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artaintfart · 2 months ago
Whitewing x Shrewpaw hypokits?
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This came out SOOOO much cuter than I expected ngl
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exocynraku · 2 months ago
Hawkfrost & Squirrelflight mayhaps 🤲
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lesbianacorn · 4 months ago
Sandcastle hypokit
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chasing-faith-and-fate · 28 days ago
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And there’s the last ones- Mintswan and Valleyfrost’s kits! None of them are okay! (Very sad Mint died giving birth)
Phloxchase: King of crash out let me fucking tell you- broke up and got back together with his girlfriend SEVEN times! Got 3 of his apprentices killed, fully hates his one son, somehow always fuck up on patrols- especially when involving the other clans. He was Valleyfrost special little guy, best friends really and after she was killed he had like fights with his sisters constantly. I was able to fix his relationship to his son and then he fucked it up so fast again, and broke up with his girlfriend AGAIN- and then he died. He died of a heart attack during clan wars.
Mossypoppy: Mossy? More like messy, holy shit. Very happy child, very loved, somehow ended up with a kill count of five cats… girl what the fuck- one of them was her mom Valleyfrost, and three of the others were her mates. Had four kits over those three mates, and did love them very much! Her last victim was just a random cat in clan she had beef with. She was Loving while killing two of those mates btw! She died after being exiled after fucking confessing her crimes to the leader.
Burnlaural: Burn is as her name may imply, burns bridges left and right, she hates, FULLY in the red with everyone in clan. I don’t know how she did it and I don’t know where she went, she just got lost one moon and died out there one day. I cannot tell you how she managed to have only negative reactions and interactions but she did succeed in that. I’m genuinely know nothing about her, she lived to 57m before going missing and she never did anything but be pissed or piss off others.
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aiko-kpwc · 1 month ago
I spent the day drawing crack ship m preg
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Owlstar x Ringstar because dear God I'm insane
Tigertoe, Clown(fordor the second part) and Ringstar belong to @circus-clangen
Owlstar and Songpaw belong to @loudclan-clangen
The hypokits aren't mine they were given as sacrifices to this monstrosity by people from discord
Now I have to go contemplate my sins
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alien-s0da · 1 month ago
Ringstar HypoKits
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With my Boy HowlFleck from @the-caves-narrative (my clangen blog)
Ringstar belongs to @circus-clangen
Skipper (green) belongs to @aiko-kpwc
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since-times-long-forgotten · 8 months ago
@aiko-kpwc tumblr ate your ask :( But anyways! You’d suggested I draw Yellowfang, so here she is! Scruffy old lady >:)
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(please click for better quality) but wait, that’s not all…
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I also drew the Three as Yellowfang/Bluestar hypokits! I’ve kept Jay’s name the same, but I renamed Holly to Juniperkit (for her blue instead of green eyes), and Lion to Stormkit! I tried to stay accurate to genetics, so Lion/Storm has unfortunately lost his golden fur, which is why I renamed him lol
possible spoilers for power of three & yellowfang’s secret & bluestar’s prophecy under the cut, plus lots of writing!
In this hypothetical world, we have a few options. Option one: This litter follows Yellowfang’s litter’s path, and Jaykit and Stormkit take the place of Wishkit & Hopekit, thus dying at birth. Juniperkit takes on the role of Brokenstar, going all evil-murder-cat, but in a different way than Broken. Maybe she takes the warrior code to higher levels, or maybe she discards it. Possibilities are endless! Jayfrost, Juniperfall, Stormfang?
Second option: the litter follows Bluestar’s litter’s path, with Stormkit taking the place of Mosskit, and Jaykit & Juniperkit taking the place of Misty & Stone, being taken to ShadowClan. ooh wait, maybe we can mix stories…
Juniperkit, Jaykit, and Stormkit are born into ThunderClan by their mother Bluefur. All three kits survive their birth, and Blue brings them to ShadowClan to live with their other mom Yellowfang, who has to give the litter to Lizardstripe (just pretend timelines make sense). Lizardstripe is in a super difficult position— she doesn’t want kits, never really did, but got pregnant, and now three more kits are being forced upon her by the Clan leader Raggedstar. She’s not a good mother, and honestly who can blame her? Well. The majority of ShadowClan can, I guess. But then Storm and Jay die from a sickness, Juniper blames Yellowfang and Raggedstar— Yellowfang for not healing her brothers, Ragged refusing to let Yellowfang treat Storm and Jay because they were too far gone. The ghosts of Jay and Storm kind of follow Juniper around, and they stay kits whilst Juniperkit grows to an apprentice, and then a warrior— Juniperfall, perhaps? She discovers she has a power (instead of Jay&Lion having powers and Holly not, now Juniper has powers & Jay&Storm don’t) to… idk, see the dead? Fade into shadows/go invisible? Juniper is super protective over young cats now, but also has a grudge against Ragged and Yellow, due to her brother’s deaths. She becomes deputy, then kills Raggedstar by making him eat deathberries (👀 deathberries… woah… haven’t seen that before I’m sure… (looks at Hollyleaf and Leafpool) (looks at Yellowfang and Brokentail)). But after killing him… she can no longer see Jay and Storm. She can see other dead cats, but her brothers have left her. They are afraid of who she has become, and honestly, it scares her too. She becomes Juniperstar, and tries to fix her wrongs, but in a way where she actually is being kind of evil, but has a reason for being evil, protective, etc etc, stuff like that. She steals kits to raise them in ShadowClan to be safer, trains them from a younger age so that they’re stronger sooner and hopefully won’t die young (this backfires at a few different points probably). And then, timeskip.... well, not sure what happens in between, but similar to what happened with Brokentail, and as a parallel to what she did to Raggedstar, Yellowfang gets her to eat deathberries, and she dies. Alright that’s all I’ve got!
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theanonymousclown · 2 months ago
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I call this my “Mpreg Finleap AU” cus HE wants kids and I really like Twigbranch+she doesn’t wanna give birth but GOD we need more genetics in ThunderClan
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sleepyspots-wc-designs · 3 months ago
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All of the headshots for hypokits so far :3c
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quiverpaw · 4 months ago
Can we get some hypokits for the lovely Lesbian kitties of this arc, Frostdawn and Whistlebreeze? <3
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forgot to post this one oopsies
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crow-quet · 2 months ago
Maybe some firegray fankids? Or maybe yellowfang x bluestar?
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this ship was is such a classic /positive -- i love them both so much !!
blueyellow's post can be found here!
and in lieu of littermates, i threw together a couple of "what if"s for squirrelflight and leafpool!
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artaintfart · 2 months ago
Hollyleaf cinderheart baby? Prophecy baby?
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exocynraku · 2 months ago
for the hypokits--hollowflight and ivypool perhaps? or hollow and antpelt if you prefer :)
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lesbianacorn · 4 months ago
For the hypokit requests if that's still a thing, Hollyleaf x Willowshine? :3
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chasing-faith-and-fate · 28 days ago
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These four are the kits of Cranedance and her Wisteriaclan girlfriend, Princess!
Crestswirl: Swirly, as you could maybe guess by appearance, is a bit… odd. He’s very blessed by Starclan, and unlike many with this gift, he’s very into it- he’s also not entirely there, he acts like he is in a constant statement of brain-fog and is fully just not concerned about it. He just lives his life in the in-between of life and death. He lives with Princess in Wisteriaclan.
Luckspots: Lucky, an entirely white cat, named herself as a joke… it stuck. She, in her short life went from adventurous to strict, like two moons into adulthood. She inherited her mom, Crane’s Taker sight and has been haunted beyond belief from it. She will not let anyone out of clan unless it’s in groups of three.
Nettelsmoke: Born in Chasingclan and at 6 moons old ran to Wisteriaclan, because she has common sense. She’s pretty lonely, with Crestswirl in his own world and away from her siblings and the mom that she actually connected with. No matter how they both try, Nettle and Princess just can’t find common ground. She did somehow manage to have get everyone falling for her.
Orchidbramble: Orchid is unlike both her parents, it’s very cold and numb to talk to, though it loves its family a lot. Silver is entirely familiar orientated, and has adopted no less than seven kits in the span of four moons. She also unfortunately needed up being killed by one of said kits (a son named Yewfang). Other than that she never did much.
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stinkerbee · 7 months ago
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Some hypokits I did recently in @forgotten-elegy ! They were really fun to make, as always
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