eggfeather · 1 year
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sweetriverstyx · 3 months
Warrior cats design request; Ferretclaw my beloved
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i love him so much uwahuwahh
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exocynraku · 1 year
I apologize if these are duplicates I can’t check the doc for a while
But Tinycloud x Shrewtooth
Or Ferretclaw x Zelda
Orrrrr Blackstar x Nightwing
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bearbellow (night x black) bluebell (zelda x ferret)
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jayfrost-designs · 2 months
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This is another request, this time from @longnose-gar and the last ref sheet I have done for the moment. Not a ton to say about this guy, he didn't show up much in the books, I do like his name (we need more Ferret- cats in the books) and his description allowed for a cool design.
You can find the reverse side of his design here.
Ferretclaw doesn't have anything in the way of a physical description given other than his pattern, so I came up with my own. Since I went with a Somali pattern for him, I went with a Somali build. The scars on his shoulders are from a badger in Bramblestar's Storm grabbing him by the scruff and shaking him. He seems to have not lived long past Bramblestar's Storm and so had an overall short life, but he lived through the Great Battle and multiple battles against badgers in Bramblestar's Storm, and was mentioned to be scarred in one and shaken like a doll in another, so I figured the boy would be pretty decently scarred for such a short life.
How did a ShadowClan warrior end up looking so much like a purebred kittypet? No idea. XD We don't know who his parents are or anything about him prior to him showing up as an apprentice in OOTS, so maybe he's a kittypet who joined ShadowClan, or maybe he's Clanborn but his mom had a secret affair with a kittypet, who knows.
For his pattern, Ferretclaw is described as a gray and cream tom. I decided to interpret this as a gray and cream Somali cat as mentioned above, and I went with a nice dark amber for his eyes.
Overall, I'm really happy with how he turned out.
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booksofstars · 4 months
pride wc request: Agender/ Aroace Ferretclaw
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lemnnshark · 10 months
"Ferretclaw is a cream-and-gray tom."
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Can you please tell us about Ivypool/Hollowflight and/or Whitewater and her mate?
AFJKHAKJKJSKJD I mean I would if they were canon. I have BlossomIvy in my AU and I do still enjoy them. I just have childhood nostalgia from my hyperfixation on IvyHollow.
But as for Whitewater - her mate is Ivytail! Whitewater is Crowfrost's sister, while Ivytail is from Snowbird's first litter with Smokefoot.
Whitewater is very quiet and an attentive listener. She always knows everything going on within the clan, making her the all-knowing when it comes to gossip. However, she's not quite privy to sharing stuff like that and keeps to herself.
Ivytail on the other hand loves her gossip and is quick to bother Whitewater for information upon learning of her ways. Ivytail babbles on and on for what feels like forever, while Whitewater quietly listens with the smallest of smiles on her face.
Whitewater is blind in one eye and struggles with her depth perception at times. She's improved a lot in order to hunt and perform as a warrior, but she has her moments where she needs to readjust her positioning or where she reaches to hit her mark.
The two she-cats fall in love due to complimenting each other so well. Whitewater is composed and an excellent listener, though not the best at expressing her own thoughts, while Ivytail talks all the time, is incredibly charming with her words, and has the sass to stand up for herself and her loved ones.
They have two litters. Their first litter consists of Ferretkit and Stoatkit, who are new apprentice going into The Great Battle. They become Ferretclaw and Stoatfur. Their second litter includes Gullkit, Conekit, Bluebellkit, and Frondkit. Frondkit dies young, while her siblings grow up to be Gullswoop, Conefoot, and Bluebellblink.
Here's a chibi Whitewater just for you!
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maealderxb · 11 months
Ferretclaw (real warrior cats character) x dovewing?
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Do u think they remind dovewing of ivypol.
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longnose-gar · 1 year
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Girl help I have gotten attached to background characters who speak once
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gatorsnot · 1 year
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"Ferretclaw? Is that you? What are...wait a minute, aren't you Mossyfoot?"
i could just be having a brain fart, but i can't help but notice we haven't seen any shadowclan x riverclan forbidden romances...we've seen thunderclan x windclan couples, windclan x riverclan couples, even a shadowclan x skyclan couple in recent books, but we've yet to see any waterkitties fall for the edgy frog-munchers
waaaaay back in like 2010 i took a liking to ferretclaw (ferretpaw then) and mossyfoot (mossypaw) despite them being minor characters, and my imagination kept wandering to them being friends as apprentices who would sneak out to hang out a la heathertail and lionblaze, and then they fell in love once they both became warriors
we really don't know much about them outside them both being kinda snarky, so they were a very fiery, sarcastic couple who would use insults as terms of endearment
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exocynraku · 1 year
For Hypokits, can I suggest Crowfrost and Ferretclaw? I think they're really cute together(Ignore that they never talked)
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My Ferretclaw design
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flutterclouds · 4 months
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