#Mystrade fanfiction
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the-toad-in-your-piano · 2 years ago
Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone. It's simple human biology. Over the course of every person's life, they develop tattoos of the things their soulmate loves most.
Though he has always disliked the concept, Mycroft Holmes is painted from head to toe with dozens of brightly-coloured tattoos. Greg Lestrade, once-firm believer and hopeless romantic, has just nine. They are all quietly sophisticated, sketched in smooth shades of black and grey and easy to hide.
Neither of them has gained a tattoo in years. But when they both suddenly find new markings, things finally fall into place.
I finished another fic!  (Five days ago, but we’re going to ignore the lateness of this post.)
Our Love Keeps the Things It Finds is one of my favourite things I’ve written.  It’s a Mystrade soulmate AU in which people develop tattoos of the things their soulmate loves most.
Word count is about 25,000 and it’s rated T with no applicable AO3 warnings.  Contains opera, goldfish, and idiots in love.
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mycroft-in-disguise · 2 years ago
Clos Maggiore
La serata è perfetta per invitare il tuo futuro accompagnatore - perché sai per certo che accetterà - a cena fuori, pensi, non appena estrai il cellulare privato in attesa di quel messaggio che arriva, non appena lo sblocchi.
Mystrade Prompt #32 - part 3: "I think he knows." on AO3. @mystradepromptsandscenarios ♥
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candlelightscribe · 3 months ago
Mycroft and Sherlock (Kidlock) stories, Coming soon. With a little of Greg and Holmes family.
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mikhardwheat · 2 years ago
I'm at this point in life when you consume media solely based on the amount of fics ao3 can offer.
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blarnsblog · 1 year ago
so much fan fiction, so little time
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dragonbornphoenix · 3 months ago
Here is a helpful article on how to use a site skin on AO3 to hide or warn for works that include tags about AI (except for ones that are saying they've used a spell checker or grammar checker). A friend in my Starsky and Hutch fandom found this after a group discussion we had about AI generated stories. The instructions are easy to follow and it works just fine.
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solomonara · 9 months ago
Game: 10 first lines challenge
Thanks for the tag @stevieraebarnes! Let's see if my first lines can hold a candle to your absolute bangers.
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
1. Investigator: The crash of shattering glass, and a lot of it, startled the pleasant hum of socialite conversation into hiding.
2. For Good: Some days, Link wonders how they got so lucky.
3. Here, After: If asked, Sidon would not be able to say truly when it began.
4. The Cross Purposes Job: "Well, Mr. Jeffries," Sophie – or rather, Ludmila Popova, official representative of a wealthy overseas tech consortium that was definitely not a thinly veiled front for any shady Eastern European government, no matter how much they were funded like one, wink nudge – said with a charming smile.
5. Scarf: "Emma. What is that?" Georgia asked, stopping immediately inside the door to their apartment.
6. Fever Reducer: Bruce stared at the nearly empty shelf in the breakfast aisle, despairing.
7. Osteoclast: Dick knew, even before he was fully awake, that he wasn't going to enjoy what he discovered when he opened his eyes.
8. Per Aspera: Jason Todd was bleeding.
9. Looked After: Make sure he's looked after.
10. The Damned Prince's Bodyguard: The Damned Prince of Gotham surveyed his domain with a great deal of satisfaction and a very small amount of champagne.
Well, I don't know. Most of these introduce the main characters (but not Looked After or Investigator). Most of these ask a question or imply one (but not For Good or, again, Looked After.) And what was I thinking with The Cross Purposes Job. That's so many words... Maybe I should be looking at second lines XD
Hey @elwon, @dragonsorceress22, @bitterleafs, @burntheupholstery, @unicorncoalition you want to give it a whirl?
This invitation is also open to anyone who is reading it. Yes you! And tag me when you do it, I want to read your first lines (even you, stranger.)
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🚨REBLOGGING THIS FOR 2024🚨 - currently doing any of the following:
Mystrade, Narlie, FirstPrince, Steddie, and Buddie
(Edit: We’re currently on 2, the current record is 4)
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england-would-fall · 1 year ago
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Fandom Trumps Hate 2024 is up and running! I have beta services on offer this year--three slots, including one open to any fandoms or original works and two open to RWRB, Good Omens, and Sherlock specifically. You can read about the fandom-specific offer below the cut and view the actual bidding page here.
If you’re not familiar with FTH, want a refresher, or need the timeline for viewing and bidding, check out @fandomtrumpshate! See you on the auction floor Xx
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enterthetadpole · 5 months ago
A birthday fic for @starkraivennemad on their birthday!! Multiple chapters but here is the first one now. Thank you for being one of the best friends I have made in the fandom. Love you to pieces, lady, and have an AMAZING day full of wine, women/men/nbs and song!! 🥳🥳🥳
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the-toad-in-your-piano · 2 years ago
“Mycroft!”  Greg’s voice dropped to a whisper, hissed between his teeth.  “You left me in the gents’ with a raging hard-on, you absolute wanker.”
Mycroft tried very, very hard not to smile as he lowered his own voice.  “I believe the only one who is absolutely anything is you, my dear.  Rather literally.”
I took a wee break from my Fandom Trumps Hate projects to scribble out a little PWP :) 
Absolutely Anything: 3,180 words, rated E, no archive warnings apply.
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indigomagicc · 3 months ago
Working on part 2, so I figured I would share this one first.
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saguaroooo · 6 months ago
Side characters are the best characters.
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emptybucketoffucks · 1 year ago
Me: Yaaaaay, three weeks off from college, finally have some time for myself! I could start on my new craft project, I could start a new show, I could work on my To-Read list, or...
My little gremlin brain: old man yaoi
Me:... What?
My little gremlin brain: we are going to read so much old man yaoi
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mimisempai · 2 years ago
A bit of good luck in bad luck, I know that AO3 is currently down. If you're in need, or if you wish, send me a number and the ship letter and I'll write you a drabble. Today and the next days. Until AO3 is up again.
No NSFW as it will be posted here, and in general I am bad at it.
For the ship category OTHER,I reserve the right to refuse if I don't know the characters or the show.
Here you go :
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Prompts sources : here
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talesofhanna · 20 days ago
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Even though 2023 was a really good year for me personally, 2024 was quite bad... And 2025 seems to be going the same way.
And I'm not even in the US of A!
Since they say it's a good thing to celebrate the small things in life, here's one of them: today is my very first day back in University, 10 years after getting my bachelor's degree!!! 🎉
A different University, and a completely different study subject (since I'm trying to change careers and all...)!! I'm really excited!!! 🤓
So... If I'm not around much anymore, you guys know why! 💜
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Please keep sending all the Mycroft and/or Mystrade fics my way. Thank you! lol
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