#Nia binges
Do you know what is romantic?
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niadrawsstuff · 2 years
i finally finished watching lmk s4
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daringdarlingdt · 1 year
me, before starting to rewatch dr who: I can be normal about david tennant as the doctor
me now:
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nachoaveragejoe234 · 2 years
Barbie characters that I need in the movie
Teresa may be in there since we got America but maybe not. Midge maybe. Nikki, and Summer, probably not.
Everyine who must be in the movie and would absolutely be if i fancasted the movie
Nikki or Christie
Kira - Vietnamese rep
Lea - Macanese rep
Becky - wheelchair rep
Miko - Native Hawaiian rep
Nia (from Western fun) - she's native American so that would be perfect rep
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melswifeasf · 8 months
Safest in your arms pt 10
previous chapter || next chapter || series page
Pairing: Georgia Miller x fem!oc
Summary: fall fest was supposed to be a fun activity for Samantha but it turned into nothing but a huge disappointment.
Warnings: (18+) MDNI, cursing, age gap relationship (18 and 30) grooming.
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HALLOWEEN WAS THE BEST time of the year which all six friends could account for. they could dress slutty, get drunk and go to parties the whole weekend. it wasn't until their sophomore year they ditched the whole 'binge scary movies and stuff their faces with candy' deal and started going out instead. they had wanted to go to a party that night but none of them had planned a costume and Ellen had said she preferred her daughter to just go out on Saturday instead. Samantha didn't push it, it wasn't like her to do so.
the group of friends were in Matthews like most weekends. they were all sitting on the couch except for Natalie and Oliver who were on the floor like they had been last time they were there the last they were there. it was almost midnight and she thought by now she would be with a certain blonde but her friends were very persistent on her staying and she couldn't say no. even then that didn't stop her from texting her.
🍑 : are you gonna be at the festival
S: prob? depends on if my friends
are going
S: are you?
🍑: i have to since Paul is running for
mayor again, he needs everyone in
the office with him.
S: does this mean Georgia Miller is
going to dress up?
🍑: i have to do that?
S: ofc you do, ur in the Mayors office
you kind of don't have a choice
🍑: does that mean your dressing up?
S: for the festival? no lmao.
S: i prob will later though, i think we're
going to some party
🍑: will i be able to see your costume?
S: i'll send pics;)
🍑: i'll be looking forward to it
🍑: what will your costume be?
S: idk tbh, we're all dressing up together
but they can't decide on what it should
whilst she waited for a response from the blonde she put her phone face down in her lap and turned her head to look at her friends. she was laying her head on Jades lap, her hair was being played with softly. Nia had Samanthas legs on her lap and Matthew was sitting beside the brunette with a respectable space between them. it was understandable that they wanted to keep things between them under wraps, especially considering they were still taking things slow and Oliver was overly protective when it came to Nia and her love life. she only ever had one boyfriend during her Junior year but it only last six months because Oliver would always try and scoot himself in between them. it wasn't fair, Nia never did that with him and Nat.
"i think we should go as nuns" Matthew said and looked up from his phone. they all laughed.
"the day i see you in a nun outfit will probably be the day that i die." Jade said with a chuckle.
"you putting that on would be an insult to nuns and i'm not even religious like that," Natalie said.
Matthew rolled his eyes, "okay i get it, i like sex." he shrugged. Samantha wondered if he was actually offended or if he was just acting like that because he always did. a part of her would believe he was offended, especially since the girl he currently had a thing with was sitting right beside him and listening to everything. although that shouldn't matter, Nia knew who Matthew was since the day they met and it's not like all of that knowledge would disappear now that they were figuring things out.
"more like you get around." Jade mumbled with a small chuckle making the girl in her lap slap her arm softly in warning.
"what about the avengers?" she proposed, trying her best to differ the conversation from him and to something else. "there's six of them so the numbers check out" she continued.
Oliver scrunched his nose, "i don't think any of us want to be hulk"
"or hawkeye" Nia mumbled.
Samantha sighed, "okay. any other ideas?" they had been going at it for a while now and it was starting to annoy everyone in the room. it was just hard, none of them wanted to pick something basic but there weren't that many group costumes, especially with six.
"we could all just wear purge masks" Natalie shrugged making both Samantha and Nia grimace.
"ew that's like super 2019. that is the most boring shit ever" she said shaking her head. Natalie sighed.
"okay then i don't know"
the room fell silent once more as they thought about more ideas. Matthew was on his phone searching for ideas but he seemed to be coming up with the same things over and over.
"what about toy story" Nia said making the raven girl point at her in agreement.
"i can be barbie. she's hot" she said earning a small smile from Jade.
"true." she agreed.
"holy shit," Oliver muttered making them all look at him in confusion. "Matthew and i could be Kens and you girls could be barbie." he proposed with a huge smile. that didn't sound like a bad idea at all, she doubted anyone else would think of doing that. it just surprised her that Oliver was the one to think about that over everyone else. she'd expect that from Nia or maybe even Jade but Oliver? that was something she never saw coming.
"why are you actually kind of a genius" Nia said matching her brothers grin.
"i think i'm more of a raquel though," Jade said, her lips twisted to the side as she was looking at the space in front of her in thought.
"i totally see that" Natalie nodded then gasped as she looked down at her boyfriend in excitement. "we could be Ken and Barbie from the Toy Story movie." she said happily.
Oliver's grin grew wider, "you're a genius babe" he said and the blonde shrugged sheepishly before she leaned down to press a soft kiss on the boys lips.
"i'll be howdy Ken," Matthew said, his lip curling into a smirk.
"valid, valid." Samantha nodded, "i never thought i'd see you in a cowboy costume and honestly i love that for you"
Nia frowned, "but then what would i be? i don't want to be in some horrid 80's work out jumpsuits" she said sadly.
"you could match with me" Matthew offered, his smirk gone and replaced with a small smile that everyone else in the room messed but Nia couldn't.
"yeah, you guys would look great." Natalie said to try and encourage her friend. they really needed to come to a conclusion so they could get the costumes the next morning.
"that just leaves you," Jade said looking down at Samantha.
"i'll be og barbie. you know, with the pink dress? god i'm gonna look so hot" she sighed out a bit dreamily causing them all to laugh.
"i sometimes forget how obsessed you are with yourself," Natalie chuckled.
"whatever, it's called self love." Samantha bit back and threw up her middle finger at everyone in the room.
they all started to talk about what they needed to buy which wasn't much since most of them already had clothes that could go with it. the only person who didn't was Natalie and Oliver because he needed a hawaiian shirt. Samantha figured her dad would have one though she offered to try and look for one for him. Samantha would just wear a pink dress that she already had and wear glittery eyeshadow along with pink heels to really seal the deal.
Samantha didn't feel her phone vibrate any more meaning Georgia hadn't texted her back. she tried not to overthink it, the blonde was probably asleep by now. it's not that she needed to talk to Georgia every minute of the day but the blonde had been a bit distant since the morning and she wondered if she did something wrong. the day that they hooked up Samantha and her stayed up another hour before the blonde grew tired and fell asleep, as soon as she did Samantha snuck out through the balcony. it was thankfully still slightly dark outside, the sun had just began to rise so it wasn't completely light outside. things were fine even the morning after, their dynamic didn't change but she was starting to wonder if the blonde had just now started to regret it, the reality of it all finally sinking in. the thought alone made her stomach hurt.
now that she knew what being with Georgia was like, life before her seemed so boring. nothing compared to the night they shared, the chemistry, the passion and overall it was just so fucking hot and every time she thought about it a light shade of pink would cross her features. her overthinking was cut short by Jade who locked her phone and threw it on the empty spot beside her.
"guess what i heard," she said a small smirk playing at her lips. everyone stopped to look at the girl, each of them just as confused, including Samantha who was looking at her with furrowed brows.
"what?" Oliver chuckled.
Jade looked down at Samantha, "Sophie Sanchez and your sister are talking." she said, her smirk never leaving.
"holy shit, are you for real?" Matthew laughed in slight amazement. Samantha didn't say anything as she waited for Jade to respond to him. there was no way Max was talking to someone - specifically someone she knew and wouldn't tell her. the thought alone hurt her feelings more than she thought it would.
Jade nodded, "yeah. i heard it from Kate. i think she even invited her to some party Brodie's throwing." she laughed and anyone who had common sense knew she was making fun of Max.
the raven haired girl didn't even care to comment on that. all she could think about was the fact that her sister was talking to someone and she didn't bother to loop her in. maybe she was a hypocrite considering she didn't tell the girl about her ex girlfriend but that was different, she couldn't tell Maxine because she knew it would ruin a lot of friendships and she didn't think it was fair for that to happen when all she wanted to do was to be happy. Maxine didn't have that problem, it's not like Samantha would get mad if she talked to Sophie. she just wished she was important enough in Maxs life to have been in the circle. maybe she was a shittier sister than she thought she was.
the girls mood had drastically changed and the only person who seemed to notice was Nia who began to rake her fingers through the girls hair. "you okay?" she asked softly, her eyebrows furrowed in worry.
Samantha shook her head as she tried to form a smile, "yeah." she whispered.
both of them knew she was lying.
the next day the group of friends all rode together to the festival. they had all gotten everything they needed for their costume and there was a while until they needed to get ready so they decided why not go. Natalie Oliver were still parking the car seeing as there wasn't any empty parking spaces so they dropped the four friends off before driving off to try and find a space. as soon as Nia and Jade saw that there was fresh apple cider they each broke away from Matthew and Samantha leaving them on their own. they were each waiting for the two girls near the face painting station where Samantha could clearly see her sister and her friends.
what she had heard yesterday was still fresh in her heart and seeing her sister only made it sting even more. she never thought she would be left in the shadows of her sisters life and yet here she was.
she wasn't the only one overthinking though. Matthew glanced at the shorter girl briefly, his heart was beating faster than usual which he had never felt before. why was he nervous? he only felt like this before games. he sighed, "can i ask you something?" he spoke up breaking Samanthas stare in her sisters direction and directing her sight toward him.
she had an idea of what he would be asking but nodded regardless, "what's up?"
"has Nia told you anything.. about us lately?" he asked a bit hesitantly, he paused to try and get the words out without seeming too n invested.
Samantha shook her head, "about what?" she asked feigning confusion. she didn't want to throw her friends under the bus like that, especially not with the literal guy she was crushing on.
Matthew looked at her with 'seriously' look on his face. "you're her best friend and she hasn't said anything? i don't believe you" he said and crossed his arms against his chest.
the raven girl rolled her eyes, "if you already knew the answer then why'd you ask."
Matthew shrugged, "i want you to be honest."
"she has."
"what did she say?" he quickly responded.
Samantha looked at him with raised brows, not at all used to seeing him this desperate. "just that you guys talked during Sophomore sleepover." she said honestly. they hadn't really spoken since and she assumed it was because they were taking things slow.
Matthew nodded, his face turning so he was looking in front of him and not directly at the shorter girl. "that's it?"
"did you want her to tell me something else?"
he shook his head. "i just.. i know she likes me and all but i don't know if she would want to actually go on a date with me." he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.
Samantha's expression softened, she now understood that it wasn't just one of his usual conquest, he actually care for Nia. "i think she'd say yes"
"really?" he asked his head snapped back toward the girl. she nodded with a gentle smile.
the boy couldn't contain his smile so he turned back around, "okay" he confirmed. neither of them could continue their conversation considering the sole topic of it was walking toward them with a cup in hand. she was laughing at something Jade had said and Samantha didn't miss the way the boys eyes shinned at the sight. she loved them together.
the brunette and Jade approached them, each holding a cup of cider. "want some?" Nia offered Samantha as she held her cup out but Samantha shook her head.
"im good. thanks though." she said earning a smile from the brunette as she went back to talking with Jade.
soon enough Oliver and Natalie were walking toward them hand in hand, once they were caught up with the group they walked around a bit to see what they could do. there were some activities which they participated in which really just means Oliver and Matthew would compete with one another. they spent half an hour carving a pumpkin which both looked equally as bad, none of them had the heart to tell them that though. that thankfully didn't last long since they all went toward the stage when they heard Paul begin to announce who had won the decoration competition. they all knew who the winner was even before so it was really pointless.
Samantha could see Georgia up on the stage, their eyes met for a second, each of them sharing a smile before the blonde turned to talk to her coworker. the six teens were in the crowd, half of them whispering to each other whilst Nia and Matthew were watching Samantha and the blonde exchange small glances.
"bootylicious really takes the whole costume thing seriously." Matthew said with a small smirk knowing the name he called her would annoy her.
he was right, the raven girl rolled her eyes at him. "shut up" she mumbled making both Nia and Matthew glance at one another in amusement. she looked so hopelessly in love and yet couldn't see that herself.
"best window decoration," Paul announced, a small card being pointed at him so he could read off of it. he was wearing a suit that was unbuttoned to reveal a super man costume, he was even wearing a black wig and glasses to complete the look. "goes to.. Liz Chavez" he finished earning an applause from the crowd. they watched as a trophy was brought up to Paul before her gave it away to the winner. "winner of best apple pie," Cynthia which isn't a surprise at all. "to the surprise of no one, goes to Cynthia Fuller." as they all expected. everyone began to clap once more but neither Samantha nor her friends did.
"bitch," Jade muttered under her breath making them all laugh.
"careful, the witch might hear." Matthew quickly whispered before turning back toward the front so they could watch the red head take a picture with the mayor. Samantha saw the small and cold interaction between her and Georgia when she grabbed the trophy from the blondes hand. that made a smile form on her lips, she loved that about Georgia. the camera snapped a quick picture and the redhead pulled away from the mayor and behind him on the stage.
"and now a very exciting announcement from the mayors office. we are going to be renovating the Wellsbury public library." cheers erupted from the crowd once more, even from the six teens who were glad they were finally going to do something different in the town.
not everyone had the same reaction though, Cynthia walked back up toward the front of the stage clearly upset with what she had just heard. "but the library is one of the most historic buildings." she said.
"exactly. this is why it deserves upkeep." Paul nodded. "we're gonna be adding a third floor. we are going—"
he was quickly interrupted by the red head who sounded even more upset, "upkeep? sounds like your plan is to depreciate a beloved landmark." she said in a condescending tone then reached over to snatch the mic causing it to make a slight squeaking sound making everyone cringe.
"fuck." Samantha muttered knowing whatever was going down wouldn't be good.
"what Wellsbury deserves is a mayor with a vested interest in preserving that standards in this town. i mean, first the drugs, now the library. where does it stop?" she said. cameras were snapping pictures repeatedly, each of them wanting the hot new story for the day.
"bitch needs to get laid," Nia joked earnings snickers from the group.
"someone get her a broom so she can fly away." Oliver added making his girlfriend shove him softly, not able to contain her amusement at his words.
"green gardens actually allowed us to have a surplus that far exceeds—"
"i saw Mayor Randolph last night on a date." she interrupted him, talking louder to drown his words out. murmurs erupted in the crowd causing her to nod, "yes. with his assistant" she confessed pointing at the blonde in accusation.
the crowd fell silent at her words just like Samantha felt her stomach drop, her before amused expression replaced with a blank expression. the three oblivious teens began to whisper their surprise whilst Nia and Matthew looked at their friend worriedly. they glanced at one another, each of them trying to have a silent conversation so try and figure out what to do.
Samantha's eyes locked with Georgia who looked nothing short of regretful but she quickly looked away, turning her attention to Paul making that horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach intensify. this was why she had been super distant they day before. she probably couldn't find the balls to tell her that she wanted to end things then. it shouldn't even matter, they aren't even together but that didn't take away the absolute pain she was feeling in her chest. was this what all of her one night stands felt when she didn't talk to them anymore? was this her karma?
she chuckled softly, her head shaking in disbelief. she felt stupid for ever thinking her and Georgia could be anything but a simple fuck.
"let's go." she said dryly, not even turning to look at her friends as she began to walk away from the crowd. not even Cynthia making a skeptical of herself could make her feel better and all she wanted was to get that horrible feeling out of her body and never have to talk to Georgia again. the pettiness of her words didn't matter to her, she didn't care that it had only been two months since they met, or that they only had sex once and that they never agreed to be exclusive. it was the fact that Georgia didn't tell her, the fact that she kept her in the dark and even texted her asking if she would be able to see her after she went to the halloween party because Ginny would be out til late. did she think she could just keep her little date a secret?
no, fuck her.
none of them questioned her as they walked to Oliver's car, at least not until they were actually in it. "why'd we leave? i wanted to get my face painted." Oliver said when he began to pull out of the parking space. his words earned him a slap in the back of his head from his sister who was sitting directly in the seat beside him.
"ouch, what the fuck?" he said his hand rubbing the impact to try and soothe the pain. Nia shot her brother a look through the rear view mirror which cause him to shut up a second later. Samantha wasn't paying attention to Jade and Natalie who looked extremely confused by the whole situation.
thankfully Matthew was the one who solved the problem which meant more to Samantha then she could ever really express. "Sam was having an attack." he lied. well, it wasn't a complete lie, she was having a sort of anxiety attack but it didn't have to do with the crowd around her.
"are you okay?" Jade asked quickly after, she turned her head to look at her friend with worried eyes.
Samantha nodded softly, "i'm good. i just didnt take my meds today." which also wasn't a lie. since she stayed the night at Matthews she didn't have her pills. she was planning on taking them before going to the party since she wasn't planning on drinking, the idea of driving to Georgias house drunk was incredibly irresponsible but that wasn't the case anymore and she was starting to regret it. in fact the only thing that could make her feel better at this point would be blacking out so she didn't have to think about her shitty love life. funny how she went from not having one just a month ago and now it was more complicated than ever.
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kitten-corpse666 · 2 months
nie wiem co sie dzis ze mna stalo...totalnie stracilam kontrole nad jedzeniem..to najgorszy binge w moim zyciu.. zjadlam kebaba, jablko, 2 pomarancze, banana i "pizze" na tortilli wiedzialam ze to co robie jest zle, ale nie moglam sie powstrzymac..podczas robienia tej pizzy cala bylam zalana lzami i dostalam ataku paniki a mimo tego i tak nie powiedzialam "nie"..zawiodlam ane po kebabie i tortilli poszlam wymiotowac i bede cwiczyc, az nie bede mogla wstac mam rowniez sny, w ktorych widze blogi, ktore pisza ze jestem zawodem any i nie zasluguje na nia, a wszyskie produkty maja na opakowaniach napisane po kilka tysiecy kcal...moje najgorsze koszmary..
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lovezbrownies · 19 days
WOOP WOOP LETS GOOO. I have request. So I felt really nostalgic after seeing a doll that I used to have (it was a lalaloopsy doll) anyway what if gen or queen nia gave the reader something that they used to have. It can be a doll or book. Anyway what is reader started paying more attention to that item instead of gen or Nia cause it reminds them of their childhood.
Attention. (Yandere!Queen x GN!Reader.)
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Nia's Masterlist - General Masterlist
Synopsis: How dare you neglect your queen with some ridiculous teddy? She will certainly show you the consequences! indirectly
Nia Bloodwen x GN!Reader
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Nia is a queen with so much work! But she hates doing any of those queenly duties, shoving all that paperwork to the closest assistant and then hosting another gala or party for some stupid made-up event or holiday. The only duty she enjoys is when she gets to fly all around the world and see the party customs in different nations, but also to drag you around new cities! Nia loves sightseeing with you, paired with dressing up in ridiculous disguises, so no one knows who you two are!
Over the two years you’ve been together (albeit forcefully together), Nia has bought you a lot of stuff, strange things and expensive things, scary things and cute things. But this? This is the best thing she’s ever gotten you! Not only is it super adorable, but also incredibly fluffy! It was just perfect, you didn’t even think Nia would be capable of getting you something so amazing like that! 
And since then you haven’t let it out of your sight, you slept with it nestled in your arms, you would read your books with it squished in your arms, and you felt a little silly doing this but you’d even eat with it deep in your arms. Even when you two would visit a small city in Xelera that cute little plush would come with you! While you were in bliss, Nia was in absolute torture. You’ve been neglecting her, failing to show her affection, yeah sure you talk with her but what good is that if you’re not spooning her! 
Usually, she was the one cuddling up to you while you read, now it’s that damn plush, when you slept she would cuddle into your chest, taking your arms and wrapping them around her, but now? That damn plush is in the way, and if she dared move it you’d somehow wake up and get upset with her. She was sick of the plush, Nia patted herself on the back when she initially saw how happy you were, and was ecstatic when you gave her a peck on the cheek out of joy!
Nia planned on getting you things more similar to the plush however after seeing what would happen if she did she decided against it, and knowing you you’d probably fill up your supposedly shared bed with more plushies, so many in fact that you’d be the only one able to fit in, leaving Nia asleep on the floor no doubt! Nia seethes thinking of such a thing, you two were supposed to eat breakfast together but you ate as quickly as you could before running off to binge-watch your show. With the damn plush in hand of course.\
Nia is tired of this, beyond that even! How is she ever meant to fall asleep without you embracing her, letting her listen to your heartbeat over and over? Yet she’s been hardly sleeping, the cold pillow is not as welcoming as your warm chest. The blankets don’t warm her up as your arms do. Nia has been pushed over the limit, this has got to be dealt with, she proclaims to her head. That plush will be assassinated by the end of the week, that she will be sure of!
Random and spontaneous trips weren’t rare for you, Nia didn’t like to stay in the palace for long, so whenever she discovered a new small village on her map of Xelera she’d excitedly tell you to pack your bags and keep where you two are headed a secret, that was tradition for her! So Nia will use this against you, somehow busy you while you pack, hiding away your plush while you weren’t looking.
And by the moment you entered the carriage on the way to the small village you’d remember the horrible truth, you forgot your poor plush back in the palace! “Oh, wait wait! I forgot Little Busenhein back home, wait can we go back?” You look towards Nia, eyes pleading and innocent, it almost makes her feel guilty. Almost, “Nope, too late. Sucks to suck, babe. Now, hug me.”
And for the entire week, you were there, longer than you two usually spend in a village, you went without your stupid plush, and Nia has been thriving! You had nothing else to hug and cuddle now except your dear and loving wife. Not only that but she’d stick to your side whenever you two go out (in your horrible disguises), Nia is a big fan of PDA obviously, but when she’s been neglected for so long? It’s even worse now!
Either way, this entire week she has compensated for all the missed moments of physical affection, in more ways than one, if ya know what I mean, wink wink. And now, you two returned home, searching all over the place for the plush as soon as you entered Khas. And when you failed to locate that fucking idiotically named plush, you had come to Nia, oh how she loves it when you depend on her!
Worry was etched onto your face as you approached Nia, “Nia, have you seen Little Busenhein? I can’t find him anywhere, I swear he was in the library…” Nia looked up at you, she was the picture of clueless, although she knew exactly what happened to that stupid bear, “Oh my, well I haven’t seen that little devil, dear! Maybe Cassidy would know? I’ll call for her and she’ll look for that blasted runaway.” Nia then got up and marched to the phone line, feining concern over the stupid plush.
Nia hung up the phone, looking back at you she beckoned her arms, leaving them wide open, “Honey~ Come here let me comfort you!~” 
Your wife then forces you on her lap, cuddling into your back, waiting with you for the maid to come, knowing Cassidy did exactly what Nia told her to do. You wait patiently, your leg hopping up and down nervously, and just in the nick of time Cassidy walks in. "Your royal highness, your highness," She addresses both of you, bowing down deeply, "How may I be of assistance to my queen?" Her voice was regal and calm, and she gave a slight nod towards her queen as she straightened her back, indicating that the job was done.
Nia felt joy as she grinned in madness, though her joy didn’t last long as you sprung up from her lap, out of embarrassment and need to know the location of your beloved plush, “There was a white plush here, long ears, purple eyes, and pink vest and bow, have you seen it?” You quickly sputtered out, desperate for information. Cassidy shifts her pupils over to you, head held high she pretends to think over everything she had done the past week.
And then her eyebrows jumped up, eyes bright and clear, before her face shifted into a grimace, she bowed deeply and regretfully to you, her voice filled with remorse as she spoke, “I deeply apologize for my terrible error! I-I am so sorry! I thought it was someone else’s, I didn’t think it’d be yours!! S-So I-I threw it away! Please forgive me, your grace!!” Her tone was apologetic and weak, just as she rehearsed.
When Cassidy first got the order to enter the Queen’s wing of Khas and clean it she found a letter on the floor, specifically addressed to her. The letter requested for the plush to be thrown away, and when the queen returns and calls for Cassidy she has to act stupid, act like it was an accident. And of course, the ever-loyal woman she is Cassidy followed every order to a tea, including this one.
Nia felt pride echo within her, watching the loyalty presented to her. While Nia could give less of a shit about her servants they obviously hold her up high in their feeble minds, how adorable. You however shatter her heart, with your sad eyes, brows all scrunched up, and your gorgeous smile now a frown, “I- it’s fine, it was an acci-”
Nia spoke up, her voice loud and thundering, making you flinch and look back at her, “No! It isn’t fine, actually, it’s horrible! How dare you come into your Royal Highness’ private wing and throw away something most obviously cherished! This is clearly a malicious attack! And you shall pay the price for the mental turmoil you caused my darling!” ‘I should try acting after, goodness I’m amazing!’ Nia thinks as she witnesses the maid’s face twist into a look of horror, and as you look back at her shocked
And with the loudest highest voice this short small woman could muster she yelled out, “GUARDS!!” You and Cassidy flinch not only due to Nia’s glass-shattering scream but also due to the doors slamming open, the two guards usually situated in front of the living room doors bust in, with other guards behind them running down the halls, weapons in hands. 
Cassidy looks around, panicking she starts to back away from the guards and closer to the two of you, “What!?! N-No! This- You-Y–” “STEP AWAY FROM THE QUEEN! DO NOT GET CLOSER!!” One guard shouts loudly, cutting off Cassidy’s attempt to defend herself. More guards begin to file in the room, while more from all around Khas begin to run towards the living room after being called in through the radio by the guards who heard Nia’s scream.
Yet even with the warning given by one of the guards, poor overwhelmed Cassidy kept stepping backward, closer and closer to the Queen, who inevitably reached out to grab you keeping you close to her own body, “N-No! This-Thi- I-” Once more the maid was cut off, but this time a guard had tackled her to the ground, immobilizing her as soon as they could, while the rest closed in, creating a big circle around the now restrained Cassidy. 
It all happened so fast for you, one moment you were looking for your plush and now some poor maid is being arrested for throwing it away. You honestly didn’t think you or that plush deserved all this mess, and that woman accidentally threw it away so no harm no foul right? “N-Nia are you sure we should be doing this? I mean it was an accident, can’t we just let her go..?” You looked back at her, her face rock solid and serious, “No. No darling, you and everything you care for is very important, which is why anything that harms you, even emotionally, must be taken seriously.” 
You sigh, guilt encompassing your entire body as you watch the innocent woman get man-handled out of the room as she yells for her queen ot save her, little does she know her queen was so happy everything went so smooth! “Your Royal Highness! We, the Royal Guard, apologize for disturbing you! The problem has been taken care of, we wish you a happy day!” One of the guards hangs back, saluting you and Nia, before shutting the door behind him.
 Nia lets out a sound of exasperation, “Goodness! Finally, I thought they’d never leave!” She takes your hand, pushing you towards her favorite couch, she forces you to sit down on the left side while cuddles right up to your right side, “I love you sooo much, honey… Scratch my back for me I’m super sleepy! Need your amazing hands to soothe me, honey!”
Finally Nia has you all to herself, a smile is plastered on her face as you reluctantly do as your told, no point in arguing with your clingy wife.
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eqt-95 · 4 months
💛 for the love of god
it took a minute to think of a concept for this one, but just know your 'ask' timing was perfect.
💛 reunion kiss / relief
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On rare occasions, Lena would default to her most recent takeout order and find ten pizzas delivered with no Kryptonian stomach to eat them. This was how a new tradition started whenever Kara was off-planet. Instead of sister night, Lena had Alex, Kelly, and Esme over to binge on too much pizza and ice cream while playing round after round of Candyland and UNO. 
As Esme got older, the games got more complicated. Kelly politely bowed out, choosing instead to tuck into the couch with a good book while the other three hashed out whether Alex was allowed to build a settlement one road segment away from Lena’s. 
She was not.
Slowly but surely, the competition grew so fierce that they elected to find activities no one was any good at. First it was bowling, then miniature golf, then a pasta-making class. She learned to fill her time; to keep busy; to reinforce existing friendships.
Sometimes Kara’s trips would last weeks. Sometimes longer. On those occasions, Lena would find herself going out with Nia and brainstorming new ideas with Brainy. When those weren’t enough, she spent her evening checking through the calculations on the latest upgrades to Kara’s suit.
Just to be sure.
Just in case.
Just so Lena could sleep through the night.
This was the life of being married to an intergalactic-traveling superhero.
Which was why it came as a bit of a shock when Brainy was contacted by a twelfth level intellect from the future with a problem. A problem that Brainy couldn’t fix alone. A problem that required the help of Lena.
“How long?” Kara asked, her pacing taking a toll on the stone flooring.
“Brainy thinks just shy of a month,” Lena said. She was neck deep in research, having spent the last twelve hours sifting through the transmission sent through time and space to them. “But neither of us will know until we get there.”
“A month?” Kara gawked. “An entire month?”
“Darling, we’ve been apart for longer,” Lena said with the distracted focus that meant she was not seeing the look of distraught despair on Kara’s face. Nor did she see the pout slowly forming on Kara’s lower lip. 
And so Lena left for charts untraveled and paths unseen. Her and Brainy arrived and time ceased to exist: meals and sleep were foregone while they dove into the problem (a minor issue with the space and time continuum brought on by a narcissistic giant of a prince from the Promethean Galaxy with a knack for tinkering with the past) alongside the tentacled-inhabits of the plant. Days passed, then weeks. Only one minor setback left them scrambling, but the tiny light at the end of their intergalactic-ending dilemma was glowing bright and strong and-
An explosion shook the building. Tables were rattled, lab equipment crashed to the floor, and it was all Lena could do to stay standing. Clinging to the table, she glanced toward Brainy who was struggling to keep a pile of samples from tumbling into disarray.
“What was that?” 
“It would seem the south wall has been penetrated.”
“The what-?” Lena asked, racing toward the window overlooking the base camp. And sure enough, a stream of smoke was rising from the tiny outpost. “Are we under attack?”
“I would put those odds at 74%.”
“But what would-”
“Code Meteor!” 
Brainy and Lena both turned to find an armed guard burst through the door, panic-stricken and out of breath. “ I repeat, Code Meteor,” he huffed, his tentacles gripping the doorway for support. 
“Code ‘what’?” Lena asked. 
The answer came as “Shelter in place!”
And then he was gone.
“Well, that has certainly put, as you say ‘a wrench in our plans’,” Brainy noted. “Shall we?”
Three more crashes could be heard, each one closer than the last. Brainy has broken into the surveillance system, but it seemed the initial attack had severed whatever streaming connection existed.
“It is quite surprising they still haven’t integrated a second line of defense for this. Especially after the attack of Cyborgs in-”
“Brainy,” Lena interrupted. Fear dripped into her voice, her knees were held tight to her chest, and the table they were taking cover under did nothing to provide any sense of relief. “I don’t need a history lesson. I need to know if we’re about to die.”
“That is quite the hyperbole,” Brainy assured. “By my calculations, there is only a 38%-”
Another crash, now even closer, rippled through the structure.
“Hmm, make that 54% chance of dying.”
“Attack at will!” came a shout from the hallway, and Lena’s heart jumped to her throat. 
The ensuing sounds did nothing to help: A grunt of impatience was followed by the rattle of gunfire and the scattering of footsteps drawing nearer and nearer. Lena swallowed against the knot in her throat, feeling a wave of dread overcome her. She looked for a weapon - any weapon, and found a screwdriver.
After everything, this was how she would die - by a random attack on some random planet in a galaxy that wasn’t even her own. Worse was that Kara wasn’t here.
“Brainy, Brainy,” she stammered. “I need that.”
She ripped the computer away from him and started typing madly, hoping there was enough time to connect; to see Kara’s face; to say goodbye.
The door burst open and smoke infiltrated the space. It was too late; her fingers weren’t fast enough; the connection was too slow; it was too late-
“Guys, this is really - ooph - eelly unnessessry.”
Lena froze.
“Flank her from the left!” came a commanding cry. More gunshot. More grunts. More body parts hitting body parts.
“Mm oht - ere - oo hur yoo,” the voice came again. The muffled but all too familiar voice that drew Lena out from under the table and toward the cloud of smoke. “I yust - wan oo see - my wie!”
Only then did the silhouette appear. It was a silhouette Lena would recognize anywhere, even if it was being attacked by no less than ten leg-sized tentacles. 
“Kara?” Lena asked.
“-Ena?” came a voice from beneath the coils of appendages.
“What… what are you doing here?”
“I issed yoo.”
“Darling,” Lena sighed, a smile spreading where fear had stood moments earlier.
“Ma’am, do you know her?”
She could only nod and close the distance between them. The guards seemed to understand and withdrew their tentacles of rope, and slowly but surely, Supergirl was unraveled from the slimy layers of them.
“I missed you too,” she continued, then wrapped her arms around Kara’s shoulders and drew her into a hug. 
“You were just gone for so long and I don’t know how you do it. How do you do it?” Kara rambled into the crook of Lena’s neck. 
Lena could only chuckle and pulled Kara tighter against her. “A lot of practice. And a lot of leftovers.”
“Does this mean you’ll forgive me?” Kara sighed.
“Well first, could have just called,” Lena huffed, pulling back to see the expected pout and look of apology. “And second, you’ll need a shower, because this won’t do.”
“And you’ll need to stick around and help fix everything you damaged-”
“But I was being really careful!” Kara huffed. “It’s not my fault they started with the guns and slime!”
“Then, after all of that,” Lena said with an arched brow that left no room for debate, “Yes, I suppose I can forgive you.”
And the pout became a grin, and Lena couldn’t resist leaning in to capture her wife into a ‘premature’ reunion kiss.
- - - -
ask game
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toxinoire · 10 months
Because of boredom, here's some Superfriends(+Supercorp, Brainia and Dansen if you squint) headcannons (Miraculous season 6 please just release I'm begging, Heathers The Musical please come back)
• Kara is actually scared shitless of the dark, but due to xray vision she doesn't mind it. So when she solar flares she tries to sleep with the lights on. Lena found out about it and made her a nightlight.
• Brainy, Nia and Esme definitely watch Miraculous.
• Lena refers to them all as greatest friends, however she refers to Nia as her favorite nuisance and Alex as her least favorite nuisance (she loves them tho)
• Nia and Esme made Kara and Lena binge watch Miraculous all the from season 1 with them once and now they're attached to the plot. (Kara and Lena had to pause and breathe soooo many times during that night they watched it for the first time because holy shit why is everything similar to them)
• Kara actually really loves listening to cover artists like Annapantsu, Lydia The Bard, Chloe Breez, Reinaeiry, Caleb Hayles, Will Stetson, etc. (Yes, Will Stetson mostly does English covers but have you heard that man's voice?)
• Kelly made Lena listen to the singer Malinda Kathleen Reese's songs because of the fact that she uses Irish style music and oh no, Lena's playlist is overflowing now.
• Lena's bi, but she's into women more (specifically Kara)
• Kelly is the mom friend
• Brainy and Nia went on a date to the cinema to watch the Miraculous awakening movie and they have been annoying ever since they watched it. "Guys, stop singing those damn songs (Stronger Together and Now I See specifically) you're making Kara and Lena cry" -Alex and Kelly
• Someone Kara accidentally introduced Esme to Heathers The Musical. And while Alex and Kelly love the musical Esme is too yOUNG FOR THAT-
• J'onn: These are my dysfunctionial Earth- Brainy: Some of aren't from Earth- J'onn: Earth children.
• Lena never wanted to admit that she's in love with Kara out loud in fear that the universe might take it all away from her.
• Kara's always been in love with Lena, she just never realized until Alex and Kelly's wedding.
• Esme: Auntie Kara and Auntie Lena are just like Marinette and Adrien! :) Kelly: Aaaaand there's the cry of outrage. Alex: The question is, who's it from? Kara or Lena?
• Once a Valentine's Day, Brainy made Nia a little funko pop of herself as Nia, not Dreamer. And whenever she taps on it's head it makes a "boop" noise. Nia loves it so much.
• Kelly once baked Alex a blueberry cheesecake because she remembered that Alex said she loved those once during a game night long ago. Esme has never seen her mom cry so hard.
• Nia found the book "Vertigo Peaks" in Lena's stuff once and decided to read it. Lena was horrified, and Nia teased her endlessly about it.
• Kelly and Lena once got into a debate of whether or not escapism is a good coping mechanism, and both of them had valid arguments PLUS cited their sources of information. Color Alex and Kara scared, but they're also attracted to this.
• Esme's favorite aunt is Lena and aspires to be like her. When they found out, everyone was like "awwww" but Lena was like "...Bad idea. Esme, honey, bad idea-" then everyone else was like "Don't listen to her."
• Alex, Kelly, Nia and Brainy once tried to convince Lena to be in the battlefield with them but Lena was like "Yeah no, someone needs to stay and be the brains of the operation." Kara then said "YEAH" because she doesn't want to see Lena get hurt and she knows she's abandoning the villain the second she sees Lena get hurt so no distractions allowed. Then Esme delivered the final blow by saying "Someone needs to stay and make whatchamacallits so you all don't die :)"
• Kara is extremely self sacrificial, but Esme unintentionally gave her a reality check by saying "But Auntie Kara, everyone won't sleep if you're in danger! Health is important!" and it sounds so innocent but deep down Kara is like "Oh right they will actually bend over backwards to save me and neglect themselves ah I need to stop"
• Lena releases all her pent up rage by walking onto the roof or balcony, taking a deep breath and scream.
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jixusvs0 · 3 months
kiedy mam binge zamieniam sie w nia fr
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blagam powiedzcie ze jacys fani the evillious chronicles sa na tumblr😭😭
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ngl i think THG trilogy is like the ultimate introduction into whump
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ekingston · 1 year
Your reply on ao3 about your wife’s screenshot and being a cheerleader stuck with me, because I’ve realized I don’t actually articulate enough how amazing some writers (read: you) are. I finished the most recent chapter of soup (after eleven-thousand unacceptable distractions), and I was going to plunk together a quick comment that would absolutely not do enough justice to express the genius I find your writing to be. So instead I opened a google doc and started smashing my keyboard which resulted in a pretty long-winded... something, but allow me to fan-girl for like, a second:
The quality and style of your writing floors me every time. There is an effortlessness about it that makes it totally and completely bingeable but also something that gives a little more each time I read it. For me, it’s the most replayable form of literature: I can go back for the plot, for the character rapport, for the punchy dialogue, or for the voice of the narrator. It fits all the moods. It charms me. It amuses me. I want to hug it.
Your work excites me, and when I think of authors and works that excite me, I’m lumping you in with like, Heartburn which is an all-time favorite for that exact reason: I can binge it in a day or go back and sip on it and discover something clever and witty and just impossibly gorgeous in execution.
And speaking as someone who CANNOT for the life of me write something that doesn’t eventually tumble into a vat of angst, I also just adore the way you manage tension without losing the light-hearted reading experience. Holiday wine is a masterpiece, AND I think Soup is almost better because you juggle so much more: the chorus of characters are taking on their own plot lines, the stakes are higher, you add danger and adventure, you weave a more complex, interconnected storyline, and you massage it all beautifully to act as a supporting cast to the core of the story.
Which brings me to the trope (and a complete tangent): miscommunication. Like, ok look… I usually can’t stand it. But that’s mostly because of the execution: the obvious interruptions, the clear misdirection and disregard for natural intuition, the not asking the right questions, the very blatant ham-fisted forcefulness of it just… I can’t.
You took every complaint you didn’t know I had and put in the work to make it believable. Kara is charmingly oblivious but not for lack of trying. She perfectly talks past Nia and Alex and Lena not just once but every. time. and every time is just so well-conceived and articulated and *gesticulates hands in the air wildly trying to find the right word* gah. The world of her confusion and misguidedness is so believable and commendable and *gesticulates again* gah. This is the absolute genius of the work. I will give kudos till I’m blue in the face about the story as a whole, but I will die on the ‘Easter crushed the miscommunication trope’ hill.
And this is just ONE EXAMPLE of how you knock it out of the park every single time. I could go on about how solidly you write the characters, how charming your prose is, how epic your one-shots are, or how I don’t even care that I can’t trust your chapter count anymore but this is already a run-on and I'm running out of air.
I don’t know how you write, if there is one draft or a million, if you just stream–of-conscious this into existence, or if you summon the words through a ouija board, but it’s brilliant and commendable and THANK YOU for doing what you’re doing.
so. this message is. a miracle? and you are a GIFT. and i’m not going to be able to elaborate much beyond that, because unlike you, i am terrible; at writing attentive notes, at handling compliments, and—hilariously, maybe, since i’ve finally started thinking of myself as a writer again after a decade of self-loathing false starts—at writing down my thoughts in an easily digestible way.
can i say it’s the nicest thing i’ve ever gotten from someone who isn’t (yet?) a close personal friend? that the timing of it was almost implausibly perfect because it arrived in the middle of the deep breathing exercises i was doing after being made aware of some deeply stupid twitter discourse around Soup that was going on right as i was getting ready to post its final chapter?
i think i’ll stick to the important stuff: like THANK YOU. like how your (AMAZING) note completely obliterated the bad stuff and made me excited not just to wrap up this fic, or even to jump into the next, but about doing it all in the first place. that it was a very needed reminder of what an immensely privileged position i’m in to be able to put something out online that brings people (you) enough joy that you want to come tell me about it. and, obviously, that the specific things you chose to highlight are extraordinarily flattering, and i am absolutely not immune to that kind of thing.
i went back and forth on publishing this ask because it feels almost embarrassing, and boastful. but whatever, you know? you made me feel good about my writing again and provided important perspective and ultimately you put thought and effort and overall awesomeness into it and i’m not going to hide that away when you intended it to be shared.
thank you. SO MUCH.
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future-doll · 2 months
Ostatnie 2 tygodnie tak zjebalam ze szkoda gadac, bylam w overeating cycke (bo binge to to raczej nie bylo). Przestalam sprawdzac kalorie i wpisywac co jadlam w yazio, balam sie w chuj cyferek bo wiedziałam ze przekraczalam moj deficyt conajmniej dwukrotnie. Mam tak slaba sile woli ze to hit. Mysle ze zjebalam od poczatku dlatego ze nagle sue przerzucilam na 800 kcal, moze i nie jest to jakos bardzo malo ale i tak mnie to totalnie pozarlo. Zaczynam od nowa i robie od dzis limit 1200 kcal, bede stopniowo przechodzic w coraz wiekszy deficyt. Musze spiac dupe i sie ogarnac bo przytyje jeszcze bardziej. Czuje sie jak gruba szmata (jestem nia) i czuje sie okropnie. Jeszcze jutro jade nad morze prosze zabijcie mnie.
Wracam ogolnie do wstawiania postow bo ostatnimi czasy wstyd mi bylo wogole wchodzic na tumblera xD (wchodzilam ale praktycznie od razu wychodzilam).
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d34thbutt3rfly · 2 months
hejka motylki mam nowa bransoletkee. postarak sie robic tak ze jesli bede blisko binge to bede na nia patrzec i przypominac sobie pi co to robie
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(sorki za wloski na rece ale nie mam sily ich ogolic :3)
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owl-with-a-pen · 3 months
My brain constantly ping pongs between thinking Nia is a chronic insomniac or still just narcolepsy levels of falling asleep anywhere and everywhere all the time. Maybe she’s also ping ponging between the two depending on how she’s doing with her powers at the moment. Sometimes she’s falling asleep at game night, at work, at the dinner table. Sometimes she goes three days on two non-consecutive hours of sleep. Every so often the universe throws her a bone and it’s normal for a while. And Brainy is either waking her up in stupid places in the middle of the day or pulling sleep hacks out of his sleeves at 2am, forever engaged in the game of trying to help his girlfriend get the correct amount of sleep.
Oh, oh, I actually shared some of my thoughts about this exact topic after the Dreamer/Flash crossover gave us some more delicious lore. You can read that here !
But, yes, I like to imagine Nia's sleeping pattern fluctuates, too. The Flash crossover gave us some more insight into Nia's abilities and confirmed that what was holding her back was the fact that she was fighting too hard to control her dreaming ability, which goes against the natural unpredictability of the visions themselves.
So, if Nia's in a good headspace, I think that's when she might find herself falling into the more narcoleptic characteristic of falling asleep in random places, although she no longer views it as the same stressor/inconvenience as before. She just had to learn to embrace that it's a natural part of her power and that she has to let her visions in when they come knocking, no matter where or when that might be.
The difficulty of leading a double life means that Nia often falls into the unhealthy habit of caffeine binging to keep herself from falling behind at Catco. So, if Brainy starts seeing coffee cups stacking up, he knows to check in with her.
Since talking about this the last time, I started thinking of possible tech that Brainy might design to help Nia keep track of her dreams. In real life, there are headbands or wristbands that can track sleep patterns, brainwaves, etc, and so I like to think that maybe Brainy adds an extra layer to Nia's bracelets, something that taps into her dream energy to notify her if she might be about to fall into the dream state. That way, she's got a bit of warning to prep for a vision, especially if she's somewhere public where randomly passing out might not be ideal. It also means she's less likely to turn to coffee to keep her awake and allows her to better embrace her powers to their fullest extent. Win-win 😉
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bonybody · 1 year
znalazłam wiersz ktory napisałam po moim najwiekszym binge w zyciu
nazwa to "ulana szafka"
~jak szafka zapomniana,
stała pusta, bardzo ladna,
nagle sobie przypomnialas,
ze stoi szafka, taka mała,
po chwili w nia wepchałaś, wszystkie szmatki, i
tak wypchana, całkowicie
w moment pekla, biedna szafka
teraz stoi, cala brzydka,
taka wielka i rozlazła
zaszlochana, tylko szepczesz:
"moja biedna szafka, ana"~
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