#why did this kid feel like she had to save another kidnapped child
inmydr3amz · 2 months
It's a trend on TikTok rn to showcase age accurate stranger things characters in every season because we know how old they are but since the actors are older you dont get an actual good sense of how old they are and I thought I'd do it with cass (and maybe some other characters idk) and I'm unwell because she was so small.
(Also I'm doing this w my own fc but still it shows u how a child at that age looks)
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Book 2. You're telling me this is the little kid who's so paranoid about the world ending (how was she never diagnosed with anxiety at any point isw) and is set on saving the world and honestly anyone she can that she has a "wall of horrors" as her mom calls it. This is the kid that was kidnapped again by the midnight sun. This is the kid who found the homunculus, lost him, was kidnapped once again (twice in the same book omg) and then watched him die. What.
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Books 3-4 bc book 3 is the summer before the school year in book 4. This is the same little girl who's mom was kidnapped and she had to save her basically on her own. This is the same kid who infiltrated a child slave camp. This is the kid who was in a coma for weeks, traveled back in time, fought lord pharaoh face to face (like straight up face to face w the monocle scene), watched her friend be almost impaled and murdered, and though she was going insane because for a while she couldn't tell the difference between reality and hallucinations and saw things no one else saw. No. Why. She was a baby.
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And book 5 when she was accused of robbing a museum, her mom didn't believe her, she developed anxiety so bad she bit her nails down to the skin until they were raw and bleeding, accidentally got locked in a crate and shipped to Vegas, was practically kidnapped on stage, learnt the secret of the universe and had to deal with the pressure of keeping it to herself, and on top of that, since the secret was technically a joke, she thought that everything she had suffered in those 3(ish) years was all for nothing.
I always knew her age but actually seeing it is so different bc what do you MEAN that little baby was the secret keeper and suffered so much because of it. What do you MEAN the grown ass adults at the Midnight Sun who were literally into their HUNDREDS were beefing with that tiny ELEVEN YEAR OLD. Unwell goodbye
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metalotaku-da · 6 days
danny phantom x dc prompt ideas: weather wizard addition.
this comes to you thanks to my big story pieces comment section. i think if the phandom knew more of this characters background and i thought it was more commonly known. it would have more of a field day. same with gotham academy >.> but that is for another post.
alright weather wizard, is a flash villain and a member of the rogues.
mark mardon. is a thief and criminal who escapes from prison and fleas to his brothers house. where he believes he found his brother dead and his weather experiments. including the weather wand which he takes and starts his alias crime as weather wizard. it is hinted at in the comics he actually killed his brother and stole his work. it is believed he had a confrontation with his brother over his prison break, the argument and heightened emotions triggered mark's meta gene and he accidently killed his brother when his powers manifested. and he blocked out that memory. and it is also why he can't use his weather powers without the wand. as a mental block. because he does have powers without the wand.
later on he finds out he has a son with a cop he had relations with. it is known josh is his son because he has weather powers. mark in a fit of rage and jealousy over the his son's powers kidnaps him, with plans to DISSECT AND EXPERIMENT ON HIM TO FIND OUT HOW HIS POWERS WORK SO HE CAN GET THEM. he has a break down though over it before he can go through with it. and wishes his son had someone besides him as a father, because he deserves someone better.
other facts of note: josh was thought to be wally's kid till he got his powers. lady cop has batman's taste. her name is julie.
the rogues have strict rules against hurting kids.
weather wizard killed impulse breaking this rule. though he was tricked.
so yes phandom. here are some options i've brain stormed. please add more ideas for others to knaw on.
1: danny has escaped the fentons/and or giw. flees to central city and weather wizard finds this vivisected terrified kid. and man does it hit his guilt and crazy. this could have been his son. he was going to do this to his child. and it's his redemption/penance to protect this child to make up for his sins. could have a mental break and think he actually did this danny and danny is his son josh too. so many ways to go.
2: other rogues find him, after hearing about ww kidnapping his son and think danny is his son who escaped from his injuries and go on revenge spree for this kid in mistaken idenity. which has funny and dark ways it can go.
3: danny meets ww or his son. and hears how ww couldn't go through with it. maybe from young justice. impulse or members of the league, other rogues dealers choice. danny just dieing a little on the inside like, how come your parent could stop himself with love when he never met you, but my parents raised me and still didn't love me enough not to. the angst protentional here is so high.
4: jazz could work at the facility treating mark. her point of view from treating a person who is so much like her parents but who showed their love for their child in the end. when hers couldn't move past their goals and see their child they claimed to love. could add in she's got a de-aged danny/dannies because of it. to see what it could have been if her parents had been better. stronger. she could get feelings. (totally thinking on par with harley/joker kind of but not that dark.) where mark actually like her and cares for her. could be one-sided. and the giw find them mark breaks out cause she and or kids are in danger and saves them.
5:mix and match the above.
please add more
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zero-and-crew · 25 days
Anti!AU pt.2 Electric Boogaloo!
+ A Very Rough Doodle!
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sorry it's very low quality lol information under the cut
WARNING: Talks about kidnapping !!!
Cosmo, Wanda and Timmy struggled to cope with the loss of Peri— Cosmo and Wanda literally lost their child. It was hard on them. Very hard. They spend a lot of time struggling to cope, before starting to heal just a little. It's not easy. There's always going to be that part missing from all of them.
The nursery they had is still set up in their castle, they couldn't bear to take it down— and sometimes they still visit it. But they have each other! And with that, they manage to cope. Together.
One day, Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda are playing a game of pirates. Timmy, standing on his bed, welding a wooden sword and pretending to do battle with Wanda while Cosmo's tied up, pretending to be a hostage. He's just about to win and save his fairy friend from the captain's mighty rage when suddenly the sound of a fairy poofing into their room stops them.
The typical darker cloud of the anti-fairies fills a small spot in the room, and Wanda and Cosmo immediately drop the pirate act, readying their wands and putting themselves between who they assume to be their counterparts. Timmy, still holding his sword, holds it out to fight too. It's never good when an anti-fairy visits. They're all confused, and scared. But they're not going to lose another member of their already tiny family. The cloud dissipates, and to their surprise.. It's not Anti-Cosmo, or Anti-Wanda.. It's..
A baby.
They all stand there, confused and shocked more than anything.
The baby then introduces himself as Foop. Their son's anti-fairy.
Their baby has an anti-fairy. He's still alive, somewhere. Wait. Why is his anti-fairy here? Do his parents know where he is? Why did he come to them specifically? There must be a reason! Does he know what happened to their son? The look on his face implies he knows something.
When they ask him why he's there, the poor baby starts to cry. He's hungry, in need of a nap, and knows way too much for such a little guy. And it's really late. He should be in bed. He's already in his pajamas, maybe he snuck out after being out to bed. If he's really their son's anti-fairy, that means he can't be that old— so he must really need a nap. They can talk after he gets some rest.
It might be best.
They can give him a place to stay for the night. It's the least they can do, since they're not sure Anti-Cosmo would want them showing up at his castle with his son at this hour. Especially not after the last few visits... The countless accusations of him taking their son, even though he's nowhere to be found in Anti-Fairy, or Pixie world for that matter.
They know what to do, having learned how to care for their own son before he was born. So, they comfort the poor kid and magically refill his bottle. Eventually, he falls asleep— and stays that way for a while. When he wakes up the next morning, he's still not exactly ready to tell Cosmo and Wanda everything. But, he does tell them he knows their son is alive. He's even... talked. To Peri. He doesn't mention everything else he did. That'd be too much for everyone to handle at once. Too depressing.
They have a place where he can sleep— where he doesn't need to worry about Peri, or having to go see him. He has information they need. It's a fair trade. Anti-Cosmo, and Anti-Wanda don't immediately know where he is— so, he feels safe enough to stay there... He never really felt unsafe at home, especially with Anti-Wanda. He knows she means well. When he really didn't feel safe, was when he was with AC and Peri. He knows how awful Peri can be now..
He's not sure what dark thoughts plague Peri's mind, but he does know he's Peri's anti-fairy. His opposite. And nicer, much kinder and happier thoughts plague his own. Thoughts of whiskers and kittens or being kind to someone creep up on him and he hates it. He's not supposed to like those things. He does still enjoy the occasional bit of chaos, or bit of violence.
Of course, in Irep's mind— this means that Peri has the opposite problem. He must have some dark and twisted thoughts floating around his mind— and likely frequently. Thoughts of evil and torment, surely.
And he's not wrong.
We'll talk more about Anti-Cosmo and Peri's situation later :3 We're still working on Peri's ref! So it'll come with that post :3
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dulcemaiden · 10 months
About what you said in your last BB post, I wonder if it's true that Snake will kill Doll. I have read many comments wishing for that, especially on Twitter, and readers commenting a lot of hate towards Doll, saying that Doll was always okay with kidnapping children, and even now she's hurting children, so she deserves to die again, but Doll wasn't really evil, she was a kind girl :( I just can't accept Yana brought her back only to gain the fandom's hate and to be killed by Snake. I think her condition as a bizarre doll is making her to act like that. That's why I would like to know your opinion, since you seem to be one of the few people who doesn't hate Doll, do you think Snake will really kill Doll?
Hello! Thanks for your ask ♡
I didn't know about this hate towards Doll in the fandom (as I don't spend much time in social media nowadays, especially Twitter), but I wouldn't be surprised, fandom is biased lol.
Regarding my opinion, I think I already answered it in another post, so maybe I'm just repeating more of the same, I don't know, but here we go
I agree Doll used to be a kind girl in the circus arc, she always took care of the new ones, and she protected OCiel thinking he was a kid needing her help. She also was the most conflicted about the whole child abduction thing, and was very hesitant to hurt people as we saw in BoC. Doll had an innate kindness.
HOWEVER, first we have to learn to separate that Doll from this new Doll. Doll is now an advanced bizarre doll, and those dolls seem to be desperate for blood (as we saw with Layla), they can't feel physical pain, and seem to lack empathy for the lives of other humans because they have no souls.
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So you got an idea.
It is understandable if readers dislike BD!Doll, but I disagree with those comments about her being always evil, because she wasn't.
Also, is Doll really evil now? And this question goes for all the bizarre dolls. It's not like Doll gave her consent to be brought back as a monster, as she called herself. And it's not like she is the mastermind behind the horrors of the orphanage, there is an organization behind it and if Doll is important is as a test subject, she is a simple puppet, a doll. And yes, it was stated in this post before, that it's probably that bizarre dolls are programmed with their "yearning for the future" and cannot escape from that. This arc could give us more insight about how dolls function regarding that topic.
Now, let's talk about Snake.
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Snake's position is a very difficult one. Snake clearly loves Doll, she was a part of his family and it was hinted in the last cover that she saved him in a similar way Ciel did with Finny, and now he has her corpse telling him that Ciel killed her, and that the people he is currently friends with killed his first family... it's heartbreaking. On the other hand, there are innocent children being used as a material for the "Stars", and that must be stopped.
About the "Snake will kill Doll theory", I don't think that would actually happen, I mean it's still a possibility, but even if Doll goes completely mad and start attacking them so Snake would have no option, he would still resent o!Ciel for being forced to do that. I think things will be resolved differently.
Sorry for the late response and again thanks for the ask!
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shycolorstudent · 2 years
Juuzou x Ghoul reader
I don’t like madly in love tropes where the couple will throw away their beliefs for each other. However, Juuzou is unhinged, and I think someone who is like matches. Let me know if I should go a different route or enjoy this. Also, sorry for the long Y/n back story; I got carried away :)
Ok, I never intended to fall in love with Juuzou Suzuya. I’m ghoul well half, and he’s a 
CCG agent. Let me give you a quick back story. My name is Y/n Arima… well, it was. I’m a sibling of Kishou Armia, a product of the Sunlight garden. My whole purpose is to be a weapon; however, my brother had one condition in the garden wanted to use his DNA, and that was to give me a normal life well as much as they could give me; my parents are a doctor from the garden, and a school teacher who couldn’t conceive a child and I was their next best option. Kishou couldn't live with me since mother didn’t want to be reminded of what I was.
I swear she loves me, but it pains her to know my fate when I turn 18. My life was great. I went to school, had friends, my parents loved me, and I could see my big brother every weekend. Yeah, I had everything, an almost perfect life, until big madam caught a whiff of me that I looked like a doll and behaved like one. I was kidnapped right before my 6th birthday Kishou from what I remember, planned a party. He was always happy with me. My life as a scrapper was hell. I was tortured to the point I couldn’t feel pain, and parts of my hair turned white. It’s the same as Juuzou. He can’t feel pain, but his hair is white as snow thats because he would protect me by jumping on top to take in the hits from Big madam. She couldn’t manipulate me like she did Juuzou, or should I say Rei, thats what he was called at the time. I also went by another name, but it’s dead to me.
To make a long story short, there was a CCG bust in the scrapper ring Juuzou, and I tried to escape. We held each other's hands tight, but with all the commotion, we got separated. A DOVE did recognize me and wanted to take me by force, but Juuzou took it as a threat, and he became restrained. His last words to me that night were, “Run! Escape for the bolth of us. Don’t you dare come back from me! I’ll find you, I swear!” So I ran to Big Madam, thinking she would help me save him; however, she scoffed and grabbed me, but I fought back with only pure and utter rage Juuzou worshipped her, and yet she was willing to leave him. I unleashed my kagune for the first time and sliced her arm.
I was horrified and ended up on the run having DOVES and Ghouls on the hunt for me until I bumped into Yomo; I was starving and scared. From then on, I’ve called Anreiku home on the run from my brother, in a relationship with a DOVE, and trying to find a place as a half-breed, as Touka calls it. Kaneki stood up excited with a ton of questions. Yoshimura told me to be open with Kaneki since we were the only two who could understand one another. “Wait, wait, your brother is the White reaper? Why are you on the run? You can be leading a safe life.” He said with much confusion. I took a deep breath and spoke, “He is, but years have passed, and I have one more year before I turn 18. I will be killing my friends and my family. I would rather be in danger than hurt my family. He will one day find me and take me back. Until then, I’m free.” He tilted his head, thinking of any other questions. “Free? Wait! You're with a DOVE? How is that allowed?” I dreaded this question coming up.
I get enough crap from Touka. “I gave him an address three wards away. He found me one day walking to school, and Yoshimura knew no matter what, it was a lose-lose situation. I love him, and I’ll do anything for him. Call it Stockholm syndrome, but I’ll leave Anteiku if he calls for it. But if I leave Anteiku right now, then they're screwed.” I sighed, and Kaneki spoke, “How so? Your just a kid like Touka and I.” I smiled, and before I could talk, Touka spoke up. “She went crazy from the age of 6, and she was taught how to kill. She's a grade or two higher than me. Scrappers know how to kill humans and Ghouls. Before shit hits the fan, she is set in,” Touka said with her arms crossed. Touka and I are close, but it wasn’t always like that. The main thing we still fight about is my leaving one day and being with Juuzou. “Oh, is that why she and Yomo leave a lot together?” Kaneki asked. “Yup, I’ve been helping with disrupting territories. It’s boring when there was no action last time and no one argued. They took one look at me and yielded.” His jaw was on the ground before today. He thought I was a more excellent version of Touka, but he’s slowly seeing my scrapper side. “So, who here for me?” I asked Touka, “No one; I just popped in to listen to God.” She walked off, and I had to explain. “Now, where we differ, Kaneki, is I can eat human food and ghoul food. That is depending on what I do. If I use my kagune, I need to eat flesh, but if I don’t, then I’m normal, but during the whole month, I use my kagune. Before, when I was in denial, all I had was human food. Not once did I dare use my kagune, which made Touka jealous. It wasn’t until last year was when we became close.” He understood, and I could tell he wished that was him being able to have my drawbacks *ding ding* it was my watch. “Well, times up. If you need anything, let me know. I have a date to go to.” 
I waited by the train station for Juuzou. Lucky for me, he respects my wishes of not wanting to see my brother. DOVES are supposed to report me if I’m seen, and Shinohara hasn’t made the connection yet, but it’s coming. I wonder how Juuzou would react if I told him I’m a ghoul. He might kill me. It’s his job, and he’s more violent than me. Even if I’m ordered to kill him, I won’t. I would expect my fate and let him kill me. I could smell him. He’s close. His scent is so good that many ghouls would want to eat him. I felt his hands cover my eyes, and he spoke sweetly, "Guess who?” He laughed and laughed back as I turned around to embrace him. Even though I’m stronger, I feel utterly safe with him. “How was school?” He asked me as he patted my head.
“It was good. I’m stressed about exams, but I’ll pull through. How's work?” This is often double-edged. I’m genuinely curious about his day at work; however, to get Touka and Yomo off my case, I provided information that I’m told. That has been a lot of help. “Same old same old. Sometimes you lived with me and not in the 17th ward. It’s going into the red.” He sighed. “Just say the word, and I’ll run away with you.” I smiled up at him he smiled back. “Soon, I promise. I just want to get rid of all these guys that watch over me. Now, to the Zoo!” 
-Some headcanons-
-He knows that she's a ghoul. He’s not dumb. She passes off as human, but he knows.
-He found comfort in the Zoo, so he took Y/n to the zoo so she could feel safe.
-He's very clingy and wants to run away already; however, he knows the consequences, and he doesn’t want to risk being separated again. 
-I didn't know what dating was until Shinohara explained it to him, and he thought you two had been dating the whole time you were scrappers.
-His love language is physical touch. You must be touching via a hug, hand-holding, or even holding pinkies when you are together. 
-Does PDA unless you tell him to stop.
-He’s very overprotective 
-Hopes that one day Ghouls and humans can be together 
-Like to kiss your hand. He thinks it’s more intimate that way.
-He acts like a child, and you love it. It reminds you to let loose a little.
-Your more cold and hes childish but it’s a perfect balance.
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
hot take but “it starts with will, it ends with will” is the dumbest theory ever and they’re not killing him off especially after making him suffer the ENTIRE show. i’m convinced people who keep going on about this theory don’t even like will and don’t care about him at all.
first of all, it didn’t even start with wil! it started with el. will was just a child in the wrong place at the wrong time and he got kidnapped because of the gate that was opened. what happened was tragic and out of his control, so why would the conclusion to this story be killing him when he didn’t even start this mess?? and how would people rewatch the show knowing the kid who EVERYONE faught so hard to save and protect for the entire first 2 seasons just gets killed in the end anyways? everything would’ve been for NOTHING!
i love el so much and want her to be happy too, but it makes no sense when people say it started with will. the SHOW started with will when we saw him get kidnapped, but everything with the upside down and vecna had nothing to do with him. if we apply the “it starts with [character], it ends with [character]” theory, it literally only makes sense if it’s el. she took the soteria out of henry’s neck, causing his powers to come back. then she faught him and opened a gate to the upside down, sending him there and turning him into vecna. THEN she touched the demogorgon and opened the gate in hawkins. obviously el was just a child too and didn’t mean for any of this to happen, but the fact is that she DID start everything. it was all because of el. i hope there’s a way they can solve everything without hurting her but when people constantly go on about how a character has to “sacrifice” themselves, it literally only makes sense if it’s el. we saw it in season 1 too and i think people forget that el’s story wasn’t going to continue after that. they weren’t even sure if they would do another season or continue that specific storyline with those characters.
and going back to will, he has barely had any genuinely happy moments in the entire series. maybe a couple of minutes in total at most? but he never got to have a love interest like all the other kids. he never got to experience romance. and keep in mind this a MAIN character who is GAY. he has suffered with bullying and abuse and trauma his entire life.
even IF will was supposed to be “the chosen one” that has to sacrifice himself in the end, why did they choose to write him as the most tragic character? why did they make him gay? why did they make him get abused and bullied as a child? why did they add homophobic slurs in season 1 to show us what will was called all his life? why would they make him kidnapped in season 1, possessed in season 2, ignored in season 3 and unloved in season 4? why would they not give him a romance storyline like ALL the other kids got to have? why is the gay kid the only one that gets absolutely nothing except trauma, loneliness, unrequited love, bullied, slurs thrown at him, excluded by his closest friends and many more things? why make his story so heartbreaking and make the audience feel so sorry for him (ESPECIALLY in season 4) if it’s just going to end with him being killed off?
if they kill will after all that, it would be the most disgusting and horrible thing they could possibly do. he is NOT a character that was designed to be “the ultimate hero that has to sacrifice himself”. don’t get me wrong, i DO want to see him be a badass and be a hero and play a massive role in defeating vecna. in fact, if he CAN do the final blow in a way that doesn’t hurt himself, i would absolutely love that. it would be incredible. but if there has to be some sort of “sacrifice”, that’s not okay at all. they can’t make a gay child suffer the entire show and then sacrifice himself.
that’s not a “bittersweet” or happy ending, that’s tragic and horrible and cruel and insulting. there is NOTHING that’ll make it okay. i don’t care if all the other characters get to be happy. that would actually make it MORE insulting to will. we’ve already seen everyone happy and in love and having fun while will suffers. why would they hurt him even more?
real and true <3
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reikunrei · 11 months
I’ve said this a hundred times before but I’m always thinking about how odd it is that so many people insist that henry/vecna/one are these intrinsically evil characters who don’t deserve any understanding toward their actions/circumstances when. the show is literally telling us to be compassionate toward them?
a child was struggling in life. he tried to escape his circumstances because he felt he was in danger. he was then kidnapped by the creepiest man in the world, squirreled away in a secret lab, branded, bred, chipped, and tortured for over 20 years… and even if this child grew up to be someone to commit mass murder, why don’t people see this situation for the tragedy it is? why is it so hard to understand that he was pushed to this point, not that he was going to do this from the start?
you can get on your high horse all you want and claim that you would never snap like that if you were kidnapped branded bred chipped and tortured in a secret underground lab with no one in the outside world knowing you were still alive for over 20 years. but tbh. I would kill some people too if it meant I had a chance to get out of there. if I thought doing that would grant me my freedom, as well as the freedom of other victims (remember, it’s clear that in some way one thought he was saving the lab kids/they weren’t actually gone) then yeah I’d fucking take it
now, does someone deserve forgiveness for killing dozens of people, including children? no, not for those actions. that’s still a fucked up thing to do, obviously
but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about how so many people seem to have forgotten who brenner is. the dude kidnaps (or breeds) kids and forces them to do his bidding under threat of torturous punishment. he never gives any of the kids proper support, and that includes henry and any other version of him that may have existed
we’re shown henward being scared of brenner when he’s being tattooed. we’re shown el being wary of brenner in the lab. we’re shown her defying his commands (ie. not killing the cat) and him retaliating with torturous punishment (ie. isolation, electrocution). we’re shown her (and one) calling hnl a prison. we’re shown how competitive the lab was between el and her siblings, and them ganging up on each other/brenner pitting them against one another
not to mention that henward had a whole childhood outside of the lab and knew what he had been taken from, and as he grew up he would have known all of the milestones that he was missing by being trapped in hnl. he would be aware of the potential for the real life he could have had. anyone would be more than bitter about that
sooo again, why exactly is henry/vecna/one the big bad when brenner is right there with his fingers stuck in the guts of everything smearing blood all over the walls because he’s too busy having fun to care about what consequences his actions might bring?
and yes, the show is presenting everything as if henry=vecna=one and that he did do everything he’s being accused of. but folks loooove to say that st is all about subverting common tropes. so why can’t that be happening here too? why does this hodgepodge of information have to be so cut and dry when the veneer can be scratched off with just your fingernail to reveal the frankenstein’s monster of mismatched pieces that it is underneath?
the show is screaming at us, both in subtle and blatant ways (how many times does it have to be said in the script that not everything is black and white before people take it to heart), that nothing is as it seems. that something weird is going on and things aren’t adding up. that just maybe maybe maybe we should feel bad for this kid who was forced to become a monster because nobody would listen otherwise
it was so obvious to me when I first watched st4 that we were meant to see that el could have become a “vecna” if she didn’t get the love and support that she received. and that will could have become a “vecna” if he was never saved from the ud. and if henward had received the love and care that those two kids did, he probably would have turned out just like them. but he didn’t. and it’s a tragedy to see what could have been, and how quickly it was all snatched away
…….. but people refuse to acknowledge that, and continue to tout that henward is a born-and-raised monster who was never deserving of kindness like his protégé(s)?
we have no idea what’s going on, but that also means we can’t take the portrait of this “villain” at face value. not when every core aspect of the show is telling us the exact opposite
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uniquevoidflowers · 1 year
Comfort Part 1: Wind
(AKA: The chain gets the comfort they deserve.)
“And then I landed face-first into the wall thus giving me this scar!” I laughed.
Everyone had mixed expression of horror, laughter, and confusion on their faces. Except Time, and of course myself. Time had just given his signature “Dad Look” and I had been grinning like the little gremlin I was. “Oh wow. Not only the Links are reckless? That’s a feat." Four remarked.
"Anyway I guess it’s my turn. I bet you are all curious why I have this scar.” Sky shuddered pointing to claw marks on his wrists.
“If ya wanna tell, I don’t think anyone’ll stop ya. But don’t feel pressured.” Twilight drawled.
“Okay. I actually got this scar from my Loftwing Crimson. He had been trapped and was struggling against bars. I tried and succeeded in getting Crimson free however as I tried to cut him free he managed to make some nasty claw marks in his panic.” Sky explained.
“I thought Loftwings couldn’t hurt their owners?” Hyrule mused.
“Not necessarily. And that wasn’t the only time. Crimson had pecked me a little too hard to warn me that Daphnes was sick. I don’t really have a scar though.” Sky recalled.
“Daphnes?” Warriors furrowed his eyebrows.
“My son. Did I not tell you guys about my family?” Sky replied.
“Nope.” Legend helpfully answered.
I suddenly stopped smiling, as I though over what Sky had just explained. A certain...ahem...bird came to mind. I don't know why but I recalled Aryll screaming as I saw that damn bird dig it’s claws into Aryll’s arms. I couldn’t do anything, I remembered Grandma’s solemn expression. “Sailor?” A concerned voice nudged me.
But I was already too deep in a spiral. “LINK!” Aryll had shrieked while crying desperately trying to break free. “Aryll..no...” I thought aloud.
Although at that time I hadn’t noticed. “Link...Wind! Are you alright?” Hyrule broke the spiral.
“I-I’m fine. So Sky, tell us about that family of yours. A son r-right?” I stammered trying to get the attention off of me.
“Ah, I married Sun awhile ago. Then we had two kids! Daphnes and Zelda since we wanted to keep the name going. We were going to have another child but...” Sky trailed off.
“Sky, I’m so sorry ta hear that. I bet yer were a lot of help. fer Sun.” Twilight comforted.
“Yeah. Anyways I’m going to piss see ya guys!” I suddenly stood up.
I couldn’t sit here any longer. “Okay...come back in a few alright?” Warriors almost looked reluctant.
I could picture his face pitying me. Not a pretty sight. “Thanks.” I murmured anyway and left.
I ran far enough from the camp to allow myself to sob. Stupid bird.
It had been awhile since Wind went to ‘piss’. “You think the sailor is okay?” Wild hummed.
“I dunno.” I answered honestly.
“STUPID BIRD!” Wind’s voice screamed nearby.
I was instantly on my feet. “Warriors do you wanna go check on him? You can call us if there’s trouble.” Time seemed to read my mind.
“Absolutely. I’ll be back.” I nodded and began to search for Wind.
I heard muffled sobbing and I followed the sound. I eventually discovered Wind sitting on the ground, his head buried into his palms. His shoulders were shaking slightly and I could hear heartbreaking hiccups. I sat down next to the sailor and wrapped the younger in my arms. “Shhh, it’s alright I’m here.” I promised.
“W-wars?” Wind sniffled his voice incredibly small.
“Do you want to talk?” I asked.
“Yeah.” Wind hiccuped again and rubbed his eyes.
“Take your time.” I soothed.
Wind cried a bit more before clearing his throat. “My sister Aryll... a big bird called the Helmaroc King kidnapped her right before my first adventure. She screamed and cried an’ I couldn’t do anythin’.” Wind explained before bursting into even more tears.
“Did you save her?” I asked quietly.
“Yeah.” Wind replied.
“Then don’t dwell on it. She’s safe now.” I reminded him.
“Yeah...I’m sorry.” Wind apologized.
“Don’t be. Just take a moment.” I smiled and held the little one close.
Each member of the chain looked worriedly at the captain who was carrying a sleeping Wind. The sailor’s eyes were puffy and red. “What happened? Is he alright?” I asked.
“Shhhh. It’s okay Sprite. He just needed to talk.” Warriors smiled softly.
I knew to drop it at that. “Don’ tell him I said this but he looks adorable right now.” Twilight cooed.
“I am so telling him.” Warriors grinned.
“Tattletale!” Twilight harrumphed.
“I suppose it’s time we all go to sleep.” I yawned.
“I call first watch!” Wild demanded.
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covenscribe · 9 months
thoughts on the Larian IGN interview posted today (Dec.15.2023)
Interview is here
my thoughts under read more cut
-Personally think they shouldn't have added Karlach before they figured out her main story, hearing that there was never 'more' planned sucks because shes a great character and really should have been given more in game time to flourish
-Lae'zel is literally a child soldier I don't see toning her down in any sense as good
-I agree that Astarion's main motivating factor is fear I don't know why people are upset about this assessment tbh
-Okay the big issue is that the Evil Playthrough's lack of content is 'A consequence of your actions' . It is a video game, if you let people make a choice that you feel you need to punish them for then thats not fun. That's bad dming in dnd. I feel like Im being lectured for reading horror novels, some times I want evil storylines.
Instead of leaving it empty it should have been that more evil things fill in the void left by good being killed. Such as filling the city with more cultists, more missions seeing how the world is negatively affected by your choices other than just emptiness. Don't stop at having to kill kids at the grove for the evil run, keep the horror of evil snowballing until the world is burning.
If you're going to have an evil option go all out with the same effort you give the good options or it feels like half a game.
-I'm annoyed they didn't plan more for Halsin in act 3 other than to be there to be kidnapped and annoyed with the city. You have a whole character full of potential! And being the sole third option for poly romance being treated as a tacked on after thought feels bad.
-Shadowheart's original character pitch being a sharran jason bourne was a choice lol. I like how she is in game.
-I think its interesting that they noticed how it was unfair that some characters weren't getting as much love because of where they were placed on the map for recruitment. Like, y'all built that map...
I think it would have been better if the nautiloid section was a lot bigger and you end up recruiting all main companions on the ship, you can still have rescuing gale from a portal, astarion threatening you, wyll and karlach being about to fight when you have to get to the helm.
saying the potential to miss karlach added replay value i disagree with as it just adds frustration imo
-"Wyll: 'We Lost a Little Bit of Narrative Room"
You Sure Did, I love Wyll's story line but he gets so little screen time compared to other characters that it drives me up the wall. Also seeing how we went from the one black companion potentially being replaced by a white woman ( mizora ) in his original story line to being the only companion that can kill another companion doesn't feel good imo.
Tying character story lines together to make the world feel more connected is good but that was a miss
-The Emperor, like Astarion, being motivated by fear makes sense, but the emperor is more of a level headed manipulator and that's why he had a full underground empire of business deals.
-I love the irony that he devil is one who tells you the honest truth about the emperor.
-Saying "One of the basic questions of the game was whether you would become a monster if it would save the world." is interesting because with the companions it often feels like 'would you make yourself a monster to protect yourself' instead.
The ending is full of self sacrifice for multiple characters so I don't think its about becoming a monster, I think it's more about how people who are forced into awful situations will always come out changed.
-Raphael absolutely is a theater kid with too much power lol
-i disagree with the interviewer saying there was no real reward for not taking in more tadpoles the reward is less worms in your brain matter lmao
-imo they wouldnt have had to make minthara recruitable in a good playthrough for people to experience her storyline if they just put content in for the evil playthroughs so its just as fun and people will play it
I think that given unlimited time and resources, I'd want to make a new game at this point. I'm happy with Baldur's Gate 3.
"Baldur's Gate 4 confirmed. SV: What did I miss? AS: Apparently I just confirmed... No, I didn't."
dont tease me lol
-jaheria romance was planned and im sad we didnt get the gilf romance now
-apparently there is or was a special event that happens if you have stolen from a ton of people
Okay that was the full interview my main thought is
Stop pulling a bioware where you re-write a bunch of stuff that has already been worked on and you will have time for more of what you had planned and with less crunch.
That said I also know I'm an outsider and can't know everything they struggled with to make this game happen and genuinely wish them the best. I wouldn't bother critiquing the game if I didn't love it.
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myyoungroyalsblog · 2 years
Liveblog of Gåsmamman season 6 (so spoilers, obviously)
Episode 1
Everyone needs to hug a cow every once in a while😔
Wow is that prison??
Omfg the kid in the car afahsghsgshs
Uhhh how can you just "check" the dark web?? Is it easy or what? Lmao
Fuck, the kids and the kids kids FUCK
Omg not the kid (I don't think she would ever harm the kid but uhhh trauma?? Jfc)
Fuck and now Linus
Jfc shit
Holy fuck
Oh god he's gonna find out now😭
"Am I dead?" OMG😭😭😭😭😭
Awwww the hug!!!!!!!
Also is he wearing a wedding ring??
Episode 2
Poor baby😭 "I wanna see mama" ahhhhhhh
Are they gonna put her in prison so that she kills Sonja?
Lol I thought that was Fabian for a sec
What the hell? A fire?
Woah wtf is that even legal??? Jesus christ
Oh fucking new that guard was iffy
Of course they take the wrong person🙄
Who is this bitch?
Oh god she ain't gonna get to the apartment is she?
What the fuck hahahaha she escaped??
Yeah no people don't remember what the fuck you wrote on your CV lmao
Oh shit Emil might lose his job
None of those kids better get hurt or die istg
Episode 3
Sonja you can't complain about an ankle monitor are you kidding me???
Omg Linus leaning on his mum my heart😭
Omg the snow is so beautiful!!!!!
Holy shit he was married (did that happen in s5 and I forgot? Lol)
But what if HE is the leak??? Ahhhhh
Hockey? Lmao
Oh that fucker GET HIM GUSTAV
Shit shit shit are they gonna follow him??
God poor girl
Vera shut the fuck up
Ohh the piano music is very nice
Oh fuck yeah Gustav is smart😌
Sooooo many secret🙄
Linus heard..... Is he gonna run away again?
Ohh family drama
Fucking knew he was gonna leave
Ohh Lukas helped him (I think?)
But like where the fuck is he gonna go? Can he even drive??
Oop Richard dead
Episode 4
Jfc another chase🙄
Fucking hellllll they know where they are
Preeeetty sure that wasn't Linus who took the photos Zac
I am scared for Linus here ahhhhhh
Oh shit it was, for the passports?
Fucking Dante
Ahhh fuck yeah that was awesome lmao
Okay that was like a tranquilizer or smt right?
Episode 5
Of course the vest lol I forgot about that
I mean I understand Zac, Fredrik is in danger and the bad guys won't hesitate to hurt a child, but I also understand Nina wanting to help her mum
I hate it when my gut is right, that kid seemed in on all this shit (maybe he framed Richard???)
They made themselves a snack wtf afsjsgsh
Did Zac take Linus??
Vera asked for Linus??
Zac you fucking idiot you think they aren't going to hurt him???? Seriously??? FUCK
What the fuck are they making?
Ohhhh Zac I hate you so much right now
And Fredrik????? Without a dad??? And Nina won't know FUCK
Episode 6
Oh wow she old
So I guess she does go to jail in the end?
Oh fuck yeah Gustav you smart son of a bitch
Fuck you Vera for hurting a fucking kid FUCK
I mean if you're gonna raid a place and save a kid better be discreet and not blare your fucking sirens at top volume what the fuck
Why did Dante talk and not shoot Vera? Hello????
Vera told Linus about Zac right?
Yeah Linus knows Zac's dead
Is Winston Barry's son? Idk
Oh shit they are listening
Jesus fucking christ
But as well Linus needs to say that Zac fucking kidnapped him, like that's why Sonja did what she did
Oh shit Linus called Gustav
Holy shit a bomb????
But they got them ig after YEARS
Awww the graveyard😟
Holy shit hell of a tattoo wow
Ohh Nina found someone
Okay so this is in the future
Did Linus get married??
That is so fucking weird no adahsfshsgs
But awww cute bride!!!!
Now go shave that beard afshsgshdh
How many times has Nina changed her hair hahahahahha love the new look!!
Oh you are shitting me
The minute she is out...... WHAT THE FUCK
That was some twilight shit right there
I mean I think she's right
Oh wow
Okay then
Yeah that might have been the best thing for her kids
But like what the hell
Well....... What a ride adahsgdhdgdh glad it didn't end with Linus's beard cause that thing is gonna haunt me in my nightmares afshshdjdh but maybe now the family can live "normally" idk
So many emotions right now I can't even think afajsgsjshd
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asoulofatlantis · 2 years
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When I first played the game, I told Gatta to disobey the orders and fight on the frontline, because I thought that was what Tidus would do, what fits his character best. I didn’t know what it would mean. I’ve only realized what I had done when I found Luzzu und he cried about why Gatta was on the frontlines, when he wasn’t supposed to be. My first time playing final fantasy X and I actually was responsible for this boys death. Yes, in a sense, that saved Luzzu... but... Gatta is basically still a child, so I feel like letting him live is the better choice - it also the canon one, as far as we know. However, I found it very cruel of the game to make me decide if he lives or dies, without giving me a chance of even realizing what I was doing. How could I have know back then what would happen?
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This was so damn weird. Even Auron looks like “WTF?!” XD I mean, he just straight up hugged him without much thought. But he should know what Auron knows and that he is unlikely to be happy to see any Master of Yevon, no matter their past together...
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This moment practically already gave away that the masters of Yevon know a lot more then the teachings would tell. But when you play it for the first time, it is just confusing you.
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I am surprised that anyone on that beach survived that attack at all. Seriously. Lucil was directly on the frontlines, it doesn’t make any sense that she made it.
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Auron saw right through that mess from the beginning. But that is what you get for knowing the full truth. If you understand Yevons true nature, it all makes a lot more sense. Back then, when I played this game for the first time, I was still wondering if Auron was right. Tho the survived turning back to Yevon quickly showed me, that he could not have been that wrong.
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So Cecil and Elma, both on the frontlines, both sitting on Chocobos made it out alive but their Chocobos didn’t? What did they do? Hide behind them or what? Once again, the survivor of that massaker don’t always make sense.
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This certainly is on the list of conversation I wish I had never activated. I mean... did they really have to be so cruel? Torn in half was a bit much. Just dead would have done it quite well too.
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I know and understand why many summoner chose the people they love as their Guardians and I got the whole “people I trust” - speech too. But who would take a little kid along on a journey full of monsters?
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You know... you could see that Yuna too actually wanted to stay here until nightfall to watch the lights and all but wasn’t willing to be so selfish to say it and yet was still disappointed when Auron said they wouldn’t wait that long. I get that in a sense, they were in a rush and all, but given Yunas Situation, it was really unfair not to consider her feelings and what she wishes and needs. But when it comes to this, I always thought Auron was sometimes far too strict with everybody.
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Yuna was just a child back then, one who just recently lost her father and now was brought by a “strange creature” to an unknown place far away from home. So I understand while even tho Kimari was worried when Yuna jumped into the water to get brought back like that, he also was glad she was having fun, given her sad and complicated situation at the time.
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Did you ever notice that this is the only shoopuf we ever see in this game, even tho such a big thing is hardly to overlook? The reason thing shoopuf stil works here, even after over 10 years and such an injury, is because its the last one. We don’t get much information about it, but in the infamous audio drama that I would usually ignore, it gets mentioned that its lost its mate a long time ago and wished it back. That race likely went extinct for one reason or another and he is the last one alive, unable to produce new shoopufs, because its mate also died. Sad storys no one ever tells you.
I just beat the AlBhed that kidnapped Yuna AGAIN and now the game just crushed on me. Urg. No I have to hear that story about bad Machina and war again V.V
Something seemed off when I tried to open the game again. Maybe I should restart the computer. Or maybe I take a break and try again later.
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hi could I get some headcanons for a yandere demon who was accidentally summoned by a child and the demon realizes that the small child just wanted someone to play with. The parents neglects the child and even when the kid comes into the room with the demon the parents are like “go play somewhere else sweetie” so the demon is basically just like “yup this child is mine” and just takes the child to the underworld with them, thank you 🥺
I started a one shot on this, and then realized that you wanted headcannons, so there is totally gojnng to be a part two of this that is the actual process. Kk, into it now.
I had to skip through th me “kidnapping” one, because there isn’t much to describe about it.
(I can’t tag you since your anonymous, but Just know I’ll post it in the next few days)
-he, of course, meets you after you summon him with the ritual you saw in a picture book. He’s actually quite suprised that a child summoned him just to play trains in a sandbox. It isn’t like he can go anywhere till you dismiss one of the candle flames, so he just sits down and humors you.
-he is quite confused on the fact that you want him to play with you, and not some of your friends. You seem like a sweet little one, very polite indeed, and you haven’t even judged him on his demonic appearance, usually humans run screaming from the red tint in his skin, black eyes, and large horns. So he is very intrigued by you.
-usually, he’s not one for human sympathy, mainly because they treat him likes he’s some monster from hell (which he is), But it still hurts. You on the other hand, don’t even seem to care at all about the fact, you are treating him like some friend, not a demonic pet for you to order around. He immediately feels a bond between the two of you, it might be one sided, but still, you are just too sweet for this blasted world you’ve been shoved in.
-when he learns that this precious’s little thing that is you, has never felt any sort of love, even though you are just a ball of heaven, he is angry. Humans are nasty, vile creatures, the one time, the ONE TIME that one isn’t taking advantage of him, someone is openly hurting them? This is where the yandere-ness starts, he might not have known you for long, but he immediately feels protective, how could someone hurt such a little thing like you? That should be counted as a criminal act.
-when you let him out of the star (with his careful instruction to only blow away one of the lines) he’ll immediately grab your hand, and hoist you up to his chest, which by the way, is 8 feet off the ground. He’ll ask you where these “parents” of yours are, whilst rubbing circles back and forth on your shoulders with his warm hands. You point towards the little blue house where you lived, and he’ll go walking in there like he owns the place. When you say you made a new friend, your mommy jsut sheigged you off and told you to go play because she’s busy and can’t deal with you. This triggers him to a whole new level.
-he’ll take you back outside immediately, and set you in the center of the star, shooting a flew unstoppable flames into the blue house, then he’ll ask you to draw a new line for the star, and you and him both are transported into the world of the under, the last remains of earth in Your mind consisted of a few feminine screams.
“This child is mine now. Filthy human.”
-when arriving in literal hell, you would find that it’s surprisingly normal, actually pretty beautiful if you were to ask me. The sky was black, and the plants and ground were red. But it was such a pretty sight. You wowed at whatever this place was, while holding onto the side of his arm.
-this man, treats you like a little princess, his little princess of course. He dresses you in the finest of clothing, feeds you the best food, and plays the best games with you. He chooses to ill the role of your parent, mainly because the human scum who called themselves your biological parents, were cowards, and didn’t deserve the title. You’ll see him attempt to imitate a human parent, but soon just say “Aw fuck it” and go his own way.
-he doesn’t really get mad at you, in fact it’s very hard for him to even feel slightly annoyed at you, none of the things you do are intentional, so most of the things that could annoy him get blamed on someone else.
-is the most overprotective being you’ll ever meet, not letting you do even the simplest of tasks because “you could get hurt”, apparently you are too fragile to complete basic tasks. He’ll help you get dressed, he’ll fed you, he’ll literally carry you everywhere, all the while he’ll be scaring away any other demons from his manor in case they smelled the sweet child that you are, and wanted it for themselves.
-you’re his best friend, but even so, you have to go back home at some point right? Wrong, he’ll make you think as if whatever place you were before, where you were neglected, and ignored, was nothing but a dream, when you ask any questions about it, he’ll shush you and tell you that it’s nap time or something.
-he doesn’t care at all if you miss your mommy and daddy, he never did understand why humans could form attachments to people who mistreat them. He’ll grow angered, not at you of course, you aren’t trying to do it on purpose, but more so at everyone in your past life that’s keeping you from him. So he might pull a few strings with some humans int he surface that are in debt to him, and bam, your old school, your fathers house, your friends horns, everything in town, has now burst into flames.
-nicknames include: littles, little one, child
-as I said he doesn’t get mad very easily, busy he also won’t tolerate a certain level of disobedience. That being said, he will never even think about embolism any form of physical pain upon you. Resorting to more tactical options.
-hell just scare you, like letting you wander out when it’s parent of that darker times (they don’t have days down here), and letting any demons come close to you, you of course, beings tiny little human faces with a huge snake thing, scream and cry for your best friend to come save you. Which he does, and engulfs you in his arms, boucning you up and down while shushing Youa Dan striking your hair.
-hell lecture you and tell you this is why you can’t leave him, then changing you out of the dirty clothing, and tucking you into bed.
The two of you have quite the size difference, so snuggling with him would be hard, but not impossible. He is actually quite gentle with you, noting how easy it would be to crush you under his weight, so he’ll gently set you on top of him, over his chest, where he’ll wrap his arms around your sister, and keep his hands over your shoulders.
-or he’ll set your form in his lap, protective encasing his arms over your chest while you rest your head in his.
-where he comes from, it’s a sight of dominance to hiss at others, so you’ll literally be just perched in his lap while he’s hissing like a cat at another demon like 👁👄👁
Thanks for requesting, have a great day anon, bye!
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narniangirl1994 · 3 years
I, like many other fans, was disappointed with several aspects of Lucifer's final season. Although it could have been much worse, I feel like certain decisions ruined several aspects of the show. For example:
They didn't show nearly enough of Trixie this season and didn't give her a satisfying ending. Not only did it make no sense for Chloe to ignore her child so often after Trixie just lost her dad, but she never officially found out about the celestials in her life and never got to say goodbye to Lucifer.
It was tough to care much about a new daughter from the future who was introduced at the last minute, yet had such a huge impact on her parents' stories. Especially seeing how sidelined Trixie was this season for a biological daughter (with Rory even saying Lucifer wasn't Trixie's real dad 😡).
I disliked the reasoning behind Lucifer abandoning his family at the request of a daughter who shouldn't have been that invested in Lucifer's calling. Yes it was important, but why was she willing to put them all through so much suffering for a calling that had nothing to do with her?
It was especially tragic to see Lucifer's choice essentially taken away from him because of Rory's insistence/coercion that he keep everything the same, after how much the show emphasized personal choice and responsibility. Not to mention his separation from his family for most of their lives is just needlessly tragic after everything they've been through.
Here's how I think the final season could have been made 100x better while still keeping the overall plot and taking into account the scheduling/COVID safety issues with Trixie's actress:
Instead of introducing Rory, have Trixie be the one who time travels back from the future to see Lucifer (therefore keeping her character relevant while using a different actress). This could be explained by her having asked Charlie to send her back in time. Not only would it make sense for Charlie to be the one to develop time traveling powers (since Amenadiel's powers were also time-based), but his powers could even be teased briefly with baby Charlie earlier in the season.
Her anger would be due to two reasons - Lucifer abandoning her so shortly after her father died, and Chloe telling Trixie that Lucifer was the only one who could have freed Dan from Hell, but that he didn't do it before leaving. Perhaps Chloe waited until Trixie was in her 20s/30s before telling her this, and that was the breaking point that made Trixie ask Charlie to send her back in time.
In the past, she somehow conceals her identity and uses tricks Maze taught her over the years to (pretend to) threaten Chloe in order to force Lucifer to bring Dan to Heaven. Lucifer knows he can't do that and it would likely make Dan a ghost, but Dan agrees to it anyway to save Chloe.
Once he's back on Earth, Trixie demands to know why Dan isn't in Heaven and gives up when both Lucifer and Dan convince her it's impossible. Realizing she failed her father, Trixie frees Chloe and leaves (obviously never intending to harm her in the first place). She later comes back, revealing her identity and explaining why she did what she did, why she's so angry at Lucifer, and how things go down in the future.
All the same shenanigans ensue, with Lucifer asserting he would never leave Chloe and Trixie, and trying to prove that he does actually love Trixie as his own daughter. He could do the same goodbye tour just in case, but this time spend a day at the beach with Chloe and adult Trixie.
Meanwhile, child Trixie can be off at a camp designed for children who lost a parent(s) and want to spend time with counselors and other grieving kids to help them recover. This would be a much better explanation than Trixie being off at a science camp and never seeing her mother so shortly after the trauma of losing her father.
All the other plots could still happen with Dan trying not to be a ghost, possessing Le Merc, talking to Lucifer and realizing he needed to speak to (child) Trixie, etc. Lucifer would still realize he didn't want to be God while Amenadiel would realize he did want to be God, yet more emphasis would be placed on Lucifer wanting to find his true calling.
Le Merc could kidnap adult Trixie, and she could similarly need to be talked down by Lucifer so that she didn't kill Le Merc in revenge. They could still figure out that Lucifer ultimately helped Dan get into heaven, and that he has helped other people (like Lee and Trixie) move past their own mistakes/flaws.
Rather than pressuring Lucifer to keep the time loop the same like Rory did, Trixie could explain how important it is to her that Dan was able to get into heaven because of Lucifer (and the time loop). And how important it is to her that other people who made mistakes, like her father, can get into heaven with Lucifer's help too.
Chloe's acceptance would be due to several things: wanting Dan to get into Heaven, being happy Lucifer found his calling, and - tying into the background plot of police brutality/inequality- realizing that many 'criminals' are a product of our broken system and deserve the chance to better themselves in this life or the afterlife.
Perhaps if they changed the focus of the Hell episode (where Lucifer helped the guy he hated confront his deepest insecurity), to his brother Michael instead, Lucifer would have a deeper connection to his calling. If he could learn to care about and understand Michael, he could care about/understand anyone. Perhaps Michael's issues aren't fully resolved by the end of that episode, but some sort of progress was made. This would enhance Lucifer's motivation to follow his calling/keep the time loop and give the ongoing Lucifer and Michael plot a real conclusion.
To emphasize that this really is Lucifer (and his loved one's choice) - rather than Rory or fate itself - perhaps they could even include a conversation with Ella, theorizing the possibility of creating an alternate universe if he chooses to break the loop, rather than making it seem like the loop is inevitable.
As such, he willingly chooses to 'abandon' his family (with their consent) for the next decade or two so that Trixie time travels and all of this comes to pass.
But unlike the finale, he can become a part of their lives again after Trixie has completed the time loop. That way, he isn't apart from Chloe and Trixie for the rest of their lives, but they all had a chance to learn and grow on their own before coming back together and understanding one another.
All of this would have provided a much more satisfying conclusion to the show. It would respect the relationships already formed (and affirm the validity of non-biological family), respect Lucifer's newfound ability to make his own choices, keep character motivations realistic, and more.
What do you think? What would be your preferred finale of Lucifer?
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min-jpg · 3 years
Hi!! Can you do they boys getting kidnapped but its Diluc, Childe, and Kazuha? Thank you!!💗💗
Note: I just want to point out that there's no actual reason on how I choose for the reader to beat up the kidnappers since part 1,, it's totally random as long as I'm trying out different ideas whatever fits ehe. Enjoy! 💖
Kidnapped Genshin Boys x Fem Rich!reader pt.2
Part 1 (Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao)
Characters: Childe, Diluc, Kazuha
Genre: fluff, established relationship, some woman kicking ass action, (TW: mentions of blood and violence)
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Your boyfriend would definitely try to go head-to-head against the shady group of people who abducted him. The gang accountable must be living under the rock for even considering one of the most dangerous Harbingers as their prey to carry out their schemes.
However, Childe learned that there would be ramifications if he tries to be rash without gathering solid intel first. Having no knowledge of your current circumstances and whereabouts troubled him to the core. They could have already sent out a corresponding group towards you and endanger you if he failed to listen.
Being wealthy is not a foreign concept to Childe as he is also a wealthy man himself. That said, the premonition of being a target for a ransom would not be unrealistic to him. For now, he is glad that he is the victim here instead of having to witness you kidnapped.
"You know, you could've asked me nicely for some money. I might just give it to you, instead of doing all this for my girlfriend's money." Despite being in a position far from desirable, Childe leisurely sat on the chair that he was bound to, crossing his legs. He was making small talks to push away the worst scenarios happening to you. Are you safe? Are you crying? Did they hurt you?
"I don't know who you are to be running your mouth, but you should value your life a little more." Their leader emerged from the group.
Childe's ocean eyes squinted as menace casts upon his pupils, his voice lowered, "Is that so? Ironic, because you guys seem to value money more than your lives."
The head stepped back slightly, "Enough with your empty threats! You should be aware of the current situation you're in. We're not fooling around here."
"I'm not fooling around either."
As sparks were thrown back and forth, you made your way in through the main entrance. Tapping the shoulder that belongs to one of the men, "Excuse me, I need to get to my boyfriend." Your fist sunk into the side of his face when he turned towards you. He collapsed on the ground with a few broken teeth and blood spewing out of his mouth. Moving on to the next adversary in your path, you fought with full faith in your abilities no matter how intimidating they were.
Soon, the leader and people further ahead finally took notice of it. You pave your way towards your boyfriend and eventually, both your eyes meet each other. Childe puffed out a breath of relief when he finally saw you, but also registering the fact that you just took down most of the men with your bare hands.
Kicking away the men who tried to grab you, you then waved enthusiastically at Childe, "Hey girlie, hold still." Rushing right ahead to the leader, you brought your arm near your face, elbow pointing outwards. The sharp edge from your elbow jabbed his throat, causing him to choke and lose balance.
As his reaction dulled, it was your chance to strike again. Thus, you gallantly overthrew their leader and the entire gang by yourself.
After helping Childe, he stood up abruptly and placed his hands on your shoulder with eagerness written all over the face, "I never knew you could fight so well! How about a spar with me right now?" Expect your boyfriend to continuously bug you to indulge in his rampant itch to fight anyone that comes across as a worthy opponent. Though, the real takeaway from this experience was the way your hair clings to your face with sweat as the adhesive and the triumph look in your eyes. It was a rather attractive sight to relish in his taste.
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Your boyfriend would be infuriated that crooked people like these exist, much less target him to extort money from you. Just another validation to add up on how incompetent the Knights of Favonious is, he thought. Someone will have to clean up their mess, that someone being him. What better way to do that than to follow them to their hideout to seek out the whole organization?
Diluc is renowned for being one of the richest men in Teyvat. Naturally, the group thought they hit the jackpot on not only holding him for ransom, but potentially garnering some money from him as well.
The only concern he carries is your wellbeing. Diluc fears that this incident will affect you mentally. His head started filling up with formulations on ways to resolve this matter without causing any uproar to guarantee your safety.
When the head was introduced to him, he gritted his teeth to suppress every ounce of his might to not reach for his claymore. Diluc still has to prioritize gathering information first regarding the gang. His patrons at Angel's Share are usually the ones providing him with promising intel of any evildoers, but some things are just meant to be obtained by himself.
"Is this the only hideout you have? Quite in a shambles, don't you think?" Diluc's eyes shifted around the dilapidated building, observing the surroundings to know his enemies better.
The leader rolled his eyes, "It wouldn't be so bad once we get some funding from you and your girlfriend." Diluc hummed. Judging from his answer, it is safe to assume that the organization is rather a small scaling one. Defeating them right now will result in uprooting the source once and for all.
As Diluc was about to do so, a lackey of the gang ran frantically towards them, panting labored when he reached and trying to catch his breath. "What is it?" The leader question.
"T-there's... there's someone." He pointed towards a direction with fear layering his voice.
"What? Why are you so scared?" They all glanced towards the spot.
"I swear there was a woman! I don't know who it is, but she took out some of our guys on guard outside."
In disbelief that a woman could have done anything so reckless, the leader trudged to said location. As it is a spot lacking light, the darkness and shadow made it challenging for him to pinpoint if anyone is there. When he moved closer, you crept out behind from his blind spot and kicked the back of his head, causing his head to spin. Your arm lunged forward, gaining a tight hold onto his nape. You put everything into pushing him, his forehead hammered down to the floor. Creating a loud thud, it gave him a concussion.
"Looking for me?" Your foot stamped onto his back, just making sure he stays down.
Everyone, including your boyfriend, had their pupils dilated at the scene. You sighed at the silence, "All of you just messed with the wrong couple." Lifting your foot away, you stomped forward without giving them a second thought. Your arms and legs are all warmed up for many rounds against your foes.
Diluc watched you from afar as you drove your way towards victory. Although he could step in to help, he admits silently to himself that he would like to observe you a little longer. Putting his trust in your calibers to carry you far, his eyes never left your brave figure.
Once you cleared the group, the next thing to do is checking on Diluc. Already unfastening the restrains himself, he walked to you, "That was well executed. Your abilities shouldn't be underestimated. Don't join the Knights though." He stressed the last remark, scoffing. You chuckled and held his hand to guide him out of here, "Thanks. Glad to impress you, Master Diluc. Let's go home."
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Your boyfriend is a rather hard target to impose on for their plans of kidnapping him. His senses are just too refined for an ordinary person to challenge. Basic tactics, such as overthrowing him with the element of surprise have proven to be futile. Thus, Kazuha will always be able to evade falling prey into their hands.
The only way Kazuha could have been kidnapped is through falsifying evidence of you being in a life-threatening situation. Although he has successfully saved his own skin, not the same could be applied to you. Feeling his resolve shaken, what other choices could he have? Prioritizing your safety is the most important thing right now.
Kazuha may have faced similar situations in the past when out in the sea, encountering pirates of other crew aiming for the Crux Fleet's fortune. Being in the position as a captive for ransom is new. He actually found it amusing, rather than having thoughts of blaming you. It is not your fault that you are blessed with wealth. It is the fault of the criminals.
"Ain't you that the kid who's with Beidou? You're part of her crew." The leader questioned his target, to which he was greeted by Kazuha's silence. "Tell you what. You're just like the rest of us. We want to be rich. How about you ask your girlfriend to bring some more money and we'll give you a share as well?"
Kazuha's face darkened, "I don't know what you've heard, but it must be really valiant of you to assume to worst out of the Crux Fleet and myself. I'd appreciate it if you cease lumping me together with criminals like you."
The Crux Fleet does put up with an infamous reputation amongst the Qixing. Perhaps the abductors concluded that Kazuha has a negative conscience just like them, as in upholding a relationship with you to have a taste of your assets. Still, if he tried to talk his way out of it, barbarians like them will never reach a mutual understanding with him. Kazuha shut his eyes, ignoring any further confrontations to preserve his energy as he contemplates a plan.
He was interrupted when he thought he heard your voice nearby, carried by the wind. The others around him did not hear it since it was just something only Kazuha could pick up. Applying full concentration, he managed to form what he heard, "Get out of my way, please, while I'm asking nicely."
Opening his eyes, he turned to stare at the entrance. As if on cue, the door swung open when you kicked it down, announcing your presence. Some men fainted below your feet.
The others instantly reacted by storming towards your direction to stop your advancement. You stood still in your position, taking a mindful deep breath. One thing you learned from Kazuha is to always remain cold-headed before engaging in a fight.
Kazuha wanted to get out of the restraints to rescue you, but instead, you started dishing out few moves against the men.
When you thought you finished with the remaining numbers, their leader was about to declare his victory, "I got you!" Encircling his arm around your neck in an attempt to strangle you, you huffed and grinned towards Kazuha to signal him you have it under control.
You elbowed his stomach and felt him loosen his grip when he winced. Making enough gap between his arm and your neck, you slipped away and swiftly kicked in between his groins. The color drained from his face and tumbled to the ground, passing out in pain, "Hmph, this is what happens when you touch a lady without her permission." You brushed away the hair from your face after an arduous fight.
Jogging towards your boyfriend, "Kazuha!" He brisked towards you as well and held you in his embrace, softly rubbed your nape, "You're giving me plenty of inspirations for a haiku after such a wonderful performance." Kazuha would appreciate you refraining from such a heedless approach next time. He was comforted to see you safe and knowing the threats were nothing more than to use you, his weakness, against him. After witnessing that, Kazuha will be slightly ashamed he even doubted you in the first place, so he trusts that you can watch out for yourself next time.
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aetheternity · 3 years
I have a request
Levi's wife y/n and 4 or 5 year old son get kidnapped by kenny and the military police. They get taken to the crystal cave with eren and historia. So when levi comes to save them he is livid and is quickly taking down every mp in his way. Luckily both y/n and her son make it out safely with levi and his squad.
Levi, y/n, and their son have a soft moment and they all hug and give kisses 😚😚😚 and day squad teases them
(I added my own little spin to this where Y/N is playfully argumentative and sometimes wild with Levi. Hope that's ok! I also thought it would be cute if Levi and Y/N’s son was named after Levi’s late friend Farlen.)
"We have more than just Historia and Eren now." Levi grunted, facing Hange. "My son and Y/N were taken as well."
"We can't wait then. We'll leave as soon as possible."
Levi squeezed the paper Hange had given him earlier in his grasp as his squad whooped and hollered behind him. Kenny probably wouldn't kill them, they were insurance after all. Which was that much worse for Levi.
He already knew if he didn't manage to calm himself before they got to Kenny he would lash out recklessly. The one thing he'd told his wife and son to never allow themselves to do.
"Oi." Levi stepped closer, concern etched onto his face. His eyebrows scrunched where he looked into his wife's eyes. "If you continue moping around our child's health will be at risk and yours. The doctor already told you that."
She turned, eyes narrowed and lips tight where they were pulled into a frown. "What else am I supposed to feel? The father of my baby is running around dodging death. Am I supposed to be happy Levi?"
Levi rolled his eyes, his hand already coming up to the bridge of his nose in expectation for the upcoming brawl of sorts. "I'll be alive for the birth of our son."
"Will you though?" She stepped closer, challenge rising in her tone and eyes.
"I'm not leaving you or the soon to be kid we've made. And you already know that." He fought back. "I'd sooner go back to the underground."
Her hands ran up to his collar tugging him closer. And he let her, let every bit of fury trapped beneath those stone cold eyes run over his spine like a flash of lightning all with the same neutral expression.
"I'm so serious you wouldn't even believe. If you don't come back one of these days and I have to raise this baby all on my own. I'm gonna bring you back to life just so I can kill you again. Do you hear me Levi Ackerman?"
Levi let out a little huff and a small smirk ran over his lips. She let him go and he straightened out his collar. "You get scarier everyday." He remarked "Way scarier than any damn titan."
He grabbed her wrist, pulling her down the mostly empty corridor. "You saw the doctor again today right? Tell me what happened."
"We've got a healthy Ackerman on our hands. He's grown bigger than he's supposed to be at this stage actually." She smiled softly as she placed a hand on her belly. "Probably cause he has your blood."
"Tch, moron. He's already his mother. Constantly kicking every time I touch your belly. He's gonna be a brat just like you."
"I hope he gets my height and not yours."
"For his sake your height instead of your mouth would be good."
"My mouth has gotten you through many long nights so I wouldn't complain if I were you."
Levi playfully rolled his eyes as Y/N's soft laugh filled the corridor. Her eyes shining brighter than they had her whole pregnancy. It was weird Levi had always heard about new parents being scared but he barely was.
When he'd found out he'd been more surprised than anything but he'd barely even had the time to over analyze the situation until that night. This unbelievably wild girl was the mother of his child. What more could he want.
Fear did dawn on him. Knowing he'd have something new in this world that needed his protection. Something so precious and small to protect. But another part of him knew that kid would be safer if he got his mother's fighting spirit.
"Hey, you better not be thinking about other girls." Y/N huffed as she poked at Levi's forehead.
Levi grabbed her finger. "Dumbass, no one else would be able to handle you if I left."
"Just sounds like you're making excuses so that you don't have to tell me, you adore me and could never find anyone else who brings you this much joy."
"No." That barely even scratched the surface..
"Do you have a location on them?" Hange asked
"There're a whole bunch of military police and Kenny's squad is surrounding the entire area. But no sign of Kenny himself or any of the people who were taken." Sasha replied
Levi huffed, brain not wanting to retreat to the worst possible scenario. Besides the conversation currently developing in front of him there was a sort of quiet drifting in the atmosphere.
"We have a plan right?" Armin suddenly asked
And Hange nodded, "You're gonna need these." Her hands clasped around the cool metal of the signal flares.
"Signal flares??" Jean stared in disbelief
"Don't worry, we're getting out of here alive hostages and all." Hange stated before turning to Levi. "They're ok."
Levi blinked, slowly but surely uncurling his fists. He looked around to the others their faces a mix of concern and in certain cases glee. But they all had the same sentiment.
"Put the plan into motion." Levi stood
It went surprisingly quickly. From the barrels they'd deployed to the signal flares being shot off. Sasha and Mikasa taking out the military police like no one's business but Levi could already feel his Ackerman rage growing.
Where the hell was Kenny? He thought.
His question was soon answered when a bullet flew past his cheek immediately drawing blood. The next bullet striking an ice pillar with a hard crack as he ducked for cover behind it.
Levi paused repositioning himself to jump and land behind one another of the thick pillars searching for the source of the bullets. "Where the hell are they?" He grunted voice raspy, thick and loud where he called to the only person that would be behind this.
Kenny's laugh was boisterous, heavy where it bounced between each pillar. The amount of sweat that had collected on Levi's palms had his weapon slippery in his grip and the vein in his forehead was close to popping.
"I think you have other things here you should be concerning yourself with."
In the blink of an eye Levi's head shot backwards, Jean's scream mixed with the heart shattering sound of Hange hitting one of the pillars caught his attention. A bullet releasing her blood as she slipped and rolled over against the ground like a discarded toy.
"Levi! Oi you should be worried about me. After all. Your little family dies by my call!"
If Levi was boiling before his blood was erupting now. With incredible skill and speed he bounced his way around the pillars dodging each bullet as Kenny shot them out. His agility raised as he flipped over Kenny's form and behind him. In an instant Levi was tossing a bag full of flammable liquid in time to meet his next shot.
When the bag tore open Levi flew forward, through burning flames created by Kenny's gun tossing his blade. The motion caught Kenny off guard but he managed to dodge it, his hat flying off into a nearby pillar along with Levi's blade to hold it up there.
Levi's heart was hammering taking the advantage he'd managed to get he flew at Kenny with incredible speed slicing through his torso almost like it was butter. In the heat of adrenaline Levi watched as Kenny's body fell to the ground of the cool cavern.
He landed with a hard breath before retracting the odm gears hooks. He couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't stop himself from running forward no matter how stupid and dangerous it was.
He heard bits and pieces of speech behind him. "Follow Captain!" And "Wait, hold on!" But none of it stopped his feet.
He skidded in his pace as he heard soft calls of, "Dad! Dad!"
And he was immediately headed for it. A bit of relief flooding his chest as he heard the faint sounds of odm gear clanging behind him. His squad clearly keeping good pace.
When he arrived he instantly locked eyes with his five year old son and wife.
"Dad!" Farlen's voice echoed. He didn't look injured from what Levi could tell and neither did Y/N. Farlen's hair tosseled as if he'd merely been running outside.
"Where are Historia and Eren?!" Mikasa called as she ran up behind Levi.
"Guys!" Historia's voice boomed. She slunk forward barely supporting Eren's weight. His shirt gone and his face covered in blood.
Levi quickly ran to untie Y/N and Farlen immediately embracing Farlen when he jumped into his arms. If he were any other kid Levi would probably be questioning why he hadn't shit his pants and why his face was tearless. But he definitely wasn't any other five year old.
"Geez, you guys took forever." Y/N remarked, stretching her hands above her head. "I was about to wreck all these Military brats butts for you." She said with a smirk at Levi.
Levi huffed, rubbing his son's back. "Next time you can save yourself then." He remarked giving Farlen a soft head rub.
"Ugggh Mom.. Dad not now.." he sighed
"There won't be a next time!" Y/N fought back. "I'll never get caught up like that again."
"Tch, whatever."
"Are you challenging me Mr. Ackerman?"
"You're a brat, Ms. Ackerman."
"How about I show you how much of a brat I can really be?" She chuckled with a dark smile etching over her features. She pulled him closer, hugging his and Farlen's form with a firm hand on Levi's lower back.
"Don't start something you can't finish." Levi whispered back.
"Ewwwwww.." Farlen mock gagged between them.
Y/N just laughed loudly. "You'll understand when you have someone you love to hate, Farlen."
"Yeah.. I'm with Farlen. That's eww." Connie remarked with a shake of his head.
The others soon joined in with their own little laughs and teasing words. "I can't believe how soft Captain can be." And "They're such a cute family I hope I get that some day."
Levi repositioned Farlen on one arm ignoring all the chatter. Though his cheeks bloomed a rosy color that was extremely unmistakable "Historia, where's your father?"
"He escaped before you guys got here. He's headed toward the wall." She replied
"We've gotta hurry then."
(I'm so sick of people on the internet rn I swear🙄)
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pricescigar · 2 years
How the C.I.A Team reacts to the "death" of Elvira Wolff HC's
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Russell Adler 🕶
As any parent would feel when they would lose their own child, utterly heartbroken. And riddled with guilt.
Adler never felt the same since then, even the remainder of the 30 years until he finally saw her again
He couldn't shake off the guilt, knowing it was his fault to let her go on all of these dangerous missions
Adler knew he shouldn't of grew attached to Elvira, yet he became the father figure that she needed in her life
"I'm so sorry kid, I should've done something..."
Adler wasn't the man to reveal his emotions to his own colleagues, yet when Elvira was taken away to be placed in a cryogenic chamber the man broke down
The first few years were hard on him, depsite everything that had happened to him:
Kidnapped, brainwashed, destroying Verdansk, all the remaining operations he had done
Finally seeing Elvira again in 2011 he was over the moon he finally felt happy again
Yet his dangerous, strategic ways of being the Fifth Knight got him killed by Ghost
And seeing Elvira one last time was all he ever cared for . . .
Jason Hudson 🥚
He lost a great agent that day, sure he had the many other Agents he had always praised taken notice; And always tell them "Good job."
It would be another lifetime to see another amazing like Wolff, amongst his Ranks like himself and Russell Adler
Hudson got on well with Wolff, more than he would like to admit to anyone else; Except his darling wife of course
She was the only one who would speak back to him. Show no hesitation to speak up, or use her tone of voice against him
Those were the many things why Hudson liked having had having Wolff in their Ranks
There was guilt deep down when he had to brainwash her, even if it was the last resort. . . Truthfully, he hated doing it
Hudson understood the consequences and did them anyways. But he didn't except losing a second agent of his
He knew the only way to save her was through the cryogenic chamber thst had been created
The years if her trying to recover was unknown, and still was untested at that part. Yet Hudson took responsibility to care for her
"I hope you find it in your heart one day, to forgive me for what I've done to you Wolff."
In 1989 Hudson got killed by Menedez, and never sought to hear the forgiveness of Elvira Wolff
Frank Woods 🧅
Is this what losing a loved one is like? Because it fucking hurts ... Even Frank wasn't familair with the feeling, it left him empty
Elvira was his true love, and no one could ever mount to her. He couldn't even bring himself to date anyone else
All the dates they could've gone on together, the things they could've seen everything
And now the only thought of those sacred things was in his mind, and the pendant Elvira had given to him before she went into the Lubyanka in Russia
"I'll never find anyone else like you Wolff, you know that right?"
It had always been difficult for Woods, even when the days, weeks, months and years went by ... He still loved her
He always found himself clenching onto the pendant, praying, hoping that she would wake up, tomorrow, the next day and the next...
Seeing her again in 2011 he was overjoyed but upset knowing she was still the same as she was all those years ago...
The same age that she died, Woods was heartbroken knowing he couldn't of married her than he originally planned in his mind
As much as he was happy, but he too let a fre tears fall ... His dream to see her again became a reality
But to see Elvira happy and smiling again with another man, was all he ever wanted
Alex Mason 🔫
There wss some form of emptiness inside of him, that couldn't be explained in any other kind of words; Losing a best friend...
He and Wolff got along well, even the short amount of time they had known each other, but he had a lot of respect for her
He knew it was harder for Woods, and being the best friend / brother that he is he took care of him and always looked out for him
Because he knew the wellbeing of his own best friend, was the most important thing at this time
Mason found it strange to not even hear Wolff's voice anymore, or her classic remakes thst was the massive toll on him
It took him a long while to get used to the fact that Wolff wouldn't be waking up any time soon sadly
They made a pretty good team whenever the two got the chance to ever work together, which made it all the better
Even then as the years went by, he still missed working with her from time to time
"I hope you wake up soon Wolff, don't give up on us."
In 1989 sadly he got killed in Combat, no other by his own best friend Frank Woods mistakenly (Being manipulated to do so)
But he taught his son how much of a great agent Wolff was, with the odd occasional stories he had told hom about her
Lawrence Sims ⚙️
The "death" Of Wolff was one of the many reasons Sims detests in operating in the field anymore sure he was there on the technological and sales sides when finding Perseus
But losing Wolff in Solovetsky reminded him of losing his friend in Vietnam, and then keeping his knife as a lucky charm
Even trying to save her life was no use, she was too far gone and Sims still felt guilty in trying to better than he oringally did so...
Still at that time nothing could be done, Wolff was already in a stare of unconsciousness when Mason had found her in the debri
All he could do was mend the minor wounds that were bleeding, no matter how hard he tried to wake her up nothing worked
"I'm sorry Doc, I tried, I really tried..."
From that day forth it took him a while to get out his guilt shock that had struck him. No matter how hard he tried to improve himself on medical experience
He always had something to look back too, and that was Wolff. The thought of the team not being able to see her made him angry
The pair got along well, they were needy in their own way; Books, technology, movies. The whole lot, he didn't have his buddy to talk about those things anymore
Sims regularly checked up on Adler, both of them had been through thick and thin. He was there for him, just as Adler was there for Sims before
In 2011, he had the chance to see Elvira Wolff again which made him happy and overwhelmed happy to see his best friend again
Helen Park 📽
(If she survived Cuba)
From the day she met Wolff, she always found her to be an interesting character indeed. A kind of character she hadn't come across in a long time...
All people with the most interesting characteristics always sparks an interest to Park, and she always fully admits it
Though Wolff's backstop may have tugged her heart strings, her brave character and confidence overshadowed the darkness
But the state of Solovetsky left her shocked, losing Lazar in Cuba and then Wolff as too soon... Both of them were true hero's
Park would never forget the day thst she had saved her in Cuba, and would always remember that the day she dies
Despite them trying their effects to save Lazar, both of them tried their best either way
"You are a true hero Wolff, rest easy for now ok?"
After Solovetsky she resumed her work back with MI6 in London, and she makes sure her peers get to know about Wolff and how she helped the CIA and them as a whole
Occasionally she would go back to the CIA to help for a few operations, but it always left a strange feeling knowing Adler's protégé was no longer there
Park abodlsutley adored Wolff for eho she was, sepaite her rough upbringing she wished she could've helped her sooner
In 2011 Park had the chance to see Wolff again, it left a smile on her face knowing she pulled through. Even through death, she escaped
Eleazar Azoulay 🥊
(If he survived Cuba)
Lazar's words as always when he sees women on the front lines just as he is: "A true professional." He had a lot of respect for Wolff, and he still does now.
He admired her confidence, her will to fight at her young age. He found it fascinating albeit the rough upbringing he had
Coming from a big family, it was like seeing his sisters all over again which was a bit nostalgic for him but made him smile fondly at the memories
To him Wolff was like a little sister, although he kept that to himself but Elvira already knew that one her part (Thanks to Sims telling her)
Despite that, Lazar knew Wolff would go far being a CIA Agent and he could see it clearly with his own two eyes
If it wasn't for her saving him in Cuba, he would've died in thst moment but sadly neither could save Park on the other hand it was far too late
In the aftermath of Solovetsky, processing everything thar had happened was too difficult losing two members in one go was all too much
"You did great Wolff I mean it, you're a hero to all of us..."
Lazar still operated with the CIA after Solovetsky, but it was clear it had took a massive toll as it did.
Upon 2011 when hearing the news upon the return of Elvira Wolff, the smile never left his face happy to see his little sister return
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