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graveyard-guardian · 5 months ago
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its the most wonderful time of the year
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fromthedust · 3 months ago
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Queen Arsinoe II (278–270 BCE) - granodiolite - 150 cm high - Ptolemaic Period, 305-30 BCE
The eldest daughter of Ptolemy I. She married her brother Ptolemy II (285–246 BC), her junior by eight years. He proclaimed himself Philadelphus, ‘he who loves his sister’, and she became Philadelphia, ‘she who loves her brother’. Both were to become ‘the Philadelphic gods’.
Ptolemy II promoted the worship of his sister-wife after her death in 270 BCE. Worshipped by Egyptians and Greeks alike, she was became part of Egyptian cult and temples, and was often identified by Egyptians as Isis, the mother goddess and a patron of magic. As the mistress of the seas, Arsinoe II also enjoyed a specific type of apotheosis: she was Aphrodite incarnate. This sculpture was located in a temple within the city of Canopus.
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silvery-bluish · 1 year ago
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Sidestep masks! Varyingly pins and patches. I made a bunch of them because I was Captured by the Cross Stitch Bug this year. They are, from top left to bottom right:
@rangerdoubt‘s Miriam’s, @autistic-sidestep‘s Sura's, @rosaindomitus’s Aisling’s, a Sidestep Classic for @honor-among-thieves , my Arsinoe's (made this one Months ago but I haven’t attached it to anything yet so it gets to be in the group photo), @thenightdayblogger’s Esme, and a Sidestep Classic for @boundtoanandroid!
Under the cut are a couple progress photos and the sidestep classic pattern!
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Front and back of the six I made most recently before I cut them out and finished them! There’s two brooch-back pins, a tie tack backed pin, three iron on patches and a sew on patch.
I based the sidestep classic pattern off the cover art from Rebirth that's polterink's design, and I made different patterns for the other masks, of course, but I’m less willing to share those since they aren’t my designs or the sort-of standard. The DMC thread values I used are 3845 for the bright turquoise, S415 for the light grey, 3799 for the dark grey (except for the three that are actually 413 i think), and 310 for the black!
A caveat that I didn't actually do all the backstitch this pattern shows-- I did as Little of the backstitch as I could get away with lol
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best-nun-tournament · 9 months ago
Round 2, Match 11
Percy Jackson and Polyphemus (Percy Jackson) vs Mercer and Gage (The Silt Verses) vs Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII (Egyptian history)
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(Mercer and Gage art by @thedoublepp)
Propaganda under break. Spoilers for the Alexandrian War (47BC).
Percy Jackson and Polyphemus
Points to the part in Sea of Monsters where Polyphemus threatens to snitch to Poseidon like he did with Odysseus and Percy’s like good luck buddy I’m dad’s favorite
Mercer and Gage
Mercer and Gage are two fairly young people who have been failed by the systems in place. They’re a pair of orphans who have been working to birth a god and are attempting that through their hunting. They get hired by a politician to kill a few other gods, which results in them spending several months traveling up and down the countryside, razing entire towns and killing worshipers of whatever god they are hunting at the time, going so far that the politician who hired them asks them to chill out a bit because now they’re just killing voters. Over time, Gage grows to hate the hunt and longs to do something more with their life, while Mercer grows angry that their sibling is drawing away from her. She tries to push Gage to keep going, and reluctantly they do. When the politician instructs them to stop hunting the god they’re currently after, Gage tries to tell Mercer to stop, but Mercer refuses because she believes that after they finish hunting this god, their goal will be accomplished. Seeing that Mercer will never stop and Gage will never be free of her, Gage decides to kill her.
Poll Runner's Note: I also really liked this drawing by @caimitos. The detail of Gage having the dog's jaw at the bottom of their hood is really cool!
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Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII
You know
Poll Runner's Note: I sure do, and now I'm going to tell everyone about it! Ptolemy XII, their father, had five children: Berenice, Cleopatra, Arsinoë, Ptolemy XIII, and Ptolemy XIV. Berenice had usurped Ptolemy XII's rule and was executed when he regained power, making Cleopatra his eldest living child. In his will, he declared that when he died Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII should get married and reign as co-rulers of Egypt.
Ptolemy XII died when Cleopatra was about 18 and Ptolemy XIII was 11, and right from the start she was not interested in this co-ruler business. She started leaving his name off documents, leaving his face off the coins, and generally acting like she's the only ruler in Egypt. Unfortunately for her, Ptolemy's guardians weren't keen on being demoted from "power behind the throne" to "glorified babysitter", and they deposed Cleopatra and forced her to flee to Syria, where she raised an army and started a war against her brother. It didn't go well for her, and things were looking bad for her until Julius Caesar showed up with his army.
Caesar was 1) Already mad at Ptolemy's advisors for killing Pompey who he'd wanted to spare and 2) famously a huge slut so Cleopatra was pretty easily able to convince him to restore her to power.
It's at this point Arsinoë shows up with her army. She joins forces with Ptolemy XIII, declares herself Queen Arsinoë IV, and beseiges Cleopatra and Caesar in the palace complex. For five brutal months, they battled through the city. The fires are said to be how the Library of Alexandria was lost, which is probably a legend but it was still devastating. Ceasar himself almost drowned while fleeing Arsinoë's forces at the Battle of Pharos Island.
Finally Caesar's allies show up with their armies, and Ptolemy drowned trying to flee across the Nile while Arsinoë was taken prisoner. She was brought back to Rome as part of Caesar's triumph, but her life was spared and she lived out the rest of her days at the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. This was about five years because Cleopatra later persuaded Mark Antony to have her murdered right there in the temple.
Cleopatra married her youngest brother Ptolemy XIV, before finally poisoning him so she could make her son Caesarion the new Pharaoh.
Cleopatra was at least partially responsible for the deaths of all her siblings except the one her father killed, and the struggles between them were devastating for Egypt and caused a lot of suffering. These are some legitimately awful siblings.
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thewritersrambles · 3 months ago
One Dark Gift Chapter 2
"His heart broke a bit to hear her, his Arsinoe, his fierce, tenacious, headstrong Arsinoe sound so broken. It shattered to know there was nothing he could do to take the pain away, to place her sorrow on his shoulders and spare her the trauma."
"'A queen once crowned," Luca says, "is crowned forever.'"
When the army of the Legion Queen meets the forces of Queen Katherine not even Julienne Milone’s Legion Curse is enough to withstand mist and a Queen Crowned.
Queen Arsinoe has always been fiery and she longs to disobey her Queensblood and walk away from Fennbirn forever but can she? And can Mirabella recover and leave the allure of Fennbirn and power?
And Queen Katherine, finally free of the Dead Queen’s grasp, will rule in what she hopes will be a peaceful and prosperous reign now that the mist has fallen, and the Legion Queen defeated...if she ever wakes up.
“A peaceful reign will be all the legacy I need.”
But Fennbirn is reeling, the mainland is coming and Katherine’s gift? Is darker than anyone could have predicted. The only question left to ask is how far will Fennbirn’s Queens go to protect their home and themselves?
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ophierian-vp · 10 months ago
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peculiaritybending · 1 year ago
Okay but London Thor would do such a great job at playing Arsinoe like look
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Give her shorter, messier hair and facial scars and she could pull it off so well.
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elavoria · 8 months ago
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom and @dirty-bosmer, thank you! <3 I tag @nostalgic-breton-girl and whoever wants to join. :3
I haven’t been writing too much on account of resting on my laurels from finishing Evey’s fic and doing a lot of prepwork for ttrpg Pathfinder, but I actually wrote a little paragraph recently! Back to Isanna at Drezen:
The Hellknights weren’t the only ones to have arrived at Drezen that day, Isanna noticed during her walking rounds of the cidadel’s streets. As her eyes swept over the chapel, they were drawn to an aasimar with golden hair and eyes standing by its door. Dressed in gold and white cleric’s robes and bearing a golden holy symbol in the shape of Abadar’s key, she looked almost unnaturally pristine compared to her surroundings, save perhaps for the shrine to Abadar she had set up next to a table of wares. Although Abadarans’ mercenary approach to healing irked her, Isanna had to admit she was glad to see that reclaiming and rebuilding Drezen had drawn the attention—and, she hoped, the support and protection—of a devotee of the god of cities.
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spiritsdancinginthenight · 2 years ago
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Arsinoë II, Queen of Ptolemaic Egypt.
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yurimage · 2 years ago
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Started re-reading my favorite YA series from middle school and I could not rest until I drew up designs for the protagonists 👍
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 2 years ago
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Lil doodles I drew instead of learning lithuanian because these guys spark more joy than lithuanian cases ever will. (Though we’re at a painful moment now I have faith we’ll get a very tearful Pammy reunion and watch Hostia be beaten into ash :)
I kinda changed Pammy’s designs a bit according to @thevintageducky ‘s depiction of them because their art is *chef’s kiss* please check it out I swear it’s so good
Please nobody say anything about anatomy I am begging you
I will probably finish this sometime, and also delete this post, I just wanted @historical-kitten to know I still love the Kingdoms series
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confusedbyinterface · 11 months ago
Wow, Cleopatra's family was more complicated than I knew. Like off the top of my head I only remembered the conflict between her and her brother-husband Ptolemy XIII, but really her sister Arsinoe IV was a very important leader on Ptolemy's side. Like, she was the one who'd trapped Caesar and Cleopatra in the Royal Quarter, and forced Caesar to swim for his life in the Battle for Pharos Island. Ptolemy XIII was Caesar's prisoner at the time, the only reason he could fight against him is Caesar let him go because he thought Ptolemy would be more chill than his sister and lift the seige.
Also there's their older sister Berenice IV, who usurped her father Ptolemy XII, and after marrying a Seleucid king decided to strangle him after a few days because his vibes were rancid.
(Their youngest brother Ptolemy XIV was there too, but he didn't really do anything aside from be married to Cleopatra as a puppet co-ruler and get poisoned by her)
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silvery-bluish · 4 months ago
34 w/ arisone :) for the whump prompt
prompts from here
trips. falls. catfiend fight fallout spills out of my arms.
Contents: 34 - "You promised not to leave." In the immediate aftermath of that one time Ricardo tried to solo the Catastrofiend.
Wordcount: 852
Relationships: Chargestep, ft Arsinoe. But this is TECHNICALLY in the limbo of them having kissed but not talked about it for like a year.
Warnings: Blood? Gore implied, but I don't go too hard on the descriptions of it.
There's blood on their hands. It's not something they think they'll ever get used to, something they can't stand the thought of getting used to, bright red. Like spilled paint. Never getting used to the feeling of holding someone's organs into their body, of pleading with deities they don't even believe in, anyone who will listen, that help will get there faster.
"D'd you see me?" Ricardo asks, and they almost laugh, because only he'd be worried about if they saw him fighting some…thing. Terrorbeast, creature, monster, they don't understand the Catastrofiend and it frightens them. Slick, sticky mind.
"Yeah I saw you," they say, and he grins at them, slumped in the alleyway. There's red in his teeth. "Stick with me, okay? That was impressive, but that was dumb, Ricardo, you--" almost died, but they aren't sure if it's an almost, because this is bad. Sentinel in their ear, telling them it's just a couple more minutes. To hold on.
"Nowhere else I'd rather stick," Ricardo says, and then, "You hurt your hand?"
You're not supposed to get blood in someone's open wound, but it'd mostly cauterized, and they were clean last time they got their blood checked. "I'm fine," they say, "I'm not the one who decided to fight the Catastrofiend one-on-one, Ricardo, what the fuck."
"Wasn't one on one," he's stubborn, brow furrowing. Eyes fighting to focus on them. Blood loss. Not… good. "I knew you were working on something."
"I wasn't going to leave you," they say, almost offended. You don't leave a teammate behind. Even if he's doing something practically suicidal.
"Promise?" Lucidity back, for a moment, and they nod. How can they do anything else?
"Yeah," they say, and they mean it. Had meant it before, but they're freer now. They get to choose when they leave a situation. And they won't leave a teammate behind again.
He smiles, and leans against them. Fuck, it's bad if someone goes unconscious, if they lose too much blood? Grasp for remembered percentages-- most people can lose fourteen percent of their blood without many adverse side effects. Past that… most people don't survive losing forty percent. So. Somewhere between fifteen and forty percent, and that's all they've got. His heart beats a fevered pitch against them, they can feel his pulse because they've basically got their hands in his guts.
They still can't feel past the static to get a better bead on him, even now. Is he going unconscious, or just going quiet?
"Hey," they say, jostling him slightly. "Ricardo?"
"Hmm," he just hums against them. "Stay with me?"
"I said I would. You stay with me. Don't you dare die on me, Ricardo Ortega."
"Yeah, trying not to."
Prying words out of him is slow, and it's all they can do to keep themself from panicking. But if they panic, they can't help him. So they shut it down, shove it in a box they'll deal with later. Not now.
Eventually, hands pry him out of their arms, their hands out of his stomach. They almost punch one of them, too, almost bite, vicious clawing until they realize these people are here to help, dressed in their EMT uniforms. Maybe it really had only been a couple of minutes.
It felt longer.
They get Ricardo up on a stretcher, real gauze and real professionals saying panicked, half-comprehended things to each other in low tones as Arsinoe watches. Blood bag hooked up to his arm nearly as soon as they get Arsinoe clear. Ricardo blinks slow at them, and that's all that matters.
"You hurt too?" one of the paramedic asks, a young woman with cropped short hair and Ricardo's blood on her arm, from-- probably from having to pry them off him, really. They startle, hadn't thought any of them would talk to them. Sidestep doesn't do doctors. Sidestep doesn't do paramedics, either.
"I'll be fine," they say, brushing her off. It doesn't hurt. They can deal with it later.
"We need to go. Do you want to ride in with Charge, then?" she asks, and they do, is the thing. But the idea of locking themself in a box with medical professionals, and having to explain why they won't let them touch their injured hand, or why they won't go into the hospital itself. She's worried about their hand, wants the chance to get a better look at it, and they can't.
They know the paramedics don't want to cause them harm. They know that. But they can't make themself believe it, is the thing.
He's fighting them, some, enough to get the oxygen mask they strap to his face back off. Like he can sense them faltering in the doorway of the ambulance. "You promised not to leave," not as loud as he was probably trying to make it, but he's… not in great shape.
They steel themself. "Only as far as the hospital," they say, firmly, and when they climb in, him grasping to hold their bloody hand in his is almost enough to offset the slam of the metal doors behind them.
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best-nun-tournament · 10 months ago
Round 1, Match 20
King Richard and Prince John (Robin Hood/English history) vs Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII (Egyptian history)
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Propaganda and history lesson under break.
King Richard and Prince John
Richard goes off to fight in the Crusades and John plots behind his back to steal and exploit the kingdom!
Poll Runner's Note: That's the Robin Hood legend, and there is some truth to it: While Richard was off on the crusade, John locked up Richard's chancellor Bishop Longchamp, set up his own royal court, and declared himself Richard's heir, over Richard's choice of their nephew Arthur (age 4). He even tried to have Richard declared legally dead so he could claim the throne (he had in fact been taken captive by the Duke of Austria and was then held for ransom by the Holy Roman Emperor). John left his wife to marry the King of France's sister so he'd support his claim, and basically started a civil war which lasted until Richard finally returned home. And that meant paying 100,000 pounds of silver in ransom. Everyone had to pay 25% of their property, on top of additional taxes.
Richard "forgave" John, in that he didn't have him killed and just confiscated most of his land, but he still officially declared his "hate and malevolence" towards John for over a year.
After Richard died five years later, John introduced yet more taxes, including England's first income tax. Why? To pay for a war with France to get back all the land that was lost when John asked the King of France to help him defeat Richard's supporters. A problem he himself caused by fighting with his brother!
Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIII
You know
Poll Runner's Note: I sure do, and now I'm going to tell everyone about it! Ptolemy XII, their father, had five children: Berenice, Cleopatra, Arsinoë, Ptolemy XIII, and Ptolemy XIV. Berenice had usurped Ptolemy XII's rule and was executed when he regained power, making Cleopatra his eldest living child. In his will, he declared that when he died Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII should get married and reign as co-rulers of Egypt.
Ptolemy XII died when Cleopatra was about 18 and Ptolemy XIII was 11, and right from the start she was not interested in this co-ruler business. She started leaving his name off documents, leaving his face off the coins, and generally acting like she's the only ruler in Egypt. Unfortunately for her, Ptolemy's guardians weren't keen on being demoted from "power behind the throne" to "glorified babysitter", and they deposed Cleopatra and forced her to flee to Syria, where she raised an army and started a war against her brother. It didn't go well for her, and things were looking bad for her until Julius Caesar showed up with his army.
Caesar was 1) Already mad at Ptolemy's advisors for killing Pompey who he'd wanted to spare and 2) famously a huge slut so Cleopatra was pretty easily able to convince him to restore her to power.
It's at this point Arsinoë shows up with her army. She joins forces with Ptolemy XIII, declares herself Queen Arsinoë IV, and beseiges Cleopatra and Caesar in the palace complex. For five brutal months, they battled through the city. The fires are said to be how the Library of Alexandria was lost, which is probably a legend but it was still devastating. Ceasar himself almost drowned while fleeing Arsinoë's forces at the Battle of Pharos Island.
Finally Caesar's allies show up with their armies, and Ptolemy drowned trying to flee across the Nile while Arsinoë was taken prisoner. She was brought back to Rome as part of Caesar's triumph, but her life was spared and she lived out the rest of her days at the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. This was about five years because Cleopatra later persuaded Mark Antony to have her murdered right there in the temple.
Cleopatra married her youngest brother Ptolemy XIV, before finally poisoning him so she could make her son Caesarion the new Pharaoh.
Cleopatra was at least partially responsible for the deaths of all her siblings except the one her father killed, and the struggles between them were devastating for Egypt and caused a lot of suffering. These are some legitimately awful siblings.
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thewritersrambles · 3 months ago
"His heart broke a bit to hear her, his Arsinoe, his fierce, tenacious, headstrong Arsinoe sound so broken. It shattered to know there was nothing he could do to take the pain away, to place her sorrow on his shoulders and spare her the trauma."
~Excrept from One Dark Gift chapter 2 which will release on Thursday, 28 November 2024 on AO3
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ophierian-vp · 11 months ago
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