#Message Reminder
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 month ago
you have inherent value simply because you exist. your worth to the world around you is not dictated by how well you fulfill social norms.
you do not need to be "productive" to be appreciated. you don't need to change how you look to be loved. you don't need to censor yourself for your story to be heard.
there are more people on this planet than you could possibly know that would love to be in your company, exactly as you are now - people who would want to be your friend, hear your truth, see you smile, or explore life with you.
it's okay. you're okay. you may not feel okay, your life may feel like it's in shambles, the world may feel beyond fucked up... but you, as a living, breathing human being - you are enough.
anyone who tries to tell you different is just repeating and believing a lie - probably a lie they were told about themselves, too. it's not a reflection of you. ok?
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cheeseandcake-from-ao3 · 6 months ago
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hsmagazine254 · 2 years ago
Oraimo Smart Watch 2 Pro: The Perfect Father's Day Gift For The Modern Dad
Oraimo Smart Watch 2 Pro Father’s Day is just around the corner, and finding the ideal gift to show appreciation for your dad can be a challenging task. Look no further! The Oraimo Smart Watch 2 Pro is the ultimate gift for the modern dad who values both style and functionality. With its impressive features and sleek design, this smartwatch is bound to bring a smile to your dad’s face on his…
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iipaint · 1 year ago
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oh, i should have gone deeper, but i'm not so brave
when i was done dying - dan deacon // fionna and cake - "cheers"
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bitchy-craft · 10 months ago
PICK A CARD: Something you should hear
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I will give you a reading on what it is you should hear right now. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings [NEW]
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
You are worth all it is that you want. All those dreams you possess but are too afraid to vocalise are all dreams you are deserving of having, deserving of achieving. It doesn’t matter if you’ve made mistakes in life or not; everyone has and everyone will continue to make them.
You are worthy of love, you are worthy of achieving your dreams and be proud of your accomplishments. You are such an amazing person, and you should continue to tell yourself that; especially when things are tough. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it yet, that is alright. Just look yourself in the mirror for at least once a day and repeat over and over again all the things you are deserving of, all the things you want to achieve and why you are worthy of achieving them for (and when something like that is difficult, realise that there are no reasons for you not being worthy of achieving them).
Pile 2:
You are so beautiful, and it hurts to see you don’t always believe that, that you don’t see it. You are beautiful inside and out, all it is that you seem to dislike about yourself are the things the people around you love. You are pretty, you are beautiful, you are intelligent and unique; you are amazing and you must learn to see that yourself.
Whenever you are having a hard time and you are too afraid to reach out to friends, reach out to your spirit guides; ask for a sign to give you comfort; ask for a sign that shows you are worthy of love, and you will be surprised how quickly those signs will come to you, how someone always listens to you even if you aren’t aware of it.
There are people who truly believe you deserve everything in the world; and therefore you must start to believe it yourself as well.
Pile 3:
It is okay to take breaks, to not do certain things if you simply can’t do it (or don’t want to). It doesn’t make you a bad person, it doesn’t mean you are lazy or dirty. It simply means you need some more time to yourself, some more time to get everything back on track. You are too hard on yourself; and many of you will have people surrounding you who are too hard on you as well, or feel like people around you have achieved so much more than you have that you must constantly keep up.
You don’t need to have done certain things before a certain time or age, you don’t need to do things just because others do so; you are meant to create and follow your own path. Everyone has their own timeline that they follow. You aren’t late, you aren’t early; you are right on time, just like you always have been and always will.
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the-bar-sinister · 7 months ago
Self-reminders today:
Resting is an important part of creating and doing.
There is more to resting than just sleeping.
Resting means letting yourself be idle of body and idle of mind.
Resting replenishes mental and physical strengths.
There is nothing virtuous about resisting rest.
There is nothing virtuous about working without rest.
Idleness and rest are not wrong or lazy.
Allowing yourself to rest enhances your creativity and allows you to do better work.
There is nothing about resting that should make you feel guilty.
You need rest.
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eir-parade · 5 days ago
time for kanade's turn in the torture maze 🙏🙏 her time was coming sooner or later
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i saw some people on twt mention the empty frames representing kanade's lack of life experiences due to her guilt and isolation and the mirrors being used to represent possible self-reflection and likely kanade will finally have to face herself
but i'd like to mention the hallway
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firstly, it may just be me seeing this but this hallway actually contains each of the unit members image colours. kanade is the walls. ena is the picture frames. mizuki is the floor. and mafuyu is the roof.
secondly, this hallway is LOOOONG but there is a light at the end, which actually is also niigo's unit image colour (the light is there, at 25:00). niigo is each others's light. niigo is kanade's light.... but it's oh so so far away.... despite moving towards it, albeit slowly, the light never seems to get closer
kanade is so far away from this light
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kotaki · 1 year ago
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Cure Wonderful in FUN☆FUN☆Wonderful DAYS!
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support-ponies · 1 month ago
hello! :3c
i'd like to request a drawing of twilight saying things like "you deserve to have friends" or "it's not your fault they left you" etc (i'm feeling very lonely and have been suddenly abandoned by my best friends for no reason multiple times)
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Losing friends can be really painful, but it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve friendship or that you did something wrong. Sometimes people grow apart, and their leaving isn’t a reflection of your worth. You still deserve to have people in your life who appreciate and care about you. 💖
~ Mod Faeling
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khaire-traveler · 7 months ago
This is probably going to be the sappiest post I will ever write in my entire life, but it needs to be said because someone out there will read this, and they'll know it was for them.
I know life is really hard right now, and it can be so incredibly difficult to find things to hold onto, things to hope for, even just things that make you smile these days. But something I've discovered about life is the way that happiness always finds a way to re-enter our lives. It finds us in the form of friends who make funny jokes. It finds us in the love-filled eyes of a pet who is overjoyed to see us. It finds us in the lyrics of a song that brings us comfort. It finds us as we stop walking to stare at the sunset for a brief moment.
Happiness will find you again and again and again, for the rest of your life. There will always be days, weeks, months that are harder than others, but these difficult times do not mean you will never be happy again. The next time the sun hits your skin and you notice a clear sky above you, close your eyes and feel that warmth, just for a moment, and remind yourself that you will create your own happiness again. You have before.
I believe in you. I am proud of you. We all walk together down the path of life. You will be ok. ❤️
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luriart · 5 months ago
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Every time Li Yu complains about the "fish-scamming system" this appears in my mind
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warriorheartofmine · 2 years ago
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insaneinpink · 9 months ago
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originalartblog · 9 months ago
Im sure you can still fit one more in there!!!
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He believes in you↑
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If this goes on for any longer I'm gonna have to open an actual daycare or something
(part 1) - (part 2)
@inkingkitsune, @ask-dazai-osamu-anything, @insanebsdfan
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orb-weaving · 6 months ago
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rapidhighway · 3 months ago
teeheeheee i can't recommend making your own stickers enough
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