charlotteuca · 6 years
Full Term Evaluation
Week 1 - At the start of the term i was assigned a painting to research and analyse. The painting I was assigned was Manets “A Bar At The Folies”. To start my investigation i researched basics such as the artist, style and the history of the painting. I then furthered my analysis by researching the context of the painting, focusing on more minor aspects and exploding them with deeper research. For example, i researched the identity if the main subject in the painting, which led me on a interesting path of research about the sex industry in Paris in the 18th and 19th century, and allowed me to discover and have a better knowledge of the Folies, and the scene in which Manet painted.
Week 2 - In the next week we joined into groups to recreate the painting with a modern twist and in our own style. For the next week we brought in props and set up practice shoots, experimenting with different styles and shooting techniques. We used technology such as projectors and studio lighting, creating a glitch technique that we decided to use for our final shoot.
Week 3 - The following week, I then edited images with my group and began palling for our short film. i researched places to film and what equipment we would need. We had filmed the first scene of the film on the day of our final shoot as we needed the same set. We made presentations and story boards to develop our narrative.
Week 4 - We began the week by filming the scenic footage as our film involved a lot of traveling by car. We then filmed all scenes outdoor and car scenes and finished the week off with the house scenes.  
Week 5 - I began editing our footage for the film, making a complete film. Each of us in our group made our own version of what we envisioned, however we decided to use Issacs completed version best suited everyones expectations and that his edit would be the official cut. 
Week 6 - We started to develop ways of advertisement for our film. For me this started by developing a trailer on Premiere Pro. At the end of the week i began developing film posters using photoshop and images from our previous shoots.
Week 7 - This week started with finishing my film posters, in total I made three. I then shortly after began developing a website promoting my film. on my website i included the film posters and trailer that i had previously developed.
Week 8 - I am catching up am writing evaluations and filling any blanks in my work, doing final developments before hand in. This will include making a twitter advertisement for my film that i did not finish last week.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
Mid - Term Evaluation
Week 1 - At the start of the term i was assigned a painting to research and analyse. The painting I was assigned was Manets “A Bar At The Folies”. To start my investigation i researched basics such as the artist, style and the history of the painting. I then furthered my analysis by researching the context of the painting, focusing on more minor aspects and exploding them with deeper research. For example, i researched the identity if the main subject in the painting, which led me on a interesting path of research about the sex industry in Paris in the 18th and 19th century, and allowed me to discover and have a better knowledge of the Folies, and the scene in which Manet painted.
Week 2 - In the next week we joined into groups to recreate the painting with a modern twist and in our own style. For the next week we brought in props and set up practice shoots, experimenting with different styles and shooting techniques. We used technology such as projectors and studio lighting, creating a glitch technique that we decided to use for our final shoot.
Week 3 - The following week, I then edited images with my group and began palling for our short film. i researched places to film and what equipment we would need. We had filmed the first scene of the film on the day of our final shoot as we needed the same set. We made presentations and story boards to develop our narrative.
Week 4 - We began the week by filming the scenic footage as our film involved a lot of traveling by car. We then filmed all scenes outdoor and car scenes and finished the week off with the house scenes.  
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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This morning I made some film posters for my film as well as a trailer. i tried to create a very indie, and minimalistic vibe with my posters. To do this i kept the font light and thin, but used a variety in colour form black white and red to highlight important information.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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In this image we wanted to create the perception that behind closed doors the bar maid is abused. what you see is the confident woman serving vs behind the scenes, the woman is abused. This was inspired by Manets painting and the fact that suzan, the barmaid was actually a prostitute when she wasn't working at the bar, behind the scenes. 
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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Here our some edits I done today from our final shoot. I increased the saturation and contrast to make the images appear more vibrant and eye catching. 
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charlotteuca · 6 years
here is a contact sheet for a shoot today.
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Contact sheet for today
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charlotteuca · 6 years
we have decided that we will build the film narrative around this image, as we decided as a group it is best.
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As a group collectively, we decided this image is the best and is the one we will use to build narrative on for our short movie.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
here is an edit that Lysander done from one of our images from the shoot. the effect was created by projecting images onto my face, by standing infant of the projector light. Lysander then edited the image, increasing the saturation and contrast the make the image appear overall more vibrant and the colours pop.
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Heres an edit for one of the photos in the contact sheet, i increased the saturation and increased the contrast. Doing this made the colours pop and the projection of the bar maids face more apparentent. 
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charlotteuca · 6 years
here is another video of a glitch film effect we created and used our final shoot.
When using the projector, we fired a flash which created an interesting strobe effect. We then filmed it and i made a small looping video.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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Here we experimented with the glitch effect, project images and overlaying them on our own faces and using the live camera for our background projection.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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Here we experimented with the glitch effect, project images and overlaying them on our own faces and using the live camera for our background projection.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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last week we done a rehearsal shoot experimenting with ideas with we may incorporate into our final shoot. we decided we liked the glitch effect of using a live camera to film and project our backdrop to create a kind of inception glitch effect.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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Here we experimented with the glitch effect, project images and overlaying them on our own faces and using the live camera for our background projection.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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last week we done a rehearsal shoot experimenting with ideas with we may incorporate into our final shoot. we decided we liked the glitch effect of using a live camera to film and project our backdrop to create a kind of inception glitch effect.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
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Here are my edited pictures for my final project layered and ready to be printed out A1 and mounted to foam board.
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charlotteuca · 6 years
when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live – forces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence – knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder”
by Joseph Engels - condition of the working class England 1845
I deeply contemplate how far society has come. If the work of a 19th century socialist, published in 1845, still feels as though it is making an accurate observation of the modern day working class, something must be seriously wrong.
I now question how much progress we have really made in the past 120 years, and what do we have to show for it.
feel as though this source is greatly relevant to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, making me reflect on the injustice the victims and their family have faced and how government has failed them.
Government can pay £20-30 million to our last royal wedding for security alone, but chose not to pay £5000 for fire proof cladding.
when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death… its deed is murder.
Our government housed hundreds of people into an accommodation, knowing the risks, for the sake of saving £5000. Many of the residents of Grenfell were housed into the tower by the council, unable to afford to live any where else. Many residents took their governments “help”, trusting and believing that Chelsea Council has their best interest and wellbeing in mind - only to perish…
71 lives old and new were lost in the Grenfell tower tragedy.
71 priceless individuals.
71 sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers have met a tragic demise by something that could of been easily prevented for the sake of £5000.
To our government, the 600 people accommodating the Tower are not worth this.
To our government, the 71 lives lost are not worth this.
Parkland shooting
By February 2018 alone, there had already been 18 school shootings across the US. I begin to question who is more at fault here, the disturbed individuals that commit these massacres, or the government who take no real action to stop them from happening again.
In a country that values their second amendment more than the lives of their young people, and make it so easy for anyone, of insane or sound to pick up arms, despite the tragic repercussions striking over and over again. Who is really the murderer.
when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death… its deed is murder
The pulse Orlando massacre if another prime example for why the us should have stricter gun laws.
However, the nightclub shooting is also an elaborate and deathly hate crime towards the lgbtq community.
In a country that follows an openly homophobic leader, it comes as no surprise that homophobic behaviour has risen.
Their president fuels white heterosexual men with a sense of entailment, and superiority over minorities. Acts such as banning transsexuals from the military is a prime example of how he makes them suprior. This sense of entailment is what promoted the shooter to feel as though he had a right to take those 49 lives.
I deeply contemplate how far society has come. If the work of a 19th century socialist, published in 1845, still feels as though it is making an accurate observation of the modern day working class, something must be seriously wrong.
There is no real way to truly measure how far we have come in 120 years, but we do have plenty to show for it, good and bad. We have come so far, but there is no argument in the fact that we are no where near done yet, and we still have a lot to do.
And to start Id like to suggest we all follow one moral law,
To always a be a little kinder than what you have to.
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