#Nutrition Tip Tuesday
viviankent · 1 year
Elevate Your Health with Nutrition Tip Tuesday!
Discover expert insights and practical advice on Healthier Me Today's Nutrition Tip Tuesday. Uncover the latest trends, tips, and tricks to enhance your well-being through informed dietary choices. Join the conversation and prioritize your health journey today.
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bryonyashaw · 2 years
𝙆𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙎𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙚𝙛 𝙏𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙨 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙥𝙚
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marcomarconii · 2 months
🍽️ Top Recipe Tuesday: Super Tasty and Healthy 🌯
📌 Hey! It’s Top Recipe Tuesday, and today, I'm sharing a healthy and delicious recipe that’s perfect for those who want to eat healthy without sacrificing flavor. Let’s get started! ⬇️
➡️ Recipe: Avocado Chicken Wraps 🌯
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⬇️ Why you’ll love it: ⬇️
➡️ Packed with Protein: Chicken is protein for your muscles.
➡️ Healthy Fats: Avocado is a good fat for your heart.
➡️ Fresh and Tasty: Full of fresh veggies and herbs for flavor.
⬇️ Ingredients: ⬇️
| 2 cups cooked chicken breast, shredded 🍗 | 1 avocado, diced 🥑 | 1/4 cup Greek yogurt 🥄 | 1 tbsp lime juice 🍋 | 1/4 cup chopped cilantro 🌿 | 1/2 cup diced tomatoes 🍅 | 1/4 cup diced red onion 🧅 | Salt and pepper to taste 🧂 | Whole grain wraps 🌯 |
⬇️ Instructions: ⬇️
1️⃣ Prep the Chicken: Shred the cooked chicken into a big bowl.
2️⃣ Mix the Dressing: In a small bowl, combine Greek yogurt, lime juice, salt and pepper.
3️⃣ Combine: Add the diced avocado, tomatoes, red onion, and cilantro to the chicken. Pour the dressing over the top and mix gently.
4️⃣ Assemble: Spoon the chicken salad mixture onto the whole grain wraps and roll up tight.
⬇️ Chef Tips: ⬇️
➡️ Variations: Add diced bell peppers or a handful of spinach for extra crunch and nutrients.
➡️ Meal Prep: Make a big batch and store it in the fridge for up to 3 days for quick meals.
⬇️ Why it’s Healthy: ⬇️
➡️ Lean Protein: Chicken is for your muscles.
➡️ Fiber Rich: Whole grain wraps for digestion and fullness.
➡️ Full of Nutrients: Avocados and veggies are vitamins and minerals.
➡️ Let me know what you think about this recipe, and share your wrap pictures with me. 📸
📌 P.S. For more delicious recipes and healthy eating tips, join my newsletter 📬📬 https://marcomarconii.ck.page/18360dce95
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
$7.25 $1231
Apply today Sign up for text alerts to see drive-thru pantries in your area Join us after services for a homemade meal and prayer support Limited to single mothers, the elderly, and the unemployed Sign up for a backpack plan: food assistance for low income families If you are in need of a hot meal join our waiting list Include your email for notifications if your cart is funded Your application will be reviewed in 7-10 business days Weekly shared meals on Tuesday at 2:30pm Those with current government ID and a local address are welcome What documents you need to sign up for SNAP benefits LEARN: click this link for tips on nutrition LEARN: where to find coupons online LEARN: penny-pinching tips at the grocery store LEARN: how to start a saving plan LEARN: part-time jobs that will work with your schedule r/personalfinace r/povertyfinance r/randomactsofpizza r/beermoney First time Donor? What you need to know First weekly visit: $40 Second weekly visit: $70 How to treat a hemotoma at home Can meditation lower your resting heart rate? Five foods high in iron Three signs that you might be dehydrated Securing a loan is easy and fast Available to consumers at all levels of credit To help cover life's little emergencies Your title is returned when the lien is released Get approved in minutes Apply today
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brandyanna · 3 months
girljournalling chapter 3: fitness journey + tips 𓆩♡𓆪
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some of you may know that i am in ed recovery... wanted to have this as a disclaimer because if i had never suffered from an ed then i would not have started my fitness journey, and if i didn't start my fitness journey then i would not be here - having improved my mental wellbeing!!
things to remember:
❦ food is fuel, not something you have to earn!
❦ eating to run, not running to eat
❦ everyone starts from the beginning, your only competition is yourself
generally, i always recommend going to the gym and running! i run 3 times a week, and also do 2 track sessions a week at school. you can also go to the gym for cardio and weightlifting, which is great for athleticism and your metabolism. as a runner, you should be strength training to decrease your risk of injury
❦ when i first went to the gym, i was so scared of embarassing myself - get on the treadmill and observe what other people are doing, you'll soon feel less overwhelmed
❦ you should take at least two rest days in a week! any less and you risk overtraining (it's not pretty, take it from me) of course, you can keep active by walking on these days if you want
❦ at the gym, you should aim to train lower body (glutes, hamstrings, legs), upper body (core, arms, shoulders/back), and cardio
❦ there are so many ways to structure your week! for example:
-> monday: aerobic cardio, tuesday: lower body, wednesday: upper body + core, thursday: active rest + recovery, friday: lower body + glutes, saturday: upper body/arms, sunday: rest + recovery
❦ make sure you warm up with dynamic stretches and cool down with gentle stretches like pilates/yoga or walking slowly!
❦ please hydrate and stretch properly guys :( so many injuries can be easily prevented by just doing this
❦ nutrition is a key part of fitness; but do not get wrapped up into the latest 'trending diet' or restrict your food intake. instead, eat a balanced diet and remember, count the colours on your plate, not the calories!
for running, if you're training for a specific distance, you want to be running 3-4 times a week, structured with easy runs, intervals/tempo runs, and long runs
❦ there are so many apps/websites that provide comprehensive training plans, my favourite is runna because you can work towards any distance/level of fitness that you like!
❦ with your easy runs, make sure you go easy, because it allows you to go faster and longer in your tempo + long runs
❦ my favourite time to run is early in the morning, i have a 5:00am alarm before school. in my opinion, it just makes me feel productive and awake throughout the day!
staying fit is hard, but so is living carelessly. being healthy is hard, but so is neglecting your health. choose your hard.
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 month
We are doing it again a week from today! We invite you to join us at Upgrade Labs (Riverton) next Tuesday, Aug. 13th @6pm where we teach and show you how to “Use Nutrition to Soothe Inflammation.”
You’ll also learn:
• The science behind inflammation and how it affects your body
• Key anti-inflammatory foods to incorporate into your diet
• Delicious, easy-to-make recipes that promote healing
• Biohacking tips to enhance your body’s natural defenses.
Integrative Chef Andrea will treat your taste buds again with an array of colorful, mouth-watering anti-inflammatory foods. After class, you’ll have the opportunity to further tame your inflammation with exclusive access to anti-inflammatory therapies at Upgrade Labs like red light therapy, cryotherapy, and lymphatic massage.
Whether you’re dealing with chronic inflammation or just want to optimize your health, we promise to leave you feeling rejuvenated and empowered!
Reserve your spot today 👉🏽 https://events.theholisticchef.com/upgradenutritionseries
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Ohh I've always wanted to start mealprepping but I get so demotivated finding what I want to eat for a whole week, do you maybe have any tips on how to get into it?
you, my friend, have just opened pandora's fridge
soooo i started meal prepping in march of this year at the same time as switching to an office job from retail and starting to go the gym. these decisions were for weight loss reasons (and have been very successful! i look and feel so good!) but i am immediately going to emphasize that there are a lot of benefits to meal prepping besides intentional weight loss. so much of what i've been doing would be the same if you were not trying to lose weight, you just wouldn't be thinking about like calorie deficits when choosing recipes (and if you're interested in weight loss, calories in calories out is your friend. set a reasonable number per day and pay attention to your body. if you're hungry, you're lowballing it. slow progress that sticks is better than fast progress that doesn't).
meal prepping can be really advantageous financially (and could be done less expensively than i do it tbh, i'm a sucker for the farmer's market), and as someone with adhd who lives alone it's incredible for my mental health. the way i meal prep is very structured around 1) my 8-4 weekday job and 2) the gym, so you'll need to figure out how to tailor that based on your schedule and interests.
all that aside, i'm super passionate about this and i've been learning so much these past months! i'm no expert and i was awful at cooking before (only ate frozen meals, snacks, and takeout honestly) but i feel like my relationship with food is the best it's even been in my life. food is GOOD. food that you've made with your own hands, that you've invested your time and effort in, is sosososo special. and if it sucks, at least you're learning what NOT to do! i have like a 85% success rate, and maybe 50-60% recipes are good enough to repeat.
i really treasure this entire ritual, even though it may seem overwhelming to do every single week. in terms of weight loss, i was never going to be someone who got healthy from heavy restriction or prescribed diets that are meant to distance a person from food. and it's funny because like, i would binge, but also HATE food so much for the hold it had over my body and mind. if you have a shitty relationship with food this might really help. i feel obligated to say that i do see a nutritionist, but she's not doing the cooking or recipe hunting or working out for me.
so my weekly meal prep calendar looks like this:
sunday - cooking day. like, for hours. i don't have a dishwasher so i'm doing a full sink of dishes at least three times. i sometimes have plans and can work around them, but i prefer to keep the day free. i imagine this would be trickier if you live with people, but then again i manage in a studio apartment with a kitchen the size of a grocery store checkout line, soooo
tuesday-thursday - research and making the shopping list! can be done on any or all of these days. i use justtherecipe and recommend it highly. it saves recipes from websites while cutting out ads and, like, blogging. you can also edit the recipes and add notes--i always add the calories and maybe nutrition information. if those are not provided and you care, you can use a nutrition calculator to figure it out. if you get nervous about calories i ENCOURAGE you to try this. a lot of recipes that you might shy away from can totally be goal-supportive. pasta can be your friend, i promise.
so what i do during the week is find recipes i want to cook or repeat (using pinterest or websites of previously enjoyed recipes) and add them to justtherecipe. every week i choose a breakfast, a lunch to eat at work, a pre-gym snack, and dinner. if you don't have a lot of physical activity you don't need the same kind of protein-heavy snack, but you could always prep something so you don't snack mindlessly. some weeks i also just cook something sweet for fun, especially if the calories for the whole day are a little low. this could be half-homemade apple cider, baked goods, purchased popsicles, etc. this is most often where i'll just buy something and pre-portion it, rather than prepare it myself. no shame in that at all, in fact, sometimes it would be stupid not to go with the easier/cheaper solution.
so yeah. i figure out what i'm cooking for each "meal," add the recipes to the cookbook in justtherecipe, and then scale the recipes as needed. i usually make 6 servings for a week, which is convenient because most recipes are written in multiples of 2. this is a great recipe converter you can use to resize recipes. justtherecipe devs are also planning to add a feature that does this on the site eventually.
last thing i do during the week is take the recipes, resized as needed, and make a shopping list. if there are things i know already have i leave them out, and if i'm unsure i put a question mark and check my kitchen whenever i'm home. i will say while this sounds kindaaaaaaa expensive at first, the more you repeat this weekly process the more nonperishable things you'll already have stocked, especially if you tend to cook with similar spices and types of oil/flour/etc. at this point, sixish months in, i rarely need to buy nonperishable stuff, unless i've literally run out. and you can find affordable ways to buy perishables, and if you compare what you're spending to frozen meals, snacks, and takeout, i think it's likely it would be at the worst equal, if that makes sense. i know this is a sweeping generalization and i'm sorry. this might not work for some people but i can only share what i'm fortunate enough to be able to do.
friday - this is the day i go shopping, after work! with my list that i already made! i know the layout of the supermarket super well at this point so i order the items accordingly. it goes pretty fast and people have asked me several times if i was doing instacart which i took as a huge compliment.
so that's my schedule, but you can switch it around based on what your work week looks like. i would definitely say that you should try to shop no more than 3 days before cooking, and maybe freeze certain ingredients in the meantime. freezing is HUGE in meal prep.
speaking of storage, storage!
depending on the kinds of meals, you have to be smart about storage if you want them to last 5-6 days. pay attention to what the recipe says about fridge vs. freezer life (justtherecipe does NOT save this, so make sure you check the website). for most meals, i freeze some or all on sunday and defrost in the fridge a day ahead as the week goes by. obviously you might need to split up more complex things (for a salad freeze the chicken but not the greens, for a soup freeze the broth and noodles but not the veggies, etc.). the highest-maintenance thing i've done so far is an udon soup with frozen broth and chicken but fresh prepped ingredients, which i needed to actually combine and boil on the stove every night (also did an egg drop because i think it's funny. like that egg really did just drop). still, pretty easy and low maintenance! the soup in question (oh god i hope my food isn't ugly and i'm actually delusional) will be pictured at the bottom of this post!!
plastic meal prep containers are less expensive, but glass are far superior especially if you're really into chilis, soups, and very garlicky-oniony foods. and especially ESPECIALLY if you're like me and you don't have a dishwasher. plastic tends to not do great with hot liquids and it holds onto strong smells.
i started out with plastic for the first few months, but asked for glass for my birthday. now i have 10 glass containers, 5 for lunch and 5 for dinner, and supplement with plastic during weeks where i make 6 servings. i think these are the glass ones i use, or at least made by the same company, and for plastic you can't beat target's price for what it includes. most supermarkets and big stores tend to sell both glass and plastic, if you don't want to commit to glass financially, plastic is still great. you'll definitely find a use for them if you upgrade eventually!
for the breakfast and pre-gym snacks, i use disposable stuff like baggies or the tinier plastic containers that often come in sets. i'm sorry, planet :( there's just a point where i know i can't create too many dishes, especially with no dishwasher. the whole point of this entire ritual is to create a process i have no problem repeating indefinitely, so sometimes i have accept that i'm not going to be able to do it perfectly.
in terms of breakfasts, i personally don't like savory flavors early in the morning. i'm a big fan of the frozen smoothie bag and baked goods like muffins and bread.
there is a kitchen in my office with a toaster oven and microwave, so i have some flexibility with what i can bring in and eat. lots of soups and salads!
pre-gym snacks are always about protein. protein muffins, hummus and veggies, peanut butter.
dinner can be a lot of things, but for me personally the focus is on making it hearty so i am FULL when i go to sleep. the overall rule of thumb with all of this is to make food you're EXCITED to eat, so you don't feel like you're unsatisfied or missing out. especially when starting out, i benefitted from learning how to prepare meat in appealing ways. i hate handling raw meat and there are some shortcuts you can take to avoid it, like making patties or meatballs with ground chicken or turkey. personally i only eat chicken and sometimes turkey, every once in a while turkey bacon. so no steak recipes here i'm afraid :( i'm a big fan of my grill pan but also have to be very careful with stovetop pan-cooking because my postage stamp of an apartment has no kitchen fan and i don't keep windows open. if you're in a similar situation and hate the idea of straight up baked chicken, you can bake it in the oven and then pan-fry or grill for a few minutes just to get that exterior texture without worrying about undercooking. oh yeah, also get a meat thermometer. a great part of acquiring recipes like pokemon is that you'll start adding kitchen items to your collection as needed just like your spices.
other misc. meal prep tips include: ALWAYS buy more broth than the recipe requires (like, twice as much); try to buy exact portions of perishable ingredients because unfortunately food waste can be a problem when you're alone; and cooking for several hours is a really good time to listen to audiobooks or video essays.
also i do want to point out that i occasionally eat food i didn't prepare. i just typically plan ahead and get SUPER excited to do so. i'm never eating takeout or restaurant food or frozen meals because i don't have it in me to make something; it's because i like the special food or i'm somewhere cool with people i care about. it's a treat, but so is all the food i make.
okay, last thing, here are some recipes i've repeated and really enjoy! notice that they're not all like spinach salads, i love when recipes find clever ways to emulate "unhealthy" food while having nutritious ingredients. the website skinnytaste is my favorite for stuff like that and she has a massive backlog of free recipes with nutrition info. also i very obviously favor certain ingredients (feta cheese my love), these are just things i like, there is so much out there for you to find for yourself! even if the recipe isn't your thing, these blogs and websites are great places to start!
- https://kristineskitchenblog.com/healthy-apple-muffins/
- a smoothie with 1/2 frozen banana, ~10 frozen strawberries, handful frozen spinach, 3/4 tbsp peanut butter (you can get a little scooper to make this easier), 3/4 tbsp strawberry preserves, and as much soy milk as it takes to smoothify it (around 1.25 cups)
- lunch and/or dinner:
- https://www.mealswithmaggie.com/chicken-corn-chowder/
- https://easychickenrecipes.com/chicken-tortellini-soup-recipe/
- https://www.mamagourmand.com/braised-butternut-squash-bacon-penne-bake/
- https://www.skinnytaste.com/baked-chicken-parmesan/
- https://www.skinnytaste.com/coconut-chicken-salad-with-warm-honey/
- https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/farmers-market-veggie-pasta/
- https://healthylittlepeach.com/feta-and-spinach-chicken-patties/
- https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/grilled-bruschetta-chicken/
- https://pinchofyum.com/honey-chicken-salad-with-grapes-and-feta
- https://www.skinnytaste.com/turkey-pumpkin-chili/
- pre-gym:
- https://thehonoursystem.com/maple-vanilla-protein-fudge/
- various protein muffins. they're not as fluffy as normal ones but can still be good!
- other:
- https://ifoodreal.com/healthy-key-lime-pie-bars/
- https://www.asweetpeachef.com/hot-apple-cider/
aaaaaand i'll close with food photos. because i'm proud. even if they don't look gorgeous, each is special to me, and i just think that's neat
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claire-voyant-paradis · 2 months
My first post
Hey lovelies!
Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I’ll be sharing my favorite reads, skincare routines, and tips for living a balanced and joyful life. Join me on this journey as we explore beauty, self-care, and the pursuit of happiness together!
Weekly Blogging from Me
Skincare Monday:Routine Tips and Ingredient Spotlights
Wellness Tuesday: Mindfulness, Meditation, and Mental Health
Bookish Wednesday:Exploring Must-Reads and Literary Gems
Healthy Eating Thursday:Healthy Eating,Superfoods, Recipes, and Nutrition
Fitness Friday:Your Guide to Staying Active and Fit
Lifestyle Saturday:Tips for good grades and an organized iife
Cultural Sunday:Exploring Countries, Traditions, and Cultures
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nourishandthrive · 3 months
How to Plan a Week of Healthy Meals
Planning a week of healthy meals can save you time, reduce stress, and ensure you’re nourishing your body with balanced, nutritious foods. Follow these steps to create a meal plan that works for you and your lifestyle.
Step 1: Set Your Goals
Identify Your Nutritional Needs: Consider your dietary preferences, any food allergies, and your health goals (e.g., weight loss, muscle gain, maintaining energy levels).
Balance Your Plate: Aim for a mix of lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Step 2: Create a Meal Plan Template
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks: Plan for all meals and snacks to avoid impulsive eating.
Use a Planner or App: Use a weekly planner or a meal planning app to organize your meals. This helps visualize your plan and make adjustments as needed.
Step 3: Choose Your Recipes
Select Simple Recipes: Choose recipes that are easy to prepare and fit into your schedule.
Incorporate Variety: Ensure you have a mix of flavors and cuisines to keep your meals interesting.
Batch Cooking and Leftovers: Plan for batch cooking or leftovers to save time on busy days.
Step 4: Make a Shopping List
List All Ingredients: Write down all the ingredients you’ll need for the week’s meals.
Check Your Pantry: Cross-check with what you already have to avoid buying duplicates.
Organize by Section: Group your list by sections (produce, dairy, grains, etc.) to make grocery shopping more efficient.
Step 5: Prep Ahead
Batch Cook Staples: Prepare grains, proteins, and vegetables in bulk to mix and match throughout the week.
Chop and Store: Pre-chop veggies and store them in airtight containers to save time during meal preparation.
Use Freezer-Friendly Meals: Prepare and freeze meals for days when you need something quick.
Sample Weekly Meal Plan
Breakfast: Greek yogurt with berries and granola
Lunch: Quinoa salad with chickpeas, cucumber, and feta
Dinner: Baked salmon with roasted sweet potatoes and asparagus
Snack: Apple slices with almond butter
Breakfast: Smoothie with spinach, banana, and protein powder
Lunch: Turkey and avocado wrap with a side of carrots
Dinner: Chicken stir-fry with brown rice and mixed vegetables
Snack: Hummus with whole-grain crackers
Breakfast: Overnight oats with chia seeds and blueberries
Lunch: Lentil soup with a side salad
Dinner: Veggie-loaded spaghetti with whole-wheat pasta
Snack: Greek yogurt with honey and walnuts
Breakfast: Whole-grain toast with avocado and a poached egg
Lunch: Grilled chicken Caesar salad
Dinner: Shrimp tacos with a mango salsa and a side of black beans
Snack: Mixed nuts and dried fruit
Breakfast: Smoothie bowl with mixed fruits and coconut flakes
Lunch: Buddha bowl with quinoa, roasted veggies, and tahini dressing
Dinner: Homemade pizza with a cauliflower crust and assorted toppings
Snack: Celery sticks with peanut butter
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes
Lunch: Caprese sandwich on whole-grain bread
Dinner: Beef and broccoli stir-fry with jasmine rice
Snack: Fresh fruit salad
Breakfast: Protein pancakes with a side of berries
Lunch: Tuna salad with mixed greens and a lemon vinaigrette
Dinner: Stuffed bell peppers with ground turkey and quinoa
Snack: Dark chocolate and strawberries
Tips for Successful Meal Planning
Be Flexible: Life happens, and plans can change. Be prepared to adjust your meal plan as needed.
Stay Hydrated: Remember to plan your water intake throughout the day.
Listen to Your Body: Adjust portion sizes and ingredients based on your hunger and nutritional needs.
By planning your meals in advance, you can ensure a balanced diet, save time, and reduce the stress of daily meal decisions. Happy planning!
Share your meal planning tips and favorite recipes in the comments below! Let's support each other in creating healthy and delicious meals every week.
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healthiermetoday7 · 11 months
Nutrition Tip Tuesday- Guide To Healthy Life
When it comes to nutrition and health, it can be challenging to determine what you should do to improve your health. Despite all the disputes, the evidence does support a handful of wellness recommendations. Read more about it on the Nutrition Tip Tuesday blog at Healthier Me Today.
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What is the best schedule for gym ?
The best gym schedule is the one that aligns with your individual goals, lifestyle, and preferences. There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer, but here's a unique guideline to help you create an effective gym schedule:
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Balanced Weekly Gym Schedule: The 4-3-1 Approach
Four Days of Strength and Resistance Training: Focus on building muscle and strength through compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups. Break these four days into two upper body and two lower body workouts for variety and muscle recovery.
Monday: Upper Body (Chest and Back)
Tuesday: Lower Body (Legs and Glutes)
Wednesday: Rest or Active Recovery
Thursday: Upper Body (Shoulders and Arms)
Friday: Lower Body (Legs and Glutes)
Saturday: Rest or Active Recovery
Sunday: Rest
Three Days of Cardio and Conditioning: Incorporate cardiovascular workouts to improve endurance and overall fitness. These can include activities like running, cycling, swimming, or group fitness classes. Mix in some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for added intensity.
Monday: 30-45 minutes of steady-state cardio
Wednesday: 20-30 minutes of HIIT
Friday: 30-45 minutes of steady-state cardio
One Day of Active Rest and Flexibility: Dedicate one day to active recovery and flexibility training. Engage in activities like yoga or Pilates to improve mobility, flexibility, and balance. This day allows your body to recover while maintaining range of motion.
Sunday: Yoga or Pilates
Tips for Success:
Listen to your body and adjust your schedule if you need more rest or feel overtrained.
Prioritize proper nutrition and hydration to support your workouts and recovery.
Get adequate sleep to aid in muscle recovery and overall well-being.
Consistency is key. Stick to your schedule to see long-term progress.
Consider consulting a fitness professional to create a personalized plan tailored to your goals.
Remember that individual fitness goals vary, so your schedule should reflect what you aim to achieve, whether it's muscle gain, weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, or a combination of these goals. Adjust and evolve your gym schedule as your fitness journey progresses.
Read more helpful information about health & fitness :
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iranajian · 2 years
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ARE YOU READY TO TRANSFORM YOUR MIND, BODY, AND SOUL? ❀ JOIN US FOR THE 21-DAY YOGA CLEANSE & RESET PROGRAM, DESIGNED TO HELP YOU RELEASE STRESS, INCREASE FLEXIBILITY, AND FIND INNER PEACE. WE ARE STARTING TODAY! THROUGHOUT THIS JOURNEY, YOU'LL EXPERIENCE: - DAILY YOGA CLASSES TAILORED TO YOUR NEEDS. - GUIDED MEDITATIONS FOR DEEP RELAXATION​.​ - NUTRITIONAL GUIDANCE FOR A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE. - EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO OUR SUPPORTIVE ONLINE COMMUNITY. But wait, there's more! I have an incredible surprise in store for you. ✿ To make this experience even more magical, I am delighted to announce that I will be sharing an exclusive Live Yoga, breathwork & Meditation class on Saturdays at 11:00am Athens time & a Live coaching session every Tuesday at 3:00pm Athens time sharing wisdom, tips, and inspiration- which will be recorded and stored in the program content for you throughout our 21-day journey, ensuring that you receive the ultimate yoga cleanse and reset experience. Don't miss this opportunity to create lasting change in your life. Sign up now and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you! TOGETHER, WE'LL RISE ABOVE OUR CHALLENGES AND EMBRACE THE POWER OF YOGA TO TRANSFORM OUR LIVES. ARE YOU READY TO BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF? JOIN THE 21-DAY YOGA CLEANSE & RESET PROGRAM TODAY! ​LAST DAY TO JOIN WITH 50% OFF USING ​.in Link In Bio 50% OFF coupon code CleanseReset Let's inspire and uplift each other as we embark on this incredible journey together. Namaste, beautiful souls. Love, Irana (at Anapnoe Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGdl6joCmY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toughgirlchallenges · 11 days
Josie Fouts: Athlete, mentor, advocate, film maker and tread setter, Josie is trailblazing for mountain biking to be a Paralympic sport!
Join us on the Tough Girl Podcast as we dive into the inspiring journey of Josie Fouts, an athlete, mentor, advocate, and filmmaker who is leading the charge to make mountain biking a Paralympic sport. Based in San Diego, California, Josie's story is one of resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of her passions.
Born in Seoul, Korea, and adopted at six months old, Josie grew up in Ohio, USA, before finding her true calling in cycling upon moving to San Diego. Known as "Ms. Stubbornness," Josie embraced cycling not just as a sport but as a means of redefining her capabilities, riding one-handed without adaptations and challenging herself to excel.
Josie's journey took a pivotal turn when she decided to leave her job in 2018 to pursue full-time training for the Tokyo Olympics. Despite not making it to Tokyo, Josie found solace and newfound passion in mountain biking, discovering freedom and exhilaration on the trails.
In our conversation, Josie shares her insights on adaptive cycling, the challenges she faced in rethinking her approach, and her advocacy to include mountain biking in the Paralympics. She discusses her role as an upper limb mentoring coach, her nutrition strategies for endurance challenges, and mental tips to overcome obstacles.
Don't miss Josie's story of resilience, her groundbreaking work with Tread Setters to promote inclusivity in cycling through filmmaking, and her empowering advice for women looking to make a difference in the world.
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Show notes
Who is Josie?
Asian, American, Adoptee and Amputee
Based in San Diego, California 
Trailblazing for or mountain biking to be a Paralympic sport! 
Bio on Instagram - “Mad scientist on a mission to single-handedly save the world with cycling!”
Why she’s known as Ms Stubbornness
Reinventing herself during the pandemic
Born in Seoul Korea, before being adopted at 6 months old and growing up in Ohio, USA
Getting into cycling when moving to San Diego and using it to commute to work 
Riding one handed and not using any adaptations 
Changing her mindset 
Deciding to quit her job in 2018 and training full time for the Tokyo Olympics 
Looking into prosthetics and what would work with her and the bike
Making the decision to quit her job
Having an adapted mindset 
Wanting to get in the best shape of her life 
Feeling over worked and underpaid and taking a step back
The 3 red flags with her work and knowing she needed to make a change
Being an athlete full time and why it was awesome
Getting multiple degrees in nutrition and putting her knowledge into action 
Working towards and end goals 
Funding and paying for a coach and training while not working 
Not making it to the Tokyo Olympics and why she’s grateful 
Having the pressure taken off and figuring out what she wanted to do
Finding herself mountain biking and loving the freedom 
Starting to rethink her stubborn mindset
Limiting herself by not using a prosthetic 
Spending time on mountain biking trails in nature 
Why don’t the Paralympics offer mountain biking?
Deciding to focus her time and energy on what she can control and change
Being an upper limb mentoring coach
Making it up as she goes
The White Rim Trail Challenge 
Filming the adventure - Tread Setters - A group of para-cyclists attempt to ride the White Rim Trail through the heart of Canyonlands in one day with the hope of creating awareness around people with disabilities and growing a more inclusive cycling community.
Tread Setters Film 
Nutrition and fuelling for challenges and why read food is so important 
Eating locally sourced and regenerative products 
Mental tips and tricks to push on through the hard times and why thinking about physics helps
Why you create your outcome
Thinking about what’s going to get her through the difficult section
How to connect with Josie online
Advice for women who want to change the world 
  Social Media
Instagram: @ms.stubbornness
Facebook: @ms.stubbornness
Movie: Tread Setters
    Check out this episode!
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i-am-deeply-poem · 2 months
“This One Is Damaged.”
The flesh ripples taught and stiff
Life mission to not forget but to forgive
The pendulum swings, thrumming through the air
To one side, then back around again without a care
The sickness curls and it’s getting careless
The spiral widens, wrapping tendrils around legs hairless
Gripping, pulling down beneath the inky shadowed waves
Wondering, bubbling if there was any chance to be saved
Minutes turned to months, before I knew it, it had been years
As the entire time I had it cradled, and now was justified in my fears
A new man is born while the old one under the pillow smothers
Because he dared to dream of being capable of loving another
Who will tell his mother?
Life goes on, as in the persistence of sentient matter
Soapboxes, glass houses, sleepless nights, rungless ladder
The melancholy in and of itself is a sickly muse
Crawling forth on tip toes and fingertips, tempting use
The demon is a sickness, and an ultimate disease
It tears at the four walls of grey matter begging for release
Wild dog, barking, snarling, chomping at the bit
All because you tried to self better, an attempt to quit
The meaning is obtuse, comprehension’s no use
11 days in counting, Tuesday morning got shot in the back of the head
The room’s a mess, won’t get out of bed
1:26 AM, Lord in heaven deliver me from hell, stop the racing thoughts
Because I’d like to go to sleep, and unrealize myself, lost in the lucid polka dots
God scratch the itch or give me a new one entirely
One a day, a week, 5 years, what a situation grim, quite direly
How can I justify to myself 24 years, time is creeping up, body slowing down, breaking up
Poor nutrition, crammed teeth, narrow face fill their cup
Incomprehensible to the bone
Rotten marrow, creaky throne
Where am I going? Not I, for truly nobody knows
Half hatchback coupe cutoff at corners, metal blood flows
Peripheral in the rear view, package sitting secure in my mind
Dreaming of what it was, and how I feel now, chaos divine
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betteradvice · 2 months
Pregnant & Single? Time saving food prep!
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Meal prep n batch cooking
Time-saving meal planning strategies When you are an expecting single moms you will be looking for ways to efficiently plan your meals to save time and energy. This includes creating weekly meal plans, making grocery lists, and using themes to simplify decision-making. You will have more success in planning for 1-2 weeks at a time and incorporating easy-to-remember themes like "Taco Tuesday" or "Pasta Night".
Budget-friendly meal prep ideas Thinking about the cost of things and your budget is understandably a top priority for expecting single moms. You will be frequently look for tips on how to meal prep on a budget, including shopping sales, using affordable ingredients, and maximizing leftovers. The aim is to keep your weekly grocery budget under control while still providing nutritious meals.
Batch cooking and freezer meals Preparing meals in large batches and freezing portions for later use is a popular strategy among expecting single moms. This approach allows you to have healthy, homemade meals ready for busy days or when ypou are just too tired to cook. Soups, chilis, and casseroles are ideal freezer-friendly options.
Quick and nutritious recipes What yo really want is recipes that are both quick to prepare and nutritionally balanced. Look for meals that can be made in 30 minutes or less, often utilizing kitchen appliances like slow cookers or air fryers to simplify cooking. The focus is on incorporating proteins, whole grains, and vegetables into easy-to-make dishes.
Meal prep for pregnancy nutrition Everyone is different so make sure you make this process just for you and meal prep with your specific nutritional needs in mind. This includes ensuring adequate intake of essential nutrients like folic acid, iron, and calcium through your meal preparations. Look for ways to incorporate pregnancy-friendly foods into your batch cooking and meal planning routines.
Let me know if you would like more detailed information, including meal prep ideas and recipes.
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eatclean-bewhole · 22 days
Our next class is Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 6pm at@upgradelabsriverton!
You will learn good gut hygiene and how to repair it, along with….
• Why your gut is central to your immune system, mood, & nutrient absorption.
• Symptoms of imbalance & how to address them.
• How your unique gut microbiome affects your reactions to different foods.
• The gut-brain axis & how food becomes mood.
• Identifying & eliminating reactive foods, & introducing longevity foods for lasting health.
• Exploring the link between your gut & mental health & why it matters.
• Practical tips on lifestyle & supportive supplementation for gut health.
This session isn’t just about learning—it’s about experiencing. Andrea @the.holisticchef is a Health Supportive Chef, and she will serve the foods we discuss. You will also have the opportunity to try healing holistic therapies like red light therapy, cryotherapy, and lymphatic massage at the venue.
LEARN proper nutrition.
TASTE flavorful, energy foods.
FEEL the healing effects of holistic health!
Space is limited. RSVP here👇🏽
#guthealth #wellness #healthyliving #holistichealth #gutbrainconnection #guthealth #health #healthylifestyle #nutrition #guthealthmatters #ibs #healthyfood #probiotics #guthealing #healthy #glutenfree #weightloss #healthygut #digestivehealth #microbiome #detox #digestion #healthyeating #gut #bloating #foodismedicine #leakygut #candida #hpylori
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