#Mr Scott
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brotherconstant · 2 days ago
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Black Sails • XXIV But the most compelling story requires a villain at its center.
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kaffkanya · 8 months ago
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wwillywonka · 7 months ago
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"A lie?" "An error."
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
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klarmis · 11 months ago
After a short break I finally finished this part🥺
You can see the part 1 here
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Part 3 in progress
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mariusslonelysoul · 1 year ago
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stra-tek · 5 months ago
Headcanon: Scotty is genuinely missing his middle finger on his right hand. He lost it in an Engineering accident on the Discovery. The reason why he appears to have a full hand in close-up shots is because he just has an incredibly realistic prosthetic which he mostly doesn't wear because of it's uncomfortableness. To scare new Engineers on the Enterprise he fills the fake finger with fake blood and pretends that an accident has occurred and pulls his prosthetic off.
This is fascinating. And makes sense!
For anyone who doesn't know, James Doohan was missing a finger (from WWII, IIRC) and they used a stand in for those iconic close-up shots of him using the transporter sliders. But once in awhile eagle-eyed viewers would spot his missing finger in other scenes.
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leonsgotit · 3 months ago
no one:
bones: he’s dead, jim
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akendara · 2 months ago
art summary 2024
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a-story-is-true · 9 months ago
what does a colonial power do when the men whose toil powers it lay down their shovels, pick up swords and say no more?
[on youtube with subtitles]
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stevejobsbuysasamsung · 7 months ago
kirk, spock, bones and scotty in here
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thespianwordnerd · 2 years ago
Scotty being played by an actual Scot is something that can be so personal as a scottish trekkie, guys.
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The point of putting Scotty on the Enterprise was to prove that Scots can be as highly skilled, qualified and competent as anyone else on that bridge, and casting Martin Quinn feels like another nod to that - you don't have to be a big name to play an iconic Scottish character. And with all due respect to the actors who brought him to life first and helped him get to this point, some characters are just long overdue to be played by a Scot and Scotty is one of those long-beloved characters in Scotland. SNW has made a real effort with casting and developing our favourite underutilised TOS characters so far and I'm excited to see where they take him next. And yes, I WILL be expecting Scottish independence jokes.
We've been ready and waiting for him and now we're finally bringing Scotty home and i will never stop talking about it. Welcome aboard, Martin Quinn, and welcome home, Mr. Scott!
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sleepymccoy · 3 months ago
Okay! I have trouble writing Scotty as a character. So this post is going to be my attempt to collect some canon examples of him so that I can easily refer back and get the vibes.
If you have any canon meta to add, I encourage it ❤️
This post is mostly just a collection of gifs to get me in a Scotty mood
Talking about all the hard work he's doing to keep the ship afloat:
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Having a chuckle with a colleague
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Willing to get physical! But not eager to. He calms his colleagues down at first, then fights the Klingons because they insulted his ship. And he's only wrangling Chapel cos he perceives her as doing something cruel and unusual (slapping Spock while he's unconscious)
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Despite not leaving into fighting the Klingons in the bar, he's not convinced by peace on a larger scale
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Hope against hope when his colleagues are missing, willing to try the impossible. That last is true of his physics too, he's always up for the experimental idea
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And this one, he's not picking up what Spock's laying down (scott tell me the ship is damaged and we have to stay here to help our friends) for a while, because his first thought is about the ship. Which is fine. But once he realises what's being asked he's onboard
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Okay the limit is ten pictures so I'll stop
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somfte · 1 year ago
Civil War
[video description: A Black Sails fanvid focusing on Eleanor, Mr. Scott, and Madi. Between clips of Madi and Eleanor discussing their past on the beach, there are scenes showing Eleanor and Mr. Scott's interactions, emphasizing how Eleanor fails to consider Mr. Scott's perspective, and the ways in which Mr. Scott is never able to lose sight of his position in society. The penultimate scene is Madi's speech to Woodes Rogers. As her speech escalates, sounds of chains clanking and being removed can be heard in time with the clicking of the knitting needles being used by Eleanor's ghost.
/end description]
Dialogue transcript:
Eleanor: You trust him? Flint. You've cast your lot with him.
Madi: What does it matter to you?
Eleanor: Before this war began, before everyone's roles changed, your father mistrusted Flint as much as anyone in Nassau did. I assume you were in some contact with him all that time. I'm surprised that his feelings didn't influence you.
Eleanor: For how long had he been secretly aiding them?
Flint: He began, he said, after the Spanish raid.
Eleanor: Did he say why he did it?
Madi: You were my sister. There is very little that I remember from when I was young, but I remember this.
Mr. Guthrie: Once upon a time Mr. Scott was my personal houseboy. Until he proved himself worthy of greater responsibility. That earned him an education which he then passed on to my daughter. And look where that's gotten me.
Madi: You were older. You were beautiful. I revered you.
Mr. Bryson: Mr. Scott, you sided with his daughter against him. You forgot your duty. You must have known there would be consequences.
Madi: When you were told that my mother and I were dead, I have to believe that it affected you. You had just lost your mother.
Eleanor: And what? Now you think you can just waltz back in here and pick up from where we left off like nothing happened?
Mr. Scott: Where else would I go? I belong to you. Chattel property of the Guthrie estate.
Eleanor: You… you know I've never seen you that way.
Madi: But if things were as I remember, my mother and I were your family, too.
Eme: He says…
Mr. Scott: I know what he says. He says in Nassau a slave can be free, get a job and a wage. Maybe for him. He's strong. A few others. The rest of you, don't kid yourself. You are cargo, in Nassau or otherwise.
Madi: And yet, through all the years thereafter that my father cared for you… counseled you, labored for you… he never told you that we were alive.
Madi: I was there in Nassau, and she's there. Eleanor is there. She is one of them now. I stood in Nassau and I realized when this war begins, it will have many different meanings, but to you this war is a civil war. You will have people on both sides of it. You will have daughters on both sides of it. And I want you to know…
Mr. Scott: [whispers softly] Only… you.
Madi: It would have been so easy to lessen your suffering by divulging the secret. And yet, he never did. Have you yet asked yourself why that is?
Madi: The voice you hear in your head… I imagine I know who it sounds like, as I know Eleanor wanted those things. But I hear other voices. [clicking sound] A chorus of voices. Multitudes. They reach back centuries. Men and women…and children who'd lost their lives… to men like you. Men and women and children forced to wear your chains. I must answer to them and this war… their war… Flint's war… my war…it will not be bargained away to avoid a fight.
Madi: My father didn't mistrust Flint. My father mistrusted all of you.
(for @built-on-sand )
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2stepadmiral · 3 months ago
So every year or two, I go through a period of reconnecting with my high school Trekkie interests, rewatching some Star Trek clips, episodes, and movies, and during this particular period, I have to voice my main criticism of the reboot films: namely, the treatment of the Enterprise.
To be clear, I think the reboot Enterprise had a nice redesign. She looked very clean and futuristic while capturing the original design in broad strokes. The lens glare is certainly annoying, and it doesn’t have the same heart and retro feel as the original, but I feel they generally did a fairly decent job with the design. I’m talking about how she is treated throughout the films, namely, how she’s treated effectively like just another ship.
In the original series, the Enterprise has a certain heart coming across almost like a character in of herself. You get a clear feel from the characters that they consider the enterprise almost to be home, and Kirk and Scotty in particular see her almost like an actual woman, one who they cherish and will protect at all costs. This sentiment is magnified in the first three movies, particularly in the motion picture and in the search for Spock. When Kirk first sees the refit Enterprise, you can see how much he loves the ship, and when the Enterprise is plunging to her final resting place, the mourning on all of their faces, especially Kirk, makes this moment particularly powerful and truly hammer home that the Enterprise was a character in and of herself. The original Enterprise felt like a character fans had grown up with, and her destruction felt almost like the loss of an old friend. And at the end of the voyage home, when the crew has that last-minute surprise reveal of the Enterprise-A, the triumph and homecoming feeling is so clear that even the audience shares the sentiment, almost as if the character has been reborn.
The enterprise in the reboots was never portrayed this way. She was treated like just a ship, one that might’ve been nicer and fancier and more advanced than the others, but not really all that special beyond that. In the first movie, that’s acceptable, as the focus is on bringing together the crew and getting them where they need to be for the start of their journeys. The second one focuses more on the captaincy, and what it means to really earn that seat, so it’s excusable that this one focused more on Kirk and how seriously he took his responsibilities, though they could’ve put more emphasis on the ship as part of that arc. Yes, the ship almost crashing was an emotional scene, but that had everything to do with the characters aboard and nothing to do with the ship beyond it being the place where the characters were and it’s damage being the reason that they were about to die.
And then in the third one, they just blow up the ship in the first 30 minutes and try to portray it with the same sentimental weight as the destruction of the Enterprise in the search for Spock. Which would’ve been fine, if it weren’t for the fact that they spent the last two movies treating the enterprise like just a thing, just another tool in the characters belt. She had no heart, no soul, no feeling that she was a home, or that she was the thing that brought the crew together, and kept them together, the thing that made them a family. She was basically just a big car, there to get them from point A to point B and occasionally shoot at some bad guys, and then, we’re supposed to feel devastated when she goes down for the final time.
The reveal of a reboot version of the Enterprise A was a nice surprise, but it lacked the emotional payoff of the original version, largely because of how ordinary the first Enterprise had been in this timeline. You can’t really celebrate the revival of a lost character when the character was never really there to begin with. They might as well have put the crew on an entirely new ship, like maybe a rebooted version of the Excelsior, and it would’ve had the same basic impact.
My point is that classic trek, as well as the next generation and DS9, did an excellent job of portraying the dynamic between captain and ship to the point where the ship felt almost like a real character. And that worked really well. It made the crash of the Enterprise D in generations a shocking scene, and it made her surprise return in season 3 of Picard a heartfelt and deeply nostalgic scene (Even if I wanted the Enterprise E, sorry but she’s my favorite). It made the loss of the Defiant in season seven of DS9 a powerful and emotional moment. I haven’t watched a lot of Voyager, so I can’t comment on that, but I can say with decent confidence that they couldn’t have done worse than they did in the reboots.
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t0mashek · 9 months ago
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"Give me a moment, Ms. Scott, I haven't climbed down here in quite a while."
"Aye, don't be afraid to take all the time ye need, Cap'n-"
Finally added my Scotty design to my collection of Star Trek TOS ladies >:))) shoutout @dustykneed here is ur girlfriend ❤️❤️❤️
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oddlyenthusiast · 1 year ago
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Black Sails (2014-2017) Happy 10th Anniversary!
caps courtesy of grande_caps/kissthemgoodbye
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