Weaver of Stories. Writer, artist, poet.
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Writing share tag
Thanks for the tag @theink-stainedfolk
Here’s the first few lines from Wings of Twilight:
“Hey, wake up.” Cya gently tapped Fen on the shoulder.
“Wh-what?” Fen yawned as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
“The ship’s slowing down. Must be getting close to its destination.”
Fen jumped up upon hearing those words. He and Cya had followed it deep into the lake. As the wound was not fully healed, Fen decided that they should land on the ship and let it carry them the rest of the way. How many days ago that was, neither of them could tell for sure. What was for sure was that they had left the forest far behind, and ahead was a world completely alien to them.
Tagging @diabolical-blue @i-can-even-burn-salad @vesanal @thepeculiarbird @mundanemoongirl
@sleepyowlwrites @davycoquette @leahnardo-da-veggie @novel-nook-blog @the-letterbox-archives and open tag
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OC prompt tag game: downtime night-out
Thanks for the tag @rumeysawrites @alinacapellabooks
Imagine your characters are having a downtime at night
1. Who’s already asleep when the sun sets?
Most likely Caine. By the time of the main story of A Feather in the Forest, he’s lost most of his drive and motivation.
2. Who’s making the dinner?
Fen and Leif are on cooking duty.
3. Who’ll stay up all night doing one thing (reading, building stuff, training, etc.)?
Leif is certainly the type to spend the night doing workouts or tending to his hunting gear. Fen will be listing to his music box if he can’t sleep.
4. Who needs to be healed? Every time?
Sorta spoiler territory here. Don’t know about every time, but Sorrel due to the mysterious illness that she contracts (and ultimately causes ☠️ in between the prologue and main story)
5. Who’s going to be partying?
Playa and Rail would be the ones to get the party started. From there, the rest of the youngsters (Ivy, Quill, Nettle) would join in. Even Fen would be tempted to spend the entire night up.
6. Who’s going to prank who?
If anyone is going to do pranks, it will be Playa, and the one being pranked is Fen. Of course, Fen’s got a few tricks up his sleeves.
7. Who just…can’t catch a break?
There are nights Fen can’t sleep because of strange and unusual dreams.
8. Who’s going to make an almost certainly unfixable mistake?
Spoiler-ish? Caine comes the closest as he becomes quite depressed and neglects quite a lot…
NP tag @theeccentricraven @mk-writes-stuff @theaistired @winterandwords @oh-no-another-idea
@buffythevampirelover @zackprincebooks @darkandstormydolls @charlesjosephwrites @ace-malarky and open tag
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Seven Sentence Sunday (Silent edition)
Thanks for the tag @pippinoftheshire also taking a Silent Someday tag from @the-inkwell-variable
From Snow on the Pines:
Grey signaled for the performance to resume. Fen was enamored by the music; it brought to mind rolling hills and lazy summer afternoons, the nostalgia of the past, and events that were now only memories. And as the music carried on the night air, the dancers continued their routine. The skylark leaped and fluttered whilst the swans turned and spun around. Five had deep orange bills and black knobby’masks’. The sixth had a black bill and a ‘mask’ that lacked a knob. The last one was also the youngest, for Fen noticed that the feathers on the back of their neck were still dusky.
Tagging @alinacapellabooks @late-to-the-fandom @thewritingautisticat @an-indecisive-nerd @chauceryfairytales
@fantasy-things-and-such @the-golden-comet @words-after-midnight @topazadine @tabswrites and open tag
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Cheers for the tag!
NP tag @bardic-tales @dauntlessdraupadi @thebookishkiwi @jay-avian @write-with-will
@talesfromaurea @eccaiia @sunflowerrosy @gioia-writes-and-others @spideronthesun + open tag
Challenging you all!
Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!
Then tag Tumblr friends to keep the game going!
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Scar story tag
Thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling
Pick one OC, describe their scars, and tell how they got them
Let’s see…Captain Hesper is the most heavily scarred character I have. Time to learn how he got all of them:
- Face scar: The most noticeable scar is the one that runs along the left side of his face. It runs through his left eye, which was blinded. Hesper sustained this when he thwarted an assassination attempt on Lord Halley’s life. This was the closest Hesper came to dying, as the assassin’s blade was long enough to go right through the captain’s eye socket and into his skull.
- Ankle scars: a deep scar circles almost the entirety of his right ankle, and part of the way around his left. Hesper led the attack on the Twin Eye Hill eyrie, and he was one of the first downed. One of the defenders threw a bola which was made of weighted wires which dug deep. The wound reduced the dexterity of Hesper’s right foot, but he does not think much of it, considering the fears that his foot had to be amputated were unfounded.
Miscellaneous body scars- Quite a few small scars cover Hesper’s body (usually not noticeable due to feather coverage). Some were sustained in duels, some were the result of him trying (and failing) to remove lice, and one was gained after he tried to impress some onlookers with some fancy flying that resulted in him taking a tumble into a bramble thicket.
Tagging @melpomene-grey @i-do-anything-but-write @fantasy-things-and-such @thatuselesshuman @storyteller-kara
@drchenquill @tildeathiwillwrite @pluppsauthor @sleepy-night-child @the-inkwell-variable and open tag
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Research tag
Thanks for the tag @pippinoftheshire
Post the last results in your search bar that’s related to a fic you’ve been working on

Pretty self explanatory. Writing a book was the easy part. Publishing…well, I’ve been doing research,looking for an editor, and declining a representative of what is obviously a vanity press
Tagging @mk-writes-stuff @thebadphilosopher @novel-nook-blog @indecentpause @orphanheirs
@inkednotebook @whatwewrotepodcast @moltenwrites @illarian-rambling @mysticstarlightduck and open tag
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To me, you are lilacs steel and lemon💖💖💖
Sounds about right 💜🩶💛
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steel and lilac!! what do you think abt me?
Also steel and lilac (maybe a bit of sapphire in the mix as well)
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I sense charcoal, steel, and lilac🖤🩶💜
Be as honest as you want @illarian-rambling @winterandwords @rivenantiqnerd @agirlandherquill @space-writes
@pippinoftheshire @gioia-writes-and-others @alinacapellabooks @talesofsorrowandofruin @the-inkwell-variable
@the-golden-comet @rumeysawrites @eccaiia @corinneglass
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Friday kiss tag
Thanks for the tag @theink-stainedfolk @pippinoftheshire
From Snow on the Pines:
Now for the second time this winter, Fen found himself barreling into the unknown. Now, however, the future for both him and his home seemed to be more uncertain than ever.
Dawn was still several hours away, and yet Fen was wide awake. Sleep would just not come to him, and so he spent the entire night in restless pacing. Now the time for him and Cya to depart was nearing.
Fen went over to the shrine and lit two candles. The flickering light made the shadows dance, and in the dimly lit room, the carved representations of Caine and Sorrel looked alive.
“So much has happened in just a short amount of time.” the emotion made Fen’s voice crack and waver. “I find myself doubting myself, and all I know. But one thing I do not doubt is that I am glad that you took me in and raised me.” He then kissed the effigies.
“No matter what happens, I’ll be seeing you again, one way or another.”
Tagging @autism-purgatory @dauntlessdraupadi @charlesjosephwrites @drchenquill @ahordeofwasps
@spideronthesun @paeliae-occasionally @peach-the-gospel @winglesswriter @tragedycoded and open tag
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Nine lines, nine people
Thanks for the tag @aalinaaaaaa
From Snow on the Pines:
Little wonder Rory Ghostbloom chose to hide out here during the Autumn Blood War. The dense canopy of conifers made it hard for even the most keen-eyed of birds from spotting any movement on the ground. On the forest floor, fallen trees created a labyrinth that easily disoriented outsiders.
It was said that the guerrilla fighters even improved on nature, shifting logs and creating deadfalls that could trap or kill any attackers who tried to find Rory’s hideout. The exact numbers were lost to history, but even a hundred years after the war, birds said that one only had to brush away the lichens and twigs to reveal bones many layers deep.
Hiding out here was a genius move, but if it had one flaw, it was the risk of fire. Fen thought. A couple of well aimed incendiaries would have set the whole peninsula ablaze…lucky for them the summers were cold and wet.
Tagging @winterandwords @rivenantiqnerd @sleepynightchild @cherrybombfangirlwrites @pippinoftheshire
@theink-stainedfolk @sunflowerrosy @abiteofhoney @the-letterbox-archives and open tag
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Find the word tag
TY for the tag @indecentpause @pippinoftheshire @charlesjosephwrites
My words are [takes a deep breath] : soft, tree,guess, yellow, beneath, danger, darkly, wound, miracle, wind, pitch, house
Soft (from Snow on the Pines): The first few notes were soft, reminding Fen of a spring dawn.
Tree(s) & Yellow (from A Feather in the Forest): Already the trees were showing hints of yellow and red.
Beneath (from Snow on the Pines): The Night Path was well named. On either side ancient oaks towered ominously. Even in the dead of winter, their branches created a barrier that held back almost all the light. Beneath the canopy, only isolated shafts reached the forest floor.
Danger (from A Feather in the Forest): Nothing valued is here. This message is a warning about danger.
Darkly (from Snow on the Pines): “For you know that even after that little…disruption the troops under my command are still the superior force. And they will not be showing you mercy if you make us root out the traitor.” He [Captain Hesper] added darkly.
Wound(ed) (from Snow on the Pines): “We best get under cover. Day is not far off, and Lord Halley would like nothing more than to get revenge on the one who wounded his pride not once, but twice.”
Guess & Miracle (from Snow on the Pines): “As a bird that has lived this long west of the boundary stones, I guess that me being here is nothing short of a miracle.”
Wind (from Snow on the Pines): To say it was not good sailing conditions was an understatement. The wind had whipped up the waters of the Great Lake into a chaotic mess of waves that threatened to capsize the boat.
Pitch (from Snow on the Pines): Fen and Playa made their way to the boatyard before dawn. The air was fragrant with the smell of pine pitch being boiled.
(Round)House (from Snow on the Pines): Rook’s End was a crannog; an artificial island onto which a roundhouse had been built.
Tagging @space-writes @lychhiker @diabolical-blue @orphanheirs @the-ellia-west
@dauntlessdraupadi @oliolioxenfreewrites @glasshouses-and-stones @leahnardo-da-veggie @world-of-iridensia and open tag
Your words are: blade, feast, inferno, snap
#tag game#open tag#writing#creative writing#writer#writers#writers and poets#writing community#writer on tumblr#writeblr#current wip#the crow and foxfolk series
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excerpt from The Glass Cage please?
TY for the ask!
The two attendants rushed forward. They grabbed her [Playa] and pinned her to the wall. Meanwhile, their leader stayed where they stood, rubbing the scratches as if they were a novelty.
“Well, now I know this isn’t all a hallucination.” Playa said with grim satisfaction. “Now that I have confirmed you are real, I will ask you again: who in the name of Al-Gia are you, and what do you want with me?”
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Happy WBW! Posting some more lore for the world of A Feather in the Forest:

As always, feel free to drop an ask if you are curious about characters, locations, lore, and worldbuilding.
#wbw#worldbuilding wednesday#worldbuilding#writer#writers#writers and poets#writing community#writer on tumblr#writeblr#current wip#the crow and foxfolk series
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Hello @willtheweaver 👋
From the WIP ask game, Wings Of Twilight sounds neat. What’s it about? 👀
Thanks for the ask.
This is the planned fourth book in the series. Fen and Cya have gone beyond the forest. Their mission: rescue Playa. Along the way, they learn much about the world beyond the forest, with some revelations threatening to undermine all that they know and believe.
There is no guarantee that the rescue will be successful. And if and when they return to the forest, outside forces may following close behind.
Hope this answers everything.
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here to ask for an excerpt from a feather in the forest x
Thanks for the ask!
West was the Wall. A great grey edifice, seamless and towering over the trees, it ran from the dunes in the south to the heights in the north. No one had dared to climb it or see if there was a gate at its base; even the most sheltered fox knew about the sickness that hung on the air at the western reaches of their land. The Wall and the Great Lake formed a barrier that isolated the forest from whatever lay beyond. Whatever secrets were in the greater world beyond was known only to the birds, and they jealously guarded their knowledge against all outsiders.
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WIP tag game
Thanks for the tag @pippinoftheshire
Post a listing of your WIPs, and anyone can request an excerpt from them
(Here is what I am working on currently)
The Crow and Foxfolk Series
A Feather in the Forest
Snow on the Pines
The Glass Cage
Wings of Twilight
Lakerunner: a Foxfolk Story
And as always, feel free to ask about the characters, settings, lore, etc. Will answer to the best of my abilities.
NP tag @rivenantiqnerd @winterandwords @agirlandherquill @jay-avian @novel-nook-blog
@thebookishkiwi @somethingclevermahogony @aalinaaaaaa @the-golden-comet @chauceryfairytales and open tag
#tag game#open tag#writing#creative writing#writer#writers#writers and poets#writing community#writer on tumblr#writeblr#current wip#the crow and foxfolk series
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