#Pay it forward
iwillnotdieamonster · 2 months
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socialbutterfly19 · 3 months
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Sassy pants today. Maybe the hair or maybe it’s just the real me
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Favorite Buddie Moments Per Episode: 6x18 Pay it forward
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A Toronto restaurant that opened in Riverdale last month is organizing a pay-it-forward initiative in collaboration with the community to help feed those in need. Wanas Shawarma on Danforth Avenue is a Syrian restaurant that opened on December 1 and serves Middle Eastern eats, like shawarma wraps and platters (as the name suggests). Owners Wala Elya and Anas Rizk — whom the restaurant is named after — started the initiative around Christmastime last month. Customers could come in and purchase a meal for those who couldn't afford one, then the staff would post the receipts of the pre-purchased meals on the restaurant window for people in need.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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aloysiavirgata · 6 months
I got some absolutely incredible feedback at AO3 today that had me literally 🥹. I can share my other hobbies with my friends and family, but fandom is my secret little world and the support I get from the community is such a joy to me.
Go drop a note to your favorite content creator right now - quote your favorite line or mention why that one drawing really made a connection with you.
I promise that it will make someone’s day.
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thoselovelythings · 10 months
Happy World Kindness Day! Be kind to others, & yourself!!! ☺️👍🏻🫶🏼
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navybrat817 · 5 months
Bahaha. Which is it, nonnie? Shut up or tell you more? Kidding. I'm glad you're asking!
No Good Deed AU has people doing nice or good deeds only to have them backfire in some way. Dark AU. Right now I only have 2 specific characters chosen along with what their fic titles and ideas will be.
Bucky Barnes - Pick Me Up (reader picks up a stranger walking in the rain)
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Curtis Everett - Pay It Forward (reader pays for a stranger's meal)
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I have other ideas (one includes a dark reader!), but haven't nailed the characters down quite yet. Always happy to discuss though.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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priestly-prince · 29 days
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So, this september, in an effort to raise funds for a "moving out of the house and getting married" savings account, I'm doing a sponsored sketch drive!
Here's how it works!
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First thing's first, you send me a drawing request to my ask box. These requests can be as many as you like, of anything you like (though I will favour things from FAITH, Fallen Aces, Mandela Catalogue and D&D-esque stuff). I'll keep these as requests in a "suggestion box".
What you guys then do, is send me over a Ko-fi donation to my fundraiser, and I'll pick my favourite request from the list. OR, if you have a specific thing you'd like to see, simply add a note to the donation, and I'll pick it for you.
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After that, if there are any sketches that you'd like to see as finished pieces, you can donate to have it upgraded to a full colour image (prices will vary).
The aim of Sketchtember is to be a kind of "pay it forward" type scheme, where people who wouldn't normally be able to get commissions, can instead have the possibility to have it crowdfunded by the community, for much cheaper prices than usual.
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styxhuntress · 5 months
Ok but in the season 6 finale, before the bridge collapses Bobby explicitly calls for firefighter Kinard and we see shots with a firefighter with turnouts that say Kinard on the back so…
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snapthistiger · 2 months
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exercise 08022024
bike ride to the gym
3 x 10 lat pull
3 x 5 dips
3 x 10 tricep press
2 x 10 row
30 minutes on the step mill
3 x 10 seated press
bike ride to McD and back to the gym
worked lifeguard job from 8a to 2p
bike ride to Kroger, then home
the gym workers received Dove chocolates
picked up a breakfast sandwich at McD after exercising then back for work
watched swimmers most of the time and some light cleaning
top = sunrise at McD while i waited for my food
bottom = mobile blood donation 137 with Lifeshare at Kroger. the young lady who stuck me was new and the blood flowed super slow after the stick. another technician adjusted the needle deeper and my blood flowed and then i rode home
hope you have a peaceful afternoon and evening..
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stellaseveride · 1 year
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ATHENA GRANT and MADDIE BUCKLEY in 9-1-1 6.18 "Pay It Forward"
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dinosaurwithablog · 4 months
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This is Jody. I met her in a thrift store in Brooklyn. She was frantically rummaging through her purse, trying to find more money so she could complete her purchase. Then she started crying, saying that she needed this stuff because she didn't have many clothes. She thought that she, finally, had saved enough money to get some shirts. It was at that time that I asked the salesperson how much she needed to buy the shirts. She said that it came to $20. I couldn't leave Jody standing there crying so I handed the cashier a twenty. The look of shock and joy on both their faces was beautiful. Priceless. Jody said that I didn't have to do that. I told her that I knew that, but it would make my day to buy these things for her. Please don't take that from me. She jumped for joy, hugged me, and thanked me and then proceeded to tell me her story. She's been on a low income housing list for over 10 years. She can barely buy groceries after she pays rent. She was amazed that a complete stranger would do this for her. She was very grateful. She said that it made her believe that things are gonna, finally, start going her way. It's amazing what a positive difference twenty bucks can make in someone's life. 😍 I love doing things like that for people. It makes them happy and makes me happy. Win win. I can't think of a better use for money than to, literally, pay it forward. I hope that this story will motivate others to share whatever they can with people in need. Whether it's money or a hug or just taking the time to listen, the joy and smiles that doing things like that will give to everyone involved is worth sooooooo much more than $20. It's priceless. What a great gift it is to be able to make an impact like that in the world. If we all could do this as often as we can, the world would be a better place in which to live, and we would all feel better living in it. Be kind to each other. True success is so much more than material things. I don't have a lot of money, but I'm one of the richest people in the world because of events like this one. I'll never be financially well off because if i had a lot of money, I'd use the money to pay it forward. I'd feed people, I'd clothe people, I'd get people mental health care and medical care, I'd educate the kids, etc. etc.. I'd give people the help that I've desperately needed in my life that wasn't available to me. It's the right thing to do, and it feels great. I like to do, at least, one nice thing for someone every day. That's my daily goal every day. It's been like that for most of my life. Even when I was homeless. I hope that others will try doing this. It's a great goal, and it's easy to accomplish. I love people. Together, we can make life easier for each other. Give a try. Whaddaya got to lose? You've got everything to gain. We all do. I'm sorry. It's late, and I'm way too chatty. I better go to sleep. 😁😍😊🙏🏼💜💜🤎
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
Amid rising inflation and skyrocketing food prices, one restaurant in Toronto's Leslieville neighbourhood has graciously decided to launch a charitable initiative that offers free meals to those in need. Samaira's Kitchen, located at 1056 Queen St. E., is a small family-owned restaurant that's known for its create-your-own pizzas, burgers, calzones, and panzerotti.  Since Nov. 6, locals in the neighbourhood have begun to notice dozens of free meal tickets posted on the restaurant's storefront with the note, "If you are hungry and have no money these meals have been paid for in advance." 
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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55 burgers 55 fries 55 tacos 55 pies 55 cokes 100 tater tots 100 pizzas 100 tenders 100 meatballs 100 coffees 55 wings 55 shakes 55 pancakes 55 pastas 55 peppers and 155 taters
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funkyfreshray · 4 months
Sometines, we aren't who we are supposed to be because of others...
Do you want to know what makes us different? It's not only the color of our skin. It's not only our race. It's not only our ethnicity or our culture. Can those influence us and possibly our thoughts or feelings of others? Most likely, but they shouldn't. Those arent reason to hate or judge someone. Our differences should be based on our minds and how we think. Our mind is what convinces us to act a certain way towards others. Whether it's self convincing or someone else convincing us. Let our experiences help guide us if anything, and that alone isn't definite because not all people who act or look similar think the same. Especially when it comes to acting with hate, greed, or selfishness. You are what you feel or think, and what you may be convinced of really affects how you feel because of your thinking. The one thing that we all have in common is that we are all UNIQUE. No two people are the same. Everyone's experiences vary as well as our interactions. So don't judge a culture, a race, or a group of people because of, let's say, someone's actions. Dont tie it into the culture or religion. Although it may be an influence on them, think outside the box. There are many who want to help change that negative behavior and that way of acting or thinking that a lot of us display. This is all over the country, all over the world really. It's an example we ALL need to set for each other and especially our younger generations. No one defines you. You do though. Let's help make a difference for the better. Acting like the bad, whether through revenge or frustration, makes you like those individuals spreading hatred. We are better than that. No matter who you are or where you're from. Maybe it's easier said than done, but we gotta try. Know that having fear puts us on the defense. Whoever you are fearing might be on the defense themselves because they fear for themselves. Understand we have nothing to fear but fear itself...
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