#Omg what about Cass
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
The omegaverse post is getting. VERY long- so I’m swinging into here-
At two-three ish years old, i think Damian would be on solid foods at that point, granted- he did just come from a cloning tube, so he wouldn’t have had any solid foods- but nonetheless, I don’t think Bruce would start producing milk.
Also, Pit rage + Dynamics?
I can see either that the Pit Rage is almost completely removed from the equation due to Jason having grown up with unnatural instincts, (There is a Lazarus pit in Gotham after all, he could have immunity due to being raised in the hellpit that is Gotham) or it’s so much worse.
Jason will either be almost completely uneffected except for being a bit more feral, or will drop into angry ferality at the drop of a hat.
And you know that Tim will end up being smothered by both Jason and Bruce- though, most often it’s Jason because Jason now has a little brother- one that needs his help and protection from his clearly neglectful parents.
Tim has no idea how dynamics work- and While very much annoyed by it, Atleast Jason can teach Tim how to be a proper pup with Steph’s help. (I can see Jason having helped taught Dick when he first came to the manor in a similar way)
And Steph will want to join in. This pack is a mess, but she she still wants to help. While She’s not full Wayne pack, she is definitely on the fringes of the pack. Not as much as Jim, but still there. ‘Sides, it’s fun playing with a big pack like the Wayne Pack! There’s so much chaos and Bruce makes amazing nests.
Also- Dynamic Headcanons time, in order of hierarchy cus why not.
Bruce - Head Omega
Alfred - Elder Beta
Dick - Alpha (Defaulted to Head alpha due to being the only adult alpha in the core part of the pack)
Jason - Pup Omega (Presented)
Tim - Pup Beta (Unpresented)
Damian - Puppy
Steph, Jim, and Barbara are on the fringes of the pack, so their rank in the pack often changes depending on what’s needed. But they default right above the pups more often than not.
Also, I can see all three of them being alphas.
Good idea lol- I'll add links to the previous ones too. 1 2
First of all, yesss. Tim is slowly brought out of his shell and encouraged by the combined might of the entire pack. No, Bruce and Jason are not almost sobbing in relief the first time Tim actually responds like a pup should.
Omg, I absolutely adore the idea of tiny pup Jason helping Dick learn how to pup. Dragging him into wrestles and gnawing at him until he asks him to stop.
I feel like Steph tries to stay on the edge of the pack but slowly gets sucked in lol, not helped by the fact that she's Spoiler. And getting dragged into the Batman's side of a pack too. It is inevitable at this point.
Gosh, what if the pit rage like, he's fine and completely in control as long as there's a Lazarus presence- which is thankfully all around Gotham. But like, if he leaves an area that hasn't had any sort of death-juice corruption he loses it a little bit. Like he has to learn how to control it before he can properly leave Gotham- outside of emergencies where he has a pendant or something with a tiny bit of the Waters maybe?
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roseworth · 2 years ago
someone called bruce wayne the kim kardashian of the dcu one time and it ruined everyone’s perceptions of what the general public thinks about the waynes forever
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highlifeboat · 5 months ago
Sometimes I wonder if Bela is better off as the person who can't hold a relationship/get women to save her life, but gives genuinely good relationship advice to her family.
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inmydr3amz · 7 months ago
It's a trend on TikTok rn to showcase age accurate stranger things characters in every season because we know how old they are but since the actors are older you dont get an actual good sense of how old they are and I thought I'd do it with cass (and maybe some other characters idk) and I'm unwell because she was so small.
(Also I'm doing this w my own fc but still it shows u how a child at that age looks)
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Book 2. You're telling me this is the little kid who's so paranoid about the world ending (how was she never diagnosed with anxiety at any point isw) and is set on saving the world and honestly anyone she can that she has a "wall of horrors" as her mom calls it. This is the kid that was kidnapped again by the midnight sun. This is the kid who found the homunculus, lost him, was kidnapped once again (twice in the same book omg) and then watched him die. What.
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Books 3-4 bc book 3 is the summer before the school year in book 4. This is the same little girl who's mom was kidnapped and she had to save her basically on her own. This is the same kid who infiltrated a child slave camp. This is the kid who was in a coma for weeks, traveled back in time, fought lord pharaoh face to face (like straight up face to face w the monocle scene), watched her friend be almost impaled and murdered, and though she was going insane because for a while she couldn't tell the difference between reality and hallucinations and saw things no one else saw. No. Why. She was a baby.
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And book 5 when she was accused of robbing a museum, her mom didn't believe her, she developed anxiety so bad she bit her nails down to the skin until they were raw and bleeding, accidentally got locked in a crate and shipped to Vegas, was practically kidnapped on stage, learnt the secret of the universe and had to deal with the pressure of keeping it to herself, and on top of that, since the secret was technically a joke, she thought that everything she had suffered in those 3(ish) years was all for nothing.
I always knew her age but actually seeing it is so different bc what do you MEAN that little baby was the secret keeper and suffered so much because of it. What do you MEAN the grown ass adults at the Midnight Sun who were literally into their HUNDREDS were beefing with that tiny ELEVEN YEAR OLD. Unwell goodbye
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bamboozled-distress · 8 months ago
so insane when people don’t think barbara Gordon is a lesbian like who are you????? like i can maybe understand post flashpoint barbara or even ljke dcau barbara but when you guys headcsnon her as anything but a lesbian like during bop 1999???? during no man’s land??? WAR GAMES??????????????? like that is actually so insane becahdw look at her what are you even saying
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madelynpryor · 11 months ago
trying to fix a female character who is constantly made to prop up a male character by instead making her prop up a female character is not the good fix a lot of you think it is
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cassmouse · 9 months ago
That bit in Bad Seed Returns where Emma hums the Clair de Lune so her uncle knew it was her that trapped him under the car was basically the equivalent of that bit in B99 where they get all the criminals to sing I Want It That Way and I'm sorry but that's so fucking funny to me
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clover-the-awesomest · 1 year ago
Little Leo out here asking the real questions
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Part 9..??
I guess?? I don’t know what I’m doing ahahahjfmfmv
Part 1
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prlssprfctn · 2 days ago
Kinda need the whole family being tired as fuck from Tim's love stories and drama, so they send him away every time he finds a new crush.
Tim, struggling on how to confess to Kon: Hey, Dick, can you give me a dating advice? Dick: Oh, sure Dick, beaming cluelessly: Are you back with Steph? Tim: Oh no, I- Dick: Oh, right, sorry! Bart, right? Tim, embarrassed: No, I was- Dick: Omg, sorry, it was, uh, Bern? Tim: You know what... Forget it. Tim: *leaves* Dick, sighing in relief: Works every time. I hate giving dating advices.
Tim: Steph, can I have a dating advice? Steph, unimpressed: Are you cheating on someone again? Tim: ...Whatever.
Tim: Bruce- Bruce, hopeful: Yeah? Need help with something? Tim, thinking twice: ...Uh, actually no. Bruce: :(
Tim, stopping in front of Damian's door, unsure: ... Damian, right through the closed door: Drake. Spare us both. Tim: *groan*
Tim: So, I have this situation... Duke: Wait, I'll put the voice message recording, I need to send this to Cass, while she is on the mission Tim: Oh my god, MY LIFE IS NOT EVEN THAT MESSY! FORGET IT.
Tim, seething through his teeth on Jason's doorstep: You are my last hope. I am not even kidding. Jason: Woah. What happened to Alfie? Tim, with his eye twitching: He started to reminisce about his romance with Lizzie. Like, Queen Elizabeth. Lizzie. I can't listen to this any more. I need fucking advice. How to confess to Kon. Jason, who constantly writes fanfiction, but since his love life is non-existent at this point, uses his family's messy dating histories as an inspiration and references: ...Okay. Tim, gagged: Seriously? Jason: Yeah. Just work with me. What we are working with? Bridgerton ass romance? Miss Austen type of flair? Bronte's kind of insanity? Tim, sniffling: tHanK yOu
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demonic0angel · 3 months ago
Dead Silent. One of the batfam ask Danny why he’s more clingy than his siblings and Danny just goes “huh??” Cuz he’s probably the LEAST clingy. Dan is Yandere Levels of clingy, Jazz is Ride or Die clingy, Dani is probably Stalker clingy, and don’t even get him started on their parents.
Danny, by comparison, is the normal one and I feel like that should be appreciated so much more.
(This is SO freaking funny and you're so right omg. It got long bc I got excited again lmaooo)
"You... you think I'm... clingy?!" Danny cried in shock, looking around for a camera. Were they serious? Was this actually real?
Duke said with a shrug, "Well... I mean, I always see you around Cass. We're just asking."
"I am literally the least clingy and the most normal out of my siblings."
Jason snorted from where he stood behind Tim's chair. Everyone was listening in but only Damian and Duke had the graciousness to not pretend that they weren't. Even Cass was staring, blinking as she was held in Danny's arms for a cuddle after the patrol.
"Oh yeah? Prove it."
Danny glared at him and pointed to his shadow, which stretched out beneath him from the Batcave's lights.
"One, the only reason she doesn't follow you around everywhere is because Jazz literally has Shadow following you whenever you go out." As he said this, two eyes blinked from within Jason's shadow and then disappeared just as quickly. "Two, she had all of your medical information on a file in her phone! And just information on you, period! Three, just yesterday, she blew up two ships and took down a trafficking ring by herself because she got reports that they put a hit on you! And don't even talk about how normal she is compared to me, because she definitely isn't! You just think she's a normal amount of clingy because the both of you have your brains rotted from romance novels!"
Jason made a face. It was one of great affront, grudging acceptance, and a wistful adoration. Danny couldn't even feel smug for proving him right because the look on his face was just disgusting.
Cass giggled from within his arms.
Dick opened his mouth and Danny pointed at him aggressively, clutching at Cass as he said, "You can't speak either! Dan is literally the most clingy out of all of us! You know what Jazz said?! He literally has abandonment issues and codependency!! Y'know what his name was before we came here?! It's "World Destroyer"! The only reason he hasn't done anything is because he really likes you and wants to spend most of his time watching you and keeping you safe instead of going around and causing destruction!"
Dick blinked. "But he also—"
"Wrong! He uses clones to do stuff while he keeps watch over you, and you're the only reason he has a moral code at all."
Dick made a considering face and then he smiled. "Aww, that's kinda cute. I didn't know he was so clingy."
Danny muttered to Cass, "Are you seeing this bullshit?"
She giggled again and patted at his arms that were wrapped around her neck.
Duke nodded, amusement on his face. "I see your point. But what about Dani? You're definitely clingier than her."
Danny made an error noise. "Nope! The entire Young Justice is codependent and clingy, so it just looks normal. And Dani just follows around Kon and Tim in intervals so you can't see either of them." He also grimaced at Tim, who was still working at the computer. "And Tim is already watching them, aren't you? You three are a bunch of freaks."
Tim looked up with a small smirk, much to Damian's audible disgust. "You got me there. I keep trackers and cameras on all of them. And Dani's usually just invisible."
Danny smiled triumphantly. "Hah! See? I'm the least clingy!"
There were murmurs of agreement and then Duke said, "I don't know, I think all four of you are clingy and weird."
Danny sulked. "No I'm not."
Duke gestured to all of him. "You're literally climbing Cass like a koala."
Okay, so his legs were wrapped around her waist and he was hanging onto her like a sticker, but so what? She didn't mind!
Cass snickered and said, "It's okay. He's light."
"Yeah, I'm light," grumbled Danny as he squeezed her.
Duke and Damian shared a look, as Duke said, "We should get out of here. Thank god these freaks are taken."
"Agreed. Thank goodness we are the most normal."
Now there were cries of outrage throughout the entire cave all over again.
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ev-arrested · 2 years ago
You can tell the exact mental state of Dick Grayson based on the music he plays in the car
His entire family monitors his listening habits, and if it's anything but things from the list of genres and artists that Dick normally likes while provably mentally stable, they get concerned.
Tim, texting the group chat without Dick in it: Hey, guys, just needed to let y'all know that Dick picked me up today, and he put on an NF song in the car.
Barbara: Fuck, he's depressed.
Steph: Isn't he always?
Barbara: No, like--more than usual.
A week later.
Jason: Y'all, I'm with him rn and he's blasting S&M in the training room. One of you bitches--and I will find out who--triggered some body image issues, and now he's sexualizing himself to cope.
Tim: Did one of you guys call him ugly or smth???
Steph: I would never. I'm not a mean person, unlike you guys.
Damian: Why did you immediately assume it was one of us?
Jason: Because y'all are terrible people.
Tim: I'm not taking this from a literal gang leader.
Jason: But I admit, that is a bit of a jump on my part. It could've been any of Dick's trash friends that he, for some reason, keeps around, so that's on me.
Cass: Monitor him so he doesn't do anything drastic.
Barbara: Let me know if he starts compulsively thinking about becoming a stripper.
Jason: If that happens, there's no saving him.
After Dick returns from Spyral.
Duke: Now this just might be me, but I don't think I ever pegged Dick as a metalhead before he went off to work for Spyral.
Tim: Dear god.
Tim: Don't tell me he's listening to SOAD.
Duke: What even is that.
Jason: System of a Down
Duke: Oh, yeah, it's that.
Duke: What does that mean???
Barbara: He's self-destructive.
Steph: Isn't he normally?
Barbara: No, like--I mean yes, but more explosively.
Jason: His main goal is to blow up...
Barbara: Don't.
Barbara: This is serious.
Steph: He's listening to vocaloid. That's....so odd??? @Damian did you have anything to do with this?
Tim: oh my god
Damian: The answer to this question is of high importance: what song is it?
Steph: Do you think I can speak Japanese??
Damian: Ask.
Steph: omg fine.
Steph: He says it's "Assassin Princess" by Mitchie M.
Tim: Hold on lemme listen to this shit
Damian: It's a good song.
Jason: Okay, but what does that tell us?
Damian: It's not a song I ever played for him.
Jason: So you're telling me he's listening to vocaloid independent of you?
Damian: It would appear so.
Jason: Oh, that's bad.
Tim: The song's about a spy and her partner murdering her ex-boyfriend who betrayed her.
Steph: He's feeling vengeful.
Jason: Oh, that's really bad.
Cass: He's playing One Direction.
Barbara: Honestly?? Chances are, he's fine.
Duke: Agreed. He's playing "What Makes You Beautiful", so I doubt it's anything.
Duke: Now if he starts playing shit from their solo careers, we have a problem.
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aangelinakii · 24 days ago
idk if i've said it before but i loveloveloveeeee ur damian stuff omg. i had the silliest idea of damian slowly realizing that he was in love with the reader and caught himself doodling them on the corner of a homework assignment and he's adding a sappy caption like "my beloved" and adding his signature before he can stop himself.
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note : this idea is SO FRRAKING CUTE !!!! i lowk didn't wanna write a whole imagine so i did something similar to what i did with bruce and CRUSHING HEADCANOND !!!! yes yes
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damian isn't one to get a crush
crushes are for babies
and damian al ghul wayne is Nawt a baby
so why tf is he sitting in his ap physics class that his father paid for with his old money
doodling your name in the margin of his textbook
beside his stuff about newton's law
whatever that is 💀
his eyes widen at the sight of the scribbles, blacking out what looks like your first name with variations of his last name
what would sound better, wayne or al ghul ?
and below that there's his name, damian, scrawled with your surname
maybe he'd take yours
or mush them together in a double barrel
and oh look he's done that too, just to check how well they'd go together
his knuckles grow white as his grip on his pen tightens, and he knows he should scribble them out further, to better hide the evidence
but something's fluttering in his heart and he can't bring himself to do it
maybe he'll just tear the page out when he gets home and hide it at thr bottom of one of his various drawers, maybe even slide it within the pages of one of his books in there so it's sure to not get found
when damian had found himself thinking about his school friend more than usual
and i mean breakfast lunch and dinner
he just thought
oh we must be really good friends, they must mean a lot to me
but as he stares down at the sketch he's done of what he can see of your face at this angle on one of the desks before him
something hits him and he realises this isn't just friendly
you're his muse, the only thing that can take his mind off what's most important — and at the moment that's getting a good grade in ap physics
there's no way he can talk to any of his brothers about this, not stephanie or barb
duke might be more relenting
cass might be more understanding
even his father would be a stretch
he hasn't had much luck in the love department, what good would he be in this situation ?
perhaps... yes.. perhaps he should talk to alfred when he gets home
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hello-eden · 7 months ago
Never Hidden
Stephanie was bored. 
It had been a slow week. 
There was an Arkham breakout three weeks ago and they finally rounded up the last of them. there's always a few stragglers but everyone seemed to be checked off the list.
She wasn't assigned to any new cases and she's grounded from Missions outside of Gotham for bedazzling the Batmobile last month. It's only like another week but it still feels so long. 
She just finished her homework so now honestly she's just looking for something to do. She's honestly just messing with the bat computer until Jason walks in.
"What are you doing here” Jason says pausing after taking his helmet off, looking confused. "I thought you'd be off with Cass” 
“Grounded from outside missions” Stephanie replies turning the computer chair around “When do you get back in town”
“ Not even an hour ago” Jason says as he moves to her "What are you doing there, a case?”
 “Nah” Stephanie says that she turns back to face the back computer “ I don't got any Active cases, I looked at a couple of in Active cases but ehh”
 “So what are you doing” Jason finally reaches her and stops to look 
 “Honestly just playing around with the controls and snooping” Stephanie pulls up a file on the bat computer “Did you know Damien downloaded his Cheese Viking game onto the bat computer”
“Really” Jason laughs out
“Really, see” Stephanie says that she shows Jason the file “OMG this has been on here for 10 months
 “Bruce didn't even let me download stuff he uninstalled Zelda when I tried.”
 Stephanie and Jason continue to chat and work through the files on the back computer or at least the ones they have clearance to access. Eventually they get bored and start Looking through the Security camera
The only person in the house was Tim. He wasn't really doing anything exciting but he was on the phone. They watched him for a minute just checking to see what he would do.
They were about to switch off when he started yelling at whoever was on the phone. Both Stephanie and Jason were startled. They zoomed in and turned on the audio.
“I don't have time for your shit Ras.” Tim basically screamed into his phone. 
Stephanie's a little surprised that Alfred didn't come walking in to check what's going on.
 “you're the one who messed up, so clean up your own messes.” Tim then listens to Ras on the other line speak. "if you learned you know boundaries and actually tried for once then maybe Dan wouldn't be trying to Stage a coup.”
“ Why is Ras talking to Tim about a coup?” Jason asked as he looked over to Stephanie with a raised eyebrow.
 Jason thought he'd been away for a while but not long enough for this to happen.  
“I have no idea.  Every time he talks to me about Ras it sounds like he'd Rejoice if he dropped dead. I didn't even know Tim had his number let alone that they talked.” Stephanie started trying to think of any missions or crises that could have happened for the two of them to talk. 
“ he does not get that from me, the entire want for power thing is entirely your fault.“ Tim pulled out a second phone from the bag beside him and looked to be texting someone else as he was listening to the person on the phone. 
”I'm texting Dan as we speak I'll figure out what's going on that would make your controlling ass happy.” Tim pauses to listen to the other end of the phone.
 “Good.” Tim rolls his eyes and then hangs up the phone. 
“That man does not do anything useful.” Tim seems to say to an empty room probably not expecting to be spied on by two bored vigilanties.
 What the hell was that both Stephanie and Jason thought to themselves.
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venuslarkspur · 2 months ago
Personal headcanon of mine that would like to share. Batsis!Reader was personally blessed by Aphrodite when she was little and it's why she can add to her growing harem without much struggle
Cassandra during a family meeting: Do you guys ever wonder how Batsis!Reader can get anyone, no matter the age difference, hero and villain, to hook up/date her?
Jason watching Batsis get flirted on by Roy for like the millionth time: Only god knows Cass. Only God knows.
Meanwhile 5-6 year old Batsis on the Manor's rooftop stargazing with Aphrodite
Aphrodite: You know what? I like you little human. You entertain me, I haven't felt this relaxed and at peace in centuries! And for that, I shall give you my blessing.
Cue Batsis!Reader getting her charisma maxed out and continue skyrocketing even after being maxed out. Also getting a sex drive that lets her sexually keep up with any partner she wanted, basically making her the best hoe out there without a doubt
5-6 year old Batsis: Ok :v
Omg yes, I fw this.
Warning: very minor nsfw but nothing that bad is mentioned, cuss words, mentions of addiction, not proofread.
Like Batsis is semi aware of her talents and charms and also has SOME control over them, but sometimes she can meet some dickheads who try and gain her attention after she’s madeit clear she doesn’t want them.
How some of the JL are charmed
- I feel like Diana is partly aware of this connection between Batsis and Aphrodite and that’s how Diana for the most part hasn’t surrendered to her charm. Diana just loves her for her for the most part.
- John Stewart is unique, he fell in love with Batsis for much more than just her beauty but rather how she conducts herself as a person, these two are my faves.
- Barry Allen pre his marriage with Iris did find Batsis attractive and very charming, though I imagine at this time she’s dating someone else. So nothing becomes of this despite Batsis knowing she could have him if she wanted.
- Zatanna and Batsis have always been flirty with each other, they charm each other quite easily, they are either besties or girlfriends there’s no in between, the two of them and John sometimes throuple as well so take that as you will.
- Hal Jordan was easy work, he was putty the day he met Batsis. This was in the early days when Batsis definitely wanted to piss off Bruce, so why not solidity it by not only sleeping with and dating his colleague but also the colleague he can’t stand the most.
- Yeah the vast majority are just immediately drawn to her beauty and grace. She’s matching all of their freak.
- But if we are talking about Villains, Deathstroke is one of her past; he was an easy bag she didn’t even have to pull out any tricks. But when she gets a bit older and matures more she stops their dynamic immediately.
- For some crack however Batsis has contemplated how funny it would be if she married Ra’s Al Ghul, like Damian having to address her as grandmother? Bruce literally having a seizure if he finds out. This thought is extinguished IMMEDIATELY however. Although she does like a challenge and wonders if her talents on him would work.
This girl struggles to find an end game that truly loves her, she’s had a few who have came and gone but never imagined someone she could call her romantic soulmate (bc we know Dick is her platonic soulmate!!), but if it had to be anyone it would be Roy. They’ve been through so much struggle together that eventually they would work out, Roy gets insecure and wonders if she could do better considering the men and women of her past he’s been podiumed with.
- Batsis had made the mistake of leaving him when they were younger over the pressure getting to her, like Lian coming along, his addiction, Ollie just being a shit mentor for the most part, but Batsis really calms down with her gift if she gets serious (even if she can’t control it 70% of the time), she finally has found something good and will stick to it. Yeah he was a nasty dog when they were teenagers but when they are older he just sees the only one (besides Dinah, Dick and Jason) who stuck by him.
My lord this got sort of angsty but yeah. She’s a girl blessed.
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the-travelling-snitch · 2 months ago
jshshj help why is the wall of text so funny— ㅠㅠ professional yapper at work (guess i’m a writer for a reason)
glad the tags made you happy though!! i loooovveee getting lengthy/excited tags or ones that point out little metaphors/foreshadowing/etc i’ve hidden in my stories, so i’m really am just trying to be that person for other people too :3c
still i didn’t think i said anything that was noteworthy enough to get shouted out jshsh
it’s funny that we kind of highlighted leona here bc that is who i’m shipping my yuu with ㅠㅠ (you both don’t know it yet and you will despise me for it but you will like each other). so yeah book 2 would be great for our yuus bc shin gets to play detective and meets a chess partner and cassandra meets her significant annoyance—
as for familial trauma, cass is a demi god from the percy jackson universe (it’s my first fandom and a disney owned franchise, don’t @ me ㅠㅠ), so in terms of ‘not speaking out against your parents or your family’s hierarchy’, she’s been handed a relatively short stick if she doesn’t want to get smitten by divine might or have her life turned into hell—
however, she is very loyal towards her (half) siblings and other half gods and, while spending time in nrc, will start associating adeuce and potential other ramshackle inhabitants with the other campers from back home, so i think her and shin would get along great!! also her experience with the godly world just made her really unfazed by all the magical nonsense in twst ㅠㅠ (of course there’s fairies heating the school and ghost living in the dorm, back in camp harpies cleaned your cabin and nymphs lived in camp. beast people? yeah, she’s seen more than enough satyrs)
okay that’s enough yuu crumbs bc if i don’t stop here i’ll start tossing entire bread loaves—
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merry christmas!! 🎁
this is the result of an inspiration striking 4 days before Christmas.
i broke my hand and back trying to finish this in time 😭😭 so it’s a bit messier than i prefer and the story flows less smoothly.
but i hope you guys will still enjoy this Christmas present! and the backstory lore bits!
i actually wanted to include all the twst boys but i would actually end up in the graves if i try to do so. thts why i only drew the ones shin would canonically have acquainted and befriended by Christmas (which is roughly before scarabia arc and right after octavinelle arc. unfortunately the bad experiences r still too fresh and there wasn’t enough time for shin to get to know the octatrio 😔)
also rook is there as a fellow science club member!
im done rambling im gonna go hibernate now.
hope anyone who sees this have a wonderful christmas and the rest of december <3
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cassmouse · 1 year ago
Just found Bryan O'Malley's Instagram (I didn't realise he had one until today) and I'm so excited about this I think I am going to burst
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