bigender-cowboy · 5 months
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breannasfluff · 9 days
Samantha Manson,
Most of your letter remains childish insults, which I shall ignore. Observe who has more maturity in this situation (not you.)
Unlike your hurtful stereotypes of rich families, I care about the animals I encounter. I suppose it’s hard to understand for someone who likely owns a chicken they treat as a pet. 
You shall have to check the Gotham News for your answer on nail painting. If you can even access the internet in your location. If you need, I might be persuaded to post you a copy. I’m sure it would be a novelty to read about life in the big city.
Samantha, as you are so fond of reminding me, I am a child! You should not use fowl foul language in your correspondence to me.
Also, commenting on Nightwing’s visual appearance is highly insulting. Nightwing is the most adept member of the vigilantes. He was brave enough to protect an entire city on his own, rather than relying on a team who can barely capture the villain of the day. 
Truly, you are a disappointment to your sex.
Damian Al-Ghul Wayne
Listen here you little FUCKER–
I’ll say whatever shit I want to you! How dare you insult my sex; that’s like saying all your failings are from being male when clearly they are a result of your awful personality. The fact that your mom isn’t in the picture sure says a lot about how much she wants to deal with you.
We might not have internet, but I read the smoke signals from the neighboring village and saw the picture of your nails. Did you do them yourself? Because it’s not very readable. Not that Robin deserves better. Oh, by the way, I’ve never seen such a bad case of resting bitch face on a boy before. You really hated that nail job, didn’t you? 
I heard Nightwing was the first Robin. I’ve seen videos–sorry, hillbilly visions–and believe it. You know what’s really messed up? He didn’t have any pants! What kind of adult takes a kid out to fight crime without pants? The messed-up kind, that’s who. Child endangerment at its finest. 
It’s too bad he added pants to the Nightwing outfit. Showing off his legs would have enhanced the ass package. 
Still Sam,
Read the rest here
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fuxuannie · 1 year
* pairing : sampo x gender neutral reader
* prompt : sampo is a lying, decieving, scum and a rat but he was still your best friend. it's another day, and it seems like he has something to show you.
* authors note : hi cale bebeloves mo 'to, quick oneshot kse mahal kita
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SAMPO didn't exactly have the best reputation in the Underworld, hell, even his friends were cautious when it came to him. But oddly enough, you were an exception. As kids, Sampo would go above and beyond to make sure you were never hurt or injured, sure he would pull a prank on you every once in a while, but one that wasn't enough to make you insanely upset or scathed.
In present day, you're both now adults with your own lives but still spend time together very often in your free time. Sampo doesn't change, and the much taller male was still the same goofball you had grown up with. Just a bit more careless about how people would feel after certain pranks, there wasn't a day where you didn't have to apologize for his behavior. You've tried to talk to him but it seems like your lectures go through deaf ears, not that you're exactly surprised.
Today was odd, you hadn't seen him at all. Not pulling a prank on the trailblazing trio, not in Natashas clinic and definitely not trying to piss off Seele (Because in truth, who would?). "Natasha, have you seen the troublemaker by any chance?" You asked as you closed the clinic door, Natasha put down the book she was reading and smiled at your entrance. "Yeah, I have. I think he's out in the mines right now. Ever since the situation was cleared, he's been spending a whole lot of time there." She explained, and you nod your head. Thanking her for the information and promising to return shortly to help.
You take one of the teleporters to go to the mines quickly, looking around for any signs of your best friend. "Sampooo?" You hummed out, there was suddenly a pair of hands covering your view. A small 'oop' escapes your lips as theres a chuckle behind you. "Well, I think I found you?" You laugh along with him, but you haven't escaped his scheme just yet. You feel him start to walk forward, and you catch on quickly that he wants to lead you somewhere.
"Just don't.. lead me into a wall, okay? My one ask."
You faceplanting into the nearest surface should've been expected, but hey, atleast it didn't hurt all too much.
Once Sampo tapped your head to signal you to stop moving, you did exactly as told. "Keep your eyes closed, oh and no peeking." He demands as he takes his hands off your eyes, you snicker a bit at the little add-on he's been saying since you were kids. Especially since you were a cheater in Hide-and-Seek.
"Okay, aaand open!"
You're met in a room surrounded by Geomarrow, even if its been all you've seen your whole life, something about the area makes it so.. beautiful. "I was doing uh.. a bit of hardwork today! And I found this place.. I wanted to show you a little later, but seems like you found me." He smiles a bit at your reaction, taking your hand into his as he stares at you with a surprisingly soft gaze. You don't even notice until theres a warmth around your palm, and you look up at him, mirroring his smile with your own.
"Something tells me here's a reason you wanted to show me later." You raise a brow, and he uses his other hand to scratch the back of his neck. "Uh.. yeah. Yeah. (name), for the longest time, I've had a massive crush on you. And I wasn't sure how to tell you but, when I wanted to try, your smile left me breathless and I'd forget what to say like an idiot." He laughed at those memories, but you listened intently, ignoring how fast your heart was beating.
"I.. I can't, I feel the same but this is all so sudden and.."
You feel two large arms wrap around you securely, a sigh of relief out of Sampo's lips as he pulled away to look at you again. "That's okay. I can wait, I'll wait for as long as I need to." He was always so patient, so caring. Despite what others think, he really does care about people.
"It won't be a long wait, I promise."
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denaliwrites · 11 months
It's How I'm Made
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Tenth Doctor x Genderfluid!Reader
Summary: The Doctor has been especially protective of you since your coming out, even willing to go to bat for you in the face of aliens that look like they could probably snap him in half. Can be read as a sequel to On the Brave Shit.
Soundtrack: YES MOM by Tessa Violet
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Enbyphobia. Misgendering. Anxiety.
"Do you really think you can stop me, little girl?" the alien in front of you taunted, and you hated that it worked, that you wavered, that you almost lost your grip on the pipe you were using as a makeshift weapon.
The alien laughed, rubbing salt on the wound.
"Oh, come on now," you heard the Doctor say from behind you. "You can't be that dull. I mean," he paused for effect, scratching the back of his head as he awkwardly shuffled closer, "that's obviously an adult human. And, also, he's clearly a man. I mean, look at him!" The Doctor motioned vaguely at all of you, with a knowing look shot to you before shifting back into a passive expression.
Your heart swelled, though, and with a new surge of confidence your grip tightened and you stood firmer, facing off the alien with a glare.
"Don't be ridiculous, this is obviously--"
"An adult human male, yes," the Doctor cut in, followed up with a dramatically exasperated sigh. "Really, you'd think an alien from a planet with sixty-seven genders would get it, wouldn't you?" he asked, turning to you.
You blinked. "Sixty-seven?"
"Oh, yes," the Doctor said cheerfully. "And, remarkably, none of them are 'male' or 'female.' I mean, they have a few that are close enough, at least in terms of what a human can wrap their head around."
"Oh." That explained why the alien in front of you seemed... like a guy? You thought, anyway.
"Could also be the perception filter," the Doctor commented absentmindedly. "Anyway. Apologize to my friend, please." You knew the Doctor well enough to tell when he was no longer making polite requests. When he was angry.
And by God, he was pissed.
The alien, luckily, seemed to catch onto that. It turned to you, bowing deeply. "My sincerest apologies."
"Oh. Er... accepted?" You weren't... really sure what to make of this whole situation. It wasn't every day you got misgendered by an alien from a species with sixty-seven genders yet couldn't seem to grasp the idea of gender presentation.
As if no transgression had passed, the Doctor effortlessly moved on with a grin. "Now, how about we get you home?"
After you and the Doctor had dropped the alien off on its home planet and you had met, by your estimate, sixteen and a half of those aforementioned sixty-seven genders, you leaned against the TARDIS doors while the Doctor flipped random switches on the console -- you swore it was different every time.
"Are you all right?" the Doctor asked suddenly, and it was only then that you realized there were tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Erm, y-yeah, I'm... fine."
He did not look convinced -- understandably.
"Listen, what that alien said --"
"Is that all people see when they look at me? A little girl playing dress up?" you asked suddenly, stopping the Doctor in his tracks. "Is that all I'll ever be?"
The Doctor looked so devastated for a moment before he cleaned up his expression and replaced it with his carefully curated neutral default.
"I thought--" You were cut off by a sob that you did your best to choke back. "I thought I looked so great today."
"Hey, now," the Doctor said, joining you at the door in a few long bounds. You stared up at him hopelessly. "You do look great," he assured you as he leaned against the door with you. "You look how you want to look, and that's what matters. Right?"
"Not if people don't see me as what I'm trying to be."
"Oh, there's no trying," the Doctor said. "You are what you are. Other people don't matter. Even I don't matter. The only person, or alien, or whatever, who matters is you."
The way he looked at you made your heart swell, but you still weren't entirely convinced.
"Do you feel masculine right now?" he asked.
"Not really," you answered honestly.
"... Right. Well. I should've expected that. Okay. Did you feel masculine before that alien said anything?"
"... Yeah," you answered, still honest.
"Then you're masculine. Don't let anyone take that away from you. Especially an alien from a species with sixty-seven genders and yet no concept of being a different gender than the one you were born as."
"Do they have trans aliens in that species?"
"Yes! That's why it's so baffling!" the Doctor sighed exasperatedly.
"Oh, so they're just.... like, a mega bigot," you observed with a laugh. The Doctor returned the sound, and the two of you dissolved into a fit of giggles that lasted way too long, yet not long enough.
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cellarspider · 7 months
16/30 Chemically inert
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We return to a movie whose biggest enemy is its own script, Prometheus. This is the second post today, because the previous one was so awful and I had very little context to add beyond anger.
So, now we come to a scene that made me wonder in the theater: what the fuck is going on with straight people?
A tangent is required at this moment, before we get back to pondering this question. Some of my friends like to watch their favorite science fiction shows with me, particularly if they have to do with genetics. Orphan Black, for example. This is because it is understood that I will regularly call out “Pause!”, and then they get to sit and listen to me alternatively praise or sputter over the fictionalization of my field of study. 
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“Look. Their genetic material pre-dates ours. We come from them.”
This is, probably, meant to hammer in the premise of the movie to a lay audience. However, the way she phrased it left me confused for a good long minute, trying to figure out what the fuck she meant. We don’t speak of any extant species as “pre-dating” another, even if they look exactly like their fossilized ancestors: all modern organisms are modern organisms. They have been continuously evolving the whole time they’ve existed. What we talk about is species diverging from each other. We didn't come from chimpanzees, or from neanderthals for that matter: we diverged from them.
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If I were to try and explain what she actually means by this: The particular Engineer they sampled from possess genetic sequences that are present in our evolutionary precursors, but have been lost in humans. That, and/or the Engineer possesses no sequences that are specific to modern Homo sapiens. 
To which my response is: no shit. They’re eight foot tall, completely hairless humanoids, surrounded by advanced technology. This is not Futurama.
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This still doesn’t answer all my other logistical problems with when they got involved on Earth, which I already rambled about at length. 
But now we get to the real mystery of the scene: why are straight people?
I’m asexual as a rock. No, not that rock. But I’m not sex-repulsed. Sexual media and art is fine by me, but Hollywood does such a shit job with romantic chemistry that I thought I was for quite a while.
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Shaw and Holloway are a couple. We know this, because they are a pair of female and male adult humans who work together in a movie. They have held hands and smiled at each other. Honestly, if Holloway hadn’t called Shaw “baby” soon after they woke up from stasis, I wouldn’t have known. 
Admittedly, this may be due to the fact that my “flirting or not” radar is hilariously non-functional most of the time. I have been on dates before without realizing it. Multiple times. It’s that bad.
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This is the scene where we are supposed to see how they are romantic together, and how they grapple with their present situation. Holloway froze a rose in the cargo, along with a bottle of champagne. The fact that he has already been drinking heavily will surely make this especially fun, I’m sure.
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Shaw, at least, acknowledges “[t]his is The most significant discovery in the history of mankind,” though I’d argue whichever early hominin first saw the big bald bastards already called dibs on that. I appreciate the gesture toward understanding the enormity of this situation, but her behavior hasn’t demonstrated it so far. Holloway’s, however, is even worse, and I think we are supposed to take Shaw as the more staid and reasonable one because of this.
With this and her further evidence that the Engineers made humans, Holloway immediately says “Okay. I guess you can take your father's cross off now.”
Yes. This is what you should say, when you’re in a long-term relationship with a religiously devout person who lost one or both of their parents at a young age. Definitely.
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I get what this is trying to do, thematically. This movie is about the creation of life. We have a religious character squaring her faith with a piece of information that is incompatible with the literal text of her religion’s doctrine. 
Funny enough, we have a lot of religious people who work in biology already. Unless your religion was created last tuesday, there is literally no way it won’t contradict with some aspect of what modern science has discovered. People create the mental space for the supernatural, either merging or separating it from their field of expertise. Or they may not believe in the supernatural at all, instead subscribing to belief systems that provide an ethical and behavioral framework for their lives. 
A lot of scientists who are religious state that their religion is part of why they study the material world: Out of a love for the world, a call to aid others, or because the act of learning is seen as divine in itself.
This is also the kind of conversation that, frankly, two lunatics who believe in ancient alien contact with Earth should’ve had a long time ago. ‘Hey, you believe that big men from space were talking to the Sumerians, how’s that fit in with the whole Christianity thing for you?’
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But no, he’s going somewhere hilariously baffling, via a direct route through the state of Wildly Insensitive as he barrels along the Clunky Dialog Highway.
“But here's what we do know: That there is nothing special about the creation of life. Right? Anybody can do it. All you need is a dash of DNA and half a brain, right?”
“I can't. 
I can't create life. What does that say about me?”
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“Ellie, that's not... I didn't mean… I wasn't talking about…”
Have you ever been so drunk that you made your girlfriend feel like Natasha ‘I’m a monster comparable to the Hulk because I was sterilized’ Romanoff in Age of Ultron
This is, as with most of the most thunderously clunky dialog in this movie, a plot point. There are ways they could’ve done this differently that I will get to at that time
But you know what’s even more baffling about this? Apparently that didn’t kill the mood.
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It makes the next scene where Janek seduces Vickers with a jumpscare accordion and “Are you a robot?” almost make sense.
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Or, frankly, Idris Elba and Charlize Theron are acting wizards who somehow managed to strangle some chemistry out of that scene.
Next time, the not-so-little death!
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
Overflow Ramble 1 
I want it noted at the start here: I try to use screenshots where everyone looks as dignified as they can without losing objects or gestures I want to comment on, because otherwise it breaks flow. I could not find a screenshot where Shaw wasn’t stickin h leggy out real far, or making this extremely weird face. I tried. The movie defeated me.
Medium wide shot of Shaw sitting on a couch (loose pillows that don’t have velcro surfaces to keep them in place if the ship rolls), with Holloway in reverse shot, sitting on the other side of a coffee table (no lip to catch rolling objects), with a rose sitting in a cup between them. Shaw is about to stand up, and has just the most goddamn weird expression on her face. 
In the background is a side table (does have a lip, not tall enough to do anything), with a lamp (might be magnetized/gripped to the surface, doesn’t look it), a pile of books (falling hazard), a stick of incense burning in a cup (falling AND fire hazard), and, as previously noted during Vickers’ introduction, there’s the required Cultured White Person African Art Pieces just sort of. Leaned on a tiny little shelf in the background (how have they not fallen over already). Finally, a tropical hanging pitcher plant can be seen hanging behind the lamp, probably a Nepenthes cultivar. Did David keep these alive for two years? 
There is a bewildering buttload of Nepenthes cultivars, with an active enthusiast community in Japan. So, SO many of the cultivars are called ‘[Adjective] Koto’ (cite 2). Like, to the point where someone was clearly breaking out the dictionary to find more words for Koto. Decorous Koto. Effulgent Koto. Effulgent Koto again, there’s two of them. Elfine Koto. Emotional Koto. Felicitous Koto. Feminine Koto. Feverish Koto. Igneous Koto. Immobile Koto. And that’s as far as the Kotos go, apart from Zonal Koto. Somebody in 1984-1994 was literally going A-Z on Kotos before they suddenly stopped at I, turned around, and went back up to throw in Gerontic Koto and Ferny Koto.
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ultimateotaku666 · 7 months
Persona 3, 4, & 5 Protag sexuality headcanons
Disclaimer: I am not going to include the first three Persona games as I have no way to play and figure them out, but maybe I'll find a way.
Another disclaimer: I sadly won't include the FeMC, as I haven't played P3 Portable. But I got it recently, and I shall repost once I finish!
Makoto Yuki:
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HeteroAce. I know it seems like a cop-out, but I think it fits him well. He probably never thought about romance and didn't think he would ever fall in love. Then he meets the girl of his dreams (me and my fiancé say Fuuka) and he finally understands.
Another idea is AroAce, it's more an idea.
Yu Narukami:
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Polysexual and possibly Polyamorus. Persona protags are lady killers, but it doesn't mean that they can't also be different. Narukami is no exception. He gives off Polysexual vibes. You have many female options, so there's one. Yosuke was supposed to be a romance option (we were robbed!!), so already makes sense. And I headcanon Naoto being Non-binary or Genderfluid, so check on that! As for the Polyamory, depending on who you romance, you could be a throuple (We imagine Narukami, Naoto, and Kanji. It would be sweet).
Akira Kurusu:
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Pansexual. I know we have many female options, but four of them are adults. And I know Japan is different, but its still strange. But that's a rant for later! And let me say we all know that if we had male options, people would have Ryuji and Yusuke as their partner. Plus, Akira seems like he doesn't discriminate (like I said, he dates adults), and he values their emotions and love.
These are just headcanons, so if you don't agree, that's perfectly fine! Everyone has an opinion, and they can be beautiful (not all and you know who you are 🫵😡)
Thank you for listening to my TED Talk!
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ethanharmonia · 1 month
Another Rant because i have beef with the pokemon fandom
If any of this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable then you are free to leave, i am just speaking my own words.
I feel like a lot of pokemon headcanons are kind of almost the same, its a bit cliche, isnt it? with characters having different body shapes/types or changing their race or make them trans or making them disabled when they are all canonically not like that, it makes me a bit mad that people do these kinds of things to canon characters, but i guess its a tumblr/pokemon thing in this fandom to be doing stuff like that. To be fair, if you wanna change a lot of things in a canon character, just make an oc instead.
So why not deep dive into the whole thing?
First off.
Im not being racist or transphobic or fatphobic here, but if you are turning a skinny character for example into a fat character then i think you just have a fetish, or just, make your own oc that is similar to the other? i see a lot of these things with art of Red, i mean wasnt he in MT Silver for a long time? i can tell that this guy is strong as hell physically, being able to survive on a cold mountain, yet people turn him into... okay whatever you wanna put it in but still its weird. While Green/Blue is instead of a good character turned into some twink?? nah, those two would have been a perfect duo and a pair of strong trainers, both with and without pokemon, make them feel like actual men.
Anyways next thing is about well, you probably guessed it, TURNING EVERY CHARACTER TRANS BECAUSE WHY THE HELL WOULD A CHARACTER HAVE THEIR CANONIC/BIOLOGICAL GENDER WHEN YOU CAN TURN THEM INTO THE OPPOSITE BECAUSE OF THEIR LOOKS/PERSONALITY. I see that A LOT on my feed or when im looking at pokemon fanarts, just no matter where i go i see trans stuff, why not give examples like N or Silver? or some other characters? Listen listen listen, JUST because a male character has long hair or has a girly personality does NOT mean they are trans, hear me? and they do NOT look like the opposite gender, let the characters have their biological gender and not change it for your own liking, again, make an oc based off the character and you wont be bothered unless you want beef, I will gladly come to your house and have a talk.
NEXT THING! BLACKWASHING/CHANGING THE RACE OF A CHARACTER THAT ALREADY HAS ITS OWN RACE, AND ITS SOMEWHAT NORMALISED?? Every. Single. Character. Has. Their. Own. Race. And. Changing. Their. Race. Does. Not. Mean. Anything. More. But. Being. Racist. And thats a fact, not a theory. People either blackwash white/asian characters or make them white when they are canonically black, doesnt that sound a bit racist? Like this isnt a headcanon, maybe a bit of TAN could be better cuz yes that exists and its a completly normal thing, but completly changing a character's race cuz you think it will do more of diversity? nah, its just being racist, thats all. and ya might argue with me there, but im just saying. it would be nice to have characters off of different diversities/races and i would want that too, but dont change the color of the skin a canonic character.......
ALRIGHT NEXT PROBLEM ON THE LIST!! SHIPPING!! okay imma just go in short. the pokemon fandom is full of pedophiles and proshippers. if you ship a child with an adult, i wish everything in your house rots along with yourself. if you ship 2 characters that would have the most TOXIC relationship ever, i hope that happens to you irl and suffer. if you ship the male and female protagonists together (who i see as SIBLINGS and not COUNTERPARTS), maybe go kiss your siblings and pets, yeah, maybe even go see Giratina in the distortion world? i think you would be his favourite toy LMAO
Another Point. AUs. I love it when people make their own Pokemon AUs and put their ideas into them, but i feel like some aus are rather cliche. I can give some examples. I see most AUs about Volo (from PLA if ya didnt know), and he is always portayed as this.. evil and stupid character that doesnt care for anything but manipulating people and tricking them, why not just, i dont know, make him an actual good guy but with sense? Make a bit of a twist, make him look like he was actually a good character and not make this cliche act of copy and paste where he is just hahahaha im so evil hahahahha. I dont know, is it that hard to turn this guy to an actual good character? redemtpion arcs exist for a reason. AUs or Your own stories about a certain fandom are meant to be created from YOUR imagination, make the characters feel alive and have personality, female or male character, give them something unique, give them some twist parts in their whole character, make them feel like they are a part of the story instead of just adding them there cuz yes they exist and they should be there cuz idk. CHANGE the PLOT, CHANGE the CHARACTERS, GIVE THEM some sort of SOUL. You have a brain for a reason and you have creativity for a reason too, make something from yourself, something that no one would be able to make, not copy paste something that already exists but with different scenes and stuff, im not a writer myself but i can at least make these pokemon characters have more than just "i exist and thats it" or "im very evil haha fear me". Oh and another thing, MAKE THE GENDER NOT MATTER??? like i get it, theres women and men, but what if there was a story where gender didnt matter, you are a person, make both these genders feel neutral/equal, like we live in this world, why do we judge people based on their gender? nah i take this from arcane cuz the way the characters are represented their and their genders is SICK and i love it.
Oh and uh, love interests uh. My problem mostly comes to women/female characters/girls in pokemon cuz i hate it when people portray them as shy and innocent when men/male characters/boys are portrayed as strong, its cliche, unoriginal, and straight up disrespectful towards women cuz they are allowed to be strong and independant. again, make it feel like gender doesnt matter.
One last thing. Objectifying women. Makes me SICK AS HELL TO MY HEAD that artists draw female characters with such unrealistic proportions like big boobs or big thighs or a non existent waist, like this is offending and disgusting, perhaps the people that do art like that just learned from pron.. who knows?
but yeah hope you rot <3 Anyways that might be all from me, maybe i will edit it as i might have forgotten some points there but uh, hope you enjoyed, if you managed to survive and read all this, congrats! :D
But again, its just my thoughts and my words and no one has to agree or disagree with me.
Have a good day/night, fellow citizens
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evereinefaust · 3 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Reiji Kotobuki X afab!Reader
Synopsis: At last, MC met with the oldest of the idols. Through his teasing and carefree attitude, he expressed his affection for his favorite person.
Word Count: 1,171
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The [h/c]ette composer skipped through the hallway, happiness was visibly present on her face with every bounce she made in every step. Her aura contained pure bliss as it emitted from her small figure. She can't contain her excitement anymore; the determination dotting on her [e/c] eyes successfully told us her goal for tonight—to be able to find and meet the last and oldest member of Quartet Night.
After turning around the corner, [Y/n] saw the stairs and didn't hesitate to continue going up. The girl had a feeling that she will be able to meet the brunette on the stairs, after all, she seemed to coincidentally meet the other idols in every place she goes. The bright smile was still present on her face while remaining her gaze upwards.
However, her [e/c] hues soon landed on the other fedora-wearing male in the agency. His taupe-gray eyes glancing down at her petite form. His signature smile was shown on his pale face. The male was standing by the second floor of the building, his arms resting on the railings while he leaned on it.
"Hey, kiddo. Welcome back."
The smile on her face broke into a wide grin. "Rei-nii!"
"I see that Shining finally allowed you to visit us," he stated, walking over to her as the girl reached the platform.
"Uh-huh!" she nodded happily.
Reiji's face broke into a grin at the enthusiasm the young composer holds. "You're truly a shining young lady, [N/n]-chan!"
"Being a niece to Uncle Shining made me all shining as well," [Y/n] joked, playfully rolling her eyes.
The brunette laughed at her jokes, it really felt nice having the girl around. She's like a bright, small star shining beautifully in the dark, midnight sky. She had the ability to warm everyone's heart with her presence and with her song... and that's the reason he had taken a liking to her.
"The way you always shine sets my heart pounding."
[Y/n] listened closely to what the brunette was saying, an undeniable blush flushed across her cheeks. She didn't know why but her heart started to speed up as her whole body heats up. 
Soon enough, Reiji took a step forward towards her and took her hand into his. He had that same smile on his face as he lifted her knuckles to his lips, kissing it. This sudden intimate gesture sent [Y/n]'s face a hundred shades of red.
"But you could shine even more. I'll show you how. Come on."
With that said, the idol gently lets go of her hand and retreated his body back. He hung his head down, the fedora he's wearing made it impossible for the girl to see his expression. This made [Y/n] curious by his statement as she patiently waited for the male to speak further while tilted her head to the side in confusion.
"Let's enter the world of adults together," Reiji proclaimed, slowly raising his head and his gray eye that wasn't covered by his brown hair staring intently at her.
The seriousness of his voice sent a shiver down [Y/n]'s spine with her eyes wide as saucers and cheeks regaining back its red hue from earlier. She had her mouth parted agape while Reiji's words swirled inside her mind. She was speechless all right.
After examining her reaction, the brunette reverted back to his usual cheerful self and chuckled. "Sorry, sorry."
It took [Y/n] a moment before snapping back to reality. She huffed and pouted, crossing her arms childishly. "Please stop teasing me, Rei-nii. And for your information, I'm still 16 years old; I'm no adult."
Reiji only chuckled further. "I can't help it. It's really fun to tease you and you're cute when you pout~"
[Y/n]'s pout remained as she stood firm on her spot. Her arms were still crossed over her chest whilst a pink tint appeared once again on her cheeks. She was thoroughly embarrassed by Reiji's teasing and compliments. Sometimes she couldn't know what the brunette was thinking--he can be serious or joking at the same time. But nevertheless, that personality of his attracted her attention successfully.
"Jokings aside..." once the idol finally stopped his chuckles, he flashed her the widest smile he could ever muster. "You are the first and last thing on my mind each and every day, [N/n]-chan!"
Her pink blush immediately burst to a deeper shade of red at his confession. Her heart was pounding really hard against her ribcage and she swore she could feel butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
"Let me sing a song for you, [N/n]-chan~" he winked at her.
And without waiting for her to reply, he started to sing the upbeat song she had made for him.
Reiji finished the song as his voice lingered longer through the halls. He still had the usual smile on his face while watching the girl's reaction. Surely enough, this brought her out of her trance as she responded with a smile on her own.
"How's it, [N/n]-chan?"
"It's great, Rei-nii!" she praised while throwing herself into him.
"Whoah! Careful there, kiddo~" Reiji chuckled and caught her in his embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"I can hear your heartbeat, Rei-nii."
"Yeah, you're right... Heartbeat," he muttered, glancing at the fluorescent moon outside the window with a gentle smile on his lips. "Ore no yoko ni heartbeat, beat, beat~♡"
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reading update: july 2023
I don't have a cool and witty opening for this one. I read a fuck of a lot of books this month and I want to tell you about them LET'S GO
Black Water Sister (Zen Cho, 2021) - Black Water Sister has a very fun premise: a closeted lesbian and unemployed recent graduate moves back to Malaysia with her parents and is already having a bad enough time when she starts hearing the voice of her dead grandmother, who turns out to have been deeply involved in supernatural organized crime. our hapless protagonist becomes a medium against her will, and has to navigate to world of Malaysian spirits and superstition to lay her grandma to rest. unfortunately the actual style of the story wasn't more me; although definitely adult fiction, the prose is breezy in a way I affiliate strongly with YA, which is not to my personal taste but is still so hashtag valid. if you're one of the countless people trying to make that jump from YA to adult fiction and you like queer urban fantasy then Black Water Sister might be a great fit for you, although I should provide a warning for a pretty surprisingly graphic near-rape in the book's climax that really took me by surprise in a story that's otherwise pretty zany in its violence.
The Bride Test (Helen Hoang, 2019) - I think I said last month that Alexis Hall's A Lady for a Duke was the best so far of the romance-novel-every-month scheme I'm trying to pull off this year. the Bride Test has pretty swiftly displaced it; have I finally discovered the really good romance novels? (worry not; I know what I'm reading for August and my hopes are. low.) our two protagonists, Mỹ/Esme (her chosen American/English name) and Khai, are both genuinely charming and are pretty strong characters independent of each other, which cannot be said for A Lot of romance protags. despite the absolute insanity of how they met (yes, Khai's mother went to Vietnam and offered, uneducated a poor single mother a tourist visa in exchange for trying to seduce her autistic son. yes, that's shady. don't think about it too hard) and Esme waiting until WAY too late in the game to reveal the existence of HER LIVING HUMAN CHILD, I liked this book a lot. it's silly and heartfelt and I had fun; what else do you need? 5/5 eggplant emojis.
Giovanni's Room (James Baldwin, 1956) - there's probably nothing I can say about Giovanni's Room that I could say that someone smarter and gayer hasn't already said, but god. it really is breathtaking. I so often see this book talked about as a gay tragedy, and honestly that feels like almost too glib of a description. it's a really meticulous dissection of white male masculinity and the claustrophobic constraints there of, and our narrator's claustrophobic fear of divesting himself from the power that he's entitled to by virtue of being a white American man perceived as a heterosexual. this man would rather live in repressed misery for his entire life than risk being like those effeminate faggots at the gay club, but spoiler alert! being miserable doesn't make you better than your fellow fags; it just means you're miserable AND a fag. sharp and painful and so so so smart. also I'm going to summon @zaricats because I was supposed to tell you what I thought about this book. oops!
Lone Women (Victor LaValle, 2023) - okay so listen. did I just say Black Water Sister wasn't really for me because of the simplistic prose? yes. did I really enjoy the very sparse, straightforward style of Lone Women? also yes. leave me alone, I contain contradictions. anyway, Lone Women is a ripping piece of historical fiction spliced with supernatural secrets, based on LaValle's research into 19th century Black women homesteaders who made their lives in Montana. LaValle opens on a scene of irresistible intrigue - Adelaide Henry, lone woman, sets out for Montana with a mysteriously heavy trunk after burning down her family's California farm with her parents' mutilated corpses inside. and boy, does it escalate from there! it's a story about isolation and community and the people who are failed by so-called close knit small towns, and the ways in which vulnerable people band together to protect one another. it also makes the compelling point that maybe, just maybe, the real monsters were your local transphobe and her husband's lynch mob all along.
Black Disability Politics (Sami Schalk, 2022) - what a cool book! Schalk's argument begins with the idea that Black disability politics are distinct from predominantly white mainstream disability politics, and are therefore often overlooked in conversation, activism, and academia. Schalk analyzes the historical work of the Black Panthers and the National Black Women's Health Project to showcase what she describes as Black disability politics in action. in Schalk's conception, Black disability politics take a much more holistic approach to disability, conceptualizing as just one form (and, frequently, as a result of) of oppression tangled up with a myriad of others that cannot be meaningfully addressed when they're treated as separate issues. the book concludes in interviews with contemporary Black disability activists and organizers that shed light on ways in which the wider movement is often unwelcoming to folks of color, and an exhortation from Schalk for readers to continue the conversation well beyond the confines of the book. in a killer show of praxis, the entire book has been made available to read in PDF form, and I strongly recommend giving it a look!
The River of Silver (S.A. Chakraborty, 2022) - mentally I am kicking myself a little for waiting so long to read this continuation of my beloved Daevabad trilogy, because it did take me a minute to get back into the swing and mythology of the world and that did make me feel unpleasantly like I wasn't appreciating these character-focused short stories as much as I could be. but even having said that - man! fuck I love the world of Daevabad, and I adore these characters so much. getting to see them again, even briefly, was a delight, and I am once again congratulating Nahri and Ali on being the invention of heterosexual romance. (also, on a related note, but I ADORE the way Chakraborty writes her characters having crushes. they crush SO hard and it's very sweet. these books are such big drama all the way down.)
Men We Reaped (Jesmyn Ward, 2013) - an absolute powerhouse of a memoir, and devastating the whole way down. in Men We Reaped Ward attempts to make sense of a series of tragedies that befell her community when five young Black men - beginning with Ward's younger brother - died between 2000 and 2004. the word 'unflinching' is hopelessly played out, but it's difficult to figure out how to describe the head-on way Ward explores each young man's life and ultimate end and her own upbringing. the men in Ward's history - her brother, the friends she lost, her father and other male relatives - are never idealized; their demons, miseries, infidelities, addictions, and violence are placed on full display. but Ward is also insistent on displaying these men with dignity, compassion, empathy; showing them at their best and, most importantly, as men who were loved and deserved better than the violence that poverty and racism wrought on them. it's a furious memoir, one that will leave you mourning too.
Nimona (ND Stevenson, 2015) - did I only read this so I can make more informed complaints if/when I end up watching the netflix movie with my wife? YES. but listen, it wasn't JUST petty hater behavior. Nimona is just really good, and I think I got a lot more out of it this time around that I did when I first read it years ago. this comic is wild and unfettered and so spectacularly weird; I wish more things felt the way Nimona does. I also with more things starred small girls begging to kill cops and stage a violent overthrow of the government, that rules hard. also man I love Ballister, he's SUCH a good protagonist. he's curmudgeonly, he's deeply principled, he's held a grudge for years, he's paternal, he's even gay. what a guy!
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beann-e · 1 year
Often times people always say how ‘ those who pretend they hate each other are actually just in love and don’t know how to show it ‘.
There are some days when you wish this were the case. When you wish that your hate for sunghoon wasnt as deep as it is now.
You wish that the both of you could come to an agreement that youre just wildly in love with each other. That instead of wanting to break his face in with your fist you would want to do it with your mouth in a long lasting kiss.
You deeply wish that everytime you yell at him it wouldnt be in a fit of rage but, in a cry of desperation to be loved but no you
“ —hate him “ you screamed as you drove your fist into jungwons chest repeatedly. “ I — I really really hate him won “
The black haired male staring straight ahead almost as if he was oblivious to the balled up fist that were pounding against his chest close to his heart. Tounge poking the inside of his cheek before his hands came up to wrap around your wrist.
Your eyes looking into his when you felt the defining grip of his thin fingers on your wrist. Mouth opening a bit when he flicked his eyes over your creased eyebrows before dropping to land on your own.
“ listen “ his voice sending shivers through your body as he sucked his teeth his own eyebrows furrowing the same as yours “ I can understand that really I can “
Apparent annoyance drawn ln his face as if it a white board “ but what I cant understand is your need to punch me “ he spit “ im not pretty boy — ok—im the leader — im an adult now y/n? “
Grip feeling a bit tighter “ im lost have we just forgotten that along the way or ? What huh ? “
Your mouth wide open as his face got closer to yours “ come on speak up ? You do it enough when sunghoon says something so why cant you do it now ? Like I said before im not one to throw my title around — all im saying is— im lost “
Small gasps leaving your mouth feeling his breath nearly collide with your own. Before letting out a small squeak at the next words that flowed into the room. A shiver moving through your body when you didnt see jungwons lips move “ yeah — how about we catch up because similar to yang here im a bit lost on why the pretty girl is in his arms and not mine “
Your eyes slowly moving over to the tall male leaning against the doorway. Arms folded a slight smirk on his face as he locked the door behind him picking up his duffle bag on the floor and walking over to the two people standing in his room.
Finger lightly grazing your arm as your body tried to flinch back but unable to from the tight hold of jungwons hands still latched to your wrist
“ you miss me that much princess or am I just lucky to walk in on such a sight tonight “ a wide smile spreading across his lips as his mouth came to your ear “ you wouldnt dare be snitching on me right ? “
Your body freezing at the implication for your visit mind racing trying to figure out what you actually were here for in the first place until you felt cold hands on your shoulder and a single breathe of a word in your ear “ y/n “
A small hm leaving you before he laughed “ did you come here for a “ he shook his head in confusion “ what did we agree to call it again ? Was it a massage ? “ he laughed “ did you come here for a massage princess ? “
eyes flicking over to jungwons suspecting ones “ shes been a bit tense lately so ive been helping her out its ok you can go back to what you were doing Yang “
“ why the hell would I allow her in your room at this time of night “
“ why wouldnt you ? “ he cocked his head to the side as if challenging the younger boy in front of him “ you are the leader right ? “
He shook his head as his lip jutted out “ so in what world would you not trust those under you ? Or as you like to say those older the you with your little sister ? Your mature hyungs? “
Jungwons eyebrows twitching as he stared at you not wanting to lock eyes with sunghoon. He in no way wanted to seem disrespectful but, he had questions about the two of you.
You hated each other.
He knew you hated each other
So why was he having the hardest time deciding on if he should listen to his hyung and leave you two alone or to take you along with him. He knew this decision would just come back and bite him in his ass when he got scolded for the mess you two would make in the argument you were bound to get into as soon as he left the room.
“ jungwon “ you let out softly a small smile gracing your lips “ its ok “
“ it’s not— you two will fight and I’ll be left to get in trouble you two never do I always receive the backlash from management “ he shook his head hand running down his face in exhaustion “ and from grandma……youre not even suppose to be here y/n — press would throw a fit of happiness if they catch you here “
“ but its my choice — my decision “ your eyes flicking to the dark ones near your neck “ my ex “
Jungwon nodding his head softly as he licked his lips slowly loosening the grip on your wrist before letting out a soft sorry rubbing your wrist slightly “ I’ll leave you two but “ his finger waving at you knowing you were the only one who would actually listen“ if grandma finds out about this I was knocked out thanks to the jet lag ok“
Nodding your head as you watched him suck his teeth mumbling under his breath as he grabbed his phone and made his way out of the hotel room leaving you to the quiet and long sigh that sunghoon let out against your neck “ I really — really — really hate you “
“ awe baby you know it hurts me when you say that “
Your face falling in sadness at the claim “ so? “ he spoke softly the room seeming to close in on itself “ you flew here for me ? “
“ sunghoon— “‘
“ did you fly here for me “
“ sunghoon no I saw — “
“ regardless “ he whisper yelled eyes glued to the floor as his fist tightned at your sides sides “ fuck all that — did you fly here for me “
Your eyebrows still stuck in the furrow they held from earlier a small puff of air leaving your mouth as your face turned and eyes traveled across his face “ no “ the air growing cold “ no hoon I didnt “
You shook your head sadly knowing him like the back of your hand “ I didnt sunghoon — not this time “
“ and whats so different this time huh ? “ his nails digging into his palms as he took a step back “ whats so different now compared to every other time “
Your eyes shutting in a blink “ what ? Is it that you don’t love me anymore huh ? You don’t care about me ? What if im high off my ass y/n ? You wont fly to sober me up anymore huh ? “ his voice starting to get a bit louder
“ if I get food positioning ? You wont rub my back when I spill my fucking guts over the toilet seat anymore huh ? “
His body shaking “ whats so different about this tim— “
“ sunghoon im getting married “
HIs mouth opening a bit at your words hands relaxing a bit from the attack that was happening on his palms “ i just came to deliver the invitation “ but— hah— you cant — you literally cant “
“ I am “
“ youre an actor “
“ yes and youre an idol “ a sigh leaving your mouth “ I thought we went over our occupations when we first met “
“ you cant get married— you cant even date your fans will— “
“ my fans already know hoon “
“ they ? They know “
You shook your head as his heart broke into pieces throughout the entirety of your relationship together , if you could Even call it that , he was never shown off.
Something that was Hard to endure for someone like him , a person who got off on being talked about , he enjoyed endless conversations and compliments but only when you were behind closed doors…
It was a bit harder to enjoy them the way he wanted but now here you are with the word husband and yeonjuns pretty face to match on a wedding invitation card.
“ but y/n”
“ no—- I didn’t come for anything else and I promised jun I would only come for closure nothing other then that “
“ and y/n I understand that and trust me I was an ass—“
“ hole yes we know but, I’ve heard it all before I don’t need to talk to you anymore I found closure in just knowing you were Invited “ a small smile playing on your face “ I know if I hadn’t have come here you would’ve lied to press and said you weren’t invited and I can’t have my brother dealing with our personal drama “
“Y/n I— “
“ you have nothing to say that you haven’t already and quite honestly I’m tired of the same old phrases whenever I try to leave this toxic situation for something better “
“ but y/n this is differ- “
“ no it’s just like all the times before “ you sigh moving to grab your bag and walking to the front door “ you just never remember you’ve said it because you’re high off your ass and you just don’t want me to leave “
“ y/n i do mean it this time really i do I — “ your hand twisting the knob and closing the door behind you as you softly let out a small sentence tears knocking on your closed lids praying to be free.
“ —love you “
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frogsandfries · 2 months
So this Mr Beast thing
I'm weeeelllll over the age of eighteen, so Mr Beast has only occasionally come into my internet periphery. Unfortunately, my family really likes popping into walmart for everything, so it's felt hard to escape the brand. Still, for the most part, I've been able to avoid it.
Look, I'm just not into that reality garbage or the casual, walking around your life 24/7 with a camera shoved in your face like anyone cares. I watch probably more youtube than is healthy (well, I listen to a lot more than I actually watch; I've trained my brain that youtube time is art time), but it's usually long-form edutainment--Casual Criminalist comes readily to mind. Stephanie Soo, Kendall Rae, Prickly Alpaca. Stuff like that. One part true crime, one part art--be that sketchbooks, crochet, sculpting.
It's been a while since I've had any kind of (semi) internet drama put right there in front of me, but watching Rosanna Pansino of all people (another youtube personality that I didn't keep up with when she changed direction) concerned and calling out some Mr Beast bullshit (surprised?) got me to just dip the tippiest of my toe into whatever the fuck is going on over there. No, I'm not going to watch his shit. Luckily, there are plenty of people who've already done that and more.
One of the videos I watched has me unsurprised. Like, I figured there was something fishy about a man who just gIvEs AwAaAAayYy SoOOooo mUcH mOnEy; like, bullshit. Where the fuck is he getting aAalLlL tHiiISss MoNeEyYy?
I'm not sure what I wanted to accomplish by bringing this up. I guess it really bothers me to feel like someone is just casually getting away with preying on children on such a vast platform like this. And this isn't even getting into the accusations that there are at least a few people on his team who are doing more than training children to become gamblers, and beg for candy. But.....who do you tell? It also bothers me that......like, this guy's whole thing is directed at that under-eighteen market, maayyybeee 20-25 white males. It's not a secret. I don't even have to watch his shit to know this. And the first things that he does when developing merchandise and trying to branch out his income streams......is pop up fast food....and candybars???
As someone who was already well and fully an adult when he became popular--and an adult of his peerage, no less--I just never liked him. I know it's rich to say, but I would never have let my child watch his content just based on his face lol and I say that, but the older I get, the better I feel a face is a great way to just Know someone. There's a lot to be said for one's eyes and the way one uses one's face muscles; even before we get into the things that they say and do and who their audience is. It's also hard to describe. I know the common adage is to never judge a book by its cover, but can you really tell me, after interacting with way too many people who use their face in a similar way--again, it's hard to describe, but it's really in the eyes--that my predator radar isn't critical to listen to? That some time wouldn't be saved by trusting my gut? After all, I am the self-proclaimed worst at listening to my gut.
And then there's the way he talks on interviews. He's just so goddamn fucking disrespectful of his audience; like, I'm clearly not of the cleanest language, I don't have an inherent problem with swearing or cussing or whatever you want to call it. That's not the problem; the problem is the full language that he uses, the way he thinks that use of language in regards to his audience, kind of "behind their backs", off of his own channel, where maybe less of his audience is going to think to look for him. He's an all-round fucking predator. I get the feeling he feels like the smartest man in the room, but he's fucking weak because he has to prey on children.
Anyway, I don't even want to know what this bullshit is that he's up to now. I don't want to feel even more helpless; like, what am I really going to be able to do? Call the police? I have no idea. The guy has never been kosher; it's fucking weird for a grown adult to be making basically reality TV aimed at children. There's a reason TV reality TV is never aimed at children: Children don't understand how it isn't real. I mean, honestly, even as a teen, it's a little difficult to parse exactly how it isn't real; furthermore, a lot of older adults don't quite seem to grasp it either. But at least adults should have the wherewithal to either research into it or change the channel.
Additionally, the whole illegal gambling thing that he does, the just blurting out shit like "oh we'll give away x to y in the next five minutes" and he rarely ever does. It also looks a fuckin lot to me like he "gives away" these rewards to other youtubers so that other audiences will trust their favorite youtubers right back into Mr Beast's grasp. If Joe Schmoe off the street got one of these cool rewards, he wouldn't have a camera in his face; how would we know Joe Schmoe got this cool prize?? How could Mr Beast monetize Joe No-Camera Schmoe?!?!?
Honestly, I'm glad the channels I watch on youtube would never have anything to do with this predator, because I think I'd have to block those channels.
Okay, here's a challenge for you, I guess. If you see this and you or anyone in your family watches this predator, block him. Boycott him. Dry up his predatory revenue streams. Ignore him. Force him to go the fuck away.
And if you have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about, stay beautiful.
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BL Wishes
My List of things and Plots that I Would Like to See In BL
FIRST: Rapid Fire Specific Drama Edition:
Big Dragon S2: I need it, I need it now and I need at least one kinky scene with MossBank because I have not forgotten about the lack of kinky sex in s1. I know it's going to focus on a new couple but I need at least one sexy kinky time with them please and thank you.
I need Minato Coin Laundry s2 not to break them up, or have stupid cheating plots. (The bar is in hell)
I need both Domundi (The Next Prince, Naughty Babe, Love Upon a Time, Middleman) and Taiwan (I forgot the names of announced shows but it's in my blog somewhere) Line Ups to come to me and I need it now. Especially Taiwan.
I need Make A Wish to be more available, I could only find it with Italian Subs, I didn't watch it yet, but the ending seems to be hinting at a season 2 and at the possiblity of a poly ending (or at least a love triangle) so I need other people to be able to watch it as well.
The HIstory franchise needs to get its shit together and start producing more and better shows. Like for all of it's fault I did like History 4 and History 5 was fine. But I need more, I need them to do 2 shows again, I don't want them to "fine" I want them to go all out. Go Crazy. Just don't kill gays again.
Now More Generic BL Wishes:
VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just give me vampires, maybe even some werewolves. I need it, I know that we have Mafia BLs but I want Vampire BL god damn it!!!! The main four actors of Cutie Pie would be great a Vampire-Werewolf BL. And I know Fluke Natouch would be great as a Vampire as well (he was in 2015 movie playing a human to vampire co-lead). I also think Earth Cooheart would be great as a Vampire. And MossBank, they would be great in a werewolves pair.
Speaking of Fluke Natouch and Earth Cooheart I need both of them to get more adult and darker roles. I need Cooheart to be allowed to be a little sexy, and I know Fluke would do a darker powerful role justice, I want him to be in a role where he bringes "bigger" man to their knees. I want to see him covered in blood (I say this with love)
POLYCULE with the main four actors of Cutie Pie. This is entairly @respectthepetty's fault. I saw the MaxZee posts on her blog and and It send me down a rabbit hole. By the way did you know there are no true polycule fanfic of the four of them, there is something, but not true polycule and never with Lian and Yi as a pair. Truly no one knows these characters they way @respectthepetty knows them.
Also @respectthepetty's fault for putting this in my head: Domundi Line Up Mash Up. Bad Friend and Middleman Ship meet Cutie Pie and Naughty Babe's ships. In one big BL. The idea is now in my head and it's glorious. Let's Do It!!
Choco Milk Shake Thair Remake but Poly this time. Not sure what trio could do this, but I need it.
LET GUN KISS SOMEONE WHO IS NOT OFF. Listen I realize that OffGun are probably GMMTV best pair branding, and I know that both Off and Gun are going to bank on this pair and be settled for life. I don't even need Gun to be in an endgame ship with another actor, I just need him to kiss another male actor. Not Me would have been the best scenario because of the twins situation. But they didn't go there, and I will never forgive them for that.
Related to Number 5, I had this idea for a plot with an OffGun endgame ship, that started with Gun's character being in a relationship with Sing (because I am still mad about ToddBlack - Listen they have baited us twice with GunSing kiss I need this now) who cheats on him and Gun has to move out and finds an appartmant with Off's character and maybe another roomate played by Tay because I love the Tay/Off dynamic. We would get scenes with Gun and Sing together, showings us flashbacks and stuff but also an OffGun endgame. WIN WIN!!
I need more shows with parents that are in the murky gray area between full acceptance and abusive, I need them not to change their mind at the end and I need a realistic exploration of what it means for a queer person to have parents in that gray area, I want them to question if it's worth it to have to be one that is keeping that realtionship alive. I am also loving the trend of dramas dealing with homophobia and I need to see more of it. I don't want it in all my BLs far from it, but I do like when BL goes there.
More disable characters in BL, preferably by disable actor's but this is a streach so, I just need more disability in BL.
And more actually fat characters, not like Jao in SCOY (which I Love, but calling him fat, felt like a bit of a strech)
And Obviously more GLs and more masc women in GL
I think that's it. Those are the major ones. Feel free to share your thoughts on your own wishes or if you agree or disagree with any of my ideas.
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mysticmistral · 7 months
Dragon ball was one of the only thing my brother and I bonded over growing up. The dislike for one another wasn’t mutual all the time, but we were children. But every Saturday, we’d wake up at noon to watch Dragon Ball Z Kai and Yu-Gi-Oh on TV. We’d get the games for PS2, PS3, PS4. We’d get the boxes of seasons from the original Dragon Ball, Z, GT, the movies. I never watched Super, and as adults now he’s much more into it now than I am.
Dragon Ball inspired my art in the beginning. I remember not drawing characters with eyebrows cause Dragon Ball characters eyebrows were always attached to their eyes. I still draw ocs to this day and I’d love to draw the characters but all of them are muscular and I can’t draw that. I listen to the ending songs, I play the games on and off. I thank Akira Toriyama for getting me into anime and introducing me to my favorite characters.
Krillin who is by far the best friend in that group. From Namek onward he could have said Nah and he had full right to, he had no business to stand against the androids. In a team of Super Saiyans and Alien’s everyone human pretty much left, but he always stayed for his friends.
Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans, the first male Tsundere was a ruthless fighter. Vaporized millions, killed his own comrade who’s been with him since childhood. Even on Earth his path to becoming a better person, the family man we know him as, was not at all smooth and I always loved that. Unlike the others in the Z-Gang, his path wasn’t quick slightly rocky, it had ups and down and growth to become a man willing to die for his home and family.
Piccolo, who changed to become one of the best hearted characters in the series, from a demon king to a defender of Earth and its people. Who stays by the bloodline he was born to end. Teaching Gohan, even Pan if what I know about Super is correct. He definitely wasn’t the best person in the beginning, but he grew to be my favorite character of all of them for what he was to who he is now.
I have my grievances with Dragon Ball, from how characters are treated, to how everything seems to be just about transformations, to such high stakes like Gods and Universe ending tournaments, same face syndrome, but I love Dragon Ball. Many lives wouldn’t be the same without its creation. 68 is much too soon for such a legend to pass on, I hope you can say Hello to Kazuo Takahashi.
Rest in Peace Toriyama.
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dollarbin · 8 months
Shakey Sundays #7:
Old Ways
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A couple of years back my son had a big announcement after a week of summer camp counseling: they "were in a relationship."
Young love, isn't it sweet? I still experience it daily: Neil Young love, that is.
My son and this other kid were cute together, but most importantly their relationship led me to my copy of Neil Young's utterly mediocre 85 country record Old Ways.
Here's how it happened: my son's new love had a younger brother with a record collection. That brother saw my own hoard one day and took note of all my Neil Young. A few hours later he told me, quite smugly, "I've got a Neil Young record you don't own."
You're not supposed to swear at young people, even when they make dumb comments. So I chortled. Chortling is not swearing, but it stood in for a tempting retort based on a male cow's capacity for defecation.
"Listen, young one," I replied sagely. "I own every Neil Young album on vinyl between 66 and 89 with just one exception, plus Weld, Sleeps with Angels and a few other of Neil's titles besides, including several of the most important bootlegs in history. Either you are pulling my aching, middle-aged leg, or you own the only copy of The Monsanto Years anyone ever bought, which would be weird, or you are experiencing a momentary lapse in reason which adults call confusion."
Did I actually say that? Of course not; I don't live in a poorly written Wes Anderson film. I just chortled, heartily, and said, "yeah, right. Which one?"
"I don't know what it's called," said the kid. "But it's not in your collection. There's an old guy on the cover walking down a road, out in nature or something. I've never actually listened to it. I love Stephen Sills, and I don't think he's even on that record."
We were driving when this conversation occurred. I gripped the wheel in rage, and asked if the record was called Old Ways. That was the only hole in my collection prior to the 90's and on its cover Neil Young, not an old guy, (he was way younger than I am now in 85) does indeed walk down a country road.
The kid thought Old Ways sounded like the title. I controlled my breathing in Jedi fashion, setting aside envy and rage: the dark side that way lies. Then I demanded explanations. Where had he got it? Why? With whom? Wherefore? Was he sure he really owned Old Ways? I'd been searching for that record for years. For god sake, how much has he paid? Four dollars!!! Holy freakin' baby jesus.
Once I'd calmed myself down I started to wrestle with how to ethically steal the record from the kid. There was surely some way to do it without winding up a Sith lord. After all, I'd been patiently waiting to stumble across Old Ways for decades. I'd passed up Japanese import CD copies throughout the 90's and cassette versions in record store pickle barrels ever since. But the moment I learned some punk ass kid owed it I (very covertly) freaked out.
(He was not actually a punk ass kid; he was actually pretty cool; we'll chalk up his Stephen Stills preferences to the innocence of youth; after all, his prized possession was a reissued version of Buckingham/Nicks and when he told me that Lindsey Buckingham was the greatest guitar player in history my chortles turned to snorts, then resolve. The poor kid needed my help.)
"Listen, Harold," I said to him. (No, of course that wasn't his name. This was like four full years ago: I have no idea whatsoever what he was named.) "Old Ways is not a record you need in your collection. It's reserved for people like me who already own all of Neil's other records. He made it in the 80's during a midlife crisis. You should really listen to everything else he's ever made first. Well, except for those records he made with Promise of the Real."
(The kid got excited when I mentioned Promise of the Real Salami; he'd heard they were, like, totally the new Dead.)
"Listen," I told the kid, calculating madly. "I'll do you a favor. Let's swap: I'll give you a few vital records I have from Neil's catalog in exchange; I've got stuff you gotta hear. It will get you past this Buckingham / Stills phase in no time. Don't worry, I've got you covered."
I found this to be the greatest, most benevolent offer in the history of fathers dealing with their children's significant others' baby brothers. I was proud of myself, and as soon as we got back to my house I settled down before my altar of Neil and began pulling a few titles for Hubert, all the while inwardly drooling at the prospect of finally owning one of Neil's least important records.
I came up with dollar bin duplicates copies of Time Fades Away, Harvest and, for good measure, a truly battered Sergeant Pepper. After all, young Hank needed all the help he could get. Then, in a fit of outrageous generosity, I added Fairport Convention's double album greatest hits package, Chronicles, to the stack. Why merely be generous, I reasoned, when I could literally change a young man's life in a fundamental, uplifted fashion? I was like the messiah of white, male, teenage record collecting. God was surely nodding, impressed. And Obi-Wan. And Neil.
Harvey was floored. "You really don't want any of these?" he asked. "Wow! I've never even heard of Fairport Convention. There's no way this Richard Thompson guy you talk about is as good as Buckingham or Stills, but I'll listen; I will. I'll give it a real chance. Wow. Thanks mister!"
"No problem, young Heath," I replied stoically, all the while trembling with my own covert vinyl expectations. "And when we get back to your place you can give me that copy of Old Ways. You don't need that record taking up space on your shelf."
It was at the moment that young Haribald showed his teenage genius, his adolescent savvy, his young spunk.
"Oh yeah, about that," Handy murmured. "I think I want to hang on to that record, you know, give it a listen. But thanks for all these great new titles!"
When you are a grizzled old man like me, your bald spot shimmering and your days old stumble ashen in color, and what's more, when you are a high school teacher and principal, you are not allowed to throttle the young. It's simply not allowed. Nor can you renege on deals involving records you didn't really need in the first place. So I swallowed my rage, held all my force lightening unfurled within me and received nothing from Hedwig in return for a true treasure trove of vinyl.
And so, right now, as we speak, young Harrison is probably grooving to Illegal Stills, his copy of Old Ways long forgotten midst the flotsam and jetsam of a teenager's existence. And me? I'm at home listening to the overpriced copy of Old Ways that I broke down and bought on Discogs after that whole grim affair.
But, hello, you ask, what is there to know about the album? I suppose I owe you some thoughts on the actual record. Well, it is just as unimportant and marginal as I claimed to begin with. Like I told young Henrik, it's an album you only need after you've got everything else in the Shakeyverse up to the year 2007 or so.
But I suppose to deserve something more than that after reading all this, so here you go:
In the 80's Young wanted to make a straight country record; in 85, on his second attempt, Young did so. 7.4 million different musicians appear on the record. David Geffen seethed as a result; everyone else shrugged. You should listen to the live album from the era instead, entitled A Treasure. It's alternatively silly, bizarre and awesome: pure Shakey.
There's just one track from the record that is consistently interesting. It's about people like me, like you, like Shakey: you know, Misfits:
Young Hue's sibling no longer dates my son. But those two kids are good, and I hope you are too. And I sincerely hope you are not like the poor lady Neil's wacko song, who receives care from a hotel doctor, with nurse and stethoscope, after a sneezing attack. That sounds rough. And weird. For her there's no hope.
What's more, I hope you never get shafted by some savvy teen over a copy of Old Ways. It's a record only a few of us need, at all costs, on our shelf.
Cheers everyone.
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superman--yoosung · 1 year
hi! i'm aurora, i prefer males in a genshin matchup, i'm straight, and i go by she/her
i would like to be matched with adult characters from genshin impact
i like music (i play like piano, cello, ukulele, etc but i also love listening to music), i love making friends, and i like doing anything fun (involves going to like amusement parks or arcades). i love !!!! sleeping, lots of people tend to think im super hyper all the time but tbh all i want to do is sleep !! i like drawing, dissecting animals, i like observing ppl and essentially psychoanalyzing them, i like debating controversial topics for the giggles (playing the devil's advocate my beloved), i like sending people cursed images, and i like flirting w/ people (platonically most of the time). i love cheese ! ! and i like noodles a lot <3<3 my fav drink ever is either iced coffee or like cranberry juice bc both of them are actually amazing
i hate worms. like i actually despise them. i don't like eating most vegetables (spinach is good), i dislike math because its boring, i dont like people who are close-minded and dont consider all the perspectives of a situation, i dont like bananas, i dont like watermelons, i dont like 3-spiked forks, and that's abt it ! !
i'm kinda friendly to most ppl and i love meeting new people because it gives me opportunity to analyze someone new !! i come off as a lot more carefree and spontaneous, but underneath i observe ppl a lot and im like that one friend who knows more and is more mature than u'd think (lmao im also the advice friend while being the chaotic one). i was raised up religiously, but rn i'm agnostic! i somewhat believe in justice, however i believe justice isn't always the way to go because of how everyone has such different and conflicting views of moral and ethical laws! i believe in the pursuit to know more, and to always consider every kind of perspective.
lots of people and i think that id have a hydro vision? bc i have a messed up sense of justice but its still justice and i'm quite confident
i have like bad commitment issues ? i think that counts as a personal flaw, but yeah
i'm southeast asian & i have like black wavy hair that's like a lil bit longer than jaw-length ! lots of ppl have told me that i have an rbf and i look scary when they first meet me so yk !! if ur my friend or like kind of know me, i will always send you a cursed image and/or a pickup line because i have an entire long list of pickup lines saved in my notes app. i want to be a biomed engineer some day, biology is cool and engineering is too <3<3 tysm for this! love you
Hi aurora, hope you're having a good weekend!
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Your matchup is..........
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The people of Mondstadt were well-acquainted with a somewhat odd sight in the City of Freedom's town square from time to time: that of the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius, standing near the Alchemy station, having a highly controversial debate with his lover.
Some would wonder why he entertained her points as anything more than a means to stir up trouble; but to those who cared to observe more keenly, it became abundantly clear that while Albedo was not the type to dismiss a hypothesis immediately, no matter the reasoning behind it, he simply favored opinions voiced by her.
The Spark Knight put it best: "If you like someone, you should always listen to what they have to say!"
Fun details:
Albedo is always busy with work, but even so, he makes time to see you. (Unless he's up on Dragonspine... That distance can't be helped.) It is clear in the way he has your interests in mind, be it by inquiring about your studies, your music-making, or in the simple act of bringing a cup of iced coffee from your favorite local cafe.
Many an afternoon is spent sitting outside the local Mondstadt restaurants people-watching. Albedo listens intently as you voice your psycho-analyses aloud, and will accompany your thoughts with sketches if the individuals in question, or the scenery that day so you both might recall the discussion. He will voice his own observations, too; it will be fascinating to hear what conclusions you two reach! (And a little scary, for you're often too accurate.)
Albedo is not a highly musical person, but it is fascinating to him to discern pure talent from diligent practice. He'll undoubtedly find both in your musical pursuits, but will wonder which you think matters more in the long run. If this leads to a debate, even better - he loves stimulating discussion, especially with someone intelligent enough to keep up with him.
Unlike most people, you both let logic lead true fights, which is why they become quite nasty as you pick each other apart, flaw by flaw. Eventually, one of you will step away to cool off, and when you next discuss it, you'll have to let emotions dictate where to go from there. Seeing the situation through the other's eyes, it becomes easier to find a suitable solution. Luckily, these fights rarely occur due to your practical natures, and have only strengthened your relationship.
The cursed images you choose to show to Albedo will need to be explained. (Like Cyno's jokes, only with detailed visual descriptions, too.) Once he understands the context, he'll find them extremely humorous, Whether you still do or not... Well, at least his reactions are equally amusing to you!
Your Hydro will Crystallize with his Geo, so you will always have shields to buffer you during battles. His elegant style complements your sharp-moving one well - your movements together are very fluid.
Albedo was initially attracted to you for your intellectual mind, and found in you a kindred soul who viewed the world of Teyvat in much the same way he did. If someone asked him now, though, he's have a harder time picking one thing that stands out the most. He loves your smile when you drop a cheesy pick-up line; he loves the look on your face when your fingers glide across the piano; he loves the way your eyes droop when you're feeling sleepy. In a way, all of those are testaments to how your mind works. Even so, Albedo would prefer to say thst his favorite thing about you is your least-favorite thing about yourself, for even that which you consider the lowest quality is worth only the highest of praise and devotion to him.
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~~I hope you enjoyed your matchup! I considered Scara for you also, but went with Albie. I had the worst time trying to get Tumblr to post this ask, it refused to do so!! Ugh. I apologize that it's shorter than others I do, I really don't know what it was Tumblr didn't like about this post... ;-;
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writer-of-various · 2 years
Hmmm not sure if you're still doing these but if you are, could you please do
[ RESCUE ]  for one muse to intervene upon seeing a third party making the other one uncomfortable. 
With Ghost/Rudy and Graves as the third party (Grave looks like the mfo that ignores boundariesl?
Two in one day, that's it. I'ma marry all of you. But yes, Graves is an dumbass that messes with things that aren't his and if that thing belongs to Ghost? Well, this mf is dead.
Rudy feels the exhaustion take its toll on him as he leaves the cargo crate, the interrogation with Valeria going south quick, and Alejandro is still hurt over her betrayal. He feed the flames by continuously arguing with her despite Rudy's pleads for them to stop and talk like adults. Neither listened, giving him that look they always gave him when he tried putting himself in the middle to prevent them from going at each other's throats: a warning. While Alejandro acted like an alpha male, Valeria was an alpha female, both stubborn and needing to always be right (Valeria moreso than Ale). In simple words, it has always been tiring to be in the middle of their arguments but Rudy despised fighting, his household having always been a place where arguments were born.
He shakes his head at his thoughts, knowing that the deal with Valeria has pros and cons, but it isn't the first time she gave intel and it ended up being an ambush. He walks over to a table that had been set up, peering at the multiple maps of different locations, knowing any chance of a decent sleep wasn't due until this shitshow was done.
"Your friend, has he always had a short temper?" A hand of his shoulder startles him, turning around and sighing out softly when he saw that it was only Graves. The American has been nice so far, but Rudy has always been naive and oblivious, the dark look in Graves' blue eyes flying over his head.
"I would be lying if I said no." Rudy answers, chuckling softly as Graves let out a laugh. "Our connection with Valeria just upsets him at times, but the mission is always important. I know he'll get over it and be in the right mind."
"Good, we can't afford anyone losing their cool. So, I've noted you're quite the quiet man. Is there any reason?" Graves edges closer, his eyes staring Rudy down, and now something feels wrong to the sergeant major. He tries to back up, only to wince when his back connected with the table he had been leaning over. It's okay, Graves is an ally and the others are near, he reassures himself.
"Uh, no. I've always been shy I guess, according to my mother and Alejandro." Rudy averts his eyes from the smirking man, trying to find Alejandro but his best friend wasn't anywhere near. He flinches when Graves rests a hand on his left hip, body so close to his own and Rudy felt uncomfortable. "Sir, can you back up a bit?"
"No can do, Rudy, I like this view. You under me, so small and weak. I'm sure you've done this plenty of times before." Graves taunts, but it serves Rudy's confusion. Done what? And he was not weak or small.
"You're making me uncomfortable, please move." Rudy tries wiggling past Graves, only to whimper when he slammed back against the table, nearly falling on his back. He pushes at the taller man's chest, shrinking into himself when Graves leans closer to his face and whispers in his ear.
"You're not in the position to order me around, Parra. Do as I say or else." Rudy whimpers again, about to call out for Alejandro when Graves slaps a hand over his mouth, silencing him. His expression twisted into a glare, eyes giving a warning and Rudy suddenly feels small, weak. "What did I just say? You're in for it now."
"What the bloody hell are you doing?" A deep voice booms from behind Graves, who immediately steps away and turns his head to see Ghost standing a meter away from them. Even with his mask on, Ghost was clearly pissed, eyes darker and his stance ready to attack. Graves holds his hands up in mock surrender, sidestepping away from the Biritsh man.
"Just having a friendly talk with Rodolfo, right?" He points his stare to a pale Rudy, who nods quickly, eyes averted to the floor. He smirks, walking past Ghost after patting him on the shoulder. "See you in 30."
Ghost watches the American retreat to where the others headed off, making sure it was only him and Rudy before walking over to the smaller male. He frowns as Rudy flinches away from him, arms wrapped around his torso, hugging himself– shielding himself.
"Rudy..." "I'm fine, I promise." Rudy cuts off, forcing a small smile but Ghost shakes his head, removing his headgear and mask and setting it on the table besides the sergeant major, holding a hand up but not touching Rudy. Instead he gives the other a look, and Rudy hesitates before nodding, their silent conversation saying a lot with only a few stares. Ghost inspects the shorter, the weight that appeared on his shoulders when he saw Graves cornering Rudy lifting as he doesn't find any visible injuries.
"Do you want me to kick his arse?" Ghost says, attempting for humour, but Rudy shakes his head quickly, fear settling in those wide chocolate brown eyes.
"No, no its fine. I'm fine. Let's just drop it, please?" Rudy is begging, and Ghost knows it's bad. Despite the two barely meeting, they connected quickly when Ghost apologized for being the source of fear to Rudy. The smaller male was quick to laugh it off nervously, stating he's fine and even pleading with Ghost to not apologize. Ghost picked it up, the pleading a sign that Rudy was scared, upset, worried, or anxious. They talked more after that and had some things in common. Ghost felt an immediate pull, the need to protect Rudy at all costs. He often caught himself staring at Rudy for a minute too long, eyes racking over the slim build of the smaller male.
"Rodolfo, if he ever comes near you again, you have my order to beat him to a bloody pulp, understand?" Despite being in the military, the special forces nonetheless, Rudy always hated having to fight. He had gave Ghost some lore to his childhood, his home not a safe haven with his drunk of a father constantly abusing him and his mother. Rudy was the youngest of three, two older brothers having left as soon as they could.
"Ghost..." Rudy trails off when Ghost gives him a look, "Okay. I promise." He fidgets as they settle in silence, staring up at Ghost through his long and dark lashes; and Ghost leans down the slightest, dark eyes meeting dark eyes, and he sends another message. He cups Rudy's face gently.
"Ghost" Rudy breathes out, leaning into the touch. "Simon." Rudy gives him a look of confusion.
"Mi nombre es Simon." Rudy's eyes widen and Ghost closes the distance, pressing his lips against the soft and plump ones that belonged to the shorter man. Rudy hesitates the first few seconds before pressing back, draping his arms over Ghost's broad shoulders and wrapping a leg around the bigger man's waist.
"Simon, por favor." He begs and Ghost growls against his neck, carrying Rudy somewhere more private. He knows Rudy wouldn't be comfortable making quite a display where anywhere can walk in and see, but Ghost has no problem doing it one day to make sure everyone, including Graves, knew who Rudy belonged to.
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