#One can only hope
brettanomycroft · 4 months
on a scale of "threw myself off a cliff for money 🤑" to "was thrown down the stairs of my murder dungeon by my interdimensional doppelganger 💀" how Darrien are you?
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
Why do Gwen and Miles mirror Peter B and MJ so much and does that mean that they will get a happy ending too
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the-elusive-soleil · 10 months
our tracks untraceable
For @tolkienfamilyweek Day 6: Ancestors and their legacy
All quoted lyrics from "Sons and Daughters" by The Decemberists
"When we arrive, sons and daughters," Elros sings under his breath, "we'll make our homes on the water…"
He nearly bumps into Maedhros, who has halted in front of him as they and Elrond and Maglor make their way through the woods. It takes a moment for Maedhros to speak. "Where did you learn that song?" he asks, a little hoarsely.
Elros, confused, says, "Nana sang it to us sometimes…before."
"Ada sang it sometimes, too," Elrond adds. "But the version he knew was in Quenya."
"That makes sense," Maglor says, sounding puzzled. "If it had been passed down through Fingolfin and Turgon… But how would Elwing have known it?"
"She said it was an old family song," Elrond says, just as confused.
"We'll build our walls aluminum, we'll fill our mouths with cinnamon," Elwing sings. Music is supposed to be a gift of her family, but she can barely manage this song, words promising a safe and bountiful home, when what they have is this ramshackle haven at the edge of the world.
"These currents pull us 'cross the border," a deeper voice joins in from the doorway. "Steady your boats, arms to shoulder…"
Eärendil enters the twins' room, coming up behind her to slide an arm around her shoulders. "It's a good song," he says quietly, and looks at the babies sleeping in their clumsy bassinet. "Full of hope. They're going to need that."
Then, "I didn't know the Sindar knew that song, though. I thought it was only my family."
Elwing shakes her head. "No, I remember my father singing it…I think."
"Take up your arms, sons and daughter," Dior sings, "we will arise from the bunkers…"
He makes sure to sing quietly, not letting his clear tenor carry. These lands are no longer as safe as they were in his own childhood. But he wants to still make this trip as cheerful for his children as possible, under the circumstances.
The circumstances being his grandfather's violent death, and Dior's taking up the kingship.
"Is that one of your Nana's songs?" Elwing asks sleepily. He's carrying her, while the twins walk with Nimloth.
He holds her a little closer. "She did sing it to me, just like this," he says. "And someone else sang it to her before that. All the best songs are like that."
"By land, by sea, by dirigible, we'll leave our tracks untraceable now," Lúthien sings playfully, dancing her small son around to the tune and the silly words. It's a good day. Almost every day is a good day on Tol Galen. She has her husband and her son; what more could she want?
"Nana?" Dior interrupts, nose wrinkled, "what's a dirigible?"
Lúthien frowns. "You know, I don't actually know, ion-nin."
"But you know everything. Ada says so."
"Well, that's very sweet of him, but he's not quite right," Lúthien says, tapping his nose affectionately. "It's probably just a made up word. But why don't you ask your grandfather next time you see him? He's the one who taught me the song, so if anyone would know, he would."
"When we arrive, sons and daughters," Thingol sings under his breath, "we'll make our lives on the water…"
"What's that song about, Ada?" Lúthien pipes up from where she's skipping at his side. "It's silly. We don't live anywhere near the Sea."
Thingol pauses a moment. He hadn't meant to sing for her to listen to, exactly - it just tends to come out of him wherever he walks a noticeable distance, as they have been this afternoon. But there's no harm in telling her. He just hasn't talked about it much since meeting Melian.
"It's a song from the Journey," he says at length. "Before I met your mother, I and my brother and our people were traveling west to go over the Sea. We sang the song then about what we would find at the end."
"Your brother who went on without you?" Lúthien says inquisitively. She's been going through a phase of being curious about other people's siblings, since she has none of her own. At Thingol's nod of confirmation, she asks, "Do you still miss him?"
His throat suddenly feels thick. "Yes. Yes, I do."
"Did he make up the song?"
"…No." Thingol shakes his head slowly. "It was a…a friend of mine."
"We'll build our walls aluminum, we'll fill our mouths with cinnamon…"
"Finwë, what in Arda is that song about?"
Finwë turns and spots his friend Elwë, and grins broadly. "It's to keep our people's spirits up as we travel," he explains. "To take their minds off the hardships of the journey and give them an idea of what awaits us."
Elwë appears to consider this for a moment. "That is all very well," he says, "but why would anyone want to fill their mouth with cinnamon? It is far too strong for such a thing, not to mention the waste."
"Of course it's ridiculous," Finwë agrees readily. "That's the point. There will be so much in Aman, and it will be so safe. It won't matter if we waste things every now and then, or use ridiculous building materials."
Elwë humphs. But he also, a few moments later, says, "Can you teach me the rest of it?"
Finwë can, and does, and soon enough the song rings through the wilderness as both Noldor and Teleri sing in chorus.
"When we arrive, sons and daughters…" Atya sings, and then trails off. Fëanáro frowns up at him, not understanding why his father has slowed and is no longer swinging their clasped hands to and fro, why he looks so troubled.
"Atya?" he asks. "What's the matter?"
For a long moment, Atya looks very far away. Then he shakes himself slightly, and looks down at Fëanáro with a smile.
"Nothing to worry about, yonya," he says. "I was just thinking that the song doesn't quite fit us, is all."
Well, of course it doesn't. Fëanáro doesn't have any brothers or sisters; he's Finwë's only son. But that's fine, and the song isn't supposed to be about them anyway - it's about the Great Journey.
"Does it need to?" he says. "We can make up a different one if we need one about us."
That makes Atya smile properly at last. "Maybe so, Náro. Maybe so. But we should find a spot for our picnic first."
"Till tides all pull our hull aground, making this cold harbor now home…"
Makalaurë frowns as his father sings under his breath. The song is familiar, but the tone doesn't seem to match it - it's meant to be a happy, excited song, but Atar's making it sound angry and vindictive.
That's pretty much been Atar's sole mood ever since the banishment was announced.
"There!" Atar calls out suddenly, breaking off the song and gesturing up ahead. "That is where we shall build our fortress, the envy of all in Tirion. Curufinwë, with me!"
He sounds more enthusiastic and less bitter than he has in weeks. Perhaps, Makalaurë dares to think as Atar and Curvo ride ahead, this can be a turning point for the better, for all of them.
"It's strange that your family would know the song, too," Elros ventures. Elrond knows what he means. They were told for the first six years of their lives that the Fëanorians were monsters, wholly other than them. This odd little point of commonality contrasts sharply with that.
He doesn't want to think too long on that right now, doesn't want to let it pull up all the complicated things between them.
Instead he says, "Perhaps since we do all know it, we can sing it together."
Maedhros looks hesitant. But Maglor, after a moment's hesitation, gives a small nod. "How does it go again? It has been years…we may not remember all of it."
"That's all right, it repeats a lot," Elros shrugs. "Here, I'll start--"
And they continue on through the woods, singing quietly so as not to attract unfriendly attention, but all in tune together.
"Hear all the bombs fade away, hear all the bombs fade away, hear all the bombs fade away…"
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caspi-snz · 8 months
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I've had G/aming on the mind for the past week, and every doodle I make turns into him
I'm going to try and C6 him, so I thought I'd squeeze out some snz before he releases tonight😶🙏
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monards · 3 months
rhinedottir i love you so much and i really would love to see them but PLEASE do not have your tits out in your canon design or i may have to kill myself
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Dracula drifting off to sleep by the rhythmic lapping of ocean waves - only to jolt awake at his box being cracked open and the first/last thing he sees is the Crew of Light standing over him like:
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mangodoodles000 · 5 months
Phil’s live
He probably won’t be on qsmp today but if he does then crows, please start screaming at him to open a specific barrel :)
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unhelpfultarot · 2 years
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King of Pentacles reversed and The Sun reversed
The world’s formerly-richest man is having a very bad day.
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muddypolitics · 6 months
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(via Peter Navarro begins serving prison sentence after historic contempt prosecution | CNN Politics)
maybe by being in prison he will finally learn to SHUT THE FUCK UP with his stupid manic-maga bullshit
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epicfrick · 3 months
Nintendo Direct announcer: "But first, one last announcement." *Switch click*
*Black screen*
Pit: "Sorry to keep you waiting!"
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x-i-l-verify · 8 months
Alright, let's finish up season 1 of Sonic Prime As Told By Memes.
Episode 7
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Episode 8
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- The last 30 seconds of episode 8
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Sunset at the Beach
this is a redraw of a screenshot provided by the amazing @heat--end that i've wanted to do for a while ^^
Original under the cut
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Do you think they'll hear all this hate and redo the season
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dindjarinxbokatan · 1 year
Remember when Katee said episode 7 is one of her favorites? I wonder if that’s a feelings reveal between Bo and Din.
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froizetta · 6 months
WIP Wednesday: a slightly shamefaced return
It's been approximately 7000 years since I last actually did a WIP Wednesday post, but here's to hoping I can (somewhat) get back in the habit! This is an excerpt from chapter 7 of (Love) Triangles - which will be posted soon btw.
This scene follows straight on from chapter 6, when Superman does an oopsie and collapses from kryptonite exposure. If anyone's been on tenterhooks for the past wondering what happens to him after that, then here's your answer! Spoiler: he's mostly fine.
When Clark drifted groggily and resentfully to consciousness, the first thing he saw was the impenetrable, gunmetal gray of sheet metal.
He felt his face twitch painfully in something that wanted to be a frown. His bedroom ceiling wasn’t covered in sheet metal, last he checked. Neither was his room back in Smallville, or the old break room at the Planet with the good couch.
Where was he?
He tried to sit up, but his limbs were heavy and clumsy. The sudden pain the movement sparked in his head made him collapse back down onto the…bed? That definitely wasn’t his bed either, the mattress was too hard and the pillow too soft and un-lumpy.
“Ohmygod. You’re awake?”
Clark blinked once, twice, then mustered the energy to creak out a, “Yeah, I’m awake. Where am I?” Only he ran out of energy midway through, and his throat was dry enough that his voice was rebelling against him, so it came out as a hoarse, “Yeah m’wake. Wuh?”
Thankfully, the owner of the voice didn’t seem to mind. “You’re awake!” Whoever it was, they sounded excited. Clark heard rapid footsteps, then the too-loud sound of a door slamming open. He winced. “B, get over here, he’s awake!”
The door closed by itself with a click, and he was alone again. God, his head was pounding. He always forgot how much headaches sucked until they happened. He didn’t get them very often, what with the invulnerability and everything. In fact, he only ever got them after he’d—
Oh. That was it. Kryptonite.
The memories were still hazy, but they were coming back to him now. Luthor’s underground lab. The argument, the gunshot, Robin screaming from inside, the soft crinkle of concrete beneath his fingertips. Batman on the floor, Robin mid-dive, the guard with his gun raised, the squeeze of the trigger. He could feel his strength draining even as he moved at super speed, pushed, pushed, pushed, crumpled the gun in his fist, flew Batman and Robin out of there, carefully knocked out the two guards and then a third so she couldn’t raise the alarm. Fast, faster, before he ran out of strength. He’d made it outside to find Batman hugging his protégé tight to his chest, both of them alive and well. Whatever tension had carried him through all that snapped, seeing that. His promise was fulfilled. They were safe.
He remembered watching them for a time, remembered feeling that warm ache he most associated with friends’ weddings and feel-good movies. Remembered the pain and nausea only getting worse with time instead of better, Batman staring at him with blank bewilderment, and then…nothing. Waking up here.
But if that voice he’d heard belonged to who he thought it did, that meant…
“You’re awake.”
Clark ignored the ache in his limbs and head and pushed himself to a sitting position. “Batman! You brought me here?”
Batman handed him a glass of water, which Clark accepted gratefully. “I did. How are you feeling?”
Clark grimaced. He felt weak, he hurt everywhere, and his senses were practically human level. The world felt disconcertingly quiet.
Coming off kryptonite was never fun.
“Not great,” he said. “But getting there, I think.” His eyes dipped to Batman’s chest, where he knew the bullet had hit him earlier: the two cracked ribs near his right elbow, the nasty bruise that had undoubtedly formed over it while he’d been unconscious. “How’s your injury?”
“Seen to. Worry about yourself, you’re the one on the gurney,” Batman said coolly, which Clark thought was kind of missing the point. All Clark needed was some sun and he’d be right as rain. He wasn’t in any real danger, not anymore; Batman’s cracked ribs would take weeks to heal.
He glanced around. The room he was in looked like some kind of medical suite, sterile and silver-white with tiled flooring and a row of neat cupboards on the far wall. Assorted medical equipment was scattered around the room, as well as a small fleet of lamps, all switched on and aimed at him. UV lights?
“Were those your idea?” he asked. When Batman didn’t respond, he clarified, “The lamps. You were trying to give me solar energy? To help me heal?”
There was a brief pause then a nod. “Yes. I thought it would help.”
“Well, you were right,” Clark said. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you know that much about Kryptonians.” Not that Clark had ever made a point of mentioning his reliance on solar radiation, but he hadn’t really been trying to hide it either. Batman had probably pieced it together from interviews or something.
He looked over at Batman. He was still hovering by the doorway, as if unsure whether to come in, though his face and body language were as unreadable as ever.
“Thank you,” Clark said with a smile – or an attempt at one, at least. The result felt a little more strained than he’d hoped. “For taking me to safety and for doing your best to help me heal. I appreciate it.”
“You helped me. I’m just returning the favor,” Batman replied equitably and gestured to the lamps. “But this setup is just my best guess at what would help you. Is there anything else you need?”
“Light in the lower end and mid-range of the visible spectrum is also helpful,” Clark said. “But honestly, this is enough.”
Batman nodded. “Noted.”
“Oh, and it works better if I’m naked.”
There was a pause. Batman’s fingers twitched.
“Naked,” he repeated.
“Yes. Or at least less clothed. It’s easier for my skin to absorb the light directly,” he explained. “So if there’s a next time – which hopefully there won't be – taking my suit off would be more efficient.”
Another pause. Then Batman cleared his throat. “I’ll…keep that in mind,” he said in that low rumble of his. “You don’t need anything else?”
“No, not really, I think I—”
And of course, Clark’s stomach chose that moment to make a low growl. They both looked down at it, and then back up. Batman’s look was particularly pointed.
“Well,” said Clark, slightly sheepish, “now you mention it, I guess I could do with some—”
“If it’s not too much trouble.”
Batman nodded briskly. He was already gone before Clark could even so much as offer a polite thank you.
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