craft2eu · 3 months
ORNAMENTA 2024: Entdecke zeitgenössische Kunst und Design im Nordschwarzwald vom 05.07. bis 29.09.2024
Ornamenta ist eine alle fünf Jahre wiederkehrende Ausstellung für Kunst und Design in Pforzheim, in den angrenzenden Landkreisen Calw und Enzkreis sowie in diversen Ortschaften im Nordschwarzwald. Durch verschiedene Routen können Besucher*innen die Region anhand von Ausstellungen, Installationen im öffentlichen Raum und Events neu entdecken. Erstmals durchgeführt im Jahr 1989, kehrt die Ornamenta…
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bunnyb34r · 11 months
Okay finally rested enough to talk ab the craft show!
So for YEARS this one has been heaaavily coveted by many crafters and has been hard to get in, but always told that it's worth it. That you'll make your table cost back in like two hours!
Yeah no... had mom not made wreaths, we would have lost money... Anyway super super dead at times like absolutely no one walking around, just the vendors getting up and shopping bc they could. Then it would pick up but you would get maybe 2 interested shoppers out of every 10. 4 if you were lucky.
People adored the boo boo bunnies and cat toys and I sold the most of them. So now I have to make more cat toys 😭. It's not the amount of effort it takes to make them, I love making them. I hate stuffing them with catnip 😭😭😭 but that's why people (and cats) love them. Also need to put bells on them bc people really like the ones with bells, which I stopped doing bc several people kept asking if I thought their cats would eat the bells... like you can cut it off man idc sgdggdgd once you buy it it's yours idc if YOU eat it if that's your thing just give me my dollar
Have to make a card for the bunnies bc it's hit or miss on if people know what they're for (you pop em in the freezer and hold them to a small "boo boo" and use it like a little ice pack, or you can pop out the reusable cube and use ice. Either way it's a cute little ice pack.
Only my one cousin bought any handwarmers 😭 and her wife had to pay me in $4 worth of quarters sgsgdggddg I was like take your time you could pay me in pennies and that'd be fine too (had a little kid pay me 25 cents for a slap bracelet in various coins and it was so sweet 🥺)
My mom posts our shows on her fb so that family and friends can show up to support us, and the first time since we've been doing these, we had 3 groups of family come in!
But that wasn't always a good thing...
[Put under read more for length]
My mom's cousin brought her daughter and granddaughter, and they talked for awhile and eventually mom's cousin bought a wreath (thank god). And she was like "oh my god this is so beautiful!! 😍" and complimented my stuff as well (but my stuff is more geared towards kids/parents like the boo boo bunnies, so she didnt buy anything from me agdgdgdg)
Then my cousin (not the handwarmers one) came and I used to really love her/she was my favorite cousin... until she moved back to the state and I realized goddamn you're super annoying and have 0 social awareness (in a THE ATTENTION SHOULD BE ON ME! and a never really thinking ab the situations she puts people in when she does shit, way. Not a "I am incapable of grasping social norms/social rituals"/"I cannot control how loud I'm being/why what I say might be considered rude" way.
Anyway she fosters dogs and has 4? Of her own, anyway she always has at least one dog with her at any time. Doesn't matter if you were attacked by one when you were a small child, or that you only have cats, it's a small dog! You're gonna like this one!!
She takes them into the grocery store too 😑. Anyway she brought her foster dog to it and ofc everyone kept coming over to see it and every fucking time she would canvas this dog like "his name is Bob. He goes up for adoption in two weeks at [shelter she volunteers at]" to every goddamn person who walked by.
"But Mar, doesn't that mean she brought customers to you?"
Nope! She and her dog blocked customers from my table bc they couldnt fucking get in with the people cooing at the dog and figured eh I'll skip this one, there's 100 vendors here.
Doesn't mean that every person who skipped would've bought from me, but none of the people who came up for the dog bought anything or so much as looked twice at my shit anyway. 😑
She did tell our cousin to meet her there though bc our cousin's wife is a photographer and she was gonna take pics of the dog at a nearby park. Didn't mention AT ALL that we had a booth, so they didnt really bring a lot of money, they thought they were just gonna say hi to us real quick then go.
My cousin's wife was like YOU DIDNT TELL US THEY HAD A BOOTH HERE?!?! OMG LOOK HOW CUTE!!!!! and they bought 2 handwarmers from us 🥰. And we gave their son some stuff for free as a gift (plus bc they ended up staying for like 2 hours and that shit is only so fun for a 7 year old for so long. But it was more so just Handwarmer Cousin staying to talk to my mom for most of it while her wife, son, and Dog Cousin went shopping/canvased Bob around. But I like HW cousin still so it wasnt bad sgdggdgd I just half listened to them talk while I took care of customers. Sold 1 ornament (the whole show), some cat toys, and I think another bunny, in that time lmao)
But the whole time Dog Cousin was there I was like 😐/🙁 instead of my fake customer service smile bc that smile only lasted until the second person she canvassed Bob to and that was approximately 30 seconds.
She didnt even consider buying anything, or say anything ab our table. Only when my mom asked her if our prices were reasonable. To which we got a "yeah." Then immediately back to Bob. 😐
After they left I went to walk around and goddamn there was nothing really good there except two crochet tables which had little plushies but nothing that jumped out at me.
Did trade a tooth pillow for a small tombstone shaped bar of soap of about the same price with another vendor sggdgdgdgd which was odd but nice
Anyway here's hoping my cousin wont come to the next/last show and that we find fun stuff at that one to buy sgdgdgdg
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manuelamordhorst · 3 months
Tipp: Ornamenta 2024 - Entdecke Kunst und Design im Nordschwarzwald
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goodlookinginside · 2 years
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From my ornaments collection
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tzompantli-ink · 1 year
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Camazotz el decapitador, llevando los pedernales de obsidiana en sus fauces para decapitar en la prueba al mictlan , Yacametztli o nariguera en relación al nectar de flor de maguey y polinizador nocturno, espejo de obsidiana en el pecho en referencia al señor oscuro Tezcatlipoca, Copilli adornado con pluma y ornamenta. 🔥💀🦇🐚
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Christmast themes asteroids 😏💅🎄🎅🎁✨
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wintery asteroids you probably didn't know about
MERRY CHRISTMAS, happy yuletide, happy holidays in general! i'll be honest it's not my thing to be like "here are these random asteroids with zero context or background." BUT TODAY THAT IS ME. and today i am also just name dropping some that i generally wouldn't promote because their origin does not match their name - eh lol - merry christmas ig.
what i classify as wintery in origin asteroids.
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blader (asteroid 4059)
bladur was killed by mistletoe; more to come on that myth january 13th, 2023 ;).
boreas (asteroid 1916)
greek god of north wind, storms, and winter.
chione (asteroid 6261)
daughter of boreas, her name means snow.
gawain (asteroid 2054)
the epic takes place during the winter feast - gawain then treks through the woods to find the green knight as the year’s challenge nears it’s end (aka more winter). more to come on this asteroid soon in part 3 of asteroids that aren't getting more attention than this (literature edition)!
grendel (asteroid 541982)
"for twelve snow-seasons, grendel reigned over evening" (headley l. 143). more to come on this asteroid soon in part 3 of asteroids that aren't getting more attention than this (literature edition)!
holiday (asteroid 365443)
yay billy holiday is an idol and her jazz christmas album is something we could probably identify by ear but not by title - it's like classic holiday elevator music lol.
otzi (asteroid 5803)
the iceman, who i perviously spoke about.
persephone (asteroid 399)
when she left for the underworld, the world above turned to fall and then winter.
santa (asteroid 1288)
this asteroid doesn't have a set origin story, so we can just say this is santa claus lol.
tchaikovsky (asteroid 2266)
my beloved tchaikovsky started writing the nutcracker while on tour in america. when he came home to russia nearly a year later, the suite was performed in march then later that year in december it was performed to ballet in st. petersburg for the first time. tchaikovsky wasn’t a fan of the nutcracker and thought it was terrible in comparison to sleeping beauty, yet it is a christmas/winter staple over one hundred years later.
asteroids i don't personally classify as christmas-y/wintery because of their origin but that superficially have wintry names that can be liberally defined by other astrologers (just not by me as a conservative astrologer).
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baker (asteroid 2549)
cookies :).
cslewis (asteroid 7644)
every santa should gift children weapons - the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe was a vibe.
feast (asteroid 10985)
whoville feast :0.
glo (asteroid 3267)
"trees and windows all aglow."
holly (asteroid 19955)
mistletoe is white - most people decorate with holly.
nestor (asteroid 659)
"the long-eared donkey :)."
noel (asteroid 1563)
noël comes from the latin word "nasci," in english "to be born" aka the birth of jesus.
ornamenta (asteroid 350)
close enough to ornament. you know like christmas tree ornament... you get lol.
post (asteroid 89903)
lots of christmas gifts and cards come by mail now a days.
rodulf (asteroid 44613)
"won't you guide my sled tonight?"
spirit (asteroid 37452)
“holiday spirit.”
stark (asteroid 31442)
house stark: “winter is coming.”
storm (asteroid 12182)
winter storms - blizzards and such.
sweet (asteroid 11727)
everything is sweet for the holidays - cookies, candy, etc.
tea (asteroid 453)
warm drinks only, of course.
valentine (asteroid 447)
i know i’m early af but it is technically a winter holiday.
wood (asteroid 1660)
fire places, trees, and more!
yeti (asteriod 2843)
ya'll ever see abominable? so adorable.
yule (asteroid 14960)
tis the yuletide!
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
click here for the masterlist
click here for more asteroids that aren't getting more attention than this
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© a-d-nox 2022 all rights reserved
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likeanangel-rpg · 3 months
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El camino hacia el estrellato en la industria de la música a menudo comienza en los escenarios más familiar que conocemos. ¿Quién no recuerda a la afamada girlband “Dolly Sky”? Nadie esperaba que fueran las ganadoras del Premio Brit en los años 90’ y nos dejaron entrañables sencillos como three wonders que se esperaba demasiado para el siguiente año del grupo hasta que Clark Bailey, ambicioso (y querido conocido) productor musical, se enamoró de Georgia Holliday, miembro de la famosa banda ya mencionada.
Nunca fue sorpresa, que un par de meses más tarde de la noticia publica sobre la relación oficial de estas reconocidas figuras públicas, la banda se desintegrara. Un alma, por otra alma. No tardó mucho en que nuestra miss americana presentara a nuestra adorable Maude Bailey. Desde muy temprano nos dejaron verla antes los reflectores, cámaras y acompañando a sus padres en los respectivos eventos a los que debían presentarse, que rápidamente, Maude se ganó nuestro genuino carisma ¿Y cómo no hacerlo? ¡La princesa lo tenía en los genes! También tenía dos padres que no repararon en gastos para verla triunfar “por sus propios medios” dentro del mundo del entretenimiento: Una cantante más en la familia.
Contaba con catorce años cuando su padre le consiguió el papel protagonista en “Ivy in Wonderland” serie destinada al público infantil y juvenil que terminaría por cancelarse después de 12 episodios y de fue vital importancia para que la carrera de la pequeña se despegara ¡Y hasta donde llegó! Actualmente, Maude no es ninguna pequeña y su ingreso a Like an Angel a cuestionado mucho haber iniciado como una estrella infantil que todos conocimos por su imagen inocente e infntil, a su cambio por una figura polarizante en el mundo del espectáculo, protagonizando debates controversiales sobre críticas por su nepotismo bien maquillado y la hipersexualización del cambio en su imagen ¿Pero nadie está para leer de eso, no? Clark Bailey como buen coleccionador de gemas, a pulido la reciente adición a su corona y nos sigue sorprendiendo con la capacidad que tiene como representante con agendas llenas para su hija y la actividad 24/7 en sus redes sociales que nosotros como sus amados seguidores, solo estamos pendientes a la espera de sus nuevas entregas.
De “Ivy in Wonderland” a íconos del pop. La transición del entretenimiento infantil a íconos del pop es un viaje de talento y reinvención en la música internacional, que va de la mano con la clase de persona en la que nos convertimos durante nuestros años de continuo crecimiento, aun cuando influya un factor toxico sin ornamenta para su protección, a su constante exposición: los medios de comunicación.¿Qué otros misterios oculta esas rosadas mejillas con hermosa sonrisa?Nosotros lo averiguaremos.
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elly1233luv · 9 months
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Day 13,14 And 15: gingerbreadman,ornamenta And scarf.
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zazzander · 2 years
So we know that the Prophecy of Seven was originally in Latin, right? And Riordan gives us some of the "original" Latin.
With that in mind, I wanted to translate it into English. Because like, what does it actually say, you know?
"Ut cum spiritu postrema sacramentum dejuremus," he chanted. "Et hostes ornamenta addent ad ianuam necem." (The Lost Hero)
Here's my best reckoning:
So that we might swear an oath of allegiance with a final breath / The enemies of the state will bring the regalia to the death gate.
Interestingly, in terms of timing this works a bit better than the original since the Doors of Death thing happens before the Final Breath. However that's basically the only thing.
It begs the question, who is "we"? What oath of allegiance is being made? It could also be "with the next breath" though that doesn't really work either.
Translation notes:
Cum spiritu postrema
with the next breath, with the last breath
An oath of allegiance
Ut ... Dejuremus
So that we might swear
This is the subjunctive mood which is tricky. But I did my best to translate it.
Et hostes
This one has a few options: the Enemy, the strangers, the enemies of the state, the hostiles. I went with "Enemies of the State" / "the Enemy (of Rome)" since that's what the Seven are. It could also be (hostile) strangers though, referring to how a Giant and a Titan aren't usually friendly towards demigods.
That means that the mysterious "we" are the Romans. Thus it's the Romans swearing an oath. Potentially we could say this refers to how the Romans side with Reyna. Not that anyone makes an oath of allegiance in Blood of Olympus.
Regalia, jewels, decorations
In terms of the original translation, this would be the wrong word. However, if we say "regalia" that could refer to the Sceptre of Diocletian. In which case the word works. In this case, the hostes are Jason, Frank & Hazel. The Romans who broke the ancient laws.
They will add, they will place, they will add to, they will bring
This is honestly the wrong word. Yeah it can mean "bring" but it's like "bring to the pile", rather than "bear arms".
Ad ianuam necem
To / at the death gate
I didn't capitalise this because it's the wrong word for Death! Necem comes from Nex, not Mors or Letum which is the name for the Death god in Latin. Furthermore it's not in the genitive so it's not the "Doors of Death". Yeah. Nothing I can do about that.
But anyway, that's what I came up with! I hope you enjoyed my little thought project.
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pearcaico · 2 years
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Fotografia Tirada do Alto da Fachada do Palácio da Justiça, em Primeiro Plano as Estátuas que Ornamenta a Fachada do Palácio, mais a Frente o Teatro de Santa Isabel, ao Fundo a Assembleia legislativa do Estado e o Ginásio Pernambucano na Rua da Aurora - Centro do Recife Em 1940.
Photo Alexandre Berzin.
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itsawritblr · 1 year
Celebrating the anniversary of one of my favorite Ships.
The Protege opened in theaters 3 years ago today.
And mine is still the only fanfic of it:
The Return on AO3.
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craft2eu · 7 months
Gabi Dziuba & Friends: Pforzheim vom 25.02. bis 26.05.2o24
Gabi Dzubia & Friends in Kooperation mit dem Kunstverein Pforzheim: Streichhölzer oder Tablettenverpackungen, Münzen, Bohnen oder Buchstaben, in Gold und Silber gegossen und durch minimale Bearbeitungen modifiziert – bei Gabi Dziuba kann alles verarbeitet und zu Schmuck werden. Ihre Form- und Materialexperimente sind rigoros, locker, spröde-minimalistisch, glamourös, funkelnd und progressiv.…
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msamba · 1 month
A Hooded Bronze Figure Sends Rainbows Wafting Across the River Enz | Colossal
AUGUST 7, 2024 JACKIE ANDRES All images © Sander van Wettum A bronze, elf-like figure sits at the edge of the River Enz in Germany, waiting to greet passersby with delightful arcs of color. The mysterious form, installed as part of Ornamenta 2024, was conceived by Veronika Sedlmair and Brynjar Sigurðarson over three years. The Iceland and Germany-based creative duo, a.k.a. Studio Brynjar &…
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goodlookinginside · 2 years
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From my ornaments collection
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bajuf1 · 3 months
Inspired by F1
@okayjerrika Instagram captions 🩵 caption ideas Jibanyan Antique Ornamental Monogram LS SL Ornam Instagram captions 🩵 Instagram captions 🩵 caption ideas caption ideas Jibanyan Jibanyan Antique Ornamenta… Antique Ornamental Monogram LS SL Ornamental Monogram Dig… See more Was this email useful? Yes No Help Center · Privacy Policy · Terms & Conditions · Unsubscribe Pinterest. Inc · 651…
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stellar-dolly · 7 months
Mudas de Buxinho
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Muito usado na ornamentação de jardins o Buxinho ornamenta bem com diversos tipos de jardins e seu uso tem presença confirmado nos mais belos projetos, podendo ter formato arredondado ou cônico dependendo da poda.
Preço: Faça seu orçamento via WhatsApp
Tamanho: Consulte opções disponíveis.
Disponibilidade: Em estoque
Compre pelo Whatsapp: (62) 99317-4734
Todas nossas mudas de Buxinho são produzidas com as melhores tecnologias de produção de mudas, que vão desde a escolha do melhor substrato e adubo disponível no mercado. Isso reflete a qualidade e a beleza de todas nossas mudas, veja uma foto real de nossas mudas de Buxinho:
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Confira todo nosso estoque acessando nosso Catálogo de Mudas.
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