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~ Blue | White | Gold ~
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rennarita · 11 months
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reality-detective · 2 months
Polytricks is a money grab. Nothing else! 🤔
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sodamnbored · 6 months
Octavian, narrowing his eyes: What, you think just because you’re bootlicious you can do whatever you want?
Percy, in neon shutter shades, slurping through his straw: Yeah, pretty much.
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naksushadows · 4 months
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The drama was bad but at least they served acting, chemistry, beauty and charisma.
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joytri · 6 months
We are neither in the amphitheater, nor on the stage, but in the panoptic machine, invested by its effects of power, which we bring to ourselves since we are a part of its mechanism
Michel Foucault
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retrocgads · 4 months
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UK 1987
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Leaks about Team Biden
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Operation Let's Get Biden To Quit is up & running. This "leak" might also explain Jill's wardrobe 😬😳
"I, for one, didn’t have my money on Biden being controlled by a Gay Mexican Cabal."
Deep State cabal revealed! The Gay Caballero who is pulling Biden's strings by STEVE SAILER
JUL 04, 2024
Deep State theory surmises that our nominal leaders, with all their obvious flaws (such as senility), are actually puppets having their strings pulled by shadowy but nearly omni-competent massively funded institutions, such as the Intelligence Community, that routinely mount brilliant triple bankshot psy-ops to manipulate the public. Similar theories point instead to the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, the Jews, and the lizard people.
As far as I can recall, however, few, whether conspiracists or realists, had theorized until now that the “Rasputin” of the Biden Administration is a … gay Mexican.
The head Gay Caballero turns out to be Anthony Bernal, the First Lady’s top aide."
From the New York Post by Steven Nelson Published July 4, 2024
President Biden’s inner circle has gotten smaller following his disastrous debate last week — with his wife’s top aide Anthony Bernal emerging as one of the 81-year-old’s key advisers alongside longtime confidante Mike Donilon, four sources close to or inside the White House tell The Post.
Bernal, 51, is a divisive figure for allegedly bullying and sexually harassing [male] colleagues — and his influence was likened by three sources to that held by the mystic Grigori Rasputin over the family and court of Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia.
First lady Jill Biden considers Bernal her “work husband” and he’s also close to scandal-plagued first son Hunter, whom Bernal greeted with a hug June 11 after his felony gun conviction.
The “openly gay” Bernal is an alumnus of that finishing school for Inner Party Elites, the University of Texas at El Paso.
“Donilon and Bernal are 100% the most important advisers post-debate,” said one Democratic source close to the administration.
… A White House source told The Post that many of the president’s old guard of longtime aides are believed to be left out of the loop of discussions “about what’s next” — saying Bernal, who frequently vacations with the first family, “seriously” has a Rasputin-like pull over the first family.
Another source said they agreed with the Rasputin analogy — describing Bernal’s influence and immunity from consequences for alleged personal misconduct as perplexing to fellow aides.
“He’s like a tick who has just latched himself on for the last 15 years,” this source said.
“Accurate and on point,” said a third source of the comparison to Rasputin, who was murdered in December 1916 by rivals who believed he was contributing to poor decision-making in the months before the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, in which the royal family was ultimately toppled and killed.
“Everyone has kept their heads down about Bernal and just tries to avoid him at all costs,” the third source said. “But everyone always predicted that this movie would end badly because of how he treats colleagues and always poisons the well for anyone else with the Bidens.
“He will go down with the ship but he’s also the one behind the wheel.”
One veteran Democratic aide went so far as to say “the country would be better off with Trump” than Biden if Bernal was helping run the government.
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ldysmfrst · 3 months
Breaking and Entering (8) - Stanislav
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Status: Ongoing Series
Word count for Chapter: 2,551
Word count for Story: 18,497
Genre: Werewolf
There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. Mindlinks are in italics. Conversations with their inner wolf are in bold italics.
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs. I started a Patreon for many reasons. Most recently, I broke my foot and have been out of work for over a month. According to my recent appointment with my orthopedic surgeon, I am going to be out for a minimum of 3 more months but up to 8 more months.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, and m/m. This chapter doesn't really have a warning, but there are pack dynamics and discussions of bullying.
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Observing Lovren, Erik, and Mikhail's swift exit, I find their departure more amusing than irritating. My fellow council members can't help but chuckle at the spectacle. 
On the other hand, Mikhail’s counsel, a picture of anticipation, waits for one of us to lose our temper. 
“Aliaksandr and Mitchell, I want you to escort Mikhail back to the pack house, I still expect stellar grades from the three of you,” I command. 
My gaze shifted to the remaining females at the table, “The two of you are free to leave, but remember, Lovren is off-limits. If I catch wind of any more disturbances on pack grounds…”
Sensing the gravity of the situation, Rachel and Selena rise from their seats and bow their heads, baring their necks in a show of submission.
“Yes, Alpha Stanislav. We understand. There will be no more incidents. Right, Selena?” Rachel prompts, her voice filled with a mix of fear and respect.
“Of course, Alpha. You won’t hear a thing,” states Selena as she backs away timidly and leaves with her mother. Following the females, Mikhail’s counsel bows respectfully and leaves as well. 
“I haven’t seen someone gain a reaction like that from your son… ever,” comments my beta Christopher, which has my gamma Jonathan nodding in agreement. 
“Keep an eye on her, but don’t scare her, Andrei. Selena is your daughter, Jonathan, but I don’t trust her nor Lovren not to cause trouble,” I instruct, dismissing Andrei to chase after the girl. 
“You are dismissed. I have a few things to do before I return to the pack house.” With that, the rest of the gathered pack left the conference room. 
Returning to my office, I can see Jonathan reaching for his truck with a few others of the guard. 
Jonathan has been a wonderful Gamma, never letting his title go to his head. I was concerned when he moonmated with Rachel. Rachel was the most popular girl in school; she knew it like Selena does now.
I remember Jon coming to me one night wanting to go for a run. He was pissed off at his mate for trying to get out of something by using the Gamma title they held. 
He went home that night with a cool head and a determination like I had never seen. The next day, Rachel was a new woman. She went around to the pack members she had “snuffed,” as she put it, and apologized. 
My Luna and I were pleased that neither of us had to step in and correct the situation. 
Jonathan and Rachel lost their first litter at almost full term, and it broke them both. Two years later, without even trying, Rachel became pregnant with a beautiful baby girl born under the full moon. 
That is how she got her name; Selena means bright moon. After that, Rachel became overly doting on Selena and Jonathan, focused on ensuring she could want for nothing. 
When Stefen was murdered, Jonathan took it personally like he had lost another child. Since then, the pack guard has become the best in the area, if not the nation. To the point that our allied packs have sent their elite here to be trained.
Now, Mitchell has to find a way to step in and help Selena understand just what it means to be the mate of a Gamma. Hopefully, Jonathan will help Mitchell in this endeavor. 
After watching Jonathan leave, my gaze moves to the town below, and my mind returns to the day's events.
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“Pa! Guess what,” my son, Mikhail, comes busting through my office door, tailed by his beta and gamma. 
“Whoa, Mikhail. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in class?”
“Alpha, we have about a few minutes left before the next class starts,” Mikhail’s beta says. “Don’t worry, I will keep Miky on track.”
“Papa, no serious! I can feel her!” he says excitedly.
“You can feel who, exactly?” I question, looking between the boys, all beaming with smiles. 
“My mate! Borya says she is finally here, but she isn’t 18 yet. Isn’t this great news? It means I won’t have to travel to find her.”
Rising from my seat with a smile, I congratulate my son, “That is wonderful news, son. Borya has always had a good sense for finding his counsel. I am not surprised he can feel her so soon.”
Coming around my desk, I place my hands on his shoulders, “Finding your mate is a wonderful thing. It is a rite of passage for an Alpha. You must remain strong. A Luna is a gift from the Moon Goddess, and you must be worthy of such a gift.”
Nodding, Mikhail looks on top of the world, “I will always remain loyal to my Luna and this pack, Father. I will make you and my brother proud.”
“Hey, we should get going. The bell is going to ring soon,” interrupts his beta. With that, the three of them leave my office, and I return to the endless stacks of paperwork.
~Ring Ring~
“Alpha Stanislav, this is a conference call with the school healer. I thought you might want to know what has happened today,” says Christopher, my Beta and High School's Principal.
“What has happened?”I question, as Christopher does well with handling issues on his own. So, it’s odd that they contacted me since I have never been involved in such matters with the school. 
“Alpha, I had an act of dominance injury in my office. Gamma Jonathan’s foster child was struck with extended claws by his daughter Selena. Blood was drawn,” informs the school nurse. 
“Why would Selena strike out?” I inquire.
“Well, Lovren, the foster child, wouldn’t say anything about who did it or the events leading up to it, but I could link with the student who brought her in,” the nurse explains.
“Hold on, I am going to bring Jon into this since it has to deal with his den.” Putting the phone in speaker mode, I walk over to the wall that separates my office from my Gammas and knocks.
Jonathan looks up at my knock with a quizzical look. 
Motioning him to come over, he quickly joins me in my office. “Jonathan, I have Chris and Healer Bet on a conference call. It seems Selena claimed dominance on school grounds over your new foster child.”
Jonathan sighs heavily.
“You are not surprised,” I state after taking in my gamma’s reaction.
“No, not really,” he says as he sits. “Selena has always been much like Rachel was in high school. There was tension when we brought Lovren into the house, but I thought it would go away once they got used to each other.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that happens if she is trying to dominate her, " Christopher comments. 
“Healer Bet, who was the student that brought her in, and what did they say?” I push forward.
“The student who brought her in was Erik Ivanov, such a lovely boy. He said that he heard Selena tell Lovren that she is broken and unfixable and that she should know because no family wants to keep her. This was after she struck out.”
The information shocks everyone. Jonathan even looks like he is about to storm out of here and find his daughter.
Healer Bet continues, “Erik did say that Lovren looked as if she was ready to snap back, but he took her away because Selena is mated to Young Gamma Mitchell, and he didn’t want her to have repercussions.”
“Do the boys already have a bad reputation at the school, Chris?” I ask.
“Last year, when Mitch and Alex became official, nothing seemed to change, but over the summer, when Mitch and Selena mated, things seemed to take a turn,” answered my beta.
“I would have to agree with that. It’s like Selena runs the show between the two of them. You remember how it was when you first met your mate? Your whole world becomes her,” comments Jonathan.
“Alpha, Beta, Gamma, as the school healer may I offer some sage advice?” tentatively asks Nurse Bet.
“Of course, Healer Bet. Your insight has always been welcome,” I say.
“Selena has always been feisty because she uses Jonathan’s position to boost her own. Now that she is mated to the next Gamma, it will multiply for her.”
“Jon, that will be problematic for the young counsel,” Chris comments. “If the pack senses that the new counsel sways to the whims of the gamma mated female, that could break the pack.”
 “I know, I will talk to Selena,” Jonathan wipes a hand down his face.
“No,” I declare. “Mikhail will handle this. As the Alpha Heir, he must ensure that his Gamma pair respects their title, the pack, and its grounds.”
“Understood, Alpha. I will support you in any way I can,” agrees Jonathan; meanwhile, agreements also spill from the phone. 
“Where is everyone now, Chris?” I ask.
“Well, school classes will be done shortly. You should be able to mindlink with Mikhail in about five minutes and not interrupt anything,” informs Chris. “The boys are all in the same class, while Erik and Lovren are together in another.”
“Good. I will inform my son of what happened. I want to meet with all of them in the conference room as soon as possible. Jonathan, see if you can have Andrei bring his brother and Lovren.”
“Understood,” my gamma says as he bows and leaves the office, searching for his task.
“Healer Bet, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We cannot have this year be rougher than it needs to be.”
“Oh, Alpha Stanislav, this year will be filled with tons of surprises. I can feel it. That Lovren is something else. She was already healing before she reached me. Have a nice day,” she says, and a click is heard.
Pulling a file out of my cabinet, I sit at my desk. The file is labeled ‘Romanov, Lovren,’ and within is the life of the foster child brought into the pack. 
The file is thicker than it should be for someone only 17. The pain, the instability, and the abuse that is within this folder are precisely why she should not have been brought here.  
However, after seeing her at the correctional facility in a pack in another country, my wolf Ivan wouldn’t let me walk away. He kept telling me she was more than what meets the eye and would be imperative to the pack. 
Jonathan’s wolf, Asher, was pushing him in the same way. Mentioning that it’s not every day you meet someone who survives a car accident covered in blood but hardly any scratches. 
Her tenacity to survive despite her conditions is intriguing, not to mention dealing with what she has and being on track to graduate high school with a perfect GPA. 
Healer Bet is right; Lovren is something else… but what??
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The night has fallen as I make it home to the packhouse.
Immediately, I find my mate, Ekaterina, in the kitchen cooking with some of the pack’s omegas, who bow at my entry. 
“Hello, my lovely mate. How was your day?” I ask, pulling her into a hug and kissing my mate mark on her neck. 
“Not nearly as exciting as yours from what our son says,” she says, melting into my hold. “Mikhail learns his Luna is near and a display of dominance in the school.”
I hum in agreement, “It's an exciting first day of school for Mikhail, that is for sure. He handled it well. I think he is going to work with Jon to get Mitch to understand the title of Gamma better.”
“Tomorrow, I will see Rachel at the meeting. Do you want me to have her speak with Selena?”
“No, I am sure that she will talk with her tonight. If anything else happens, we must step up the consequence,” sighing. “I hope Mikhail picked the right counsel, one that is worthy.”
“The worst-case scenario would be Selena losing her title as a Gamma Female and member of the soon-to-be Luna’s counsel, right?” my mate inquires.
“True, that would be the last step we would take without putting Mitchell in an unfavorable position.”
“Well, I personally cannot wait to meet the Luna Heir. If Selena is not behaving by the time she is found and mated to Mikhail, then I will have to show her how to pick her council.”
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Mikhail, come to my study, please. I mindlink my son.
Yes, Pa. I will be right there. Let me put away my books. Mitch and Alek are leaving in a few.
It isn’t long before my son joins me. He seems in good spirits, dressed in training gear, and most likely ready to go with the guard on patrol before tuning in for the night.
“You wanted to see me?” he asks, standing beside me near the fireplace. 
“I want your thoughts, as an Alpha, on the situation with Selena and Lovren.”
“I spoke briefly with the school healer before we came up for the meeting. She didn’t have much information but what she got from Erik was they don’t have a good relationship at home, which has transferred to school.”
I hum in acknowledgment but look at him to continue.
“We saw Lovren come into city hall shortly after the incident. I could smell the fresh blood and healing balm before I saw her bandaged face. She dismissed us, saying something about it not being our business,” he says with a scrunched brow.
“She has had a hard life, son. Maybe she doesn’t like sharing her pain.”
“That isn’t it. It was like she was afraid to tell us.”
“Well, she did get approached by the Young Alpha counsel after getting injured by one of their mates. She may not know what we are but even humans can feel the power the three of you hold.”
“That is the thing, Pa,” he turns to me with seriousness in his eyes. “My Alpha aura had no effect on her. She… She locked eyes with me. Then, later in the day, I watched her walk through the quad, and it was like no one saw her but me.”
“No one saw her?”
“No! Then! Then it seemed as if she knew I was watching her because she locked eyes with me but was mad about it,” Mikhail says with frustration.
I watch as he starts to pace, running his fingers through his hair, his eyes searching through the day's memories. Finally, he stops and looks at me, “Boyra is going nuts in my head. He has wanted me to find her since we first saw her.”
“Has he said why?”
“Again, the answer is no. I have never not had so many answers to your questions since I was a pup! He wants me to discover who she is and why she can ignore me.”
“Do that then. Tonight, let it rest. Go and ensure the pack's safety tonight. Tomorrow, you will have your chance to search for answers. Just don’t scare her,” I advise my son. He nods and leaves the study.
Christopher, I need you to change class schedules for a few of our students starting tomorrow. I mindlink my beta.
((edited on 9/14/24))
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crossdresserica · 10 months
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rennarita · 11 months
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sodamnbored · 2 years
Octavian: Great idea making Percy Praetor. He already thinks he’s better than everyone just cause his father is Poseidon.
Reyna: He thinks he’s better than everyone? That’s rich, coming from the guy that walks into Senate every morning saying “Hello turd people”.
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naksushadows · 7 months
“If we are not from the same world, I will find you.” – Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (2016)
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grayghostofthenorth · 6 months
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Update Madara Golden Age (fic)
18th September 2023
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After 11 months of break from my story... I'm back😅! In reality, I never went anywhere. It wasn't intentionally a break I was just involved in other stuff in the fandom. Notably, running the Madara Squad discord with my partner in crime @margretescrimsonatelier, organising plenty of events, movie sessions, games, live reviews, creative club. Hey! I've learned a lot of new skills!
Summertime came and after the busy Uchiha event, it was the perfect timing for me to relax and go back to my own secret garden. Just for fun I wrote a little one shot between Madara and Toji Fushiguro (from the manga Jujustu Kaisen) I invite you to read it if you like the Father& Son trope! The Fantastic Tale of Ibex and Goat
And of course I come back with two more chapters of Madara Golden Age respectively called:
Chapter 7 : Coming of Age (Izuna POV)
Chapter 8 : The core of Ninjutsu (Izuna POV)
I hope my Izuna stans are ready because even chapter 9 (already work in progress) might be about our little demon and his shenanigans.
See you next saturday to read the chapter 7! And if you need to remember the story from the beginning it's available on AO3 here or you can also follow the tumblr hashtag #madara golden age with all my previous posts.
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lily-bluey · 1 year
Oasis ‘reunion’ dates revealed as Noel and Liam Gallagher consider Knebworth gigs
Hannah Hope
AFTER I revealed last week that Liam Gallagher’s agents had put forward plans for Oasis to perform four nights at Knebworth in 2025, I can reveal they are considering doing the gigs in June of that year.
The summer comeback concerts would mark the 30th anniversary of (What’s The Story) Morning Glory?, Oasis’s 22million-selling 1995 album and see them perform to up to 125,000 fans a night.
A source said: “Agents are provisionally looking at dates in June, which would see fans enjoying Oasis again with the chance of the sun shining.
“Of course, even if it did pour down with rain, fans would still show up for the historic reunion.”
The news sparked some lively name-calling between brothers Liam and Noel this week, but I’m told the siblings are just enjoying upping the ante publicly.
Noel labelled his brother Liam a “coward”, while Liam blasted his big bro on Twitter.
My mole adds: “For Liam and Noel, this public slanging match is all part of the show – they know it gets everyone’s attention and keeps people guessing.
“Both are set to release solo albums soon and are each due to tour next year, so it helps to keep people riveted.”
I don't want to believe this is a show they have consciously put on and enjoying particularly. But, they like the attention they get anyway.
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