undergroundusa · 5 months
Internal and external forces that pose serious threats both to our nation and the free world have converged to fight against the very idea of freedom and Americanism. The Perfect Storm is upon us…"
The Perfect Storm Is Upon Us
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tomorrowxtogether · 3 months
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240706 TXT Japan Official's Tweet
#山下智久 さん、Snow Man #渡辺翔太 さん、ありがとうございました☺️ 素敵な方々とのステージ、最高に楽しかったです💙
#TXT #TXT_誓い #TXT_CHIKAI #ひとつの誓い #We_ll_never_change #PerfectStorm #THEMUSICDAY #TXTと過ごす夏
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bamboobibi · 4 months
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X (Twitter) : @.TXT_bighit_jp 📟 Taehyun 20240525
[ #PerfectStorm] https://youtu.be/BmKETono_oQ
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my-castles-crumbling · 8 months
There is a recording of me screaming so loud I scared my cat when she announced it. So- same.
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scarvesindoors · 6 months
im back yalllllll
looking for more active moots!! im 24, queer, from the greater philly area, and into the following:
-lisa frankenstein !! and campy movies
-chappell roan, boygenius, hozier, muna, mitski, diy emo and punk, goth and post-punk, elliott smith, and taylor swift (my taylor blogs are @perfectstorm-swift and @sparksflygaylor )
-leftism, social justice, liberation of all forms, politics, mutual aid
-literature !! poetry !! i was an english ed major, and i love reading and writing. colleen hoover anti tho lol
-oddities, cryptids, monsters, trinkets and art and folklore
-currently reading the foxhole court lol, but trying not to get spoiled, so blocking the aftg tag for now. but my bestie @overallsonfrogs has me readin that shit
-astrology, tarot, witchcraft
-STARDEW VALLEY !!! and pokemon
overall im just into being gay and weird. since the tumblr porn ban ive been mostly fucking around on twitter (@scarves_indoors) but it’s becoming virtually unusable bc of our emerald money golden boy, mr. must. SO im back home to the hellsite :-)
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oodlyenough · 2 years
my laptop's keyboard is all jacked up, particularlythe space bar, creating the perfectstorm for the nextweek of "well I WOULD be writing, but..." even if realistically there's a high chance i would continue to not write anyway
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starwhisperer1 · 10 days
Zodiac Truths - The Scary Side of Virgo
👁‍🗨 “When perfectionism becomes a dangerous weapon #ZodiacTruths
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reallysublimepoetry · 2 months
@justforratkings "Unwelcome ozain, UWO, nwo, was taught how to trauma bond others to them. They groomed me for years starting when I was 15 years old. They knew my age. This is a message of caution, I wasn't sure how to warn people, especially minors. stay safe. 
@michaelmyersbignaturals @nessieac @apexriftologist @hey-pretty-mama-its-johnny-bravo @buttercup-smile-afternoon @dual-domination @some-teeth-in-a-trench-coat @rbjr @pieisnotreal @chibi-blue-scapula @krozakerie2 @selkies-song @ragebot @dragons-under-the-bookcase @ships-bynoa @ramita730 @dejdreamer @eggingtontoast @realisticflyinglesbian @hypergamousangle @snacklepack @madhatterene @strangeharmonyharmony @jaretths @yeuleist  @unlucki @absent-still @icrimsonium @just-a-pansy @for-the-love-of-flowers @classicrockmusic7625  @h-ika75 @bbcphile @pathfinderswiftpen @betterthanakickintheteeth @nastyblasty @hearth4days @globalconsciousevolution  @aditipanchal @strkid @somewherenothingcaneatyou-blog1 @tatisthoughts @illimitable-freedom @furiousgoldfish @royal-specialty @dreamstuff @goodnastygirl @reba-sheba @fatedprophetess-perfectstorms @entbloesst
Another user told me unwelcome ozain is "known to groom". My experience interacting with them has been horribly traumatizing.
I am reblogging this on my main ad well as my alternate account (@cuteboysbite )
this post was made by a close friend of mine who I trust very much, and unfortunately their experiences can be corroborated and backed up by many users.
while I was not groomed by Oz, I can back up the facets about his carefully crafted persona, his avoidance of any blame and his gaslighting behavior.
I do not have screenshots as our interactions occurred in the DMs of an old throwaway account of mine, that is long since defunct. However, I remember clearly that I would ask him questions since he posed himself up as an authority on systemhood, trauma recovery and recovering from toxic relationships. When I would ask him a question, he would either avoid it completely, or answer in the most condescending way humanly possible. He would tell me I didn’t know what I was talking about, that my experiences couldn’t be real, and that he was the older, wiser authority so he knew best. I was lucky to get the ick and block and run before it got to the point it did for OP, but I saw the warning signs of what it could’ve become.
Oz is not a kind individual like he paints himself as. He is rude, vindictive, predatory and demeaning. He doesn’t care for the people who follow him loyally or try to be his friends. He cares for control, and a good reputation. Oz is not a kind individual like he paints himself as. He is rude, vindictive, predatory and demeaning. He doesn’t care for the people who follow him loyally or try to be his friends. He cares for control, and a good reputation. He aims to trigger people with his content, to demean and invalidate, and to appeal to a crowd that does not have the majority of the DIDtumblr’s community at heart. He has historically sympathized with alt right groups, refused to answer when asked about SUPPORT of them, has posted antisemitic and homophobic remarks? And he’s swept it under the rug claiming people just want to silence him. I do not want to silence him.
people in the notes suggested that this is politically motivated due to his support of Palestine or disparaging the US government. It is not. Check my own blog, I do both of those things while managing not to be like Oz.
it isn’t fucking political. Get it through your head. So many other users have talked about similar experiences and not been believed. When is enough enough?
In so many discord servers, tumblrs, chats, etc, he is hailed as a resource and an authority. In so many trauma recovery and DID discords, he is in the important resources and his opinions and writings are hailed as the only correct takes ever.
he is not the perfect victim he paints himself as , he is not an activist, he is not honest and he is not kind. He is imperfect as we all are.
He is not an activist, he is a grifter. he changes his opinions to whatever gets him the most damn attention. He changes his opinions to whatever will be accepted by the majority. He changes his opinions to look holier than thou.
he is not honest and he is not kind. His history is not genuine. His replies are not kind.
unwelcome ozian is not a safe or trustworthy member of our community.
This was a hard thing to come to terms with, but I'll speak on it. I've had to do some thinking, and realizing the red flags, but it's been so long it can't effect me that much.
@unwelcome-ozian My trust has been broken.
I began writing The Monarch Effect around 2020, when I was still in high school. At the time, I had just discovered I was a system while researching D.I.D. and dissociation, as well as RAMCOA. Reading through material was hard and confusing, and, of course, I had questions. However, as I was still new to the D.I.D. community and the concept of being programmed, I had this unfortunate conception that I could trigger someone and hurt them at any random time. Since UWO was seen as an authority, I went to him, hoping that I could understand the concept better.
Sooner or later, I felt safe enough to ask him for help with my own issues. I did not have a solid support system at the time, and I thought he could understand what I was going through. But, looking back, boundaries were not put in place. This is the internet, you cannot trust everyone you meet with your issues.
I can't say I was groomed per say, as I never brough up sexual things and neither did he, but I definitely feel like I had to treat him as this celebrity type person, someone who took pity on little 'ol me. This was similar to another experience I had with a person (a man in his 40s) on HelloTalk, but by then, I had people in real life that I could go to and warn me.
But it wasn't him that actually helped me understand RAMCOA and DID, but the writing process itself. Sure, I used research materials as a guide, but from what I understand now, "programming" is not as clear cut and has different definitions and connotations depending on the context. People are complex and all have unique experiences, and just because you are a victim doesn't automatically make you a good person, especially if you perpetrate abuse, intentionally or not.
Instead of encouraging me to talk to an adult, such as a parent or my therapist (who I've since come to understand her perspective), he instead affirmed me and my hardships, speaking in a way that made me feel like I had someone who had my back. However, I also felt like I was bothering him, and would apologize profusely. It was a while after (sometime last year) I realized I was depent on him and soon stopped talking to him since. A yes-man will only get you so far in life, but I didn't know who my real friends were at the time. UWO was not my friend.
Thankfully, I did realize who my friends were over the past few months, particularly since my Tumblr hiatus (I love this site, but it's called a Hellsite for a reason). In that time realized that I was dependent on a particular friend of mine, but only after they abruptly cut me out of their life entirely. I am glad that I kept my distance with UWO, or NWO as @justforratkings referred to him as, because Lord knows what would have happened then. Instead, I was too afraid to bother him, and eventually realized I needed to just focus on myself and not rely on the opinions of others as much. I have also since gotten better at journaling my thoughts in a physical notebook, as well at the negative effects of venting out into the open void of the internet, hoping for someone to come and make me feel better (yeah, don't do that).
UWO did not help me, only gave me small bits of things that seemed pretty clear, but still left me confused. I just wanted straight answers that didn't resort to reading through harsh things just to find what I needed. My system ended up being more helpful in understanding, since many of my alters appear as my characters, and help me at times as "actors." (It's also the likely reason I have so many that look like Samuel in different outfits).
I've since talked to @justforratkings and also asked UWO about the situation. UWO called them a stalker and told me to contact the authorities, which was strange considering their ages. The last message to me was "do what you feel is best for you." So, I did that by blocking him on the account I talked to him with, my main. I never really got any responses on this account anyway.
It's an ironic parallel to Samuel, the main character of The Monarch Effect. He used to be a sad puppy type character until I realized he works better narratively if he starts off as a villain, at least from the perspective of Carlos, the detective who wants him in jail no matter what. In the beginning of this journey, Samuel was once a victim of circumstance and has since evolved into someone much less empathetic and good natured, and more selfish and a perpetrator of generational abuse. I thought this would be him straying away from UWO, but now it's almost as if they've become more similar. Write what you know, I guess?
TL;DR Unwelcome Ozian is not as helpful as he seems. He'll say he supports you, but won't actually help you move forward all that much. He's just another person on the internet, and should regarded as such. It took me until now to realize that.
I appreciate another’s’ perspective on UWO/NWO. I am reblogging to boost the original post, and to boost your words.
The whole situation has honestly jaded me. I have not had experience with cult activity, so much of his advice was never applicable to me. This could be positive or negative.
I see a pattern of the same behavior, breaking boundaries or switching to sudden aggression.
I appreciate yours too. Seeing both helped me step up myself.
In regard to him being agressive, I don't remember anything specific right now other than his accusations that one's programming experience wasn't actually programming, but nothing really towards me. He's gatekeeping a specific trauma that likely varies from person to person on different levels. From a writing perspective, that was one of the things I realized when I couldn't fit everything in the context of a victim born to German Neo-Nazis. A system based on Oz or Wonderland directly just wouldn't make sense, being that they aren't German stories.
RAMCOA can happen anywhere greedy people are willing to lie and hurt others to protect themselves and those like them.
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Unwelcome ozian decided to address the situation in private DMs with another user. I wanna say thank you for the support I've been getting moving through this. I've learned that nwo has talked to several young women and girls (minors) online being aware of their ages.
Unwelcome ozian never asked me to stop messaging him, or blocked me. Instead he encouraged me to keep talking to him, even when I said I didn't think it was healthy for me.
Where did the survivor's advocate persona go? Since when must someone report / go to police to be valid?
Unwelcome Ozian states he wants to create a space for people to share or ask questions, and he's suggesting I put everything I shared on the line to take issue with his predatory behavior? Why doesn't he hold himself accountable or take responsibility?
"I knew this accusation was coming" is an admission. Full stop. Unwelcome ozian does not care about his followers or their well being. His motives are selfish, egotistical and narcissistic."
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heffey267268 · 11 months
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When do you get the perfect storm when three powerful nutrient complexes join forces to form an extraordinary post-workout supplement? Of course, it's the Perfect Storm! Precision Engineered® has created the ultimate formula to instantly kickstart recovery and deliver vital nutrients directly into your muscles after your workout. 💪😎
#postworkout #PerfectStorm #PrecisionEngineered #fitnessfuel #musclerecovery #essentialnutrients #strengthandpower #blueberryflavor #gymtime #supplementgoals #getfit #workoutroutine #healthandwellness
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damianemcee · 2 years
All-New!  Hindsight Tonight is fresh once again!  Russia gets into bed with Iran, Brittney Griner is freed, and the Merchant of Death is back in business!  Hosted by Emmy-Nominee Damian Muziani.  #hindsighttonight, #comedynews, #snl, #brittneygriner, #paulwhelan, #russia, #iran, #drones, #merchantofdeath, #viktorbout, #tridemic, #perfectstorm, #oddcouple
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imcharliebrown · 4 years
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La tempesta perfetta.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The perfect storm .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #yallyally #travelfriends3 #nikon_photogroup #nikonitalia #nikon_photo #18_55mm_lens #18_55 #18_55mm #landscapecalabria #perfectstorm #rainyday #giornatadipioggia #strettodimessina #ig_mediterraneo #messina_photogroup #landscape_photography #landscape_photogroup #landscapeitaly #italia_cartoline #italia_photogroup (presso Stretto di Messina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMo_HjABBGi/?igshid=2n1w23rhyo0r
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tomorrowxtogether · 4 months
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240525 TXT Japan Official's Tweet
TAEHYUN と #山下智久 さん〈 #PerfectStorm 〉コラボ記念🎧🔥
TOMO_X_TAEHYUN #ブルーモーメント
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craneca · 3 years
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Never try to convince someone to be less than they are just because you can’t match their level of output or enthusiasm.
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wavieedsuperhero · 5 years
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tormentaxperfecta · 5 years
Creo que te quiero
"Creo que te quiero", 
te confesé mientras arrasaba el viento, 
todas las fortalezas se desmoronaban
y mis manos no paraban de temblar 
Vi el mundo arder 
y un castillo mutar a cenizas
pero tu brazo seguía firme justo ahí 
dónde se acumulaban todos mis miedos 
Debería, quizás, haber tomado la costumbre 
si todo cayó desde que me besaste 
¿Por qué me sigue doliendo la pérdida 
después de haber visto tanta soledad? 
Acá estalla el volcán, 
acá nos despoja el tornado
 acá van mis sueños, de nuevo
vencidos y acorralados
Pero quizás este era el bendito destino
y para vivir primero había que dejar de respirar
renacer habiendo muerto
morir sin rastro de paz
Creo que en algunos momentos la tiniebla es necesaria
para saber lo que nos oculta la oscuridad
y que tu sonrisa era la sensación extraña en mi pecho
que me pedía que no me dejara vencer
Ahora que te tengo cerca, ahora que estás acá
nunca nada va a volver a ser lo mismo
ni siquiera las canciones lloran igual
todo se deshace mientras nos miramos al caer
Con los ojos me pediste que no te suelte
y con los míos te rogué que no mataras mi lealtad
el mundo se incendia, mi amor
y no puedo aferrarme a un mañana en el que no seas mi presente
Corré, nos van a alcanzar
el mejor escondite son nuestros temores
y yo sé que esta realidad es tenebrosa
pero abrazame, quizás fabriquemos la calma
Se muere la noche
mi estabilidad se despide otra vez
quiero gritar y llorar
pero en algún lugar de tus manos, me escucho respirar
Sigo viva y siento algo en la nada;
creo que te quiero,
y es este sentimiento fúnebre
lo único estable en un sueño contingente
  Conté las estrellas en cada uno de tus lunares
mientras me fascinó tu parecido con las galaxias
algo tan lejano y tan enigmático
que sólo me espera a mí
Me hiciste reír en plena destrucción
los escombros se convirtieron en mis cenizas
me ayudaste a recolectar todo lo roto
y me enseñaste que reparar no era siempre lo correcto
Dejar ir, dejar fluir
mi antigua yo me atormentaría 
pero al lado tuyo nada parece atravesarme
mientras acariciás cada huella psíquica del pasado
Tu piel y mis huesos
nada nunca me pareció tan hermoso
no somos más que esto y sin embargo,
Cinco horas o quizás tres minutos
¿qué es el tiempo cuando te tengo?
las líneas van fluctuando en sinfonías 
no existe lo eterno pero tampoco lo real
Mis lágrimas decoran la catástrofe de todo contra lo que atenté
y entierro los restos de mis esperanzas
pero quizás algo cambia, quizás hoy estás conmigo
ya nada puede morir sin revivir
Me dejaste purgarme, me diste espacio
plantaste una flor en algún gris suelo
y yo, confiando que nada bueno volvería a crecer
la tuve que observar florecer
Sólo cuando fue bella y única
le puse tu nombre y la tomé
y en alguna fantasía diurna le confesé:
"creo que te quiero"
"...No porque hayas florecido en un mar de tristeza
sino porque supiste ver el único lugar donde valía la pena surgir
me amaste como para quedarte
y confiaste en mí para cuidarte.”
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chiefretro444 · 5 years
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"Perfect Storm", an illustration of a strong mixture of conflicting emotions. One thing that life has shown me, is not all storms in your life are bad. Some storms are put in our life to uncover or remove things in our circle that should not be there. We gotta be open to change from within if we truly expect to see it around us. Yeah, it may seem chaotic at first, but it's a storm worth bearing through! Learning how to endure the Perfect Storm within, will make any other storm you face in this life seem petty. Share and support your local artists, please and thanks!! #Selfknown #photoshop #photography #digitalart #graphicdesign #landscape #tribalretroart #originalart #abstractart #psychedelicart #metaphysicalart #digitalpainting #illustration #message #wordsofwisdom #perfectstorm #instafollowers #instaamazed #instalike #amazingartistoninstagram #photooftheday #artoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bAgjYg9fR/?igshid=1hhodn9nsou6p
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