#Team Biden
techtalkbyjames · 2 months
RS News: Trump Allies Try to Bully Dems, Media to Shut Up About His Fascist Plans...
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Leaks about Team Biden
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Operation Let's Get Biden To Quit is up & running. This "leak" might also explain Jill's wardrobe 😬😳
"I, for one, didn’t have my money on Biden being controlled by a Gay Mexican Cabal."
Deep State cabal revealed! The Gay Caballero who is pulling Biden's strings by STEVE SAILER
JUL 04, 2024
Deep State theory surmises that our nominal leaders, with all their obvious flaws (such as senility), are actually puppets having their strings pulled by shadowy but nearly omni-competent massively funded institutions, such as the Intelligence Community, that routinely mount brilliant triple bankshot psy-ops to manipulate the public. Similar theories point instead to the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, the Jews, and the lizard people.
As far as I can recall, however, few, whether conspiracists or realists, had theorized until now that the “Rasputin” of the Biden Administration is a … gay Mexican.
The head Gay Caballero turns out to be Anthony Bernal, the First Lady’s top aide."
From the New York Post by Steven Nelson Published July 4, 2024
President Biden’s inner circle has gotten smaller following his disastrous debate last week — with his wife’s top aide Anthony Bernal emerging as one of the 81-year-old’s key advisers alongside longtime confidante Mike Donilon, four sources close to or inside the White House tell The Post.
Bernal, 51, is a divisive figure for allegedly bullying and sexually harassing [male] colleagues — and his influence was likened by three sources to that held by the mystic Grigori Rasputin over the family and court of Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia.
First lady Jill Biden considers Bernal her “work husband” and he’s also close to scandal-plagued first son Hunter, whom Bernal greeted with a hug June 11 after his felony gun conviction.
The “openly gay” Bernal is an alumnus of that finishing school for Inner Party Elites, the University of Texas at El Paso.
“Donilon and Bernal are 100% the most important advisers post-debate,” said one Democratic source close to the administration.
… A White House source told The Post that many of the president’s old guard of longtime aides are believed to be left out of the loop of discussions “about what’s next” — saying Bernal, who frequently vacations with the first family, “seriously” has a Rasputin-like pull over the first family.
Another source said they agreed with the Rasputin analogy — describing Bernal’s influence and immunity from consequences for alleged personal misconduct as perplexing to fellow aides.
“He’s like a tick who has just latched himself on for the last 15 years,” this source said.
“Accurate and on point,” said a third source of the comparison to Rasputin, who was murdered in December 1916 by rivals who believed he was contributing to poor decision-making in the months before the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, in which the royal family was ultimately toppled and killed.
“Everyone has kept their heads down about Bernal and just tries to avoid him at all costs,” the third source said. “But everyone always predicted that this movie would end badly because of how he treats colleagues and always poisons the well for anyone else with the Bidens.
“He will go down with the ship but he’s also the one behind the wheel.”
One veteran Democratic aide went so far as to say “the country would be better off with Trump” than Biden if Bernal was helping run the government.
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Hitler's normal speaking voice is foul to behold.
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gaysie · 2 months
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this is killinggg me the way they are born to be engaging in tumblr hannibal fandom drama forced to be terrible presidents
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jeremyguytf2 · 2 months
holy fuck
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ngdrb · 1 month
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2oul2ilver · 10 months
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Why don't I see more people talking about President Biden's shady past as an animal smuggler smfh
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uncrownedjules · 2 months
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techtalkbyjames · 6 months
Mark Cuban tells Axios: "I don't want a snake oil salesperson as President. I'm voting for Biden - Harris over Trump all day every day." We need more businessman and millionaires like Mark Cuban saying this - it's a huge endorsement.Thank you, Mark Cuban.
Read more here: bit.ly/3P9I5…VoteBiden2024
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Democracy Matters !
Vote Biden. it is Better with Biden !
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Propaganda's bunglers
By contrast, Donald Trump walked out there, called Biden the worst president in history, brought almost everything back to his depiction of a lawless border, said it over and over again with conviction, refused to answer any question and returned to his two points, and lied his ass off. It was terrible. But if “politics is television with the sound off,” as Karl Rove once said, it was no contest.
This was over in the first ten minutes. Biden actually improved a bit after that, but the narrative was set. He improved by throwing away the script and showing a little emotion. But who put that script into Biden’s head in the first place? His debate preppers. And let’s name names here: Ron Klain, Anita Dunn, Ben LaBolt, Jen O’Malley Dillon, Cedric Richmond, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Quentin Fulks, Michael Tyler, and Rob Flaherty.
They were the ones who thought you could bring a white paper to a knife fight, to fight a con man with Tracy Flick. https://prospect.org/politics/2024-06-28-bidens-inner-circle-deserves-blame-debate/
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ngdrb · 1 month
What has happened to the Republican Party? Why have they abandoned all their principles and beliefs and become so extreme? 
In recent years, the Republican Party has undergone a significant transformation, veering away from its traditional principles and embracing a more extreme ideology. This shift has left many questioning the party's direction and has drawn criticism from both sides of the political aisle.
The Abandonment of Traditional Republican Values
Historically, the Republican Party has been known for its commitment to fiscal responsibility, limited government, and a strong emphasis on individual liberties. However, in recent times, the party has seemingly abandoned these core tenets in favor of a more divisive and polarizing agenda.
Fiscal Responsibility
Once a hallmark of the Republican Party, fiscal responsibility has taken a backseat to other priorities. The party's stance on deficit reduction and responsible spending has become increasingly inconsistent, with many Republicans supporting policies that contribute to growing national debt.
Limited Government
The principle of limited government, which advocates for restraining the size and scope of the federal government, has been overshadowed by an expansionist approach to executive power and centralized authority.
Individual Liberties
The party's traditional commitment to individual liberties, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to privacy, has been called into question by some of the party's more extreme positions on issues like immigration and civil liberties.
The Rise of Extremism
The Republican Party's shift towards extremism can be attributed to several factors, including the growing influence of fringe groups, the polarization of political discourse, and the party's embrace of populist rhetoric.
Influence of Fringe Groups
Fringe groups with extreme ideologies have gained a stronger foothold within the Republican Party, shaping its policies and rhetoric. This influence has contributed to the party's move away from its traditional values and towards more extreme positions.
Polarization of Political Discourse
The increasingly polarized nature of political discourse in the United States has played a role in the Republican Party's shift toward extremism. As the divide between the two major parties has widened, the Republican Party has become more ideologically entrenched and less willing to compromise.
Embrace of Populist Rhetoric
The party's adoption of populist rhetoric, which often focuses on creating divisions and appealing to emotions rather than facts, has further fueled the trend toward extremism.
The Republican Party's transformation has left many questioning its future direction and its ability to appeal to a broad range of voters. As the party continues to grapple with internal divisions and external pressures, it remains to be seen whether it will return to its traditional values or continue down the path of extremism.
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darlingillustrations · 2 months
i am genuinely so excited to vote for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election
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Steve Brodner
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July 24, 2024
JUL 25, 2024
Tonight, President Joe Biden explained to the American people why he decided to refuse the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination and hand the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris. 
Speaking from the Oval Office from his seat behind the Resolute Desk, a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880, Biden recalled the nation’s history. He invoked Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence; George Washington, who “showed us presidents are not kings”; Abraham Lincoln, who “implored us to reject malice”; and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who “inspired us to reject fear.”
And then he turned to himself. “I revere this office, but I love my country more,” he said. “It’s been the honor of my life to serve as your president.” But, he said, the defense of democracy is more important than any title, and democracy is “larger than any one of us.” We must unite to protect it. 
“In recent weeks, it has become clear to me that I need to unite my party in this critical endeavor,” he said. “I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America’s future, all merited a second term. But nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition. So I’ve decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. It’s the best way to unite our nation.”
There is “a time and a place for long years of experience in public life,” Biden said. “There’s also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices, yes, younger voices. And that time and place is now.”
Biden reminded listeners that he is not leaving the presidency and will be continuing to use its power for the American people. In outlining what that means, he summed up his presidency. 
For the next six months, he said, he will “continue to lower costs for hard-working families [and] grow our economy. I will keep defending our personal freedoms and civil rights, from the right to vote to the right to choose. I will keep calling out hate and extremism, making it clear there is…no place in America for political violence or any violence ever, period. I’m going to keep speaking out to protect our kids from gun violence [and] our planet from [the] climate crisis.”
Biden reiterated his support for his Cancer Moonshot to end cancer—a personal cause for him since the 2015 death of his son Beau from brain cancer—and says he will fight for it, (although House Republicans have recently slashed funding for the program). He said he will call for reforming the Supreme Court “because this is critical to our democracy.”
He promised to continue “working to ensure America remains strong, secure and the leader of the free world,” and pointed out that he is “the first president of this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.” He promised to continue rallying a coalition of nations to stop Putin’s attempt to take over Ukraine, and vowed to continue to build the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He reminded listeners that when he took office, the conventional wisdom was that China would inevitably surpass the United States, but that is no longer the case, and he said he would continue to strengthen allies and partners in the Pacific. 
Biden promised to continue to work to “end the war in Gaza, bring home all the hostages and bring peace and security to the Middle East and end this war,” as well as “to bring home Americans being unjustly detained all around the world.”
The president reminded people how far the nation has come since he took office on January 20, 2021, a day when, although he didn’t mention it tonight, he went directly to work after taking the oath of office. “On that day,” he recalled, “we…stood in a winter of peril and winter of possibilities.” The United States was “in the grip of the worst pandemic in the century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” But, Biden said, “We came together as Americans. We got through it. We emerged stronger, more prosperous and more secure.”
“Today we have the strongest economy in the world, creating nearly 16 million new jobs—a record. Wages are up, inflation continues to come down, the racial wealth gap is the lowest it’s been in 20 years. We are literally rebuilding our entire nation—urban, suburban and rural and tribal communities. Manufacturing has come back to America. We are leading the world again in chips and science and innovation. We finally beat Big Pharma after all these years to lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors…. More people have health care today in America than ever before.” Biden noted that he signed the PACT Act to help millions of veterans and their families who were exposed to toxic materials, as well as the “most significant climate law…in the history of the world” and “the first major gun safety law in 30 years.”
The “violent crime rate is at a 50-year low,” he said, and “[b]order crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office. I’ve kept my commitment to appoint the first Black woman to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. I also kept my commitment to have an administration that looks like America and [to] be a president for all Americans.”
Then Biden turned from his own record to the larger meaning of America.
“I ran for president four years ago because I believed…that the soul of America was at stake,” he said. “America is an idea. An idea stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It’s the most powerful idea in the history of the world.” 
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” he said. “We are all created equal, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. We’ve never fully lived up to…this sacred idea—but we’ve never walked away from it either. And I do not believe the American people will walk away from it now.
“In just a few months, the American people will choose the course of America’s future. I made my choice…. “[O]ur great vice president, Kamala Harris… is experienced, she is tough, she is capable. She’s been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country.
“Now the choice is up to you, the American people. When you make that choice, remember the words of Benjamin Franklin hanging on my wall here in the Oval Office, alongside the busts of Dr. [Martin Luther] King and Rosa Parks and Cesar Chavez. When Ben Franklin was asked, as he emerged from the [constitutional] convention…, whether the founders [had] given America a monarchy or a republic, Franklin’s response was: ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’... Whether we keep our republic is now in your hands.” 
“My fellow Americans, it’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years,” President Biden told the American people. “Nowhere else on Earth could a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and in Claymont, Delaware, one day sit behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office as the president of the United States, but here I am.
“That’s what’s so special about America. We are a nation of promise and possibilities. Of dreamers and doers. Of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. I’ve given my heart and my soul to our nation, like so many others. And I’ve been blessed a million times in return with the love and support of the American people. I hope you have some idea how grateful I am to all of you.
The great thing about America is, here kings and dictators do not rule—the people do. History is in your hands. The power’s in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands. You just have to keep faith—keep the faith—and remember who we are. We are the United States of America, and there is simply nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. So let’s act together, [and] preserve our democracy. God bless you all and may God protect our troops. 
“Thank you.”
And with that, President Joe Biden followed the example of the nation’s first president, George Washington, who declined to run for a third term to demonstrate that the United States of America would not have a king, and of its second president, John Adams, who handed the power of the presidency over to his rival Thomas Jefferson and thus established the nation’s tradition of the peaceful transition of power. Like them, Biden gave up the pursuit of power for himself in order to demonstrate the importance of democracy. 
After the speech, the White House served ice cream to the Bidens and hundreds of White House staffers in the Rose Garden.
And when the evening was over, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden posted an image of a handwritten note on social media. It read: “To those who never wavered, to those who refused to doubt, to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude. Thank you for the trust you put in Joe—now it’s time to put that trust in Kamala.” 
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andrewckeeper · 9 days
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LIDMF AI "Trump Hunt"
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techtalkbyjames · 7 months
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Nope, never again... No trump from the rump here... Keep scammers out of the Oval Office...... Not again...no baby boy Hitlers either! Protect Democracy ! Protect the US Constitution..... Vote Biden !
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smbilodeau · 3 months
Biden and His Team
If you listen to the pundits, the 2024 US Presidential race is a mano-a-mano slugfest between two angry old men: Joe Biden and That Fucking Guy. Something that doesn't get pointed out nearly enough is that it's not true. (Honestly, don't ever believe pundits. They're high on their own supply, all the time, and they're wrong orders of magnitude more often than they're right. That's why they never point out their past successful analyses to underscore the current analysis. They don't have any.)
You're not voting for Biden vs Trump. You're simply not. You're voting for Biden and his entire team of talented, caring, experienced people vs Trump and his lick-spittle lackeys. Biden has a team of trusted individuals who he can point in a direction, and then trust them to get the job done. Kamala Harris, Deb Haaland, Pete Buttigieg, and on and on and on. They stuff they've been able to accomplish despite the handicaps of a republican House and a split Senate is simply amazing.
The Orange Shitstain, on the other hand, can't do the job himself, and doesn't trust anyone else to do it. We KNOW this. We saw FOUR YEARS of this. So much so that there's a simple phrase that describes Trump's administration: Everything Trump Touches Dies. So, you're not voting for either Biden, or Trump. You've voting for Biden, and a team of hard-working, caring, successful, EXPERIENCED people, or that lying sack of narcissism, Trump, who makes everything he runs worse, and will populate the government with host-killing parasites. Biden and his team, or Trump. They're not the same, and they never have been.
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