#Predatory men
sophiemariepl · 1 year
Men who view women and girls in the category of “legal/illegal” and prey on teenage girls who just crossed the age of consent in their country (be that 15, 16, 17, 18), are some of the biggest egoists on this goddamn planet.
They think only in terms of them getting legal consequences of their actions.
It doesn’t matter to them if the girl will have a trauma afterwards and battle the consequences of such a “relationship” with a much older man for the rest of her life.
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femme-dor · 1 year
Hey Ladies, men who bitch about women’s outfits with dumb shit like “Men like The Chase™️” & “Women are gifts that should be unwrapped by a special man”, are admitting out loud he’s a predator who sees & prefers non-consenting women as consumable objects for male enjoyment he must outwit & manipulate in order to “win” aka get her clothes off.
It’s never about modesty. Run in the other direction.
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Now someone do a post of all the songs women have written about predatory men.
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Why do guys look at me like a piece of meat? I don’t want to be your prey, I wanna talk about Carl Jung and the current economic climate or leave me alone.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
“Did the doulas go too far when warning each other about Gallagher?” No. Doulas are there to support the mother and that means helping them avoid being taken advantage off when they are vulnerable.
Danny Gallagher’s lawyer acknowledges he advised women on how to sell nude photos and videos on line but says he never coerced or groomed anyone, as defendants say.By Stewart Yerton     
/ About 1 hour ago
 Reading time: 8 minutes.
As a birth attendant and maternity photographer trying to establish himself in Hawaii, Danny Gallagher would often share a heart-wrenching story: his former partner had committed suicide in front of him, taking her life and the lives of the couple’s unborn twins — a trauma that Gallagher told people led him to seek solace helping other women deliver babies.
There’s just one problem with Gallagher’s story: It’s a lie. Gallagher has admitted under oath that he used the tale in a failed attempt to ingratiate himself into the community of Hawaii’s mostly female birth attendants, known as doulas.
Gallagher’s sob story didn’t work so well in the end. Instead of welcoming Gallagher into their fold, many of the doulas viewed him with suspicion. Eventually, based on what they believed was evidence that Gallagher had advised pregnant women on how to make money selling erotic photos, many of the doulas ostracized him as a sexual predator seeking to infiltrate their community.
Gallagher has sued several of these doulas for defamation. A trial is set to begin on Monday with jury selection in Hawaii federal court before U.S. District Court Judge Leslie Kobayashi.
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Gallagher’s attorney, Megan Kau, acknowledged in an interview that her client advised women about selling nude photos on Patreon. And she said the suicide story was something “he created in order to market himself.”
But Kau said Gallagher never coerced anyone. And it was wrong to accuse Gallagher of being a “pimp” and a “predator” who groomed vulnerable women to produce and distribute pornography.
“They can say he was creepy. They can say he lies. But they crossed a line,” Kau told Civil Beat.
Eric Seitz, the attorney representing the majority of the doulas, declined to comment.
While the case hinges on a basic question – did the doulas go too far when warning each other about Gallagher? – it also involves details unique to the age of social media.
Much of the communication took place on Facebook, on professional pages and in Facebook groups. There are discussions on how to use the creative artist platform Patreon to sell erotic photos and videos. In one case, Gallagher created a false profile to catfish a doula and elicit negative comments from her about himself.
Were Doulas Negligent When Repeating Stories?
The general rule regarding defamation is that it’s unlawful to knowingly or recklessly make false and damaging statements about someone to a third party. An essential question is whether the statement is an objective one that can be proven true or false, rather than merely an opinion. A defamatory statement made in writing is known as libel.
As Kobayashi explained in an order denying summary judgment for the defendants, “With respect to the statements based on first-hand knowledge, ‘the question presented is whether the defendants here acted reasonably with regard to the grounds they had for 
believing’ Gallagher did the things they accused him of in their Facebook posts and direct messages.”
For those without direct knowledge, the judge said, the question was whether the doulas were negligent or unreasonable in repeating things they had heard from others.
“If people are simply repeating what someone else said, you can’t do it blindly,” said Jeff Portnoy, a partner who practices media law with the Cades Schutte law firm.
But simply because a statement was not true does not mean the person committed libel when making the statement, he said.
“It’s a question of fact for the jury whether you were negligent in that,” Portnoy said.
Normally, publishers of libelous statements also might be liable for publishing them, but platforms like Facebook are generally shielded by the federal Communications Decency Act, he said. Individuals making such statements, however, can still be held accountable.
One thing that’s not in dispute is that Gallagher advised women on how to make and post erotic photos for money – and to avoid letting the pictures get out to friends and relatives. One series of massages posted on a Facebook group shows Gallagher boasting about how he “helped two of my doula friends do this (five mamas total) and it’s pretty much under wraps.”
“There are kinks and fetishes for everything under the sun,” he says in another post. “If you play your cards right, Patreon is the way to live the life of your dreams.”
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Also part of the record is a conversation Gallagher had with a defendant named Kate Pavlovsky. In a series of Facebook messages, Gallagher tells Pavlovsky: “One mama I helped makes $6,000 a month by doing photo and video (sic) of herself lactating. … Another mama I’ve helped, just takes erotic photos of herself in public places, and has a membership portal.”
While the thread shows Pavlovsky went along with the conversation and appeared interested in doing erotic pictures, she says she later changed her mind.
“I never let on to Danny that I was uncomfortable that is true,” Pavlovsky says in documents now part of the court record.
But she says she eventually quit talking to Gallagher when he sent her a link to a pornography site.
Later, posting on Facebook under a profile bearing the pseudonym Opal Essence, Pavlovsky wrote of Gallagher, “This man is a sexual predator. He should never be allowed in a birth room as it has been made clear he is very aroused by birth, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. We are not trying to tear him down. He is not a victim. We are trying to protect the true victims in this situation – the women who he will prey upon.”
This became the story about Gallagher shared on Facebook: that he was a predator who would groom vulnerable, pregnant women into taking and publishing nude photos. The defendants in the suit shared variations on this theme in messages and posts. The named defendants are Pavlovsky, Anne Croudace, Emille Saldaya, Jenna Chidester, Bathany Kirillov, Jane Hopaki, Stephanie Byers and Vivian Chau Best.
Kau acknowledges that Gallagher helped pregnant women publish nude photographs. But she said he did so at their request. She points to Samantha Baldwin, also known as Sam Ross, who has submitted testimony supporting Gallagher.
According to a statement Baldwin submitted to the court, she got in touch with Gallagher and asked him how to help her market sexy photos and videos of herself. Baldwin says she sent some to him as samples to share with people contemplating doing the same thing.
“Danny never once said anything to me that appeared to be, or made me feel like, I was being coerced into sending him photos or videos of myself or that he was manipulating me,” Baldwin says in her declaration.
According to Baldwin, she learned Pavlovsky and Saldaya “were sharing boudoir photos of me in Facebook groups without my consent in order to prove that Danny was a sexual predator and was sharing the photos without my consent.”
Baldwin says she asked both women to stop sharing the photos and defended Gallagher.
“Danny has been nothing but a gentleman to me and never asked me to do something or give him something that was anything close to being considered in the world of ‘sexual predator,’ ‘creepy,’ ‘a porn broker’ and ‘a pimp,’” she said in her declaration.
While these conflicting portraits of Gallagher will be presented to the jury starting Monday, there’s one story the jury will likely never hear: his lie about being present when his partner killed herself and their unborn twins, which he used to help gain entrée into the doula community.
In an order issued Oct. 17, Kobayashi said the jury could not hear how Gallagher has used a tall tale to market himself. The risk that evidence would prejudice the jury against Gallagher outweighed any value it might have proving that the doulas had not defamed Gallagher, the judge explained.
Asked whether the doula’s attorneys might somehow get the story out anyway, Kau was adamant.
“Judge Kobayashi excluded it,” she said. “Judge Kobayashi was very clear in her order.”
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The saddest thing about turning 25 is aging out of Leo dicaprio's dating pool
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jhsharman · 2 years
"Women's Work"
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Hold onto the title. We are going to have a play off of the phrase "women's work" and standardized gender roles and assumptions. The story of The Wilkin Boy, running parallel in responding to the same societal upheavals with the sitcom All in the Family, has the straight arrow conservative father raising a daughter and through some combination of him wishing he had a son and she wishing to please her father (that appears to be the subtext for the series) picks up weight lifting. So she is stronger than her next door neighbor boyfriend -- son of the pudgy liberal her dad does not think is raising right. So. Here predatory men are taken to be a given --
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And after a couple such displays --
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The problem comes with the title and call back and change here. And I guess here-abouts they weren't sure what the change was going to be at first, as they initially redirected the word balloon to Samantha for I assume some other dialogue --
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They no longer like the phrase and gender assumptions under-girding it -- understandable enough -- but in the context of this story, it is the title, and the gender premises and play off of them remain.
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The change is a curious splitting of hairs.
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iamnotyourbabe · 1 year
god i am soo soooooo weary of art by cishet men that's just "sexy (often nude) lady"
tired. uninspired. no subtext besides 'makes my peepee hard.' the stench of objectification dulls any impact it could have.
this post is not for terfs.
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
my absolute favourite genre of transphobic propaganda is when the caption is like “look at this poor, confused little girl who was forced to mutilate herself :(” and the picture is just the hottest man you’ve ever seen in your life with a full beard and a body that would make thor weak at the knees
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gay-otlc · 2 years
Actually I think we should talk about how incredibly fucked up it is for sapphic women to say shit like "I'm no better than a straight man 😔" when attracted to a woman in a way that isn't 100% pure and wholesome, or act like men's attraction to women is inherently dirty, predatory, or objectifying.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Begging, begging, begging people to stop associating aging and femininity in men/masculine people as Wrong and Predatory. Femininity has no age limit.
To any feminine man, masculine person, or really, anybody who needs to hear this: Your femininity deserves to be recognized and celebrated. Aging is a natural and unique part of life, and you don't have to sacrifice your femininity for fear of being "too old" to be accepted or seen as charming. You are already charming.
There is no limit to being who you are. No matter what you're told, you still deserve to completely claim yourself.
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burningtheroots · 1 year
"Sex work is work".
Okay, then why not teach it at school?
Why not fight for making it a 50:50 business where men are just as represented and available?
Why not introduce an anti-discrimination policy so customers can‘t reject a worker due to their sex? (that would be fun)
Why not cut down unemployed men‘s unemployment benefits when they reject a job offer from a pimp? (it already happened to women in my country)
Just wondering.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
the Drag Queen said the incident happened when she was younger age and before the "transformation". Does this mean he just just a regular predatory man pursuing a minor?
A video of the Drag Queen RawBee Candles admitting to almost going to jail for having a relationship with a teenager has created a huge uproar all across Greece.
The drag queen came into the Greek public spotlight after reading fairytales to children in Thessaloniki recently, but in a video uploaded to social media, the drag queen revealed some disturbing details.
In the said video, the Drag Queen said the incident happened when she was younger age and before the "transformation". RawBee Candles then admits the teenager in question was 15 years old, and for this reason the drag queen "almost went to jail".
There has been an uproar in the comments on Twitter.
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It is recalled that many parents with their children, as well as representatives from political parties, attended the event organised by Thessaloniki Pride on December 30. The drag queen read fairy tales to children aged 3 to 13.
The event was initially planned to take place at a private daycare centre in Kalamaria. However, due to the large participation and reactions, the organisers changed the venue.
Speaking to ANT1 today, RawBee Candles responded to parents' reactions to this initiative, saying that these parents "have no light in them" and "therefore they should not have children".
"There were about 30 children with their parents in the room. We started with their names, their favourite colour, to break the ice and get into a mood. The reading of the fairytale followed, and after that we asked the children how they felt and everyone was very happy," she initially said.
Asked afterwards if any children had questioned why she was painted or about her clothes, the drag queen said: "I didn't go to this event to sexualise the children or to tell them anything about my own sexuality orientation."
"I went to this event as an artist to read a fairytale to the children in a theatrical way and I think the children understood that. We used the LGBTI flag to ask the kids what their favorite colour was and then asked them if they knew what that flag was," she said afterwards.
Regarding the reactions that arose, she replied: "These reactions all respond by themselves. All people are free to express their opinion in any way they want in public. Nevertheless, it is up to each person to have developed a critical faculty to be able to judge what is an opinion and what is not."
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agenttommykinard · 2 months
I think the deleted scene is simply showing you how much Buck is cared for by the people he chose to be in his life, and from someone who craved that care and attention for so long I just think that's neat that Buck has so many people now that do, and idk I'm just happy for him
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classycookiexo · 27 days
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“Chicken leg” took me out but I completely agree
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cypherpunkism · 4 months
not to be too rude about it but seeing some people respond to bucktommy or even just tommy scenes makes it so obvious you don't know a single gay man above 30
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