#Mining Law
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
"How could businessmen be encouraged to take up the numerous opportunities that faced them? Few people disputed the right of the state to concern itself with that question. How then might the province foster the industrial development of its natural resources? In the first instance by improving the accessibility of those resources.
Access had a legal and physical dimension. Improving the accessibility of natural resources involved both better laws and better transportation facilities. To that end the government of Ontario adjusted its statutes and regulations to remove the legal obstacles in the way of those with capital seeking land. But more positively, the provincial government strove to bring land, labour and capital into productive combination in the north by improving transportation to the region. In the case of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway this required the construction and operation of a railroad as a public work. 
It was no easy task, one observer reminded the members of the Canadian Mining Institute, to devise a mining law that would satisfy "poor prospectors and rich capitalists, men with nothing and those with large experience; those who want to find something to develop and those who desire merely to get something to sell; the miner who wants to work the land for the valuable mineral he expects it to produce and the speculator who desires only to hold it while neighbouring development increases its value...." Amid this maze of competing interests, what then was the best policy for a government to pursue in allocating its mineral lands? The contortions performed by various governments to answer that question illustrate some of the problems and paradoxes involved in trying to enhance the legal accessibility of the provincial natural resources.
At first, in order to offer "liberal encouragement" to miners every sort, the government established a different policy meet the needs of each group. By 1905, for example, there were three recognized methods of obtaining mining properties: purchase, lease and exploration permit. Once a prospector bought a licence for a nominal fee he could stake mining locations ranging from 40 to 320 acres on any crown lands 22 to 40 acres within areas of potential mineralization-filled mining divisions. After signing an affidavit certifying at he had discovered "valuable mineral in place" and had one exploration work on the property for at least two years, miner might obtain a freehold patent to his lands by purchasing $50 per acre. However, the prospector could follow another them from the crown at prices ranging between $1.00 and endure to a freehold patent. As early as 1891 the Mowat Government had recognized that outright sale favoured the wing companies and well-supported exploration crews at the expense of the legendary "poor prospector." In order to increase opportunities to include this less-favoured class of miners the government established a leasehold system; after the required two years of working the location had been met, the crown would issue a ten-year lease to the property at a rental of at least $1.00 an acre for the first year, receding to as little as 15 cents during the final year. If at that time occupation had been continuous, the rent paid up, and working conditions fulfilled, then the impecunious prospector might obtain clear title to his mine. For as territorially possessive an industry as mining, this leasing system proved remarkably popular-perhaps because in addition to its democratic intent, it incidentally reduced the financial risk for mining companies. From 1892 until 1906, when the program was abolished, revenues from leases usually equalled, and sometimes surpassed, returns from mining lands sales. In any event, by selling lands cheaply, by reducing the working conditions and discovery requirements (if not by law then by lax administration), by renouncing royalties for all time finally in 1900, and by alleviating the burden upon small prospectors through the rental arrangements, the Ontario government sought to attract Canadian and foreign miners to its unexplored territories.
From time to time the government also issued exclusive exploration permits to entice large mining companies into exploring specific areas in northern Ontario. During 1896 an English syndicate received one such permit covering 46,000 acres of potentially gold-bearing land in the Lake of the Woods region. In return the company agreed to spend at least $120,000 over a three-year period exploring the properties involved: should it discover mineral-bearing formations then it would have to stake locations in accordance with the regulations. The Minister of Crown Lands at the time, John M. Gibson, defended moving "outside the beaten track of mining laws" on the grounds that extraordinary measures were required to attract experienced developers. However, the failure of the syndicate to perform the terms of its agreement immediately discredited this avenue of access. The event simply serves to illustrate the extent to which Ontario governments were prepared to bend regulations in order to accommodate timid capital. However, once the North American mining community, attracted by these liberal terms and the success of Cobalt, turned its attention to Ontario, the miners themselves demanded uniformity in the law rather than the variety that had formerly been necessary to meet their various needs. In 1905 the new Conservative government sought the advice of the rapidly expanding mining industry on reform of the Mining Act. Following informal regional meetings in the main mining camps 113 delegates convened in Toronto in mid-December. Their first and most insistent resolution asked for "one uniform mining law for the whole Province" and the assurance that it would not be manipulated by order-in-council. Shortly thereafter, the government introduced a consolidated Mines At which among other things eliminated the leasehold system. decentralized administration, and established one sale policy in the entire province, as the miners had requested.
An informal, pluralistic approach to resource alienation seemed to be the most likely method of attracting capital during the preliminary stages of industrial development. For mining the government established a variety of mineral land disposal grams to satisfy a number of different circumstances. In fact, the government was so eager that it was prepared to entertain almost any exploration proposal. However, once an industry became established, all that changed. An expanding, confident mining industry after Cobalt demanded and quickly received systematization, equality of treatment, stability and uniformity in the law and the administration of the law - still, must be added, on terms liberally favouring the industry. The practice of allocating pulp concessions to potential developers underwent a similar cycle. There, however, political rather than business considerations led to a rationalization of procedures. During the 1890s the government had entered to a number of pulpwood agreements with various syndicates without attracting much notice. The Spanish River pulp concession, leased in 1900 to a group of Ontario lumbermen with American backing, provoked a new policy towards the industry. "The time had come." Whitney said, "when the public domain should not be given out blindfold in secret contracts when the people, in whose behalf the Government was acting, were unaware of what was being given away." Such contracts, several of which had been negotiated during the late nineties, were especially suspect when, as in the Spanish River case, "the Government held the capitalists who were seeking concessions in the hollow of their hands and could compel them to yield to improper demands." Rather than continue the private deals with a small group of Liberal developers, Whitney moved an amendment demanding public competition for pulp concessions, full disclosure of the terms and conditions, and a full-scale inventory of pulpwood resources in order that the House and the people might know the true value of timber limits and could then grant them intelligently.
- H. V. Nelles, The Politics of Development: Forests, Mines & Hydro-Electric Power in Ontario, 1849-1941. Second Edition. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005 (1974), p. 110-114
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zanephillips · 6 months
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JUDE LAW Closer (2004) dir. Mike Nichols
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bitterly-almond · 8 months
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[inspired by that lovely painting of @_K0TTERl_ on twitter (creator of "Veil" manga)]
They're such a rarepair lol but once I saw the vision I cannot go back.
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some good news!! the spanish state's ministry of equality has finally passed one of the most progressive trans laws on the planet, shielded free and universal access to abortion and banned conversion therapy and genital surgery for intersex babies, among a lot of other feminist policies. the minister of equality irene montero gave a speech thanking spain's lgtb and trans associations for helping her draft these legislations. couldn't be more proud!!
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njere · 2 months
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Happy birthday Corazón, the dad ever <3
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abolawfirm · 1 year
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Being the best Mining Law Firm Philippines, we have been providing legal services to all kinds of companies from small businesses to large corporations, both foreign and local. Our firm specializes in helping our clients with their mining and energy transaction needs. Our lawyers are always ready to help you whenever you need them no matter what type of case you may be facing at this time.
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beif0ngs · 9 months
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bishy437 · 10 months
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pov: you follow wwx on snapchat
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lavendervirgos · 4 months
If you grab and squeeze my thigh under the dinner table we're going to the bathroom to fuck. I don't make the rules.
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i-merani · 4 months
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I'm too angry to formulate how many lines the government has crossed and how dangerous the situation has gotten… please read, and know the truth.
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zanephillips · 4 months
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JUDE LAW Alfie (2004)
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Imagine Law finding you asleep and wrapped in his coat…
Part 1 | Part 2
The temperature plummeted. A valve had gotten loose and Shachi was working with Bepo to remedy the sudden shift. Given that the crew spent most of their time underwater, it didn't bother them too much.
Law was walking through the corridor when he noticed a sleeping figure pressed uncomfortably against some pipes. But what surprised him was what they were wearing - it was his blue feather-coloured coat.
He thought he had left that particular piece in his quarters. Apparently not.
Taking a step closer, his heart fell into his stomach when he realised that it was wrapped up around the shoulders of his temporary guest.
Clicking his tongue, sudden temperature change in the Polar Tang was exactly why he insisted on his crew wearing the boiler suits.
You refused and were now suffering quietly.
Law was about to wake your sleeping form with a small fright - his form of punishment for your disobedience - but he held back when he saw a shiver ghost over your skin.
An odd feeling bloomed in his chest. It wasn’t unwelcome, just strange.
The doctor in him noted that your sleeping position was awful at its current angle. He contemplated just shifting you but the way you were leaning against the metal beams, you were bound to wake bruised.
With another soft click of his tongue, Law made a quick decision to remedy the situation - and to not receive an angry call from the Strawhats' raccoon-dog, Chopper.
Law moved quietly and very carefully swept you into his arms with the coat. He was also accurately aware of the warmth you were radiating from being wrapped up.
Unconsciously, you hummed and nestled into his chest in an attempt to be closer.
Law stilled for a few seconds. The blooming in his chest exploded and forced him to feel emotions that he had otherwise cut out.
Thankful that the space was empty, Law summoned a ‘room’ and spoke ‘shambles’, easily transporting both into his personal quarters. It was the only place that he figured wouldn’t raise questions as the crew weren’t about and it was his private space.
He walked you to the edge of the made up bed and paused. With every intention to set you down, Law made the mistake of glancing at your sleeping form in his arms.
Fuck. You were perfect despite all the attempts to rile and defy him. And now, you were so peaceful in his embrace, silently clutching the man - wanting him and nothing else.
Gently, Law squeezed you against his chest. Not enough to wake you but just enough for him to get lost in this feeling. Then he bent down and placed you on the relatively-soft mattress. It was an improvement to the metal pipes from moments ago.
He absentmindedly pushed a stray hair from your face. Then you stirred which made him freeze entirely. Luck was on his side when you merely curled against yourself and let his coat do its work. Law watched your breathing even out and then returned to standing.
If this is how it would play out when you got cold and refused the uniforms during your stay, he didn’t mind.
Part 1 | Part 2
~ More imagines here ~ (for more One Piece)
Tags: @metonimia-de-bellota @i5didi @turtletaubwrites @isabeauwolf
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beaulesbian · 3 months
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One Piece + even more text posts [6/?]
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bbbbbbbbatman · 8 months
It's hilarious to think of Bruce who considers Clark to be his best friend, trusts him implicitly, and thinks Clark is the person who knows him better than anyone outside his family, but when timkon or jondami start dating he realizes that there is a very real possibility that they could become...*shudders*...in-laws, and is horrified.
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jordynbreeloa777 · 8 months
This document is by Solar which was a subliminal maker but sadly her page got terminated:( She really helped me change the mindset and become the master manifestor I am so ALL CREDITS GOES TO HER! ( I did not make this at all Solar did! ) { I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THIS, AND APPLY ALL THE INFORMATION STATED. LIKE FR. 💝 }
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beif0ngs · 1 year
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