#maybe not during oots but during avos they connect
amethyst-halo · 2 years
oh my god i just had an idea but t would fuck smth else up AUGH
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the-owl-tree · 2 years
Laurel: If you could write the books, what changes would you make?
make the erins write a series bible
major overhauls would include getting rid of the tribe and their connections to the clans, some name changes, and just making some of the shitty things in the books more intentional to the worldbuilding
as more specific arc changes... (i ended up rambling more than i thought i would)
dawn of the clans i think would be the most changed since i already have a mini rewrite in my head for it lol change gray and clear sky's initial group to a cluster of city cats living in a rundown and somewhat abandoned area of town. Give Lion's Roar, Dove's Wing, and Jay's Wing bigger roles because why would you not do that in the first place. Have One-Eye and his gang be the initial threat that brings the group together and then have Clear Sky's desire for borders begin to tear them apart with the big gathering battle being the sixth book instead of the third. Also less fridging because holy shit this arc sucks
the prophecies begin would remain mostly the same howeveeeerrr make redtail firepaw's mentor OR give him more screentime before his death ooorr change him to someone who gets screentime in tpb or bluestar's prophecy, change tigerclaw to be snowfur's son, and change tigerclan to the final boss with bloodclan as the allies
the new prophecy would also stay the same, just have the cats actually bond during the journey and don't kill off feathertail. i'd make hawkleaf a thing instead of crowleaf for the sake of drama, have graystripe be written as a pretty shit deputy to add to brambleclaw's desire, and have brambleclaw not be named deputy after nearly going through with the assassination of his leader. maybe sandstorm or brightheart is named instead as graystripe is forced to resign? literally anyone else
po3 gets some minimal quality of life changes in the first half with the three's (twos?) powers actually have an impact on their quality of life and having negative consequences physically, socially, and mentally. Jaypaw would choose to become a warrior after the horrible experience that was his first battle, Lionblaze would also gain a nasty reputation after his numerous brutal experiences, and Holly would just have more emphasis on her ambitions to become leader. I think the most i'd like is some deputy drama at the end, where Sandstorm/whoever is named deputy wants to step down so Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and a handful of other candidates try to show off who's best for the job. When Ashfur winds up dead, Lionblaze becomes suspect number one and Holly has to decide whether or not to help her brother or save her own skin.
oots would get a radical overhaul with the battle happening in book three and kicking off a full on war, i see the dark forest troops conquering thunderclan and riverclan and the remaining survivors have to work together. Firestar gets killed in book three and, in the final battle, has his spirit killed as well taking out Tigerstar. It would end on the Clans fully unified.
avos would act as the first physical challenge to unity with darktail coming in and, disillusioned with the amount of infighting, i can see the younger cats joining a group that in appearance looks more unified than the clans. of course this comes crashing down and shit hits the fan. i have not read avos in a bit so uh that's the premise lol
tbc could act as the spiritual challenge to the unified clans where the existence of starclan and the dark forest could be challenged, also make spotfur the thunderclan protagonist instead and have bristlefrost being a double spy be a secret from her and the reader. Scrap everything stupid the books say about Shadowsight, give Rootspring's powers to Needleclaw instead and have her take on his role, and so on.
aannnd there's not enough to go on with asc but uh get rid of nightheart, tear him asunder the thunderclan perspective is unnecessary here anyways
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