#Prevents Deconditioning
Geriatric physical therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy that focuses on the unique challenges brought by old age. It differs from regular physical therapy programs where it caters to general problems pertaining to the muscle, joint, ligament, tendon, or bone. In addition, the decrease in muscle strength, coordination, balance, and reaction time as well as the low tolerance for physical activity of seniors are taken into consideration.
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heytheredelulu · 6 months
Marvel Fanfiction Masterlist
| Smut ❤️‍🔥 | SFW Spicy 🌶️ | Angst ❤️‍🩹 | Fluff ✨ |
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Bucky Barnes x Reader 💙
Little Devil 🌶️
You’re tempting him to sin.
Ruin Me 🌶️
Say less.
Bucky @ Ulta 🌶️✨
You dragged him with you.
Five Senses ❤️‍🩹✨
You walk him through the grounding method.
I Gotta Take This 🌶️
Bucky wants to make an excuse to slip out of the mission briefing.
Bucky Barnes enjoys the simple things in life.
To Have and to Hold and to Fuck Whenever I Want
You really think a little bit of blood is going to keep your husband from having you?
Steve Rogers x Reader ❤️
Like Sin 🌶️❤️‍🩹
Your possessive boyfriend accuses you of cheating on him with his best friend- and you decide to rile him up.
Loki x Reader 💚
Yearn for You 🌶️✨
You’ve been friends since childhood, after all this time could he truly feel nothing for you?
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Winter Rose Drabbles
The Winter Rose, an ex HYDRA assassin trauma bonded with Bucky Barnes in the aftermath of their deconditioning. They’re walking the fine line of love and friendship and both of them are too afraid to cross it.
Bucky Barnes x Winter Rose 🥀
Wounds ❤️‍🩹✨
Wash Over Me ✨
Fuck the Line 🌶️❤️‍🩹
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One Shots
Bucky Barnes x Reader 💙
Temptation ❤️‍🔥
You text your boyfriend a nude selfie while he’s working and now he can’t stop thinking about it.
Good Girl ❤️‍🔥
So close you could taste it- but only if you begged him well enough.
Wants and Needs ❤️‍🔥
You come home late from girls night knowing Bucky will still be up. You want need him and you’re finally going to let him know.
Little Bookworm ❤️‍🔥
Your boyfriend can’t think of anything more adorable than watching you read. One night while you’re in the shower he picks up the book you left on the nightstand: “Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton” and thumbs through it, very quickly realizing just what kind of books his sweet little bookworm is really into.
Watch Me ❤️‍🔥
Anon request: “could you do something enemies/rivals where bucky accidentally finds out that you have a mirror kink during a training session?”
Unbreakable ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
You’ve always wanted to be a mother but your husband is too tormented by his past to believe he could ever be a good father. For so long you’ve accepted that it will never be in the cards for you- after all, it’s only a small price to pay to continue to live the life you’ve built with the man you love. But what happens when you finally admit that you want what he refuses to give you? Will you push him away with your confession or will you finally make him realize that he’s not the man he believes himself to be?
Unbreakable- The After Years ✨🌶️
The conclusion to your story.
Stucky x Reader 💙❤️
Untitled - In progress ❤️‍🔥
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Multipart fics
Bucky Barnes x Reader 💙
Ready to Comply Part One ❤️‍🔥
Tony Stark's shy, curvy intern finds herself fighting for her life when the quiet and reserved ex-assassin she's been pining after for nearly a year has been activated by HYDRA and given the order to kill her to prevent the completion of the new tech she's been developing alongside Tony Stark and Stark Industries.
Ready to Comply Part Two ❤️‍🔥
The second installment of Ready to Comply.
Ready to Comply Part Three - In progress ❤️‍🔥
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Current Taglist (Taglist is open):
@littleone2001 @suz7days @truthfulliarr @lilacka @writtingrose @samsgoddess @loveisallyouneed1125 @vicmc624 @millercontracting @wildernessflora @mydorkyboys @blackhawkfanatic @honestlywork @ladyvenera @cavity-exe @ihavetwoholesforareason @km-ffluv @shortnloud @mrs-katelyn-barnes @somnorvos @22rhianna2006 @fanfictionreaderfan @misshale21 @angelbaby99 @deans-spinster-witch @kezibear @acornacreacure @wintrsoldrluvr @terry2227
To be added to my taglist for upcoming works, leave me a reply on this post.
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perplexingluciddreams · 8 months
I wish I have a place to sit that actually supports my hypotonic body properly. Every place I sit hurts my body and makes additional pain and damage.
My muscles get so fatigued, especially on the left side. And it makes such a deep hot ache in the muscles.
The best option I have is bed, sitting very reclined (closer to lying down than sitting) with pillows behind. I still slide down and have bad posture and it exacerbates pain.
I have a specialised chair downstairs, which my OT got for me. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work for me despite adjusting every possible thing on it several times. In fact, I can't even sit in it because it makes me so sore. I hoped for so long that I would get something like this to help me, and it still doesn't work at all. I know I am fortunate to even get this option, but it is really upsetting and disappointing that it doesn't help me. Not to mention how much of a struggle it is to get downstairs in the first place (not only because of this issue, but many compounded issues).
I have trouble holding my head up for a long time, so I put it back a lot which means I struggle even more to make my eyes look at computer screen (because have motor control issue with make eye gaze go to where I want and focus on the right thing).
I also can't lift my arms to use them, even for only a wee bit more than a handful of seconds at a time, without many days of pain. I rest my phone on my chest or stomach and prop it up with my left hand (causing left arm pain), using my right hand to tap the screen or type with swipe-to-type.
I rest my arms as best as I possibly can, but that involves using other muscle groups as substitutes (arching my back to raise my chest, taking deep breaths and holding it to again raise my chest/stomach, etc.), so I get sore and fatigued in my entire torso from the simple task of using my phone.
Any other place I sit during the day (toilet/toilet seat, bath lift, bath, stair lift, downstairs chair) is even MORE work for my already weak and deconditioned and fatigued muscles, so it causes more fatigue and pain. I am too weak and have too low muscle tone to support my own body weight.
I don't have words to emphasise how limiting it is to not be able to support your own body properly. I struggle even to sit in a chair - that most people would consider highly supportive and comfortable - for 20 minutes. And then I spend days recovering from that.
I know I post several positive things about physio achievements recently, which is all still true! But walking is such a different thing, because active movement is aided by momentum (and AFO braces to support my wobbly ankles and bendy knees). Being still is an entirely different thing, because gravtivy fully takes over and pulls my floppy body down with its own weight.
I would have so much more energy and ability to do things if I didn't need to spend so much precious effort on simply keeping my body as well supported as possible, to prevent present and future pain (and recover from past pain).
I just want to be comfortable.
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those70scomics · 1 year
Today, six months have passed since I've come home from the hospital!
I've made a lot of progress during this time. I have muscles again 💪 😁. Instead of needing a Walker to walk, I'm climbing stairs and getting in half-hour walks with 3.5 lb weights on each ankle. Working on stamina is my current focus in physical therapy. But I'm also continuing with strength-training and balance.
I came home with a frozen right shoulder (staying in the hospital a month, while life-saving, also deconditions the body big-time). My shoulder unfroze with stretching a month ago, and now I'm rebuilding the muscles around it.
I also came home with a feeding tube in my stomach. That came out two months ago, and I'm eating a variety of foods, working with a specialist nutritionist.
I had a liver drain, too (that suuuucked), but that was removed a few weeks after I got home.
My surgical wound was the Grand Canyon. It's healed a lot but still has months to go. It prevents me from doing certain things, including working on my laptop. Can't finish the batch of comics that just need dialogue boxes. 😅
But I'm using my tablet to write, continuing to work on *Those Who Play with Demons*. This T7S fic is going to break my chapter record. I'm such a sweet summer child when I let my imagination run free, thinking all these story and character elements can fit into 1/5 of the chapters they actually need. This one's breaking the hundred-chapter barrier easily. (But it's organized is such a way that I haven't done previously.)
The characters of Point Place have never experienced what my story is doing to them. 😈😇
Although I have a ways to go to regain all the things I can regain without a colon, my health is very good! And I'm going to keep moving forward.
Another surgery is on the menu, but that probably won't be for a year. I'm seeing my surgeon next month to talk about it. This one won't be done in a life-saving emergency situation like my first one. All the work I'm doing is, in part, to be in the best shape possible for the next (and last, let's hope) surgery that will put my small intestine back where biology intended. 😂
When the time comes, I'll make a post here. No disappearing without a word (barring unforeseen events). I shouldn't be in the hospital longer than three to five days. But, again, I'm talking a year from now.
Thank you to everyone who's given me kind words and friendship during this journey. It all helps with my healing, and I appreciate all of you. 🤗❤️
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Once again thinking about how a lot of severely depressed people would benefit from some form of physical therapy (PT).
When I was diagnosed with CFS a rheumatologist sent me to aquatherapy. This was based on an outdated scientific study regarding CFS and it's actually recommended that people with moderate-severe CFS don't do excess physical activity at all and it ended up making me significantly worse. However, that was probably the least stressful exercise experience I had ever had.
I was in a pool that was mostly empty except for a few other people doing PT. We were all some form of disabled doing slow, gentle exercises to prevent deconditioning and increase mobility. Because it was prescribed by a doctor, I had access to this pool for free during my time in PT and could even have gotten assistance from insurance getting transportation. I had a set amount of time, number of activities, and type of activities I needed to do and could ask my physical therapist questions if I forgot or was confused. If the activities were too taxing I could ask for them to be reduced or modified, no judgment.
PT gets rid of a lot of the barriers that keep people from exercising. Lack of access to equipment or exercise facilities is barrier (yes, I know you can exercise at home, having a designated exercise space is still helpful). Not knowing where to start is a barrier. Fear of injury is a barrier. Being self-conscious is a barrier. Feeling overwhelmed by your options is a barrier.
I really think doctors need to view people who have been severely depressed as potentially deconditioned. A lot of "simple" exercises become very difficult if you haven't meaningfully moved your body in over a year. If you're hospitalized for even a week unable to do much they send you to PT to make sure you're getting the help you need to not suffer from the effects of deconditioning, but depressed people who have been housebound for months are expected to bounce back as if nothing happened. It's also ridiculous to expect someone who can't even motivate themself to shower to create, plan, and follow an exercise regime on their own. Sometimes when you're really depressed you just need to have your tasks laid out for you in a simple way so you can just go through the motions without thinking.
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sopranoentravesti · 11 months
Constantly fighting against deconditioning and trying to slow the osteopenia/ prevent osteoporosis is so frustrating and unrewarding when no matter what I do to build strength and endurance it’s like “walk 100 feet —> need to sit from being winded walk another 50 feet—> need to sit because winded” ad nauseum (literally).
Like I’m sure it would be worse if I stopped, and like, I’m doing better than I was before I got crutches/ my Rollator but my endurance is eroding and I just wish I could build myself up and see results from exercise / set and meet sustainable goals.
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Real sequence of events I experienced this week:
Several days of extreme anxiety culminating in a sudden conviction that I have somehow been faking everything - trauma, mental illness, executive dysfunction, fatigue, pain, everything - this whole entire time.
Since I clearly have no real symptoms that could actually prevent me from getting stuff done, I spend the next day being far more productive than usual. See, I can do things! I never had any excuse! The physical pain is irrelevant bc it’s not that bad and anyways it’s probably just bc I’m lazy and deconditioned.
I spend the next few days sleeping in and lying down not accomplishing anything. Who could possibly have predicted this.
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patrickajohn · 10 months
Multifidus Dysfunction: An Overlooked Culprit in Chronic Low Back Pain
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Back pain, a ubiquitous woe, affects millions globally, impacting daily lives and hindering mobility. While various factors contribute to this discomfort, one often overlooked culprit is multifidus dysfunction. Deep within your back, the multifidus muscle plays a pivotal role in spinal stability. Understanding this complex connection and exploring innovative solutions is vital to managing chronic low back pain effectively.
The Multifidus Muscle: A Core Player in Back Health
The multifidus muscle, located along the spine, facilitates essential movements, allowing your back to extend, bend, and stretch. Its harmony with other core muscles ensures spinal stability. However, when weakened due to immobility, inactivity, or underlying health conditions, it compromises this stability, leading to chronic lower back pain. Advanced medical imaging techniques, like MRI scans, offer crucial insights, revealing multifidus muscle deconditioning and guiding personalized rehabilitation plans tailored to individual needs.
Recognizing the Telltale Signs
Multifidus dysfunction manifests in various ways, from tightness and poor posture to herniated discs. Significantly, weakened multifidus muscles can compromise your entire core, increasing the risk of low back pain and injuries. Identifying these symptoms early is critical to effective management and prevention.
Embracing Innovations for a Pain-Free Future
It's imperative for individuals suffering from conditions like chronic low back pain to consider the array of available therapies. From traditional methods to groundbreaking innovations like ReActiv8 Restorative Neurostimulation, the options are expanding, offering new avenues for relief. These advancements signify more than just scientific progress; they represent hope and healing for individuals seeking a pain-free future. By staying informed and embracing these innovative therapies, individuals can actively participate in their healthcare journey, making well-informed decisions that pave the way for a brighter and pain-free tomorrow.
Innovation in Pain Management: ReActiv8 Restorative Neurostimulation
In the realm of pain management, ReActiv8 Restorative Neurostimulation, developed by Mainstay Medical Limited, stands as a beacon of hope. This revolutionary therapy directly targets multifidus dysfunction, improving neuromuscular control, enhancing spinal stability, and reducing pain. What sets ReActiv8 apart is its focus on addressing the root cause, going beyond traditional palliative care to provide long-lasting relief for chronic low back pain sufferers.
The uniqueness of ReActiv8 lies in its comprehensive approach. With over three years of clinical validation, this therapy has showcased remarkable results. Patients experience a significant reduction in pain, improved functionality, and even resolution of chronic low back pain in some patients. Its minimally invasive nature makes it a beacon of hope for those seeking long-term relief, offering a path to recovery and improved quality of life.
How ReActiv8 Works
ReActiv8 involves the implantation of a sophisticated system that precisely stimulates the multifidus muscle's medial branches. This precise neuromodulation allows patients to experience natural muscle contractions, promoting lumbar stability. With just 30-minute therapy sessions conducted twice daily, patients can manage their pain comfortably and non-invasively, reclaiming control over their lives.
Empowering Patients, Transforming Lives
Raising awareness about multifidus dysfunction is paramount in the journey to manage chronic low back pain effectively. By delving into the underlying causes and embracing innovative solutions like ReActiv8, patients can regain control of their lives. With the power of knowledge and cutting-edge therapies, the path to a pain-free, active life becomes more apparent, offering hope and healing to millions around the globe.
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The Basis for The Way of the Sith
Introduction to Sithism: The Sithism explored in this first book of The Way of the Sith trilogy has suggested and given us a taste of practical ways of achieving strength, power, and victory to fulfill our potential, such as tangible success. It explored a the way of never surrendering and instead achieving greatness through passion and power principles, creating a tools and persona, and for ways of thinking about our abilities, which when refined, will lead to the achievement of the dreams we want and accomplish our goals as soon as possible. To break the chains whether it be nurture or nature, all the boundaries, restrictions and limitations that hold us back and prevent us from truly reaching our potential and becoming the best version of ourselves, that primary problem and sign of weakness being stagnation. The point of Sithism is of course to gain mastery which will create the inner control, to create the reality the way we need or want, that inner control/willpower then leads to inner strength. To overcome our inner struggles is a triumph that grants us inner strength, Sith philosophy and discipline creates inner control which leads to inner strength. This inner strength may help one with creating that effort and motivation to; do what it takes to achieve your goals, make your dreams come true, gaining a internal locus of control which is the belief that individuals actions and circumstances is within their power of choice, and take on empowering habits.
This page and the video at the bottom is the beginning of a journey of exploration and questing for happiness, lasting fulfilment and self-satisfaction by expounding upon the teachings of the Sith that help one achieve ones will (purpose) and help us create our reality, which is to say, shaping and influencing the immediate environment and surroundings, in order to achieve that happiness, lasting fulfilment, self-satisfaction and acquire victory. Victory is when we break the chains, create a lasting social order and gain success, the objects of the power of our will is success which is solving problems, deconditioning the self of pathological states of being and smashing the obstacles in order to achieve our own realistic goals. The Sith have no qualms about using selfishness, domination, anger, craving for power, true will, greatness, competence, achievement, affiliation and power so as to use these aspects of our inner activity to acquire the prize of success. Using what is within by focus on mental training and discipline to empower ourselves to brings our dreams to reality, to manifest our will in the external world just as we see it and make it inevitable to get our way, and attain mundane worldly power and success. Sith realism is geared towards following the Sith Code as a mental crutch to develop and grow into the best version of ourselves, capable of great feats, and other aspects of power, and use that power to seize opportunities. To see to it that passion and power (energy) internalize out of the polarities of the dark side, the manifestation of darkness turned inwardly to accumulate greater power and passion to enhance survival, stick-to-itiveness, willpower/grit/determination and vanquish those who stand in our way.
The Primary Website: https://www.thesithcode.com
Secondary site for much more Sith philosophy and holocron entries: https://www.thewayofthesithandthesithpath.wordpress.com
Channel for Sith Playlists:
Book trailer: https://youtu.be/sIgedcGNKhQ?si=AOwoqH9kKL14A0Kn
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materialisnt · 2 years
pt and ot w home health were actually extremely supportive of using a cervical collar and have been proactive abt identifying safety issues. they arent super experienced w connective tissue disorders but have quickly and confidently affirmed that this is clearly degenerative and that safety is more important than trying to "prevent deconditioning," that if something helps at all then to keep it up. also were confused why our doctors havent given us a brain scan when it took them less than 5 minutes to see we fit the halmarks of a neurodegenerative condition. lmao.
literally 2 days w the cervical collar and the pain is almost back to normal, mobility greatly improved. i should not be surprised at this point bc the solution to most of our problems has been and continues to be expanding/refining our sensory friendly exoskeleton. cyborgification continues
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How Should I Sleep if My Back Hurts?
Dealing with back pain can be a nuisance, especially at night. Back pain makes your night difficult for comfortable sleep; with different positions, it gets worse and leads to sleep deprivation. If you are suffering from back pain, regardless caused by bad posture, stress, arthritis, or any medical condition. There are five ways to improve the quality of your sleep. If you find any such condition contact a back pain center to know what is best for you. 
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How should you lay in the fetal position?
Lying on your side can help open the space between your spinal vertebrae and lessen tension on your discs; it also prevents your spine from curving backward. And avoid conditions from getting worsen.
Is sleeping in a Reclined Position Safe for Your Back and Neck?
Reclined position can help reduce the pressure on your spine and support your back by creating a slight angle between your trunk and thighs. If you still do not find relief, contact a back pain treatment center for better treatment and diagnosis of issues.
Lying on your side with pillow support to your knees
The crucial part of such a position is the pillow support to your knees. It helps reduce lower back pain and keeps proper alignment of your spinal cord.
Is lying on your stomach with a pillow Supporting your abdomen and pelvis suitable?
A patient suffering from degenerative disc disease may benefit the most in this sleeping position. Also, it can reduce the stress that rests on your discs. Suppose you don't find any relief; consult a back pain relief center for proper medical treatment and therapies. 
Is putting a pillow under your knees good when you are lying flat?
This position can help your back keep its natural curve while distributing the body weight more evenly and reduce stress on the lumbar spine with the help of pillow support.
Activity is more effective than bed rest.
When sciatica is severe, the patient might feel pain, find it hard to bear, and may need rest for a day or two. However, back pain specialists will not advise too much resting because prolonged resting or inactivity can increase the pain and lead to deconditioning. You should allow your body to move regularly for better blood flow for healing nutrients to the injured structures.
  While physical therapy and exercise are electives, it's an individual's choice to participate or not. It is typically essential to resolve back pain's signs and symptoms and helps prevent long-term sciatica. 
Back pain may affect the quality of your day-to-day life and productivity, especially if it's severe. However, that doesn't mean it has to take on the quality and duration of your sleep. Each person is different, and your doctor may recommend one or more of these sleeping positions to relieve your back pain and help you improve sleep and your cognitive performance, mood, energy level, and immune system. Therefore you should consider visiting a doctor for back treatments if you find pain and sensation in your back while sleeping.
  Article Source : https://www.peptalkblogs.com/how-should-i-sleep-if-my-back-hurts/
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mvprehab · 2 years
What Is Physiotherapy?
Physical therapy or physiotherapy Western Sydney is a form of treatment that helps people to regain and promote health. Therapists are trained to address various physical conditions and promote overall wellness. The aim of this therapy is to restore the body to its original state. A physiotherapist uses therapeutic exercise, stretches, and other techniques to improve your condition.
Physiotherapists are trained to treat patients of all ages. They are specialized in different areas, including cardiopulmonary, orthopedics, and pediatrics. They focus on improving patient function, preventing injuries, and promoting physical and psychological health. They also help patients cope with conditions that affect their ability to move, such as chronic pain, arthritis, or amputation.
The majority of insurance companies cover physiotherapy visits when a physician or specialist refers a patient. However, some insurers will cover a limited number of self-referred visits and may limit the number of sessions they cover per course of treatment. Some private practitioners may also offer cross-referral opportunities with other practitioners.
Physiotherapists also work in partnership with physicians and other health care providers. A physician may recommend physiotherapy following an accident, surgery, or a heart attack or stroke. In addition, physiotherapists work closely with patients to prevent future injury and improve physical and mental health. They can also treat fatigue, stiffness, and deconditioning.
Physiotherapists can also prescribe medication. In the future, some physiotherapists may become credentialed diabetes educators and may even prescribe pain medications. They may also develop skills in examining patients' respiration and assessing lung function. In addition to their traditional roles, physiotherapists may be able to work in a virtual environment. The Australian Physiotherapy Association has highlighted research that shows that physiotherapy can be delivered through the internet.
Students must earn a Bachelor of Science degree in physical therapy or a similar field. They will then have to complete a residency in a clinical setting, which normally takes one to two years. Once they have finished their clinical training, they must take an exam offered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy. Then, they will need to pass a background check and a law exam. Once they're certified, they can work as a physiotherapist in their province.
A physical therapist will help patients through all stages of healing. This may be a stand-alone treatment or a supportive treatment for other treatments. Some patients may be referred to a physiotherapist by their doctor, while others will seek physiotherapy on their own. Some techniques used during physical therapy include iontophoresis, which uses electrical current to deliver medication to affected tissues. TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, is another technique used. This therapy works by sending pulses to nerve endings to reduce pain and improve muscular engagement.
While physiotherapy is not a cure for rheumatoid arthritis, it is an effective way to manage chronic pain and improve daily function. Physiotherapists also prescribe some medication to help patients manage chronic pain. However, physiotherapists must be aware of the potential side effects of these medications.
Employers also find physiotherapists useful. These professionals can conduct workplace assessments and identify the probable causes of an injury, helping them to reduce the likelihood of an injury reoccurring. Physiotherapists can also address ergonomics and workplace practices to help employees return to work safely. In this way, they can promote recovery and minimize the negative effects of long-term sickness absence and reduce the risk of long-term disability.
Physiotherapy also provides physical therapy to people suffering from neurological disorders. This includes strokes and acquired brain injuries, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis. They also help patients with physical disabilities return to normal motor patterns and reduce pain. They also work to rehabilitate people following brain surgery. These are only a few of the many types of physiotherapy available to people.
In addition to treating conditions, physiotherapists help people maintain their mobility and increase the quality of their lives. As a result, their job is often described as an alternative to medication and surgery. They help people of all ages and physical levels regain their mobility and enjoy their life more. They focus on prevention, rehabilitation, and movement, and are often part of teams that include other health care professionals. A physiotherapist is trained to identify the root cause of an injury and treat its symptoms.
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nubaxtraction · 2 years
How to Prevent Lower Back Pain
The human body is a wonder, and no other physical body part has the dexterity or functions quite like our spine. However, regardless of the incredible flexibility and strength of our lower backs, they are prone to a range of problems without proper ongoing care.
There are many ways to prevent lower back pain regardless of your age, from drinking plenty of water to regular stretching and exercise. If you are already suffering from chronic back pain, you may need to take additional measures to treat this pain and prevent hip, leg, and neck problems.
Read on to learn all about back pain, from relieving symptoms to achieving long-term pain relief results.
What are the different forms of lower back pain?
The two types of lumbar spine pain are acute and chronic back pain. The sudden presence of intense pain is classified as acute and typically occurs as a result of an injury (from sporting or work-related incidents or simple daily tasks at home or at leisure, from lifting, twisting or bending at the wrong time.). This can last from a few days to a few weeks.
Chronic back pain includes those suffering for three or more months, with pain becoming progressively worse over time. While it can be age-related, many people develop chronic pain from an old or undiagnosed injury. Sources of chronic back pain include disc problems, arthritis, spinal stenosis, and myofascial pain syndrome.
What are the common causes of lower back pain?
There are many different reasons people experience lumbar spine pain:
Poor posture – sitting hunched over is a bad habit that causes strain on the spine over time. This makes your daily work environment an important aspect to improve when tackling chronic back pain.
Muscle deconditioning – also known as muscle atrophy, chronic pain is caused as your back and core muscles weaken and destabilise through age or lack of physical activity.
Ageing – the likelihood of chronic lower back pain increases as we get older, but it can be delayed, prevented or at least minimised with some proactive interventions.
Injuries – high-impact accidents can result in serious pain later in life.  No matter how your injury occurred, a car accident or playing sport, etc. Paying attention to what triggers your chronic pain is important. As it will assist in discovering an effective method of managing, reducing or alleviating the pain..
Repetition – sitting in the same position, lifting both heavy and light objects, performing repetitive movements,  or sleeping with inadequate support can all have a big impact on our bodies over time.
How do I prevent lower back pain?
Consistent stretching and exercise combined with a proactive credible aid like Nubax is an – effective way to prevent lower back pain. This allows you to strengthen core muscles for essential spine support, as well as protect your back when lifting or carrying out everyday activities.
Other key tips include investing in ergonomically comfortable and supportive furniture, such as office chairs, couches and beds. And eliminating or minimising daily stresses on the spine that can inflame or irritate your lower back.
What is the best way to treat lumbar spine pain?
Pinched nerves to long-term disc issues – even rheumatoid arthritis – can be helped with the safe use of a Nubax therapeutic traction device.  The Nubax Therapeutic Spinal Traction Device effectiveness is enhanced when used regularly alongside other proactive measures as previously mentioned as well as other therapeutic treatments, such as chiropractic or physiotherapy. consistent stretching and tailored exercises, incorporating the Nubax allow your spine to decompress and improves access of the discs to much-needed nutrition.
Prevent lower back pain effectively with Nubax
Nubax is a long-term solution to the painful effects of chronic back pain. Unlike medication or costly procedures, a one-off purchase of a Nubax Spinal Traction device allows you to manage, reduce or eliminate back pain safely from the comfort of your own home.
Get in touch today to speak to a helpful member of the customer support team. You can also purchase Nubax online now and begin your recovery from chronic back pain.
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crplpunkklavier · 2 years
having a dog really makes you have the wildest conversations with complete fucking strangers. this random older lady asked me what breed my guy is and ten minutes of chatter later with truly minimal prompting on my part she agrees that perhaps she needs to do some more introspection on why she is so uncomfortable with the idea that women could be allowed to be topless at the pool
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geraskier · 2 years
been thinking a lot lately about how badly i want my pain to be legible. obviously having no chronic pain would be better, but failing that, i want some way for people to understand better than they do what my fibromyalgia is like. sometimes this manifests as wanting a more precise diagnosis (as fibro is a "diagnosis of exclusion") so there could be a more specific treatment. or just a better way to measure fibro symptoms. or a way for fibro symptoms to be measurable at all, bc a lot of them are just self reported. or maybe people could stop being dicks about chronic pain with no clear cause, but that seems unlikely.
it's so frustrating to be told over and over, "well if you stopped taking naps you wouldn't be so tired", as if not sleeping in response to fatigue makes any kind of sense. "do yoga" i literally gave myself a fucking CONCUSSION doing yoga bc of my orthostatic intolerance. "exercise more, you're just deconditioned" yeah i tried that, it just made me hurt in different ways. "yeah but you're not in pain today right? you seem fine" i am in pain every day. constantly. all the time. that's what chronic pain means. i have dreams about being in pain. if i said ouch every time something hurt i would never be able to say anything else. the only times in the past five years i've NOT been in pain was when i had post-surgery narcotics during last year's Summer Surgery Extravaganza. it fades into background noise eventually.
i'm not asking for omnipresent expressions of sympathy. i want people to at least trust that *i* know how best to describe my pain, and judge what it does or doesn't prevent me from doing. sometimes i sleep 12 hours a night, get off my ass about it.
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I fucking hate medical professionals here's an excerpt from the Penn State website about CFS treatment with my comments added in brackets:
Exercise is essential for everyone, including CFS and fibromyalgia patients [wrong for CFS at least]. It might seem counterintuitive to ask someone experiencing fatigue to exercise [because it is, it's also incredibly cruel], but a gentle and gradually progressive exercise program prevents deconditioning from lack of activity and begins to restore tolerance of exertion [literally medically proven incorrect years ago]. Exercise helps improve mood [not if it makes you miserable] and encourages restful sleep [yeah because it makes you crash]. Physical therapy [yikes, physical therapists are known for ignoring their patients], massage, hypnosis [the fuck?], acupuncture [I guess maybe for fibro?], yoga [any excess activity, even mild can cause severe worsening of symptoms], chiropractic and aquatic exercises [tried it and was so crashed I nearly got lost on my way out of the facility] have shown benefits in many cases [which cases? What evidence do you have? What CFS specialist did you consult when writing this?].
Anyway basically every medical professional, including ones at high-ranking medical facilities, have horribly outdated and ableist information about CFS and I feel like no one really talks about it. The only resources I've seen with correct, up to date information are resources specifically for CFS patients by orgs that specialize in CFS treatment.
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