#Ptolemy XIII
jazminelovesss · 18 days
if you look closely, jeanne d'arc is in the background. just USE ur eyes.
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farts my oc as a female cuhhe oringally a male yes yes and uhh my friend oc!
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best-nun-tournament · 3 months
Quarterfinals, Match 3
Rei Asaka and Fukiko Ichinomiya (Oniisama E) vs Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII (Egyptian history)
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Propaganda under break
Rei Asaka and Fukiko Ichinomiya
I don’t even know where to begin. the suicide pact? everything fukiko does to rei throughout the series? the obsession and hate they both have towards each other? most normal sisters ever
Some propaganda for rei and fukiko that I think is worth mentioning: what's insane about them is that when you watch the series, you spend 11 episodes thinking they’re either a toxic yuri situationship or exes until you find out it's an incestuous, abusive relationship
Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII
You know
Poll Runner's Note: I sure do, and now I'm going to tell everyone about it! Ptolemy XII, their father, had five children: Berenice, Cleopatra, Arsinoë, Ptolemy XIII, and Ptolemy XIV. Berenice had usurped Ptolemy XII's rule and was executed when he regained power, making Cleopatra his eldest living child. In his will, he declared that when he died Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII should get married and reign as co-rulers of Egypt.
Ptolemy XII died when Cleopatra was about 18 and Ptolemy XIII was 11, and right from the start she was not interested in this co-ruler business. She started leaving his name off documents, leaving his face off the coins, and generally acting like she's the only ruler in Egypt. Unfortunately for her, Ptolemy's guardians weren't keen on being demoted from "power behind the throne" to "glorified babysitter", and they deposed Cleopatra and forced her to flee to Syria, where she raised an army and started a war against her brother. It didn't go well for her, and things were looking bad for her until Julius Caesar showed up with his army.
Caesar was 1) Already mad at Ptolemy's advisors for killing Pompey who he'd wanted to spare and 2) famously a huge slut so Cleopatra was pretty easily able to convince him to restore her to power.
It's at this point Arsinoë shows up with her army. She joins forces with Ptolemy XIII, declares herself Queen Arsinoë IV, and beseiges Cleopatra and Caesar in the palace complex. For five brutal months, they battled through the city. The fires are said to be how the Library of Alexandria was lost, which is probably a legend but it was still devastating. Ceasar himself almost drowned while fleeing Arsinoë's forces at the Battle of Pharos Island.
Finally Caesar's allies show up with their armies, and Ptolemy drowned trying to flee across the Nile while Arsinoë was taken prisoner. She was brought back to Rome as part of Caesar's triumph, but her life was spared and she lived out the rest of her days at the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. This was about five years because Cleopatra later persuaded Mark Antony to have her murdered right there in the temple.
Cleopatra married her youngest brother Ptolemy XIV, before finally poisoning him so she could make her son Caesarion the new Pharaoh.
Cleopatra was at least partially responsible for the deaths of all her siblings except the one her father killed, and the struggles between them were devastating for Egypt and caused a lot of suffering. These are some legitimately awful siblings.
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thestormthatrises · 7 months
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annachum · 2 years
Literally this is what happened in the Ptolemaic Coup ( aka the event when Cleopatra and Caesar formed an alliance partly to overthrow Ptolemy XIII )
Cleopatra : * smirks * Oh, foolish swine, yet HE can.
Cue Ancient Roman version of ' My Boyfriend's Back ' plays as Caesar led massive Roman fleets to pummel Ptolemy XIII's forces
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auditoreum · 1 year
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Family Meeting.
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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Rome (2005)
“Every city has its secrets“
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thoodleoo · 8 months
the meeting of ptolemy xiii and julius caesar in 48 BCE
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53v3nfrn5 · 4 months
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‘The Suicide of Cleopatra Bitten by the Asp’ Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli, known as Giampietrino, sixteenth century, oil on wood, 28 ¾ x 29 ½/ in. (73 x 75 cm), Musée du Louvre, Paris
Cleopatra was a powerful woman indeed. Queen of Egypt (69-30 BCE), she was successively the wife of her brothers Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, who sent her into exile. As mistress of Julius Caesar, however, she was to return to power and, with the assistance of Rome, strove to restore Eeypt's hegemony over the Mediterranean. After the death of her lover, Caesar, she married Mark Antony, who offered to divide the East with her. Threatened by this confederation, Caesar's heir Octavian fought Antony and Cleopatra's troops at Actium, roundly defeating them. In order to save their honor, the only option for the defeated was to commit suicide. Until the very end, Cleopatra controlled her own life and those of the men around her. She is for this reason a prototype of the dangerous femme fatale.
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inky-duchess · 6 months
Has there ever been a succession crisis or war between two half siblings in real life?
Cleopatra VII and her sister Arsinoe and brother Ptolemy XIII
Mary I and Elizabeth I and Edward VI (not a war but there was a crisis who belonged in the succession and who would follow who)
Mehmed III vs 19 brothers and stepbrothers
All the Ottoman Emperors to a point
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89hitokiri · 2 months
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Cleopatra. 👋
Cleopatra VII, commonly known as Cleopatra, was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Born in 69 BCE, she was a member of the Macedonian Greek dynasty that ruled Egypt following Alexander the Great's conquest. Cleopatra is renowned for her intelligence, political acumen, and her romantic liaisons with prominent Roman figures Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.
Cleopatra initially co-ruled with her father, Ptolemy XII, and later with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, whom she also married as per Egyptian custom. Her relationships with Caesar and Antony were strategic alliances to bolster her power and protect Egypt's independence amidst the rising power of Rome.
She bore a son, Ptolemy XV (Caesarion), with Julius Caesar, and later had three children with Mark Antony. Cleopatra's involvement with Antony led to a conflict with Rome, culminating in the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE, where their forces were defeated by Octavian (the future Emperor Augustus). Following their defeat, Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide. Cleopatra's death marked the end of the Ptolemaic rule and the beginning of Egypt as a Roman province. She remains a prominent historical figure, famed for her charm, wit, and the dramatic end of her reign.
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dwellerinthelibrary · 3 months
Donation stela
An unfinished stela on which Cleopatra VII, and Ptolemy XIII or Ptolemy XIV, make offerings to a lioness-headed goddess and the god Heka. Empty columns have been left for hieroglyphs to be added.
When: Ptolemaic Egypt
Where: Egyptian Museum, Barcelona
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best-nun-tournament · 4 months
Round 3, Match 6
Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII (Egyptian history) vs Andrew and Ashley Graves (The Coffin of Andy and Leyley)
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Propaganda under break
Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII
You know
Poll Runner's Note: I sure do, and now I'm going to tell everyone about it! Ptolemy XII, their father, had five children: Berenice, Cleopatra, Arsinoë, Ptolemy XIII, and Ptolemy XIV. Berenice had usurped Ptolemy XII's rule and was executed when he regained power, making Cleopatra his eldest living child. In his will, he declared that when he died Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII should get married and reign as co-rulers of Egypt.
Ptolemy XII died when Cleopatra was about 18 and Ptolemy XIII was 11, and right from the start she was not interested in this co-ruler business. She started leaving his name off documents, leaving his face off the coins, and generally acting like she's the only ruler in Egypt. Unfortunately for her, Ptolemy's guardians weren't keen on being demoted from "power behind the throne" to "glorified babysitter", and they deposed Cleopatra and forced her to flee to Syria, where she raised an army and started a war against her brother. It didn't go well for her, and things were looking bad for her until Julius Caesar showed up with his army.
Caesar was 1) Already mad at Ptolemy's advisors for killing Pompey who he'd wanted to spare and 2) famously a huge slut so Cleopatra was pretty easily able to convince him to restore her to power.
It's at this point Arsinoë shows up with her army. She joins forces with Ptolemy XIII, declares herself Queen Arsinoë IV, and beseiges Cleopatra and Caesar in the palace complex. For five brutal months, they battled through the city. The fires are said to be how the Library of Alexandria was lost, which is probably a legend but it was still devastating. Ceasar himself almost drowned while fleeing Arsinoë's forces at the Battle of Pharos Island.
Finally Caesar's allies show up with their armies, and Ptolemy drowned trying to flee across the Nile while Arsinoë was taken prisoner. She was brought back to Rome as part of Caesar's triumph, but her life was spared and she lived out the rest of her days at the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. This was about five years because Cleopatra later persuaded Mark Antony to have her murdered right there in the temple.
Cleopatra married her youngest brother Ptolemy XIV, before finally poisoning him so she could make her son Caesarion the new Pharaoh.
Cleopatra was at least partially responsible for the deaths of all her siblings except the one her father killed, and the struggles between them were devastating for Egypt and caused a lot of suffering. These are some legitimately awful siblings.
Andrew and Ashley Graves
Ashley - overall a horrible person, implied undiagnosed sociopath who threatened her brother's girlfriend, emotionally manipulates and actively provokes her brother, recently began murdering people she doesn't like, cannibalizes people she murders.
Andrew - enables his sister's worse habits (when he thinks it doesn't involve him), uses plausible deniability by blaming his sister for his actions (despite the fact that he had the freedom to ignore her ideas in many cases), also a cannibal.
Both ate their parents after breaking into their new home. Also there's some demon summoning they did, literally selling their victim's souls to the demon they made a deal with. Notable quote from Ashley: "We offer you that guy's soul!"
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skeetalz · 10 months
I asked a friend of mine who doesn't know TF2 to guess which logo and hats belongs to them. I pretty much got funny nicknames from him as well.
Scout - Scooter, Scotland, Scott, Flat man
Soldier - Rocket Launcher man
Pyro - Ptolemy XIII, Chiropractor, Pyridoxine
Demo - Angry man
Heavy - Bald
Engineer - Engineer man, Engineer degree
Sniper - Sniper rifle man
Spy - Flat man's other friend, Ninja man
Medic - Medical man
Some of these were autocorrect problems but they're funny
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willtheweaver · 7 months
No vanilla extract. No garum. You cannot get more sticks, or break the one in half.
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tyrannoninja · 2 years
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This is my portrait of the Ptolemaic Egyptian princess Arsinoe IV (b. 68-63 BC), who was the youngest daughter of Ptolemy XII and a sister to Cleopatra VII (the famous Cleopatra). After their father’s death, a secession dispute broke out between Arsinoe, Cleopatra, and their brother Ptolemy XIII, with the Roman statesman Julius Caesar entering the conflict as he became Cleopatra’s lover. After the conflict turned bloody and then ended with Cleopatra gaining the Ptolemaic throne, Arsinoe found sanctuary at the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (located in what is now Turkey), only for her big sister and Mark Antony to have her executed. Ancient power politics could often be cutthroat like that!
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confusedbyinterface · 6 months
Wow, Cleopatra's family was more complicated than I knew. Like off the top of my head I only remembered the conflict between her and her brother-husband Ptolemy XIII, but really her sister Arsinoe IV was a very important leader on Ptolemy's side. Like, she was the one who'd trapped Caesar and Cleopatra in the Royal Quarter, and forced Caesar to swim for his life in the Battle for Pharos Island. Ptolemy XIII was Caesar's prisoner at the time, the only reason he could fight against him is Caesar let him go because he thought Ptolemy would be more chill than his sister and lift the seige.
Also there's their older sister Berenice IV, who usurped her father Ptolemy XII, and after marrying a Seleucid king decided to strangle him after a few days because his vibes were rancid.
(Their youngest brother Ptolemy XIV was there too, but he didn't really do anything aside from be married to Cleopatra as a puppet co-ruler and get poisoned by her)
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