#Morgause Gorlois
threemoonwatchers · 2 years
Fic where Morgana and/or Morgause try to do the Tiene Diaga on Merlin but (little do they know) he has magic so he’s just sitting in a room that sounds like it’s full of screaming toddlers (and I feel like he’d be used to loud noises from all the chaos he’s stopped/caused) so they’re wondering why the heck he won’t break/submit to their will and meanwhile he’s just like. Sitting there. And it scares the crap out of the sisters
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chaos-has-theories · 4 months
Hunith leaned on her rake and watched as the car swerved into the driveway. It had barely come to a halt when the passenger door opened and Gwen climbed out. She looked tense. She was also drenched from head to toe. The hem of her jeans sagged, the rest of it looked damp and clammy. Her shirt must have dried during the drive home, but it had bits of seaweed stuck to it. Her hair was eighty percent frizz. When she saw Hunith at the fence, Gwen smiled unconvincingly, and sped towards her house just slow enough that it couldn’t be called a run. The driver’s door slammed loudly and Arthur came stomping around the car. He looked no better than Gwen: If anything, he was wetter than she had been. He didn’t even grab anything from the trunk, much less wait until he could lock the car. He just marched into the house and slammed that door behind him, too. Just as Hunith thought that scene couldn’t get any stranger, the back door opened and her son climbed out. The greeting died on her lips before it could escape. Merlin looked like a storm warning. Hunched shoulders, pursed lips, flashing eyes - oh, and he was wearing a dress. Not even a good dress. It was an oversized grey monstrosity and looked like it came from the garbage bin of a secondhand store. It was definitely not one of Hunith’s. Merlin had bunched it up at the hips in at attempt not to stumble over the long skirts, and he stomped past her and into the house with no sign that he had seen his mother at all. She could hear him all the way up the stairs, and then the slam of his bedroom door. Alright then. All the noise must have roused Gaius from his afternoon nap. He stuck his head out the door, looking exactly as bewildered as Hunith felt. „Was that Merlin?“, he asked. Hunith nodded. “And... a wig?” Another nod. „Hm.“ With a final puzzled look up the stairs, Gaius retreated to his study. Hunith turned back just in time to see Mordred clambering out like the smallest clown in the clown car. He was dry and dressed normally, but he was wearing an expression of utter defeat. With his towel held in front of him like a terrycloth shield he walked towards Hunith as if he’d much rather write a difficult math test. He dithered at the gate for a moment, and then met Hunith’s gaze only to sigh the world-weariest sigh she had ever heard. (Which was saying something. Hunith had lived with Gaius for most of her life, and would have previously named him world champion of sighing. Somehow this was still the most normal thing that had happened in the past ten minutes.) „My dads will pick me up in a few minutes“, Mordred told her morosely. „Can I wait here?“ „Of course“ Hunith hurried to say. „Do you want something to drink? Bal made cookies, if you want any. They’re in the kitchen.“ Mordred gave the door Merlin had stormed through a long, dubious look. „I think I’d rather wait out here.“ „Alright.“ Hunith watched as he settled himself on the doorstep, towel in his lap. With a deliberately casual air she picked up the shovel and continued weeding. „I probably don’t even want to know“ she said conversationally, „but what exactly happened at the lake?“ The child behind her made a noise like an upset mouse. „I don’t know“, he whined. „Merlin doesn’t tell me anything.“ Hunith looked over her shoulder to see Mordred scuff at the earth with his shoes, a frustrated expression on his face. „But I had to help Merlin put on a costume and Gwen and Arthur fell into the water and they both cried and everyone shouted and I think they broke up.“ „I see“, Hunith said faintly. That would fit with what she’d seen, but - she’d thought Gwen had broken up with Arthur a week ago? And anyway, none of this explained the costume, or really anything, but she’d decided to ignore that for now. „I’m sorry that happened. It sounds uncomfortable.“ „I’m sorry it happened too.“
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eynsavalow · 17 days
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caer-gai · 10 months
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buttercupyellow · 4 months
BBC Merlin Timeline (canon info only)
Kilgharrah born - over 1000 years ago
Ashkanar hides a Dragon Egg in his Tomb - 400 years ago
7 of Camelot's knights are seduced by a sorceress and become The Knights of Medhir - 300 years ago
Uther conquers/usurps/is a laughing heir to Camelot
Morgause born to Vivienne and smuggled out of Camelot
Gaius begins working as the Court Physician - 25 years ago
Gaius and Alice meet - 25 years ago
Morgana born to Vivienne
Uther uses magic to conceive Arthur, Ygraine dies in childbirth, Uther begins the Great Purge of magic
Uther tricks the Dragonlords (Balinor) and Kilgharrah into coming to Camelot "to make peace" but kills them and captures Kilgharrah - 20 years ago
Balinor and Hunith concieve Merlin in Ealdor - less than 20 years ago (max 19 min 16)
Balinor is hunted into hiding by Uther/Camelot
Gorlois dies on the Northern Plains, Uther adopts Morgana as his ward - Morgana 10 yro
Uther holds a tounament in Arthur's honour, The Sarrum attends - Arthur 10 yro
Arthur leads an attack on a Druid camp but is unable to control his men and a massacre occurs
Arthur is challenged by Odin' Son to a duel, asks him to withdraw, and kills him in the duel
Elyan leaves Camelot - 4 years before S3, ep7
Season 1
The Dragon's Call
The Mark of Nimueh
The Poisoned Chalice
A Remedy to Cure all Ills
The Gates of Avalon
The Beginning of the End
Excalibur - Arthur's Coming of Age/Arthur's Birthday (approx April)
The Moment of Truth - Harvest time (August - September)
The Labyrinth of Gedref - Harvest time (August - September)
To Kill the King
Le Morte D'Arthur
Season 2
The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
The Once and Future Queen
The Nightmare Begins
Lancelot and Guinevere
Beauty and the Beast, pt 1
Beauty and the Beast, pt2
The Witchfinder
The Sins of the Father
The Lady of the Lake
Sweet Dreams
The Witch's Quickening
The Fires of Idirsholas
The Last Dragonlord
Season 3 - "Over a year" since S2, ep12
The Tears of Uther Pendragon, pt 1
The Tears of Uther Pendragon, pt 2
Goblin's Gold
The Crystal Cave - Morgana's Birthday
The Changeling
The Castle of Fyrien
The Eye of the Phoenix
Love in the Time of Dragons
Queen of Hearts
The Sorcerer's Shadow
The Coming of Arthur, pt 1
The Coming of Arthur, pt 2
Season 4 - "A year" since S3, ep12
The Darkest Hour, pt 1 - Samhain/Oct 31st - Nov 1st
The Darkest Hour, pt 2 - (Nov contin.)
The Wicked Day - Arthur's Birthday (approx April)
His Father's Son
A Servant of two Masters
The Secret Sharer
Lancelot du Lac
A Herald of the New Age
The Hunter's Heart - Ostara/Spring Equinox/March 20th
The Sword in the Stone, pt 1 - Beltane/May 1st
The Sword in the Stone, pt 2 - (May contin.) Arwen Wedding
Season 5 - "For three long years, we have been blessed with peace and prosperity"
Morgana and Aithusa captured by The Sarrum - 2 years
Morgana and Ruadan begin searching for the Diamair (at Ismere) - 3 Months prior to S5
Gwaine, Percival and some knights investigate Ismere - 6 Weeks prior to S5
Arthur's Bane, pt 1
Arthur's Bane, pt 2
The Death Song of Uther Pendragon - Anniversary of Arthur's Coronation, possibly Beltane/May 1st
Another's Sorrow
The Disir
The Dark Tower
A Lesson in Vengeance - Arthur and Gwen's Wedding Anniversary, possibly May
The Hollow Queen
With All My Heart
The Kindness of Strangers
The Drawing of the Dark
The Diamond of the Day, pt 1
The Diamond of the Day, pt 2
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twistedshipper · 3 months
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Control (a bbc merlin modern au): Mature, 15.9K, Stepsiblings, Anorexia, Trauma, Dead Dove - Do Not Eat Summary: Morgana le Fay is a promising university student with a secret. Since the unexpected passing of her beloved father, Gorlois, during Year 12 of secondary school, she has struggled on her own with Anorexia, or as ED afflicted girls euphemistically call her, Ana. One summer night, after having restricted her calorie intake for weeks on end, Morgana is found collapsed in the university library and rushed to the hospital, where she is admitted at last into treatment for her ED. Two months later she is discharged, physically appearing healthier, although her mental state is another matter altogether. It is here that our story picks up, when her sister Morgause picks her up from the hospital to inform her that while she was inpatient, her mother has remarried a man named Uther Pendragon and that she has relocated her family to live with him, selling their old childhood home. Morgana is distraught to learn this and fed up besides, until she meets Uther's son, her new stepbrother, Arthur, who may yet be a promising friend and ally as she navigates the real world after the hospital and comes to terms for the reason behind her ED. {watch the trailer below 🌊}
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Kotlc merlin au where Fitz is arthur and morgana is biana who discovered morgause (alvar). and merlin is Keefe who lives with gauis (elwin) and falls for Freya (sophie). And Lancelot is dex and falls for gwen (linh) but she really loves Fitz. And elyan is Tam and Percival is Marella. And uther could be alden and Della is the deceased mom I forgot the name of. And Leon is maruca bcz she knew biana for a while so they could be friends. gorlois's wife is Alina. And maybe gwaine could be stina or smth?? Idk
Other ideas:
Lancelot could be keefe
Gwen could be maruca
Leon could also be keefe
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localspacelesbian · 15 days
ok so hear me out
in the original legends, morgause is arthur's half-sister, right?
in the show, morgause mentions that she new ygraine "very well" and this is never elaborated on. and sure, she could have been lying, but nothing else she said was a lie, right?
what if morgause's parents are gorlois and ygraine?
and maybe she doesn't know this, so in the beginning, she assumes she and morgana are full sister's and then when they find out uther is morgana's father assumes they're half-sisters; or maybe she does know and so assumes they're half-sisters, and by the time they find out that they're not actually sisters, they still see each other as sisters, so they don't care
gaius, under the assumption that morgana's parents are gorlois and vivienne refers to morgause as morgana's half-sister, which means he knows that gorlois and vivienne aren't both morgause's parents (even though he recognizes her by a bracelet that he says is from gorlois and she says is from her mother, which only really makes sense if she's assuming vivienne is her mother, but it's possible she's either wrong or lying)
so morgana and morgause are both arthur's half-sisters but not actually related to each other
morgause is raised by high priestesses (which i feel like makes more sense if gaius knew that she was born out of wedlock because it couldn't have been that she already had magic that young if merlin was the first person he knew of to be born with magic)
morgause grows up knowing that gorlois is her father and may or may not know that ygraine is her mother, but either way, ygraine must have visited her somewhat frequently for them to know each other (maybe the bracelet is from gorlois, but ygraine delivered it to her, so she wasn't technically lying when she said it was from her mother even if she didn't mean morgana's mother as she was implying)
(i know it was probably just the writers being inconsistent about whether or not gaius knew uther was morgana's father, but i think about this way too much, and this is the conclusion my brain has finally come to for an in-universe explanation)
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oneknightstand-if · 6 months
So a 60 year reign + 15 years old when he pulled the sword in the stone = 75 years old grandpa. The next generation after Arthur (Mordred, Lancelot, Gawain* etc) would be 15-25 years younger than him.
So Lancelot and Arthur are different generations? How old are some of the other characters in comparison? Like Guinevere, Morgana, Morgause, Elaine of Corbenic, Galahad, etc.
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Yes, it usually gets ignored in modern reinterpretations (except for things like First Knight) but Lancelot is part of Mordred's generation (who was of course young enough to be Arthur's kid in many versions).
Arthur had been aligned with King Ban (Lancelot's father) for many years with them fighting off the the rebelling kings, Saxons & co, King Rience etc before Benoic fell and Lancelot gets yoinked as a baby by the Lady of the Lake (Ninianne in OKS).
I've got a detailed timeline for major events (reigns of rulers, famous battles & invasions, deaths of major players) but I haven't bothered to nail down the exact birth dates of the Camelot characters since that's not really something that's going to come up.
It's more important what generation they belong to than anything else.
Mordred - 15 years younger than Arthur born the same year that he pulled the Sword in the Stone (460 AD - yes, it's plot relevant)
Guinevere - She was betrothed to Arthur as a kid (to secure Leodegrance's troops against the Saxons/rebelling kings/all the clusterfucks at the start of Arthur's reign) so she straddles the line between Arthur & Lancelot's generations. 10-ish years younger than Arthur.
Morgana - She's a fae, so she's old as balls. There are stories where she had a kid with Julius Caesar (who lived 100 BC – 44 BC) to give you an idea how long she's been around.
Morgause - A couple years older than Arthur. Of all the kids of Gorlois & Igraine (Morgause, Elaine, Cador), she's the only one old enough to even remember her biological father. Would've been around 18-20-ish when she met 15-year old Arthur.
Elaine of Corbenic - About five years younger than Lancelot, so that'd be around 25-30 years younger than Arthur.
Galahad - Two generations removed from Arthur. He'd be 37-45 years younger... depending where I end up putting the conclusion of the Grail Quest (sometime between 500-510 AD).
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The Rulers of Camelot - my BBC Merlin hcs
Do click on the images cause some got turned fugly
King Merlin Emrys-Pendragon (he/they/all) - representing Magic itself.
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Genderfaun gnc; Omni demiaroace and Monopoly - with a preference for monogamous relationships.
In a monofidelitous marriage with Arthur. In a qpr with Gwaine, Gwen, Lancelot and Morgana. In a simulship with Freya and Mithian.
Co-parents Aithusa with Morgana. Balinor and Hunith's child. Gaius' nephew. Gwen and Morgana's sibling-in-law. Uther and Ygraine's kid-in-law.
Is part of The Round Table, the Court Sorcerer, King of the Druids and Arthur's consort.
King Arthur Pendragon (he/him) - The Once and Future King, representing the pendragon dynasty and the knights.
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Cis man; Achillean greyaroace and Monopoly - with a preference for monogamous relationships.
In a monofidelitous marriage with Merlin. In a qpr with Gwen. In a simulship with Lancelot, Leon ans Mithian.
Chosen family: The Round Table.
Co-parents Mordred with Morgana. Uther and Ygraine's son. Morgana's half-brother. Agravaine and Tristan's nephew. Gwen's brother-in-law. Balinor and Hunith's son-in-law.
Is the Head of Camelot and Merlin's consort.
Queen Guinevere (Gwen) Du Lac-Le Fay-Pendragon (she/her) - representing the People.
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Cis woman; Bisexual (with a preference for men) and Polyamorous.
In an open marriage with Lancelot and Morgana. In a semiship with Mithian and Leon. In a qpr with Arthur and Merlin. In a wavership with Freya. In a senseship with Gwaine
Thomas' daughter. Elyan's sister. Arthur, Merlin and Mourgouse's sister-in-law. Gorlois, Uther and Vivienne's daughter-in-law.
Is part of The Round Table, the Blacksmith, the Court Advisor and Morgana's and Lancelot's consort.
Queen Morgana Le Fay-Pendragon (they/she) - representing the Old Religion.
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Nonbinary girl, Lesbian demiaro, Trixic aceflux and Ambiamorous.
In an open marriage with Gwen. In an quoi-distinguishable relationship with Mithian and Leon. In a foveo with Gwaine. In a queerotic relationship with Eira. In a qpr with Merlin. In a wavership with Freya. Polyaffective with Lancelot. Was in a queerotic relationship with Mithian. Had a crush on Morgause prior to finding out their sisters.
Co-parents Aithusa with Merlin. Co-parents Mordred with Arthur.
Uther and Vivienne's daughter. Gorlois adopted daughter. Ygraine's step-daughter. Arthur and Morgause's half-sister. Elyan and Merlin's sister-in-law. Thomas' daughter-in-law.
Is part of The Round Table, the High Pristess and Gwen's consort.
Other hcs
The Knights of the Round Table
Other characters
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As much as Merlin was unreasonable in suggesting that Morgana ask Uther to soften up to magic (when he himself could not persuade even Arthur), I believe that there was a tiny chance. Not in S3, but in S4.
When Uther was so desperate and longing for Morgana and regretting all his mistakes, he could have done anything for her, it seems. But then Morgana would have considered it beneath her dignity to beg her rights on the knees before a tyrant.
There could have been another chance in the Wicked Day.
Morgana was depressed because the plan with Dorocha had failed and so Morgause died in vain, and she could have decided to bargain for Uther's life. She comes to Arthur and declares that she will heal Uther in exchange for lifting the Ban and (there may be options and outcomes) the throne of the entire Kingdom(later Arthur will have to take it back with Merlin's help), the return of her inheritance from Gorlois, a new castle, half of the kingdom or even nothing but recognition her High Priestess' status in the kingdom if she decides to leave for the Island of the Blessed, for example.
Arthur can refuse, he can no longer trust Morgana after what she had done.
But for the sake of his father, it is possible that he can agree and sign all the papers.
And then there are two futures: either Agravaine acts independently and kills Uther unbeknownst Morgana and everyone blames her; or everything goes well and Uther heals (but soon dies of old age for real this time, because they all had to stand him for far too long) and some kind of golden age(not without some struggle as always) begins for several years before Mordred appears.
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caer-gai · 9 months
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little wip because shading is evil and eats my soul
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malorydaily · 1 year
By now the youngest of three daughters born to Igrayne of her marriage to the now deceased Gorlois, [Morgana] is - on the occasion of the marriages of her sisters, Morgause, to Lot, Elayne, to Garlot, concelebrated with that of her mother to Uther - scole in a nunnery,' where she lerned so much that she was a grete clerke of nygromancy' (1,10). Perhaps - as male authors for centuries before and after as well as during Malory's own, maintained - this schooling illustrates the danger of educating women beyond their appropriate sphere (which is to male interests rather than their own). Indeed, Malory scales down Morgan's education from his French sources, where (as we have seen, and as Vinaver notes), she 'takes a full course in the seven arts' (3, 1235).
Maureen Fries, 'From The Lady to The Tramp: The Decline of Morgan le Fay in Medieval Romance' in Arthuriana 4
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twistedshipper · 7 months
Been thinking about BBC Merlin lately and really, with regards to the Pendragons, and specifically Arthur and Morgana, it's a study of nature versus nurture.
Since Arthur was borne of magic, it can be argued that Uther isn't his father by blood, and yet he was the man who raised him. He may be pure of intention by being his mother's son and have a good heart, but his actions at times speak differently and that is on account of his rearing under Uther.
On the other hand, Morgana was raised by a man (Gorlois) whom she believed for most of her life to be her true father, only to have it revealed later years after his death that she is Uther's by blood. Even once she knows the truth, she still believes her moral compass is driven by what she learned from Gorlois in her youth, and yet as we have in the scene with Queen Annis, Morgana is more like Uther than she realizes.
And so when Arthur and Morgana meet again in The Sword in the Stone part 2, when we have this moment between them when they each accuse each other of being just like Uther, it is the truth, but for opposite reasons.
Furthermore, when they each acknowledge their shared past and how they thought they were both "friends" this could refer to their past romantic interest in each other, which they now realize they were both "wrong" about. They each believe they are related because Morgana knows she is Uther's and so does Arthur, and yet neither of them know the truth that Arthur isn't Uther's since Merlin convinced Arthur that Morgause lied in 2x08, setting both "siblings" up to think that they are related when in truth they never were.
And there lies the tragedy.
Both Arthur and Morgana must die in The Diamond of the Day. It is literally written from the beginning.
They, for all their original good intentions, have inherited the sins of Uther Pendragon, the dynasty of which must be wiped out for there to be the hope of a better future, which is itself unstable.
It rests on the shoulders of Gwen, the sovereign of Camelot, recently widowed after the death of Arthur, the man she loved, due to magic, on the one hand - but on the other, knows that Merlin through his magic, attempted to bring much good into the world through its craft.
And so that's why we have the last shot of her in The Diamond of the Day holding on to Arthur's ring, as the kingdom lies in wait of what she will decide. The very future rests on her shoulders. Will she bring about the Golden Age that was promised? Or will she, like Uther, allow her grief to ravage the land, ousting magic once again, becoming just like him as she said she would never stand by in the beginning.
And Merlin -
He leaves, we are to assume, Camelot for good, his vision through the meddling of Kilgharrah turned to dust.
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👪 FAMILY - what is their family like?
Her family is pretty small. Her mother died when she was young and she was an only child (as far as she knows. Jury’s still out on if I can sneak a False Guinevere reference in) so it’s just been her and her father for most of her life.
That has made them really close though and Guinevere adores her father and he’s always spoiled her and tries to give her the best of everything.
The one thing that did damage their relationship slight was that he agreed to the marraige without even telling Guinevere first which caused some issues between them for awhile.
He of course never knew his birth parents, Uther and Igraine, though Arthur isn’t too put out in not knowing Arthur.
He was adopted by Ector and his son Kay who he considers his real family. He loves his brother and father more than anything and immediately gave them high positions at court and at the Round Table once he was king.
Ector is a very kind and respectful guy, and while Kay is kind of a jerk, he’s deeply loyal and loving to his brother and friends, like Bedievere and Guinevere.
And he does wish he knew Igraine, and part of why he’s so forgiving of Morgan is that he wants to have a real familial relationship with one of his half-sisters.
Eldest child of Morgause and Lot, Gawain has 4 siblings: Agravaine, Gaheris, Gareth, and Mordred. With his father killed by Pellinore, he took an oath to avenge him.
He loves his mother, but isn’t as close with her. She tends to be closer with Gareth and Mordred
He is close to all his siblings though and adores them. He’s especially protective of the youngest two, Gareth and Mordred and has taken a kind of parent role with them since Lot died when they were really young.
He’s also close with his cousin Ywain and aunt Morgan.
The youngest daughter of Igraine and Gorlois, she was the closest to Igraine after her marriage to Arthur and misses her mother dearly.
She also makes a point of visiting Morgause as often as she can and loves to spoil her niblings. She wants to make sure Uther didn’t succeed in trying to keep them all apart.
And while her relationship with Arthur is complicated, she does consider him her brother and does care about him. He may be Uther’s son, but he’s Igraine’s son too.
She married Uriens but he was much older than her and she had no love for him. They had one child, Ywain.
She loves her son but when she left for Avalon, she couldn’t take him with her, so there’s a lot of distance between them. They both want to fix it but aren’t really sure how.
He’s the son a a human man and giantess mother which causes some issues in his family since his father’s kin didn’t like this marriage and didn’t like him.
After his parents’ deaths, his paternal cousins have been trying to undermine and usurp his rule.
He is close with his maternal kin though. He has one aunt and uncle who helped raise him and advise him in his rule.
His parents wanted to have other children but never could and Galehaut dearly wishes he has siblings. He treats his cousins as alarms of siblings in turn.
The younger sibling of Gawain but next oldest Orkney.
They had a bad relationship with Lot who always criticized and demeaned them. And they adore their mother but aren’t as close as they wish they were to her.
They’re closest to Mordred no question. Taking a part in raising Mordred. They adore Mordred and will do almost anything for them. Mordred admires and looks up to them in turn and will be mostly following them around at Camelot.
They love Gawain and but there’s some jealousy and resentment there in how much their father favored Gawain and how much everyone else loves Gawain.
They have a fine relationship with Gareth but their relationship with Gaheris is rather tense, partially due to Gaheris’ almost fanatical deviation to Lot’s memory.
Sybil was abandoned by their parents as a child to be raised by someone else in their community. It isn’t uncommon for fairies to let their kids be raised communally but it less common to abandon them completely.
They were ultimately taken to Vivian to be raised in her Lake and stayed there for the rest of their childhood.
They then left to become a student of Morgan on Avalon where they’ve been since.
They consider Vivian and Morgan to closest thing they have to family.
Ask Game
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tiodolma · 7 months
MerGana Wedding
be like
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they spend the wedding night sobbing and vomiting on the floor 😭
theyre The Power Couple that poisoned each other on their wedding. No one has a bond like theirs 💀
with. @wandrenowle
From the au where s5 Merlin and Morgana transmigrate to their 10 year old selves (and still retain their scars and memories).
10 year old Merlin searches for Baby Mordred to kill him. 10 year old Morgana searches for baby Mordred to protect him. Hunith goes to Gaius in Camelot to ask for his help but Gaius refuses because he is too busy babysitting Prince Arthur. Gaius gives Hunith Balinor's last known location instead.
Duke Gorlois, is surprised by Morgana's magic powers and is worried that she has disappeared from their palace especially with Uther's reforms being popular across the allied kingdoms.
Cue Hunith and Gorlois scouring the forests between Cornwall and Ascetir to find their idiot children.
Hunith, Balinor and Gorlois somehow find each other and their children in the woods. Then they all take sanctuary in Cornwall.
From the young Morgana, Gorlois is informed of Uther's and Vivienne's infidelity. Gorlois is also informed of how Uther tricked Balinor into giving up his kin's secrets. Gorlois silently cut ties with Uther Pendragon and allies himself with Balinor.
Nimueh finds out and goes to the court of Cornwall to investigate this change in political tide. Pleased with her findings, Nimueh sends a call out to the other surviving priestesses. Morgause appears with her son baby Mordred, happy to be reunited with her Sister and their father, Gorlois.
Vivienne also appears in Cornwall and tearfully admits the truth of her infidelity. She vows to pay for this by doing her best for Cornwall and its defense.
Cornwall becomes stronger with the high priestesses in its alliance. In time Ascetir (Cenred), Carleon (Queen Annis and King Carleon), Brittany (Tristan and Agravaine Du Bois), Deira (King Odin) and Mercia (King Bayard) join together with the Duke of Cornwall against Camelot's power as well. Uther's Camelot is surrounded by an alliance of powerful countries and cannot just do what it wants anymore.
s5Kid!Merlin and s5Kid!Morgana don't stop bitching and messing with each other for all the trauma they've been though. Balinor and Gorlois hate what their children became and both strive to fix it.
Among s5Kid!Merlin and s5Kid!Morgana's disputes are Merlin's unchanging sad wardrobe in their past lives. Kid!s5!Morgana saucily makes a suggestion to Gorlois to investigate in the potential of Ealdor fabric industry with Cenred of Ascetir's blessing, much to kid!s5!merlin's irritation. Morgana turns out to be right (which pisses merlin off). Ealdor becomes a booming trade center for fabric/textile. Thus Merlin is outfitted by both Gorlois and Balinor in comfortable and sturdy Ealdor clothing but in nobler and better styles.
Most importantly, the two semi-mature idiot and warfreak children get schooled by their parents and elders on their shitty extremist idealism and warped sense of ethics and politics from their past lives.
Balinor and Gorlois then decide to keep them apart to stop them from impeding each other's healing and reformation progress.
Morgana goes thru intensive and better high priestess training (with Nimueh, Morgause and Vivienne present alongside Gorlois' brand of politics and nation building.)
Meanwhile Merlin goes on sabbatical with Balinor in order to visit and live with the surviving members of different sects of magicfolk. This had to be done so that Merlin/Emrys can learn and understand their general politics, histories, ethics and values straight from the source and not just from books.
Gorlois makes Mordred his heir as Duke of Cornwall, Morgana prepares to become ambassador to Camelot as "Morgana Pendragon" and Merlin will be formally revealed as "Lord Emrys of the Druids" when he is of age.
10 years later Merlin Emrys and Morgana Pendragon, now 20, are reunited. They still hate each other but the council has unanimously decided to join them in marriage. This was done accordance with the various prophecies. Another reason for this was to solidify their position as powerful and feared diplomat-couples to Camelot and the rest of Albion.
They spend the days of their bethrothal by flirting with others while glaring daggers at each other from across the rooms, the halls and the forests.
Eventually, their handfasting goes off without a hitch... except that this is Merlin and Morgana who have still have the scars and memories from all 5 seasons. Since they transmigated to this alternate storyline, they both have an unhealthy fixation on foods and poison. These two don't trust anything until they're sure that it is not poison.
in the privacy of the wedding room they make a pact to remind each other how they could easily die by the other's hands if they wanted to.
You are my destiny, You are my doom.
Gorlois and Balinor are made aware of the pact while the two are suffering from the aftereffects 😂 Gorlois: i need the strongest wine. Our kids are insane. Balinor: ive got mushrooms too? U want some? Gorlois: sure 🤦 Mordred: i want a love like that too Morgause: please dont Nimueh: (cackling)
to anyone reading this.
Merlin and Morgana settle in Perilous Land of the Fisher King. Their married sex life is intense rough and bloody and they always come out looking mauled but hey in time (maybe 30 years) they managed to produce five kids all while trying to keep albion from erupting into all out war 😅
arthurian age does actually happen coz merlin is a reformed idiot in this au. he's actually one of high status among the nobles and can watch over albion better coz of his political position. As a married couple he and his wife keep each other in check, ready to go for the kill if needed (much to their children's dread).
so! King Arthur lives long and happy with many knights. Eventually he and Duke Mordred piss each other off because of territory or an insult, Camlann still happens. They both die.
morgause goes into grief, attacks merlin and morgana's family. morgana deals killing blow. everyone tries to save morgause's body but they couldnt so it's sad.
tired of their world, merlin and morgana retire into the woods to learn more about necromancy, astrology and astronomie.
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