#like can you imagine that scene with any other sort of music
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cassmouse · 9 months ago
That bit in Bad Seed Returns where Emma hums the Clair de Lune so her uncle knew it was her that trapped him under the car was basically the equivalent of that bit in B99 where they get all the criminals to sing I Want It That Way and I'm sorry but that's so fucking funny to me
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 7 months ago
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obsessed with their different reactions to being called starcrossed lovers
#im gonna pretend mattie didnt die and visits them sometimes back in toronto#it's such a cute dynamic they have#the two evil (affectionate) sisters who just loving teasing laura#also one of my favourite things abt this show is the choreographing they do for the static camera#i bet it's so annoying to have to think about but i love watching them all move so coordinatedly through the frame#somehow still making it look natural#also i know laura is the storyteller one and i dont really know enough abt romanticism to make any definitive claims abt carmilla#but having scrolled her blog a bit to figure out her tastes in music and art#i wonder if theres a part of carmilla that kind of enjoys being starcrossed. or doomed in a sense#or maybe she that she wouldnt have CHOSEN this story necessarily but that she has resigned herself to it#on account of her vampire nature#and sees a certain beauty in it#that all her romances are doomed#idk. im still figuring her out#also im reinterpreting that exchange mattie and carmilla have in this scene#carmilla calls mattie a utilitarian which is probably right#mattie then callls her a nihilist and carmilla corrects that to existentialist#and mattie says absurdist at best#but those arent designations like back and forth as i had read it before#it's just carmillas philosophy theyre arguing about. i THINK. or maybe it's both of them#putting a pin in that until ive read more books#also kind of obsessed with how laura and danny and maybe the other humans are so quick to ascribe a morality to the vampires#based just on the 'shes a vampire!!' while obviously by necessity the vampires have spent wayyyyyyyyyy more time thinking abt their ethics#or maybe not by necessity for all of them but to mattie and carmilla it definitely seems like a necessity. or inevitability#they mustve spent countless hours over the centuries talking abt this if they can joke abt it in this way now#and in different states too like i can imagine distraught Im A Monster type conversations but also just sort of academic debates and also#carmilla reading some new book that has come out and mattie being like what newfangled thing are you into now#i guess utilitarianism was also newfangled at some point. theyre both older. but you know#carmilla is a poet. dont know if she writes poetry but she looks at things in a poet's way i think#also dont think shes entirely a romantic but i do think some of her tastes lean more toward the romantic
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transmascutena · 1 year ago
some thoughts on photography and memory in utena:
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on the wall in nemuro memorial hall, there are pictures of real people. i'm not sure who they are, but i assume they're of people involved in making the show. either way, they're obviously not real; in the close-up shots of them, they change into pictures of the black rose duelists and other imagery from the show. i imagine it's there as a fun detail by the creators, but also to show how weird and inconsistent reality itself is in the black rose arc.
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as for the black rose duel images themselves, it's possible that they are literal as i've talked about in a previous post, but what i think is more likely, is that utena noticing them is a visual representation of her connecting the dots of what's really been going on in this arc.
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when mikage brings up the idea of memories and eternity, we see the picture on the wall behind utena, of her at her parents funeral. and behind mikage we see one of his own defining memories.
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a pretty clear line is being drawn between memory and photographs. in fact, memories are so important to mikage that photographs are his black rose duel symbol. it's the one he keeps of mamiya and tokiko, altered to look like anthy's disguise, just like his memories are. through mikage we see both how memories of the past can keep you trapped in it, as well as the malleability of these memories. let's look at everybody else:
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saionji has a framed photograph of him and touga as kids on his desk. he values their friendship, or at least the memory of how it used to be. he idealizes the time touga was less cruel (or maybe just the time saionji wasn't aware of his cruelty.)
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miki doesn't have any literal photographs of kozue or the sunlit garden, though his memories of them are often framed as such. he also keeps a picture of anthy amidst his sheet music. she is his idealized memory now.
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juri has the locket of course, inside of which is a cutout of shiori from a picture captured in the moment that ends up defining their entire relationship. is this the version of shiori that juri idealizes? not really, but she is fixated on her resentment of shiori's percieved cruelty, just not the cruelty of taking the boy away. juri keeps this photograph closer than anybody else does with theirs, but she also keeps it hidden. this could mean she treasures her memories the most out of everyone, and is also the least open about it, although i'm not sure i believe the first part.
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nanami has the photo-album of her and touga; she idealizes her relationship with him, as well as their childhood. when she makes the connection that touga is adopted, the photos are scattered all over her bed, probably to represent her emotional state.
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touga doesn't keep any photographs from what we see, which makes sense with everything we know about him. unlike the rest of the council, he doesn't have any idealized memories of his childhood. but he does use akio's camera, so let's talk about that.
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the camera is, much like the car, a tool that only akio is shown to own (although, wakaba does mention a photography club in episode 34.) like the car, it is used to facilitate his grooming (specifically of touga and saionji when he takes those shirtless pictures with them.) and, also like the car, he offers to lend it to touga, to make him feel more like an equal part of the whole thing. unlike the car though, touga accepts the camera.
the photoshoot scene in episode 37 has a transition where the camera shutter sound effect is played over the previous scene. over the shot of utena and anthy holding hands after confiding in each other about akio. i think it's to show that he's always watching, and that they can never truly be free of him as long as they're in ohtori.
i think it also shows the idea of akio framing the narrative of the show as a whole. he plays a sort of director role in it, in that he directs the events happening, as well as how they're portrayed. it's no coincidence that he is quite literally behind the "camera" in episode 33. like the car, a symbol of akio's power and sexual abuse (which is not-coincidentally also present in all of the photoshoot scenes,) his camera (his narrative, his biased framing of events) is ever-present.
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and then there's the most important photograph in the show, the frame it all ends on. the picture utena and anthy took together is, unlike every other photograph, used as a look into their future. the reason they take it in the first place is because utena realizes she has no photos of anthy, which distresses her, presumably because she worries that their friendship might not last forever, and she wants something to remember anthy by. this obviously comes with the risk of making anthy an idealized memory, like every other person put in a photograph in this show, but instead it ends up as a symbol for their love. akio may have set up the camera, but anthy (with the help of chu-chu) manipulated their positions so her and utena could hold hands. she also cuts akio out of the frame, much like she cuts him out of her life in the last episode. she doesn't want his presence to tarnish her and utena's memory anymore (although he isn't completely gone from the photograph either, as he will never truly be forgotten.)
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 9 months ago
She must handle her sons “as the power goes to their head and they see her as irrelevant.”
“She’s terrified of Aemond and what he’s become, and she can’t access Helaena.”
As Alicent slowly becomes invisible, it’s also strangely liberating, “because all of a sudden eyes aren’t on her and she can sort of do whatever she wants.”
When it came to sex scenes, Cooke worked closely with House of the Dragon’s intimacy coordinator, Vanessa Coffey. Given Game of Thrones’ reputation for nudity, she had originally braced herself.
“I thought there’d be way more, and so I’m relieved that when it has been used for me, it’s showing Alicent being pleasured, which is amazing and doesn’t feel gratuitous.”
“It feels like we’re telling a story.”
She recalls one bedroom scene she filmed that was cut: “It was messy as fuck. It wasn’t beautiful, and that was really fun to do.”
It was “carnal” and even “animalistic.”
“I think Ryan [Condal, the showrunner] said we weren’t learning any more about the characters, which I disagree with slightly, but it’s okay. It’s his show,” she adds, with no hard feelings."
"Maybe we’ll see it in the bloopers, she says, laughing."
“They’re like my family, and we adore each other.”
“We put the wigs on and the costumes on, and all hell breaks loose.”
“She’s a dear friend and a great giggler.”
Who shared many scenes with Cooke this season as Alicent’s daughter Helaena, remembers their antics while filming an otherwise somber procession scene.
“We just got really hyper, and it became a little bit of a chamber of music actually.”
“Lots of singing.”
“I think Liv’s performance this year is one for the gods.”
“They practiced proper adult relationships on each other” Cooke says of the severed friendship.
“When you break up with a friend, it’s so much more heartbreaking than breaking up with a lover a lot of the time, because they know every single part of you and it’s so much more vulnerable.”
And of course, parts of the fandom ship Rhaenicent, a.k.a. Rhaenyra and Alicent as a couple.
“Don’t they ship everyone together, though?” Cooke asks when I bring up the imagined romance.
A fair point, but wouldn’t things be better if the old pals just made up and ruled the kingdom together?
Cooke humors me. “Absolutely. Matriarchy now, please.”
“It’s funny to talk about a friendship that is so fundamental in your life.”
“The thing I find strange is to realize that I suppose we haven’t known each other that long in broad terms, but she’s a pillar in my life."
"I would have found this a challenging experience if Liv was not on it.”
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circussbeetle · 4 months ago
Hotchreid Snippet
I figure since this fic is taking so much longer than i thought it would i may as well post a snippet (that happens to be my favorite scene so far)
Summary: a drunken conversation in a shared cab after a long night
Words: 1.5k
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Spencer spots a cab approaching them towards the end of the block, waving his arm until the driver pulls to a stop in front of them. Hotch opens the door for him, always a gentleman, and Spencer slips into the cab as he gives the directions to the driver.
It's only after he’s finished giving his address that he realizes Hotch is still hovering by the open door, shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other.
“Are you coming?” Spencer asks with a furrowed brow. Hotch scratches at the back of his neck, lingering.
“I could always catch another one…” he trails off uncertainly, and it clicks for Spencer right then that he never answered Hotch’s earlier question.
He’s still waiting for permission.
“Hotch, it's cold and it’s raining and I can hear my duvet crying for me. Get in the cab.”
Hotch doesn’t try to argue with the finality in Spencer’s demand, climbing in next to him and closing the door with a heavy thunk.
The ride is quiet at first. Spencer leans his head back against the seat and closes his eyes, listening to the sounds of the raindrops hitting the roof, the wheels hissing as they pass through water pooled on the street below, the wind whipping around the car. It’s peaceful, just enough noise to not be overwhelming but to fill the silence as Spencer adjusts to being away from the overly loud music in the bar.
His limbs feel heavy, his bone marrow interlaced with lead and steel and his legs anchored to the floor like he couldn’t move them if he tried. He can feel the exhaustion of the last case creeping up on him, slowly enveloping him and draining him of his last vestiges of energy.
To avoid falling asleep in the car he opens his eyes and rolls his head to the side, taking in Hotch’s stiff form.
He’s been a little strange all night, rapidly oscillating between relaxed and anxious. He goes from cracking jokes in that dry humor of his- almost flirtatious at times, but Spencer doesn’t allow himself to entertain the thought- to sitting pin straight like he’s got a titanium rod in his spine for seemingly no reason at all.
Spencer thinks that maybe this is just what alcohol does to him; he doesn’t know if he’s ever seen Hotch drink quite as much as he had tonight, at least not since he and Haley were together and she’d come along with them on their nights out.
And it’s not like he’s belligerent by any stretch of imagination- he handles his liquor leagues better than Spencer himself- but Spencer’s rarely even seen him tipsy, let alone genuinely drunk. Then again, it’s nigh impossible to resist the all powerful Penelope Garcia when she really sets her mind to something.
Maybe it throws him off kilter, makes him nervous to have less command over his words and his movements. It would certainly make sense. Hotch’s entire life requires him to be alert at all times, always one step ahead, always the leader, always in control. It follows that having that stripped from him, even of his own will, would make him a little jittery.
Spencer can relate, in a way. But he’s always found a little more peace in letting go, smothering his ever racing thoughts til they disappear completely, allowing his overstuffed skull to empty for once.
That yearning for tranquility is why he has to be so careful with his intake, why it's so rare that he affords himself the refuge. That sort of numbing could lead down a dark, winding path faster than he could even realize he’s lost.
A part of him that he doesn't want to acknowledge wonders if Hotch feels that same solicitous temptation, if that’s what’s fueling his unease.
Whatever it is, Spencer doesn’t like seeing him like this. The tension lining his shoulders, the way he’s clenching his jaw as he looks straight forward at the partition, his hands tightly folded in his lap and his brow low, severe. Like a cadet standing at attention.
The passing streetlamps cast animated highlights across his face like a movie projector, the yellow lamplight that kisses his profile cutting the cool blue dark of the cab. Soft against the harsh angles of his features, his furrowed brow, his pursed lips. Illuminating his eyes for just a second, just long enough to catch the worried glint hidden by those thick eyelashes. A portrait against the scene of raindrops hitting the window beside him.
In a spur of confidence more fueled by liquor than logic Spencer reaches out to the other side of the backseat, his movements slow and intentional like he’s walking up on an injured stray. He lays his hand gently over Hotch’s, holding steady when he flinches under the touch.
Spencer can feel Hotch’s eyes on him now but he doesn’t look up from his task, slowly wiggling his fingers between Hotch’s joined hands until the older man catches on and reluctantly releases his hold.
Spencer takes Hotch’s hand in his own and brings it across the space between them to rest over his knees, cradled in both of his hands like something precious. Because the touch, the silent buzz in the air between them, the manufactured intimacy of their own little world behind the partition is precious to Spencer, and right now he wants Hotch to feel that, even if he knows it’s probably a bad idea.
Hotch doesn’t object, silently watching Spencer’s movements with a wary tilt of his head.
“You have an accent,” Spencer murmurs as he stretches Hotch’s fingers out one by one, rubbing his thumbs up each digit methodically with a consistent pressure.
Hotch’s hands are big and wide, long thick fingers and hair tracing down the backs of them. His fingers aren’t much longer than Spencer’s but they make his hands look petite in comparison, his cold, thin and boney where Hotch’s are warm and strong.
“So do you,” Hotch’s voice comes out so soft it’s almost inaudible over the mechanics of the car.
Spencer smiles softly at the deflection, Hotch’s natural instinct to turn the attention away from himself at all times, uncomfortable with the scrutiny, the idea of being known.
“You have a southern accent,” Spencer specifies, because for once he wants to dig deeper, to push Hotch out of his comfort zone, his safety bubble of isolation.
He massages Hotch’s hand now, firmly pressing his thumbs deep into the meat of his palm. Hotch twitches and his hand tenses for just a moment, and Spencer tenderly brushes his thumb across the expanse of Hotch’s palm as an apology before he continues working at the knots under the surface.
“Virginia born and raised,” Hotch offers an attempt at lighthearted banter but it falls flat, his low baritone laced with apprehension, strained.
“Grow out of it?” Spencer prods, turning Hotch’s hand in his lap to trace over his knuckles, the outline of intricate veins beneath thin skin, the bones below them.
He can see Hotch shake his head out of the corner of his eye, can hear the fabric of his shirt and jacket rustling at the movement, but he doesn’t respond right away.
“No, I uhm…” he clears his throat, shifting in his seat uncomfortably, “I had it trained out of me, in law school. Learned pretty quickly that no one takes a prosecutor with a southern twang seriously.”
Spencer nods as he explores the planes of Hotch’s hand, thinking about a twenty something Hotch doing his best to fit in, to prove himself. Thinking about Hotch now, almost thirty years later, carrying those lessons with him.
“Do you always change parts of yourself to manage other’s perceptions?” The question trips past his lips before he can think better of it.
Hotch tenses, his hand clenching and unclenching in Spencer’s hold like he wants to pull away from the conversation, from Spencer.
His hand stays in place.
“Doesn’t everyone?” He asks quietly, and something about his tone makes Spencer look up for the first time since he started this bizarre interrogation.
Hotch is looking at him like he truly wants an answer, like he wants reassurance that he’s not the only one with something to hide, an audience to perform for. Like he’s pleading to know if he’s the only one putting on a show.
Spencer almost doesn’t want to break it to him.
“No,” he says, looking back to the hand in his lap and lacing their fingers together for a selfish moment, a breath, “not everyone.”
A rigid silence follows, charged with something combative, a bristling sort of energy that Spencer can feel jolting between their joined hands, static shocks biting his fingertips like little strikes of lightning. Hotch stiffens like he wants to argue, and Spencer waits patiently for the debate.
It never comes.
Spencer looks to his side only to see that odd look in Hotch’s eyes again, like he’s searching Spencer for something he’s not even sure of himself.
And then he nods, subtly at first and then firmer, like he’s trying to convince himself as much as Spencer. He turns away to look out the window, raindrops casting long shadows down his cheeks and below his eyes as they race to the bottom of the glass, and Spencer feels it in his chest when the moment breaks.
Hotch never pulls his hand away. Spencer draws shapes across his knuckles.
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eamour · 1 year ago
all about techniques.
there are so so many techniques and methods that people have come up with to make manifesting easier and more entertaining. so, let’s talk about the most important points when practicing those techniques!
manifestation techniques.
a technique in terms of manifesting is a method to make you experience the satisfaction of your desire within your imagination. it does not only make manifesting easier and more enjoyable for you but it also helps you to shift your concept of self. you can use any technique to help you embody or identify with your desire.
techniques don’t manifest.
the problem with techniques in manifestation (such as visualisation, affirmations, sats, the "i am/void"-state) is that people tend to assign power to these techniques — more power than to themselves.
again, a method is supposed to HELP and ASSIST you. it’s not doing any of the creating-your-reality work, unlike you. YOU are indeed manifesting things into your reality, with or without a technique. remember. you are manifesting at all times, you are occupying all sorts of states throughout the day, making your current state of consciousness manifest. are you scripting for each state which you NATURALLY shift to? no matter what technique you do, its only purpose is to help you create experiences you would like to have mentally. that’s where all manifestations take place first — in the MIND. not because you have written it down on paper.
all techniques are equal.
when i say "equal", i'm not saying that each technique is the same in terms of what you're doing and how you're doing it. no, all techniques are equal because they all FUNCTION equally and guarantee the same results. no technique works better than the other. no technique is either superior, or inferior.
here's the thing: the reason why people say "this technique works so much better and faster for me!" is because they favour it. they enjoy doing it. doing the technique feels natural to them and doesn’t require a lot of effort. it’s not something that they have to bring themselves to do with force — they LIKE doing it. that’s because we are all different. i know people who could write a fucking novel with the scripts they have in mind. then i know people who love to affirm whenever they can because they think it’s convenient for them to do. and then there is me who loves to listen to music and visualise my desired scenes. what we have in common is that we do all these techniques because they suit us and we can choose to try any other technique whenever we want. we aren’t tied to one technique only. sometimes i end up writing a whole list of things that i want to have, accept it as mine, and go on with my day. works JUST as well as visualising.
please, do not …
... force it · for example, the scenes you could visualise when trying to fulfill yourself or let yourself experience a scenario you desire should come to you naturally. the affirmation you would like to use should feel natural to you. a technique is always something you choose to do voluntarily. it isn’t a rule you need to follow. you're not obligated to do this exact technique for this long and that many days, and so on.
... perfect it · when you do a technique, it’s not your goal to do it as perfect and as accurate as possible. you don’t have to visualise a picture perfect scene, nor will you fail to manifest if you miss to affirm the rest of your affirmations-list. you can forget details when scripting, be as detailed or vague in your visual scenes, or only affirm one single affirmation — that’s perfectly fine! your perfect scene in imagination or your affirmations aren’t what makes it perfect in the physical world, it’s the FEELING you get from it. if you can perfectly FULFILL yourself, then it will be perfectly reflected back to you in its physical form. inner acceptance is what creates fulfillment, not the perfection of a technique.
... complicate it · a technique cannot put you into a spiral and make you question your whole reality just because you think you haven’t done it "correctly". there is no right way to do a technique and no fixed way to practice it. do whatever you like and however you like it!
... follow others · now, you can definitely try a technique that seems interesting to you, that has been introduced to you by others or that you think will be enjoyable. nevertheless, a technique that feels normal and natural to others doesn’t have to feel normal and natural to you. don’t commit to doing something because you think or you've been told that this is the technique you need to do in order to manifest your desire.
no have to's, only want to's.
the premise of each and every technique is that you WANT to do it. there is no forcing, no pushing, no "need to" or "have to". it’s personal, it’s something YOU like doing, not what the bigger collective seems to be practicing. this is what i always remind myself of when practicing anything loa related: you cannot commit to something you dont love, you’ll cheat. meaning, you won’t be able to do a technique properly (as in, having and being), therefore won’t change self and remain the exact same.
if you like visualising, do it! if you like affirming all the time, do it! if you like counting your affirmations, do it! if you like scripting, do it! if you do the lullaby method before going to bed, do it! if you like rampaging after you wake up, do it! again, you are the creator and you choose which technique(s) suits you the best.
what to do.
when manifesting with the help of a technique, focus on inner acceptance. accept your desire as factual. make it a present, undeniable fact. because accepting your desire to be true means to identify with it in imagination, therefore you BE or HAVE it. that’s your goal, that’s your priority.
with love, ella.
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namidew · 7 months ago
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Updated Apollo and Artemis designs !! (Still subject to change and clothing changes)
Details below for design concept ramblings (not including a few details explained in prior posts) !!
Complementary Details - Apollo and Artemis are very similar in physical appearance, which is to show that they are close to each other. Not just as a design choice by me, but within the story they choose to look similar, as the gods can change their appearances. Apollo has gold (jewelry, eyes, and hair strands) and the sun halo for the domain of the sun, and Artemis has the silver (jewelry and eyes) and the moon halo(?) for the domain of the moon. They have a light-and-dark outfit contrast to highlight their different domains, such as Apollo’s domains of the sun and light, and Artemis’s domains of the moon and the wilderness. They both have green himations, with Artemis’s being “warmer” in tone and more earthy, while Apollo’s being “colder” and more “refined(?)” in a way while the two still match.
Apollo - Individually, his chiton now has faint yellow stripes shooting from the gold jewelry, in resemblance of the sun and its rays. His himation has lighter green lines, resembling a blank music score, to represent his domain of music. If drawn for a comic or an illustration, I like to imagine he’d have the melody of a related song on it.
Artemis - Her chiton is now a dark brown rather than the previous white, allowing her to blend in more within the woods at night. She has a deer pelt over her shoulders due to her domain of the hunt and her association with deer, as well as a more “woodsy” look. Her himation now has darker green details of leaves, also adding to her wilderness and nature theme.
Story Dynamic - They’re rather close siblings, always looking out for each other. I’d imagine they talk frequently but have the sort of relationship in which they can go a long time without talking and return to normal even after. I’d imagine Apollo to be pretty conflict avoidant and of the tendency to try to keep the peace, while Artemis may be more impulsive depending on the circumstance, as based on their domains. Not entirely sure about the next concept, but it would be interesting if Apollo, while rather amiable and within good graces with many, actually tells little about his personal details (as in the type of person who you think you know well until you try to recall anything about them personally) while Artemis is the opposite where she’s more of an open book so long as you start a good conversation, but it’s not a concrete idea. It would be an interesting concept though, given how the moon is physically closer to the earth than the sun.
Unrelated and Miscellaneous - First, I’m considering toning down the vibrancy of Aphrodite’s chiton and possibly Dionysus’s purple (grapes, eyes, himation) for the sake of more cohesive of a color palette (warm and earthy), but I plan on waiting until finishing all the Olympian designs to finalize that, given there’s a few others I plan on giving a more cool-toned color palette. Second, the next few Olympians are going to be a bit more difficult to design, for me it seems, so ideas are greatly appreciated ! Third and lastly, if I were to make this story more than an idea, it would likely be a non-linear slice of life “comic” series in which random drawings or scenes are posted in no real order. I’m not good at writing stories anyhow, and while a written story, actual comics, or animatics/animations would be very cool, I haven’t the skill for any of those.
Anyway, thank you very much if you read all these ramblings, and if you have any suggestions or ideas, I’d be happy to hear them !!
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biblical-chronicles · 3 months ago
Breaking the script
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where the reader is cast in a High Flying Birds music video but the line between acting and reality becomes quite blurry.
(Right you lot, this one’s for the grown-ups, yeah? But don’t worry it's all done proper classy, if you know what I mean)
It had been a rough few weeks. The gigs weren’t coming as often as you’d hoped, and money was running tighter than ever. You sat on the edge of your flat’s bed, chewing on your lip as you dialed your agent.
"Look," you started after a few pleasantries. "I’m proper brassic this month. Is there anything going? Backup vocals? A commercial? I’ll do a bloody jingle for washing-up liquid at this rate.”
Your agent, a patient but perpetually stressed woman named Mandy, hummed on the other end. “I’ll see what I can dig up. Might be a bit of a wait, but hold tight.”
“Ta, Mandy,” you said, hoping she could hear the gratitude in your voice. You needed this break, even if it was just enough to get you through another month.
A few days later, your phone buzzed while you were out grabbing a coffee. You nearly spilled it fumbling to answer.
“Alright,” Mandy said. “I’ve got something for you. It’s a music video job. Couple of auditions to send in, but I think you’ve got a decent shot since you've done some work before.”
“A music video?” you asked, trying not to sound too desperate. “Who’s it for?”
There was a slight pause on the line before Mandy said, “Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds.”
You nearly dropped your coffee. “You’re joking.”
“Dead serious. It’s for the next single, big budget production, too.”
Heart pounding, you tried to keep your voice steady. “What’s the role?”
“Well, the brief’s a bit vague,” Mandy admitted. “Could be anything from a featured extra to a lead. You’ll have to wait and see if you get it. Just send over the tapes as soon as you can.”
When the call ended, you slumped into your chair, trying to wrap your head around it. A potential job with Noel Gallagher? You quickly gathered your thoughts and got to work recording the audition tapes, pouring everything you had into them.
A week later, Mandy called back. “Good news—you got it. And not just any role, love. You’re the lead.”
The words barely registered at first. “The… lead?”
“Yup. Looks like you’ll be playing opposite Noel himself.”
You felt a mix of excitement and sheer panic. “What’s the script like?”
“It’s a bit abstract,” Mandy explained. “But, uh… there’s a kissing scene.”
Your stomach flipped. “Right,” you said faintly.
“You’ll be fine,” Mandy reassured you. “Just keep it professional, yeah? No fangirling.”
The next few days were a blur of preparation. When you finally got the script, your nerves kicked into overdrive. The kissing scene was there, clear as day. You tried not to dwell on it—after all, it was just acting, but the thought of being that close to Noel made your heart race.
The day of the shoot arrived in a haze of nerves and excitement. You were ushered into hair and makeup the moment you arrived on set. The stylists worked quickly, crafting a look that was sort of timeless and fit the aesthetic of the project.
“As you already know you’re playing opposite Noel,” a production assistant had casually mentioned as she handed you the day’s schedule. “He’s already in the building. Shouldn’t be long now.”
Your heart skipped a beat, not only meeting, but also working with him still felt quite surreal.
Once your look was finished, they led you to a side room where Noel was waiting. As you entered, he was perched on the arm of a chair, one foot on the floor, flipping through the script like he couldn’t care less. When he looked up, his sharp blue eyes met yours, and for a second, you forgot how to breathe.
“Ah, so you’re the one they’ve stuck me with,” he said, standing and tucking the script under his arm. His voice as dry and deadpan as you’d imagined.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you said, sticking out your hand.
“Noel,” he said simply, shaking it with a firm grip. He gave you a once-over—not in a rude way, but with a hint of curiousity. “Right then, you reckon you’re ready for this?”
You laughed nervously. “I hope so.”
He raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth lifting in a small smirk. “Well, no pressure or owt. Just me name on the line if you’re shite.”
You blinked, unsure how to respond until you caught the playful glint in his eye. “No pressure for you either, right? Only the whole world watching if you’re shite.”
He chuckled, a low, genuine sound. “Fair play.”
Just then, one of the assistants poked their head in to tell you both that you had an hour or so before filming started. “Right, well,” Noel said once they were gone, “might as well sit down. We’re supposed to be in love or summat, so better get on.”
You hesitated. “Are you sure? I don’t want to bother you.”
He waved you off. “You’ll be less of a bother here than legging it round the place. Sit.”
You sat beside him on the couch, careful to leave a bit of space, but he leaned back casually, his knee brushing yours. He reached into his pocket, pulling out some chuddy. “You want one?”
“Uh, sure.” You took the piece he offered, unwrapping it while he popped one in his mouth.
Silence settled between you for a moment as you fiddled nervously with the wrapper in your hands. Noel was the one to break it. “So, you’re from round here, then?”
“Yeah,” you replied with a nod. “Grew up near Burnage.”
He raised an eyebrow, a grin tugging at his lips. “Ah, so you’re proper local, then. That’s more like it.”
You chuckled, shrugging. “Yeah, nothing fancy. Just tried to keep my head down and graft, you know?”
He nodded, his grin softening. “Well, seems like it’s paying off now.”
The conversation flowed easily from there. He asked about your life then music, your influences, what got you into it in the first place. His questions weren’t just polite—they seemed genuinely curious. On top of that, he had this way of looking at you when you spoke, like he was actually listening, not just waiting for his turn to talk. It made you feel seen in a way you hadn’t expected.
At one point, you cracked a joke about struggling through a particularly bad gig, and when you gestured, your hand brushed his arm. He didn’t move away, and instead, his eyes lingered on yours for a fraction longer than necessary.
“You’ve got your head screwed on right for a youngin,” he said after a while, nodding slightly. “Don’t see that much in this business.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “That means a lot coming from you.”
He shrugged, but his eyes softened. “Don’t let it go to your head, though.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you quipped, smiling.
He chuckled, and the corner of his mouth twitched into that smirk again. The kind of smirk that could make anyone weak at the knees. Before either of you could say more, there was a knock at the door.
“Right,” called the assistant. “Time to head to set.”
The first scenes were easier than you’d expected—walking through some streets, laughing together, doing some hand holding here and there. The chemistry between you and Noel came quite naturally, he seemed relaxed, even playful at times.
By the time you reached the final scene—set in the car—you were buzzing with a mix of excitement and nerves.
You slid into the passenger seat while Noel climbed into the driver’s side. He adjusted the mirror, glancing at you sideways with a faint grin. “You reckon this’ll win us a BAFTA?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Doubt it, but maybe we’ll get a free drink at the afterparty.”
“Oh, well then, worth the hassle,” he said dryly. After a beat, he added, “You’ve done good today, y’know.”
The sincerity in his voice caught you off guard. “Ta” you said, smiling shyly. “I’ve really enjoyed it.”
He turned his head toward you fully, his eyes catching yours. “Yeah? Not bad spending the day with an old git like me?”
“You’re not that old,” you teased, trying to lighten the mood. “And anyway, you’ve still got your charm.”
His lips twitched into a smirk, but before he could respond, the crew interrupted with final instructions. “Alright,” the director called. “Let’s make it look real, yeah? Just natural.”
You and Noel nodded, and the cameras started rolling.
The director gave a few last-minute instructions, and you both nodded, settling into your places. The car was dimly lit, the scene designed to feel intimate and slightly moody. You adjusted your position in the passenger seat, suddenly hyper-aware of the closeness between you and Noel.
He glanced at you, his lips quirking into that familiar smirk. “Don’t look so terrified. It’s not real, y’know.”
You gave him a shaky laugh, trying to steady your nerves. “Oh, cheers for the reminder. You should write self-help books with lines like that.”
He chuckled, leaning back in his seat as he adjusted his collar. “Right, let’s get this over with, eh? Can’t be harder than sitting through Liam’s tantrums.”
You stifled a giggle just as the director called action. Noel turned to you, his expression softening as he slipped into character. It was incredible how effortlessly he shifted from his usual sarcastic demeanor to something that felt so real. He reached out, brushing a strand of hair from your face with a tenderness that made your stomach flip.
You leaned in, just as the script called for, and suddenly his lips were on yours. At first, it was soft—hesitant, almost—but then something shifted. His hand slid to the back of your neck, pulling you closer. The kiss deepened, and before you knew it, it didn't feel like just acting anymore. His lips moved with an intensity that made your head spin, and your fingers curled instinctively into the fabric of his shirt.
Somewhere in the background, you vaguely heard a muffled giggle, but it didn’t register until the director’s voice rang out: “Cut! Oi, you two, save it for later!”
You pulled back abruptly, your face burning as you glanced at the crew. A couple of them were snickering behind their cameras, and the director looked half-amused, half-exasperated. Noel, however, didn’t seem the least bit bothered. He leaned back in his seat, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and gave the crew a lazy grin.
“What? Thought you lot said natural.”
The crew laughed, and the director shook his head. Meanwhile, you were desperately trying to compose yourself, your heart still pounding from the kiss.
Before you could say anything, Noel’s agent appeared by his side, clipboard in hand. “Noel, got a couple of things to go over before you’re done for the day.”
Noel sighed, standing up and giving the car door a light push. “Right. Can’t bloody wait.”
As he turned to follow the agent, he paused, leaning down so only you could hear. “Give it half an hour, yeah? Come by my room.” His voice was low, his breath warm against your ear.
All you could do was nod, too stunned to speak. He gave you a quick wink before walking off, leaving you to sit there with your thoughts spiraling in a hundred different directions.
After taking a moment to collect yourself, you returned to the dressing area to freshen up. Your reflection in the mirror betrayed just how flustered you were—cheeks flushed, lips still slightly swollen from the kiss. You dabbed on some powder, trying to steady your nerves as you checked the time. Exactly thirty minutes had passed when you made your way to his room.
You hesitated outside the door, your hand hovering just above the wood. What am I even doing? you thought. Before you could talk yourself out of it, the door swung open, and there he was.
“Thought I heard you mooching around out here,” Noel said, leaning casually against the doorframe. His tone was light, but his eyes had that same intensity from earlier, the kind that made it hard to look away. “C’mon in.”
You stepped inside, noting how sparse the room was—just a couch, a small table, and a couple of suitcases. He closed the door behind you, and the click of the lock sent a shiver down your spine.
“Alright, then,” he said, nodding toward the couch. “Make yourself comfortable”
You obeyed, perching on the edge of the cushion while he sat next to you, arms crossed. For a moment, neither of you spoke. His gaze lingered on you, his head tilted slightly, like he was trying to figure you out.
“You’ve been driving me bloody crazy all day,” he said finally, his voice low and rough.
Your breath hitched. “Me? You’ve got it backwards. It’s you driving me crazy.”
That made him smirk, and he pushed off the table, taking a slow step toward you. “Oh, yeah? How’s that, then?”
You swallowed hard, your eyes flicking to his mouth before you could stop yourself. “You’re... impossible. That’s how.”
“Impossible?” he repeated, the word rolling off his tongue seamlessly. He was sitting even closer to you now, close enough that you could see the faint stubble on his jaw, the way his shirt clung to his chest. “Funny, that. Don’t feel so impossible when you’re snogging me in a car, though, does it?”
You opened your mouth to retort, but he didn’t give you the chance. His hands came up to cup your face, and then his lips were on yours again—fierce and demanding, like he’d been holding back all day and couldn’t keep it in anymore. You melted into the kiss, your fingers tangling in his hair as he pulled you closer, practically lifting you off the couch.
“Christ,” he muttered against your mouth, his voice husky. “You’ve no idea what you do to me.”
“Maybe I do,” you whispered, your hands sliding to his chest.
He groaned softly, deepening the kiss until your head spun. His hands were everywhere—your waist, your back, the curve of your hips—and you couldn’t get enough of him. When he finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other.
“Stay,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, your heart pounding as he kissed you again, softer this time but no less intense. It wasn’t just passion—it was connection, something you’d felt from the moment you met but hadn’t been able to put into words until now.
Noel pulled you closer, his hands sliding down to your hips as he guided you onto his lap. The weight of his hands was grounding and electric all at once, like you’d been waiting for this moment longer than you realized. His lips didn’t leave yours for a second, kissing you with the kind of hunger that made the world outside his room blur into nothing.
“You’re summat else, y’know that?” he murmured against your lips, his voice low and gravelly. His hands splayed over your thighs, the warmth of his touch seeping through the thin fabric of your dress. “Got me all worked up—can’t think straight.”
You let out a shaky laugh, your fingers tangling in his hair as you kissed him again. “I could say the same about you.”
He grinned against your mouth, and you felt his grip tighten, grounding you against him. “Good. About time someone got through to me.”
His lips trailed from your mouth to your jawline, then down to your neck, where he pressed a series of slow, deliberate kisses that made you shiver. Your head tilted back instinctively, giving him more access, and he took full advantage, his teeth grazing your skin just enough to leave a pleasant ache behind.
“Is this alright?” he asked softly, his voice almost a whisper.
You nodded, your breath catching as you whispered back, “More than alright.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. His hands roamed freely now, sliding up your back and down your sides, tracing the contours of your body like he was trying to memorize every inch of you. He pulled you impossibly closer, and you could feel the tension in his body, the way he was holding himself back just enough to make sure you were still with him.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he said, his words muffled against your skin. It was an unguarded moment, one that felt more like a confession than a compliment, and it sent your heart racing even faster.
You cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. “So are you,” you said simply, your voice steady despite the way your body hummed with anticipation.
That seemed to unravel something in him. He kissed you again, deeper this time, his hands tangling in your hair as if he never wanted to let you go. The way he touched you was careful but insistent, like he was caught between savoring the moment and giving in to the urgency building between you.
“Say somethin’ smart now, eh?” he teased breathlessly, his forehead resting against yours. “All that wit earlier—gone quiet on me now, haven’t you?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, your hands sliding under the hem of his shirt to trace the lines of his stomach. “You’re one to talk. Weren’t you supposed to be the eloquent one?”
He raised an eyebrow, his smirk returning even as his breathing hitched under your touch. “Guess I’m a bit distracted. Can’t imagine why.”
He pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes dark with something between affection and pure want.
Time seemed to slow, every moment etched into your memory as you lost yourselves in each other. His shirt hit the floor, your dress following soon after, and then it was just the two of you, unguarded and vulnerable in a way you’d never experienced before. His lips trailed along your collarbone, his stubble brushing against your skin and leaving a pleasant ache in its wake. Your nails traced the lines of his back, pulling him closer, silently urging him on.
He paused for a moment, his forehead resting against yours as he caught his breath. “You’re sure?” he asked, his voice softer now, the teasing edge replaced by genuine care.
You cupped his face in your hands, your thumbs brushing over the faint lines at the corners of his eyes. “Never been more sure,” you whispered, your voice steady even as your heart raced.
That was all he needed, the moments that followed were a blur of sensation, his hands gripping your hips, the warmth of his skin against yours, the way his name slipped from your lips in a breathless whisper. He moved with a deliberate intensity, as though he wanted to draw this out for as long as possible, to savor every second.
The couch creaked beneath you as you shifted together, the air in the room thick with the mingling sounds of your shared breaths and quiet gasps. Every touch, every kiss, felt like an unspoken promise, a silent declaration of everything you’d both been holding back. It was intoxicating, the way he looked at you like you were the only person in the world, the way he made you feel like you were finally exactly where you were meant to be.
Eventually, the passion gave way to a quiet stillness, the room settling around you both. Noel’s arm draped over you as you lay on the couch, your head resting on his chest. His heartbeat was steady beneath your ear, a comforting rhythm that grounded you as you tried to catch your breath.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the reality of what just happened sinking in. Noel’s hand moved lazily along your back, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin.
“Well,” he said finally, his voice low and laced with a hint of his usual humor, “that wasn’t in the script.”
You laughed, the sound muffled against his chest. “Pretty sure it was better than anything in the script.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Not gonna argue with that.”
Silence settled over you again, but this time it was comfortable, a shared understanding passing between you without the need for words. You knew this wasn’t just a momentary lapse, something to be brushed off when the sun rose. This was something more—something neither of you had expected, but both of you were more than ready to explore.
Noel shifted slightly, his fingers tilting your chin up so he could look at you. “You alright, love?” he asked, his tone soft, almost hesitant.
You nodded, your smile genuine. “Better than alright.”
His lips quirked into a lopsided grin. “Good. ’Cause you’ve just gone and ruined me, y’know.”
You raised an eyebrow, your laughter bubbling up again. “Me? Ruined you? That’s rich coming from you”
He smirked, pulling you closer. “Yeah, yeah. Keep talkin’ like that, and I’ll ruin you all over again.”
The playful edge to his voice sent a thrill through you, but before you could respond, he kissed you again, slower this time, savoring the moment. When he finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes closing briefly.
You stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, neither of you in any hurry to leave the small world you’d created together.
my 'angin brain’s come up with this just for you lot. Thought I’d make the grown-up bit a bit more sensual, a bit more romantic with less filthy detail (not that I don't support filthy detail). Let me know what you thought, me dirty celestial beings xx
and cheers to whoever requested this, hope you liked it, and it was at least close to what you wanted to see x
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penguicorns-are-cool · 3 months ago
Dr dillamond gets killed by clock? What other differences does the book have from the musical?
oooooh ok this is a big question
the short answer is basically almost everything but I'll give you the highlights
Elphaba's mom is not cheating Elphaba's Dad is a Quadling guy named Turtleheart who her parents are in a threesome with
the existence of Quadlings. Quadlings are a race of people who live in swamplands. Think of every possible indigenous stereotype and you'll have a good idea of what they're like. They're main character traits are being magical and peaceful to a fault.
After Turtleheart dies Elphaba's family becomes a missionary family (Elphaba's Dad is already a big religious figure so now he's a traveling priest in Quadling lands)
Elphaba is canonically intersex (like she has a micropenis) and was born with very sharp teeth
Also Elphaba has a brother
Nana is the only one in her family who seems to actually love her, she is very into Lurlinism
the four big religions are Lurlinism, Unionism, Pleasure Faith, and Tiktokism
Nessa is born without arms, she can't walk because without arms she can't balance. the red ruby slippers are enchanted to help her balance while she walks later on.
Elphaba works very hard and gets into shiz on her own a year or so before Nessa
Fiyero's character is split into two, Fiyero and Avaric Tenmeadows
Avaric is Boq's roommate and he is the big party boy and is always asking Boq out to the Philosophy club
the one time Boq does go to the Philosophy club he gets chosen in a raffle for a big sex show orgy thing (anyone who gets in the club is in the raffle automatically)
Fiyero is a prince from somewhere in Vinkus country (Vinkus country is in the west and imagine every stereotype about Africa and you'll have a good idea about what it's like) Fiyero has already been betrothed since he was like 9 and doesn't really care for Glinda at all
Dr. Dillamond is the science teacher and is trying to prove that animals can become Animals because for some reason this will be a huge discovery for the pro Animal rights (this is why he's killed)
Madame Morrible has some weird prophecy for Glinda, Nessa, and Elphaba about them all having immense amounts of power and not remembering this at all
Glinda and Elphaba do kiss
Glinda and Elphaba go to Oz for fun one day not to see the Wizard
Elphaba stays behind because she sees how many poor people they are and wants to help
part two starts decades in the future with an affair between Elphaba and Fiyero, like it opens in a sex scene
After this Elphaba goes to some sort of protest thing that goes violent and she gets hit on the head and into a coma for an entire year
She wakes up in a monastery with a child (she doesn't know which kid is hers the nuns never really tell her that she's had a child but when she leaves many years later she's sent off with a child, Liir, and a broom)
She goes to see Fiyero in Vinkus country in Kiamo Ko (where he's the king)
Fiyero is dead she's now living with his widow and her kids
Fiyero's kids are little shitheads who try to kill Liir all the time, except the youngest who's spoiled and her older brothers don't like her either
Liir is somehow protected by the ghost of his father although Elphaba never considers him her child and is a horrible mom to him
Elphaba is still trying to do activism stuff but failing miserably and also the Animals are all being used for slave labor now
She tries to kill Madame Morrible except Madame Morrible was already dead
Nessa is drunk with power after her Dad died
Elphaba finds the grimmerie in Kiamo Ko which is when she starts having any significant amount of magic powers
She gives chistery wings and tries to teach him to speak to continue dillamond's research
she is currently increasingly mentally ill
Her entire family at Kiamo Ko except Liir and Nana (she came in for fun and so Elphaba could care for her) gets killed by the Oz army and the youngest is taken prisoner
Elphaba is now dedicated to getting the youngest daughter released and meeting with the wizard about it
When dorothy comes to kill her she doesn't really want to but when Elphaba tries to give her the broom she accidnetally sets herself on fire and Dorothy throws water on her to put it out
elphaba is deathly allergic to water
there's more but i'm stopping now
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joannerowling · 29 days ago
holy shit i never realised O, Children is a the 90s song. i just would think oh, the song from DH, cool 🙃. also, it's probably the only instance in hp in general where they listen to muggle music. I don't remember anywhere else.
in your opinion, what song would be more uh authentic so to say. that of course if there's any scenes with actual irl muggle songs.
Excellent question anon, thank you very much for asking. I've actually thought about this topic a lot!
So, i definitely don't think there's any need for actual irl muggle songs to show up in Harry Potter, especially cool ones. The point of HP is that the muggle world sucks, so everything cool = wizard. Not necessarily because wizards would never listen to muggle music (they probably do at least a little since it's canon that many wizards enjoy television; televisions and cars are the two exceptions to the general "whatever muggles make, wizards either don't need or can do better with magic" rule). It's about preserving the tone and general escapist nature of the books – AND the satire. Harry Potter is a satire. This is super important. It has to be escapist first in order to let the satirical elements hit hard.
We don't want to hear David Bowie play over Hogwarts because it's immersion breaking; but if we make up a fictional musician who sounds and looks conceptually similar to Bowie, except with a wizard guitar and wizard themed songs, now we're getting somewhere.
Once we've figured that out, we can imagine all the magic bands and music we want. We don't have to think too hard about how exactly the wizards get inspired by the muggles to produce their music, that is not the point. Our focus should be to find iconic (preferably British) musicians/bands, and make the wizard version, whether hommage, parody, or both. And give them a cool name. The Weird Sisters is a genius band name because it combines a Shakespeare reference with a glam rock reference (to Twisted Sister).
But is this enough? No!
Remember that even when they modernise, wizards like to stick to their medieval aesthetic: the Weird Sisters have two guitar players, a bass, drums… and also a lute player, a bagpipes player and a violin player.
Also, it has to be funny. The average rock band has 4 or 5 members. The Weird Sisters? 8 members. Eight dudes in drag playing a bizarre mix of modern and ancient instruments is immediately more chaotic than just David Bowie as a wizard. Think about the real life musician (or sort of musician) you're trying to emulate, is she a Diva? Can't arrive on stage any other way than or a winged-horse's back. Crooner? Voice so charming it puts people under a literal spell. Rapper feuds? Curses battles.
"What about electronic instruments? do wizards play synth?" NO THEY DON'T because we won't let them. Think about it, what is funnier: a wizard playing a synth, OR, a wizard playing this on his own:
Wizard things are not practical. In real life a synth is useful because it takes less space and costs less than a piano and can emulate a full orchestra. Okay well wizards can just make their instruments magically play together and if their living space isn't big enough they can simply make it bigger on the inside. REJECT SIMPLICITY, EMBRACE UNECESSARY COMPLEXITY AND CHAOS.
"What is the opposite of what wizards would listen to?" Bardcore. Bardcore is about taking real modern songs and giving them a "medieval" cover, which can be very funny but creatively speaking is poor (= we're not inventing anything new), so this is NOT what we want. We want original songs that might sound similar to real songs and could possibly allude to specific singers / bands but ultimately are their own thing.
Thank you, goodbye, and HBO hire me <3
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florenceisfalling · 20 days ago
Do you think Randy or Bensons would listen to Weezer? What about Williard Woodard?
(writing this felt like that one clip of Markiplier trying to explain something to Gen alpha by repeatedly mentioning the backrooms)
benson, im not super confident. i think he might enjoy some particular weezer songs (slob, tired of sex -and other pinkerton perhaps- say it aint so, paperface, maybe haunt you every day?) but i think the matter of it is, like, would he wanna listen in the first place? yknow? he listens to moistboyz which shares members with ween, and that listening base actually does overlap a good bit i think. but he leans heavier i think, like he's a motörhead fan... im overthinking this. my hesitation here comes from the fact that while i think he'd appreciate the garage rock element, benson seems to be the type to talk shit in the "they got bad when they got popular" sort of way, or generally laughing at its poppier energy. sidenote its funny that im so unsure of this when i am much less cautiously a benson lowkey country music fan truther, but i still think he'd be the picky type
ive gotta add moth's opinion too, which i also fucking love. they said that benson's generally insane social takes would include him doing the expected thing of shitting on like, the green album and people who just like weezer casually - but then he'd turn around and defend pinkerton with a legitimate devotion and argue for rivers cuomo as like a subversive important figure. completely in denial that the later music even exists or that rivers is a normal guy. part of why i like moth's take here is that i can totally imagine benson bizarrely hyping up rivers cuomo going publicly celibate.
randy i think has softer music taste from what we can tell in the intro scene, but its hard to tell bc i couldnt spot any music stuff in his room. he skips the more upbeat and techno stuff on the radio in his car though, and lisa seems shocked about him wearing a motörhead shirt. personally i think he'd listen to blue when he's feeling edgy? maybe when he's older he'd be like an ok human enjoyer, but i don't think weezer would really be his biggest preference.
benson would probably like will wood's lyrics particularly in the vein of culture-critical, suburbia-bashing, identity-desperate, sexually-uncertain and bitter-spoken. i think he'd prefer a LOT less of a theater vibe in the sound, though, and it'd be infinitely easier to get him to listen if it was the same amount of intense instrumentation but with, like, different instruments. so generally, no, even if he'd appreciate some of it conceptually. randy would be more accepting of the jazz, but less so of the screaming and more fastpaced lyrics, and would find a lot of will wood too overwhelming or garish. icimi would be a better album for him to try than, like, any of the others. so still probably a no. i think neither of them would actually find will wood in the first place, tbf - he blew up partly via like, cosplay tiktok and the parts of animation youtube dominated by deviantart icons? so he'd likely be out of their periphery. someone should subject benson to vampire culture though, at gunpoint if necessary
ty for the ask :) i liked this one
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wings-of-ink · 4 months ago
I'm trying to make my own IF story, if it's ok to ask how'd you come up with the ideas? Or how'd you build off it to make a whole (beautiful and amazing) story?
I've had a few ideas but get caught up in trying to make everything in one section fit, and then I feel like I'm getting no where
if you have any tips Id love to hear (your game has become one of my favorites in the 24 hours it took to play ♥️)
Hello Nony! I am so glad you enjoy GC, and am happy to answer that question as best I can. I'm free-styling here, so this will be a bit long.
For me, most ideas just sort of spring up, but they aren't full ideas when they do. GC started from a thought about a cursed MC. That was it. I just dwelt on it and sort of answered questions about it - where did the curse come from, etc... It grew a lot from there as I tried to answer questions about it. The nature of those details gave me my fantasy setting, which I grew as well. I just started small and found a place for each layer that I needed to add to the structure. This can take quite a while depending on what you're cooking up. GC had months and months of building and background before I ever started writing the actual story.
In this poll, the IF idea I had for "Shivers" was literally inspired by my brother-in-law. He actually has that nervous tick, and he jokes about it, and we tease him (good-naturedly). He says that his future gravesite must be under a parking lot or a sidewalk because people keep walking on it, lol. It just made my imagination spin.
The "gritty drama" idea from this same poll stemmed from one of my OCs. I just made a setting for her and then thought of the type of world she lives in and what I could do with it.
Other ideas I have had came from thinking of a cool "scene" while listening to music. Music is a great medium for me to help me think about my characters especially. Just listen to your favorite tunes and let your brain go wild.
It just sort of also depends on how you think. There's nothing that says an idea just needs to come to you, you can set out to find one.
I would recommend focusing on themes and genres that you enjoy reading as well. I am a long-time fan of fantasy, I have written several fantasy stories in the past, and it just feels comfortable for me. You are more inclined to think of story ideas in the niches that you love the most.
One thing I would highly recommend for IF's especially is that you make sure the MC is the center/focus of your story. Some IFs can feel like the MC is a secondary character, and the story is really about the ROs. They can still be great stories, but your reader is often looking for a personal experience in addition to the story and romances.
And just an aside that I think is important, since in the IF communities you see themes repeated, especially popular ones. Do not worry about if your story is completely unique. As long as you do not pluck ideas and words directly from others, it's okay. In the literary and entertainment world, truly unique ideas are very rare if not non-existent, but your version of it has not been told before. You also don't need an earth-shattering idea to make it interesting.
I hope this helps you a bit. If you have more questions or comments about any of this, feel free to send in another ask. If you tell me more about your personal process and experience, maybe I can think of other things that would help if you like. ^_^
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meraki-yao · 1 year ago
RWRB Movie Thoughts: Choreography and Rehearsals
There’s been a couple of great essays on the one-shots in the movie and the theatricality of those scenes (see here, here and here), and I just want to talk a little about choreography and ferally scream a little about rehearsals.
Taylor mentioned in one of their interviews that a lot of the intimate scenes had a certain musicality to them, and as the boys both have theatre experience, Robbie communicated with them on the subject almost like creating a dance. It’s essentially, choreography. So here’s my interpretation of the choreography part.
I love dancing and took ballet classes for 14 years, and something really important in dancing and choreography is beats. And there are two ways to go about this.
One is literally every beat is a specific motion, it’s a series of sharply changing movements. It’s very apparent for Henry/Nick during the first section of their first hookup in Alex’s room. You can literally count 8 beats as you would for a piece of music, and for every beat, Henry/Nick is doing a specific move:
1: Block the door -> 2: Push open the door -> 3: Right Hand grab Alex/Taylor’s Neck -> 4: Kiss -> 5: Left Hand Grab Alex/Taylor’s Arm -> 6: Left Hand moves to Alex/Taylor’s Neck-> 7: Blank/No New Hand Movements -> 8: Left Hand in his Hair
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You can literally count the beats, and hell, in this scene in Henry/Nick’s case, the beats are fairly even. You can almost follow the motions with a metronome.
The other kind is hitting marks: as in there are “key poses” to strike at certain times, but how to get from one pose to the other is more up to the actor. (There’s a great video explaining this idea in fight choreography/sword fighting: check it out here) I think that’s what the red room kiss counts as the boys have certain marks to hit: both of them hitting the wall, Alex/Taylor grabbing Henry/Nick’s thigh, then pushing him onto the table, then grabbing his waist while Henry/Nick grabs his hair etc. They have specific places for their hands and legs and well, themselves to be, but everything in between is pretty continuous motions that I don’t think can be precisely designed. You can still sort of count a beat, but it’s much less clear than the example of Henry in Alex’s bedroom.
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So here’s my question.
How many of the scenes in the movie are choreographed, and what scene was which kind of choreography?
There are the two literal dance scenes, and then most of the intimate scenes go without saying, because it’s not just a matter of the choreography, but also requires discussions on intimacy and boundaries. Among the photos Matthew posted about rehearsals, I’m assuming all photos with the boys on a couch are the intimate scenes. (Matthew said the first hook-up was shot exactly as rehearsed)
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But another photo Matthew posted was the hospital storage room scene, the absolutely adorable photo with Nick and Taylor squeezed together in the middle of a bunch of chairs.
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Which means the mess of Henry and Alex falling into the storage room then flailing their limbs trying to figure out how sit properly without crushing each other was choreographed. And honestly…how? Because that scene looked like such a mess and so damn chaotic, I really can’t imagine any part of it being designed besides the general idea of “fall over, push each other a bunch, end up with Henry/Nick on the right and Alex/Taylor on the left.”
Also the Paris scene. Of course that has to be choreographed, but I just… can’t imagine how? Like the red room scene, Alex’s room, the polo tack room, if I don’t immerse myself in the movie I can sort of see the performance, the directing aspect of the scene, but the Paris scene, I completely can’t. It’s so well done, it looks so damn real. Of course, I know it’s not, but I can’t see it. That’s how well done the scene is. How in the fucking world did they do that? On top of that apparently, people who went to the March screening said there were three positions (which, please fucking release everything PLEASE), so again, how the fuck did they do that?
What other scenes were choreographed? They had two weeks of rehearsal (although Taylor said he got Covid on the second week so I don’t know how they went about that), how much did they do?
God I know Matthew’s slowly releasing behind-the-scenes footage and I’m guessing a, he has a lot, like a lot b, he’s understandably taking his time, but I wonder if he’ll ever let rehearsal videos see the light of day. Besides my own curiosity about how their rehearsal worked, there's also that one adorable picture of what looks like Taylor said something that made Nick laugh which is just so cute, it would be nice to see what the boys themselves were like during rehearsals and what their banter was like
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Anyways all this to say MORE BTS FOOTAGE PLEASE 
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 days ago
there's some really interesting answers in noah's german con about filmmaking in general, he spoke about the order of his average day on set and i was so happy to hear him talking about blocking! so they get into hair costume etc arrive on set then they rehearse the scenes and block them and decide that on the day, then they go back to their chair (enter bananagrams) and the cameras set up for the blocking they chose, and then they go and shoot.
i couldnt stop thinking about the scene in the bedroom with will's butt facing mike hahaha, and noah or finn suggesting this on the day! he said that its common for him to suggest ideas like this as they block and that the duffers are very trusting and happy for them to improv lines as well as give ideas about what their characters would do in terms of how to frame a scene. trust!
and he also said how almost every scene in s5 did not turn out how he expected - he has an idea of everything in his head and how it'll go, and then it always turns out differently and crazy! so interesting. that's acting + reacting for you! but nice to hear him talk the creative process (from this video, no timestamp cos it's instagram so you cant fast forward tho)
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(Can yall believe I'm finally just now getting to watch this? That's how behind I am with things 🤭) Thoughts as I watch:
Off the bat and I know it's true - the way he refers to fans as meeting them, remembering them from online, and even "seeing familiar faces" again after being at that con for the last time when he was 13? And how I don't doubt at all that he genuinely does remember some people. He's so sincere and sweet. That's more than I'd expect for an actor. Something you can never take from him is his genuine care and value he places on his fans and having fans at all (we all know this can be a slight detriment at times... but he's just. Sweet.)
Saying that there are big sequences that use music and on set, even though that's added in post - they played it during filming to evoke a mood. And he can't say. Of course, we know music is integral to the show, but it's pretty hype knowing there will be big music moments again - love it or weary of it, I personally at this point really love everything they did with Running Up That Hill and I've heard the DB say you can't force a cultural phenomenon like that and it's not like they're trying to capture lighting twice - but you gotta wonder what they're gonna do. The fact that a bunch of 80s musicians were asking to have their music in the show 😆 I would love to know who tried to shoot their shot. (Do we all pretty much think Should I Stay or Should I Go is gonna be a huge Will climactic moment? Come on, they set that up. Imagine the song queuing, just the first few notes... then a pointed pause and it's like ahhhhh before some amazing scene. Cheeseball dramatic stuff like that I personally love. Because it's fun! And we shouldn't be afraid to enjoy that sort of thing.)
The fan who delivered the really kind message to him makes me cry by the way 🥲
Ahhh yes. His "favorite moment with Finn on set" and of course it's from season 5. Is his favorite moment with him on set gonna come from the season where Mike rejects Will??? Nahhh because that ain't happening. AND then the way he gets super excitable talking about how he spends the most time on set with Finn, then catches himself like ooooh should I be saying this? I know I'm late to the game and have only read accounts of this but hearing him actually talk about it. Boy is struggling, boy is flustered, boy is giving it all away. He is sooooo flustered. It;s not even spoilers and the fact that he considers it so is sooooo much. "What was the question??" JFC Noah 😝 Literally talk about ANY other season!! You have 4 seasons to talk about filming with Finn and instead he is losing it on stage. Season five is clouding his mind so much he can't focus. (*Inserting Foah agenda here* him unable to talk about favorite moments on set with Finn and none of them are appropriate to share 🤭🤭 Or more innocently, crushing like maaaad.)
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Not gonna repeat / rehash all that was said above about a day on set which was one of the more interesting answer segments!!
Had to skip around after a certain point, yall know me and interviews and con panels - this one was better than some I've seen in the past and I think overexposure in the fandom now is making me get less embarrassed about stuff but still... ya know.
Ooooooh the answer at the end about keeping in touch with Millie was kinda awkward? I'd read his quote but watching that was interesting. He spoke fairly positively about filming memories with her before this one but the whole "evaluating how well we are able to keep in touch now that filming is over" was so heavy? He looked a little unsure there. It was odd. I'm not looking to re-poke the bear on that situation, but it was different to watch him speak on that over just reading about him speaking on that.
Also... little guy... so cute...
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ginsengkitten · 7 months ago
Nightfall: Chapter 1
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The morning light filtered through the canopy of tree tops, sprinkling rays through the trees. The sounds of leaves and bark crunching under the tread of their hiking boots piercing the peaceful silence of the woods.   A young family trekked optimistically on their summer break. Getting the kids accustomed to the parents preconceived love of hiking that they shared far before ever having kids. It was the kind of trip they had both imagined for their little family ever since their first was born. Billy was a natural outdoorsy kid, Maggie, however was full of animosity towards it and would rather be playing Barbies. Even toting one of her dolls with her wherever they went. Still she admired the foliage, collecting her own bouquet of wildflowers along the way. The innocence of a young child embracing the still of nature and what the earth has to offer just by being.
Maggie encouraged that curiosity by wandering from the trail after straggling behind Billy, fortunately, Billy noticed and alerted their dad. "Dad, Maggie's running off again." To which he rolled his eyes at his daughter's silly habit and proceeded to track her down. Maggie hadn't gotten far, and when the dad had found her, he found her to be mesmerized, standing still in her spot.
"Mags how many times do we have to tell you not to-" he began to scold until his eyes met what hers did, resulting in him also frozen in horror. Maggie had stumbled upon what can only described as a horror scene. A deer lie in a small grove, dead and completely mutilated. Its poor body, unnaturally contorted into a heap of twisted, mangled flesh. The fur, skinned from its body. Flies made feast upon the bloody remnants.
"Daddy, what happened?" Maggie asked in fear. Unfortunately, daddy didn't have an answer. His fatherly knowledge reduced to the same childlike fear as hers as he grabbed her and ran, only to turn around and be met with whatever beast had tore the deer apart. The beast releasing a harrowing growl.
"Sources are calling it a total family annihilation; Investigators continue to work with the California department of wildlife and game wardens to determine what animal may be causing these gruesome killings, but have not released any further details to the public.
Police have urged the public to stay within city limits and avoid camping and other outdoor recreation until the animal is apprehended and put down. Local government officials are in talks of implementing a city curfew if the animal is not caught soon."
You listened half heartedly to the news as you pinned another music poster on your wall of your new apartment. Mind you the apartment itself was not new, in-fact very decrepit. A cigarette perched in the side of your lips as you concentrated. A 'vintage' Rolling Stones poster. You stood back and admired the new addition, one more thing to make this dingy place feel like a home.
Your roommate Vickey walked in from the kitchen, handing you a coffee. "Stones huh? Always a classic, I can't complain." She grinned. Vickey was the only person you knew in the entire state of California. You had answered her ad in the paper about looking for a roommate. You had finally gotten a job as a music journalist assistant for a local magazine print. It was small but just enough to get by and get your foot in. Music was your passion, and music journalism at that.
Vickey was a goth punk with black choppy hair, a blunt attitude and big in the rock scene; especially in LA, so the arrangement was working out swimmingly. She took a genuine interest in your work and would supportingly read all your writings and offer insider knowledge about shows. The two of you quickly becoming close friends.
"Another animal attack happened yesterday." Vickey said sipping her coffee. "Pretty crazy shit." . You sort of glaze over that statement, still focused on your interior design pursuit. "An entire family, shredded."
"Yeah that's crazy.." you say tranced on your new poster.
The TV reporter continues:
"In related news, a local church group has began petitioning the state of California for a total recall of all metal and rock music from its shelves, claiming the genres are the primary contributor to LA's recent uptick in crime, violence, and potentially a connection to the recent killings, they say."
Your neck snaps to the tv at this. Vickey scoffs. "Here we go again with these fuckin prudes and their protests." She flops on the couch and starts rolling a joint. "Is this a common occurrence then?" You ask, sort of laughing. Vickey doesn't break from her intense focus on her joint rolling; "The day the churches stop blaming everything on the rock scene is the day the last whore stops working the sunset strip. Shits been happening for generations pretty much. You just gotta ignore it." She grumbles.
"Right. Huh.." you mumble to yourself.
"You know- this could be a good story for the print." You blurt out. Vickey looks up, ushering her joint to you, but you decline by wiggling your cigarette in your lips. "Nah. This shits been covered a million times dude. Those uptight nuns have nothing new to spew anyways." She replies. "No no not for the church, Vickey, but the scene." You countered her. Her expression changed now more intrigued. "Oh? How so?". You pace around gently in thought. "From the rock scenes perspective on it. We ask them what THEY think about it all. Like the musicians and shit." Vickey chuckles and coughs out a cloud of smoke, "I dunno I don't think any local band is gonna give you the time of day unless you got drugs or can give good hea- well, actually..." She gets lost in thought for a moment. "I think I might know a couple musicians that MIGHT be willing to say a few words on the matter. -" you jump slightly with a mute excitement. "BUT- I can't guarantee you'll get anything of real substance from them.." she tries to ease your hopes down on her half offer but your excitement is apparent. "Vickey seriously?! That would mean the world to me. Who is it? When can I see them?!" Vickey smiles at your innocent enthusiasm to go willingly into the guttural den of rock.
"It's a local band called Guns N Roses. They're playing down at the troubadour tomorrow night. I'll see if I can get you in."
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innercircleweekofficial · 5 months ago
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🎨: Charlie Bowater
Here are the prompts! Can't wait for all the amazing content you guys will create for our favourite group 🥰.
You can participate in any form, such as fanfiction, fanart, moodboards, playlists, etc. We only want to celebrate the Inner Circle and the joy they have brought us these past few years 🤍.
You can also find us on Instagram. When posting your submissions there, we'd love for you to invite us to collaborate!
If you haven't read the rules of the event you can find the post right here.
Day 1: Court of Dreams/Home ->
"And what is this court?" I asked, gesturing to them. The most important question. It was Cassian, eyes clear and bright as his Siphon, who said, "The Court of Dreams." ~~~ Each member of the Inner Circle struggled as children to have a home of their own. Luckily they found one another and now, they are each other’s home. How do you see them as a family together?
Day 2: Warriors/Power(s) ->
The Inner Circle is known to be a powerful group—if not most—in Prythian. Shall we revisit them conquering the struggles of war? How do you see them using their skills? How do you see them coming into their powers?
Day 3: Past/ Future ->
Throughout the books, we've learned little pieces about the Inner Circle members' pasts. Like how the bat boys grew up together in a war camp, or how Mor was a dreamer in Court of Nightmares. How do you see their younger selves' interactions? How do you think they all met? Or how do you see their future be like? How do you see them being a family with the newest addition- Nyx?
Day 4: Headcanons/Shenanigans →
"Cassian, considering the fact that the last time you visited, it didn't end well-" "I wrecked one building-"... "The last time Amren and Mor got into it, they left my favorite mountain retreat in cinders." ~~~ Share with us your headcanons! What are these people up to behind the scenes? What mischief do they get into?
Day 5: Masks →
Inner Circle members are infamous for their cruelty among the rest of Prythian. They all wear various masks as a protection of their home and people. How do you see them when they don't have their masks on? Or what sort of mask would they slip on to protect, and how much of those times wasn't merely an act?
Day 6: Winter Solstice/Holidays →
"It's a special holiday here as well, right?" I asked casually. "Not just in Winter and Day." And Spring. "Oh, yes," Nuala said... "We love it dearly. It's intimate, warm, lovely. Presents and music and food, sometimes feasting under the starlight ..." ~~~ In the novella -A Court of Frost and Starlight- we've got a glimpse of the centuries, the Inner Circle has been celebrating their traditional holidays! Who would they invite? What present would they give each other? It could be winter solstice or any other holiday, it's up to you!
Day 7: AU/Free Day →
What other universes do you see Inner Circle in? How would their dynamic work? This is a day to truly embrace your creativity and imagination. We can't wait to see what you guys will do this day!
PS: If there's any question regarding the event, you can contact us through our ask box or DMs.
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