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Finally set up my online store and am working on adding product pages / a full inventory list.
Main products include tinctures of Amanita muscaria, Datura, Brugmansia, and Henbane. Miscellaneous other popular items include powdered extracts of Ephedra (10:1), and Kava root (30% kavalactones).
Feel free to contact with any questions via:
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serat11 · 24 days ago
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The Science Research Notebooks of S. Sunkavally. Page 309.
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edurityindia · 2 months ago
BUY Curcumin Extract based PUROBEST Curcu LPX 2500 | Get 10% Discount; Use Coupon Code PBSM10 | https://www.purobest.com/purobest-curcu-lpx-2500
Introducing PUROBEST Curcu LPX 2500 - a premium quality, plant-based supplement that harnesses the power of #curcuminoids to provide you with a host of health benefits. Our unique formulation is designed to deliver a potent dose of 2500 mg of 95% curcuminoids (std. from #curcumalonga #extract or #Curcumin), along with 5mg of 95% #piperine and 2500mg of MCT powder.
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parveens-kitchen · 1 year ago
Pepper Turmeric Poori
Elevate Your Poori Experience: The Power Duo of Turmeric and Peppercorns in Your Dough.In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s the little things that often make a significant difference. One such delightful yet simple addition to your culinary routine is infusing your poori dough with the dynamic duo of ground turmeric and freshly cracked peppercorns. This not only enhances the flavor but…
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antisolanum · 1 year ago
My inability to buy cheap piperine for culinary purposes due to it being squatted on by the bullshit "dietary supplement" industry is one of many reasons for me to want to dismantle capitalism, yes, why do you ask
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proksham · 2 years ago
Proksham Heal & Care: The Ultimate Formula for Faster Healing, Recovery, and Reduced Muscle Fatigue
Proksham Heal & Care is a nutritional supplement that is said to help you burn fats at the same time as you sleep, gasoline muscle recovery, enhance sleep patterns, and provide you with more youthful and radiant skin. It is made with a mix of herbal ingredients, including:
Proksham Heal & Care is a nutritional supplement that is said to help you burn fats at the same time as you sleep, gasoline muscle recovery, enhance sleep patterns, and provide you with more youthful and radiant skin. It is made with a mix of herbal ingredients Read more :
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leighilynn · 10 months ago
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some art
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abhabio-technology · 28 days ago
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Redefining Health and Wellness Solutions |Abha Biotechnology
Abha Biotechnology is a leading Hair Growth and Thickness Supplements Manufacturer, offering premium solutions for vibrant and healthy hair. As a trusted Weight Management Supplement Manufacture, we design innovative products to support fitness journeys. Renowned as a Diabetic Juice Contract Manufacturer, we craft specialized beverages for diabetes care. Additionally, as an experienced Alfalfa Capsule Contract Manufacturer, we deliver nutrient-packed supplements for overall well-being. Choose Abha Biotechnology for reliable, cutting-edge health and wellness products.
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fallenfoodjournal · 1 month ago
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tibbivearomatikbitkiler · 1 year ago
Kurkumin Nedir? Ne İşe Yarar? Nasıl Kullanılır?
Kurkumin Nedir? Ne İşe Yarar? Nasıl Kullanılır?
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#AntiInflamatuar, #Antioksidan, #BesinTakviyeleri, #BitkiÖzleri, #BitkiselIlaçlar, #BitkiselTakviyeler, #Biyoçözünürlük, #Biyoyararlanım, #DoğalAntiEnflamatuar, #DoğalTedavi, #GelenekselTıp, #GıdaKatkıları, #Kurkumin, #LipitNanopartiküller, #MikroçaprazlanmışZerdeçal, #Piperin, #SağlıkFaydaları, #TıbbiBitkiler, #YağdaÇözünür, #Zerdeçal https://is.gd/7N5yI0 https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/blog/kurkumin-nedir-ne-ise-yarar-nasil-kullanilir/
Kurkumin, zencefilgiller (Zingiberaceae) ailesine ait bitkilerden elde edilen sarı renkli bir kimyasal bileşiktir. Özellikle zerdeçal köklerinde yüksek konsantrasyonlarda bulunur ve zerdeçalın rengini ve bazı sağlık faydalarını sağlayan ana bileşenlerden biridir.
Kurkuminin bazı temel özellikleri
Anti-inflamatuar Özellikler: Güçlü anti-inflamatuar özelliklere sahiptir ve vücuttaki iltihaplanma süreçlerini azaltabilir. Bu nedenle, osteoartrit, romatoid artrit ve diğer iltihaplı hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılabilir.
Antioksidan Etkiler: Vücuttaki serbest radikalleri nötralize eden bir antioksidandır. Serbest radikaller, hücresel hasara ve yaşlanmaya neden olan bileşiklerdir. Kurkumin, hücreleri bu tür hasarlara karşı koruyabilir.
Ağrı Kesici Özellikler: Ağrı kesici özelliklere sahiptir ve özellikle migren ve baş ağrısı gibi ağrılı durumların hafifletilmesine yardımcı olabilir.
Beyin Sağlığı: Bazı araştırmalar, Alzheimer hastalığı gibi nörodejeneratif hastalıkların riskini azaltabileceğini veya semptomları hafifletebileceğini göstermektedir. Beyin sağlığını destekleyen antioksidan ve anti-enflamatuar özellikleri nedeniyle bu etkileri düşünülmektedir.
Kanserle Mücadele: Kurkuminin bazı kanser türleri üzerinde inhibe edici etkileri olduğu öne sürülmüştür. Ancak, bu alandaki araştırmalar halen devam etmektedir ve net sonuçlara ulaşmak için daha fazla çalışma gerekmektedir.
Kurkumin, genellikle zerdeçal takviyeleri veya zerdeçal içeren gıdalarda bulunur ve sağlık amaçlı olarak kullanılır. Bununla birlikte, yüksek miktarlarda kurkumin almak bazı yan etkilere neden olabilir ve herhangi bir takviye kullanmadan önce bir sağlık uzmanıyla görüşmek önemlidir.
Kurkumin Nasıl Açığa Çıkar ?
Kurkumin, zerdeçal gibi bitkilerde bulunan bir bileşiktir, ancak bu bileşiğin vücut tarafından etkili bir şekilde emilmesi ve kullanılması bazı zorluklar içerebilir. Kurkuminin biyoyararlanımını artırmak ve vücutta daha iyi kullanılmasını sağlamak için aşağıdaki yöntemler kullanılabilir:
Karabiber (Piperin) Eşliğinde Kullanım: Piperin, karabiberde bulunan bir bileşiktir ve kurkuminin emilimini artırabilir. Bu nedenle, kurkumin takviyeleri veya zerdeçal kullanırken karabiber eklemek faydalı olabilir.
Yağ İle Kullanım: Kurkumin yağda çözünür bir bileşiktir. Bu nedenle, kurkuminin emilimini artırmak için yağlı bir ortamda kullanmak etkili olabilir. Zerdeçalı yağ veya süt ile tüketmek bu açıdan iyi bir örnek olabilir.
Mikroçaprazlanmış Zerdeçal: Bazı ürünlerde, zerdeçalın mikroçaprazlanmış (nanoparçacıklara ayrılmış) formu bulunur. Bu form, kurkuminin vücut tarafından daha iyi emilmesini sağlayabilir.
Kurkumin İçeren Lipit Nanopartiküller: Bu, kurkuminin suda çözünürlüğünü artırabilecek bir yöntemdir. Lipit nanopartikülleri, kurkuminin daha iyi emilmesine yardımcı olabilir.
Biyoçözünürlük Artırıcı Formüller: Bazı ilaç ve takviyeler, kurkuminin biyoçözünürlüğünü artırmak için özel formüller kullanır. Bu formüller, kurkuminin vücut tarafından daha iyi emilmesine yardımcı olabilir.
Zerdeçalın Isıl İşleme Tabi Tutulması: Zerdeçalın hafif bir ısı işlemine tabi tutulması, kurkuminin vücut tarafından daha iyi emilmesini sağlayabilir.
Unutmayın ki herhangi bir takviye veya ilaç kullanmadan önce bir sağlık uzmanına danışmanız önemlidir. Ayrıca, kurkumin veya zerdeçal takviyeleri herhangi bir sağlık sorununu tedavi etmek için tek başına kullanılmamalıdır. Sağlık sorunlarınız varsa, bir doktora başvurmalısınız.
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months ago
Funfact! Spicy isn't actually a flavor, we don't taste spicy, capsaicin the chemical that causes it to be spicy, actually activates heat receptors so we don't taste spicy we feel it! If Stone Monkeys are the same then Yuebei must be a real dare devil as a little cub
Referencing some silliness in the notes here.
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true! This also includes piperine (found in peppercorns) and allyl isothiocyanate (wasabi, radish & mustard). Your brain basically goes "tf? why is there a tiny fire in my mouth?". A similar sensation occurs in the opposite direction with menthol (mint) where your body is convinced that you just ate snow.
Wukong especially dislikes hot and/or spicy foods due to trauma from being fed molten metal under the mountain. No spicy foods in his house unless there's expressed warning.
Macaque doesn't get what the big deal is at first - it's just seasoning?? Until he accidentally grabs a handful of Mei's wasabi chips and regrets it as he tries quenching the fire with milk.
MK I feel like has a love/hate relationship with spicy food. It's SO GOOD under the perfect circumstances, but so painful! Powers through Red Son's cooking just to be a good guest. DBK walks in moments later with plain BBQ dishes for the monkeys wondering wtf is the little thief doing?
Little stone monkeys like Rumble & Savage, and Luzhen do not care for spicy food either. Little kids don't have that tolerance anyway. Minty things might get a pass if there's ice cream or sweets involved.
Stone Monkeys (along with most unaccustomed animals) in general do not seem to like these confusing sensations.
Except little Yuebei Xing; who deliberately seems to seek these flavours out. In the Slow Boiled au she even tries absorbing the Samadhi Fire but taps out cus it was too spicy. In multiple others she straight up absorbs/eats LBD's soul - very cold. Her parents are very confused, especially since her little brothers Jidu and Luohuo have very normal reactions to spicy things (disgust).
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theglowsociety · 1 day ago
Use Turmeric for Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
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While turmeric is widely recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties, pairing it with black pepper enhances its bioavailability. The compound piperine in black pepper boosts the absorption of curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, by up to 2000%. This powerful combination can help reduce joint pain, improve skin health, and even support brain function. Add this duo to smoothies, soups, or golden milk for a daily anti-inflammatory boost
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regexkind · 10 days ago
Google has this thing where it uses your immediately prior searches to guess what you want next. It's probably absolute dynamite for a person built differently than me. But right now it just suggested from "piperine and sodium hydroxide" to "piperine and sodium hydroxide and dandruff". No Google-tan. The dandruff question was 30 seconds ago, the subject has changed, keep up with me
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lamentingmidna · 1 year ago
i hc that meruem has a mild allergy to black pepper bc of piperine, an alkaloid commonly used to repel insects
“komugi is this meant to be so spicy it makes you itchy”
“haha did you just call black pep— wait did you say itchy”
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weightloss35 · 9 days ago
10 Rules for a Flat Tummy: A Simple Guide to Saying Yes (and No) to Your Best Self
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We’ve all dreamed of having a flat tummy. Maybe it’s for the confidence of rocking that outfit you love or simply feeling healthier and lighter. But let’s be real: getting a toned stomach can feel overwhelming with all the fad diets and conflicting advice out there. The good news? Achieving a flat tummy isn’t about perfection—it’s about smart choices. Small, consistent efforts go a long way.
Here’s a simple list of “Yes” and “No” rules to help you navigate your journey. These aren’t strict punishments; they’re an opportunity to make better decisions for your body and feel incredible along the way.
Say YES to These Flat-Tummy Boosters
1. More Water
It’s time to get serious about hydration. Drinking more water helps flush toxins, reduces bloating, and boosts your metabolism. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day. Tip: Start your day with a warm glass of water and a squeeze of lemon to wake up your digestive system.
2. Morning Walk
A morning walk isn’t just great for burning calories; it sets a positive tone for your entire day. Walking helps jumpstart your metabolism and clears your mind. Whether it’s 15 or 30 minutes, make it a non-negotiable part of your morning routine. Bonus: Walking in sunlight gives you a natural dose of Vitamin D, boosting your mood and energy.
3. 50-Minute Workout
You don’t need to spend hours in the gym, but you do need to move. Whether it’s cardio, strength training, or yoga, a daily 50-minute workout keeps your core engaged and fat-burning processes active. Mix it up to stay motivated—think HIIT one day and a yoga flow the next.
4. More Fiber
Fiber is your flat-tummy best friend. It keeps you full longer, improves digestion, and prevents bloating. Load up on leafy greens, oats, beans, and fruits like apples or berries. Small tip: Add chia seeds or flaxseeds to smoothies for an extra fiber kick.
5. More Green Tea
Green tea is a powerful fat-burning tool. It’s packed with antioxidants that boost metabolism and aid digestion. Swap out sugary drinks for 2-3 cups of green tea daily—it’s a small habit with big benefits.
6. Keep a Food Journal
Accountability is key. Writing down what you eat helps you spot unhealthy habits and stay focused on your goals. A food journal is like your accountability partner—it doesn’t lie!
7. Eat More Protein
Protein keeps cravings at bay and builds lean muscle, which helps burn fat more effectively. Eggs, fish, chicken, lentils, and nuts are great options. Aim to include a portion of protein in every meal.
8. Chew More
Here’s a little-known secret: chewing your food more slows down your eating and improves digestion. Take your time—enjoy your meals, and let your brain catch up to your stomach.
9. More Sleep
Lack of sleep triggers cravings for sugary, carb-heavy foods and disrupts your metabolism. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to let your body repair and recharge. A well-rested body burns fat more efficiently.
Hold on a bit, check out the weight loss result of one of my student within 6 months, if you are interested in losing weight, get the same weight loss product I recommend for all my students, it's healthy, effective and no side effects, it has really been giving many of my students good results.
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Piperinox is a food supplement that supports weight management and has an extremely rich formula, which includes as many as 7 natural ingredients. Piperine - black pepper extract, the use of which results in weight loss, plays the key role in the product. Piperinox is a unique blend that is appreciated by all those trying to lose weight.
The product supports the digestion process, accelerates the metabolism, helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and allows the body to cleanse toxins. Piperinox is a great choice for all, regardless of the degree of excess weight or obesity and lifestyle.
Say NO to These Flat-Tummy Enemies
1. Sweets & Sugar
Excess sugar is stored as fat—especially in the belly area. Say goodbye to candy, pastries, and sugary snacks. If you need something sweet, opt for fresh fruit or a small piece of dark chocolate.
2. Soda & Soft Drinks
These are loaded with sugar and empty calories that lead to bloating and weight gain. Swap sodas for sparkling water with a slice of lime or cucumber for a refreshing alternative.
3. Bread, Pizza & Pasta
Refined carbs spike blood sugar and contribute to fat storage around your tummy. Cut back on white bread, pizza, and pasta. Instead, choose whole-grain alternatives in moderation, or try zucchini noodles and cauliflower crust.
4. Fast Food
Convenient, yes, but fast food is high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and sugar. Your flat tummy goal requires skipping the drive-thru. Instead, prep simple, nutritious meals at home—you’ll save money and calories.
5. Alcohol
Alcohol slows down your metabolism and promotes belly fat storage. If you’re serious about a flat tummy, cut back or skip alcohol entirely. Hydrate with water, herbal teas, or mocktails instead.
6. Trans Fats
These are often hidden in processed foods and snacks. Trans fats cause inflammation and belly fat accumulation. Always check food labels—if you see “partially hydrogenated oils,” put it back.
7. High-Salt Foods
Too much salt causes water retention and bloating. Avoid salty snacks, processed foods, and packaged meals. Use herbs, lemon, and spices to add flavor instead.
8. More Vegetables & Fruits (Limit High-Sugar Ones)
While fruits and veggies are healthy, be mindful of high-sugar fruits like bananas, mangoes, and grapes if you’re focusing on fat loss. Opt for low-sugar options like berries, leafy greens, and cucumbers.
The BEFORE and AFTER Mindset Shift
Imagine this: Before these changes, you feel bloated, sluggish, and frustrated. It’s easy to feel like nothing works. But after following these simple rules, your energy skyrockets, bloating disappears, and your tummy feels tighter.
This isn’t about perfection—it’s about balance. Say “yes” to habits that nourish your body and “no” to things that weigh you down (literally and figuratively). With consistency, these small shifts will add up to big results.
Ready to Commit?
A flat tummy isn’t built overnight, but with these 10 rules, you’ll make steady progress. It’s not about deprivation—it’s about saying “yes” to a healthier, more confident version of yourself. So drink that water, take that morning walk, and enjoy the process.
Your flat-tummy journey starts now. Are you ready to say YES?
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