#Pinenose wc
shallowbreeze · 10 hours
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Pinenose is a black she-cat.
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longnose-gar · 1 year
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Girl help I have gotten attached to background characters who speak once
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marmosetpaw · 6 months
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exocynraku · 1 year
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need1etail · 2 months
Chapter One of Split Shadows is up!
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troutfur · 11 months
Twigkit and Violetkit trying to cope with being apart in the days after they're first seperated
And here we go for my last pick of the original batch!
Now AVoS is admittedly one arc I do not have much fondness for or recollection of. BUT! I did say I read the first half of it and this is one of the precious few female-character centric prompts. Not to mention one of my oldest. Plus the fact Twig and Violet are so young gives me a lot of leeway characterization-wise. So, sure, let's give it a spin!
Violet was my choice PoV here. Let's see where this leads us.
(Want to submit a prompt? Check my guidelines and send 'em in! I am going to soon purge the inbox of submissions made before yesterday so I need plenty to last me the last 15 days of the month.)
That defining day was but a blurr in Violetshine’s memory. The mass of unfamiliar cats with their mingling scents surrounding her and her sister. The shouts as the leaders argued while projecting their thunderous voices across the whole of the island. The utter refusal to the move, her pinlike claws trying desperately to keep ahold of the ground as she was picked up by the scruff. The hoarseness of her tiny throat as she mewled in protest. The images had faded, it was not like they had ever been that clear to begin really, but the sensations and the emotions, it was all etched deep into her mind.
But much as the event in itself was ever fuzzy, not so much from age, she could remember much more vividly all that had come after as she was carried from the island through the moors and through the forest where her home had been the last couple of days into that damp, musty, overcast territory, into that place where the full moon could barely glimmer. Looking back, Violetshine wondered if such a first impression would have always made the place not feel at all like home, if had the Clan that brought her up been kinder she would have still ended up wanting to leave.
Then again the hostility had also been something that she had felt from her very first impression...
A growl rose in Pebbleshine’s throat just as Rowanclaw tried to deposit Violetkit alongside her own litter. “What are you doing!” she demanded, not really even a hint of a question in her voice. “How do you come back with a kitten of all things?!”
Her soon-to-be littermates were agitated at that, stuck between curiosity at the new bundle being brought to their nest and an immediate rejection at the foreign smell that clung to her. In emulation of their mother they also took on a defensive attitude, recoiling but sticking out their pelts while pawing at her. Their diminutive claws were out, not a body part they could really control yet but still very much out.
They were older than her. Not by much but enough to make their difference in size noticeable and the outsider kitten stick out all the more like a twisted claw.
Of the words exchanged between Rowanstar and the black-furred queen Violetkit had only caught glimpses, all the while recoiling from the Clanborn kits trying to defend their territory. “ThunderClan”, “prophecy”, “fair”, and “our right”. But there was also “Clanborn”, “crowded”, “distract”, and “their right”.
The only mind the affair between the kittens was being paid was by the ocassional interruption by their attempt to grasp at Violetkit by a swipe of their mother’s tail.
“Fine,” Rowanstar finally agreed. “She’ll sleep with me until your kittens are properly accustomed to her. But I’m going to expect that you put of your part to make this happen. I won’t be able to keep her with me forever.”
“And I will,” Pinenose replied. “Oh you believe me I will.” She turned towards her kittens once again and swept them off just as they were beginning to get rauccous once again. “But not now. Least you could’ve done was make sure I was not trying to rest before springing a task upon me.”
With that, Violetkit was brought alongside Rowanstar’s mate to rest in the leader’s den. She nestled on the gap just under Tawnypelt’s chin.
It wasn’t a particularly restful night from there. Not even from the attempt at licks of comfort.
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pumpkin-magpie · 1 year
Tee hee
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amethyst-halo · 2 years
oh my god i just had an idea but t would fuck smth else up AUGH
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rosemist50 · 2 years
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Pigeonfoot, Sunnypelt, Parsleyseed, and Quailfeather are all Tinycloud's kits, Finleap, Reedclaw, and Dewspring are Sandynose's with Plumwillow, and Kitescratch and Turtlecrawl are Reedclaw's kits. Pinenose and Spikefur were Violetshine's foster parents, Weaselkit is Pinenose's kit who died during the Great Battle. Slatefur, Puddleshine, Lioneye, and Birchbark are her second litter.
Originally posted to IG August 2021
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bonefall · 1 year
wait who is happyface? is this another missing kit you repurposed?
Yep, he's a missing kit I repurposed. He's going to be showing up in AVoS era and beyond! ShadowClan is SUPER scarce on cats.
The story behind the funny name is that Pinenose has a kitten who is killed in the canon Great Battle, who is not named. We just see Tallpoppy bringing her the body in Last Hope. OotS was actually planned to be the last arc of Warrior Cats, so the fans made up the name "Happykit."
When Kate received word of it, she thought it was a nice name. So for a while its name was Happykit.
Then, when the new team took over and eventually made the WC website, they 'paved over' that information by giving the kitten an official name-- Weaselkit. So Happykit became Weaselkit.
For BB I've decided that they were TWO separate kittens! They're the children of Pinenose and Owlclaw. Weaselkit was killed brutally during the Great Battle, and Happykit survived because of Hallowflight's efforts. The stress of this event eventually lead to his parents splitting up, and his mother's second litter was sired by her new mate, Spikefur.
Happypaw is the oldest apprentice in Sleekwhisker's little rebel group. He has the skills to be a warrior, but defies orders so often that it's delayed his ceremony. He chose the name Happyface for himself when he joined the Kin.
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[ID: A sketch of a cat with V-shaped stripes on his hip, chest, and face.]
Also. Clown. I will draw him like a clown and no one will stop me
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Can we see the Violetshine quote list
ASKLDJSALKJDAS SURE!!! (for context anon is talking abt an ask i sent to @/wc-confessions talking abt violetshine warriorcats where i mentioned i have a quote list for her LMAOOO)
this list is a combination of quotes said by her and quotes relating to her!! just stuff that rly hit me in the mentally ill kinnie brain aksljkldjf (putting under the cut to avoid this post getting unnecessarily long LOL. also all the quotes r screenshots but bc tumblr doesnt let u post more than 10 pics im gonna write em all down manually lol)
Besides, Ratscar's words were still gnawing at Violetkit too sharply to allow her to concentrate on Littlecloud. She's not really one of us, is she? She'd heard the skinny, dark brown elder's meow as she passed the elders' den that morning. He was talking about me.
Darktail stared at her. "What's it like living with Clan cats when you know you're an outsider?"
She tried not to remember how lonely she felt in the Clan. How Pinenose's kits ignored her. How she wasn't allowed near Grassheart's kits in case she passed on an infection. "They try to make me feel welcome." Her breath caught in her throat. Don't they? Darktail leaned closer. "And yet you don't."
I'm not wanted here. I never truly was.
Twigpaw only comes to see me when she wants something. She hasn't tried to find me in the four moons since I left. Hasn't she been worried about me? She huffed to herself. She thinks her needs are more important than anyone else's.
Anger surged through her. Did no cat want her? She'd spent her life being passed around by other cats. First Alderpaw had taken her from her mother's nest. Then Rowanstar had snatched her from ThunderClan. Then Needletail had taken her to the rogues. This was the first time she'd had any choice in the matter, and she was choosing ShadowClan. They were lucky!
She searched Violetpaw's gaze for a reaction, but Violetpaw seemed unmoved. Pity swamped her. When had Violetpaw stopped expecting to be loved?
"Oh, Twigpaw." Sympathy flooded Violetpaw's gaze. "You always want to be close to some cat." "Don't you?" Twigpaw frowned, puzzled. "I guess I just didn't think it was possible."
"Let's never forget we have each other. We're kin, and that's stronger than being Clanmates or denmates. We'll always be close. Nothing will ever change that."
She didn't understand. Twigpaw had said she wanted to be close to her. They'd talked about being sisters--how that was more important than anything. You made me trust you!
"You can't leave!" she wailed. Twigpaw stared at her from among her Clanmates. "I can't stay." Why not? Fury surged through Violetpaw. Why had Twigpaw begged to stay close if she was just going to leave?
Violetpaw bit into her mouse, stung by Twigpaw's words. Violetpaw has always been sensitive. Her sister hadn't meant them meanly but it felt like a criticism.
Violetpaw glanced back at him. Talking about Pebbleshine seemed to have made him happy, even though she was dead. Was that how it was when you lost someone you loved? Her thoughts drifted to Needletail. Even thinking of her friend made Violetpaw's chest tighten with grief. I could never talk about Needletail happily. Not after what happened.
"You're abandoning me again!"
"You left me when we were in ShadowClan. And you're leaving me now. All for your precious ThunderClan! What's so special about them? They're just a bunch of meddling know-it-alls. Why do you want to be with them instead of me?"
"I don't care!" Violetshine hissed. "I don't care if you're not happy! What about me? Why am I never allowed to be happy?" Her eyes rounded as though she realized what she'd said. Her body shook. She dropped her gaze. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I just believed that everything was finally going to be the way I dreamed it would be."
Hawkwing pressed against them, soothing Violetshine with a gentle stroke of his tail. "Twigpaw is right," he meowed softly. "We will always be kin. We'll miss Twigpaw, but isn't it better to know she's found where she belongs than to live with her knowing she wishes she were somewhere else?" Violetshine lifted her glistening gaze. "I just wish she wanted to be with us," she mewed thickly.
He'll probably decide to move on, she told herself, trying to ignore the hollow feeling in her chest. Just one more cat who leaves me behind, whether he means to or not.
"He is," Violetshine admitted. "A bit like you. Except he follows through."
Twigpaw gasped, stung by her sister's words. "Look," she meowed, "I'm sorry about leaving SkyClan, but I just didn't belong there, as much as I wanted to." When there was no response from Violetshine, she asked, "Haven't you ever felt that way?" "More times than I would have liked," Violetshine sighed.
"This is for Needletail!"
Anger surged in Twigbranch's chest. "But you can't leave me!" She glared at Violetshine. "How can you go after all we've been through?" Violetshine stared back at her in surprise. "But you left me, over and over."
Rootpaw had heard stories about Darktail and his Kin, and how they had nearly destroyed ShadowClan. And he knew that for a while his mother had been part of the Kin, and that she had eventually helped to destroy it. But Violetshine had always refused to talk about it. Too raw, too painful, Tree had explained to him and Needlepaw.
"I can't do it," she meowed. "I worked too hard to find my kin. I could never leave Hawkwing."
"But if Bramblestar is violet toward other cats, especially those in his own Clan - cats he is supposed to care for - then he must be stopped." Her voice shook a little as she added, "I learned about that from Darktail."
Rootpaw stared at his mother. She must feel very strongly to mention Darktail. Normally she never talks about that part of her life.
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Rewrite Name Changes
Names found below the cut because this is LONG. Sorted by Clan and doesn't include Star Names given to cats who died before becoming Warriors or cats who die in canon but live here (that’ll be another post). The bolded names to the left of the equal sign are the new ones, while the names on the right of the equal sign are the original canon names. I’ll likely change some or add more while I finish family trees and stuff. Feel free to ask about any name changes if you're curious!
Frecklepelt = Frecklewish (MV)
Larkcall = Larksong (Sunstar and Featherwhisker’s mom)
Stagantler = Stagleap (ThC)
Pantherclaw = Leopardfoot
Bluefrost = Bluefur
Snowlynx = Snowfur
Palelily = White-eye/One-eye
Sparrowpelt = Halftail
Smallears = Smallear
Patchfur = Patchpelt
Dapplelight = Dappletail
Willowmoon = Willowpelt
Plumekit/Petey = Featherkit
Elderberrykit = Elderkit
Cinderspark = Cinderpelt
Brambleflower = Brambleclaw
Spiderlegs = Spiderleg
Hollyhockkit = Hollykit (FernDust kit)
Honeydrop = Honeyfern
Sootpoppy = Poppyfrost
Foxsprint = Foxleap
Ivystrike = Ivypool
Drizzlestorm = Stormcloud
Lightningeyes = Thriftear
Snapjaw = Snaptooth
Flybuzz = Flywhisker
Sparkstorm = Sparkpelt
Poolshade = Leafshade
Larkflame/Night = Flamepaw/Nightheart
Finchlight = Finchflight
RoseSUFFIX = BristleSUFFIX (character has not received canon warrior name yet)
Archtail = Archeye
Tatteredfur = Scorchwind
Brackenflame = Brackenfoot
Tinykit = Smallkit
Fogpelt = Cloudpelt
Vixenheart = Foxheart
Mudfoot = Mudclaw (ShC)
Hollypetal = Hollyflower
Ashpine = Ashfur (ShC)
Sootheart = Ashheart
Bouldercrush = Boulder (former name in rewrite)
Fritillarycloud = Dawncloud
Cloudyspots = Runningnose
Emberclaw = Stumpytail
Skunkthroat = Whitethroat
Ratswarm = Ratscar
Mirefoot = Wetfoot
Twilightwing = Nightwing
Sablepine = Pinenose
Applebloom = Applefur 2
Adderstripe = Snaketail
Quickwater = Whitewater
Marshtail = Rippletail (ShC)
Sprucekit = Weaselkit
Midnightfur = Dawnpelt
Goldenheart/Goldenstar = Tigerheart/Tigerstar 2
Antblotch = Antfur
Sunsetglow = Sunbeam
Thunderstep = Pouncestep
Grassfeather = Reedfeather (CrP)
Magpiefur = Crowfur
Nightpaw/Nightoak = Hoppaw/Deadfoot
Fawnjump = Ryestalk
Robindown = Robinwing (WC)
Rushstreak = Rushtail
Rabbitears = Rabbitear
Sharpears = Tornear
Dandelionfur = Whitetail
Downykit = Downkit
Ravencloud = Nightcloud
Meadowgust = Gorsetail (Po3)
Swallowberry = Swallowtail (WC)
Springnose = Whiskernose
Wheatclaw = Oatclaw
Perchfrost = Applefrost (MV)
Rainfall = Rainflower
Stormhowl/Stormstar = Crookedjaw/Crookedstar
Nightshimmer = Shimmerpelt (CrP)
Siltgrowl = Ivytail (RC)
Leopardsky/Leopardstar = Leopardfur/Leopardstar
Dogfang = Whitefang
Frondtail = Reedtail
Petaldusk = Petaldust
Whitefoot = Whiteclaw
Scalepaw = Silverpaw 2
Lightflower = Dawnflower
Salmonpaw = Pikepaw
Willowfur = Stormfur
Pineneedle = Pinefur
Beavertooth = Voletooth
Rushsplash = Rushtail
Lotusfoot = Mossyfoot
Robinflight = Robinwing (RC)
Herontalon = Jayclaw
TideSUFFIX = GraySUFFIX (character has not received canon warrior name yet)
Sparrowchirp = Sparrowpelt (SkC)
Cherryblossom = Cherrytail
Shiningcloud = Tinycloud (former name in rewrite)
Mintclaw = Mintfur (SkC)
Rainbrook = Harrybrook
Parsleysong = Parsleyseed
Lavendershine = Violetshine
Rootheart = Rootspring
Cats Outside the Clans
Cirrus = Cloudy (RP)
Velvetine = Velvet (SkD)
Smoke = Ruby (former name in rewrite)
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clanslist · 2 years
Poll: Prey-stone
Prey-stone was a game that was thought of by a few ShadowClan cats and it would lead to Flametail’s death. If you were a ShadowClan cat at the time, would you have joined Starlingpaw, Pinepaw, Olivenose, and Flametail in their game? 
Vote Here!
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exocynraku · 2 years
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i was gonna draw spikefur too but i was too lazy
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need1etail · 1 month
Chapter Four of Split Shadows is up!
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jayfrost-designs · 2 years
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Sorry for not posting in a while - my phone died a few weeks ago from water damage, and I lost all of my files.  Luckily, I have a habit of sharing my drawings on my various Discord servers before posting them here, so I was able to save all but one of my recent drawings that way, but they got a little pixelated when they were posted to Discord, so if they look a bit off here, that's why.
Anyway, continuing on with the modern ShadowClan designs, I decided to go ahead and give Pinenose a more updated ref sheet before designing her kits with Spikefur, so here she is! ^^ If only she'd been a better mother to Violetshine, the poor girl deserved so much more love that ShadowClan gave her...
You can find the reverse side of her design here.
Pinenose has no physical description other than her pattern, so I came up with my own for her. I had her as a shorthair before, but this time I decided to give her a thicker sort of medium coat. She's a bit on the lither and scruffier side, though not overly so. She's lived through a fair bit, having lost a kit in the Great Battle, and living as one of the Kin for a time, so I made her decently scarred-up - I imagine she got most of those scars trying to defend, or avenge, her kit in the Great Battle.
For her pattern, Pinenose is just described as a black cat. I had her with golden eyes before, but I decided to give her dark green eyes here. I tried to keep her from looking too similar to Hollyleaf and Shadowstar, since they're all black cats with green eyes, and I think I succeeded, since she's less lithe than Hollyleaf, not as rounded in build as Shadowstar, and has darker and more bluish green eyes than either of them.
Overall, I'm very pleased with how she turned out.
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