#Peace Torii
entertext · 5 months
HGSN 26-2
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter on the Japanese site to show the author some support)
Rough translation by me
(sfx: train clacking over tracks)
Yoshiki: (It'll take a little under two hours on the Tanshou Line from Kibougayama Station, huh?...)
Yoshiki: (I haven't been to the ocean since elementary school...)
Hikaru: Whoaaa!! Coooool!!
Hikaru: What's that!? There's a building that looks like a butt!
Yoshiki: You sure are carefree...
(sfx: train clacking over tracks)
Yoshiki: That reminds me...a while back...
Yoshiki: I had to go to the Mikasa family's place on an errand
(Mom: Take them this as thanks for Kaoru's yukata)
Yoshiki: So I went to the shrine
Yoshiki: Then, at the torii gate...
(sfx: BZZT)
Hikaru: Huh? Why?....
Yoshiki: Dunno...After that, I was able to go inside like normal...
Hikaru: ("Mixed up"...)
Yoshiki: *sighs* Enough about that, let's talk about something else. There's still more than an hour left to go.
Hikaru: Something else to talk about...I don't really have anything
Hikaru: Just stuff like the time when for some reason your room was so packed to the brim with the ghosts of old men that it made me laugh...
(sfx: train clacking over tracks)
Yoshiki: You're kidding me right?
(sfx: stepping on sand)
(sfx: waves)
Yoshiki: Even considering it's evening, there are really few people here...Maybe everyone's gone to the new beach instead.
Hikaru: Whoa, so cool!
Hikaru: It's HUGE! The ocean's amazing!
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: Yaaaaay!
Hikaru: Shoes, shoes...
(sfx: waves)
(sfx: waves)
Yoshiki: Hey! Come over here!
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: The ocean's great!!
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: Hahaha!
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: Woo-hoo!!
(sfx: ker-splash)
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: Hah
Hikaru: Ha
(sfx: water sloshing)
(sfx: waves)
(sfx: water sloshing)
(sfx: waves)
Yoshiki: Hey, your pants are gonna get wet
(sfx: waves)
Hikaru: You know, when I went into the hall, I also remembered what happened when I went into Hikaru's body
(sfx: water sloshing)
Hikaru: When Hikaru was dying, he wished for things like "if only no one had to be sad" and "I don't want Yoshiki to be left alone"
Hikaru: Because I granted his wishes, things ended up this way
Yoshiki: Hikaru's...
Hikaru: ...but sorry
Hikaru: I probably won't be able to fulfill those wishes
Hikaru: I'm...going to go back to the mountain
Yoshiki: ... Huh?
Hikaru: The time I attacked you recently? That was probably my true nature coming out.
Hikaru: In order to fill up the empty parts of myself, I have a desire for souls
Hikaru: It probably doesn't make sense to a human, right? I've also only just realized it myself
Hikaru: I think I was always that kind of being.
Hikaru: I've killed a lot of people too, and I might kill someone again in the future.
Hikaru: But I don't want to kill you, Yoshiki
Yoshiki: H-hold...on...a sec...! What?
Hikaru: If I go back to the mountain, even if the real problem isn't solved
Hikaru: At least it'll be peaceful for the time you're alive
Yoshiki: N-no way. You can't. What have we...been searching so hard for...all this time...!
Hikaru: The monster will go away, you'll be able to accept Hikaru's death
Hikaru: And look forward, living on as a human. Happily ever after. That's for the best.
Yoshiki: You..! You want to stay, don't you!? Are you stupid!?
Yoshiki: Enough!
(sfx: splash splash)
Yoshiki: This kind of thing...isn't something you have to learn to do!!
Yoshiki: Be more shameless, the way you've always been...
Hikaru: You know, Hikaru...he liked watermelon, but I like ice cream pops the best. And my favorite kind's not Gachigachi-kun but Papicco instead. I'm probably the one that likes cats.
Hikaru: And movies, too. There hasn't been a single movie I thought was boring. Hikaru hated studying, but I like it. Well, not that I'm any good at it though, haha.
Yoshiki: Stop it
Yoshiki: Stop...
Hikaru: You know, I...really had a lot of fun being with you.
Hikaru: Maybe to you, I was just a replacement for Hikaru, but you gave someone like me so much. I love you, Yoshiki
Hikaru: These feelings might not be romantic and they might not be friendship. But, they're definitely my feelings.
Hikaru: Not Hikaru's, but the monster's. Mine.
Yoshiki: No...
Hikaru: Yoshiki
Hikaru: Thank you for everything
Yoshiki: YOU'RE WRONG!
Yoshiki: You're not a replacement for Hikaru!!!
(sfx: splash splash)
Yoshiki: I don't think of you as Hikaru anymore!
Hikaru: We don't have any other solution...so I've got no choice...
Yoshiki: You've just given up! Don't you dare push stuff like "looking forward" onto me...not now, after everything...
Yoshiki: What's so "happily ever after" about that...!?
Yoshiki: Bullshit...!!!!
Hikaru: Even I...
??: Even if you go back to the mountain, it won't do any good.
Tanaka: 'Cause you see, 'Hikaru'-kun
Tanaka: You aren't Nounuki-sama
Tanaka: Thinking if you sacrifice something, something else will be saved...
Tanaka: You're under some wild misconceptions
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samatheia229 · 2 years
Rise Ponderings:
The Turtles With Japanese Names
I've seen a lot of headcanons lately that support the "Rise boys' given names ARE their colours and they only got the artist names later on" narrative so I'd like to share my own.
Rise Splinter is undoubtedly very Americanised but I think that despite him forsaking his familial duties and old life, he’s still Japanese, is still a Hamato. So, subconsciously, he gave the boys Japanese names (of their corresponding colours, of course).
On that note, for all that Splinter has Celebrity-Who-Gives-Their-Kids-Unique-Names energy, I believe that he would still have enough decency to give them somewhat proper Japanese names not just 'Aka', 'Ao', 'Murasaki' and 'Orenji'.
However, for a period of time, the English-colour-names Splinter uses in the show would have been how addressed each other because they are, for the most part, an English-speaking household. Until an eight-year-old April came along insisting that those weren't 'real names', the turtles English names were 'Red', 'Blue' etc. 
After adopting 'proper' English names, those became the common form of address, though Splinter still calls them by the English colours because it's a habit for him. They don't mind.
They don’t use their Japanese names often. It’d mostly be during serious-talk time, in official stuff, calling someone by their full name or teasing. 
Ironically, in Splinter's (read: my) effort to not be a basic bitch, most of the boys' Japanese names are female. You can bet they tease the shit out of each other about it. The only one that actually takes offense to the teasing is Donnie whose name is very common and recognisable, so he always gets asked why he has it and/or if he realises that it's a girly name. 
The Names
*NOTE: I'm using Kanji here. Fair warning, they could be written wrong, so if there are any Japanese speakers out there, do correct me.
Hamato 'Raphael' Shuiro
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Shuiro 朱色 = vermilion
Raph’s name is the only one that isn’t a real given name but I thought it suited him.
Colour Symbolism:
Besides being one of the most dominant colors in Japanese culture, red is associated strongly with authority, strength, sacrifice, passion, joy, and happiness. It's also regarded as an auspicious color in Japan.
Frequently said to have Eldest Daughter Syndrome by the fandom, Raph is the ultimate authority among the brothers. He self-appoints as leader not because he necessarily wants to be, but because as the oldest and the biggest, he feels like it's his responsibility to look after the others. Which often takes great strength and sacrifice. Surface Pressure from Encanto, anyone?
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Furthermore, red, specifically vermilion, is very symbolic in Japanese architecture:
Red is the color of torii – Shinto shrine gates – temples, and traditional daruma dolls. Red is said to scare away evil spirits and represent protection, strength, peace, and power. 
All in all, very fitting for the big brother and family protector, if you ask me.
Hamato 'Leonardo' Aoi
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Aoi 青い = blue
Aoi is a unisex name; meaning hollyhock flower when used for girls and blue for boys. I'm using the male meaning for Leo. 
Colour Symbolism:
Blue commonly represents the sea and the sky (for which Japan is surrounded) and symbolizes purity, dignity, calmness, stability, security, and fidelity. Blue is also regarded as a lucky colour.
In this case, blue is rather in juxtaposition with Leo's personality, but looking at it from a franchise perspective, blue is indeed a leader's colour.
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Back then, Japanese society was strictly hierarchical and displayed through the colour of their robes. Of the colors that were allowed for common folk, the color blue was work by higher ranking people. It symbolized wealth and prestige, while also remaining a color of the common folk.
That being said, Leo's a little different from his predecessors. Eventually, he will grow into the role of the leader we know and love. But even when he was unburdened from being leader, he was still the strategist. Leo's leadership in fights is a balance between what is uniquely Rise and the mission-mindset of the leaders in blue who came before him, strategies that are fun, wacky and maybe a little unorthodox yet still as effective for the team.
Hamato 'Donatello' Sumire
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Sumire 菫 = violet (flower)
Sumire is usually a girl's name but I don’t think Splinter would’ve cared all that much about gender.
Donnie doesn't either and even likes his name, though it has caused him a lot of grief over the years. A lot of people think it's strange for a guy with his personality to have such a feminine name, and he's really sick of having to defend his name after introducing himself. Part of why he wanted 'Donnie'.
Colour Symbolism:
Like in the West, purple in Japanese culture is associated with royalty, as purple dye was rare and only available to those of a higher status. It can also reflect on nobility, spirituality, and wisdom.
Out of everyone, Donnie embraces his colour about the most. His clothes are purple, his tech is purple, his lab is bathed in purple lighting. Purple is Donnie's thing. This, in a way, ties in with the colour's exclusivity back then.
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Flower Symbolism:
In Hanakotoba (flower language), the meaning of violet is sincerity, a small love, and a small bliss. Violets are a common gift, as they are an ideal way to show appreciation for a family member or friend and to express sincerity or love.
I think this is very Donnie. What he lacks in the emotional department, he makes up for  through his tech. He creates things for his family, making them all kinds of personalised gizmo. Sometimes it results in disaster but the intention to help is there. Gift-giving is his love language.
Hamato 'Michelangelo' Mikan
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Mikan 蜜柑 = tangerine
Mikan is a common Japanese girl name. Baby girls named "Mikan" are usually joyful, positive-thinkers, smiley and generally happy people.
Mikey loves his name and doesn't care that it's girly and cute, no matter how the others tease him about it. (SIDE NOTE: I swear the near-matching names wasn't intentional. I was just looking for a name that means mandarin orange for a bit I'm writing).
Colour Symbolism:
Orange is symbolic of love, happiness and the sun.
The youngest of the family, Mikey is optimistic and cheerful. He brings joy and colour to the household through his art. He encourages everyone to be express their love openly and always tries to be supportive.
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Fruit Symbolism:
Besides good fortune, wealth and longevity, the fruit mikan can be tied to family because of its role in Japanese traditions. In Japan, there is a word “Kotatsu de Mikan”, which means:
A family sits around a kotatsu (a traditional Japanese table with an electric heater attached to the underside), watching TV and eating mikan —  the traditional picture of a harmonious family seen in the wintertime.
Mikey is all about family. He's the heart, always the peacemaker, always bringing everyone together.
TLDR; I really love how each turtle has a role to play in the family, how their respective colours are so appropriate for who they are as people, and I wanted their Japanese name to reflect that.
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missadmyre · 6 months
Date Night at Ghost Town
It wasn't often that his mentee, Randy, would invite him to do little activities such as fishing inside the Nomicon, such moments he appreciates as it reminded him of the peaceful memories he once had back at the living world.
When Randy had intivited him to come with him at the Celebration of the Founding of Sanctus Civitas in the Ghost Realm, he couldn't believe at what he was being offered to. "A trip to the Ghost Realm?" He asked.
The teen then replied, "Yeah, Danny invited me and Jake to come with him to the Ghost Zone for the celebration. Since you're some kind of spirit or something, maybe you could also have a chance to go there? I mean, it's gotta be kinda wonk to be lonely inside this book."
The First Ninja denied Randy's invitation at first, skeptical as he finds it nonsensical but also dangerous, given that he is the very foundation of the Nomicon. Should he be absent from his duties, he feared that an unexpected force would invade at a time of weakness, something of which he wouldn't allow.
Yet, even PlopPlop started to bug him about the boy's invitation, finding it weird that his ally had also approved of the boy's attempt. Eventually, he decided to go, finding it hard to resist two of his people and their charm to annoy to him.
As he tries to find an appropriate attire to wear, he discovers an elegant robe from back when he was alive, a kimono that dates back to the Kamakura Period. A gift from his fourth brother, a craftsman at heart.
On the day of the celebration, he, along with Randy his friends set off to the Ghost Realm, finding themselves in a dense forest with a jagged dirt pathway. Following the path, they reach the marble stairs, climbing up as they were greeted by a Torii Gate with two bells hanging on each side.
Ringing the bell four times on each bell while citing a chant that guarantees their entry, they soon were able to enter through the gate and into the celebration. The place was brimming with energy, hundreds of ghosts, spirits and souls running around around having fun.
The setting was beautiful, a dreamy dawn accompanying it. It was like a mix of a fairground and a ceremony, which would happen later that night as the procession of the Hyakki Yagyo would happen later that night. Stalls of food and games were placed left and right, attracting attentions of passerbys.
As he was about to ask the boys about his purpose in this, he was confused to find him, the warlock. Snarling, the First Ninja asked "What are you doing here?". The warlock chuckled, "Oh my, ask your kid, he did set us up for our date". Eyes twitching, he turned around to find Randy and his friends smiling, telling them to have fun as they ran away to enjoy the event.
Sighing, he faced Chase as the lizard hybrid held out his hand, "May I accompany you?". He begrudgingly accepted, knowing damn well that he himself won't be able to disagree.
Randy, while walking with Jake and Danny, smiled as his plan worked. He had planned it since the day he realized both their feelings are mutual, just way too stubborn and prideful to recognize them. He pleaded PlopPlop to go along with his plan, which after many attempts and bribery, he finally agreed.
Jake had been able to contact Chase, it wasn't hard considering that their main topic would be about the First Ninja, but what was hard was to convince the lizard hybrid that none of what they were planning is a trap.
The two heroic teens had known about their guardian's feelings about each other for a long time, even more so when they received the news that they were practically married. Grimacing at their pining, they planned to get the two to spend time with each other to work out their feelings.
When Danny had gotten an invitation to the Celebration of the Founding of Sanctus Civitas, they knew it was their chance to set the two immortal men on a date, letting Danny in on the plan as they tried to make their invitation look natural.
"Hey Randy, I know you set this up and shit for a long time, but come on! Let's enjoy the event, man!" Jake exclaimed.
"Hold on a minute, gotta take a picture of this." Pulling a camera out of his pocket, he placed it at the direction of the two immortals who were walking by the crowd, zooming in and pressing the button as it emitted a flash.
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frostfires-blog · 1 year
Traditional Symbolism in Jujutsu Kaisen Opening 4 - Specialz
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[⚠️Warning: Possible small spoilers⚠️]
Hata-jirushi (旗印)
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The white banners seen in the background of this scene are most likely Hata-jirushi (旗印). Hata-jirushi were the most commonly used war banners on medieval Japanese battlefields. The kanji used here “旗印” literally translates to “symbol flag”, “marker banner”, etc.… These war banners were generally simple streamers attached by a horizontal cross-piece to a shaft, unlike the later used nobori (幟) which were stiffened. Later, some hata-jirushi were hemmed on their sides and tops to better attach them to their poles in such a way that they were visible from the front. The purpose of these banners was to help identify and distinguish different army sections and regiments.  The use of them in this scene helps to set the tone of this arc which is essentially the start of a war between jujutsu sorcerers and cursed spirits.
Torii (鳥居)
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In this panel, several characters are seen passing through a torii (鳥居). A torii is a traditional Japanese gate mostly found at the entrance of and within Shinto shrines. Torii gates are where kami are thought to travel through and are welcomed to the shrine. It is customary to walk to the side of a torii gate when passing through instead of walking down the center—as it is believed that only kami may pass through the center. The word torii derives from the term “tōri-iru” (通り入る) which roughly translates to “pass through and enter”. These structures mark the transition between the mundane, secular world and the sacred grounds of the shrine. Thus, passing through a torii gate can be thought of as “crossing into another dimension or entering into spiritual communion with nature”. Torii gates act as both a physical barrier and spiritual guardian separating the profane from the sacred within its boundaries. Therefore, it is believed that those who pass through one, are cleansed of their worldly worries and enter a realm of tranquillity and peace. Aside from their religious significance, torii gates hold other more abstract meanings such as providing good fortune, hope, purity, and protection from evil spirits. In this panel, as the characters pass underneath the torii it signifies their crossing from the physical to the spiritual world—which could refer to them traveling down the path to enlightenment or death. Since torii are also believed to provide good fortune and protection from evil spirits, the characters passing under one could be a sort of send-off ritual before the battle to ensure their safety.
Ōnusa (大幣)
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In addition to more hata-jirushi, we can see an ōnusa (大幣)—also known as a nusa (幣) or a Taima (大幣)—a wooden wand used in traditional Shinto purification rituals in this panel. Ōnusa are embellished with shide (paper streamers). The wand is also referred to as a  (祓串) when the shide are connected to a hexagonal or octagonal staff. It is believed that impurities are transferred from the person or thing to be purified to the ōnusa by waving the ōnusa left, right, then left again. The usage of them in this scene adds to the traditional imagery and the idea that something significant is about to happen that will require the characters to purify their minds and steel their resolve.
Nokotsudo (納骨堂)
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In this scene, Itadori is seen standing in front of a nokotsudo (納骨堂) which is a Japanese ossuary. A nokotsudo is known as a “nokotsuden” or “reido” and is a building in which the remains of cremation are kept. Nokotsudo are generally built in the precincts of temples and are equipped with lockers to keep the remains and are occasionally equipped with Buddhist altars above these lockers to place Buddhist mortuary tablets. This scene portrays Itadori breaking down in front of a nokotsudo. This could either refer to him facing the ashes of the people Sukuna killed using his body—or perhaps more improbably the scene depicts him being confronted with the fact that his grandfather's wish has inadvertently led him down this troubled path.
Joss paper (金紙)
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The rounded pieces of paper falling from the sky in this scene are likely pieces of joss paper (金紙). These are typically sheets of paper or papercrafts which are used as burnt offerings in ancestral worship as well as the veneration of deceased relatives on special holidays in Asia. Joss paper is typically printed with various representations of worldly goods such as money, houses, cars, credit cards, etc.… Joss paper is burnt at Asian funerals “to ensure that the deceased’s spirit has sufficient means in the afterlife”. In wuxia and xianxia C-dramas, joss paper is often seen falling from the scene during scenes in which the reanimated and ghostly beings invade the world of the living—which is somewhat similar to the setting in this scene with Megumi meeting his reanimated father. Additionally, it was partly Toji's pursuit of money that led to his death, taking him away from his son, so it is somewhat ironic to have joss paper raining down on him.
[P.S. A few people have been analysing this opening on other platforms, but I wanted to touch on some of the more obscure cultural nuances... I am not Japanese, so this is based off of my own research, so I apologise if I miss anything or get anything wrong. Feel free to make corrections or additions in the comments and reblogs respectively.]
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t0r1b34r · 3 months
Life Update
Ok guys!! So I’ve gotten lots of questions!! About whether or not I’m planning to update First Light and when and how I’m doing, etc. etc.
So here’s a life update!!
Tori! Where are you now? We miss you!
I’m currently in Beppu, Oita Prefecture, Japan! It’s insane. When I was younger, I’d always dreamed of coming to Japan and walking through Torii gates, wearing a kimono, and exploring the beauty of Japan’s natural forests. And guess what? I’ve done it!! Thanks to a study abroad program through my university, I’m currently spending a semester studying political science abroad. Incredible!!
I arrived on March 22nd, and will return home on August 15th. Every day has been spent exploring the beauty of Japan, making new friends, and studying hard to learn Japanese. たのしいですよ!!
But because I’ve been so busy I haven’t been able to update as much as I’ve wanted to. Date I say a part of me even lost inspiration in being distracted with so many other things…!!!!!
So when are you going to update?
Great question. Recently, I finished binge rereading First Light and getting reacquainted with Audie and Gale. It’s been a while, after all! And oh, how it filled me with so much happiness to read everything they’ve done and been through. All of the happy and excited feelings I felt when I first wrote the fic came back to me. And it’s inspired me on what I’m going to write next, believe me.
I cannot give an exact date on when the next update is gonna be. I can only say that it’ll be sometime before next week ends, if I’m lucky. Here’s the things I need to catch up on right now:
My Japanese class (I’m like 4 topics behind guys don’t skip class)
My international law class (seriously guys)
My peace, humanity, democracy class (don’t FUCKING skip class!!!)
Planning my flight back home
Planning my goodbye trip before I go home
I have hope! And inspiration! And so much excitement!!! And so much LOVE!!!
Can we get some pictures of all you’ve done in Japan!?
That would be AWESOME however I’m not the most keen on posting pictures of myself online just yet. I do want to go into politics after all— not that having a massive and popular fic under my resume is a downside LOL
But here’s some non-face pics from my recent trip to Osaka :)
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I’ve made so many amazing and incredibly friends from all over the world. I never thought I’d be able to travel like this, much less to the place of my dreams.
If any of you are in the Kyushu/Oita area and wanna hang out, let me know. I’d absolutely love to!
But in the meantime, stay tuned for more Nobleweave coming real soon.
Love you!!!!
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doumadono · 1 year
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This specific post will have a considerably greater length compared to the previous ones ⚠️
Over the weekend, we dedicated our time to exploring two historically significant places in Japan - yesterday, we immersed ourselves in the profound history of Hiroshima, while today we embarked on a journey to experience the rich heritage of Nagasaki.
Both of these locations hold immense significance in my heart and mind, particularly because of my ongoing thesis and research that partially are focused on the correlation between ionizing radiation and central nervous system disorders. Moreover, given the current events unfolding near my homeland of Poland, specifically the conflict in Ukraine, the heightened risk of nuclear weapons usage in recent decades adds an additional layer of importance to understanding the consequences and implications associated with such weaponry.
Standing on the very grounds where thousands of lives were abruptly extinguished in an instant due to immense heat and pressure caused by the nuclear explosion, the magnitude of the devastation caused by it shook me to my core. Emotions welled up within me, and tears flowed uncontrollably, I couldn't help it. I am deeply grateful for the privilege of being able to visit both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
It is of utmost importance for future generations to comprehend the devastating power wielded by nuclear weapons and the tragic events that unfolded in August 1945. Understanding this dark chapter in history is crucial for several reasons. Comprehending the destructive capabilities of nuclear weapons serves as a stark reminder of the catastrophic consequences that can arise from their use. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in immense loss of life, widespread destruction, and long-lasting effects on the survivors and their descendants. By studying and reflecting upon these events, we can foster a deep appreciation for the importance of peace, diplomacy, and the pursuit of nuclear disarmament.
Also, we were fortunate to have the opportunity to visit the magnificent Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社). This sacred site holds a distinctive feature: it is constructed above water, creating the illusion of floating in the sea during high tide. The shrine encompasses several structures, such as a prayer hall, main hall, and a captivating noh theater stage and torii gate. These buildings are interconnected by charming boardwalks and are supported by pillars rising from the sea. Itsukushima Shrine's unique architectural design and its harmonious integration with the surrounding natural environment make it an awe-inspiring destination that captivates all who visit this magnificent place ❤️
I am filled with immense gratitude for the opportunity to explore these breathtaking locations. Each visit has bestowed upon me a profound sense of tranquility, enabling me to find solace within myself. I'll never forget about those moments.
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mizukixtsukiyomi · 1 year
Guess what I'm doing...Gojou x Kagome x Getou
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“Are you okay, Kagome-chan?” Getou asked over his shoulder as they stopped at one of the more open areas of the torii gates.  
“Huh?” She blinked out of her thoughts. “Y-Yeah...I was just enjoying the quietness.”  
“Oh, then I’m sorry for interrupting your peace.” He smiled.  
Kagome shook her head, “n-no, it’s okay. I was content.”  
Getou’s expression softened at the sight of her smile. His thoughts sprinkled back the memory of Gojou mentioning her pure energy. The energy she could emit naturally.  
“Are you okay?” Kagome asked back. “You seemed more troubled than me.”  
“Yes,” he replied, “just a bit tired.”  
“Probably because we are both tired of babysitting these two girls.” Gotou yawned.  
Kagome’s glare snapped over to Gojou, “is that so? Don’t get so sad, Gojou-kun. We all know you are going to miss us once we leave you.”  
Gojou turned to her and inched closer to her face. “You really think so, huh? You think I’m going to miss your ass that much?”  
“Oh I know you will!” She stuck her tongue out.  
“Maybe you’re going to miss being by us hot guys!” Gojou blew a raspberry to her.  
“You two...,” Getou nervously laughed as he saw the two were going at it back and forth.  
Laughter erupted from the other end, making the trio turn to see Amanai losing her mind. She held her stomach with her two hands before clearing out a tear from the corner of her eye. “You three are too funny together!”  
Kagome and the other two relaxed back, smiling as they saw Amanai was more than relaxed at that point. It was the sight they wanted to see before sending her off.  
“Well,” Amanai spoke, clearing her throat, “it’s good to see that friendships grew out of this small trip. Thank you...all three of you for making this a special moment in my life.”  
Getou nodded, “well, thank you to everyone for working so hard to do what they could.” Looking around, Getou saw the bigger of the torii gates just a few steps away. “We’re inside Jujutsu High’s barrier now.”  
Amanai grabbed the cloth towel from Misato’s hand before using it to clear the sweat from her forehead. “What a relief!”  
Gojou looked over to see Getou looking over to him with a smile of his own. “Hm?”  
“You really worked hard this time.”  
A heavy sigh escaped Gojou’s lips. 
Kagome’s shoulders tensed as she sensed Gojou’s aura shrink in size. Is that why she felt the air so thick? It was his aura she was feeling? ‘That’s why he was exhausted...he must have had a protective spell of sorts to protect us and keep an eye out.’ It had her wondering if she should have done the same to help. Her head flashed back to his warning.  
‘You are to not use any of your abilities while this mission is going on. Do you understand?’ 
Her fingers curled into her palm. She wanted to help!  
“Like I said, I’m just happy to stop this babysitting mission!” He rolled his eyes. Parting his lips to speak again, Gojou felt a sharp object pierce through his chest making his eyes widen as everything around him slowed down. Eyes slowly lowered to his chest only to see a big blade resting with his blood staining the point and red droplets drip to the sand.  
The group fell silent as they saw their companion frozen in place from the shock and pain. Kagome’s eyes widened with shock as she saw the long blade resting in Gojou’s chest. Red. Too much red. Her sense immediately snapped her out of her shock to see a black-haired male standing behind Gojou’s body with his hands holding onto the hilt of the sword.  
‘W-Wait a minute...,’ Kagome’s throat went dry, ‘there’s no way Gojou-kun got stabbed! Didn’t they say we were inside Jujutsu High’s barrier?! Then why?!’ The priestess watched as the mysterious male slowly withdrew his blade from Gojou’s chest, only for a gush of blood to spill under his feet. A smirk decorated the man’s lips as he twirled the hilt of his weapon in his hand. This man oozed of corruption.  
A curse.  
Turning his head over his shoulder, Gojou forced a smirk over his lips. “Have we met before?”  
“Don’t worry about.” The mysterious male’s voice was deep and low, but the tone was enveloped with confidence. “I’m terrible at remembering guys’ names, too.”  
Gojou’s eyes scrunched. What did he mean by that? 
“I once went to go see the brat born into the Gojou clan with the Six Eyes on a lark,” he continued. He scoffed at the memory of the little Gojou kid once watching him with those icy blue eyes. “Never before or after that had anyone noticed me standing behind them. That’s why I wore the infamous Gojou down.”  
Kagome’s pupils enlarged as she heard the man’s plan. ‘You stupid girl! You should have placed a barrier! You should have helped! You should have used your powers! Now-!’ 
The sound of gushing blood and flesh ripped into their ear drums as they saw the black-haired man stab Gojou once more.  
Gojou quickly twisted his upper body to throw a gust of curse energy towards him and blast him away from his person. As soon as the male was thrown away from Gojou, Getou’s body took an offensive stance and released a worm-like curse out of his collection to attack their enemy. Kagome’s eyes watched as the beige colored worm exploded out of thin air and stretched out in a blink of an eye to the size of a bus to pin the man.  
Kagome’s ears picked up the sound of coughing, making her turn to see Gojou falling to one knee and clutching his chest. “G-Gojou-kun-!” She stopped in her tracks as she saw his palm signaling her to stop.  
“I’m fine...,” he forced another smile. “I didn’t make it in time with my technique, but it missed my vitals.”  
Her brows furrowed out of worry, “vitals or not, you need to be healed!”  
“I strengthened myself with cursed energy so the blade couldn’t be swiftly drawn out.” He tried to reassure her with a gentle smile. “It was like passing a safety pin through a knit sweater. Prioritize Amanai first – the mission.”  
“That makes no sense!” Kagome exclaimed. As she took a step forward, she felt Gojou’s hardened glare on her person before his gaze shifted over to Getou.  
“Get her out.”  
Getou blinked – who? Amanai? Or was his priority someone else-? 
“I’ll deal with him.” Standing up, Gojou faced the cursed spirit worm as it began to shake uncontrollably. Stretching out his arm in front of his chest while holding it down with his other arm, he sighed. “Suguru, get her out of here. Trust me, it would do us no good or Jujutsu High to have her captured.”  
“Satoru...,” Getou whispered under his breath as he turned his attention to both Amanai and Misato. Both laced in fear yet taking their defensive stance. Shifting his focus over to the priestess near him, he watched as her fingers began to flex. Was she getting ready to fight? He closed his eyes in thought. He knew the mission, yet knowing his best friend, he also knew that demand from him wasn’t related to the mission at all. He sighed as he grabbed Kagome’s wrist within his grasp.  
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calmingram · 5 months
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A majestic scene of a stone torii gate and hydrangeas. A glimpse into the beauty of Japan, where nature and faith intertwine.
The delicate petals of the hydrangeas accentuate the power of the torii gate. The tranquil atmosphere provides a moment of peace and serenity.
I captured this precious moment, showcasing the beauty of Japanese traditional culture and nature.
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fentonphoto · 9 months
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Torii gate at the peaceful Nezu Shrine. @travelgraphics @visittokyo-blog
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
A Raiden Blurb.
Have a lord Raiden blurb. For no reason other than he need love,deserves better and gives me comfort.
I apologize in advance if this is self indulgent. But he's comfort character(i self ship with him too but he's mostly comfort character, i find peace with raiden fr. I ask myself sometime wwlrd? Or what wisdom would he give me in this scenario?).So I'm writing this sorta bias. So srry not srry.
Also apologizes if this isn't the best,it's been a bit since i actually wrote. But i hope you enjoy regardless.
Cw:hurt/comfort,angst,fluff,self indulgent. Not an x reader. Also slight mentions of past deaths,not anyone in particular just death in general(dunno if that is important or a tw but i wanted to mention it),mentions of my hcs for shang. If i missed anything let me know plz.
I sat down on my terrace patio of my apartment,listening to the rain,it felt heavy. Some tea in my hands. Warmth of the steam fills my nose upon my face. Somber thoughts race through my mind.
A few years ago i was thrusted into a world,a world of constant danger. Mortal men and women fighting each other to death for some cosmic war i never wanted to be a part of. I was fine being ignorant to it all. Living life as i was...and yet. I wouldn't have met the people i have. Wonderful people. People that have fueled my very soul and shaken my worldview to it's core. Made me grow,learn,see farther than i ever dreamed.
And yet,that looming danger. That hunger. It knaws at me. That voice in the back of my mind.
"Do it,you know you love it. Doesn't it thrill you? Don't you like how it sounds?...how it feels against your knuckles as it's crimson luster flows across your skin. The feel of power and strength. The way that victory tastes. And defeat only makes you crave it more?" This feeling I've never felt. This world that i have been apart of for a good time now. Never truly leaves. Even when peace surrounds me. Even when i am home...am i truly? Who am i truly? What have i become or am becoming? It terrifies me. But not because of the craving for violence. Or the thrill kombat gives me. But because it doesn't bother me,it should. But it doesn't.
What should be an easy task to decide,for any sane moral person. Is difficult.
I sought some answers,and if anything comfort of another.
I finished my tea. Got up. And put on my boots and coat. Grabbed my umbrella. And went to the temple. I lived on the city limits but still was an easy walk to the temple that was near.
The temple of lord raiden. God of thunder,protector of earthrealm. Or as normal people call it....earth. yeah i know,confusing right? It was for me too the first time.
As i approached the temple gates. The torii. They loom with dark red. I can hear the soft sounds of the chimes and temple bells. Prayers of monks. And the serenity of this place.
However,no matter the peace. The welcoming faces and smiles. I still felt like i wasn't even on this planet. Lost in my own realm if that makes any sense. But i chalk that up to my anxiety,as i always tell myself. But im sure lord raiden would see right through that shit.
But i needed to talk to him. If anything just to tell me "you're overthinking,you need rest,something...tell me something."
I don't usually pray,i don't go to temples outside of with any neighbors or out of courtesy. I'm not heavily religious,i do believe in spirits and am open minded. As all things have a merit of truth to it. But this...praying to an actual deity i could touch,feel,talk to,as if they knew me and my soul since birth yet never really knew me. It's terrifying. But more so because of how at ease i felt with him. And how familiar he felt. Like a long lost friend.
His brother is much the same. Lord fujin,god the winds. But he is on a whole nother level of intense. I walked up to the shrine. Paid my tribute. Lit the incense,and bowed deeply once. Clapped my hands together and took a deep breath. In my prayer i asked for lord raiden to come visit me. To give me wisdom and insight. Comfort of my own storm inside my mind. The questions that burned still.
As i prayed. I could sense the incense getting dim in the dark but serene temple shrine.
It went out,smoke loomed and whisped.
Swirls of the smoke formed a face and a flash sparked in front of me. Not a large boom but a quick flash of light. Like the spark of the burning incense ignited in front of me and formed him.
Lord raiden. He stood before me,manifested.
A very tall man. Long white hair trailed down,slight waves of silver glinted in the strands. Eyes that glowed softy. A very silver-blue tint. With flickers of electricity in them,but soft...like the rain. A golden tint to his skin. Otherworldly yet so...human. tattoos of thunderstorms and swirling clouds laces his exposed arms. A sleeveless training gi he wore. White and grey. His presence never ceases to leave me in awe. Even after these many years of my mortal life.
"Lord raiden,i have come to ask of you humbly of your wisdom" i said with a slight shake in my voice as i bowed deep in respects.
He laughed as he crossed his arms and then sighed.
"You don't have to do that,you can just ask me. I told you i dislike formality outside of where it is nessicary. Especially from my former pupils"
*sigh* "but i appreciate it. As this is a temple."
I thanked him. Bowing again out of habit.
"Lord raiden....i wish to ask you some things that have been bothering me."
Raiden then looked at me with a smile.
"Of course,but let us speak about it somewhere more private" he led me to a tea house. The rain around us seeming falling away like we were in a bubble of energy....Still freaks me out.
He opened the shoji screen took off his sandels and so did i. We stepped inside and sat down.
Raiden got two cups,and poured the tea.
"Now,what is it that is bothering you krista?"
"You don't normally come to the temple so formally. In fact. I just hear you call my name and fujin my brother tells me. Our visits aren't this formal."
I sipped the tea,still shaking from nerves.
"L-lord raiden. I am going to be honest. And i apologize if I'm so blunt....but I'm absolutely terrified"
Lord raiden looks at me with concern but speaks with a calming tone.
"I can see that. Remember to breathe. You know i would never bring you harm or discomfort my dear."
"Now,what is it that is terrifying you? Making you so anxious as to call upon a god in an abnormal way for a practical woman such as yourself?"
I sat down the tea cup. Took a deep breath,slightly tearing up as i do. I hate sensory overload of my mind. I could sense he knew this. Hence the more private and quieter place of the teahouse.
"Lord raiden. I have been plagued with feelings. Feelings i am not sure if i should be feeling."
"After the tournament and returning to a swmi normal life. I have been feeling these on and off cravings for kombat. For violence. And i know that i fight for whats right. And to help protect my home. As you,many masters and many of my friends have done. But these feelings. I'm scared that i love kombat too much. That it doesn't bother me as much as it should. I've been told even by that sorcerer,shang tsung i have a nurturing soul. But if that's so? Why do i relish in kombat?"
Raiden sighed. Put down his cup. Took a breath and looked at me.
In the most serious but most insightful words he's ever spoken to me,said.
"Krista. I know of too well of how you feel. Many others have been in your shoes and down the same path as you. These feelings are normal. Everyone has them. Even me"
I looked at him,wiping my tears from the corners of my eyes.
"Even you lord raiden?" I said.
"Yes,even me. I get concerned with these feelings. Cravings as you stated. But i remember why i do what i do. Who i fight for,what i fight for. And truly there is no wrong answer. Only choice. There is no one way in handling your darker half. But you must. *pointing finger* you must accept it. If you are to become enlightened. You will continue to suffer,if you do not."
His words stung. But they are true.
"I feel you are in need of creature comforts. Not formalities."
"I know you krista. You indeed have a sweet soul *mutters: one thing i have to agree with the sorcerer* . *reaches arms out in gestures for a hug.* come,embrace me....you big softie"
I quickly rush to embrace him. Holding him tightly. I burst into tears,crying in his chest. Letting go the many many many months even years of pent up emotions.
"Why raiden?! Why is it so hard?! Why can't i see myself the way you do? Or my friends do. Why do i feel so lost?! It hurts. I hate fighting,but i know i need to. I'm so tired raiden."
I sob pleading for the hurt to stop.
His embrace and arms hold me tightly but gently. He rests his face ontop of my head kissing it gently and ernestly. His breath is warm but soft. Like a summer breeze.
"I know,i know it is. And you're allowed to feel tired. Believe me,I'm tired too. Have been for millennia now. *chuckles* but what we dont do is unpack there. You have such wisdom yourself. And the reason why you can't see yourself as the beautiful soul you are. Is simply because you are scared to. It's unfamiliar. And it's alright to feel this way. You are a natural healer. But you need to give yourself the love,the care,the space and the tenderness you give others. The fire and the inspiration you give my other warriors is incredible. But you,my dear *lifts chin up to look at him eye to eye* need to give yourself the same. Because that beautiful woman inside you,needs it the most."
"It's taken me much loss to see this too. I might be wise but even masters need teaching and refreshment too"
*i wipe my tears*
"Really? Like how?"
Raiden looked at me with his soften eyes. Slight sadness behind them.
"I have seen this before. Liu kang,the champion of earthrealm. Your friend and fellow warrior. Has felt these feelings before. I said very similar things to him. However unlike him. You have something very similar to shang tsung"
I was taken aback. Paused. And asked.
"S-shang tsung?! How so? That seems odd"
Raiden explains
"Ah but it's true. Shang tsung as you know him now. Wasn't always a sorcerer. Let alone the serpent he masquerades as."
"He was a warrior,just like you. A mortal whom wished nothing but to protect those he cared for. But he instead of sitting with his emotions. He gave into rage. Although i did not help him in this time which he needed me the most. I did not give him the comfort he sought. As i am doing with you right now. Even liu kang i struggled with. Though not nearly as much"
"You see my dear,i do not always have an answer. Even if i did,i wouldn't know how to truly give it."
"Shang tsung was also a healing soul. Much like you. He was always trying his best to fight for those he loved. Much like liu kang. But unlike liu kang,he didn't have the same experiences of friendship,closeness,and love as my many other warriors i have trained in my eternal life"
I asked raiden after getting this insight.
"Lord raiden. If shang tsung,did have that do you think he'd be different?"
Raiden sighed
"Perhaps. This knaws at me every day. But then again. Perhaps not. It's hard to say. But this isn't about him. What i am trying to tell you. Is don't let that spark die out. You keep that faith. Please. If not in me,if not in the cause for you realm. Then the principals of you as a warrior and a healing force"
"Never forget krista that there are people that love you. Genuinely. That your friends love you. That i lo..that you are important."
I looked at him,slightly catching that pause.
But smiled and continued sitting and laying against his chest.
"Domo,raiden-sama. I needed this"
Raiden smiled rubbing my back.
"Of course,anytime"
He kissed the top of my head.
We then chatted some more. But i remembered i needed to get home.
Raiden looked at me and said. "I could fly you there. It's not far right?" "I mean it beats walking" raising a brow with a cheeky expression.
"Well yeah i mean. I guess it would" i said. But before i could continue. He picked me up. Scooping me bridal style. And flew out the doors of the teahouse.
Not a single raindrop hit us as we flew down the road in the sky.
We came to my apartment patio. He sat me down.
I said to him
"Thank you raiden,for everything."
He smiled at me and said
"Of course. Oh and next time? Just call my name and I'll be there."
I laughed a bit at that. "Of course lord raiden" smiling as he flew off.
I felt lighter. But i still wondered...why did he feel like he had guilt for shang tsung being how he was. If it was his choice than why feel guilt over something he chose? What happened?" But i guess that was for another visit. But more importantly than that.
"What was that pause when he said that i am loved? Could he have been trying to say that he loves....nah. I'm overthinking it."
But i couldn't help but blush at the thought.
The rain felt more calm now.
I got my cup and brewed some tea.
Sat down. And gave the rain a proper listen this time...it's beautiful. Just like the god that creates it. Like a beautiful haiku,a song,or a painter.
The tea was good too.
My soul was at ease now.
His eyes,Soft...like the rain.
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pearlymoonglow · 3 months
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🌊✨️Splity in front of floating torii: the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine
A world UNESCO Heritage site dating from 12th century. It was my dream to walk down to this floating majestic beauty- the embodinent of mesmerizing japanese shinto spirit. Reflection of all creativity and spirit of people. I could stare at it for hours and hours...the aquamarine colors of the Seto Inland sea and sky with sapphire color of mountains and bright coral red torii...no words to describe this peace. 🫧𓇼𓏲*ੈ✩‧₊˚🎐🌊✨️⛩️🪸🐚
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annafshr · 1 year
Kyoto Travel Guide: Unveiling the Timeless Charms of Japan's Cultural Heart
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Kyoto, a city steeped in history and cultural richness, beckons travelers from around the world to embark on a captivating journey through time. Nestled amidst lush mountains and picturesque landscapes, Kyoto preserves the essence of traditional Japan like no other city. With its awe-inspiring temples, enchanting gardens, and captivating geisha culture, Kyoto offers a truly immersive experience that unveils the country's profound cultural heritage. Join us as we explore the must-visit destinations and hidden gems of this extraordinary city.
Timeless Temples and Spiritual Splendor
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Kyoto boasts a wealth of ancient temples, each with its own unique allure. The iconic Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) dazzles with its shimmering gold exterior reflected in the surrounding pond, while the serene Kiyomizu-dera Temple offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city from its wooden terrace. Visit the tranquil Ryoan-ji Temple and contemplate the minimalist beauty of its famous Zen rock garden. Explore the exquisite gardens and vibrant red torii gates of Fushimi Inari Taisha, an emblematic Shinto shrine.
Traditional Neighborhoods and Geisha Culture
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Wander through Kyoto's atmospheric traditional neighborhoods, such as Gion and Pontocho, where the spirit of old Japan thrives. Keep an eye out for elegantly dressed geisha or apprentice geisha known as maiko gracefully gliding along the streets. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of tea ceremonies, traditional music, and dance performances. Visit the Gion Corner for an insightful cultural show or indulge in a memorable meal at a traditional ryotei (Japanese restaurant).
Enchanting Gardens and Tranquil Retreats
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Kyoto's meticulously designed gardens offer a peaceful escape from the bustling city. Explore the sublime beauty of the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, where towering bamboo stalks create a mesmerizing atmosphere. Stroll through the stunning gardens of Katsura Imperial Villa or experience the harmony of nature at the exquisite Saiho-ji Temple, also known as the Moss Temple. Admire the seasonal beauty of cherry blossoms in Maruyama Park or the vibrant hues of maple leaves in the autumn foliage.
Cultural Heritage and Museums
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Delve deeper into Kyoto's cultural heritage by visiting its fascinating museums and art galleries. The Kyoto National Museum houses an extensive collection of Japanese art and artifacts, including exquisite Buddhist sculptures and delicate ceramics. Gain insight into traditional Japanese craftsmanship at the Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts or explore the intriguing history of manga at the Kyoto International Manga Museum. Discover the captivating world of Noh theater at the Kanze Noh Theater or witness a mesmerizing Kabuki performance at the Minamiza Theatre.
Delightful Culinary Experiences
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Kyoto's culinary scene is a feast for the senses, offering a diverse array of traditional delicacies. Indulge in kaiseki, a multi-course fine dining experience that showcases the essence of Kyoto's seasonal ingredients. Savor the exquisite flavors of matcha (powdered green tea) and wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) at a traditional tea house. Explore Nishiki Market and sample an array of local delicacies, from fresh seafood to delectable street food. Don't forget to try Kyoto's famous yudofu (tofu hot pot) for a truly authentic taste of the city.
Kyoto, with its timeless temples, captivating geisha culture, serene gardens, and rich cultural heritage, offers an unforgettable journey into the heart of Japan's traditions. Whether you're exploring ancient temples, immersing yourself in the vibrant streets of Gion, or savoring the delicate flavors of Kyoto's cuisine, the city's essence will envelop you in its enchantment. So, embrace the spirit of Kyoto and allow yourself to be transported to a world where past and present harmoniously converge, leaving you with cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
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travelingonvacation · 8 months
Japan is a country with a rich cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and a blend of modern and traditional elements. Whether you're interested in exploring historical temples, enjoying the beauty of cherry blossoms, or experiencing cutting-edge technology in bustling cities, Japan has something for everyone. Here's a guide to help you plan your visit to Japan:
1. Tokyo:
Asakusa: Visit Senso-ji Temple and Nakamise Shopping Street.
Shibuya Crossing: Experience the iconic pedestrian scramble.
Akihabara: Explore the electronics and anime district.
Tsukiji Outer Market: Try fresh sushi and seafood.
2. Kyoto:
Fushimi Inari Shrine: Walk through thousands of red torii gates.
Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion): Admire the stunning Zen Buddhist temple.
Arashiyama: Explore the bamboo groves and visit the Iwatayama Monkey Park.
3. Osaka:
Osaka Castle: Visit this historic castle surrounded by a beautiful park.
Dotonbori: Experience vibrant nightlife and try local street food.
Universal Studios Japan: Enjoy the theme park attractions.
4. Hiroshima:
Peace Memorial Park: Reflect on the city's history and visit the Atomic Bomb Dome.
Miyajima Island: Explore the iconic "floating" torii gate at Itsukushima Shrine.
5. Nara:
Nara Park: Interact with friendly deer and visit Todai-ji Temple.
Kasuga Taisha Shrine: Explore the lantern-lined paths.
6. Hokkaido:
Sapporo: Enjoy winter sports, the Snow Festival, and delicious local cuisine.
Shikisai-no-Oka Flower Fields: Visit colorful flower fields in Biei.
7. Kanazawa:
Kenrokuen Garden: Experience one of Japan's three most beautiful landscape gardens.
Higashi Chaya District: Wander through well-preserved geisha districts.
8. Mount Fuji:
Chureito Pagoda: Capture stunning views of Mount Fuji.
Lake Kawaguchi: Enjoy the scenery around this picturesque lake.
9. Okinawa:
Shurijo Castle: Explore the reconstructed castle in Naha.
Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium: Visit one of the largest aquariums in the world.
10. Japanese Onsen (Hot Springs):
Experience the relaxation of traditional hot springs, such as those in Hakone or Beppu.
11. Japanese Gardens:
Visit traditional Japanese gardens like Ritsurin Koen in Takamatsu or Korakuen in Okayama.
12. Cherry Blossom Season:
Plan your visit during spring (late March to early April) to witness the breathtaking cherry blossoms.
13. Traditional Tea Ceremony:
Experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony for a glimpse into Japanese culture.
14. Sumo Wrestling:
Attend a sumo wrestling match or visit a sumo training stable.
15. Japanese Cuisine:
Try sushi, ramen, tempura, kaiseki (multi-course meal), and other local specialties.
Transportation: Utilize Japan's efficient and punctual public transportation, including the Shinkansen (bullet train).
Cash: While credit cards are accepted in urban areas, it's advisable to have some cash, especially in rural regions.
Language: English may not be widely spoken, so learning a few basic Japanese phrases can be helpful.
Japan offers a unique blend of tradition and innovation, and each region has its own distinct charm. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or modern city life, Japan provides a diverse range of experiences. Enjoy your travels in the Land of the Rising Sun!
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Make The Word [ 01 ]
hello and how are you?
I am here to answer the call to a new tag game that has developed! And I am very happy to be a part of it; this was such a fun little writing thought to wander over! :D
So thank you to the wonderful @vacantgodling for tagging us! You can find their post here!
RULES: Using the 3 random words given to you, you have to write a scene either using all 3 words in one scene OR write three separate scenes using each word separately. When you’re done, generate 3 random words and tag 3 willing participants. No day or time pressure, and have fun :3c
We will be tagging: @crypticcodexcreations | @andromedaexists | @papercutsunset No pressure continuing, your words will be: List | Braid | Snap
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And like clockwork, he arrives.
The Reaper seats himself on the shrine’s front torii gate, easily letting himself bleed into the background so that the scolding of the High Priest could be ignored for now. He knew it would only take the elder’s eyes focusing on him for a beat, but he also knows his hiding spot is given immunity in this moment.
There’s movement at the gate, one that the Reaper has been witnessing for the past few months without fail.
A man sits at the edge of the gate, barely whispering anything to his existence save that he is a little too large to be given any sort of natural sway of misdirection. He is big where anyone would think is appropriate, the soft tote hanging across his shoulders and chest instantly dwarfed and dainty against the backdrop that is the man.
But instead of the soft greetings that always are accompanied with visits to the Temple, the entire crowd of priests and priestesses seem to lose themselves to the hum of daily activities. The Reapers sees as everyone shifts away from the main pathway leading to the shrines, some simply leaving the campus for the rooms and houses within the Temple.
No one gives the man anything but silence and peace, not even the High Priest gracing the man with a single glance.
The man seems to wait for the Temple to set the stage for him, not moving from the top of the steps until the entire place settles just for him. The Reaper keeps track of the man, watching from his vantage point as the man seems to steel himself into moving forward.
He takes careful steps, never once straying from the main path on his way to the main shrine, sitting in silence as it awaits his presence underneath its canopy. The man is silent in a way that makes him deadly; he doesn’t look anywhere but straight ahead but the Reaper knows the man is aware of everything that is happening within the temple grounds, even the gentle leaves that take flight from the slumbering trees readying themselves for Winter.
The Reaper stares him down, waits until he hits the shrine’s offering box before he leaps, one second lounging on the gate and the next stepping into the darkness of the shrine to lay witness to the same ritual that has never left its routine since the man has begun coming.
The man’s eyes are already closed when the Reaper focuses on him, his head bowing low in the respect of generations, and the Reaper watches as the man begins his ceremony. His tote is opened, things being opened and poured and situated until a soft meal is set before the offering box, steaming soup and tea lifting foggy breaths into the air from the clay of the bowl and cup. The man takes only a moment to bask in the smell before he is retreating from his spot to stand away. He bows again, his back straight and his head low as he whispers his prayers to the Gods of his faith.
And the Reaper finds nothing of the rebel that the country has deemed worthy of death. Nothing holds anything but the respect of a devote man, giving his own unto his faith so that he may hold himself up for another day, another month.
The rebel keeps himself bowed throughout his entire prayer, nothing moving but the falling leaves and gentle breeze that pushes the fragrance of his adoration into the shrine’s doors and around the complex. It is only after he is finished that he stands, his eyes keeping themselves to the ground as the man grunts softly and leaves.
The Reaper watches the man go, the same way and in the same manner that he came, before he turns himself to the offering. The soup is filled with vegetables and broth and flavor, even in its simplicity. He ducks down, takes in the tea and hums in soft appreciation for it.
He glances up to find the High Priest watching him with knowing eyes. The Temple slowly bleeds itself back into working order with the absence of the rebel and the Reaper gives the priest a small smile before he digs into his meal. A tiny thought of bread comes into his mind before he dismisses it for letting the heat of the soup bring goosebumps to his skin in large gulps of desire and love of the craft.
The High Priest leaves him to his meal, not one of the others ever commenting on the mysterious enter or exit of the miracle. It is never noted, never whispered, no one willing to destroy the trust of the phantom who feeds their shrine and guardian.
The bowl is carved with words of gratitude, given only to the Reaper, and a gentle promise for a return. The Reaper keeps every single one of them, hidden and never able to be found. Everything is eliminated, destroyed so that no one could claim that the rebel was anything but a ghost, one of so many to wander throughout the temple that no one could possibly have noticed.
And in return, the man never questions his asylum, never wanders how he is free to roam without the Country’s ability to track him down.
The Reaper shivers from the warmth of the soup, happily returning to his spot on the torii gate and awaiting for the High Priest to find his voice again to scold him down from the gentle stone that has always been nothing but a haven to all.
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fenharel-enaste · 1 year
Hiii love, can u tell us something about ur trip to Japan? Like, some curiosities and things u liked?
Hii!! 💖 Yes of course! I went with my best friend in 2019 to visit another friend who's been living there for a while, so we stayed at their house in Tokyo. We went to several other places from there.
A fucking tourism article ahead, I'm sorry I got carried away 😂😂
Tokyo is amazing but it's so big and has so many cool things this post would never end 😂 So I'll just say that one of my favourite experiences there was going to a pokémon café, everything they serve is in the shape of a pokémon of your choice!
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Hakone is also soooo cool, it has a beautiful lake with a Torii and you can see Mount Fuji perfectly from there, but we didn't get to see it because it was too foggy 😭 (these pics aren't mine because as I said we couldn't see anything lol)
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Kyoto is also beautiful! It has so many temples, my favourite ones were Kinkaku-ji (left) and Ginkaku-ji (right, not mine because I don't have pics somehow), they're both surrounded by nature and soooo peaceful, I could have spent hours in those easily.
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But my absolute favorite place was Miyajima, it's a little island. There you can see this temple in the shore with a beautiful Torii. At high tide the sea covers part of the Torii so you can see it like floating there, and at low tide you have access to the beach and the Torii is uncovered. The views at sunset are the best 😭
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We went to other places like Osaka, Hiroshima (this one was heartbreaking) or Nara, but I need to shut up or this would be too long 😂
Bonus photos I took that I like:
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Okay and that's it, you can't shut me up once I start talking about this trip, I'm so sorry 😂😂
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grict · 11 months
The girls had sought him for comfort, crying out for vengeance. With their guardian and savior gone, who would take care of them now? Most of the members of Suguru Geto's inner circle had already dispersed, as his ideals had never been the linchpin keeping them on the same side. It had been Suguru himself, his innate charisma and certainty, even with killing off roughly eighty-seven percent of humanity being on the proverbial to-do list. It was never the about the 'plan', his vision for a peaceful future for curse users built on a foundation made of blood and bone. It was about finding a leader to guide them, to give them a reason for-
Well. None of that mattered, at least not anymore. Miguel himself had a plane ticket back to Cabo Verde, taking responsibility for using up a priceless artifact that had taken decades upon decades to painstakingly craft needed to be addressed with the elders. Geto's failure to deliver would be the least of their worries, he supposed that making another juju to replace the Black Rope would be the next course of action on everyone's minds.
And yet he couldn't bring himself to leave Nanako and Mimiko to handle things by themselves. Larue had the right of it, they were family. Fate would bring them together so long as they held each other in their thoughts. Leaving Japan had been something that he'd accepted with a heavy heart, but wasn't there anything more that he could accomplish with the remaining time he had?
It was definitely a gamble, possibly suicide, but he found himself on the steps of Mount Mushiro- passing beneath multitudinous torii gates. Gojo should be able to sense his presence, not to mention he wasn't exactly hiding it... Still, he kept his guard up for a possible assault from other staff members.
"I'm not here to fight," he states honestly, raising his hands to show that he bore Gojo no ill will.
At least not at that moment, anyway.
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