#Parent/mentor swap AU
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tomboy014 · 2 years ago
Dun Dun Dunnn!!! Arkham Security Guard Danny's Epic Backstory! with Dick Grayson
I fell in love with the Arkham Guard AU by @xy-is-i and like most projects I work on, rather than starting where the story starts, I end up going backwards and delve into the backstory.  And I mean waaay into the backstory.
Because while the stories might start when the Bats run into Danny and Jazz working at Arkham Asylum isn’t where they first met.
Long, long ago, through shenanigans unknown, Robin and Phantom became friends, and honestly, they both really needed it. 
Dick Grayson, age 16, has been Robin for a while, but this is so early in the day that there just aren’t many teen heroes or sidekicks yet.  He’s basically pioneering the field of child heroes.
For Danny, 14, Sam and Tucker are great, but there are just some parts of superhero-ing that they just don’t get when you don’t have to hide a secret identity. 
Batman, for his part, does not approve of the friendship.  He’s already not a fan of metas in his city, but when the two of them get together, the chaos twin energy between Dick and Danny multiplies.  Worse, it brings about the pun-pocalypse, and there are only so many puns Bruce can take.  And then there’s the sibling discourse…
After all the stories Danny has told about his family, Dick is desperate to have a little sibling of his own, and the two repeatedly gang up on Batman to adopt another kid.  Their acting may be stilted, but the efforts are constant.
It never works.  Bruce doesn’t have empty nest syndrome yet, and tiny, homicidal Dick was already more than he could handle while he was trying to figure out how to adult, but he also can’t stand that he’s disappointing Dick.  Alfred isn’t helping either; he wants more grandkids.
And there’s no way in HELL that he’s adopting Phantom.
But for Robin and Phantom, they finally have someone they can talk to who gets it.  They can vent about their rogues, get help with homework, bitch about balancing their vigilantism with going to school, talk about whatever TV they’ve been watching, anything and everything.  It’s not uncommon to see them hanging off the Gotham gargoyles or grabbing a bite on top of the Nasty Burger.
There’s an unspoken rule between them that neither pries into the other’s personal life or secret identity, but as they get more comfortable with each other, little things slip out.  Then more.  Numbers are swapped, bits and pieces about their families come out. 
Later on, homes and secret hideouts are visited and they know each other’s first names.  It’s not a problem for Dick to go to the Fenton’s, but technically, Danny isn’t allowed in the Bat Cave or the Manor.  Those visits happen behind Batman’s back, and they were almost caught when they hid in the chandelier before Danny remembered he could turn them invisible. (Alfred encourages the friendship and bakes extra cookies once when he finds out Danny is over.) 
And eventually the relationship grows until they’re comfortable enough to swap full names.  No more secrets.
Dick likes going over to Danny’s place since it’s a chance to feel a lot more normal, even if they have to be very careful and either stay in civilian clothes in the shared areas or stay locked in Danny’s room if they’re in uniform.  Danny also goes out of his way to keep Dick from ever meeting his sister, Jazz (Danny knows he has a type).  It doesn’t stop them from swapping their numbers under the door.  (Jazz will unofficially be Dick’s therapist for years after this)
But being this close, Dick can also see just how stressed Danny is trying to maintain this lifestyle.  Doesn’t help either he has to listen to Danny’s parents go on and on about wanting to rip their own son apart, molecule by molecule.  Sure, Danny has a couple friends to help him, but he doesn’t have the same mentor or support system Dick has.  For a kid his age to be anything other than a sidekick is practically unheard of in this day and age.  Superheroes are still fairly few and far between, but Batman helped start a group called the Justice League a couple years ago with the idea that heroes could help each other.  Maybe there’s something there…
So, Dick starts the Teen Titan.  He had originally intended for Danny to join him as one of the founding members, but are you kidding?  Jump City is on the opposite side of the country!  He has school! and parents! (That’s the point, Danny. We’re trying to get you away from the parents that want to dissect you) He can’t just up and leave home and run halfway across the country!
So, Dick found the other iconic members and still joined the Titans, but Danny will always have an open invitation to join them and a room at the Tower, something Danny does occasionally take advantage of.  Jump City doesn’t spawn as many natural portals as Gotham, but he visits whenever he can and basically haunts the tower the entire month of December to get away from his family.
Still, the distance and growing up are hard on Dick and Danny, and they grow more distant over the years, but they’ll always have each other’s backs in an emergency.  Dick was there when Danny thought he was turning into a monster (it was just ghost puberty).  Danny stole the Spectre Speeder so they could scour the Ghost Zone after Jason died.  And Danny would eventually become godfather to Dick’s daughter, Mar’i. 
But things cooled down between them… at least until a panicked Danny called because his sister just took a job at Arkham…
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year ago
The thing about Age Swap AU that I really like is the fact that both Mob and Reigen are inherently so much more unstable.
On Reigen's end, most of it is from the fact that he's a kid—he doesn't have the same amount of emotional intelligence because he has less experience overall, and the fact that his relationship with his parents isn't,,,,great, even in a canon setting. A boy still mucking around in the trenches of parental abuse/neglect is always going to be more rickety emotionally and mentally than a grown man who's been given years to heal and distance himself from it.
And then there's Mob. Mob is a bit more a wild card in this area, just because without Reigen his childhood is more or less an unknown. Did Mogami find him? Would it have made him crueller if Mogami mentored him instead? What about Claw? Did they take him in? Is he still with them, did they fall, does he regret it? Is he jaded or riddled with guilt or stuffed so far back in his shell that it takes a little blond boy wielding a huge emotional and verbal hammer to start breaking through it? Either way, I definitely don't see him being as emotionally stable as canon Mob. He likely hasn't reconciled with Shigeo, he probably never truly accepted his powers, and thus has the emotional maturity of a ten year old—Reigen still beats him on this. Mob's only point of positive advice would've been Ritsu, and that's....I mean, it's Ritsu. He hasn't had any significant good influences in his life so he absolutely struggles on how to be one himself.
The potential for these two to be codependent is SO much higher and I love it. Unhealthy dynamics are my absolute JAM (one of the reasons I have this animatic rotating in my head at top speeds 24/7 365) so the inherent prickliness of whatever Wrongness™ these two have going on just. has me. Reigen clings because it's all he knows how to do—even if Mob banishes him from the office, he's a persistent kid that hasn't learned you shouldn't chase after moody grown men with emotions so repressed it manifests as a literal eldritch alter with no morals to curb its desires. And Mob has had to go even longer alone in this sort of universe than ever, and Reigen is likely the only person who's never been afraid of him; he's latching onto that kid like bear trap and never letting go. He's still tenderhearted, but it's plagued with years and years of loneliness and inner turmoil that he's had no one around to soothe; he's over a decade too late for 'healthy'. Not that Reigen minds <3
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unluckedtj · 6 months ago
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i’ve had an au in mind for a while (quite literally came to me in a dream????), something like a swap au but not quite as your usual tgaa swap au. an au where barok van zieks and herlock sholmes are sent from britain to japan, at the age of 23 and 24 respectively
“ticket swap” au i like to call it
of course, this isn’t just ‘back in time’, there are many things jumbled around such as occupations and ages. and none of this is solid! i’m putting down the ideas i’ve had, and this can very well change overtime.
and of course, a lot of this is going to be me info dumping about this very self indulgent vanlock partners(?) focused au, side of mostly susarei but also asoryuu
ahem! tgaa:tsau cast!
below the line, that is
herlock sholmes, (25) who wanted to research in forensic science, follows yujin to his nation to do just that (and preferably solve crime, too)
barok van zieks, (24) who applies to go to japan in hopes of learning more about the laws of other nations (and perhaps, something else) aiming to be a prosecutor like his brother
ryunosuke naruhodo, (33) a writer who had recently gotten into researching true crime. it scares him but he can’t help but think there is something about these crimes that are calling him. isn’t really thinking too much about looking into law (but something might change that…) close friends with kazuma asogi
rei membami, (26) yujin mikotoba’s long time forensics assistant that is working towards becoming a doctor herself. decided to help ryunosuke in his research hobby. (she seems to be interested in this man she sees in the hallways of imperial yumei university while on her way to dr mikotoba’s laboratory) close friends with susato mikotoba
kazuma asogi, (34) a well known prosecutor in japan, it is unknown what changed his decision from becoming a defense lawyer. despite being famous among people in law, there is not much known about him. close friends with ryunosuke naruhodo
susato mikotoba, (26) kazuma asogi’s famed judicial assistant (and as sholmes soon learns, sister). she seems to be taking law classes in yumei university under an alias. a bit of a sholmes fan. close friends with rei membami
yujin mikotoba, (52) sholmes’ friend and partner in (solving) crime of course, but also a mentor, and now that sholmes recently learned, a foster father to kazuma asogi and father of susato mikotoba
genshin asogi, (??) family friend of the van zieks, and relative of the renowned prosecutor asogi. he has gone missing
klint van zieks, (35) well known prosecutor in britain. happily married and has one daughter he loves so dearly, to the point of being a little bit of a helicopter parent in the recent years, but barok can’t quite figure out why. he has kept his daughter a secret from everyone apart from family
iris (wilson?) van zieks, (8) how in the world did she end up in japan?! (i’ll give you the answer; through sholmes’s suitcase, which she mistook for barok’s. there were shenanigans), her parents are in a panic looking for her (barok will get to them asap)
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i just really wanted something where it’s similar to tgaa 1-1 but younger vanlock without their life altering events (klints death for van zieks and iris adoption for sholmes)
and also just the thought of it and how it would play out; van zieks isn’t even a defense lawyer but was preparing to defend the guy he barely knew on the steamship (who had his niece in his suitcase) that he firmly believes did not commit this murder, but sholmes found out what was at stake (aka van zieks being sent back home for a couple more years if he fails this) and was like “nuh uh i got this im herlock sholmes after all” (he does not got this) (i lied he clutched like he always does)
this is superrrrr self indulgent so i don’t expect this to be perfectly aligned with canon, but i kinda just wanna see if anyone could give me more ideas because i currently cannnnnot talk to my friends about this due to massive spoilers 😔
maybe next time i’ll go more in depth on the group dynamics (specifically ryunosuke, rei, herlock, iris, and barok)
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raconteur-wanpi · 2 months ago
I'm not normally tooooo much of an AU person, though I do dabble occasionally, but I keep having dreams in my sleep of like, hyper-specific One Piece AUs. Like, dreams about me or other artists making them and posting about them, that is. And they're always so clear and full of actual lore and detail, which is insane. Which, I just find so funny, it's like my subconscious is trying to feed me ideas, knowing I have zero available time to manifest them in reality.
The latest dream I had was that the newest AU craze in the OP tumblr dot com community was called "Generation Swap AU", where characters were swapped with their mentors/parents/older characters they're tied to, and vice versa, i.e. Shanks was the scrappy young protagonist and Luffy was the older mentor who gave him the hat etc. Which I'm certain already exists and has been done countless times before, even though I haven't seen any specific examples of it. The interesting detail of it though, was that characters fully kept their personalities and moral alignment even when swapped. So for example, Yamato in this was the captain of the Beast Pirates and one of the Yonko, but he was essentially a cheerful benevolent leader protecting Wano as his territory, and Kaidou was his evil ass brat of a son who wanted to coup him and take over because he thought he was being lame and soft etc. It was interesting, and I think I even remember some plots of specific arcs being part of the dream???
This would be very fun to draw, were I not the most busy individual on planet earth.... there'd be so many characters and arcs to explore, it would take months........
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ryhmus · 2 months ago
Vaugarde's Littlest Saviors
An Isat Age Swap AU
Bonnie; Not a Kid Anymore, age 30
Bonnie is a young man, a towering giant, They are the village's handyman and chef, anyone needed anything fixed? call Bon-bon, have trouble finding a good recipe for dinner? ask Bonnie, want advice for what bonding earrings to use? well better just ask their sister instead...
Bon-bon, together with their sister Nille, kept the people safe from wild animals and occasional bandits. However, nothing could prepare for the Prince's spell, which had washed over Bambouche village, everyone in it was frozen in time, Bonnie and a young Mirabelle had barely made it out with their lives.
While Bonnie is much older and more mature, they still tend to be a bit blunt and has trouble pronouncing more complex words. Finding themselves taking care of a child suddenly was a bit rough for them but over time grew used to it with more children joining them on the quest to save Vaugarde.
Bonnie is adept at Rock Craft and has a few other Craft skills of other kinds at hand. When fighting Sadnesses, the kids stay back while Bonnie defends them, sometimes assisting from the sidelines with Craft skills.
Mirabelle; The tiny Housemaiden, age 9
Bonnie's life changed when a small girl came into his village, scared and running for her life from a creature that would come to be later known as a Sadness, The townsfolk hid from the creature while Bonnie and his sister, Nille fought off the Sadness and defeated it.
After the fight, Bonnie took the scared child into into their home. The girl explained that she was a Housemaiden who had fled all the way from Dormont's House of Change due to a spreading curse. She had been running ever since, hoping to find someone or something to help stop the curse.
The Prince's spell reached Bonnie's village the next day, freezing nearly everyone except for Bonnie and Mirabelle, only the both of them escaping with their lives.
Now forced to move forward, so began Bonnie and Mirabelle's quest to defeat the Prince and save Vaugarde from the freezing curse.
Mira remains mostly the same as her older, canon counterpart. She was born in and raised in the House and learned of it's teachings about the Change God. This sheltered upbringing has left her optimistically naive and unaware to the outside world and it's ways. The youngest Housemaiden always see's the good in everyone. Even if it's not always the case.
Though she is not yet capable of wielding Craft properly to defend herself. Bonnie does their best to teach her some of what they know.
Isabeau; Rookie Defender, age 12
Passing through Jouventte, the two seek the help from the town's protectors to help save Vaugarde from the Prince's curse. But the Defenders turned them down...save one...
Isabeau, an eager new recruit to the town's defender force, joins the group on their quest. He was deeply inspired by Bonnie's strength and kind heart and begged him to be his mentor.
Bonnie asked where his family was, the young Defender explained that his parents were lost in an accident, he joined the Defenders so he could learn to fight and protect people.
Isabeau can be a bit excitable when it comes to fighting, he is eager to jump headfirst to into a battle prove himself. Overall, he has a heart of gold. Isabeau instantly got along with Mirabelle the second they met, likely due to their similar upbringings. With Odile, it took some time, but they both get along well enough.
He is armed with a pair of crystal gauntlets he Crafted himself and has a meager selection of basic Rock Craft.
Odile; Researcher in the Making, age 17
When the group came across Odile working as a intern waitress at a restaurant, she was a mess. She mixed up everyone's orders and was on the verge of having a breakdown until Bonnie decided to take up her place and fixed everything
Odile later came by to thank Bonnie for helping her and asked why they did it. Bonnie told her that they just felt bad and wanted to help. Odile in turn, asks if she could come with them, explaining that she recently moved out of her home to make a living for herself.
But after the kitchen fiasco and losing her job as a result, she reluctantly asks if she could come with them and offers her place for them to stay for the night.
Odile is drastically different from her canon counterpart. She is meek, clumsy and tends to overthink everything, making her somewhat awkward in social situations. Being bullied in school has made her shy around strangers.
She is quite gifted when it comes to other cultures and even helps the younger kids like Siffrin to learn how to read and write. She is able to translate just about any language.
Her dream is to become a traveling researcher, seeing and learning about the world's various cultures. Her father encouraged her to seek her passion, her mother, before she left, wanted her to have a 'real job' in town.
As the second oldest of the group it falls to her to be the peacemaker when Bonnie isn't around.
She has a secret hobby collecting Issues of The Curse of Castle Chateau series and reads it with Mirabelle from time to time.
Odile possesses Craft skills of all three types, but only the basic spells. She also carries a small blade from her previous job for close quarters. Books are not weapons.
Siffrin; The Small Traveler, age 8
Siffrin was found under odd circumstances, He was caught trying to steal from the group while they were camping in the woodlands just before Dormont.
Bonnie caught this slippery thief red-handed, stuffing his cheeks with stolen chocolate chip cookies. But out of sympathy, he convinced him to come with them.
When asked where the boy had come from, the people only said that he had no memory of his origin and had been wandering the woods for weeks trying to survive.
Although initially wary of the others, Siffrin would eventually become comfortable around them and made friends with Isabeau and Bonnie, through he remains wary of Mirabelle.
Otherwise, Siff is a mischievous kid, his lack of understanding of social norms and rules means he is to be put under constant supervision by one of the others.
Unlike his canon self, he prefers pranks over puns, and he-along with his partner in crime, Isabeau- can get away with any practical joke.
He always keeps his knife hidden on his person under his robe if the need for self-defense arises. At first, he could only speak in his native tongue but has been learning to speak Vaugardian. Odile has been doing her best to teach him words, and at the same time, also trying to learn Siffrin's unusual language.
THE PRINCE; Now and Forever Ruler...
The Prince is this au's version of The King. This younger and spry would-be-ruler has taken over Dormont's House of Change, where he slowly spreads his influence over all across Vaugarde.
Armed with a gem-lined, scissor-crafted cleaver, clad in gilded armor and wearing a grinning mask to cover his disfigured visage, The Prince wields Time Craft to freeze the Vaugarde into a sparkling image of his design: Perfect eternal crystal stillness. He has an odd interest in only Siffrin for reasons unknowable...
Snobbish, pompous, cruel and overconfident, The Prince sits upon a glittering throne of opulence at the top floor waiting for his spell to complete, his throne room and the third floor are littered with crystalized diamond tears and silver coins that block the way to the top. Only a weapon capable of shattering them can pass through.
Though he appears to be in a constant state of bravado, tears still run underneath his facade...
Unlike the King, The Prince is a paper type, his hands extended wide in open challenge to anyone who would dare stand before him and crush them under his boot.
Loop; Siffrin's imaginary friend???
Who are you talking to???
So what do you think? Had this in development for a while and JUST released it at the start of this year,
my first post of 2025.
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zuko-always-lies · 9 months ago
What if Iroh cared about Azula instead of Zuko?
This is an AU idea that I've never seen done, probably because it requires looking at Iroh in a certain way, but what if Iroh favored the other fire sibling? He's still a very deeply flawed individual with the same tendency toward favoritism typical in the royal family and he's still basically incapable of caring about more than one kid, but, for whatever reason, the kid he cares about is Azula. Maybe he had a daughter who died young and Azula reminds him of her. Maybe he sees too much of Ozai in Zuko. Maybe Azula reminds himself, in a positive way. Maybe he drank some "respect women" juice. Maybe Iroh is impressed with Azula's ability and intelligence and thinks she's the only leader with the potential to lead the Fire Nation into a new and better age. Maybe Azula reminds Iroh of Lu Ten since she drinks his favored brand of tea. What matters is that Iroh is very deeply attached to Azula and sees Zuko as primarily an obstacle to her.
All of this doesn't mean that Azula is necessarily super nice or respectful of Iroh or anything like that. After all, canon Zuko was often a disrespectful jerk to Iroh, and Iroh didn't care. Likewise, this AU's Iroh is willing to ignore or excuse it when Azula is a jerk to him, along with a lot of her other bad behavior.
This is not a "role-swap" AU between Zuko and Azula. Azula is not getting exiled (unless things go very radically different than canon in unexpected ways). This is not an AU about Iroh accompanying Azula in exile. Zuko might still get exiled, but if he does Iroh would just wish has hands of the situation and stay as close to his beloved Azula as he can. This is an AU about Iroh being as much as a guide and companion and mentor to Azula as he can.
The thing is that, again, Iroh has all of his canonical flaws as an uncle, mentor, and person, he just favors Azula. He's still distracted by his hedonistic desires. He still refuses to seriously confront his brother or to protect Azula and Zuko from him. He's still extremely vague and non-assertive in his guidance for her. He still idealizes her in ways that dehumanize her. Iroh still wishes to live vicariously through her. He still stokes her rivalry with Zuko, when it suits his purposes. He still keeps changing his expectations for Azula without clear communication. He's still unwilling to have a five minute "this is why imperialism is bad" talk. Everything that makes people call canon Iroh "a good uncle" is still present, it's just directed at Azula instead of Zuko.
And yes, this means that Azula, Iroh, and Ozai are probably all hanging around the palace at the same time, and Ozai might have opinions about Iroh's relationship with Azula and even try to disrupt it. On the other hand, Ozai seems like a very lazy parent with zero time for or interest in day to day parenting, so maybe not. Maybe, as long as Iroh knows his place, Ozai's OK with Iroh doing all the hard work of actually raising Azula and crafting her into an ideal heir and weapon, as long as he doesn't pass on too much failure to her.
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lexosaurus · 2 years ago
Danny Phantom AUs
Hello I found this list of AUs from @the-stove-is-on-fire and I am copy and pasting it under the readmore.
Edit: Thanks to all the feeback, I've added a bunch more! If I'm missing any other popular ones, let me know!
Actor AU: Danny is an actor on the Danny Phantom show
Ancient Danny AU: Danny is one of the Ancients who sealed Pariah away.
Astronaut Danny AU
Badger Cereal / Daniel Masters: Father&Son Vlad and Danny bonding, can be evil
Banshee Danny AU: Danny slowly loses his color every time someone dies in Amity Park.
Blue Danny: Danny is blue as a halfa/ghost
Cheese Melt: Vlad tries to be a good parent to Dani
Circus Danny AU: Danny never escapes the circus from Freakshow following "Control Freaks"
Clockwork's Apprentice AU
Clockwork is Danny: Danny has Clockwork's role in the show
Clone AU: Danny's just another of Vlad's clones
Coffee Ghost AU: Phantom haunts a college as a tired, caffeine addicted ghost
Corpse AU: Danny Going Ghost leaves behind an actual corpse/Danny is still a halfa but his portal accident left behind a corpse
Cryptid Danny AU: Danny/Phantom is the local cryptid
Cyborg/Halfa/Nanobot Valerie AU: Valerie's ghost turns her into either a cyborg, a part-ghost, or a human with some ghostly attributes
Dani Masters: Vlad decides to raise Dani as his actual daughter 
Danny and Val Swap AU: Danny is the Red Hunter and Valerie is the halfa
Disabled Danny
Dual Obsession AU: Danny has 2 obsessions: usually space and protection
Dragon Danny AU: Danny always has been, or is turned into, a dragon 
Electric Core AU: instead of ice powers, Danny gains electricity powers
Evil Trio AU: Pharaoh Tucker, Plant Sam, and either Dan or Void Danny.
Everyone Knows AU: Everyone knows that Danny is Phantom
Family Breakfast: Vlad/Maddie/Jack
Fantasy AU
Feral Ghost AU: Ghosts are more animalistic than the show depicted.
Fire Core AU: Danny's lab accident gave him a fire core and took place 100 years before Sam and Tucker ever found him. (source)
Full Ghost Danny: Danny fully died in the portal
Full Hazmat AU: Danny half-died while wearing an actual hazmat suit
Full Human AU: Danny is just Some Guy
Ghost Hunger AU: halfas/ghosts must consume ectoplasm
Ghost King AU: Danny (or someone else) is crowned the new ghost king
Ghost Speak: Ghosts speak a language called Ghost Speak
Ghostly Adoption AU: Phantom gets adopted by the ghosts
GIW [character] AU: [character] (usually Danny or Valerie) gets a job with the GIW.
Glowing Freckles AU: Phantom has freckles (can look like constellations) that glow
Good Vlad/Mentor Vlad
Halfa Jack AU: Vlad marries Maddie and Jack is the halfa
Halfa Jazz AU: Jazz was the one who went into the ghost portal
Halfa Trio AU: All three of them got hit by the portal
(Half) Human AU: Danny starts out a ghost and the portal turns him into a halfa/human
Immortal Danny AU: Danny turns immortal/never ages
Inverse Trio: Tucker is the halfa, Danny is the goth, Sam is the nerd
Lab Rat / Dissection: Fentons experiment on Phantom and/or Danny
Liminal Amity Park AU: Citizens of Amity Park gain ghostly characteristics due to ambient ectoplasm
MerAU: The ghosts are actually mermaids
Monster Appearance AU: Danny’s ghost form looks grotesque or like a monster
No One Knows AU: No one knows Danny is half-ghost
Phantom Phamily: Danny (possibly split into Phantom), Dani, and Dan are all living together.
Pitch AU: The show's original pitch. Danny is a human with an owl named Spooky, rides a motorcycle, and has a psychic connection with Sam.
Pitch Pearl/Danny and Phantom are separate beings: Danny and Phantom are separate beings (ship is Pitch Pearl)
Portal Danny AU: Danny is the Fenton Portal
Possessed by Phantom: Halfas are just dead people possessed by ghosts. Ghosts may or may not have their memories.
Reverse Trio: Sam is the halfa, Tucker is the goth, Danny is the nerd
Secret Experiment AU: Maddie and Jack intentionally turned Danny into a halfa
SCP AU: In which Danny is either captured by the SCP Foundation, Fenton Works is a branch of the SCP Foundation and Danny/the other ghosts are SCPs
Space AU: Alien or mass effect style
Undergrowth Sam: Sam keeps her plant powers following the events of "Urban Jungle"
Void Danny: Nocturne gets ahold of Danny (source)
Werewolf Tucker/Witch Sam AU: Tucker is a werewolf and Sam is a witch
Wings AU: Danny grows wings/Everyone has wings
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voidofthevoidmv · 2 months ago
So BASICALLY my version of the Relativity Falls AU goes as follows- To start with, I DO NOT SWAP THE PERSONALITIES OF THE CHARACTERS. Any changes in personality is purely based off of how they as characters would react to their situations. It really ticks me off when people go about this AU by just copy pasting the personality of the character they swap with, instead of actually having them act how they would as themselves- If that makes sense. Another thing to note is that NOT ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGE SWAPPED. Mostly for conflict purposes and to ensue SOME things remain along the path of canon. For instance, Stan and Fords parents in canon are now Dipper and Mables parents in this AU. Vice versa. Of course, most characters ARE age swapped to avoid weirdness if you catch my drift- But that’s a big one. “Roles” of characters have also shifted, and not set ins stone. For example, while in this AU CANDY is the fiddleford character who goes crazy, she is also sometimes the Abuelita character, or the Soos character, and so on. Or with Stan and Ford, they are not bound by how Dipper and Mable acted in canon. Sometimes in scenarios concerning episodes/chapters, Ford is more Mableish and Stan is more Dipperish. ALSO- Mable and Dippers relationship here is a lot less toxic than Stan and Fords in canon. Or at least, it’s a different sort of toxic. For instance, Dipper goes with Mable when she gets kicked out of the house- Under different circumstances of course- And Dipper is much less inclined to hold a grudge with her. In fact, in this AU Mable is constantly dependent on Dipper who sacrifices a lot for her, causing major guilt on Mable’s half. She wants Dipper to put himself first sometimes, and Dipper is confused why Mable won’t just accept help. They are too codependent on EACHOTHER- It’s sort of funny how their main issue is they love EACHOTHER too much or whatever. Which brings us to the main big bad- Not BILL in this AU, as he ends up getting killed whilst trying to show off the stars- And instead, the demon issue is his parents, Scalene and Euclid. Or at least in this AU, a creepy Frankenstein-esc FUSION known as CONNIE. And instead of whatever toxic relationship Ford and Bill had in canon, Connie is more of a toxic adoptive/mentor who takes advantage of the twins parental issues. It’s pretty silly, especially since being possessed by Connie has a lot more detrimental properties on the body than in canon with bill. (A human body can only hold so many souls… Let alone 2 at the same time. Get possessed by Connie for too long, and the human body just may… Split apart.) lots of silly swaps, and different dynamics I like a lot. For instance, Ford has issues with Preston Northwest when he’s forced to be the rich kids friend who only befriends “The best and most unique- A cut above the rest” or something like that. Stanley also has sibling issues with Ford, ESPECIALLY during weirdmaggeddon when Ford gets his bubble and let’s just say- Stan takes his weird smart double A LOT MORE PERSONALLY. Even in this AU, these goobers get hurt a lot. Also, I can’t get the imagery of when Dipper returns from the portal out of my mind- With them running to hug eachother instead of instant violence. I love all of them. Also, Pacifica runs the diner and may I say… Mabifica? Except they’re old. Loads more fun stuff, but that’s the basic points I wanted to highlight. Personalities haven’t changed, and if they do it’s purely based off how their environments have changed. Ford is a bit less self conscious about his fingers- Because as far as the time period goes- People are bit more welcoming of odd features. In fact, at home he’s pretty popular. Stanley is far more artistically inclined as he was never put off and is overall very creative. Mable used to be a hippy- And let’s just say at some point Dipper had to save her from a crazy hippy cult which leads to them reuniting and living together at the cottage. It’s a curiosity cottage in this universe. Bud gleefuls wife in canon has a creepy crush on Stan- AND MORE!!!!
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darthkote · 3 months ago
SFW Tropes Masterlist
For writers - or for those who'd like to request a fic from me and need help generating ideas. Click here for the NSFW masterlist. Guidelines for requests can be found here.
Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Post-Battle Care: Tending to wounds (physical or emotional) after a fight.
Nightmares and Consolation: A character seeks solace after a distressing dream.
Bottled-Up Emotions: A character finally breaks down after holding everything in.
Survivor’s Guilt: Reflecting on losses and grappling with responsibility.
Grief and Healing: Finding a path forward after devastating loss.
Action and Adventure
Escape Mission: Characters must break out of an enemy stronghold or evade capture.
Treasure Hunt: Seeking an ancient artifact or holocron with unexpected challenges.
Undercover Operation: Posing as someone else in a high-stakes situation.
Hostage Negotiation: Characters navigating delicate situations to avoid disaster.
Defusing the Bomb: A tense countdown to prevent disaster.
AU (Alternative Universe)
Role Reversal: Characters swap roles (e.g., Jedi becomes a bounty hunter).
What If: Explore pivotal moments with a different outcome (e.g., “What if Order 66 failed?”).
Canon Divergence: A single decision alters the course of the story (e.g., “What if Qui-Gon survived?”).
Time Travel: A character is sent back (or forward) in time to change events or gain new perspective.
Relationships and Dynamics
Found Family: A group of unlikely individuals grows into a close-knit family.
Enemies to Allies (or Lovers): Tension and grudging respect turn into trust or affection.
Mentor and Protégé: A seasoned character trains or guides a younger one.
Unspoken Feelings: Moments of lingering glances and unsaid words.
Sibling-Like Dynamic: Bickering like siblings but with deep care.
Adoptive Parent: An older character becomes a mentor or caretaker.
Healing Together: A group works through shared trauma as a unit.
Mystery and Intrigue
Murder Investigation: Characters work to uncover the truth behind a crime.
Hidden Identity: A character conceals their true role or past.
Lost History: Unearthing forgotten lore or secrets tied to the Force.
Double Agent: Navigating the tension of working both sides.
Emotional Exploration
Forgiveness Arc: Characters work toward forgiving themselves or others.
Past Lives: Exploring flashbacks or reincarnation themes.
Letters and Holorecordings: Communicating through written or recorded messages.
Lighthearted and Whimsical
Mundane Adventures: Characters tackle everyday challenges (e.g., cooking, fixing a droid).
Unexpected Babysitting: Caring for a child or youngling in humorous or heartwarming ways.
Festival or Celebration: Participating in a holiday or local tradition.
Animal Companion: Bonding with a creature, whether friendly or ferocious.
Whump, Survival, and Isolation
Crash Landing: Stranded on a remote planet and working together to survive.
Quarantine: Stuck in close quarters due to illness or contamination.
Lost and Found: A character presumed dead is discovered alive.
Weather Woes: Trapped in extreme conditions like sandstorms or blizzards.
Injured and Alone: A character survives despite grave injuries.
Captured by the Enemy: Psychological and physical struggles in captivity.
Lost in the Void: Stranded in space with dwindling supplies.
Dark Themes and Morality
Fall from Grace: A character descends into darkness or betrayal.
Redemption Arc: A path to atonement after a character’s mistakes.
Doppelgängers: Facing a duplicate or altered version of oneself.
Mind Games: Dealing with manipulation, brainwashing, or visions.
Rivalry to Respect: Enemies slowly come to admire each other, even if it is never made obvious.
Hidden Humanity: An evil character reveals an unexpected vulnerable side.
Villain Wins: A world where the antagonist succeeds
Jedi and Force Mysticism
Force Visions: Cryptic glimpses of the past, future, or alternate timelines.
Lost Holocrons: Discovering ancient Force teachings with unexpected consequences.
Gray Jedi Exploration: Balancing Light and Dark sides of the Force.
Force-Bonded Pairs: Two characters linked by an unexplainable Force connection.
Romantic Tropes
Fake Relationship: Pretending to be together for a mission or disguise.
Forbidden Love: Romance defying rules (e.g., Jedi Code).
Slow Burn: Long build-up to a romantic confession.
Accidental Confession: A slip of the tongue reveals feelings.
Mutual Pining: Both characters believe their feelings aren’t reciprocated.
Culture and Worldbuilding
Exploring Traditions: Delving into unique customs of a planet or species.
Language Barriers: Characters navigate miscommunication.
Rebuilding After Tragedy: A community recovers from devastation.
Artifact of Power: A relic tied to ancient Force-users that affects the story.
Undercover or Espionage
Royal Disguise: Pretending to be someone of lower rank.
Spy Among Us: A mole within a group creates tension.
Assassin’s Target: The assassin and their target form an uneasy alliance. Or things don't go as smoothly as planned.
Deep Cover: A character fully immerses themselves in enemy territory.
Legacy and Destiny
Reluctant Heir: Inheriting an unwanted responsibility.
Prophecy Fulfillment: Fulfilling a foretold destiny with unexpected twists.
Living in the Shadow: Struggling with the expectations tied to being a legendary figure.
Defying Fate: Challenging a preordained path.
Time and Memory
Amnesia: A character forgets their identity and rediscovers themselves.
Alternate Timelines: Characters glimpse or visit different timelines.
Time Loop: Reliving the same moment until a lesson is learned.
Memory Sharing: Using the Force or technology to experience someone else’s past.
Humor and Lighthearted Tropes
Miscommunication Comedy: A small misunderstanding snowballs into chaos.
Droid Antics: A droid takes center stage with humorous behavior.
Overwhelmed Jedi: A Jedi struggles with mundane tasks.
Space Road Trip: A long journey full of banter and mishaps.
Crossover or Genre Mashups
Horror Elements: Haunted ships, Sith ghosts, or terrifying creatures.
Political Thriller: Intrigue within the Senate or Rebellion leadership.
Western Style: Lone bounty hunters and shootouts.
Heist Story: A team plans and executes a complex theft.
Personal Journeys
Identity Crisis: A clone, droid, or Force-sensitive questions their place.
Self-Exile: A character retreats from society and finds company.
Reunion Story: A long-lost character is reunited with friends or family.
Breaking the Code: A Jedi defies their teachings.
Battle and Combat
Last Stand: Characters make a desperate final stand.
Truce on the Battlefield: Enemies must work together.
Training Montage: A character hones their skills under a mentor.
Reluctant Fighter: A pacifist is forced into action.
Holovid Star: A character accidentally becomes famous.
Unlikely Hero: An everyday character rises to the occasion.
Force Ghost Encounters: Guidance or conflict from beyond the grave.
Lost Artifact: Recovering an item of immense value.
Clone Troopers
Identity and Brotherhood
Individuality vs. Unity: A clone struggles with being one among many.
Nicknames and Call Signs: The personal stories behind a clone's name.
Brother’s Keeper: A clone sacrifices everything to protect their brothers.
Clone-Centric POV: The galaxy through the eyes of a clone.
Post-Order 66
After the Fall: A clone wrestles with guilt over Order 66.
Defying the Programming: A clone resists the inhibitor chip’s control.
Living on the Run: A clone deserter avoids detection.
Reunion with the Jedi: An unexpected meeting with a Jedi they thought dead.
Training and Battle Bonds
Rookie Struggles: A young clone's first mission.
Veteran’s Wisdom: An experienced clone mentors a new recruit.
Unlikely Alliance: A clone teams up with an enemy.
One Last Mission: A retired clone is called back for a critical task.
Clone-Specific Dynamics
Armor Customization: The personal meaning behind a clone’s armor.
Dealing with Loss: Coping with the death of a brother.
Echoes of Kamino: Reflecting on their training and origins.
Enhanced Abilities: A clone with unique genetic traits.
AU and Alternate Scenarios
Rebel Clones: Exploring a timeline where clones joined the Rebellion.
Post-War Integration: How clones navigate a galaxy that no longer needs them.
Clone Defector: A clone switches sides to fight for the Separatists.
Found Family: A lone clone builds a new "family."
Sith and Dark-Siders
Rise to Power
Apprentice’s Betrayal: A Sith apprentice rises against their master.
Seduction to the Dark Side: A Jedi succumbs to the Dark Side’s temptations.
Master Manipulator: A Sith orchestrates events from the shadows.
Artifact of Power: A dark relic amplifies a Sith’s abilities.
Conflict with the Light
Pull to the Light: A Sith struggles with feelings of compassion or guilt.
Jedi-Sith Bond: A Force bond forces uneasy cooperation.
Redeeming the Sith: Can a Sith truly abandon their path?
Forbidden Alliance: A Sith and Jedi work together despite their differences.
Dark-Side Mysticism
Sith Spirits: Encountering the ghost of an ancient Sith Lord.
Dark-Side Nexus: Exploring places saturated with the Dark Side.
Bloodlines of Power: A Sith discovers their lineage ties to a legendary figure.
The Holocron’s Secrets: A Sith Holocron offers knowledge at a cost.
Sith Philosophy
Rule of Two: A Sith duo’s balance of power and betrayal.
Power at a Price: A Sith sacrifices something personal for ultimate power.
Survival of the Fittest: Infighting among Sith apprentices.
Eternal Struggle: A Sith sees their existence as a battle for dominance.
Redemption or Corruption
A Sith’s Redemption: A Sith struggles to redeem themselves.
Corruption of the Pure: A Sith manipulates someone to embrace the Dark Side.
Turncoat Apprentice: A Sith apprentice secretly undermines their master.
Moral Ambiguity: A Sith challenges the notions of good and evil.
Unique Sith Abilities
Force Alchemy: Experiments to create monstrous creatures.
Illusions of Terror: Using the Force to project terrifying visions.
Lightning’s Wrath: Devastating Force lightning.
Blood Rituals: Ancient Sith rites to enhance power.
AU and Alternate Scenarios
Sith as Heroes: A Sith defends their people or fights a greater evil.
Jedi-Sith Swap: A Sith raised as a Jedi or vice versa.
Light-Side Sith: A Sith rejects the darkness but embraces the teachings.
What If: A timeline where the Sith rule the galaxy.
The Force
The Force Playing Matchmaker: Despite all reason and seeming logic, the Force wants two people together. It won't stop meddling until Its vision becomes a reality.
Spiritual Connection
Force Bond: Two characters share an unexplainable, deep connection that allows them to sense each other’s emotions, thoughts, or presence across great distances.
Shared Visions: Characters experience a Force vision together, revealing shared destinies or hidden truths.
Guided by the Force: A Jedi or Force-sensitive character interprets the Force as encouraging their relationship.
Opposites Drawn Together: The light and dark sides of the Force pull two characters toward each other, creating tension and mutual growth.
Meditation Partners: Two characters bond over meditative practices, learning to sync their energies and emotions.
Conflict and Struggles
The Burden of Knowledge: One character hides a devastating vision or premonition involving the other, creating tension in their bond.
Teaching the Force: A Force-sensitive character mentors someone who is new to their powers, deepening their connection through shared learning.
Moral Differences: Clashing interpretations of the Force (e.g., strict adherence to the Jedi Code versus emotional connection) challenge their relationship.
Force-Driven Jealousy: A character senses their partner’s lingering emotions toward someone else, creating conflict.
Healing and Support
Force Healing: A character saves their partner by channeling the Force to heal their injuries, creating an emotional and physical bond.
Force Meditation Therapy: Helping a partner process grief, guilt, or trauma through shared meditation and emotional support.
Force Awareness: A Jedi or Force-sensitive partner instinctively knows when their loved one is in distress, no matter the distance.
Strength in the Force: Two Force-users amplify each other’s abilities when they are together, creating a sense of unity and trust.
*verging nsfw Force Tropes
Intense Focus: The Force allows one character to focus solely on their partner’s well-being, whether during battle or in intimate encounters.
Dangerous Proximity: When trapped together or forced to rely on the Force for survival, their bond deepens emotionally and physically.
The Will of the Force: A relationship forms or is tested because they feel their union is destined—or forbidden—by the Force.
The Dark Side's Pull: One character’s struggle with the Dark Side adds tension, as the other seeks to save them from being consumed.
Shared Visions of the Future: Intimacy is driven by a mutual vision of a life together—one they believe the Force has promised them.
Apologies for any similarities – I tried to keep it nuanced.
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mika1683 · 2 months ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Swap au (I swapped places of parents/mentors with thier children) sketches
Not sure about whole lore yet so designs can change
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tumblingghosts · 8 months ago
Hello im rlly interested in all these time travel things.
im wondering if you have more of felix/clemensia timetravelling?
i didn’t, but your ask did get me thinking about both felix and clemensia being sent back…
(more below the cut)
also highly recommend the following if you haven’t already:
@felixravinstills wrote this response about felix landing back at eighteen as well as made this post about felix landing back at five (right after his parents die). also i have a oneshot about felix time travelling from dill’s pov. 
@meekmedea has an entire masterpost for their time travelling clemmie au where she lands back at eight-years-old. but also wrote a fic where clemensia ends up back at eighteen right before the tributes arrive. and i have a pov swap from reaper’s perspective for their fic.
anyway, onto felix and clemmie in the past!
there’s a couple different ways i could see this going, but i’m going to assume in all these cases that they died around their 30s (probably coriolanus, for different reasons- clemensia was likely a risk for him since they were friends and he didn’t want anyone who knew him that closely to potentially turn on him, and felix’s family name gave him a political influence that coriolanus wanted to get rid of). anyway: 
i. back to the games
i think they’d catch onto each other pretty quickly in this case. with so little time before the tributes arrive, if they want to gain any kind of favor, it’s going to have to be pretty distinct. clemensia was just planning on going to the train station to meet reaper, when she finds out that everyone is heading to the station on account of felix insisting that it be made a class trip, if mentoring the tributes is meant to be a class assignment. 
clemensia puts it together quickly after that. there’s likely going to be some debate on whether she reveals to felix that she’s also a time traveller, and eventually decides it’d be more advantageous to loop him in. besides, since they’re mentoring the same district, it wouldn’t be odd to see them together ‘making plans’ as it were.
so she does. felix hasn’t actually realized that coriolanus was the one to get him killed yet, but that’s mostly because coriolanus kept himself more distanced when he killed felix. clemensia fills him in with her suspicions though, and after a quick panic over worrying there might be other time travellers among them, they start to make some plans.
short term plans include being better mentors & keeping any of their classmates from dying with clemensia handling the former since she’s more personable (felix objects to this, claiming he’s plenty charming, but he doesn’t win that argument) and felix dealing with the latter (because if there’s one thing that he can do by throwing his name around, it’s getting better security measures put in place).
it is much harder than expected to get dill the medicine she needs, and it ends with getting most (if not all) the tributes some better conditions out of ‘fairness’ (i.e. food, water, medicine, etc.) but doesn’t help with the fact that they’re all still in the zoo. except...it kind of does, because investing more materials also leads to many of the mentors investing more time, and somewhat growing pretty attached - not enough to do anything as drastic as actually speak out against the games, but enough to ‘conveniently not notice’ when a mysterious scuffle draws the peacekeepers’ attention away during the preparation for the tribute interviews and about a third of the tributes are gone by the time there’s a headcount.
there’s some talk about this being planned, but felix throws a fit about how dare you and what are you implying and this never would have happened if you knew how to do your jobs properly and don’t you know who i am?? they back of pretty quick after that. 
security around the zoo gets tighter in the days following, supposedly. mostly it’s just gaul heading announcements about what a threat the escaped tributes are. it’s not helped by the ‘tighter security’ being found unconscious one morning and the zoo enclosure completely empty. it throws the general capitol population into a bit of a frenzy. there are rumors and complaints about how the quality of peacekeepers have gone down drastically, though no one knows where they started (it was clemensia).
their original plan was nowhere near this, but with how little time they had to plan things out, they’re basically just manipulating everyone around them to turn a blind eye - the tributes aren’t stupid, they can tell which mentors are sympathetic enough to rely on. not trust, exactly, but that they know won’t get them punished.
with the chaos of the tributes’ escape being a huge distraction for most of the capitol higher-ups, felix and clemensia have to finally confront coriolanus - not about the murdering them in the future thing, since he wouldn’t know about that, but about his attitude (since he’s has been pretty upset and confused about clemensia being more distant with him lately for seemingly no reason). felix is all for going full spite and making sure he never gains any sort of power ever again. clemensia agrees, but it’s also a lot harder for her to separate herself from coriolanus considering she had considered him a pretty close friend right up until she had gotten killed.
realistically, things probably wouldn’t go this smoothly, but it’s more fun to think about the various shenanigans they get into undermining coriolanus & aiding the tributes while “100% definitely not involved whatsoever” with the escape.
ii. back to eighteen (start of year)
sneakiest of the three options - they’re old enough to properly use their family’s influence, but also have more than enough time to make more gradual change. it starts small: some comments here and there, testing the waters to see how much they can say and still have people agree. 
clemensia starts to drift away from coriolanus, whereas felix grows openly antagonistic with him. clemmie’s main goal is to undermine gaul though - she has not forgiven gaul about the snakes and would not like a repeat of being bitten, thank you very much. since clemensia and felix aren’t close friends anymore (they were closer when they were younger), it takes a while for either of them to realize that the other is different. 
sure, they’ve noticed some changes, but had attributed different attitudes to their own influence. some changes, though, they couldn’t explain, and it only really starts to make sense when they come to the “oh, you’re here too” realization. felix is on board with the deplatform gaul plan, but it’s still a pretty difficult endeavor considering gaul has a close relationship with the president. felix might be his great-nephew, but he doesn’t think he can undermine her that way. 
coriolanus throws an extra wrench into things by assuming that, with felix and clemensia spending more time together, that felix is the reason clemensia is pulling away from him. it turns into a mix of high school drama and political subterfuge, where somehow the former is much more difficult for either of them to deal with. 
iii. back to their childhood
in the case where they land back in war times, their experiences are pretty different. felix is mostly doing family bonding time because he now has the perspective to actually connect with his much older cousins. clemensia, on the other hand, is majorly lamenting having to do childhood all over again. she was an adult! with independence! and she has to do primary school again! 
also, since i’m so fond of inky_dream’s trio of clemmie, felix, and iphigenia - they are definitely childhood friends. they haven’t gotten a chance to meet as much around the war, so interactions are pretty brief during those years, but once the war is over, clemensia and felix start to get odd feelings that things are much more different…
clemensia: wasn’t felix more of a brat at this age? felix: i feel like clemensia was less forward at this age… clemmie & felix: wait a minute-
iphigenia is pretty sure her friends have a crush on each other and is internally giggling at all their interactions. what’s actually happening is clemensia and felix trying to subtly test out if the other is actually a time traveller or not without actually saying it aloud. it comes to a head when sejanus ends up moving to the capitol and clemensia befriends him. 
felix essentially goes “yeah, no. actual-eight-year-old clem wouldn’t have done that.” and confronts her in private. clemensia has her “i knew it” moment and now they’re on the same page…except they’re also physically eight and there is a limited number of things they can realistically do being this young. people are hardly going to listen to the opinions of not-even-pre-teens.
it does help that iphigenia has roped sejanus into her plan to get her friends together because anytime they need to privately talk to make plans, iphigenia and sejanus are more than willing to cover for them so they can “have some time alone ;)” 
basically, it’s nia and sej being silly kids. buuut…felix and clemmie don’t realize that iphigenia and sejanus have made that misconception and assume the opposite. 
iphigenia & sejanus: aww our friends have crushes <33 nia & sej: we should give them time alone nia, aloud: oh nooo - i just forgot that i have to do something far away from here sej, aloud: um, me too! i’ll join you. far away. ;D felix & clemmie: wow, iphigenia and sejanus must really like each other if they keep trying to leave the two of us to they can be together. that’s cute. and it gives us the chance to get some private time to plan!
this one’s a mix of fluff and angst - lower stakes since they’re much younger and have more time, but also they’ve pretty much lost everyone they knew. if they change things, all the people they knew will grow up to be different people. similar, maybe, but not the same. and as much as they try to forget that, it’s not easy seeing those familiar faces and realizing that the differences they create are shaping different people too.
i do like to think everything works out for the better though ^^
(these were all written with felix & clemmie as a friendship, but they could easily dip into a felix/clemensia romance - especially for scenario #3 where they really only have each other to talk to since everyone else is treating them like children.)
thanks for the ask! :D
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destiny-in-the-universe · 9 months ago
RC9GN Role Swap AU
This is a very standard age/role swap AU but uh, with a twist because I'm extra like that! So, for starters we do have Randy and the First Ninja switching roles right from the get-go (as that's kind of what this idea is meant to be about-)
Also fair warning, this is an extremely long post-
But okay, let's start with the obvious- the characters that get swapped are literally just Randy -> First Ninja and Howard -> Plop Plop/Hinata. As for the rest of the canons, like Norrisville High students- I don't think they're necessarily being swapped but they might just be from a different time period hahah. McFist, Viceroy, and the Sorcerer (alongside the Sorceress) are still the main antagonists and villains because there's no way I'm coming up with entirely new enemies right now-
Now, onto Finja because he is the title lead!
His entire family, and they are a big family, are immigrants from Japan. They moved to Norrisville after a promotion at one the jobs Finja's parents work at- which leads to the move and Finja is not exactly happy to be there because he thinks Norrisville is a Speck of Odd(TM)
The closest equivalent I could find to the rest of his family still being something similar to ninjas is by, well, having his parents run a dojo- it's honestly massive tradition for their kids (and they literally have nine of them) to train at the dojo. Finja is one of the youngest in his family, so he's about to start being a freshman at Norrisville High. The weird timeline has them moving in early/mid May and classes start around September
Finja's not vibing with anything in the town, so he's kind of not really made friends with anyone- except for a boy in his block named Hinata who just decided to speak to him one day and didn't leave. Within a month or two of him arriving, Finja receives the mask and the Nomicon- making him the Ninja of Norrisville. He's not fully happy with this, but since he was thrust into the role- and it's now his responsibility, he decides to accept. Thankfully, his parents having the dojo helps him adjust with being the Ninja
Now Finja has... the shortest level of patience one has ever seen- he's a fast learner, at least, and always makes sure to do what's right but he's very short-tempered. He's also known for his disregard of following certain rules, purely out of the intent to prove his own worth. Unlike OG Randy however, he understands the lessons a little faster but still struggles at times because he's... literally fourteen but moving on-
Much like canon, McFist and Viceroy make their debut appearance on the first day Finja attends Norrisville High- and Finja has less patience dealing with a whole rampaging robot than Randy does, and that's even with the fact Randy loved being the Ninja
Shenanigans continue taking place as you would expect from the show, but at some point- we have the shift from McFist and Viceroy to the Sorcerer taking center stage and Finja is probably about to go fucking feral. I want to say that there's a parallel episode to 13th Century Ninja in this role swap AU where Finja goes back and officially meets Randy- because if I can't have mentor-mentee with canon, I will have it here!
So, then we have Randy and Howard-
Things branch off after this where Randy is quite literally, an ageless being that currently resides in the Nomicon (not that Finja's aware of this until much later-), and Howard, uh- is more gray area and I don't want to reveal too much but let's just say that Howard is permanently linked to the tengu! You'll find out what tha means later, but neither Randy nor Howard are normal- if it isn't because of the fact they're literally immortal and connected to the Nomicon, it's also since they are the weirdest flavor of queer one has ever seen
Similar to OG Finja, Randy was part of this smaller clan that would protect various towns, villages, and areas from monsters and the Sorcerer, but of course- all of it ended in tragedy. Left the sole survivor, Randy sobered out after a while but still did his part until eventually something went a little south and he was soul-bound to the nomicon he made
Leaving the rest vague because I am mean and, well, it'll all be revealed later. (today's literally become of a question of how many more au's will i be making until i get sick and tired of making them- the answer is all of them /lh)
but okay, so- the Sorcerer is much more of a threat because I will be as self indulgent with this AU as I can, and i just want this to be slightly more serious! Also, there might be more 'seasons' depending on the direction I want to take with the verse!
Though to keep going-
This role swap isn't strictly an age/role-swap! What this literally means is I might genuinely be imploring my own lore when it comes to Finja's entire family- and the fact I have to make them actual characters for this, so
I am personally of the belief that the Norisu clan are tied to back to the origins of the Ninja- (and if this purely about referencing how I do believe Randy's a descendant somehow, I have no idea what you're talking about-) but also, I sort of?? wanted to make something with the rest of Finja's siblings though I'm not entirely sure what that's going to be yet since it may contradict canon (however this is an AU and I will write this how I want to hahah)
Some More Infodumping + Headcanons
Finja has literally no interest in the Sorceress but due to how Sorcerer in Love works- something will likely happen anyway. The First Ninja just feels ace-coded, so he's not crushing on her; however due to plot reasons, he's kind of going to go through it anyway
Despite Hinata being the parallel to Howard, they're obviously different character-wise. Hinata worries constantly over Finja but he also acknowledges there was a reason he got chosen and, well, I have plans
Is Hinata also going to be linked to the tengu? Maybe- despite Howard being perma-bound to the tengu, this doesn't mean others can't also be linked. There's... lore for this but I have to be careful with what I say for now
I think I might do a parallel episode to Nomirandy-
We'll see what more I can come up with later to be honest! I don't have much else right now, and the constant brainrot has me wanting to write another thing soon-
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roseofithaca · 30 days ago
Caught In The Act
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Set in @idiotwithanipad 's Era Swap AU, where Mary and Humphrey live at the same time with their daughters, our ocs Silver Guppy and Amy Bone.
"Good 'morrow, sweetheart!" Silver greets her savage friend with a cheery grin as she enters the courtyard.
Rogh's brow furrows and he huffs.
"Why Petite Lune have cheeky sparkle in eye?" He ask.
"Such suspicion!" She gasps, haughtily, hands on her hips, "Cans I not simply be thrilled for 'nother glorious day labourin' in my Lady's household?"
Her arms drop.
"Thou sees through me. I is to help in the kitchens today while Lady Amy be at her studies, and Betrice be a right miserable toad to me." Silver rolls her eyes, "But, I dids spy Lord Bone's carriage on the driveway and took a peek at the little curse I lefts for him. That onion be rottin' along nicely."
"And that good? Aside from big stink?" Asked Rogh.
"Hath thee not noticed how pale and sweaty the old Lord be on his recent visits? And all those many trips he need to the privvy?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
The ancient spirit's mouth forms an 'O'.
"That Petite Lune curse on Lordy Man?" He asks, having clearly been skeptical of the girl having such abilities. Most did, even those who practiced the Old Ways often lacked the secret skills to summon any real magic.
But most modern witches did not have an ancient Pagan priestess as their mentor for most of their childhood. Silver rarely saw Mother Bridghe these days. Their old village was within a few hours of walking but Mummy disliked her returning too close, given the circumstances by which they'd had to leave. But a couple of times since arriving at Bone Hall, Silver had made the journey back to those old woods, seeking advice from her beloved mentor.
"Now, dear friend, I woulds surely not wish for the good Lord to die by voiding his bowels beyond control, what a gruesome and humiliatin' fate that would be!" She performs with a dramatic flare of her hand to her chest; "I is certain my Lady would be bereft at the death of her beloved grandpapa."
"No, she not, she hate him, he big mean." Rogh replies, blandly.
Silver sighs; "T'is called mockery, simple one. I be well aware of her true feelings." She then lowers her voice; "Woulds not do me favours for the truth to be overheard...or seen talkin' to a tree."
Her dead friend look puzzled for a second before he looked behind him and noticed the birchwood.
Silver chuckled; "Thou shoulds go look in on my Lady. She gets plenty bored in those lessons of hers."
"Rogh not make any difference for Stompy." He responded, miserably. It was clear he was still hurting from Silver's attempt to 'reunite' the both of them, only leading to Lady Amy feeling more abandoned. "Me come watch you help in kitchens? There food to smell!"
"Thou hath the nose of a glutton, ye spends enough time hoverin' over my mummy when she cooks." Silver chided, lightly; "Besides, thou be too much of a distraction with Ol' Betrice keepin' an eye on me. Go be with Amy."
"Please, Rogh! For me. Trust me, she will feel thee there." She smiles.
He didn't seem all that convinced but gave a nod.
"Fine. Rogh hate to be 'distraction'." He grunted.
"No sulking now, on thy way!" She sent him off with a wave; "I is already late."
Silver headed towards the servants' entrance of the house. Just a few hours of peeling potatoes or scrubbing the pots, then she could be free to go to her Lady's room and the two young girls could relax without the eyes of parents or tutors or employers leering over them.
Another set of footsteps echoes towards her. Big, powerful steps. Her ears detect the boots belong to a highborn before she sees whose feet wear them. Not Amy's parents. The lower part of the body coming into view is wider than Lord Humphrey, meaty fists at his side.
Head down, Silver. Hands in front.
Should she keep walking? She has places to be. No, should acknowledge his presence. Show respect, even if he deserves none.
She steps to the side, back against the wall. Give him the corridor, as if it's his home. He always acts like it is, not his son's.
Should she wish him a good morrow? No, idiot. Don't speak unless spoken to.
Lord Bone begins to walk past her. Doesn't say a word. Servant girl wouldn't be worth opening his mouth.
Just as she's about to release a breath, his steps stop.
She tries not to flinch. His tone could slice clean through mutton.
"Y-yes, Milord?"
Eyes remain on the floor. His shining black shoes invading her vision. The smell of the fresh polish makes her want to gag.
An agonising silence before he speaks again. She knows that he's staring at her, studying her. He'd never look at a servant for this long without reason. Or maybe he just wants to make her sweat.
"You're the one I've seen following after my grandchild." He states.
She nods; "Yes, sir. I be her Lady's maid."
"Lady's maid" Lord Bone says with clear derision, "Maids and valets to noble families are supposed to come from well bred stock. Where are you from, girl?"
Should she lie? No, that would do her no good, not if he asks Lord Humphrey to confirm her words.
"East Horsely village, sir."
"Farming village. That explains the smell of manure." He leans in above her head and takes a long sniff. "That boy really doesn't care about what filth he brings into our family home."
Her skin crawls. Fingernails dig in deep on the back of her other hand.
She wishes she hadn't sent Rogh away.
"If his Lordship doesn't mind, I really shoulds be attendin' to my duties, sir." She utters, fearfully.
"Just one more question. One that a mere farm girl should be able to answer for me." He drawls, reaching into his pockets; "Can thou tell me what this is?"
Holding out his hand and uncurling his fist, he reveals a white sphere dotted with black and green fuzz.
Oh. Shit.
"...T'is an onion, milord. But it don't look very fresh, perhaps I can fetch thee a good one from the pantry?"
She makes a move to step aside. The older man grabs her arm.
"M-Milord, please-."
"Look closer, girl. You see this be no mere onion. Tell me, what placed within the seam there?" He whispers, shoving the rotten veg up close to her face.
Her nose wrinkled.
"...L-looks to be nails, milord." And black candle wax to seal them in the cut she'd made.
"Indeed. Now tell me, why do you think someone would craft such an object?"
She shakes her head.
"I know not, milord. Perhaps it be some tradition in these parts I be unfamiliar with." Silver tugs at the sleeves of her dress, "Might be best asking one of the folks who been here longer. Sarah or Ben, perhaps. Ben is in the garden, I believe-."
"No. I suspect I'm asking exactly the right person."
His beefy hand grabs her chin and forces her to look up into his cold, hateful eyes.
"For you were the one who placed it beneath my seat, were you not?"
Oh God. Oh Jesus. How did he-?
"I...I fear thou art mistaken-."
"Do not take me for a fool, little wench! I am not my son. That soft hearted coward is barely from my seed, he's as weak as his mother."
Fury bubbled inside her gut at the insult to Lord Humphrey. No one could have shown her and Mummy more kindness, taking them both in and giving them a warm, safe home, as if he were a family member rather than an employer.
She set her jaw. Stay calm, Silver. He wants her to snap, to show her true colors. Be a good girl. A smart girl.
As soon as Lord Bone let go of her chin, she dropped to her knees at his feet.
It wasn't a time for pride. It was a time for survival.
"Please, sir. Believe my words. Thy granddaughter coulds have no more a loyal servant than I!"
Laughter rumbled above her from the older man.
"Oh, child. I believe you. In fact, I fear you might be too loyal to my precocious heir."
She frowned. What the devil did he mean?
She's dragged back up and onto her feet by his hand gripping her elbow.
"I saw thee, girl." He hisses, spit flicking onto her cheeks and eyes.
She trembles in his hold. How is she supposed to get out of this one? All she can think to do is keep playing dumb. Stupid peasant girl.
"I merely looked in to see if your pillow covers required cleaning, milord." That's the best she can come up with.
He laughs again. She tries to smile, hoping to bring some levity, even if it's at the cost of being debased by him.
"You're coming with me."
He starts to frog march her out of the house.
"S-Sir, my absence will be noted-!" She squeaks.
"Oh I'm sure there will be another in the scullery to pick up thy work. Now shut your mouth and do as I say, if you ever want to see your brainless mother again."
The old man with white curly lip hair jabbered on and on.
Twice now, Rogh has nearly fallen asleep and through the table as he sits beaide Amy who is diligently taking down notes.
Or at least, that's how it appears. On closer inspection, as Rogh had discovered leaning in, the young noblewoman seemed to be making a list of herbs and noting down their properties and uses beside them. Her lessons from Petite Lune, not the boring man trying to teach her something about maps.
"Hehe, wait till she tell you how her curse making Lordy man suffer. He soon no longer around to hurt Stompy." He says to her, watching her hand sketch the nightshade leaf.
She slips her notes inside her sleeve as the tutor comes close again to check her workings. Rogh doesn't understand the importance of learning maps. Why does there need to be all these lines across places saying whose land beyond to which fancy king? It all same land.
It feels as much a relief to him as her when the old man dismisses her. Amy is quick to head towards the dining hall for lunch.
Mother and Papa are currently attending some festival in town. Grandfather left earlier that morning and so there is only a plate prepared for her.
"Good day, my Lady. Prepared a lovely spread for thee. His Lordship wants you to eat more red meat." Betrice the cook smiles.
"Thank you. Please set a place for my maid, I wish for her to eat with me." Amy requests, setting down in her chair.
Betrice scoffs; "I woulds be happy to, my Lady, if I knew where she be."
Amy frowned.
Rogh looked up from where he'd been sniffing at the freshly cooked pork. What had she said?
"Beg your pardon?"
"Little madam was 'sposed to help me prepare the food today, Miss. But she never showed up!" The puff nosed woman complained; "She better be sick withs the plague if she dids sleep in!"
That didn't make sense. Petite Lune had been heading off towards the kitchens when they had parted earlier. She'd been determined to get to work without him getting in the way. What could have stopped her getting there in such a short time? Or had she turned and fled back to the cottage after he'd left?
Amy frowned as she picked up her knife and fork.
"I'll ask Mary after lunch. I'm sure there's a good explanation." She proceeded to cut up her slice of meat.
Rogh could read the worry hidden in the crinkles around her eyes. She knows something doesn't feel right. Same as him.
He left the dining room, passing through the walls. Petite Lune's mother was out in the fields, tending to the corn, humming away to herself with a smile on her face. Rogh's stomach sank. If Silver was unwell then her doting mother would be at her bedside, feeding her soup and making sure she was comfy.
When he searches the cottage, she's no where to be seen.
Lord Bone twists the key in the lock, ensuring the shackles are shut tight around her wrists. Her heart is pounding. He had retrieved these from own carriage. Did he just carry them around everywhere? Was that normal?
Had he ever put them on Amy?
She's forced to sit in fisherman's hut next to the lake. The chain linked from the collar around her neck to her cuffs was looped around the pipe next to the stove. The fireplace was lit, unnecessarily. The Summer day was already warm enough.
"Sir, be I under arrest?" She asks.
"Not yet. Not officially." Lord Bone smirks, standing over her; "But I assure you that whatever methods I am forced to use here will be ten times more horrific in an official jail. Do you understand me, girl?"
Silver shivers, hands on the table. They're so far from the house. Far enough away for no one to hear her scream?
Lord Bone rests his palms on the table and leans over her.
"Now. Tell me. Did my granddaughter ask you to place a curse on me?"
She bites the inside of her mouth.
"No, milord." Not a lie. Her Ladyship knows nothing of her plots against this demon of a man.
"This will be much easier if you tell the truth, girl."
Bastard doesn't even care to ask what her name is. Isn't important to him.
"I am, my Lord." She dares to raise her eyes to look into his.
Humphrey's eyes. Except without a flicker of his warmth and gentle humor.
He smirks at her.
"Have you ever been witness to a Witches interrogation, girl?" He asks.
She shakes her head; "No, sir."
She's heard the rumors. That's enough.
He chuckles as he turns to the fireplace and retrieves the poker, swaddling his hand in the sleeve of his cloak before holding it over the flames.
"I've been to many. They sure are entertaining. Always exciting to see what results they yield." He says, pleasantly; "I tried taking my granddaughter to one once. Little weed fainted when they began pulling out the fingernails."
Silver's fingers curled. No. No, God, Jesus, Ancient ones, please...
"But my favorite is the Witch Pricking. There are various methods to it. Most use a simple needle. I find fire to be far more effective." He brings out the poker, its tip blazing hot.
He lays it on the table. He retrieves a handkerchief from his pocket.
"Now. Girl. Are you a witch?"
She looks at the poker. Then to the man.
She could confess now. Say that it was all her doing. That Amy and her parents had no involvement. It was all by her own will.
But they would still be implicated, probably. Her mother definitely would. Christ. Mummy watching her be hanged....or burned.
Mother Bridghe's words ring in her ears.
"Do nots let them destroy what remains of our ways, dear one. If they catch you, do not fall. Fight."
Silver takes a breath. She meets his eyes, then lays her hands flat on the table.
"I be a woman of God, my Lord. Let your tests reveal that truth, if you must. But that is all ye shall find. I assure thee."
Lord Bone chuckled, "I was hoping you would say that."
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mdhwrites · 2 years ago
Why Are Swap AUs So Easy For The Owl House and IMPOSSIBLE For Amphibia?
So first, I want to make this clear that this isn’t to knock anyone who likes Swap AUs for The Owl House. I’m actually making this blog because today I was kind of reminiscing about The Crow House, my own Swap AU and the best answer I have to the question of “What would my version of The Owl House look like.” They’re a lot of fun to consider because being in a different narrative role and the like would do to the story and world is a really interesting question. I will say that I have seen a lot of Swap AU art that is frustrating for this reason though as they feel a lot more like characters cosplaying each other, including personality, rather than actually exploring what they would be like in the other’s role.
I’ve also seen a lot less Amphibia Swap AU art... And I think there’s a good reason for that. See, with TOH, the narrative role IS also the character’s personality. Luz is the isekai’d protagonist who warms up to a mentor, changing them and the world she arrives in for the better (at least in concept). Eda is the grizzled mentor who will learn to be nicer by her student. King is just comic relief and then lore wise is important and so becomes incredibly wise to fit his expositional spot in the world. Amity is the love interest and brief rival. Hunter is that a second time but done worse and as a love interest to a less important character. The better the character is is usually dependent on how good the trope they’re pulling on, not because they themselves are really going to surprise you or stay consistent even. After all, once Eda becomes Mama Eda, she also loses a lot her snark and her criminal background because that’s no longer the trope she is despite that still having been part of her recent history. Or hell, the fact that once the curse is resolved in S1, it only is ever a plot device, including power up, for Eda’s character because its narrative role as a part of who Eda is and something that hurts her is no longer relevant to the writers.
That actually makes swapping people’s position in the plot less about what their personality does to the plot but how you justify them being in the role that the other was. You have to ENTIRELY change the show in order to make a Swap AU more drastic than that by things like having the swap with Luz be someone who doesn’t like magic and genuinely has no interest in this world so that they never connect with Eda. The person you swap with Amity needs to not be a love interest but a genuine rival who never connects with the other person. You effectively have to go with the edgy options for a lot of things and at that point you’re just kind of missing the whole retelling point of a Swap AU.
And of course there would be changes but more in dialogue and the like. This was something I struggled with with my Lumity stuff in The Crow House because I still wanted some of the highlights but with a spin by how I changed things with Amity (including in Covention actually being a real danger to Luz and that making her opt for a non-magical way to win the fight) but I was still worried about it coming off as too much like the show. Too much like things weren’t different because, well... So few characters acted particular to themselves and more to their tropes.
It’s like in Looking Glass Ruins where Amity goes “I do stupid things around you.” That is a GREAT line for Lumity’s archtype... But it’s not for Lumity specifically. Amity has actually done very few things that would be considered dumb and those that would be, she’s never faced consequences for. Even her parents or Boscha never actually get back at her for her actions against them and besides that? Usually it’s Luz who’s the fuck up but that’s just a part of her archtype. But the line fits the narrative role for where Lumity is at in their relationship, even if it hasn’t been earned, so the writers include it anyways because that’s just how the writing in TOH works.
And again: That makes a Swap AU INCREDIBLY easy. You want to say X character would act like this in this narrative role? You probably can find a moment that excuses it. I mean, we get like six different versions of Hunter in S2 because every appearance is effectively a different character than the last with MAYBE a little transitional moment like in Hunting Palisman. Like the writers did, you can just excuse a character acting a certain because they all meld together to become so similar and so functional eventually so... Why not?
This is the exact OPPOSITE of how Amphibia wrote its story though. The one I actually think is easiest to point out is ANYONE swapping with Sasha. Grime is a very strong person after all who ruled by force and fear. His soldiers were actually fairly loyal, even if they were unhappy. Anne at the start of the show isn’t the Heart yet so connecting the with the toads, who she’d find disgusting like she often found the Plantars early on, wouldn’t be possible for her. This is partially because she’s also lazy. Meanwhile, Marcy is socially awkward and somewhat absorbed in her own interests so she also wouldn’t be able to talk to the guards in a way that turned them to her side. Even if either did, they would have no control there. Grime would still be in charge: Period. They would just be the weird soldier and thus also have no power to do things like the escort Anne got or convince Grime to just raze Wartwood and instead be a bit sneaker and a bit more charismatic.
DRASTIC changes happen if ANYONE other than Sasha is the one in Toad Tower. Her manipulative side, her want for control, her willingness to hurt those around her if she thinks what she’s doing is better for them, or more fun sometimes especially early on, is what makes her such a dangerous villain. However, just as Anne was affected by Sasha, it’s really easy to imagine Marcy and Anne affected Sasha back and that’s why she’s able to connect with guards and their odd interests... At least until they’re wrapped around her finger. Her viewpoint as the girl who will make her friend’s lives better and never questioning that is a large part of her arc. Her personality had to be tested and SMASHED before she could become a better person, which is why she’s actually at her most confident in S2 because S1 was a setback. She needed rock bottom to realize her convictions were wrong.
Which just in general is a masterclass in how to write a manipulative villain, let alone one that thinks they’re in the right for all their decisions. Sasha is one of the best written characters I’ve ever SEEN and I’m still only halfway through S2 of Amphibia.
But even just Reunion shows how Anne’s malleability that made Sasha able to control her is also why she was able to become a better person that Wartwood could respect and trust. How much of that can be said about The Owl House? Amity ALWAYS feels more motivated by a crush, especially in S2, in her changes than any moral position she used to hold or a specific part of her that agreed with Luz’s outlooks besides “I also like Azura.” Eda literally makes no sense because in S2 we find out she adopted King which throws her entire first season personality out the window. Hunter feels like he restarts his arc three times because Luz, Amity and Willow all can connect to him on really basic levels that have more to do with backstory than they do with personality traits.
So in short... Amphibia’s still fucking awesome, I still want to finish it by the end of the month, but TOH does continue to be better for fanfiction in one way or another with the choices it makes.
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fortune-maiden · 10 months ago
Random TGCF AU of the Day
This started as PX ramblings in the original vs the revision but between my want for some kind of SWD & PX relationship and a certain realization about PX’s revised backstory…
Pei Xiu vs the Black Water Arc
Pei Xiu’s revised backstory is pretty tragic. A bright shining star and kind happy person, Pei Xiu’s life is ruined when he joins a martial arts tournament and shows up a general’s son that was favored to win the thing. His family is convicted on false charges, his parents and younger siblings are exiled somewhere and PX himself is pressed into the army, the only one of them the right age for it.
He then spends the rest of his life doing whatever it takes to move up the ranks so he can get save his family culminating in his massacre of the Banyue kingdom… and his reward is finding out they’d all died years ago :D
(and also Banyue’s death)
I imagine canonically he gets some semblance of healing in the form of a good mentor and CO in Pei Ming (not enough to maybe not murder innocents in an incredibly convoluted plot to save his girlfriend but well…) but with a backstory like that I feel like there’s a certain scholar from Fugu he might also feel some kinship with
So he does his homework. Pei Xiu is smart-ish and puts together some pieces about the scholar from Fugu and a certain low key ghost king and hatches a plan.
Rather than the convoluted murder plot, he’ll get the ghost king to save Banyue. And in exchange he’ll be the ghost king’s eyes and ears in heaven and help him with whatever evil plots he’s plotting
he_xuan.exe promptly stops working.
On the one hand this is the most absurd thing he’s had to deal with in centuries and he has half a mind to kill Pei Ming’s idiot descendant on the spot. PX only figured out that he’s the scholar from Fugu, nothing about the fate swap or the earth master, and he’d prefer to keep it that way.
On the other hand, He Xuan does, in fact, feel bad for Banyue, and PX has three things going for him:
1. As Pei Ming’s protege, he has an easier in with Shi Wudu
2. He’s a better (read: less of a dick about it) source of funds than Hua Cheng
3. He’s good with the bone fish
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belovedstill · 1 year ago
emoji writing prompts
(inspired by this post)
96 prompts up to your interpretation. take literally, reverse, mix and match! (works well with taking ask suggestions, using random number generators, or rolling dice)
1-6 genre or tone:
🥰 fluff
💔 angst | sad ending | angst with a happy ending
🔞 smut | explicit | suggestive
🔍 mystery
🎃 spooky | horror
😎 crack | humor | meme inspired
+ 1-90 prompts:
🌸 hanahaki | pining | mutual pining
⌛ time travel | reincarnation | time loop | time is running out | immortality | time hijinks | this time they will do it right (do they?)
✉ epistolary | chat fic | letters | postservice au
🧙‍♂️ magic | urban magic | fantasy | be careful what you wish for
☕ coffee shop | restaurant | food industry
🩹 hurt/comfort | fix-it fic
💭 mind-melt | mind-reading | telepathy
🏳‍🌈 queer | queerer | unique queer experience relevant to exactly one person
🌊 merfolk au | stranded on an abandoned island | pirates
🍀 everything goes right | luck doesn't exist but somebody really does make it seem like it does
🥀 unrequited love | dealing with loss | grief
📆 slice of life
📦 delivery | package sent to the wrong address | swapped luggage/suitcase | there's some kind of mix-up happening | move in
🎬 celebrity | actor | PR hell | youtuber | streamer au
💻 internet | social media | bloggers | fandom au | two customers with radically different reviews on a product and they take it personally
🔪 revenge | murder | assassin
📞 wrong number | wrong address | wrong person | customer service | tech support | long distance
🩺 doctor | sick fic
⚽ sports | team | competition | challenge | dare
💍 engagement | marriage | arranged marriage | marriage of convenience | accidentally married | poorly-timed proposal
💋 first kiss | first relationship | first romantic experience | teaching one another how to Romance
👑 royalty | nobility | servant | butler | unequal power dynamic | undying loyalty
🎨 any artist au
🎁 gifts | surprise | keepsake | christmas | holiday | birthday
🤰 pregnancy | mpreg | alternative offspring acquisition options
👶 baby | kidfic | de-aged | age regression | accidental kid acquisition | single parent(s)
👥 resurrection | came back wrong | dark alternate character | came back right but everything else is changed
🦋 butterfly effect - change a seemingly insignificant detail in source material and write how it affects the story
🐾 pet au | animal transformation | pet acquisition | animal-to-human transformation | object-to-human transformation | object-to-animal transformation (you get the drift)
👻 ghost | afterlife | paranormal | supernatural | modern supernatural | mixed supernatural genes
😈 demon | a different kind of hell | pact | soul as acceptable transaction payment | the villain's in charge now
🤡 idiots in love | platonic buffoons | only one brain cell among them | they're so stupid
🏳️ surrender | hope | bargaining
❔ oblivious | didn't know they were dating | mistaken identity | amnesia | nobody remembers them
🛡️ protect | guardian | bodyguard | rescue
💼 office | workplace
✂️ separation, chosen or forced | abandoned | cutting ties
🎓 school | university | academic professions | mentor
🏠 domestic | roommates | neighbours
🧩 soulmates (ideas) | platonic soulmates | destined to be enemies | 3+ soulmates
🏖️ beach episode | change of scenery | more than 'a lot' self-indulgent
🏩 pwp | escort | sex worker | stripper | sugar relationship
🤝 found family | putting differences aside to work together
🧬 appearance/body/behaviour modification | shrunk down | made bigger
💾 found a lost disc/usb drive/notebook/diary | lost phone | decades-old journal/letters found among the belongings of a person who's no longer there
⚖️ getting justice, one way or another | rebellion | protest | doing the dirty work so others can thrive | balance | lawyers au
⚙️ android | futuristic | science fiction | physical workers | making it work
👁 obsession | abduction | kept captive | hostage | stalker | drugged | private detective au
⚠️ make it as messed up as you want | forbidden | taboo
🕳️ something is missing | unsettling | out of the corner of the eye | nearly, almost, not quite | not enough
🤞 must pretend | spy | secret identity | identity reveal | undercover | fake dating | secret relationship | fake-married | fake [insert role] | essentially, they must pretend to be somebody they're not/to be in a dynamic they're not
✨ under a spell | truth compulsion | forced to say the opposite of what they mean | a curse made them do x
🐌 slowburn | sped-up slow burn | over the years
🧸 childhood friends (to a dynamic of choice) | separated in childhood, reunited in adulthood
⚔ enemies (to a dynamic of choice) | meddling enemies | rivals (to a dynamic of choice)
🔁 transmigration | isekai | swapped places | role reversal | body swap
🔀 crossover | fusion | characters from X piece of media put in the world of the last piece of media you've enjoyed | make it your favourite piece of media from your childhood
⁉ miscommunication | misunderstanding | wrong place, wrong time
🔆 harem | reverse harem | poly relationship
🛏 bedsharing | accidentally falling asleep on one another | passing out | dream-sharing | invite to stay over
🔮 fairytale | mythology | folklore | legend | prophecy
😶 love triangle | two-person relationship/love triangle (they know each other as two people) | one-night stand turns out to be the new boss/professor/awkward dynamic
🔒 forced proximity | locked in a room | trapped together | handcuffed together | snowed in
🤲 huddling for warmth | sharing body heat | touch starved
💬 rumours | lies | misconceptions and dealing with them
💥 set off the (conflict) bomb | right before the blow-up | argument | fight | pranks
✊ superheroes and supervillains | superpowers | the chosen one(s) | deemed to be the cursed/unlucky one
🔥 rebirth | sacrifice | sacrifice of something other than their life | destruction | letting go | ritual | change
💁‍♀️ spite fic (write literally anything you like that fandom/somebody else complained about that you disagree with) aka "they're wrong and i'm going to keep having fun"
#️⃣ love at second/third/nth sight | meet ugly | annoyed at first sight | reluctant
🖤 blind date goes right | blind date goes wrong | stood up | matchmaker
🚗 travelling together | commute | road trip | hitchiking
❕ confession | interrupted confession | confessing when it doesn't matter anymore
🚫 getting what they want but not in the way they want it | not like this
🖊 doomed from the start | it was always going to end like this | it didn't have to end this way
🐱‍👤 did a crime on accident | did a crime very much not on accident
👭 doppelgangers, lookalikes | twins | they meet their alternate self from an alternate word/different time
👂 as they go through their day, they hear a voice and it's strangely familiar (oh no) | the voice in their head actually has their best interest in mind | two souls trapped in one body fighting for control
❌ the plot is trying to incite an event for them but they refuse to have any part in it and they will outrun it
🍸 alcohol/substance use | in vino veritas | choices were made and all that's left is regrets | choices were made and there are some gains actually | remembers nothing of what they did while drunk (others may be kind enough to spare no detail)
👍 support group | dealing with issues | compromise
82. 👪 meet the family | meet the friends 83. 💰 CEO | rich x ordinary | two different worlds collide 84. 🌠 rarepair! | rarer! | unlikely friends 85. ⚡ The Realisation | oh moment | oh no moment | learning something crucial yet horrifying they wish they could forget | the antagonist was right after all 86. 0️⃣ last day alive | apocalypse | they truly only have each other left 87. ✔ it was somebody's plan all along | they sure were aware the whole time it was somebody's plan all along | scheme | trap | gotcha | test 88. 🎲 choose an action for character to take and roll d20 - that's how well it goes, write it 89. ➕ anything at all inspired by an emoji not from this list sent in an ask or randomly generated 90. ® get a string of 3+ random emojis from an emoji generator (e.g. this one or this one or any other) and write a story based on them
if you're disappointed that a prompt you wanted to find isn't on the list, take it as a sign to write it 👀
and if none of these spark creativity, check out Hatch's Plot Bank with 2300+ plot ideas
screenshots of the emojis under the cut
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