pwecie · 18 days
To people who take any stimulant medication for (but not limited to) ADHD, remember to have a big breakfast before you take your meds, because that shit is gonna fuck up your appetite. Oh and take a shit before you leave the house. Trust me. Most meds also double as an unwanted laxative and it’s best to go in your own house than at a public restroom, especially in America where the stall doors don’t go all the way down.
If you can’t, make friends with Poo-Pourri and line the surface of the water with toilet paper so that the sound is minimized and the bathroom doesn’t smell.
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howtosingit · 1 year
Brian I have a nice ask day ask if you wish to answer it 💜 can you pick your top 5 Rafa on screen scenes and rank them? impossible question I know. but I believe in you!
Okay the thing is I did want to answer this immediately but it absolutely crippled me with doubt 😂 so I'm just gonna do it quick like ripping off a bandaid so that I can't overthink it anymore. Also not going to rank them because I'll spiral, so you're just getting 5 great ones:
The first interrogation room scene in 2x08 (but also all Carlos and Gabriel scenes this episode). The constant shifts in Carlos as he puts things together and realizes why Gabriel's there, the heartbreak of him thinking he was doing what his father always wanted, only to disappoint him again... at the time, this was the strongest scene LS had it its arsenal (WE STAN AND MISS TONYA KONG FOREVER AND ALWAYS) and it remains one of the best ones. It's so compelling and amazing to get to see the Carlos and Gabriel dynamic on display for the first time. This episode was a game-changer and I'll never shut up about it.
It's probably cheating to say all of his work in 4x18, so if I had to pick a scene from that I would say his talk with Owen where they toast Gabriel. My only problem with it is that it's so short, but Rafa packs every fucking thing he can in there, beat for beat, and it's beautiful. His delivery on "and forget about it?" but also all the lines leading up to that. The man is fucking hollow and crushed and lost and MY GOD RAFAEL. He's so skilled at what he does, knows exactly what he's doing every time. It's sublime.
Fine, another 4x18. Carlos's vows. I'm not gonna explain that one, the man is fucking beautiful and his heart is beautiful and he puts in on display publicly for what was probably the first time in his adult life, and it's stunning.
I love the scene in 3x13 where Carlos meets Cooper. Rafa is such a brilliant comedic actor, he uses every tool at his disposal, he understands his craft so well, how to use his body and face and voice to delivery great work, he's such a standout. I adore him. I could watch that scene for hours. Also, he is really fucking distracting in those clothes.
I'm gonna pick the fire in 2x12. And I'm gonna pick it because honestly the intensity of that scene, the life-or-death stakes, the absolute devastation and destruction of it, they are fully delivered by Rafa's performance. Like, Carlos's fear is what drives the scene, and Rafa's work sells it. And I'm also going to pick it because he's shirtless and so fucking hot. I'm gay, it's true. Have fully never recovered from it. And I'm also going to cheat and say the scene continues into him crying and TK holding him. So, like, obviously a top 5.
I'm sorry I have to include it I know I already picked 5 and I refuse to cut any of them but the 3x04 scene deserves to be in here and I'm mostly talking about the montage scene where TK wakes up and Carlos is forced out of the room and then his mom is there but then he fucking gasps the breath of a dying man who has been saved LIKE HE BASICALLY SAYS NO WORDS BUT MY FUCKING GOD, THE PERFORMANCE so I'm listing it and you can't fucking stop me Lola YOU CAN'T
anyway I just really love an actor who has honed their skills and studied their craft and dedicated themselves to approaching each scene in a fresh and honest way and I'm just really fucking happy to get to watch Rafa do it so thanks for letting me rave about him Lola you're a real one ❤️
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thefoodiesfithome · 2 years
2022 White Elephant Gift Ideas
50+ White Elephant Gift Swap Ideas your friends & family will love
Are you stumped every year when your friend or office has a White Elephant gift exchange? Also known as Yankee Swap (any Office fans out there? Because this sign is also on my list), the concept is to bring in a gift under X dollars (usually $10, $15 or $20, something lower) that can be pretty universally enjoyed by whomever ends up with it. Shopping that broadly can actually be even more…
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When I see Poo-pourri in someone’s guest bathroom, it makes me so safe for the blasphemy I’m about to commit in their guest bathroom. 
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bil-daddy · 9 months
bildad im on my period (i just got it recently) and im scared of the blood :(
Hey, kid (human, presumably). Sorry you got initiated into this particular club, that nobody particularly wants to be in (I blame @the-almighty-god). Periods suck, even when you're not afraid of blood, but being scared of blood makes it worse.
I know it's easier said than done, but try not thinking of it as blood. Because technically, it's not just blood, it's more than that and it's your body doing what it needs to do to eliminate waste, same as numbers 1&2, which are gross, yeah, but also completely necessary and normal so everyone gets used to it. So you could just think of your period as going number 3.
Can I ask what's scaring you about the blood?
If it's seeing the blood, then maybe keep the lights off/low while you clean up and change pad/tampon/menstrual cup so you don't see the red, and it just looks like chocolate sauce in the dark. Or you could try black period panties, and just toss them into a plastic bag to be laundered when you're done, and maybe you won't see any blood at all.
If it's the smell, wear a mask and/or spray some perfume/febreeze/poo-pourri to cover up the scent.
If it's the texture of blood, wear medical gloves.
There are also birth controls that can stop you having periods, or make it so you have fewer a year. But that's something to discuss with your doctor and your parents (if you just got your period for the first time recently, I'm assuming you're still with your parents).
Or, if you feel up to it, you could try to habituate yourself to the blood and get used to it until you're not afraid anymore. This might happen on it's own, anyway, since your period'll come once a month.
In the meantime, have some midol and a hot waterbottle (platonic)
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AITA for shitting in the upstairs toilet?
And for the record this isn't a big relationship ending fight, just want to have a funnier AITA ask and I'm curious about my sibling fight. But my sister does get pissed at me lol
So, I (23,nb) am home for the holidays and my sister (22) keeps telling me I have to poop downstairs because she hates when the bathroom smells like shit. For context, I think it's funny to share when I have to take a major dump (not every time) because it bothers her (she calls me gross) and my mom (it's not polite) but otherwise there's not anything special about my shitting habits. I leave the bathroom clean, wash my hands, my shit smells no worse than average, no ibs, etc. She also shares the upstairs bathroom with our brother (18) so it's not like she's used to having it to herself.
I refuse to use the downstairs toilet because I'm worried people are judging how long I'm in there?/ listening to me because it's next to the kitchen and living room where people watch TV and I like privacy when I'm doing my business. So I use the upstairs one also it's usually closer since it's near our bedrooms.
More info I can think of: my sister doesn't exclusively shit downstairs but she insists her shit doesn't smell (wrong, I've used the bathroom after her before, also not a big deal everyone poops™️). She also isn't a neat freak, she leaves clothes in the bathroom and hair she's pulled out of the brush all over the floor which is more annoying imo. She doesn't make my brother shit downstairs tho I'm sure she'd prefer it even tho his bathroom etiquette is way worse (he doesn't even flush his shit and leaves toilet paper on the plunger IF he uses it) but I assume it's bc he doesn't announce his shitting habits like I do haha. I'm also the only one who doesn't live at home (out of state college) so both my sister and brother are always sharing a bathroom and not just for the holidays but I do have my own room here. We don't have poo-pourri and I'm not spending $10-15 when I can just shit in MY bathroom and I do crack a window and stuff.
Tldr: AITA for shitting upstairs when it's the closest/what I'm most comfortable with even though my sister doesn't like when the bathroom smells, like it's a bathroom?
What are these acronyms?
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panlight · 1 year
This question has haunted me since I first read the books in high school. If vampires have super hearing and smell, how tf did Bella poop at their house? Like, at some point I’m sure she had too. What an absolutely horrifying experience that would be! Just knowing that your soon to be in-laws are listening to you take a shit in surround sound. Tf.
It is pretty anxiety-inducing to think about, right? Or at least embarrassing. And totally the kind of thing that would embarrass Bella specifically. She could have possibly avoided it up until her monster pregnancy when she was living full-time at the Cullens and was still human. Yikes.
I'm sure SM would say the Cullens do their best to give her privacy and not notice/think about it, maybe Alice even sees she needs to use the restroom and ushers everyone outside but that seems even more embarrassing? Like, hi, you all need to leave your house so I can use the bathroom, thanks. And Alice has like Poo-pourri and air fresheners and everything in the bathroom trying to make her feel comfortable.
And this reminds me that there (as best as I remember) is no discussion about Renesmee and the restroom. Does this baby poop? Does anyone have to change her diapers? Is she potty trained? I feel like SM avoided all this because it's not "pretty." I suppose if she's only drinking blood her body might process it like a vampire's and there's no waste, but they did try to get her to eat human food too and drink baby formula so that should generate some waste, right? But we hear how quickly she learned to walk and talk and read and dance . . . but is she potty trained??
I mean I get it; most books don't spend time on this kind of thing unless it's relevant to the plot somehow. But it DOES specifically feel like the kind of anxiety Bella would have; she sees humans as weak and lesser and omg now these perfect sparkling gods and goddesses know that I poop! How horrifying! Like, girl, they kill animals with their teeth and drink the blood. That's grosser than any human bodily function IMO.
But I wouldn't want to use the bathroom there either, so I get it.
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sapphyreopal5 · 8 days
Sigh, I remember hearing about this pregnancy loss scare in response to her sister's accident in that Bathroom Chronicles podcast. Someone asked me a question regarding the breathing masks statement in this article (green colored statement below), which almost sounds like an incomplete thought. Hard to say if they literally meant putting on oxygen masks on the plane and she had to help him out, or if this was meant to be some kind of metaphor. Who knows, maybe I need to listen to that podcast again to get clarity and refresh my memory on this tidbit.
Good lord, can this woman be anymore self-centered? Your sister was on life support after this accident... and you made it out to be you were scared to death of losing your healthy pregnancy at the time? I get being worried about miscarrying but coming from her this just screams a reason to have People Magazine write an article about it several years later (article dated 4/5/2023). Also, can't handle your sister being the spotlight here and had to make this somehow be about you? Good grief!
Some tidbits from this People Magazine article titled "Genevieve Padalecki Recalls Others' Concerns She'd Lose Second Pregnancy After Sister's Accident [Exclusive]":
During her appearance on Thursday's episode of Bathroom Chronicles — a podcast hosted by Kimberly Van Der Beek and Peggy Rometo and recorded in the bathroom of the Van Der Beek's ranch in Austin, Texas, sponsored by Poo-Pourri — the wife of Jared Padalecki opened up about dealing with an ongoing family emergency while pregnant with son Austin "Shep" Shepherd, now 8. The Towwn founder, 42, explained that her sister, Sarah, experienced a "really traumatic brain injury" early in her pregnancy with Shep. "Not to get dark with things, my sister right now is doing great and kicking ass, and so we can laugh about it now, but she fell four stories off a building when I was pregnant with Shep," she shares. "So it was almost ten years ago in San Francisco, and it was a really scary time for our family because we were told by the doctors to basically pull the plug." Genevieve learned the difficult news while abroad with the then Supernatural star — with whom she also shares daughter Odette Elliott, 6, and son Thomas Colton, 11. "We were actually in Rome at a Supernatural convention, and he was doing a fan convention in Rome, and we found the news out, and so immediately had to get on a plane, and I had a toddler and I was pregnant, and I had to quickly go into 'putting your oxygen mask on first and make making sure okay I'm okay, my son's okay, my husband's okay,' " she recalled. "So I had to make sure those things were okay before I could be there for my mom and my sister." "I also learned a bit from Jared at the time because he's like, 'We've been here a month, I need to go back to Texas, I need to kind of see my family, I need to regroup,' because we had been working nonstop then this happened. So I actually ended up learning a lot from him, that it's okay to take a time out and that's not a selfish thing, that's actually an act of love and that really helped."
I'm sorry, WE HAD BEEN WORKING NONSTOP? Honey you've been barely employed/working since you got married then became barefoot and pregnant. Don't even.... HE had been working nonstop and you had been TRAVELING nonstop.
The Walker actress explained that she leaned into intuition and prayer during that time, but that it was "very, very difficult" nonetheless. "I was very newly pregnant, the first trimester where it wasn't public and I hadn't really even told other people outside my family, so I think everyone was concerned for me that I might lose my baby," she recalled. When it came to handling everything she experienced during that time, "I think I just had to stay as calm as possible and be as rooted and grounded in whatever capacity I could." "And it's hard to not get wrapped up in that emotion as well and take that on, so I had to be really careful with boundaries," she noted.
EVERYONE was concerned for you that you might lose your baby huh? Good grief woman, how about you focus on how worried you were about your sister being on life support and the whole doctors telling you all to pull the plug, instead of you know your fetus that was not yet born? Sorry but I think everyone AT THE TIME would've been more upset at the loss of your sister that's already alive than the loss of your baby that hasn't even been born yet. Yes, we're all glad Shep is here honey, we truly are. But we're also glad your sister is still here too! Sorry, I can't with this one guys, I freaking can't!
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xanadontit · 2 years
E used Poo Pourri in his hair instead of his spray gel send help I can’t stop laughing.
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marcholasmoth · 3 months
OSRR: 3602
today i went for lunch with my mom and we went to ocean state for a bunch of stuff, none of which im completely convinced we needed. but we got new lawn chairs which are actually camp chairs bc we use them for cookouts and stuff and we need to actually be able to get up out of them with a plate of food and stuff.
we stopped for lemonades and pie and snacks, and it was just as we were leaving walgreens with snacks that the funniest part of the day occurred.
mom handed me her debit card to put back in her purse after paying, so i went to grab her little wallet to put it back, but the purse was so stuffed by something it was hard to deal with and honestly hard to get into at all - the bag is kind of big, so the fact that it felt so cramped was really weird. so i find the offending pocket, and i seek out what's making it make the bag feel so goddamn cramped. i reach in and i find a spray can of poo pourri or whatever it's called, and for a moment i thought i found the issue, but the pocket was still too stuffed of something for that single can to make a difference like this. so i stick my hand further into the pocket, and i come across something smooth, which is squishy and vaguely squelchy. which is a weird thing to have in a pocket that usually has makeup in it, and for a moment i thought it could've been one of those blender sponges for foundation, but my mom doesn't use those. so i grab the thing and pull it out.
it's a significantly over-ripened banana.
holding it up, i look at my mom and say, "care to explain this?" mom looked a little confused, and cashier was completely unfazed. definitely not the weirdest thing someone has pulled from their purse in that store.
when we get to the car she explains that last wednesday she'd grabbed a banana to eat for breakfast and put it in her purse as she went to the grocery store. she promptly forgot about it. she went grocery shopping, and she kept thinking about bananas. she went to dunks after, and put her bagel in the purse and ate the donut. since she kept thinking about bananas, she figured it was because she wanted to get some banana nut muffins, so she went back to the grocery store to get some.
she later remembered the bagel, but she's been thinking about bananas since wednesday. she's also been thinking her purse smelled like bananas, but she figured that was because she was thinking about bananas. but no. there was in fact a banana in her purse.
just before she explains this, she reaches into the bag of things we just got and pulls something out to give to me.
it's a squishmallow. a banana squishmallow.
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her name is junie, and the combination of events which led to our walgreens trip having a net-zero sum of bananas was the funniest thing i could've imagined happening today.
anyway. after that, we came home and watched the flash until i made dinner and then we watched some more until about 10pm.
joel texted me today asking what i was up to. i said i was watching tv, and i asked him what was up. he said "not much," and that was about it. i'm sure he was doing something; he's always doing something. he has so many projects running at once that it's a wonder he has any time and creativity left for anything else.
but now it's almost 00:40 and i have a headache and i am so tired.
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francoisl-artblog · 2 years
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Les aventures d'Agent Pourri sont comme lui. C'est à dire pourri. __ Translation : Gag 1: Do you know who Agent Pourri is ? No ? Well, that's good, actually. He's supposed to be a secret agent, what a shame If you knew him, he'd be bad at his job. He's that one guy the increase the price of breads and no ones see him. He succeed in many field, and is has many remarkable skills. "I'm the one who made the minister tripped !" He got every James Bond movie in Blue ray DVD, being a huge fan of every bad ass action scene. Sadly for him, there's no such thing as a "Pourrie-Girl". He also can play kazoo, but nobody cares. Gag 2: Agent Pourri's identity is so secret that on his identity cards, it just says "Agent Pourri." On mission, he is also known as "Agent Quadruple Zero". But his mom calls him "My little Poo-Poo". __ Comic made by me.
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best-phan-video-poll · 11 months
Round 2, wave 12
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chouncazzodicasino · 1 year
E nella tua di borsa cosa c'è?
Occhiali da sole, portafoglio, fazzoletti, astuccio con medicine base (cortisone, okitask, vertiserc, antistaminico, imodium e collirio), due rossetti mat no transfer, burro di cacao, penna con ponpon, agenda, blocco appunti, un pennello piccolo tondo da pittura, caricabatterie cellulare, chiavi di casa, chiavi del negozio, chiavi di casa di mia madre, igienizzante, mascherina, portabigliettini da visita con bigliettini da visita, liquirizie, iqos, "poo-pourri" da borsetta finito che non ho il coraggio di abbandonare, profumo da borsa, assorbenti, auricolari che chissà se funzionano e un metro allogibile.
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remzvv · 2 years
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haul <3
6 x 9 bubble mailer $5.99
5 x 9 bubble mailer $5.99
star sticky notes $4.19
one touch stapler $7
premium staples $4.99
scotch tape $8.39
roller date stamp $3.79
purple iridescent washi tape $2.99
pink iridescent washi tape $2.99
feeling smitten vanilla donut whipped sugar scrub $10
poo-pourri on the go kit $9.99
sun bum tinted lip spf in bonfire $5.99
{ ULTA }
anastasia glow kit $40
better than sex waterproof mascara $28
truly mary jane glow serum $30
truly pineapple haze glossy lip butter $16
clinique almost lipstick in black honey $22
too faced hangover pillow lip balm in banana kiss $26
billie eilish eilish perfume 1.7oz $58
⭐️ TOTAL: $262.80 ⭐️
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Decided to get one of those poo pourri things cause I’ve always wanted to try them. Have had it two whole days and I already have to throw it out cause the mint (I think at least, I’m very allergic to mint) is so bad that I’m breathing it in and I’ve been waking up for two days now unable to breathe cause my nose is so clogged and end up spending 20 minutes trying to get it unclogged. Angy cause like. It seemed like a good idea. But. No. Mint evil. Very evil. I wish the humans would stop liking mint. It’s so many pain.
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ask-val · 1 year
do you know what Poo-Pourri is and do you use it
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"No idea what that is."
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