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b1mbodoll · 16 hours ago
see like how is this okay….
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aceissomunster · 8 months ago
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discowing + jaybin ! press for quality
txtless + ref under the cut
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ignore my horrible art please i drew this on ibis paint x with my finger and the soft felt tip pen brush. and my crappy penmanship.
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bluerosefox · 1 year ago
Fenton Ethics and Test Tube Babies
In order to get the funding they need for their Ghost stuff, Jack and Maddie Fenton had to do some... rather illegal things when they left college.
One of them was testing alien DNA and seeing if it was compatible with human DNA.
However getting their hands on Superman's DNA or any of the main Leaguers would be far to hard for two up coming scientists and would run the risk of them being caught. Instead they set their sights on some of the younger aliens.
Such as Starfire, or rather Koriand'r.
They manage to get their hands on her DNA, and also her boyfriend (Nightwing) at the time and began to test it. They felt unsure with what they're doing but they needed the funding and in order to make themself feel better with what they're doing they decided if they were test her DNA with someone she was seeing it would be... better for their own conscience (it doesn't make what they're doing okay but they think so)
Eventually they succeeded in the testing! A baby can be made between a human and a alien.
HOWEVER because we know how the Fenton's get, they kind of go ahead of what they were only meant to do, which was just to TEST the compatibility of the DNA. Basically the paper's before the test phase.
With them getting tunnel vision on this project... They create said baby.
Then before they could show off that creating a new baby via test tubes actually works, they were told that the paperwork they were working on were going to be given to a new team, thank you for your work, here is the money for your ghost stuff, and have a good day.
The people who hired them then just leave.... Without knowing about the newly made baby.
Jack and Maddie name the baby Jasmine.
A few years later when little Jazz asks for a sibling... Well they bring out the old test tubes and papers.
And even though Starfire is no longer dating Nightwing, her new partner Red Hood would make a wonderful male donor for their future kid.
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strawdool · 1 year ago
Guysss my first speedpaint 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Here is the full piece <3
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kachowden · 6 months ago
Giant Boyfriend x Reader (Part2?)
You felt the sweat building on your back drip down in hot beads, as the warm air brushed against your skin. The lithe, warm, wet tongue slithered across your figure, enclosing your legs.
Your hands frantically pushed against the large muscle, but it persisted, sliding up and down the skin of your ankles and calves lecherously, a deep echoing grown brewing from the dripping, dark cavern the tongue crawled out from. The white, shiney teeth caused you to swallow thickly, and watch in morbid awe as the beasts throat mimicked you, swallowing hoarsely, another breathy pant hitting you in the face.
“Tasty…” A deep voice booms, (though in an attempted whisper and distorted by its protruding tongue) in your ear, and you flinch for a moment as the cool air hits your saliva covered thighs and legs. “Did I get it all..?”
You gaze up into thoughtful, bright eyes, that gaze at you through fluffy lashes, batting at you innocently as if the owner hadn’t just throughly violated you.
“I-It was just a bit of jam on my ankle?!” You squeaked incredulously, sweat beading down your cheek at the smug smile that spreads across the giants shiny lips, tongue darting out for one more sinful lick, as if searching for any residual taste of your skin.
“I didn’t want you to waste the time having to clean a cloth later..” He tried to convince your slightly shivering form, a “innocent” gleam in his expression that you knew was a load of crap.
“I have to take a shower now anyway!”
He pouts, looking utterly heartbroken at the notion, and you’re disturbed to think that it might be because he doesn’t want his saliva cleaned from your skin. If you were even half his size you’d have slapped him across the face by now.
“…do you really have to..?”
“Yes, you perverted giant!”
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g1rluninterruptedd · 12 days ago
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men: *create degrading stereotypes about women, abuse women, overall harm women* women: men fucking su-
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amirmeavid · 1 month ago
Merthur is an otp for real, but I have such tremendous respect for Merwaine and Mercelot shippers because they really went 'Merlin deserves better' and STUCK TO IT unlike an unfortunately large amount of the merthur fandom that just decided merlin should be ok with being abused as long as he has the occasional sassy oneliner.
And this is not me dragging on merthur as a ship, its my favourite too, especially when written well. Its just me remarking on the fact that love is just not enough for a healthy relationship, and too many merthur fanfics ignore that.
Arthur HAS to change.
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wingsdippedingold · 2 months ago
While the “Tamlin unwittingly led the High Lady of the Night Court into the heart of his territory” is cool for Feyre and a fun line to end the book with, I hate that it just discredits the fact that the only reason he did that was because he trusted Feyre, and not because he’s a bumbling fool, nor because of Feyre’s own merit 😭
Like it just felt undue to me? Idk
The whole “Feyre is a Night Court spy in the Spring Court, we’re so cool and strategic 😈” was always so meh to me anyway, cause like Tamlin let her in on good will; y’all didn’t really get the drop on him, you basically just used his trust and lied. Up until then, he saw Feyre as a trustworthy person, and I don’t think it’s stupid to trust a woman who helped save all of Prythian, especially when they’re praised as super moral and charitable by the narrative and fans 🤷‍♀️
Like if he didn’t trust Feyre anymore, he would just get hated for that- there’s no winning for him
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st-hedge · 4 months ago
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*walks out of the surgery room* I’m sorry… this is the best I could do
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shouldering-worlds · 2 months ago
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ok im sure someones noticed but dans leg is on top of phils. instead of choosing not to manspread as much, dan just asserted dominance and kepts doing it anyway
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cogentranting · 2 years ago
The thing that almost never gets brought up in "banned books" conversations but that I think is essential to address, is the distinction between "students shouldn't be allowed to read this" and "students shouldn't be required to read this".
There is a wide gulf between removing a book from a curriculum list and removing a book from a library but I almost never hear that acknowledged.
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kazthisnuts · 2 months ago
daily sketch 74
i depend on you
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kings-highway · 1 month ago
you know what grinds my gears? those "instagram vs reality" posts where they shit on the "real version" for being not as beautiful or serene as social media portrays. oh, I'm sorry that you can only appreciate the wonders of the world through 12 oversaturated instagram filters and a trending tiktok song, but I, actually, have a heart full of whimsy and love for the natural world
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justvoidsdumbstuff1 · 10 months ago
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Rizzler Dash
(I'm so sorry for making this, I couldn't stop myself😔)
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mechanicalinfection · 1 year ago
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he just needs a moment to reevaluate his life after i gave him too much trauma
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