#Power App Service
akashdmi3 · 8 months
Benefits of Low Code and No Code Development" | Mismo Systems
Accelerated Development: Rapid creation and deployment of applications.
Reduced Dependency: Less reliance on skilled developers, involving non-developers.
Cost-Efficiency: Potential cost savings by broadening the development pool.
Flexibility and Agility: Quick adaptation to changing business needs.
Increased Innovation: Empowers experimentation and implementation of creative ideas.
Enhanced Collaboration: Bridges the gap between IT and business units, fostering teamwork.
Easier Maintenance: Transparent logic simplifies updates and reduces knowledge silos.
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landunderthewave · 11 months
Watched a video about these "AI assistants" that Meta has launched with celebrity faces (Kendall Jenner, Snoop Dogg etc.). Somebody speculated/mentioned in the comments that eventually Meta wants to sell assistant apps to companies, but that makes ... no sense.
If they mean in the sense of a glorified search engine that gives you subtly wrong answers half the time and can't do math, sure - not that that's any different than the stuff that already exists (????)
But if they literally mean assistant, that's complete bogus. The bulk of an assistant's job is organizing things - getting stuff purchased, herding a bunch of hard-to-reach people into the same meeting, booking flights and rides, following up on important conversations. Yes, for some of these there's already an app that has automated the process to a degree. But if these processes were sufficiently automated, companies would already have phased out assistant positions. Sticking a well-read chat bot on top of Siri won't solve this.
If I ask my assistant to get me the best flight to New York, I don't want it to succeed 80 % of time and the rest of the time, book me a flight at 2 a.m. or send me to New York, Florida or put me on a flight that's 8 hours longer than necessary. And yes, you can probably optimize an app + chat bot for this specific task so it only fails 2 % of the time. But you cannot optimize a program to be good at everything–booking flights, booking car rentals, organizing catering, welcoming people at the front desk and basically any other request a human could think off. What you're looking for is a human brain and body. Humans can improvise, prioritize, make decisions, and, very importantly, interact freely with the material world. Developing a sufficiently advanced assistant is a pipe dream.
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bropunzeling · 3 months
seattle au currently has [does math] 67.5k and im guessing it'll clock in at 110k???? 120k??? 60k per half? except this half has a lot more feelings re kissing so maybe more? lbr i have no fucking idea at this point
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passionatememes · 4 months
here's the crux of the ai art issue that everyone is freaking out talking about right now (mostly on instagram)
uploading your art to the internet just like. inherently has these types of risks to it. just like your art being reposted by someone else is always a possibility when you upload, getting your art scraped is always a possibility, and that's just something that is borderline inevitable now. if your art exists online in 2023/2024, it's almost certainly been scraped, there are things you can do to discourage it, but short of not posting at all, its always a possibility
so like. seeing my instagram feed be a bunch of people acting as if it's a new thing rather than just something that was happening without necessarily being disclosed is wild to me, like i thought this was an assumption we were all working under,,,,,,,
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aaksconsulting · 11 months
The Power of Content Marketing : Strategies For Success
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Are you ready to harness the immense power of content marketing and take your business to new heights? Look no further! In this blog post, we will unveil the secrets behind successful content marketing strategies that are guaranteed to captivate your audience and skyrocket your brand’s visibility.
Get ready to unlock a world where compelling storytelling meets strategic promotion, as we explore how content marketing can transform your business into an unstoppable force in today’s digital age. So buckle up, because we’re about to embark on an exhilarating journey towards unparalleled success!
Content marketing has become an essential aspect of modern marketing strategies. From small businesses to large corporations, companies are utilizing content to connect with their target audience and drive business success. In today’s digital age, where consumers are bombarded with advertisements and promotions, content marketing offers a unique approach to engage with customers and build long-lasting relationships.
What is Content Marketing?
At its core, content marketing is the creation and sharing of valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. It involves using various forms of media such as blogs, videos, social media posts, infographics, podcasts, etc., to provide informative or entertaining content that resonates with your target audience. The goal of content marketing is not to explicitly promote a product or service but rather establish credibility and trust with potential customers.
Why is Content Marketing Important?
The power of content marketing lies in its ability to create meaningful connections between brands and consumers. By providing valuable information or entertainment through your content, you can establish yourself as an industry expert and build trust among your target audience. This trust translates into brand loyalty and increased sales in the long run.
Moreover, traditional advertising methods have become less effective due to the rise of ad blockers and consumer skepticism towards traditional ads. On the other hand, quality content that is genuinely helpful or entertaining can break through this noise and capture the attention of potential customers.
Content marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to attract and engage with their target audience. It involves creating valuable and relevant content that addresses the needs and interests of your target market. This content can take various forms such as blog posts, videos, infographics, social media posts, podcasts, e-books, webinars, and more.
At its core, content marketing is about building trust and credibility with your audience by providing them with valuable information rather than constantly promoting your products or services. It aims to educate and inform rather than sell directly. By consistently delivering high-quality content, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and earn the trust of their potential customers.
One of the key elements of successful content marketing is understanding your target audience. You need to have a clear understanding of who they are, what they care about, where they spend their time online, what kind of content resonates with them, and what motivates them to take action.
Once you have a solid understanding of your target audience, you can create a comprehensive content strategy that aligns with their interests and needs while also supporting your business goals. Your strategy should include defining the types of content you will create (e.g., blog posts vs. videos), the platforms you will use (e.g., website vs. social media), how often you will publish new content, and how you will measure success.
Content marketing has become an essential tool for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence and drive conversions. It involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined target audience. In today’s digital landscape, where consumers are bombarded with advertisements and promotions, content marketing offers a more subtle approach to building brand awareness and credibility.
The importance of content marketing for businesses cannot be overstated. Here are some key benefits that make it an indispensable part of any marketing strategy:
1. Establishes brand authority and credibility: By consistently publishing high-quality content that addresses the pain points of your target audience, you can position yourself as an expert in your industry. This helps build trust with potential customers, making them more likely to choose your products or services over competitors.
2. Boosts search engine rankings: Search engines like Google value fresh, relevant content when ranking websites. By regularly updating your website with valuable blog posts, videos, infographics, etc., you can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and increase your visibility online.
3. Drives traffic to your website: Quality content attracts visitors to your website who would not have found you otherwise. When people find helpful information on your site that meets their needs, they are more likely to explore other pages on your site and potentially convert into customers.
Before diving into the world of content marketing, it is crucial to first identify your target audience. The success of your content marketing strategy heavily relies on understanding and catering to the needs and preferences of your target audience. By identifying your target audience, you can create content that resonates with them, captures their attention, and ultimately drives conversions.
In this section, we will discuss some key steps to help you identify your target audience:
1. Define Your Product or Service: The first step in identifying your target audience is to clearly define what product or service you are offering. This will help you understand the type of people who would be interested in what you have to offer.
2. Conduct Market Research: Once you have defined your product or service, it’s time to conduct market research. This involves gathering data about your potential customers such as their demographics (age, gender, income), interests, behavior patterns, and purchase habits.
3. Analyze Your Current Customers: Another helpful way to identify your target audience is by analyzing your current customer base. Look at who is already buying from you and try to find common characteristics among them.
4. Create Buyer Personas: A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about existing customers. It helps put a face and personality behind the demographics and behaviors of your target audience.
Knowing your audience is one of the key elements for successful content marketing. In today’s fast-paced digital world, it is not enough to simply create and distribute content without understanding who your target audience is. With so much noise and clutter on the internet, it is crucial for businesses to tailor their content specifically to their target market in order to stand out and effectively communicate their message.
So why exactly is knowing your audience so important for successful content marketing? Let’s delve into some of the reasons:
1. Targeted messaging: By understanding your audience, you can create more targeted and relevant messaging that resonates with them. This means taking into account factors such as demographics, interests, pain points, and values of your target market. By crafting messages that are specific to their needs and preferences, you are more likely to capture their attention and engage them with your content.
2. Higher conversion rates: When your content speaks directly to your audience’s needs or problems, they are more likely to take action on it. This could mean making a purchase, signing up for a service, or subscribing to your newsletter. By addressing their pain points and offering solutions through your content, you establish trust with your audience which can lead to higher conversion rates.
When it comes to content marketing, one of the key factors for success is understanding and effectively targeting your audience. Without a clear understanding of your target audience, your content may not resonate with them and fail to drive engagement or conversions. This is why it is crucial to use methods that can help you identify and understand your target audience.
1. Conduct thorough market research: The first step in identifying and understanding your target audience is conducting thorough market research. This involves gathering data on demographics, interests, behaviors, preferences and pain points of potential customers. Market research can be done through surveys, focus groups, interviews, or by analyzing data from online tools like Google Analytics.
2. Utilize social media analytics: Social media platforms are a goldmine for valuable insights about your target audience. By using analytics tools provided by various social media platforms such as Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics, you can gain valuable information about your followers such as their age, gender, location, interests and more.
3. Monitor website traffic: Your website visitors can also provide valuable insights into your target audience. Tools like Google Analytics can track the behavior of visitors on your website including pages they visit most frequently, time spent on each page and their journey before leaving the site. This information can help you understand what type of content resonates with them.
In order to have a successful content marketing strategy, it is crucial to set clear and specific goals and objectives. These will serve as the foundation for your entire content marketing plan and guide you towards achieving success.
1. Identify Your Overall Marketing Objectives: The first step in setting goals for your content marketing is to identify your overall marketing objectives. This could include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, driving website traffic, or boosting sales. Having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve through your content will help you create more targeted and effective campaigns.
2. Make Your Goals SMART: Once you have identified your overall objectives, it is important to make them SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. This will give you a clear roadmap for what needs to be done and when it should be accomplished by.
3. Define Your Target Audience: In order for your content marketing efforts to be effective, they need to resonate with your target audience. Take the time to define who your ideal customers are – their age, interests, pain points, etc. This will help you create content that speaks directly to them and encourages engagement.
When it comes to content marketing, having a clear set of goals and objectives is crucial for creating an effective strategy. Without a solid understanding of what you want to achieve with your content, it can be difficult to measure success and make necessary adjustments. In this section, we will discuss the importance of establishing clear goals and objectives for your content marketing strategy and how to do so effectively.
1. Define Your Target Audience: The first step in setting up any successful marketing strategy is identifying your target audience. This includes understanding their demographics, interests, pain points, and behaviors. By clearly defining your target audience, you can create content that resonates with them and addresses their specific needs.
2. Identify Your Objectives: Once you have a clear understanding of who you are targeting with your content, it’s time to establish the objectives you want to achieve through your content marketing efforts. These objectives could include increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic or leads, improving customer engagement and retention, or showcasing thought leadership within your industry.
3. Set SMART Goals: A great way to ensure that your goals are realistic and achievable is by following the SMART criteria – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. This means setting specific targets such as increasing website traffic by 20% in the next six months or generating 50 new leads per month through content.
Measuring success and tracking progress towards your goals is a crucial aspect of any content marketing strategy. Without proper tracking, it can be difficult to determine if your efforts are effective or if you need to make adjustments. In this section, we will discuss some key steps for measuring success and tracking progress towards your content marketing goals.
1. Determine Your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
The first step in measuring success is to identify the key metrics that will help you track progress towards your goals. These metrics, also known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), should align with your overall business objectives and provide insight into the performance of your content marketing efforts.
Some common KPIs for content marketing include website traffic, conversion rates, email subscribers, social media engagement, and lead generation. Depending on your specific goals, you may have different KPIs that are more relevant to your business.
2. Set Realistic Goals
Before you can measure success, you need to establish clear and realistic goals for your content marketing strategy. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART).
For example, if one of your main objectives is to increase website traffic through content marketing by 20% in the next six months, this goal meets all the criteria of being SMART. Having well-defined goals will not only help you focus on what matters but also make it easier to track progress towards achieving them.
Creating high-quality content is essential for any successful content marketing strategy. In a sea of information and competition, it is crucial to produce content that stands out and engages your target audience. High-quality content not only helps to attract potential customers but also builds trust and credibility with your existing audience.
Here are some key factors to keep in mind when creating high-quality content:
1. Know Your Audience Before you start creating any type of content, it is important to have a deep understanding of your target audience. This includes knowing their demographics, interests, pain points, and preferred communication channels. By understanding your audience’s needs and preferences, you can tailor your content to effectively resonate with them.
2. Provide Valuable Information One of the main reasons people consume online content is to gain knowledge or solve a problem. Therefore, it is vital to provide valuable information in your content that addresses the needs or interests of your audience. This could include industry insights, how-to guides, informative articles or case studies.
3. Use Engaging Formats Content comes in various formats such as text, images, videos, infographics etc., and using different formats can make your content more engaging and appealing to different types of audiences. For instance, visual learners may prefer infographics while others may prefer video tutorials or podcasts.
1. Know your target audience: Before creating any content, it is important to understand who your target audience is. Conduct market research and create buyer personas to get a better understanding of their needs, preferences, and behaviors. This will help you tailor your content to meet their specific needs.
2. Create high-quality and relevant content: Quality is key when it comes to content marketing. Your content should be informative, engaging, and valuable to your target audience. It should also be relevant to their interests and pain points, in order to capture their attention and keep them engaged.
3. Use different types of content: To appeal to a wider audience and keep them interested, use a variety of content formats such as blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, and social media posts. This will not only make your content more visually appealing but also cater to different learning styles.
4. Consistency is key: In order for your content marketing efforts to be successful, consistency is crucial. Develop a consistent posting schedule so that your audience knows when they can expect new content from you.
5. Incorporate SEO best practices: Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) techniques in your blog posts or website pages by including relevant keywords in your headlines, subheadings, and throughout the body of the text. This will make it easier for search engines like Google to find and rank your content.
In today’s digital age, content marketing has become a powerful tool for businesses looking to engage with their target audience and drive conversions. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, you can effectively create and distribute valuable content that resonates with your audience and drives results.
Remember to stay consistent, track your progress, and adapt as necessary to see continued success in your content marketing efforts. Don’t underestimate the power of quality content – it truly is king in today’s competitive online landscape.
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How to Embed a Canvas App in Dynamic CRM
In today’s business world, customer relationship management (CRM) software has become an essential tool for managing customer interactions and improving overall customer satisfaction. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one such platform that offers powerful tools for businesses to manage customer data, automate sales processes, and deliver personalized experiences. One of the key features of Dynamics CRM is the ability to embed canvas apps, which are custom-built applications created using Power Apps. Embedding canvas apps in Dynamics CRM enables users to access additional functionality and data, without having to switch between different applications. This feature can streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall user experience. In this blog, we will explore the step-by-step process of embedding a canvas app in Dynamics CRM. Whether you are a Dynamics CRM user or a developer looking to enhance the platform’s functionality, this blog will provide valuable insights into embedding canvas apps in Dynamics CRM. So, join us on this journey and discover how this feature can transform the way you manage customer relationships and improve your overall business outcomes. Canvas app helps us to provide user friendly UI through which we can enhance user experience in Model Driven App.
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tofupixel · 3 months
⭐ So you want to learn pixel art? ⭐
🔹 Part 1 of ??? - The Basics!
Hello, my name is Tofu and I'm a professional pixel artist. I have been supporting myself with freelance pixel art since 2020, when I was let go from my job during the pandemic.
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My progress, from 2017 to 2024. IMO the only thing that really matters is time and effort, not some kind of natural talent for art.
This guide will not be comprehensive, as nobody should be expected to read allat. Instead I will lean heavily on my own experience, and share what worked for me, so take everything with a grain of salt. This is a guide, not a tutorial. Cheers!
🔹 Do I need money?
NO!!! Pixel art is one of the most accessible mediums out there.
I still use a mouse because I prefer it to a tablet! You won't be at any disadvantage here if you can't afford the best hardware or software.
Because our canvases are typically very small, you don't need a good PC to run a good brush engine or anything like that.
✨Did you know? One of the most skilled and beloved pixel artists uses MS PAINT! Wow!!
🔹 What software should I use?
Here are some of the most popular programs I see my friends and peers using. Stars show how much I recommend the software for beginners! ⭐
💰 Paid options:
⭐⭐⭐ Aseprite (for PC) - $19.99
This is what I and many other pixel artists use. You may find when applying to jobs that they require some knowledge of Aseprite. Since it has become so popular, companies like that you can swap raw files between artists.
Aseprite is amazingly customizable, with custom skins, scripts and extensions on Itch.io, both free and paid.
If you have ever used any art software before, it has most of the same features and should feel fairly familiar to use. It features a robust animation suite and a tilemap feature, which have saved me thousands of hours of labour in my work. The software is also being updated all the time, and the developers listen to the users. I really recommend Aseprite!
⭐ Photoshop (for PC) - Monthly $$
A decent option for those who already are used to the PS interface. Requires some setup to get it ready for pixel-perfect art, but there are plenty of tutorials for doing so.
Animation is also much more tedious on PS which you may want to consider before investing time!
⭐⭐ ProMotion NG (for PC) - $19.00
An advanced and powerful software which has many features Aseprite does not, including Colour Cycling and animated tiles.
⭐⭐⭐ Pixquare (for iOS) - $7.99 - $19.99 (30% off with code 'tofu'!!)
Probably the best app available for iPad users, in active development, with new features added all the time.
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Look! My buddy Jon recommends it highly, and uses it often.
One cool thing about Pixquare is that it takes Aseprite raw files! Many of my friends use it to work on the same project, both in their office and on the go.
⭐ Procreate (for iOS) - $12.99
If you have access to Procreate already, it's a decent option to get used to doing pixel art. It does however require some setup. Artist Pixebo is famously using Procreate, and they have tutorials of their own if you want to learn.
⭐⭐ ReSprite iOS and Android. (free trial, but:) $19.99 premium or $$ monthly
ReSprite is VERY similar in terms of UI to Aseprite, so I can recommend it. They just launched their Android release!
🆓 Free options:
⭐⭐⭐ Libresprite (for PC)
Libresprite is an alternative to Aseprite. It is very, very similar, to the point where documentation for Aseprite will be helpful to Libresprite users.
⭐⭐ Pixilart (for PC and mobile)
A free in-browser app, and also a mobile app! It is tied to the website Pixilart, where artists upload and share their work. A good option for those also looking to get involved in a community.
⭐⭐ Dotpict (for mobile)
Dotpict is similar to Pixilart, with a mobile app tied to a website, but it's a Japanese service. Did you know that in Japanese, pixel art is called 'Dot Art'? Dotpict can be a great way to connect with a different community of pixel artists! They also have prompts and challenges often.
🔹 So I got my software, now what?
◽Nice! Now it's time for the basics of pixel art.
❗ WAIT ❗ Before this section, I want to add a little disclaimer. All of these rules/guidelines can be broken at will, and some 'no-nos' can look amazing when done intentionally.
The pixel-art fundamentals can be exceedingly helpful to new artists, who may feel lost or overwhelmed by choice. But if you feel they restrict you too harshly, don't force yourself! At the end of the day it's your art, and you shouldn't try to contort yourself into what people think a pixel artist 'should be'. What matters is your own artistic expression. 💕👍
◽Phew! With that out of the way...
🔸"The Rules"
There are few hard 'rules' of pixel art, mostly about scaling and exporting. Some of these things will frequently trip up newbies if they aren't aware, and are easy to overlook.
🔹Scaling method
There are a couple ways of scaling your art. The default in most art programs, and the entire internet, is Bi-linear scaling, which usually works out fine for most purposes. But as pixel artists, we need a different method.
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Both are scaled up x10. See the difference?
On the left is scaled using Bilinear, and on the right is using Nearest-Neighbor. We love seeing those pixels stay crisp and clean, so we use nearest-neighbor. 
(Most pixel-art programs have nearest-neighbor enabled by default! So this may not apply to you, but it's important to know.)
Mixels are when there are different (mixed) pixel sizes in the same image.
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Here I have scaled up my art- the left is 200%, and the right is 150%. Yuck!
As we can see, the "pixel" sizes end up different. We generally try to scale our work by multiples of 100 - 200%, 300% etc. rather than 150%. At larger scales however, the minute differences in pixel sizes are hardly noticeable!
Mixels are also sometimes seen when an artist scales up their work, then continues drawing on it with a 1 pixel brush.
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Many would say that this is not great looking! This type of pixels can be indicative of a beginner artist. But there are plenty of creative pixel artists out there who mixels intentionally, making something modern and cool.
🔹Saving Your Files
We usually save our still images as .PNGs as they don’t create any JPEG artifacts or loss of quality. It's a little hard to see here, but there are some artifacts, and it looks a little blurry. It also makes the art very hard to work with if we are importing a JPEG.
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For animations .GIF is good, but be careful of the 256 colour limit. Try to avoid using too many blending mode layers or gradients when working with animations. If you aren’t careful, your animation could flash afterwards, as the .GIF tries to reduce colours wherever it can. It doesn’t look great!
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Here's an old piece from 2021 where I experienced .GIF lossiness, because I used gradients and transparency, resulting in way too many colours.
🔹Pixel Art Fundamentals - Techniques and Jargon
❗❗Confused about Jaggies? Anti-Aliasing? Banding? Dithering? THIS THREAD is for you❗❗
As far as I'm concerned, this is THE tutorial of all time for understanding pixel art. These are techniques created and named by the community of people who actually put the list together, some of the best pixel artists alive currently. Please read it!!
🔸How To Learn
Okay, so you have your software, and you're all ready to start. But maybe you need some more guidance? Try these tutorials and resources! It can be helpful to work along with a tutorial until you build your confidence up.
⭐⭐ Pixel Logic (A Digital Book) - $10 A very comprehensive visual guide book by a very skilled and established artist in the industry. I own a copy myself.
⭐⭐⭐ StudioMiniBoss - free A collection of visual tutorials, by the artist that worked on Celeste! When starting out, if I got stuck, I would go and scour his tutorials and see how he did it.
⭐ Lospec Tutorials - free A very large collection of various tutorials from all over the internet. There is a lot to sift through here if you have the time.
⭐⭐⭐ Cyangmou's Tutorials - free (tipping optional) Cyangmou is one of the most respected and accomplished modern pixel artists, and he has amassed a HUGE collection of free and incredibly well-educated visual tutorials. He also hosts an educational stream every week on Twitch called 'pixelart for beginners'.
⭐⭐⭐ Youtube Tutorials - free There are hundreds, if not thousands of tutorials on YouTube, but it can be tricky to find the good ones. My personal recommendations are MortMort, Brandon, and AdamCYounis- these guys really know what they're talking about!
🔸 How to choose a canvas size
When looking at pixel art turorials, we may see people suggest things like 16x16, 32x32 and 64x64. These are standard sizes for pixel art games with tiles. However, if you're just making a drawing, you don't necessarily need to use a standard canvas size like that.
What I like to think about when choosing a canvas size for my illustrations is 'what features do I think it is important to represent?' And make my canvas as small as possible, while still leaving room for my most important elements.
Imagine I have characters in a scene like this:
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I made my canvas as small as possible (232 x 314), but just big enough to represent the features and have them be recognizable (it's Good Omens fanart 😤)!! If I had made it any bigger, I would be working on it for ever, due to how much more foliage I would have to render.
If you want to do an illustration and you're not sure, just start at somewhere around 100x100 - 200x200 and go from there.
It's perfectly okay to crop your canvas, or scale it up, or crunch your art down at any point if you think you need a different size. I do it all the time! It only takes a bit of cleanup to get you back to where you were.
🔸Where To Post
Outside of just regular socials, Twitter, Tumblr, Deviantart, Instagram etc, there are a few places that lean more towards pixel art that you might not have heard of.
⭐ Lospec Lospec is a low-res focused art website. Some pieces get given a 'monthly masterpiece' award. Not incredibly active, but I believe there are more features being added often.
⭐⭐ Pixilart Pixilart is a very popular pixel art community, with an app tied to it. The community tends to lean on the young side, so this is a low-pressure place to post with an relaxed vibe.
⭐⭐ Pixeljoint Pixeljoint is one of the big, old-school pixel art websites. You can only upload your art unscaled (1x) because there is a built-in zoom viewer. It has a bit of a reputation for being elitist (back in the 00s it was), but in my experience it's not like that any more. This is a fine place for a pixel artist to post if they are really interested in learning, and the history. The Hall of Fame has some of the most famous / impressive pixel art pieces that paved the way for the work we are doing today.
⭐⭐⭐ Cafe Dot Cafe Dot is my art server so I'm a little biased here. 🍵 It was created during the recent social media turbulence. We wanted a place to post art with no algorithms, and no NFT or AI chuds. We have a heavy no-self-promotion rule, and are more interested in community than skill or exclusivity. The other thing is that we have some kind of verification system- you must apply to be a Creator before you can post in the Art feed, or use voice. This helps combat the people who just want to self-promo and dip, or cause trouble, as well as weed out AI/NFT people. Until then, you are still welcome to post in any of the threads or channels. There is a lot to do in Cafe Dot. I host events weekly, so check the threads!
⭐⭐/r/pixelart The pixel art subreddit is pretty active! I've also heard some of my friends found work through posting here, so it's worth a try if you're looking. However, it is still Reddit- so if you're sensitive to rude people, or criticism you didn't ask for, you may want to avoid this one. Lol
🔸 Where To Find Work
You need money? I got you! As someone who mostly gets scouted on social media, I can share a few tips with you:
Put your email / portfolio in your bio Recruiters don't have all that much time to find artists, make it as easy as possible for someone to find your important information!
Clean up your profile If your profile feed is all full of memes, most people will just tab out rather than sift through. Doesn't apply as much to Tumblr if you have an art tag people can look at.
Post regularly, and repost Activity beats everything in the social media game. It's like rolling the dice, and the more you post the more chances you have. You have to have no shame, it's all business baby
Outside of just posting regularly and hoping people reach out to you, it can be hard to know where to look. Here are a few places you can sign up to and post around on.
/r/INAT INAT (I Need A Team) is a subreddit for finding a team to work with. You can post your portfolio here, or browse for people who need artists.
/r/GameDevClassifieds Same as above, but specifically for game-related projects.
Remote Game Jobs / Work With Indies Like Indeed but for game jobs. Browse them often, or get email notifications.
VGen VGen is a website specifically for commissions. You need a code from another verified artist before you can upgrade your account and sell, so ask around on social media or ask your friends. Once your account is upgraded, you can make a 'menu' of services people can purchase, and they send you an offer which you are able to accept, decline, or counter.
The evil websites of doom: Fiverr and Upwork I don't recommend them!! They take a big cut of your profit, and the sites are teeming with NFT and AI people hoping to make a quick buck. The site is also extremely oversaturated and competitive, resulting in a race to the bottom (the cheapest, the fastest, doing the most for the least). Imagine the kind of clients who go to these websites, looking for the cheapest option. But if you're really desperate...
🔸 Community
I do really recommend getting involved in a community. Finding like-minded friends can help you stay motivated to keep drawing. One day, those friends you met when you were just starting out may become your peers in the industry. Making friends is a game changer!
Discord servers Nowadays, the forums of old are mostly abandoned, and people split off into many different servers. Cafe Dot, Pixel Art Discord (PAD), and if you can stomach scrolling past all the AI slop, you can browse Discord servers here.
Twitch Streams Twitch has kind of a bad reputation for being home to some of the more edgy gamers online, but the pixel art community is extremely welcoming and inclusive. Some of the people I met on Twitch are my friends to this day, and we've even worked together on different projects! Browse pixel art streams here, or follow some I recommend: NickWoz, JDZombi, CupOhJoe, GrayLure, LumpyTouch, FrankiePixelShow, MortMort, Sodor, NateyCakes, NyuraKim, ShinySeabass, I could go on for ever really... There are a lot of good eggs on Pixel Art Twitch.
🔸 Other Helpful Websites
Palettes Lospec has a huge collection of user-made palettes, for any artist who has trouble choosing their colours, or just wants to try something fun. Rejected Palettes is full of palettes that didn't quite make it onto Lospec, ran by people who believe there are no bad colours.
The Spriters Resource TSR is an incredible website where users can upload spritesheets and tilesets from games. You can browse for your favourite childhood game, and see how they made it! This website has helped me so much in understanding how game assets come together in a scene.
VGMaps Similar to the above, except there are entire maps laid out how they would be played. This is incredible if you have to do level design, or for mocking up a scene for fun.
Game UI Database Not pixel-art specific, but UI is a very challenging part of graphics, so this site can be a game-changer for finding good references!
Retronator A digital newspaper for pixel-art lovers! New game releases, tutorials, and artworks!
Itch.io A website where people can upload, games, assets, tools... An amazing hub for game devs and game fans alike. A few of my favourite tools: Tiled, PICO-8, Pixel Composer, Juice FX, Magic Pencil for Aseprite
🔸 The End?
This is just part 1 for now, so please drop me a follow to see any more guides I release in the future. I plan on doing some writeups on how I choose colours, how to practise, and more!
I'm not an expert by any means, but everything I did to get to where I am is outlined in this guide. Pixel art is my passion, my job and my hobby! I want pixel art to be recognized everywhere as an art-form, a medium of its own outside of game-art or computer graphics!
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This guide took me a long time, and took a lot of research and experience. Consider following me or supporting me if you are feeling generous.
And good luck to all the fledgling pixel artists, I hope you'll continue and have fun. I hope my guide helped you, and don't hesitate to send me an ask if you have any questions! 💕
My other tutorials (so far): How to draw Simple Grass for a game Hue Shifting
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sharepointdesign · 3 days
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Are you looking for the right Powerapps Consultant to elevate your business operations? Our Power Platform Consulting Services offer tailored solutions that focus on your unique needs, from Power Apps automation to data analytics using MS Power Platforms. Visit us at www.sharepointdesigns.com or call us at +91 98841 89463 or email us at [email protected]
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andrewcooper2503 · 4 days
Why You Need Powerapps Consulting for Your Business Growth
Elevate your operations with PowerApps consulting. Professionals guide you in building custom solutions that automate tasks, optimize workflows, and unlock your team's full potential for growth.
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john-carle123 · 2 months
AI in Education: Personalizing Learning Experiences Like Never Before
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Remember those days in school when you felt like just another face in the crowd? Well, buckle up, because education is getting a major upgrade, and it's all thanks to our friend AI. We're talking about a learning revolution that's as personal as your favorite playlist.
 Welcome to the Future of Learning
Imagine a classroom where every student is the star of their own educational show. Sounds too good to be true? Well, pinch yourself, because this is very much our new reality. AI in education isn't just changing the game; it's rewriting the rules entirely.
Let's break it down, shall we?
 AI: Your Personal Education Genie
Remember Aladdin's genie? Well, AI is like that, but for learning. It's granting educational wishes you didn't even know you had. Here's how:
1. Adaptive Learning: Your Very Own Learning Superhighway
 AI-powered platforms are like chameleons, changing and adjusting based on how you learn. Struggling with fractions with AI powered solutions? It'll slow down and offer more examples. Breezing through Shakespeare? It'll throw in some spicier analysis questions. It's like having a personal tutor who knows exactly what you need, available 24/7.
2. Predictive Analytics: The Crystal Ball of Education
 Imagine knowing you might struggle with algebra next semester before you even start. That's the magic of predictive analytics. It's like having a heads-up display for learning, helping teachers provide support before problems even arise. Talk about being proactive!
3. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Your AI Study Buddy
Stuck on a problem at 2 AM? Your AI study buddy is there to break it down, step by step, as many times as you need. It never gets tired, never judges, and might even throw in a joke or two to keep things light.
 Breaking Down Barriers: AI for Everyone
Here's where things get really heart warming. AI isn't just making learning more efficient; it's making it more accessible and inclusive.
For students with learning disabilities, AI is like a superhero sidekick. Text-to-speech for reading difficulties? Check. Visual recognition describing images for visually impaired students? You got it. Customized learning experiences for those on the autism spectrum? Absolutely.
And let's not forget about breaking down language barriers. Imagine collaborating on a project with students from five different countries, each speaking their native language, with AI translating in real-time. It's not just cool; it's preparing students for our globally connected world.
 The Teacher's New Best Friend
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Is AI going to replace teachers?" Let me stop you right there – absolutely not! If anything, AI is becoming a teacher's new BFF.
By taking care of routine tasks like grading multiple-choice tests, AI frees up teachers to do what they do best – inspire, mentor, and connect with students. It's like giving teachers superpowers, allowing them to focus on the human elements of education that no machine could ever replace.
 Challenges? Sure. But the Future is Bright
Let's get real for a moment – implementing AI in education isn't all smooth sailing. There are challenges to overcome:
1. Data Privacy: We need to ensure student data is protected like Fort Knox.
2. The Digital Divide: We must make sure AI benefits all students, not just those with the latest gadgets.
3. Maintaining the Human Touch: Because let's face it, a hug from an AI just isn't the same.
But here's the thing – these challenges aren't roadblocks; they're opportunities. They're pushing us to think critically about how we implement AI, ensuring it enhances rather than replaces human interaction.
 The Road Ahead: A Glimpse into the Future
As we look to the future of education, one thing is clear – it's going to be more personal than ever before. Here's what we might see:
- Emotion AI: Imagine learning systems that can recognize and respond to your emotions, providing encouragement when you're frustrated or a challenge when you're bored.
- AI-Powered Career Guidance: Systems that can analyze your strengths, interests, and the job market to guide you towards a fulfilling career path.
- Lifelong Learning Companions: AI assistants that stay with you beyond school, helping you acquire new skills throughout your life.
 Real-World Success Stories
This isn't just pie-in-the-sky dreaming. Schools and companies around the world are already seeing amazing results with AI in education:
- Knewton: This adaptive learning platform has helped students improve their grades by an average of 10%.
- DreamBox: Schools using this AI-powered math program have seen up to 59% improvement in test scores.
- Third Space Learning: Their AI-powered tutoring has helped over 75,000 students improve their math skills.
The Future is Personal
As we wrap up our journey through the AI-enhanced educational landscape, one thing is crystal clear – the future of learning is personal. AI is giving us the tools to tailor education to each student's needs, pace, and learning style.
Imagine a world where every student has the opportunity to learn in a way that best suits them. Where struggling students get the support they need before they fall behind, and advanced students are continually challenged. Where learning is engaging, accessible, and dare I say it – fun.
That world isn't just a distant dream – it's unfolding right before our eyes. AI in education isn't just transforming how we learn; it's transforming lives, opening doors, and creating opportunities that were once unimaginable.
So, whether you're a student, a teacher, a parent, or just someone fascinated by the potential of technology in education, one thing's for sure – the future of learning is bright, and it's powered by AI. Are you ready to be part of this educational revolution?
Remember, in the world of AI-enhanced education, the only limit is our imagination. And from where I'm standing, the possibilities look endless. So, let's embrace this new era of personalized learning – because education that adapts to you is education that empowers you. And isn't that what learning should be all about?
Welcome to the future of education. It's personal, it's powerful, and it's here to stay. Let's make the most of it!
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crm-blogs · 3 months
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jarvis-invest · 3 months
Top AI-Driven Portfolio Management Services in India
Investors come to the stock market to make big money. However, the majority fail to do so for N different reasons. One of the biggest problems with investors is that they keep adding stocks to their portfolio, hoping each will bring higher profit to the portfolio. However, the stock market return does not work this way. Investing is an art, and stock portfolio management is a crucial aspect of this art. 
Portfolio management has evolved over the years. Today, many companies are using AI for stock portfolio management and maximizing returns for their investors. We will look at AI stock management in detail in this article.
Understanding stock portfolio management
Before we bring AI to portfolio management, let us understand the term in detail. The first step is stock portfolio creation. A stock portfolio is a record of your losses and gains. Building a healthy stock collection is a step-by-step process. 
Before you select stocks for your portfolio, you need to determine your risk profile. You will have peaceful nights when you create a portfolio based on your risk profile. Once you enroll on the Jarvis app, you will get to know your risk profile at no cost.
Stock portfolio management is concerned with allocating stocks to a portfolio while downsizing the risk. More importantly, it is about matching goals to outcomes. It requires you to analyze potential risks related to different stocks available to you. 
It helps investors achieve their financial goals, as it provides strategy and solutions based on the needs of investors.
Portfolio management to the next level
We mentioned above that portfolio management is an excellent tool for investors to achieve financial goals. However, there is a problem with it. It is an art, and not everyone is an artist. Not everyone can learn it and implement it in their financial journey. 
There are two solutions to the problem – first, you get in touch with professional fund managers and seek services for portfolio management (PMS). The second option is to use technology to maximize your returns through portfolio management.
The first solution has a problem, which we will discuss in the next section. The second solution is one that most investors are adopting. Artificial intelligence makes portfolio management accessible to the masses. 
Limitation of fund managers
The first problem with fund managers is that they are super costly. They charge you a lot. Even if you have the money to afford a professional fund manager, you will have to bear with their limitations. 
Best advisors for stock market spend hours analyzing stock data and deciding which stocks are perfect for their clients. However, at the end of the day, they are humans. They need to take a week off, can miss key data points, and make general human errors.
When it comes to portfolio management, AI is several steps ahead of what humans can achieve, and we have only recently started.
Maximizing returns with AI portfolio management
Now that some companies across the globe are using AI for investing, we have data to confidently say that an AI portfolio can do better than an average investor portfolio. Below are some reasons how AI help maximize gains and are better than traditional fund manager:
Your returns increase if you lower your charges or fees. For example, professional fund managers charge you a hefty fee. AI-based systems are super pockets friendly. Therefore, once you start using it, you maximize your gains upfront.
AI systems can scan the entire internet and build an excellent model to help you filter and select stocks. A more detailed analysis translates to a higher chance of maximizing your gains.
AI’s ability to analyze millions of data pointers helps AI outperform a human being’s prediction of how the market will move. It also helps traders maximize their gains.
AI provides a two-fold risk prevention measure from market volatility and anticipates future investment risk. 
Most AI-based systems have a risk management system in place that helps you lower the portfolio risk. They have the capability to send alerts if any stock in your portfolio has a red flag.
AI stock management definitely has an edge over retail investors and fund managers. It outperforms them as it provides investors with greater accessibility to a more diverse stock portfolio, faster response times, and lower fees. 
To see the magic yourself, you can download the Jarvis Invest and start your equity investment using the power of artificial intelligence.
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learning--tech · 3 months
Empower Your Business with DDS4U's Comprehensive Services
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At DDS4U, we provide a suite of services designed to streamline your operations, drive growth, and ensure your business stays ahead in today’s competitive market.
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Revolutionize your workflows with our AI-driven automation platform. By automating repetitive tasks and integrating advanced AI technologies, we help you save time, reduce costs, and improve accuracy, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives.
Custom Software Development
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CRM Solutions
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At DDS4U, we are committed to helping your business succeed. Our comprehensive services are designed to address your unique challenges and support your growth ambitions. Partner with us to unlock new opportunities and achieve your business goals.
#At DDS4U#we provide a suite of services designed to streamline your operations#drive growth#and ensure your business stays ahead in today’s competitive market.#AI-Powered Business Automation#Revolutionize your workflows with our AI-driven automation platform. By automating repetitive tasks and integrating advanced AI technologie#we help you save time#reduce costs#and improve accuracy#allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives.#Custom Software Development#Our experienced software developers create tailored solutions that meet your unique business needs. Whether you require a new application o#our innovative and scalable software solutions ensure your business operates efficiently and effectively.#CRM Solutions#Enhance your customer relationships with our comprehensive CRM platform. Manage customer interactions#streamline sales processes#and gain valuable insights to drive better business decisions. Our CRM system is designed to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty#ultimately leading to increased sales and growth.#Targeted Advertisement Platform#Maximize your reach and engagement with our cutting-edge advertising platform. Tailor your campaigns to specific audiences and utilize real#In-App Advertisement Space#Monetize your mobile applications with designated ad spaces. Our in-app advertising feature allows you to serve targeted ads to users#providing an additional revenue stream while ensuring ads are relevant and non-intrusive.#Referral Portal#Expand your network and drive business growth with our referral portal. Easily manage and track referrals#incentivize partners#and streamline communication. Our portal fosters strong professional relationships and opens new opportunities for your business.#Business Networking Platform#Connect with industry professionals and collaborate on projects through our dynamic networking platform. Share knowledge#explore partnerships
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tricksfunn · 5 months
8 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life in 2024
Let’s face it, iPhones are amazing companions, but that constant worry about the battery life can be a real buzzkill. We’ve all been there: scrambling for a charger just as we’re about to capture that perfect sunset pic, or stressing about a dying phone during a long commute. Fear not, fellow iPhone users! There are ways to squeeze more juice out of your beloved device. Here are some…
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jcmarchi · 8 days
Pavlo Pikulin, Founder & CEO of Deus Robotics – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/pavlo-pikulin-founder-ceo-of-deus-robotics-interview-series/
Pavlo Pikulin, Founder & CEO of Deus Robotics – Interview Series
Pavlo Pikulin is the founder and CEO of Deus Robotics, which has developed an AI platform that connects and enhances the intelligence of warehouse robots from any manufacturer. The company also offers AI-powered robots that cover 90% of warehouse automation needs — and counting. With over 22 years of experience in AI and 6 years in robotics, Pavlo serves as an Expert on the Artificial Intelligence committee under Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation.
Can you share your journey in AI and robotics, and what inspired you to start Deus Robotics?
It all began with my dad, who’s always been a tech enthusiast. Even before I was born, he got me a personal computer — pretty rare in my hometown back in 1989.
When I was five, I wrote my first computer program. The idea of giving a task to a machine and watching it execute was absolutely fascinating to me.
At seven, I sold my first website for $20. Soon after, I started building and selling computers. By thirteen, I had written a program to bypass a captcha in a computer game, which later evolved into an automatic number-plate recognition system.
By fifteen, I was convinced that the future was all about robotics.
This realization set my path towards robotics and AI. However, at that age, I didn’t have the means to start my own robotics company, so I took a bit of a detour. At nineteen, I launched a game studio which grew into a global company with 60 million users worldwide. By 2021, we had 700 employees, and some of our games became the top downloads in their genre in the US.
But robotics was always on my mind and in my heart. I’ve always believed the world would be better if robots could handle all the tough, mundane, or dangerous tasks. By late 2017, I had saved enough to finally bootstrap my own robotics company and make that vision a reality.
It took me a year to do all the research in robotics I needed to start. After that, I gathered a team of incredibly talented engineers and programmers — some old friends, others new faces — and we launched Deus Robotics in early 2019. This past summer, Deus Robotics was shortlisted for Logistics UK’s Logistics Awards, Robotics & Automation Awards, and Supply Chain Excellence Awards USA.
What lessons did you carry over from your 15 years in the gaming industry to robotics and AI?
Working on games has given me valuable experience in many key areas, and it’s been rewarding to see how these skills apply to robotics.
Virtual Worlds for Robotics
Virtual worlds are a game-changer in robotics, offering a quicker and more efficient way to test ideas without waiting months for a hardware prototype. Instead of spending time and resources on physical prototypes, you can experiment in a virtual environment. Creating these virtual worlds is a lot like designing a game, where robots interact with their surroundings — this is where my game development experience really comes in handy.
Algorithm Transfer
When we were developing algorithms for robot path planning, as a team, we tapped into our experience from creating similar algorithms in games for character navigation. In our strategy games, hundreds of characters had to navigate through cities with roads and buildings — just like robots in our systems. This made transferring our path-planning expertise to robotics feel seamless and natural.
Complex Software and Analytics
Robots, much like games, are built on complex software. Developing a world-class game involves creating secure payment systems, social features like chat and groups, competitive elements, and a detailed virtual world with countless mechanics. One of our games had over 300 functional windows — more than you’d find in most banking apps! Games also handle massive loads, with millions or even billions of users performing countless actions, and this experience provides valuable insights for warehouse robotics.
Another crucial aspect is analytics. In games, we had to quickly and efficiently analyze user actions, managing high volumes of data. The same is true for robots, which continuously send vast amounts of data that need robust processing and analysis systems. Additionally, creating AI agents in games to engage players is similar to programming robots, as both involve crafting intelligent, responsive behavior.
In short, if you can build and manage a game development team, you’ve got what it takes to lead a robotics team as well.
How has your role in the Artificial Intelligence Committee under Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation influenced your work at Deus Robotics?
The Committee’s goal is to advise government authorities on AI, including robotics. I joined to provide expertise specifically in robotics and to consult on government requests. We’re also focused on education, regulations, and pilot AI projects in Ukraine. 
Through my work with the Committee, Deus Robotics found a way to expand our passion for advancing robotics in Ukraine beyond just warehouse automation. This allows us to make a broader impact.
Could you explain the unique AI brain developed by Deus Robotics and how it enhances the intelligence of warehouse robots?
Our robot control software, dubbed AI brain, includes key technologies:
1. On-Robot Systems:
A system that collects and analyzes data from all the robot’s sensors, helping it understand its surroundings, determine its location, and make decisions.
A control system that manages all robot mechanisms, such as manipulators, motors, lidars, and cameras, to execute the robot’s decisions.
A 3D recognition system that identifies obstacles using 3D cameras and a lidar recognition system that interprets what the LIDAR detects.
2. Centralized Management Platform:
Our AI platform connects all robots via Wi-Fi, coordinating their actions and enabling centralized communication.
In warehouses, our centralized system is crucial. It prevents collisions by tracking each robot’s exact location in real-time, allowing them to move quickly and safely.
This centralized system also integrates seamlessly with the warehouse management system, making it a key advantage and streamlining robot management.
Besides being connected, our robots are also getting smarter. Thanks to the adapters for different robots, our system can integrate robots from various manufacturers, enabling them to share information and coordinate tasks.
Previously, robots could only coordinate with other robots from the same manufacturer. Now, they can exchange data and work together across different brands.
What sets Deus Robotics apart from other companies in the warehouse automation industry?
Unlike other warehouse robotics companies, we’ve developed the heart of what makes robots truly effective: their brain. Our AI-powered brain connects with robots from any manufacturer, including our own, turning even the simplest robots into smarter, more capable machines. This kind of interoperability is something special in the industry.
This is especially important because, typically, robots from different manufacturers don’t play well together. Each robotics provider only covers a small slice of automation needs, leaving warehouses to choose from too many options. Each provider also requires costly and time-consuming integration, making it hard to switch if you want to try something new. Plus, when robots from different providers can’t connect or be centrally managed, it complicates operations and limits your ability to scale.
That’s where we come in. Our system makes it easy to bring as many robots as you need under one roof, all managed through a single, user-friendly platform.
With our solution, you get:
All automation needs covered under one system.
A single integration for all current and future providers, eliminating repeated integration costs and allowing you to switch providers as needed.
An easy-to-use management system for all current and future robots.
AI-enhanced, smarter robots that work together seamlessly (what’s important, our system can connect with humanoids, too).
Ongoing training and support for warehouse operators to ensure smooth operations.
And the best part? Our solution is truly all-in-one. We offer robots that tackle 90% of logistics tasks (and counting), paired with our AI platform that ties everything together. With our system, you can easily connect robots from any provider, simplify your operations, and scale your automation like never before. This is particularly important as only 20% of warehouses are automated.
How does Lidar technology enhance the navigation capabilities of your AGVs compared to traditional methods?
When our robot spots a floor tag, it navigates with pinpoint accuracy — within 1mm. But when the tag isn’t in view, accuracy can drop to around 20mm. That’s where LIDAR comes in, helping to keep navigation precise even between markers.
LIDAR adds another layer of information, which we combine with data from tags and gyroscopes. Each source gives us different insights with varying accuracy. Our specialized system merges all these inputs to pinpoint the robot’s position with high precision. The more accurate the data, the better the robot navigates, and precise positioning is key to smooth and effective robot movement.
Could you describe the role and benefits of your Robot as a Service (RaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) models for businesses?
Buying robots requires significant capital investment, leading to a payback period of one to three years. This also ties up the client’s operating funds and increases capital expenses.
RaaS (Robots as a Service) is a game-changer for businesses. It eliminates the need for capital investment, relying instead on operational expenses. The payback begins in the first month, thanks to the immediate boost in productivity. Instead of needing 2-5 times more people to achieve the same productivity, robots enhance the efficiency of existing staff—at a lower cost than hiring additional workers.
Plus, RaaS reduces risk. There’s no need to freeze investments, and expenses shift from CAPEX to OPEX.
What are the advantages of QR Code Navigation in AGVs, and how does it compare to Lidar?
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) follow fixed routes, navigating via floor tags instead of LIDAR, and can’t deviate from their path. In contrast, our autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) use 3D LIDAR scans for flexible navigation without relying on floor markers.
In what ways do Deus Robotics’ solutions address the current challenges faced by warehouse logistics and the 3PL industry?
Currently, we offer a solution that transports goods from point A to point B, which is especially appealing to fulfillment centers. However, the need to move goods exists in any warehouse — whether it’s in manufacturing, healthcare, automotive, or retail. In the future, we plan to expand our product line to include robots that can handle tasks like packing, loading and unloading trucks, unpacking, and picking. We’re already working closely with robot manufacturers to integrate their products into our lineup.
Another challenge we’re addressing to make warehouses more efficient is providing a unified system for managing robots — a single integration, management, and enhancement point. Our clients don’t need to deal with multiple robot platforms. They only need to integrate with us once and can then use any robots they choose. While our current selection of robots is limited (we have 15 models to date), we’re constantly working to expand it.
What advancements do you foresee in the integration of AI and robotics in warehouse automation over the next 5-10 years?
One of the biggest challenges we face is figuring out the best way to automate each warehouse. Even though warehouses perform similar tasks, they differ in the details — like processes, staff, the types of goods they handle, and their goals. Some aim for maximum efficiency, others for cost-effectiveness. Planning the right automation solution and setting up the best business processes takes a lot of time and effort from experts. I’m convinced that AI will soon help us design warehouse automation in just seconds, making the process much smoother and more efficient.
Another exciting development is the rise of specialized robots designed for specific tasks. While the first robots were built for general use, as automation grows, we’ll see more robots tailored to unique needs. For example, inventory robots are just starting to appear since most warehouses only need one or two.
Humanoid robots are also on the horizon. These versatile robots will be able to handle tasks much like humans, thanks to advances in AI.
AI is also getting better at helping people with their tasks, like smarter voice assistants that can offer guidance. Plus, AI can optimize warehouse operations by analyzing data and improving efficiency. With access to digital warehouse data, AI can quickly identify and fix issues, making everything run more smoothly.
Looking at the bigger picture, AI will also improve how different warehouses work together, along with suppliers and logistics partners. This includes better scheduling, moving goods efficiently, and predicting what will be needed next.
All in all, AI and robotics are not just tools for automation — they’re the keys to unlocking a smarter, more connected future for warehouses and beyond.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Deus Robotics.
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