#NATO news.
defensenow · 3 months
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sher-ee · 2 months
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beauty-funny-trippy · 7 months
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Trump mistakenly thinks the money he's referring to is supposed to go to NATO. It's not. It's the amount each country is voluntarily asked to spend on its own armed forces. Which means, there are no "delinquent" payments.
Obviously Trump is unable to understand even the basics of NATO or foreign policy. The whole purpose of NATO is to prevent wars, not "encourage" them. Trump's insane foreign policy of betraying our allies and befriending our enemies is unbelievably irresponsible and dangerous for America. Do we really want to elect a president whose foreign policy goal is to "Make Russia Great Again!"
Few people despise America more than Putin; and few people admire that brutal dictator more than Trump. Apparently Trump believes that throwing our friends at Putin's feet is a surefire way to impress his alpha-male idol, and perhaps get some help from Putin in the 2024 election.
And did you notice how Trump talks about betraying our allies? Not with somber reluctance. But rather, he literally encourages Putin to murder our friends with a disturbingly perverse tone of enthusiasm! Is he a candidate for president, or auditioning to be Marvel's next supervillain?
There is something seriously wrong with an American presidential candidate who has a greater loyalty to our enemies than to our friends, or even to our own country.
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reality-detective · 3 months
Watch Matt Orfalea Bitch Slap Those Who Said The Ukraine Invasion Was "Not About NATO"
The biggest threat in the world is NATO.
NATO exists to solve the problems created by NATO’s existence.
NATO is a military alliance that feeds on war.
To justify its existence, NATO constantly needs an external enemies and conflicts.
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destielmemenews · 7 months
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after two long years Ukraine is making major gains even after a massive slog in the south, it's the first major land invasion of Russia since the second world war! The funny thing is that Ukraine is abiding by international standards and not committing war crimes, not only that but there has been no major protests nir armed resistance against Ukraine troops in the kurk region and my best guest is that any people who would have fought are evacuating but then why wouldn't they do anything something like Ukraine citizens did during the invasion of their territory? With all that said however this is a major advantage for Ukraine for PR and negotiations, any talk going forward are no longer about begging but real negotiations since Russia risks losing territory. Wjth the November US election this kursk offensive this might also impact military aid in a positive way, despite pro-russia pundits crying about Ukraine's use of western weapons.
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chussy · 7 months
if your country is a part of NATO then joining your country's military is fucking psychotic imo. like you could just get sent to die whenever and wherever the americans want you to die in the name of profit. genuinely insane to put yourself in that situation
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seohyun0306 · 9 months
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
It’s not the big, glaring, obvious lies that get you. The New York Times is the world’s most destructive propaganda outlet not because it publishes giant ham-fisted whoppers, but because it appears trustworthy. Its reporting looks authoritative. Children are taught in school that it’s what credible news media looks like. This lets the well-crafted propaganda slide into people’s minds, undetected and without resistance.
The western media are so ridiculously deceitful and propagandistic that the fact that popular comedy shows and famous comedians aren’t making fun of them constantly proves those shows and comedians are themselves part of the propaganda network.
Most mainstream western reporting on Chinese military activity essentially amounts to “OMG you guys China isn’t just passively sitting there while we militarily encircle it and prepare to attack it!”
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That’s what all the banging on about China’s “military build-up” is doing too; acting like it’s alarming and sinister that China isn’t just passively allowing itself to be surrounded with war machinery amid glaringly obvious western preparations for war without doing anything to defend itself.
China’s still spending vastly less on its military than the United States, both overall and as a percentage of GDP. Yet we’re meant to act like China is the obvious aggressor nation, even as it’s being rapidly surrounded by US war machinery and increasingly militarized US allies.
One thing I’ve learned from interactions with Robert F Kennedy Jr supporters is that many of them sincerely don’t understand why his position of “unconditional support” for Israel is such a deal breaker for many anti-imperialists. They think it’s all about Palestinian rights, but it’s a lot more than that.
Unconditional support for Israel doesn’t just mean supporting apartheid abuses and frequent bombings of Gaza, it means supporting the regular bombing of Syria, the annexation of the Golan Heights, and Israel’s insane warmongering against Iran. Israel is always in a state of war.
“Unconditional support” for Israel means imperialist foreign policy throughout the middle east. This isn’t just conjecture — we already see it in RFK Jr’s other middle east foreign policy like his staunch opposition to the Iran deal.
It’s a nonsensical, self-contradictory position to claim you want to dismantle the empire out one side of your mouth and pledge “unconditional support” for a nation that’s never not at war out the other. If you’re saying both, there’s one you’re not being truthful about.
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There’s not enough rage at the US empire for provoking and perpetuating the war in Ukraine. Objections you see to this proxy war are mostly just griping about how much it costs or whether it’s sound strategy or whatever, but how about the fact that human lives are being spent like pennies for the advancement US global hegemony?
Think about how much it hurts to have one death in your family. Think about how much it rocks an entire community to lose even one life to violence. Mountains of human bodies are being piled up in violent deaths, all to secure US geostrategic interests in Eurasia. It’s pure horror.
The empire had multiple opportunities to end this before it started. It had an opportunity to end it in April 2022. It had an opportunity to end it this past November. But it kept shoving it through to advance US interests, and young lives kept being sacrificed to the war god.
Meanwhile US officials openly gloat all the time about how much this war is serving US interests, while anonymously whining to the press that the counteroffensive is failing because Ukrainians are too cowardly to charge through Russian minefields under heavy artillery fire. This should draw white hot rage from everybody.
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Basically the US empire’s strategy is to use Ukrainian bodies like a giant sponge to soak up as many expensive Russian military explosives as possible.
For western war propagandists Syria was like a dress rehearsal for the war in Ukraine. The lies are being peddled mostly by the same people, using mostly the same methods, funneled up into the same mainstream media platforms. The only real difference is that the empire is on the side of the official government in Ukraine, so it can simply use its officials and its media platforms as on the ground sourcing instead of setting up a bunch of weird little propaganda constructs like the White Helmets etc. Syria marked a new era of imperial narrative management.
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docprof · 1 month
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Mene mene tekel upharsin. The Belshazzar's feast… Bloodless hand… God has pronounced the judgment …
The single most meaningful consequence of the NATO/Ukraine proxy war against Russia is that most of the major geopolitical players outside the imperial realm are suddenly in open defiance of the capricious "rules-based international order" and its rapacious monetary system.
The catalyst for this rebellion was that Vladimir Putin’s Russia stood alone amongst the kings, princes, presidents, and prime ministers of a trembling world, turned to the masters of empire, and said, “Not an inch further. In fact, you must withdraw to your 1997 status, and take all your armaments with you, beginning with your missiles in Poland and Romania.”
................to be continued
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nato-obenkrieger · 1 month
i made little timelines of the black suits post canon and my headcanons for them because i am in fact joe iconis and they are in fact my ocs
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xixovart · 1 month
I hope you see my words in a good health you and beloved ones .
i am Moataz a nurse from Gaza, married to fedaa a pediatrician and have 3 children. We live under war and destruction. I lost my home and now we live in tents where the situation is very difficult. My children cannot bear the intense heat in addition to the spread of diseases and insects. I want to save the lives of my family and escape death. I hope you will help by donating and sharing my page.
donate and share widely 🆘🆘 1100 SEK = 100 dollars each (55 sek =5$) will make a difference🙏🍉 be the one who saves us
Vetted by 90-ghost
in palestine there are children, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, spouses just like anywhere else in the world. what sets the palestinian families apart? why should they deserve to be left to die?
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workersolidarity · 1 year
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Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has called on the United States to fulfill its obligations under International Law and to pay the $12 Billion in reparations owed to it under a 1986 International Court of Justice ruling.
The International Court of Justice is a UN sponsored platform to resolve international disputes between Nation-states.
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This ICJ ruling was made in 1986 after years of the United States sponsoring a dirty war responsible for tens of thousands of Nicaraguan deaths, an attempted genocide against pro-Sandinista Nicaraguan civilians, the destruction of the country's Infrastructure and an economic blockade that thoroughly destroyed the Nicaraguan economy causing untold suffering among citizens.
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In the 1986 ICJ ruling, the Judges wrote:
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The United States in reality should owe reparations to countries all across the world for its horrific Imperialist Foreign Policy: Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao, Iran, Syria, Libya, Granada, the DPRK, Sri Lanka, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras and more.
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cavalierzee · 6 months
Gaza "Genocide Made By The West, Enacted By Israel"
"There is no international community at the moment.
The U.N. is not allowed to act because of the United States and the West.
This is a breakdown of International Law that we are going to pay for in decades to come.
It's basically a Genocide made by the West and enacted by Israel.
They are safe in the knowledge that they are immune, there is no danger of Sanctions or anything at the moment.
There is a great decline of the International Community, there is a great decline of the west, there is a great decline of the U.N., as an organization that should guarantee Peace and Security across the World.
My understanding of what happens now is that:
The West against the rest.
It's the West against the South and everybody else."
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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nando161mando · 3 months
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"FCK NATO" (EN: English)
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