounding thud. Everyone stared, deatheater, wizards, and muggles alike.
"YEAH!" Devin cheered, sweeping Talia into his arms and dancing. "FINALLY!"
"MY HEAD IS AT PEACE AT LAST!" Frederick rejoiced.
"HAHA! YOU ALL SO TOTALLY OWE ME!" Jack whooped, tossing the cotton candy into the air in jubilation.
Now you are thinking I made some typo, because Jack died, didn't he?
No, he most certainly did not. Ahriman had killed himself, rather than be in the presence of the hated cotton candy for another second.
Alicia could have kissed Jack, except that he'd so totally stolen her thunder.
Stupid thief.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she huffed, "let's get out of here already."
"What? No celebration for my remarkable achievement?" Jack whined.
"No celebration for my skull's relief?" Frederick added.
Devin looked distraught and squeaked, "No... cake?"
"We can eat these lemon drops!" The deatheaters suggested helpfully.
Alicia bit her lip, and fumed, and tried to look powerful and commanding, but nobody was yielding so she said, "FINE! I'll spread the good news to the world myself!"
And she spun on her heel to do just that, but that sneaky thief was suddenly in front of her.
And then they died. Of remorse.
Just kidding. Actually Alicia grabbed Jack fiercely, and slapped him, and kissed him on his slimy thieving lips.
"That's for stealing my thunder, fool!"
"Ah!" Jack objected, insulted. "Then this," he said, grabbing a lemon drop and forcing it into her mouth, "is for stealing my word, and for putting your dirty muggle lips on my dirty muggle lips!"
Alicia scrunched up her mouth because it was sour, and then, you will never guess what that horrible no good very bad little sneak did. It was so terrible that I don't even want to tell you. No, seriously, you will freak out and die. Of remorse.
Oh, sorry. That happened earlier.
What we talkin' about?
Oh, yeah. Well, the awful, terrible truth of the story is this:
Talia and Devin got married, and changed their last name to Weasley.
Oops, wrong part. That comes later, and it isn't even part of this story. What really happened next was Frederick accidentally swallowed a fly, and the deatheaters had to use Sectum Sempra to perform an emergancy surgery to get it out of his system.
But that's not the terrible part. Obviously, because Jack didn't do anything in it. So what did Jack do? Well. It's so terrible that I have to whisper it, so that Alicia will not hear. So come close. Ahem.
(He kissed her.)
#aveyond#alicia pendragon#fanfiction#why did I write this#crack#definitely crack please forgive me#but it's funny at least?#aveyondaliciaxjack#you're welcome#do not reblog if you support character bashing or have anything remotely resembling it on your blog
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All the numbers.
1.Who was the last person you held hands with? @zombiexblood2. Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing, got to be, with this job.3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Already tagged him above, so Eli.4. Are you easy to get along with? I like to think I am.5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? He does, frequently.6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Good people.7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I sincerely fucking hope so.8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? My sister.9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope.10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Ryan, I think.11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? ‘C'est le milieu de la nuit, je vous rappellerai plus tard.’ Which is: ‘It’s the middle of the night, I’ll call you back later.’12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Hollywood Undead - Gansta Sexy
Set It Off - Upside Down
Motionless In White - LOUD (Fuck It)
Bring Me The Horizon - Throne
Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Fuck yes.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Sometimes.15. What good thing happened this summer? Recording in Tennessee.16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Of course.17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Probably.18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No.19. Do you like bubble baths? Sometimes.20. Do you like your neighbors? I don’t think I’ve met them.21. What are you bad habits? I chew my nails, fidget constantly, and drum my fingers on pretty much anything.22. Where would you like to travel? Not many places I haven’t seen yet... I think Iceland would be cool.23. Do you have trust issues? Not really, I guess.24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Those ten minutes alone after a show, where everything’s quiet and still, and I just get to unwind.25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My torso, it’s got a shit load of ugly scars.26. What do you do when you wake up? Complain and attempt to fall asleep again.27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? No.28. Who are you most comfortable around? Eli, again.29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Kind of, but not really.30. Do you ever want to get married? Obviously.31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Not quite yet.32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? David Beckham and Chris Evans.33. Spell your name with your chin. kjhpoidscghj34. Do you play sports? What sports? Does 5-a-side count.35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV, easy.36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Probably, we were all 14 once.37. What do you say during awkward silences? Did you know cows have best friends?38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Eli, but home more often.39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? None, I fucking hate shopping.40. What do you want to do after high school? Be an astronaut.41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Yes.42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m tired, I’m angry, or I’m just not in the mood to talk.43. Do you smile at strangers? Yep.44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Outer space, the shit at the bottom of the ocean freaks me the fuck out.45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Harley, usually.46. What are you paranoid about? Lots of things.47. Have you ever been high? Yep.48. Have you ever been drunk? Yep.49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Yep.50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black.51. Ever wished you were someone else? Sometimes, but not lately.52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My weird earlobes.53. Favourite makeup brand? Meh.54. Favourite store? Nope.55. Favourite blog? Don’t have a favourite.56. Favourite colour? Blue.57. Favourite food? Red velvet cake.58. Last thing you ate? Pizza.59. First thing you ate this morning? Again, pizza.60. Ever won a competition? For what? Do the Kerrang! Awards count?61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? Suspended a few times, can’t remember what for.62. Been arrested? For what? Nope.63. Ever been in love? Of course.64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I was about 14, we were in the park, right after I kissed her, I told her I was gay, she slapped me and left crying.65. Are you hungry right now? Kinda.66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? They’re mostly the same thing, at this point.67. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter.68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr.69. Are you watching tv right now? Nope.70. Names of your bestfriends? Max, Chris, Matt, and Dan.71. Craving something? What? Yeah, not sure what though.72. What colour are your towels? None of my towels match.72. How many pillows do you sleep with? One.73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No.74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Only the ones I buy Harley.75. Favourite animal? Probably tigers.76. What colour is your underwear? Black.77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate.78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Phish food.79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Grey.80. What colour pants? Dark blue.81. Favourite tv show? Black Mirror.82. Favourite movie? Nightmare On Elm Street.83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls.84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean Girls.85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Damian is my spirit animal.86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Mr. Ray.87. First person you talked to today? Ricky, I think.88. Last person you talked to today? Ghost, Devin, whatever the fuck we’re calling him today.89. Name a person you hate? Let’s not go there.90. Name a person you love? My mummy.91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Not really.92. In a fight with someone? I wouldn’t call it a fight, exactly, but things ain’t good.93. How many sweatpants do you have? Why would I count them?94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Billions.95. Last movie you watched? Beetlejuice.96. Favourite actress? Jennifer Lawrence.97. Favourite actor? Chris Pratt.98. Do you tan a lot? A bit, yeah.99. Have any pets? A French bulldog, Harley.100. How are you feeling? Alright, I guess.101. Do you type fast? At a decent enough speed.102. Do you regret anything from your past? A few things.103. Can you spell well? I think yes, spellcheck says no.104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Not really.105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yep.106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Yes, unfortunately.107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yep.108. What should you be doing? Writing, probably.109. Is something irritating you right now? The humidity.110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Yep.111. Do you have trust issues? Was this not a question already? I’m sure it was.112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Depends on whether or not it counts if they didn’t know I was crying. If it does, then Ryan, if not, then Chris.113. What was your childhood nickname? Jazzy Josh.114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? More times than I can count.115. Do you play the Wii? Not really. We’ve usually got one on the bus, but it’s more Max and Matt’s thing.116. Are you listening to music right now? Yep, Hollywood Undead.117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Meat is murder.118. Do you like Chinese food? Yep.119. Favourite book? Do I have to chose one? I love them all.120. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope.121. Are you mean? I don’t think so. I hope not.122. Is cheating ever okay? Fuck no. Never.123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Hell no.124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes.125. Do you believe in true love? Yes.126. Are you currently bored? Nah.127. What makes you happy? Lots of things.128. Would you change your name? One of my middle names, but the rest of it’s cool.129. What your zodiac sign? Leo130. Do you like subway? I loves it, I does.131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Gently remind them I’m gay.132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Also a repeat, answer’s still Ryan.133. Favourite lyrics right now? ‘My name ain’t dick so keep it out of your mouth.134. Can you count to one million? Doubt it.135. Dumbest lie you ever told? ‘It’s nothing, I’m fine.’136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Open.137. How tall are you? 6′1″138. Curly or Straight hair? Straight.139. Brunette or Blonde? Either.140. Summer or Winter? Summer.141. Night or Day? Night.142. Favourite month? October.143. Are you a vegetarian? Yep.144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Dark.145. Tea or Coffee? Tea.146. Was today a good day? Pretty good, yeah.147. Mars or Snickers? Neither.148. What’s your favourite quote? ‘Everything will be alright in the end. If it’s not alright, then it’s not the end.’149. Do you believe in ghosts? Kinda.150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line It’s in the other room and I can’t be bothered getting up.
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Make me admit stuff?
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? --- Yeah :) #R
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? --- No
3. Have you taken someones virginity? --- Yes...
4. Is trust a big issue for you? --- No
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? --- Yeah :)
6. What are you excited for? --- Psych 102, and the ICCA Quarter-finals!!!
7. What happened tonight? --- Nothing yet (it’s 10am)
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? --- Ugh yes.
9. Is confidence cute? --- Yes
10. What is the last beverage you had? --- Hot chocolate
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? --- 1 #C
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? --- yep
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? --- I don’t know yet, hopefully R ;)
14. What are you going to spend money on next? --- Phone bill, textbooks, tuition
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? --- Yeah :)
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? --- I hope so
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? --- C, and Devin
18. The last time you felt broken? --- July 27th, 2016
19. Have you had sex today? --- Unfortunately no
20. Are you starting to realize anything? --- I’m not as bad at the whole University thing as I thought I was
21. Are you in a good mood? --- Yep
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? --- Nope nopenopenope
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? --- Yes
24. What do you want right this second? --- Chocolate milkshake and a hug
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? --- ok, and move on
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? --- Yep
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? --- Oh, probably not
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? --- Dirk Gently (It’s some ridiculous show on netflix)
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? --- no, not really
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? --- Some people don’t
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? --- No
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? --- I don’t think so
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? --- Pft hell no
34. Listening to? --- The fireplace
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? --- Only on exams and when doing sudoku
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? --- Yep
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? --- No
38. Who did you last call? --- Devin
39. Who was the last person you danced with? --- My little sister Callie
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? --- Because we were saying goodbye
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? --- My cousin’s baptism
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? --- No
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? --- All the time
44. Do you tan in the nude? --- No
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? --- Never
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? --- Nope
47. Who was the last person to call you? --- Devin
48. Do you sing in the shower? --- Only when I need to practice for a cappella
49. Do you dance in the car? --- Always
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? --- Yep, I suck, give me a gun.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? --- Headshot for the charity fashion show
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? --- Never in a million years
53. Is Christmas stressful? --- Always, can we skip it?
54. Ever eat a pierogi? --- Ya
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? --- Blueberry
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? --- Astronaut, teacher, dancer, cop
57. Do you believe in ghosts? --- No
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? --- No
59. Take a vitamin daily? --- Iron
60. Wear slippers? --- Nope
61. Wear a bath robe? --- YES SO COMFY
62. What do you wear to bed? --- Nothing
63. First concert? --- Avril Lavigne
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? --- Walmart
65. Nike or Adidas? --- Adidas
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? --- Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? --- Peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? --- Ew. Can you not?
69. Ever take dance lessons? --- For five years, then I quit to join boxing
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? --- Military or cop like me, same lifestyle makes it easier for us to understand one another
71. Can you curl your tongue? --- Yep
72. Ever won a spelling bee? --- Nope
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? --- Yep, my mother gave me chocolate
74. What is your favorite book? --- Jane Eyre
75. Do you study better with or without music? --- Without
76. Regularly burn incense? --- Used to, grandpa doesn’t like the smoke though
77. Ever been in love? --- Nope
78. Who would you like to see in concert? --- ACDC
79. What was the last concert you saw? --- Michael Buble
80. Hot tea or cold tea? --- Hot
81. Tea or coffee? --- Coffee
82. Favorite type of cookie? --- Double chocolate
83. Can you swim well? --- Yes
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? --- Yes
85. Are you patient? --- No
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? --- Band
87. Ever won a contest? --- Nope
88. Ever have plastic surgery? --- Nope
89. Which are better black or green olives? --- Neither
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? --- Why not?
91. Best room for a fireplace? --- Living room or parlour
92. Do you want to get married? --- No
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Of course I remembered…
Roomies, Ch. 4: The Gladiator

Prev - The Gladiator - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
WC: 3548 - Rated: T - CW: swearing as always, suggestive, making out, very brief physical altercation - Written for @intrualityweek 2024, Plushies/Stuffies
Logan makes an observation. Oh, and did you know that The Gladiator 2 is coming out next fall, starring Pedro Pascal. Now you do.
After that first awkward gathering in the dining hall, he and Patton met up with RoLo most mornings for breakfast. And a lotta lunches. RoLo usually had dinner by themselves and those first few evenings, Patton acted a lot like he did their real first night. Quiet when he thought Remus wasn't looking, and then he'd get chatty, with a big, bright smile that stopped just before it reached his eyes.
He’d perk right up at breakfast, though. The clouds would lift from those sky blue eyes, and his laughter came easier. And sometimes, when he was very lucky or very funny, Remus could pull that same sweet laugh from him. Tittering bells, tinkled keys at one end of a piano.
But usually, his biggest smiles were still reserved for Ro. For the first time in all their lives, really, they didn’t have any of the same classes and Patton would devour Ro’s tales of his day like a ravenous python.
Two months into the school year, though, and Patton’s face would still fall every time RoLo got all handsy in front of them. Fingers twisted around each other in his lap, Patton would sent his gaze down to his plate like he didn’t know where to look. Or he’d jump up, voice high and overly cheery, and offer to refill drinks or fetch more napkins or ketchup or some shit.
Finally even Logan noticed.
”Ai, mi amor, do not fret,” Ro had murmured, pressing Logan’s hand to his lips the breakfast right after midterms. “I’m certain you did wonderfully on your exam!”
”Yeah,” Patton said as he pushed up to his feet. Eyes down, he grabbed the three empty cups on the table. “You’re so smart, Logan, I’m sure you aced it! Hey, why don’t I get us more juice and stuff.”
Remus kicked his brother’s shin under the table and looked pointedly at RoLo’s hands when he looked his way.
”What the hell, Re—
“Oh, I do not require a refill,” Logan interrupted, giving Ro’s hand a little tug. “I must leave soon. I have an early lab this morning,” he said, swapping his empty cup for Roman’s half-filled one. “It does, however, appear you could use some assistance, Patton.”
Ro finally got it and stood. “I shall see you after class then, mi amor,” he murmured as he bent and kissed Logan’s cheek. “Allow me to help you, Pat,” he smiled at Patton, laying on the gallantry chokingly thick.
Patton would barely look at him. ”Oh, thanks, Ro, but you really don’t hafta-”
”Please?” He said, reaching for the cups.
The morning sun glinted through Patton’s eyelashes when he finally looked up at Ro, casting long shadows over the apple of his cheeks. A slow smile spread across his face and he nodded. “Thanks,” he said and handed over one of the cups.
”It is my pleasure, my dear Pattington Bear,” Ro intoned in his best Prince Charming impression. Remus wanted to gag. “I’m happy to be an extra set of hands in all your endeavors!”
Patton giggled, bright sunlight cutting through the storm of his earlier expression. “My knight in shining armor.”
”After you,” Ro bowed, one arm spread out as though without his direction Patton somehow wouldn’t remember the way to the juice dispenser.
Patton gave him and Logan a little wave with one of the tumblers and chuckled, trotting off with Ro.
Logan watched them leave and it was all Remus could do to not turn around in his seat and do the same. “You know,” Remus said, voice low so it wouldn’t carry over the din of the other breakfasters. “You have nothing to worry about with him. Ro’s head over heels for you.”
“I appreciate, though do not require the reassurance. I am well aware,” Logan said, smiling into his still half-filled coffee. “Roman has long since outgrown his old middle school crush.”
Remus felt his own jaw drop. How—
“You needn’t look so shocked,” Logan murmured, a smile quirking up his lip at Remus’ surprise. “Roman and I discussed it when I asked if he was aware of Patton’s feelings for him.” Logan took another bite of his food and chewed before adding, “I did not, however, discuss with him how your middle school crush has not evaporated with time.”
“What?” Remus choked on his yogurt. He dragged a napkin over his mouth and balled it up in his hands, shaking his head. “I don’t—I don’t have a—”
Logan met his denial with silence and that damned cocked eyebrow. Fuck he used to think that looked so hot. And now?
Sighing, Remus sat back in his chair. “It’s not just a crush, it’s—”
A bright peal of laughter drew both of their attention and Remus turned in his seat, following the sound. Patton and Ro were at the other end of the dining hall. Mouth covered with both hands, Patton couldn't quite muffle his laughter as he watched Ro balance a tray on his head, three filled glasses teetering on top. Ro turned a slow pirouette, then curtseyed when Patton applauded, not a drop spilled.
Remus turned back in his seat and saw Logan had been watching not the spectacle but him. He shoved the dirty napkin in his pocket. “It’s not just a crush.”
“Indeed,” he said.
Apparently Logan wasn’t satisfied with a mere confession. Steely blue eyes stared at him like a bug on a slide and Remus stared back. If Logan knew, how long would it be before everyone else did? “How could you tell?”
“Despite the declarations of self-described experts, autism is not necessarily the inability to perceive and properly interpret social cues,” Logan said, wiping his mouth and rising to his feet. “It is often the unwillingness to play pointless games that fail to address the matter at hand.”
Remus stared up at him, eyes wide. He’d always thought Logan to be kinda oblivious to all the glances and fidgets and glossy eyes on the other side of the table.
Logan continued, “May I suggest you direct your romantic attention elsewhere? With someone who is a willing recipient of said attention?”
”Hey, if you wanted to get back together,” Remus smirked, “You could’ve just said—”
He cut him off with a single raised hand. “Don’t deflect. You know I meant somewhere else outside this group.”
Remus shifted in his seat and stared at the sunlight reflecting off Patton’s coffee cup. “I… I don’t know about that, Lo.” He shook his head.
”I predicted you would say that. Fortunately, I prepared for such an outcome. Two tables down and three over is an attractive man who’s been watching you all morning,” Logan said matter-of-factly as he gathered his bag and jacket. “I tutor him in Biochem. His name is Jake. He’s a sophomore, reasonably intelligent, and an athlete.” He raised one eyebrow. Like Spock, he did it a lot. “And he’s clearly interested in you.”
”I’ll think about it,” Remus said, turning when he heard Patton and Ro’s voices grow louder. “I promise.”
“We are long past the time for consideration,” Logan said with a tiny smirk as he waved and nodded across the room. “I gave him your number last week.” On cue, his phone buzzed on the table, lit up with a text notification from an unknown number. “Call him today.”
Jake didn’t work out. ‘Reasonably intelligent’ turned out to mean ‘needed to demonstrate said intelligence by intellectually shitting on everyone around him,’ so after two dates, Remus mostly-gently asked him to stop calling.
Max and Taylor and Haseem hadn’t worked out, either. They were… fine, he supposed. Cute, good kissers, decent enough guys, but they just weren’t…
Remus had finished towel-drying his hair and was darkening his eyeliner in the dingy bathroom mirror when there was a knock at the door. Patton poked his head into their bathroom, one corner of his mouth pushed up into a little smile. “I think he’s here, Re.”
He met Patton’s eyes in the mirror. The heat and lingering steam from the shower was drawn to his features, glazing his round cheeks in a soft glow. Yes, he was here. Right fucking here next to him.
Remus put down the pencil and shimmied his shoulders, turning like a runway model. “Whaddya think?” He wore his new jeans with the rips in the thighs and a fishnet tank to show off his newest tattoo.
“You look great!” His eyes darted to the door at a second knock. “Okay if I get it?” He started to turn when Remus nodded, then slid back. “Wait, which one’s this?” he whispered, the memory of the night they’d inadvertently overheard a couple breaking up in the hallway three doors down fresh in both their minds. Noise sure traveled on this hall.
“Uh,” Remus tapped his phone to check his last message. “Devin Moore.”
“Oh… Oh!” his face brightened in recognition. “I’ve got Stats with him. You ready?” he asked, flashing one more grin.
“I’m almost done, yeah,” Remus murmured. “Thanks, Pat.”
“Anytime, Roomie,” he said, running off to the door.
“Hey there, Devin!” Patton cheered as the door squealed open. “Re’s just about done.”
“Oh, Patrick. Hi.” Devin’s voice sounded… off. Surprised, maybe. Hadn’t he told Devin about his roommate? But something else in his tone urged Remus to finish up fast.
“It’s Patton,” Pat correctly, voice chipper but… thin. Like it got sometimes when talking to RoLo.
“Right… Patton. Nice to see you.”
Remus burst out of the bathroom and twirled, trying to ignore the voice in his head that said he’d seen Ro pull the same trick. Patton’s stifled giggle made it worth it, though, and he flashed him a quick grin before winking at Devin. “Hey there, handsome. Lemme grab my boots, and—”
Patton slid past him and grabbed his fleece lined MC from the closet. “It’s 40 degrees out, you should take this,” he murmured, eyebrows raised at his tank top.
He looked over at Devin’s puffer jacket, long pants, and boots and nodded before smiling at Patton. “Thanks,” he said and shoved his arms through the sleeves before joining Devin at the door. “Don’t wait up, yeah?”
“I won’t. I’ve got a quiz tomorrow.” Patton laughed. “Have fun!” he added and, with a little wave, closed the door behind them.
The credits had just begun to roll when Devin stood and motioned toward the aisle. “C’mon, it’s all on IMDB anyway,” he said when Remus, frowning, remained in his seat.
Casting one more glance at the screen, he shrugged and sidled past the couple sitting near them. He wanted to see it again anyway. He could stay for the credits then. And If RoLo hadn’t gone yet, maybe they could all catch it together. Though Pat probably wouldn’t like that scene in the arena pits. But he could warn him about it, maybe they could even use it as a chance to get refills and check out—
Devin’s arm snaking around his waist pulled his thoughts back to the present. “Where’d you go, Sexy?” he purred close to his ear.
Remus consciously leaned into his embrace and smirked, “I was not thinking about how hot Pedro Pascal looks in a toga.”
“Hmm… you weren’t, were you?” Devin’s lips grazed his neck and Remus let his eyes fall closed before nodding.
“Mm-hm,” he hummed and pushed away all other thoughts. Devin was hot, generous, smart. Here.
Devin led them closer to the exit and a blast of frigid air slammed into them as the doors slid open at their approach. “I’ve got heated seats,” Devin murmured, drawing him closer. “Why don’t we go for a drive?”
They didn’t even make it out of Park. For all its pretentious bells and whistles, the climate controls on the giant touch screen did at least make fast work of warming up the car. Under cover of the tinted—and now foggy—windows, Remus soon found himself straddling Devin’s lap on the driver’s seat, both of their jackets abandoned in the backseat.
Even with the seat pushed back all the way, the steering wheel kept him close enough to feel exactly how pleased Devin was with their positions.
“I like your tattoo,” Devin smirked up at him, scalding heat in his eyes. He traced the longest tentacles curling toward his navel and chuckled. “It’s like they’re pointing me somewhere.”
“Yeah?” Remus shifted, not necessarily trying to move out of his reach but not sliding closer, either. “How ‘bout you?” he asked, tracing the skin just under his sleeves. “You have any ink?”
“And mark up the guns?” Devin said, pulling him in for another kiss.
Remus closed his eyes and abandoned himself to the scent of Devin’s hair gel, the heat of his mouth. The warm, rough palms dragging down his back. He pushed up Devin’s shirt, fingers walking along the cut of his abs. “You do keep it tight,” he whispered against his lips.
Trailing kisses down his jaw and along his neck, Devin laughed again, breath hot against his skin. He smelled like stale popcorn. “I knew you didn’t go for the doughy types,” he mumbled before sucking just below his ear.
“What?” Remus’ eyes snapped open.
“You know,” Devin chuckled then latched on to a new spot. Remus held his breath as he sucked hard against his skin. Finally Devin broke away, nipping at the mark he made. “Like your dorky little roommate.”
Remus pushed away from him, steering wheel jammed into his lower back. “The fuck you just say?”
“Oh, no, baby,” Devin cooed, one hand at his waist, the other pushing back hair from his eyes. “I’m all on board with that body positivity thing. As long as he’s happy, it’s none of my business. I’m just sayin’… you know…” He shrugged like his point was obvious. “He’s a bit… chunky. Not your type.” The hand that fell down to Remus’ waist burned through the mesh of his shirt. “Not in our league.”
Skin crawling, Remus shook his head and climbed back into his own seat. “Yeah, Pat is way the fuck out of your league.” He reached back and grabbed his jacket, ignoring Devin’s protests. “I’m gonna take the bus home. Have a good night,” he said, opening the door.
“Wait, baby, don’t leave like that—” Devin’s hand closed on his thigh before he could slide out of the car.
Grabbing his middle and ring fingers, Remus pushed back and twisted. Hard. Devin was left bent over the middle console, arm crooked back and hand up by his shoulder. Remus leaned close to growl in his ear. “Touch me again and I’ll break your fucking arm.”
“Okay, man! Okay,” Devin cried. Remus released him and he clambered back into the driver’s seat. “Jesus, you’re fucking crazy!” he said, starting the engine.
“Damn right I am,” Remus grinned and slammed the door shut just as Devin floored it out of the parking lot. He shot through the empty intersection just after the light turned red. “Call me fucking crazy,” he said, shaking his head.
Shivering, he took out his phone and, pretending he didn’t see it was already 34° out, pulled up the transit app. Good, he didn’t have long to wait for the next bus. He walked quickly and zipped up his jacket, shoving his hands in the deep, warm pockets. “Thanks for making me bring this, Pat,” he whispered to himself, already a little warmer.
Shaking off the last traces of his anger, Remus stopped outside his dorm room door and took a slow, deep breath. That asshole wasn’t worth another ounce of his energy.
But inside his room was someone who was.
Remus dragged his hand down the door, loud enough to be heard inside if Pat was still awake—and possibly changing—but not nearly loud enough to wake him if he’d already gone to bed. He waited a beat then typed in the code and slowly opened the door.
Hallway light spilled into the dark room and cast a golden wedge across the floor and their beds. It caught just a bit of Pat’s curls where they peeked out from his usual nest of blankets and pillows. Looked like a halo. Remus’ shoulders dropped as the last shreds of tension from his fuck-awful night slipped away. When he turned to close the door, he was surprised to realize he was already smiling.
Pat shifted in his sleep and as Remus’ eyes grew accustomed to the dark, he saw the stuffie Pat slept with fall to the floor with a soft thud. Remus toed off his boots and left them under his bed, then crept closer and crouched to retrieve it. It was a stuffed horse, about as big as both hands splayed out. It had a star between its eyes and a dappled grey coat.
The first time he’d spotted the bit of grey fluff spilling out from Pat’s blankets, he’d had a flash of recognition. And his guess had been right. The stuffie really was Phillip.
Ro had won it at their seventh grade end-of-year carnival. Just after Remus had won a stuffed stingray at the same bottle game. Remus couldn’t remember if he’d actually told Ro who he’d planned to give it to. Maybe he was just that obvious about it back then. All he remembered was that Ro had beat him to it, bowing regally and presenting the little grey horse to Pat like the golden apple offered to Helen of Troy.
For as old as he was, the little stuffie was in pretty good shape. He was a little threadbare in a couple spots and there were crooked black stitches along one hoof, but the plush material was still fluffy. He smelled like Pat’s conditioner.
His mane had splayed out in the night, sticking up every which way. Remus chuckled and smoothed it back down, leaving a little swoop over his eyes the way Pat’s hair fell over his own forehead when he got excited. Satisfied the little horse was back to his previous state, he looked up—
Right into Pat’s wide eyes.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry I woke you,” Remus whispered. Smiling, he offered him the stuffed horse. “You dropped this in your sleep.”
“That’s not—” he started, sitting up and shaking his head.
Remus frowned and sat the stuffie on top of his covers. Pat stared at it for a moment before plucking it up and thrusting it under the blankets. “You—you weren’t supposed to see that,” he whispered.
“Pattycake,” Remus laughed, sitting back on the floor. “I saw Philip our second night here. I couldn’t sleep. You rolled over and I saw you cuddling him.”
“How—” He stared at Remus, lower lip caught between his teeth. “How did you know his name?”
Remus shrugged, “I was there when you got him.”
Pat blinked, eyes faraway, replaying the memory like a movie. Suddenly his eyes widened, shiny in the dim light. “You remember that?”
“‘Course I do,” he nodded. “You don’t have to hide him. You don’t have to hide anything from me, Pattycake. I’m your friend.”
Pat’s head hung down and he hugged his knees to his chest. “My other friends made fun of me for keeping him.” He snaked one hand under the covers and fished Phillip out.
“Those assholes didn’t know how to be your friend then, did they?” He pet the star on Phillip’s head and smiled up at Pat. “I’d never tease you, not if you didn’t think it was funny, too, at least.”
Pat looked back at him for a long time, holding his gaze. Finally he smiled. “Yeah,” he said, nodding. “Yeah, I know.”
“Ro, on the other hand…” Remus smirked, softening into a full grin when Patton giggled. Copper bells tinkling in the air. “Yeah, Ro, I’ll tease the fuck out of him.”
“He’d probably think you were sick if you suddenly stopped teasing him.”
“Yeah, he would,” Remus laughed. He reached for Pat’s hand then shifted at the last second and gave Phillip another little pet. “Good night, Patttycake,” he murmured. “Gonna take a shower and wash the stink of burnt popcorn offa me then head to bed.”
“Good idea,” Pat nodded. “‘Night, Re.”
He pushed up to his feet and Pat got settled again under his covers, Phillip clutched close to his chest. Remus pulled off his belt and his shirt, then left them on the floor of his closet. In the dark, he felt around for a pair of sleep shorts from his drawer and headed for the bathroom.
“Hey, Remus?” Light from the art building’s veranda sparkled in Pat’s eyes.
“Yeah, Pat?”
Barely visible, he sat up and fidgeted with Phillip’s mane. “Breakfast tomorrow?”
Remus’ throat clenched. Ever since the night Remus had spent at Taylor’s place, every day Pat would ask him if they would still go together to breakfast the next morning. Like he couldn’t trust anymore that Remus would be there.
He smiled, nodding, though he knew Pat couldn’t see him. “You bet. I’ll finagle fresh coffee from the kitchen and you can get us the good table by the heater.”
“It’s a deal,” Pat laughed and settled back into bed. “Night,” he whispered after a moment. Remus could just make out the flash of his smile in the dim room.
“”Night, Pattycake.”
#Roomies#intruality#sasi#sanders sides#sanders sides fanfiction#sasi fanfic#ts remus#ts patton#remus sanders#patton sanders#roman sanders#logan sanders#OC - Devin Moore#yep‚ we got a Devin sighting‚ everyone#look out
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