#lmaoooo ty for the ask
demonic0angel · 18 days
(funny prompt)
Dick: Were you serious about becoming the final boss?
Dan: Ha ha. Do you think I'd go along with a sweet deal planned by someone else?
Dick: I don't think you did...
(Not sure if I really understood this prompt, but I had fun lol)
Dan: I would kill for you, Dick. I would tear apart this world and gift it to you on a silver plate with a necklace made of stars and a ring of sunlight. Whatever you want, it’s yours 😊
Dick: … okay. So could I ask you to not take over the world?
Dan: No ☺️ Make a list of who you want to save, I’ll spare those people, but that’s it.
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Dick: *flattered, horny, and very, very afraid*
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wtftaylr · 1 month
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here have some Sadie Knox (my Courier Six) infodumping bc i am insane abt her rn
Sandra "Sadie" Knox / 5'2" / 34
Sandra Knox isn't her birth name, she got her first and last name separately from books she's read over the years.
Sadie is a scientist who worked as a courier and an overcharging con-artist repairman to save up caps to fund her research. She carries a notebook with her at all times, always scribbling down notes as it helps her think and process information.
Sadie is morally gray; a bit selfish and tunnel-visioned in her ways. Once Sadie has a goal, big or small, she’ll stop at nothing to achieve whatever it is. She has a unique way with words and can get you into trouble and out of it in the same sentence. This skill has saved her ass an insurmountable amount of times.
Due to her borderline extreme goal-contentedness, despite caring for those she loves and keeps close to her, she often comes off distant. Sadie has always had a rough time showing that she cares and her gestures can come off as awkward or forced. Her autism might be (is) partially to blame for this lol. Those willing to work past this awkwardness and allow her to adjust are rewarded with a ride or die friend for life.
She's got a reserve of pent-up rage. Though she can be quite irritable from minor conveniences [ex: she drops a pencil on the ground > emotional dysregulation from adhd rises > she's LIVID- ok she's fine now], she's not one to lash out at someone she loves. Her rage is kept internal and it weighs heavily on her shoulders.
Once speaking to Yes Man [before confronting Benny], she figures trying to get in on Benny's scheme is the opportunity she's been waiting for -- the prospect of a steady flow of caps excites her.
Oh and after her visit to BIG MT, she decides to help the Doctors by occasionally bringing them Mojave shit to research.
Sadie: look at the size of this legendary deathclaw hand. These things are large and terrifying, and despite the best efforts, nests continue to pop u-- Dr. Borous: the size of that hand.... Dr. Borous: it reminds me of my time in AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL, when RICHIE MARCUS took his HAND to my FACE and BEAT ME SENSELESS behind the school. the AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL-- Sadie: [patiently waiting bc she doesnt know when, or if, it is appropriate to intervene]
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galaxysketches · 2 months
i'm trying i swear
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sewerdraws · 1 month
Zach! Hello, howdy, g’day! Hope its goin good for ya :D
I have heard the Lawry lore but, other than in correlation w/ Lawry, have heard precious little about Niko. I am formally inquiring the Niko lore, Plz
Okay thats all :] (<— still doesn’t know how to type an ask like a normal person)
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Niko time !!!!! His ref and biography already exist here but this is a fun opportunity for more lore !!
Lore wise he's in a parallel RED team to the canon one. Absolutely hated by all of his team except the pyro (likes witnessing chaos) and the scout (who's not related to him but also a shithead so they Tolerate each other. asshole solidarity yknow). He's hated mostly because of his awful attitude (aggressive, abrasive, makes demeaning comments and doesn't mind getting personal, stays isolated, lives in a flat outside of base etc), basically picture a high school girl bully, but with deadly weapon and intelligence gathering skills.
Went through a very chaotic, up-and-down life up until his days at Mann.co which are basically the best days of his life : he has plenty of money, is dealing in the legal which he prefers, while still making good use of his combat, intel and seduction skills.
[CW for suggestive and unhealthy content, as well as discussion of internalized homophobia]
OH YEAH seduction is a big thing for Niko. Goes through college exploring homosexuality, gets that beautiful world crushed beneath his feet, homosexuality becomes a perverse thing to him during his time in prison and opens up to years of compulsive heterosexuality and trying to prove himself through seduction. Despite his awful "real" personality, he can put on one hell of a persona when needing to seduce someone. That's a skill he discovers early and uses throughout his whole life.
But you can only repress your identity for so long and in his later years before Mann.co he starts going to bars to absolutely wreck himself on booze and pick up young men / get picked up by older men. It's very much a despair thing and not at all a pleasurable self discovery experience. Every time he does it he digs deeper in the denial and feels disgusted at himself.
Lawry is pretty much his real "gay awakening" at around 40yo, and it very much just starts with "oh that guy's obsession is pitiful, i'm gonna entertain it" and completely backfires over years of agonizing toxic back and forth. The layers get even thicker when he finally starts considering the idea that he might be gay only for Lawry to hit him with "hey so i'm not entirely a bloke ?"
i love his annoying ass so much you can ask anything u want about him <333
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songofsunset · 5 months
I feel morally obligated to present this for your enjoyment:
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oooooohhhh that looks pretty
idk what happens but rn I'm guessing that venom hops into his body, takes one look in his brain and is like 'wow this is so much, I'm leaving right now immediately' because it would be hilarious and Marc et al weaponizing his internal landscape never gets old to me lmaoooo
otherwise it's extremely a 'we can make each other worse' situation hahaha
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kuzakat · 1 month
Damn, imagine the weird ass love triangle (literally) that Dib, Dipper and Bill are potentially in. That would make a really good story to read let me tell you
(different anon)
Ur so right anon, billdibper would go so hard 🔥
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crumb · 2 months
chainshipping or stockroom syndrome 🤭
Ooo, stockroom syndrome!!! I love chainshipping but larry fuckin left adam’s ass there to die. At least benson was like “welp” and then let randy watch him die in front of him so he could be forever changed. now THAT’S true love 😌
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msmargaretmurry · 3 months
Ms. Blues!
Do you have any thoughts on what Leon should do next? Extend? Sign and trade?
Unforch for me I was very much hoping that the oilers would win and am too in my feels to have perspective on this. Would love to see McDrai win it in the next few years, but idk if I am completely delusional lol
hello friend! i am sorry about your sad hockey feelings, but not too sorry because obviously i was on the other side rooting for the p.anthers the whole way 😅 but i do know how crushing it feels when the team you're rooting for loses, and i hope you can find comfort in your good memories from the season and start looking forward to next season soon!
re: leon's looming contract negotiations, under the cut because i got real chatty about it, whoops
i don't really have thoughts about what he SHOULD do, because my stance on player contracts is that they should always be based on what the player wants and thinks is best for themselves. even if it's not the ideal scenario for me personally! sometimes i'll be grumpy when a player's desires go against what EYE want but in my heart i am always in favor of workers having agency regarding their working conditions. in this house we love labor rights baby. i thought that leon did a very good job in his exit interview saying tactfully that he hasn't had time to think about his next contract yet (understandable!) and that it's going to take some time and discussions with both his agent and the o.ilers to figure out what happens next (and did a good job sticking to that talking point even as the e.dmonton media got quite frankly inappropriately aggressive about it).
i wouldn't blame leon if he wants to wait until the entire next season is over to decide what to do. the worst they could do is trade him at the deadline because they're mad he won't commit, and i think that would be pretty beyond the pale LOL. if he pushes his contract negotiations out past next july 1, it's possible he and connor could negotiate at the same time, if that's something they want to do or think would be beneficial. the o.ilers are in a tough spot right now with how fully half their roster needs to be re-signed or let go — something they have to be super tactical about if they want to keep the caliber of team they had this season — and then bouch's contract is up the same time as leon's, and that kid deserves a big payday, and then obviously they'll need the money available to re-sign connor the next year. even with the salary cap going up a significant amount, i can see there being concern in leon's camp about the o.ilers having the ability to pay him what he's worth. he is already grossly underpaid and even wanting to stay there is only so much of a discount a player of his caliber can conscionably allow a team.
i do think he loves his teammates in e.dmonton. he loves playing with connor. those are definitely things that matter when it comes to contract negotiations, too. i also think that making it to the scf this year puts him under unique pressure to stay (which is another reason he might want to wait until after the coming season to figure out his next move! it would not be strange at all if he did; so many players do their contract crap in the off-season anyway!) but obviously it's also not out of the question that the o.ilers make a concerted effort to get him the contract he wants and get it done early so everyone can relax, lol.
i personally wouldn't hate seeing him play somewhere else (excluding on teams i hate, obvs), which i know sounds like sacrilege but it's for the totally selfish reason of i just so rarely root for the o.ilers and i think it'd be fun for ME to have him on a team i'm more all-in on, lol. it's truly nothing against (most of) the o.ilers players, they have some players that i'm super fond of! and some good narratives going on up there too! but my deep and ceaseless loathing of daryl k.atz easily outstrips all of that and is my unwavering guiding star here. fuck that guy fr.
so tl;dr i hope that whatever leon does is what he wants and what feels right to him. a lot of people are going to have a lot of opinions about what he should do but we don't know what's in his heart! i hope the o.ilers are respectful of the process and of whatever time he needs to take to decide, whether it's like two weeks or all season.
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falloutcoys · 9 months
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encrypted-cryptid · 6 months
re: fbic titles, "and without you is how i disappear"?
'and without you is how i disappear' - echo gets to know a handful of people wearing their family's faces. it goes better than it did the last time.
"you're so-" echo makes some kind of vague gesture with both hands, face screwed up. shepherd screws her own face up in response. they note how her nose still scrunches up the same way dec's does.
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"i dunno, you're just - just-" they struggle for the right words, making more incoherent noises as they throw their hands up, chewing on the inside of their cheek. exasperated, shepherd stands to leave and echo stumbles to their feet; they aren't entirely sure where the sudden desperation had come from.
it settles like lead in their bones, heavy and unwieldy, some strange cousin to grief and all the more unsettling for it. echo swallows around the sudden lump in their throat, unable to get the image of shepherd - of dec, really, they know deep down - leaving them behind. it's a silly thought because shepherd is a stranger and declan would never but - it sits and threatens to choke them anyway. hurts in just the same way that hearing dec say those four words did - i knew from two weeks - and hurts the same way him running out of the hidden altar room with fear in his eyes did.
"you're washed out. like you never got all your colours but don't even realise they're missing."
shepherd stops, back to them, and they watch as her shoulders tense.
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"I also summoned monster streets with my stress, so. Should I see a doctor? We'll worry about that later." R. AU react line? Maybe? Idk I think it's funny
oooo fun
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
trent poses like 2000s romcom girlies in the new away kit pictures 😂 so iconic ✨
whaddo you mean i have no idea what youre talking ab-
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no yeah nvm youre right
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greghatecrimes · 6 months
Normally I'd put on a festive hat and celebrate the fact that the Earth has circled the sun one more time. I really didn't think it was gonna make it this year, but darn it if it wasn't the little planet that could all over again! Happy birthday! 🎂
Thank you for the birthday wishes! That's exactly how I feel about myself this past year. Sometimes it felt like I wasn't gonna make it, but damn if I wasn't the little Anya that could all over again, lol!! <3
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izvmimi · 3 months
Hi Mimi!~ I found this tv show called 'Marrying Mum and Dad' where kids plan a wedding for their parents and the only rules are that they have a few weeks to plan and the parents aren't aware of the wedding details (but they are aware there is an upcoming wedding). What would tanjiro and your children plan for a wedding specifically for you two ^A^?
it's really funny that this came to mind but in modern au i feel like they'd want to recreate so many disney scenes
like the kiss the girl scene in the little mermaid (although idk if this exists in this timeline)!
they get nezuko’s help to rent a boat LMAO and give tanjiro instructions on the side of where to go with a little drawn map and at the end they have a little place to set up to get married where mio officiates (this is her dream and she also makes the cake)!
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willowser · 1 year
Hiiii Willow!! I’ve been really loving hearing u talk about gojo lately so maybe 👽 and 💝 for the ask game if you’d like!!<333
ozzy bee !!!! tysm for asking !!! 🥺🩷✨️
👽 : a headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
oh no oh god i think there are so many Weird things about him like......he's probably double jointed and ambidextrous... can fit his fist in his mouth....i feel like he would chew gum a lot. i think he dresses the same whether he's going to a baseball game or going for a night on the town, like he's always dressed up if he's not at school. cracks all his knuckles frequently. always has cold hands. can do quick math, like big numbers; i think he's good with numbers in general, like remembering dates and stuff. idk he's Weird !!!!!!
and i answered his love language here !!
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songofsunset · 11 days
FAR too serious about apples: Fuji are the perfect apple. eat them raw, make them in a pie, not cloyingly sweet, not at all sour. go get you some Fuji apples when you go north im not joking. Animals are fighting me for these apples. (They are not super different from gala apples probably but they really do great in a pie)
I am taking notes!!!!
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