bigender-cowboy · 5 months
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zouffle · 4 months
they should invent a doctor that actually helps you
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alternativeulster · 3 months
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can anyone hear me
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dyketennant · 6 months
as someone who has obviously done extensive research on the topic i would like to present to you all...dyketennant's "which david tennant character are you" uquiz
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lonelyzarquon · 2 months
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roadkill-creatures · 1 year
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Stella Octangula
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glowingsand · 6 months
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“to do this, i must know your story!”
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Twissy nation this one is for us
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Closeups and some other stuff under the cut
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starcurtain · 4 months
One thing I wish I'd see more of among Ratio fans is some thought about how he views himself as a teacher.
Like yes, of course he refuses to compromise on the quality and rigor of the education he imparts, and he would find it unforgivably unethical to lower his standards in order to pass more students who had not genuinely learned the material. This is core to his character.
However, as someone who is a teacher IRL, I know the absolutely miserable feeling setting that kind of standard can cause. There's the obvious disheartening sense of disappointment ("Are students these days really not capable of doing the work correctly? Is our future in danger, if this is the highest level of understanding our current generation of students can achieve?"), but even worse than that is the self-doubt.
"Is this somehow my fault? Am I not teaching this material in the right ways for the students to learn? Is there something I could have done differently to get through to these students? Would a better teacher have a higher passing rate?"
We know that Ratio does (or at least did) struggle with feeling inferior to the Genius Society, so I think it is also likely, as much as he absolutely will not budge on his academic standards, that he has doubts about his teaching ability as well.
This is the man who wants to educate the entire world to cure the disease of ignorance, and yet only 3% of his actual students are able to get there. How can someone who gets so few of his direct students to a state of enlightenment hope to enlighten the whole universe? If so few students are successfully learning the material of a given class, doesn't that mean the teacher is doing something wrong?Would a better teacher--would a genius, maybe--not be able to impart their knowledge more efficiently and educate even the most challenging of students?
As someone constantly struggling with that balance between keeping academic standards high while also meeting the needs of today's students, I think the passing rates of his courses must affect Dr. Ratio much more deeply than I've seen fans discuss. I think he would question himself harshly over his class success rates, and I think he must be constantly trying to push himself to become the best teacher he possibly can be.
tl;dr: I hope one day the HSR fandom will stop sleeping on the fact that Ratio is an actual practicing professor who probably has astronomical levels of teacher angst. 😂
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Does it ever hit you that Martha sat down in New New York and told the Doctor that she needed his honesty more than she needed to go home and that religious music played in the background at that scene and it was almost framed as a confession, in the most religious sense, and go a little bit feral? That as early as her third episode, she was framed as his equal, equally divine, equally a doctor, able to confront him, able to make him honest, able to sympathize with him, able to abide with him? That so few companions have ever spent so much time in one time period with the Doctor (1969/1913, for example), being with him/her, not running, just staying? That for every fucking thing Ten did wrong as John Smith/after coming back to himself in Human Nature/Family of Blood, he trusted her enough to leave himself vulnerable and human in her care, because he trusted her as a Doctor, because she was just as much a Doctor as he was? That Martha was, more than any other companion of the Tenth Doctor's, his equal, that her final speech about not being second was not just talking about her not being second best to Rose but about being second best to him? That she finally understood what had been true from the moment that they met and she closed Stoker's eyes and the Doctor realized that she had not just bravery and cleverness but a kindness that he had forgotten, that Martha Jones, more than anything else, has been and always will be The Doctor?
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dang-dood · 3 months
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pastafossa · 1 month
Me on Friday at the doctor's office, nervously bringing up problems previous doctors have blown me off about in my last town. For the first time since moving here, I decided I'd give it a shot.
Me, hesitantly, after my general checkup: and, um, I was wondering about... a referral for ADHD maybe? I have the symptoms, so...
Her, surprisingly seriously: you have trouble concentrating? Memory issues, things like that?
Me: yeah, and losing track of my things, being disorganized, procrastinating even when I want to do something. I've been like this since I was a kid, and then there's just... all the anxiety that goes with it.
Her: definitely sounds like ADHD. Even when it comes to the anxiety, the two go hand in hand. You can't treat one without the other. I'll refer you to a psychiatrist. Once you have the ADHD diagnosis you can either stay with her for treatment or you can come back here and I can treat you for the ADHD and anxiety, and—are you ok?
Me, somewhat emotional over being taken seriously and not being told to just try harder and that I was lazy: uh huh, just... relieved
Her: ok, now. (Checks chart) I know you're just here for your wellness check and you haven't mentioned it, but I'm looking at your history of painful menstrual cramps and heavy periods. Have you ever been tested for PCOS?
Me: no. I tried to ask but... past doctors just told me to take advil and that... normal periods were like this sometimes.
Her: Well, they're not normal. I'm going to refer you to a gynecologist I trust, I want you to get tested for PCOS so we can see if we can fix—are you crying?
Me, absolutely crying: I'm sorry.
Her: don't be. I'm guessing no one's believed you before?
Me: ...no, they haven't.
Her: well, I do.
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khruschevshoe · 8 months
There's something to be said about Heaven Sent/Hell Bent, despite the Doctor overthrowing the Time Lord Council and spending four and a half billion years in the confession dial and him and Clara and Me meeting at the end of universe, therefore technically spanning the longest time span, being fundamentally the smallest in stakes of any of the modern Doctor Who finales. At the end of the day, there is no threat to earth or the galaxy or the universe or reality. It's just about two people and the way that they turn each other inside out and the way that they reflect each other as two sides of the same coin and the way their relationship was always going to end this way- with the flip of the coin, spinning in the air, each trying to override the other, each trying to take control of the story, each haunting each other forever.
It's under my microscope. It's rotating rent free in my head. It's everything good about Moffat's writing- fairytale vibes, wrenching character work, two characters that thematically parallel each other- and none of the bad, because he's not trying to be too clever or fuck with the rules too much, there's a couple of simple concepts played straight to their inevitable conclusions: Clara Oswald needs to die but the Doctor can't let it happen, he wants her to forget but she can't let it happen, so they both will do the most devasting things in the world to stop the other and they both get their way in the end but only in a way that will leave them haunting each other forever.
And it's so fucking good.
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hyunpic · 1 month
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sneakertin · 10 months
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this is an embarrassingly low effort thing but i just needed to get it out of my sistem. so
what book do you think they're reading?
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intheconfessiondial · 9 months
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Redraw of the cape post, because that entire concept deserved better than the illustration I gave it.
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