venompinks · 2 months
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JENNIE ꫂ ၴႅၴ MET GALA 2024
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ieropilled · 2 years
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ponds-of-ink · 8 months
and every time we touch I get this feeling
and every time we kiss I swear I can fly
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tachineko · 2 years
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candyskiez · 29 days
Y'all have gotta get more insane about platonic relationships like you are about romantic relationships. We need to get more annoying about them NOW. I need to see more meta and losing our minds over them. Get more annoying NOW. More than that. More than that also.
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shinseifer · 1 year
"average cat owner spends 3 years in prison" factoid actualy just statistical error. average owner spends 0 years in prison. Miette's mother, who kicked her body like the football and went to jail for One Thousand Years is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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klaunee · 5 months
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I drew this over a year ago but I guess now is the time to post it.
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mipexch · 6 months
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captainfern · 6 months
thinking about captain john price being built like this
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oh… (18+, gn!reader)
in my humblest of opinions, the ‘strong dad bod’ is one of the sexiest fucking builds a man can have and i can’t stop thinking about them
especially if price had one *screams into my pillow like an idiot*
can you imagine how obsessed he’d be with draping his body over yours ?? like if you’re at the kitchen counter, or standing on your toes to reach something on a high shelf, price would be smushing himself right up against your back
big arms wrapping around your torso, large hands splayed over the softness of your belly, the warm mounds of his pectorals and stomach pressed firmly against your back
he’d tuck his head against your shoulder and kiss your neck and the side of your face, pushing more of his weight onto you
such a good hugger, so warm and cozy and safe <3 would also be used as a human weighted blanket and i’d hope to god he’d trap me beneath him oh my god
imagine running your hands up and down the smooth, fatty ridges of muscle that took up most of his abdomen and arms. the hair too !! ugh i’d just pet him for hours like a little cat lol
*sarah paulson voice* THE HORNY IS ESCAPING !!!
thinking about the feel of this kind of body draped over your back as he fucked you hard into the mattress, both of his hands on your hips and keeping you pinned so that he could rut into you like a man starved
mmm or his large hands wrapped around your legs and keeping them bent up towards your head while he drills into you, his own soft tummy rubbing against yours
price with a muscly dad bod like this would make you put your legs over his wide shoulders while he’s eating you out, one hand on the pudge of your lower stomach and the other squeezing the flesh of your arse
god his cock would be so fucking thick like don’t even get me started 😭
he’d stretch you open so well too, make you come almost one too many times before he’s easing himself into you and stretching you open with a moan of your name
or or you’d ride him and constantly running your hands and/or nails up and down the soft dips of his body, moaning as his cock hit so deep and almost made you come within mere seconds of sinking down onto his cock lmao
i’m so horny for price and this type of body oh my god i just can’t
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that-dumb-dinosaur · 10 months
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look me in the eye and tell me this isn't one of the coolest shots in any star wars tv episode. and don't even get me started on when his voice overlapped with Vader's-
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bigfatbreak · 1 month
Birds of a Feather previous / next
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fantastic-nonsense · 4 months
society if Two-Face was Batman's arch-nemesis instead of the Joker:
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Watching Star Trek IV
Whale biologist: why do you hang around with that weird guy who calls you admiral and why are you so close?
Kirk: *hesitates*
Whale biologist, who lives in San Francisco in the 80s and is rapidly drawing many correct conclusions: that’s okay we don’t have to talk about it.
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zakiyyah · 1 year
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sadclowncentral · 1 year
What uh. What's the frog story 👀
back when i was in second grade, my elementary school organised a school market with every class selling their crafts for charity. the contribution of my class were hand-sized ceramic frogs we made in art class. each one of us made one of them to be sold for five euros a piece (this is important later). the quality of the frog i made varies drastically based on who is telling the story, and for reasons that will become very apparent later there is no way to check, but i stand by the fact that it was average looking, if a bit wonky.
the day of the market arrived, and all frogs were bought within minutes, snatched up by enthusiastic and proud parents. all except - mine. because my mother hates spending money on unnecessary things, and she hates children's crafts even more. so she - loudly and vehemently - refused, in her thick eastern european accent, to "spend five euros on an ugly frog".
i will never forget seeing my ceramic frog alone on the slightly wet cardboard, surrounded by the imprints left behind by the already sold frogs. all the while other parents are getting more and more agitated, trying to get my mother to put the frog out of its misery. eventually, she budged, and spend five euros on a wonky frog. she was absolutely furious about this.
so furious, in fact, that when we came home to where my father was remodelling the kitchen, she WALLED IT IN. that's right. she cask of amadillo'd that poor ceramic fool. put him into the open wall and slapped concrete over it faster than my poor seven year old self or my dad could protest. out of pure anger over loosing five euros. and that's where it remains, until this day.
my mom hates when this story is brought up, which is why we bring it up all the time. she also thinks she what she did was right, because "do the other parents know where the frog is? no. only your creation is safe. because i love you." morally, i would disagree, but on a pure factual basis, she has a point.
i made her another ceramic frog for her last brithday, which was not buried like some pharaoh, and everytime guests compliment it my brother loudly goes "oh you should see the other frog he made" and when they ask to see it, he points at the wall. this is hilarious to him and infuriating for my mother. and that's the frog story.
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mourn-and-watch · 18 days
just want to remind y'all of some kirkwall-related details that are not at all relevant for the possible events of datv:
meredith stannard is alive and kicking and is also planning a war against tevinter
red templars are in control of the gallows; it's hard to tell what's going on in the city itself, but with varric absent it might be left with no viscount again
there's an elven graveyard on sundermount where ancient elves entered uthenera; it is also possibly dedicated/related to mythal
there was also a demon contained in an idol on top of sundermount who supposedly possessed a great knowledge about arlathan and eluvians
the veil in kirkwall has always been remarkably thin and tevinter magisters were weakening it on purpose during their reign; the whole city was built as an enormous blood magic ritual site
if the veilguard squad is going to travel through the eluvians there's still one in kirkwall. the one that has been plot-relevant since dao
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