#Meet the Parents
west-brooke · 6 months
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Part 5.
Meet Lord Knaw (pronounced like Gnaw), and Ralph’s biological father. He’s just joking….yeah.
Since Alligator Snapping turtles often grow to be the biggest predator in bodies of water they’re introduced to outside of their natural range, he’s considered a pretty big deal where he’s from (a pond a few miles outside of New York). I’m sure he hasn’t let it go to his head.
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superbat-love · 5 months
Bruce Wayne found himself in a rare moment of social unease as he sat across from the Kents in their humble farmhouse. It was his first time meeting Clark’s parents, and he felt tenser than the time the Joker had dangled him over a shark tank.
"So, Bruce," Jonathan began, “I hear you're quite the successful businessman in Gotham. Any truth to the rumors of a vault overflowing with diamonds?"
Bruce, without skipping a beat, replied seriously, "Actually, it's full of kryptonite, not diamonds."
Jonathan's laughter died. He cleared his throat, forcing a smile. "Well, that’s certainly a unique hobby, Bruce."
"Hobby?" Bruce repeated, genuinely confused. "It’s not a hobby, Mr. Kent. It’s for protection, in case Superman loses control and becomes a threat to us all."
Martha's hand shot up to her chest, a gasp escaping her lips at the thought of Clark trapped in a room full of kryptonite. Clark leaned in, smiling proudly. "Bruce always thinks ahead!"
Jonathan and Martha stared at Clark as if he had just declared his love for Darkseid, exchanging uneasy glances. Laughing awkwardly, Martha quickly changed topics. As the evening wore on, Bruce found himself consumed by guilt, convinced that he had left a terrible impression on the Kents.
Later, driving back to Gotham, the silence in the car was heavier than Bruce’s heart.
"That.. didn’t go so well," Bruce finally said.
Clark glanced at him. "You haven’t done anything wrong, Bruce. You just have a very... unique way of showing you care. My parents will understand once they’ve gotten to know you better."
"Alfred told me to just be myself," Bruce muttered.
Clark chuckled. "Right. Well, maybe next time we can work on a less... apocalyptic way to impress my parents."
Bruce nodded. “I’m glad I didn’t tell them about the Phantom Zone projector in the vault.”
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
So I LOVE the idea of a meet the parents fic where Danny is dating one of the bat kids and he is invited over to meet the rest of the family.
Whatever batkid you like (i personally like Tim x Danny)
And dinner is going GREAT, danny is charming the hell out of everyone when he says something vaguely concerning about his home life that borders neglect (or even just straight abuse) and Danny doesnt know what he said was wrong and just keeps eating without a thought.
Maybe he complimented Alfred’s cooking and said, “man this is great! Even better when it doesn’t get reanimated by your parents experiments” or “wow, I wish my folks cooked meals for me and my sister like this.”
and Bruce just gets that look in his eye. you know the one! And whoever is next to Bruce kicks him in the shin and glares at him like, “I know what your thinking! Don’t you dare!” And bruce just looks at them like, “but I cant not adopt him!” And danny is blissfully unaware of this whole conversation.
But if damien was the one who brought danny he would immediately offer for danny to stay without consulting ANYONE. like after he says vaguely concerning things damien is just like, “move here and you don’t have to go hungry ever again.” Or “live with me and i will protect you forever.” Or even just, “bring your sister next time, i am concerned for your health if your parents can reanimate food.”
On the flip side: Danny bringing one of the bats home with HIM!
Jazz would be SO excited to meet Danny’s significant other! Danny had been dreading bringing his bat home with him because his parents were EMBARRASSING (absent or explosive) so there they are sitting around the table waiting for jack and maddie and eventually danny sighs and just says its ok and to start eating. Jazz almost gets up to go hound their parents about this but danny stops her and smiles. Then like a hour later an explosion in the basement shakes the house and up from the basement Jack and Maddie wearing full hazmat suits burst through the basement doors as smoke bellows out. In the possess maddie greets them and goes back to doing what she was doing. The whole time the bat is mentally cataloging very problematic behavior the Fenton’s are showing as well as thinking of ways to bring danny and his sister somewhere safe.
Jack and Maddie cause a fire in the kitchen while Danny’s bat is over and the fenton kids sigh like this has happened before, danny turns to jazz “ill go get the fire extinguisher.” And jazz nods, “Ill order takeout, any preferences?”
Danny comes home with their bat to Jazz looking nervous and when danny sees her he immediately realizes that it is his parents doing the cooking tonight and is about to walk right back out the door with their bat but his dad walks out and stops him with a bright smile.
The bat is intimidated by Jack’s sheer size (he is a very large man and they never thought that someone could be taller than Superman but here was Jack Fenton) and then when they sit down to eat after Jack spent an hour talking at them. But then the food is reanimated and starts to attack and so the bat fights back and impresses the fenton parents with their fighting skills.
Either way both would be a disaster and i am LIVING for it!!!!!
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bigtreefest · 6 months
🧚🏻‍♀️✨Bippity boppity bow chicka wow oww! You’ve been visited by the Shameless Hoe Fairy, and now you must share a hoe drabble about:
Ransom + kiss on the cheek + “You smell good.”
Meet the Parents
Boyfriend! Ransom Drysdale x Reader
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Word Count: 1,998
A/N: The Shameless Hoe Fairy? At my doorstep? What a surprise!! I was so excited to write this prompt, and hope I did Ransom justice.
Drabble? I don’t know her. I’ll call this a double Drabble based off word count?
Warnings: probably the most suggestive fic I’ve written, so just to be safe, minors DNI, allusions to smut, schmoozing but it’s actually so genuine, family, L-bomb, nickname/pet name usage
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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You had spent two weeks coaching Ransom to meet your family. After a long phone call with your mom on the way home from work, she insisted you bring him over for dinner.
“Family should know everything about each other.” She insisted. You rolled your eyes and hummed in response. At this point, you knew that sometimes there was no fighting her and you just had to say whatever she wanted to hear.
“Okay, mom. I’ll talk to him about it, but to be fair, I haven’t even met his parents yet. Anyway, I’m pulling into my place right now. I’ve gotta let you go.” Your hand hovered over the keys in the ignition, eager to take them out as soon as she’d say goodbye.
“I don’t know why you’re kicking me off the phone so soon, but okay. We’ll plan it out for him to come over soon. Love you, bye.”
“Love you, too. Bye, mom.” You turned off the car and scooped up your bag and keys, heading inside.
As soon as you hit the kitchen, you flailed your arms out, dropping all your stuff on the island. You and Ransom had plans for him to come over and cook with you tonight, but after that call, there was no way that was gonna happen. You could only allocate your energy towards so much at a time.
You had considered asking Ransom if he wouldn’t mind doing the majority of the work for the meal tonight since the two of you had picked up the groceries over the weekend, but quickly thought better. You were already exhausted, no need to add a kitchen cluttered with dirty dishes and burnt food to the list.
You picked up your phone from the mess you made and called Ransom, surprised it only took one ring before he picked up.
“Hey, Sweetheart, I’m on the way over now. You better have a good recipe up your sleeve, because I’m driving through a row of restaurants and the scent is heavenly.” You wanted to laugh but your body felt too weighed down.
“About that, Ran. Can there be a change of plans? I know I said I’d teach you a new recipe tonight, but I have next to no energy left. Will you actually just pick something up? Your choice.”
The line went silent for a beat before you had to pull the phone away from your ear at Ransom’s boisterous response. “THANK GOD. Yes, I’ll do that. Be there in 20.”
And with that he hung up the phone and you flopped down on the couch waiting for him to arrive.
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Ransom’s knock on your door jerked you awake. You responded with a rasp. “It’s open.”
He made his way over to you and set down the bags of food on your coffee table.
“Hi, Ranny.” You smiled up at him, your eyes still half lidded with sleep.
Ransom reached for your hands, draping them over the back of his neck as he crouched over you, eventually lowering himself down so his head was on your chest, the rest of his broad form blanketing you on the couch. You kissed the top of his head and stroked his hair as he mumbled through his squished cheeks. “What’s got you all like…this?” He gestured to your face without looking up.
He still wasn’t that great at expressing his care for the emotions of others, but for you, he was trying. You sighed and patted his shoulders.
“Food first, then I’ll tell you.”
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You pushed back your takeout box on the coffee table and finally looked up at Ransom. He had been eyeing you skeptically the whole meal, leaning against the bottom of the couch, both of you sitting on the floor, as he ate his own food. It wasn’t like him to be that quiet. He must’ve been worried.
“Hi.” You softly whispered to him, looking back into his piercing gaze.
“Hi. You wanna tell me what’s going on now?” He returned with a gentle sternness in his tone.
You nodded, your shoulders rolling back as you built up the courage to address this big of a topic. “My parents want to meet you.”
Ransom’s jaw stopped chewing his food. He set down his utensils and swallowed, shifting to put his elbows on the table to look at you. “Okay… what’s so wrong with that? Parents love me.”
You grimaced, you really liked him, but didn’t want to subject your relationship to the gauntlet of your family.
“Nothing, really, it’s just, my parents are very traditional. Like, super religious and conservative.”
Ransom continued to look at you intently, nodding slowly. “So what exactly are you saying? I wouldn’t be approved by your parents?”
“No! I’m not saying that at all, I just want to make sure they see how great you are. They tend to judge harshly and quickly. The first time I brought a guy home, they literally said, ‘Yeah, I think you’d be better as friends. Let him down easy.’ And I never saw him again because couldn’t handle their disappointed faces every time I mentioned his name. I don’t want to have to go through that with you- no, I can’t go through that with you because I love you and you’re it for me.”
Ransom’s eyes went wide. That was the first time you had said it and he was surprised by how quotidian it seemed. Like you should’ve been saying it this whole time. Your eyes went wide as well with surprise at what had slipped out as his face morphed into a grin. It wasn’t shit-eating or mischievous, it was full of love and… lust?
“Get over here.” You silently scooted around the coffee table on your knees and made your way to Ransom as he reached his arms out and guided you into his lap. He pulled you close so your noses were touching, his long eyelashes fluttering along your cheeks as you whimpered.
“Let me show you how much I love you. I’ll savor you right here and treat you like the only woman on Earth, because you’re it for me, too.” Ransom made a move to press his lips against yours, but you pulled back.
“Wait, Ran. There’s something I have to tell you first.” His eyes darted in between yours with concern.
“My parents still think I’m a virgin.” His shoulders dropped as he looked at you incredulously, head cocked to the side.
“Is that it? I mean, we both know you’re far from pure already if I’ve got anything to say about it.” The corner of his mouth turned up and you hid your head in his neck. You pulled back, pushing your hands against his shoulders to keep distance so you could focus enough to get the rest of the information out.
“Just, with everything I told you, there are some household rules we’ll have to follow.”
“Mmhmm.” He hummed, kissing a trail up your forearm.
“Ran, I mean it. No kissing around them, not on the lips at least. Forehead and cheek only.”
“Yeah, I get it.” He continued, kissing his way up the other arm.
“Seriously, and no inappropriate touching, or private conversations in a separate room.”
His trail continued up your neck. “Is that all?”
You sighed and tilted your head back, closing your eyes. “You probably have to bring a bottle of wine. And flowers for my mom and sister.” You meant to sound stern, but it came out as more of a gasp.
“Consider it done, sweetheart.” He moved up your cheek, then leaned in for a deep kiss that left you breathless.
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Two weeks later, you were staying at your parents’ house for a long weekend. They had come to pick you up, and Ransom was going to drive you back home after the meal so you could go to work the next morning. Letting Ransom stay over would probably never be a thought in their mind until the two of you were married, so he was only coming over for Sunday night dinner.
You were nervous and hoped his weeks of prep had been taken to heart. On a normal day with Ransom, he was all over you, so you had no idea how he was going to keep his hands to himself, if only for a few hours.
You had told him your parents valued punctuality, too, having met in the military, so you were delighted to hear the doorbell at 5:15 when they’d told him to be there at 5:30.
You ran down the steps and opened the door to be greeted by your boyfriend holding two bouquets and a bottle of wine as your mother followed closely behind you. Ransom was looking more handsome than usual, if that was even possible, with his signature sweater and carefully styled hair. You preferred it floofy and a little messy, as it was most mornings, but it was perfect for your mom to see him.
Ransom handed you the bottle of wine as he leaned in to kiss your cheek. “You look beautiful, Sweetheart.” You blushed and gestured toward your mom with your free hand.
“Mom, this is Ransom, Ransom, I’d like you to mee-“
Before you could even finish the introduction, she cut you off. “Mom, you can call me Mom, dear. It’s so great to meet you.” Ransom laughed and handed her a bouquet of flowers with charm before she pulled him in for a hug. You raised your eyebrows in surprise at the greeting. You’d never seen her be this welcoming before, even when your sister brought her husband home for the first time. Ransom looked over his shoulder at you and winked as your mother dragged him into the living room to meet the rest of the family.
You made your way to the kitchen with the bottle of wine, catching your dad who was finishing up the meal.
“Hey Dad, Ransom just got here. Need any help finishing up?” He looked up from the pot he was stirring and squinted to read the label on the bottle of wine in your hands.
“Ah, that’s a good one. Why don’t you pull out some glasses and open it up so we can get it airing. Would you be a dear and help me take this all out to the table? I’m gonna go introduce myself.”
You nodded and got to work running the dishes out to the dining room.
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Dinner with Ransom went off without a hitch. He was a perfect gentleman without it seeming forced, engaging in conversation with your family with ease. Every topic he brought up complimented you and touched on your best moments with each other, your sister and her husband chiming in on their similar experiences and your parents looking at the two of you with approval and admiration.
When it was time to go, your parents made you each a bag full of leftovers, insisting you’d both have dinners for the whole week. You smiled and happily took them, waving goodbye until they closed the door behind you. Ransom grabbed your hand, still keeping a respectful amount of distance between your bodies before walking you to the other side of his Beamer. He opened the passenger door for you before he grabbed the bag of food out of your hands and placed it in the back along with his. He leaned into the car, finally out of the line of sight of your parents’ windows as he buckled you into your seat. As he leaned back, he kissed you on the cheek again before nosing against your neck.
“You smell good. So good I almost went crazy when I first got here.” He pulled back, pupils blown with lust, swallowing his icy irises, as he leaned in with his arm resting against the roof of the car.
“Now let’s take you home so I can take you apart.”
Part 2
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angelynmoon · 3 months
Fic thought: Legolas/Gimli meet the parents
Gimli meeting Thranduil
Legolas: Ada, this is my Gimli, I'm going to marry him.
Gimli bows slightly: Sir
Thranduil: Drinks directly from a keg and wonders where he went wrong but Gandalf hits him every time he goes to speak
Legolas meeting Gloin
Gimli: Father this is my elf, my beloved.
Legolas(thinking): Why does this Dwarf look familiar, must be family resemblance.
Gloin, remembering this elf from the Quest: Still think he's a goblin mutant?
Legolas, eyes wide, remembering, dying from embarassment: Well, that is, oh, oh no.
Gimli and his mother are very confused but Gloin is never going to let this go.
Also did Gloin ever get his locket back because if not that's another thing he holds over Legolas, but it's teasingly not meanly, he's thinks it's funny and he gets to fuck with Thranduil about their kids being together, Thranduil can't do anything about it, Elves love once just like Dwarrow, Gloin is having the time of his life.
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meep-meep-richie · 9 months
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they did this scene for me
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icespur · 7 months
Incorrect Quotes Akeshu #98
Akiren: Just be yourself. Akechi: Really? Akiren, I have one day to win over your parents. Akechi: How long did it take for you guys to like me? Ann: Couple of weeks. Futaba: Six months. Haru: Jury’s still out. Akechi: See Akiren? ‘Just be yourself,’ what kind of garbage advice is that?!
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corvase · 2 years
uh oh time to meet the parents prompts
i love this request so much! please feel free to use :)
“what are the chances that you’d let me not meet them, then tell them i died or something and we can run away together and—” “breathe.”
“mom, this is [name].” “……… you’re joking, right?”
“mom… what would you do if i said i was getting married?” and a response like “omg!!!!! to that guy you were dating before??? when is it???? what’s the color theme????? WAIT DONT MOVE IM FLYING OVER”
^and a contrasting “dad… i’m getting married” and a response like “oh ok congrats”
introducing them in that awkward stage where they’ve been dating for like a couple months and they’re eating dinner tgt and the parents are just humiliating them
“whether you like them or not, i love them. you can respect that or you can uninvite yourself from the wedding.”
“thank you for loving my daughter. you were one of us from the moment you started taking care of her.”
they hit it off so very well that the parents are like F my child can i adopt u instead
^afterwards like “so what did you think of them?” and the parent(s) are like “i think i like them more than you.”
“i’m gonna be honest my love. watching you guys together made me glad because i know you have someone when your dad and i leave this earth.”
“give her a chance.”
if the parents don’t like the love interest: have scenes displaying how it feels for the love interest to have to see their partner scramble to convince their parents to like their partner. that cannot in any way shape or form go untalked about as the live interest probably feels humiliated, inferior, etc… also consider why the parents would dislike the love interest
“i don’t like him.” “good thing i’m the one dating him then, right?”
a lot of people don’t have parents/good relationships w their parents so what if they broke the news to their friends :)
one of your characters doesn’t have parents to break the news to but their partner’s parents take them in as their own
“i need them to love me. because you love me, and you love them, and if they don’t love me i don’t know what i’ll do.”
“i want them to love you.”
“i need you guys to love him because i love him.”
“i finally realized that i don’t need your permission as much as i thought i did.”
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rudemaidenswrite · 28 days
Don't Belong Here
Part 5
part 4
By: @pusantheamazonian
Tag list: @rosecat5 @athenaricham-loves-orcs  @pandainfinitely @rivalriotrenegade @rouge-fire175 @happymoonangel @the-witchs-posts
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You don't know why but it's time. There's just something gnawing in your brain that Ronnie needs to meet them. Now that you two are officially dating. Because if they don't approve of him you're going to cut your own heart out. And you'll never be happy again.
Anxiety ridden. Biting the bullet, you give them a call. And it's picked up on the first ring.
"Y/N! I hope you're not calling to cancel tomorrow." Immediately the motherly scolding begins, somehow she knows something is going on.
"Actually quite the opposite."
"What's wrong?" Worry fills her voice.
"I was hoping I could bring someone with me. There's someone I'd like you to meet." Biting your lip, you know she's going to say yes. But you don't want to risk the chance that the answer will be no.
"Of course dear. You can bring whoever you need to." You can hear the relief in her voice.
"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."
One phone call down, now the other. But there's no telling what he's up to today so quick text will do.
Ronnie, would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow? They're some people I want you to meet.
God. Why is this so hard to ask? You've rewritten the question three times. Nervously you push send. It's not like you're inviting him to have lunch with your parents and meet them for the first time. No it's just Tog and Dura. The ones who have looked after you and babied you since you moved here.
Damn it. They are your parents. As much as you hate saying it out loud to anyone. They are. Besides Charlie and Olivia already call them that.
Great! Meet at my place at 11am.
Breathing a sigh of relief. Now here's to hoping everything goes well.
These people must be important to you. You have refused to say anything else about this lunch or even acknowledge that it's happening. He's got to step it up today, he definitely needs to look like a regular person.
The importance of this lunch is killing you. You already sorta know how Tog feels about this but Dura will likely kill Ronnie if she disapproves.
"Where is that dress?" Grumbling while sorting through the closet. You know that dress Dura bought you is in here and for extra bonus points you have got to wear it. Ronnie will be here any minute and you're still in your underwear. Not that he wouldn't mind but now is not the time.
"Ah ha!" Finding the dress, somehow you tucked it into a garment bag and shoved it all the way in the back of the closet.
Slipping the dress on you barely have enough time to finish getting dressed when there is a knock on the door.
Opening the door you can't believe it's him. He's in crisp new jeans and a button up shirt. There's no way he can clean up this good.
"H-hi." Stumbling over your words you have to force yourself to focus.
Damn she's gorgeous. Hair and makeup done. Smelling like blackberries again. The soft blue dress has matching beading around the neckline and belt. He's never seen you in a dress before. He'll never say it out loud but you usually dress like you're homeless or just rolled out of bed. You oddly feel like home.
"You didn't say what to wear. Hope I chose right." Shrugging you see his ears twitching awkwardly.
"Yes." Actually you couldn't care less about what he wore. They'll find out he's part of the Fogteeth sooner or later.
"We are meeting some important people of mine for lunch. Just let me get my purse." Staying positive is the only way to make it through the day.
Important people? Worried who's so important that you won't say who it is? He picked up on the fake smile just now. You now have him worried about this meeting.
He's been driving for about twenty minutes towards the outskirts of the city with you giving directions. The neighborhood seems decent enough. A bunch of smaller homes and it seems strangely quiet for the most part.
"This one here. With the iron fence." Quickly pointing at the house a few yards down.
He pulls into a blacktop driveway beside a white brick bungalow. Getting out of the truck he's hit with a variety of strong smells. Vegetables and flowers but the most noticeable one is Orc.
Making your way around the truck, you grab his hand firmly and lead the way.
"Are you feeling okay? You keep biting your lips." Asking he knows the answer. You're not and it's worrisome. Nervousness and fear keep wafting off of you, getting stronger with every step.
"Just a little nervous." Shrugging you try not to give away how terrified you actually are.
"You're nervous?"
"Well, you're the first person I've brought home." Fidgeting you quickly push the doorbell.
“Brought home?” Confused, he couldn't have heard you right.
The door swings open before you can answer him. An old orc woman answers. Excitement covers her face.
"Y/N! My darling daughter, it's so good to see you." She's loud and excited. He's never smelt such happiness from an orc about a human.
"You saw me a few days ago." Smiling, you give her a quick hug.
"So? If I had it my way you wouldn't be able to leave the house." Teasing she pinches your cheeks.
"Mam!" Embarrassed, you shoo her hand away.
"Oh hush. I don't want any sass from you. Your sister has enough of it. Now who is this?"
"Mam this is Ronnie. He's the one I talked to you about. Ronnie, this is my mother Dura." You calmly gesture between the two.
It doesn't go unnoticed that you introduced her as your mother and the happy gasp that came from her. She knows you're not very public with telling people who they are.
"Come in! Come in! Lunch is almost ready. Your father is setting the table now." Grinning Dura nods inside.
Holding Ronnie's hand tightly you head to the dining room. Pausing slightly you see him finish setting the table.
"Pap this is Ronnie. Ronnie, this is my father Tog."
He instantly recognizes the old orc you call father. He was working that day, he caused a scene.
He's stunned. The ones you call mother and father are orcs. In a moment time feels frozen but moving at hyper speed. The realization hits him hard. You have brought him to meet your parents. That's a serious commitment step especially in Orc culture. You're basically presenting him to the chieftain; the leader; your father that he is your chosen mate.
"Y/N, come help." Dura asks from the kitchen.
"Coming!" Giving Ronnie a smile you quickly pat his arm before disappearing into the next room.
"When we are together as a family for meals. We speak in our mother tongue. It helps keep the language alive." Tog explains in Bodzvokhan, with a stern face gesturing for Ronnie to take a seat.
"It’s so that we don't forget how to speak it." You lean over to whisper as you put some food on the table.
"Charlie speaks it too?" Surprised that thought never occurred to him.
"Yeah and so does Olivia but she's still learning." Trying not to smile at Ronnie's confused face you sit down beside him.
"How did you two meet?" Dura questions, passing bowls of food around. Not giving Ronnie a chance to process anything.
"Ah um at a Fogteeth block party." You don't necessarily know how to explain it.
"Y/N! Since when do you party?" Shocked, Dura's disbelief is evident.
"Because your daughter signed me up for a fight club. So they all know me now." Huffy you make it known what her sassy daughter has been up to.
"Y/N! What have I said about fighting?" Frowning, Dura tsk's you.
"To knock them out in one punch." You pretend to punch someone.
"Dura's father was a boxer. That's how we met. I worked as an errand boy when I was a child at the gym where her father trained." Tog interjects.
Now it clicks in his mind about why you can fight. My God you're from a family of Orc boxers.
"Could be worse, you forget that Charlie and Olivia met at a strip club." Sighing the way you and Ronnie met wasn't entirely a bad way, just very unconventional.
"Why do I believe that?" Ronnie laughs.
“They were both waitresses. Cause Charlie can't dance and Olivia is accident prone.”
The rest of the lunch visit goes well. No red flags popped up. And watching Ronnie interact with them is nice. It's not often you or Charlie bring someone here. Only after two years of dating was Olivia introduced and Ryan was only after graduation.
Gathering the leftovers for Charlie and Olivia. You see Pap and Ronnie walk outside.
"Yes Mam?" Turning you see how worried she is.
"Are you sure? This will affect your reputation." Dura nods at him.
"I know Mam."
"As long as you're sure. I worry about you the most." Sighing she knows that once you've decided something, that's all that matters.
"I know."
Cupping your face with both hands, she gives you a soft forehead kiss.
Waiting on the porch Tog finds now is the time to personally talk to Ronnie
Outside he can feel and smell the anger and suspicion from Tog. The air seems to be electrified.
"I say this once. Harm Y/N in any way and you will not get off so easily as before. I am from the old country. I know how to get things done."
Astonished he never thought he would be threatened like this. But it doesn't come as a complete surprise since he has been a jerk before because of stupidity.
"I don't plan on that happening again."
“Good. She's the most stubborn and sensitive of two. As you are well aware by now.”
Back at your apartment you quickly set the food on the counter and properly face Ronnie. You could tell he was thinking about stuff from how silent in the truck he was.
"Sorry I sprung this on you like this. I didn't know exactly how to say ‘come meet my parents who happen to be Orcs’.” Apologizing, you don't want him to be mad about today.
"Daughter?" Questioning he tugs on the shirt of your dress.
"Yeah. Basically adopted us. Me first, then when I said I had a sister they were ecstatic."
"They're never letting you go." He gently grabs your hand intertwining the fingers.
"Good cause I'm not letting them go." Smiling, you know it's the truth. If anything were to happen to them. You'd probably go crazy. "The first few years I lived here were harsh. I survived on my savings and their generosity. At one point I was living with them. After scrimping and saving. I had enough money to buy a decent house or a really good apartment. But then Pap lost his job at the factory. So in secret I bought that house for them. With the money I had left over, my sister moved in with me into an apartment."
Besides the fact that you were only eighteen when you moved here with everything you owned stuffed into your car. Thinking you were a badass with no definite plan. You skipped graduation as payback for your parents kicking you out on your eighteenth birthday and living with a friend for the last four months. That they took pity on your stupid self. Working two jobs and going to school full time. You had lost all control of time and self preservation. They made it their mission to make sure someone was taking care of you since you dropped the ball on it. Before deciding that it would be best if you were to move in, to pool resources. And them giving you courage to fully do what you want with support.
"What do their children think of this?"
"Their son Mek died as a child and never had any more." Shaking your head sadly. "Charlie and I joke that Mek is our guardian angel."
Smelling the sadness he changes the topic.
"So how is it with work then?" That's always been a question burning in his head. He's never heard of an orc to have an actual decent job.
"Manny is my full time assistant. Pap works as my part time assistant."
"How do you have orcs as assistants?" There's no way you have that many Orcs actually working with you.
"The loophole is that I'm allowed to have two assistants of my choosing. They have to pass a background check and be personally trained by me." Giggling you boop his nose at your secret.
"Damn. That's a good loophole."
"Manny already knows us, he used to work at the same factory. So why not? I choose my father and a family friend that acts like my big brother." You start to fidget with his buttons.
"You've never said your parents are orcs. Why?" Taking a risk, the question makes you ooze out sadness and loneliness.
"Granted they've probably already had their share of hate. It throws everyone off at first but they taught me how real parents should act. I love them so much I just want to freeze time and wrap them up in bubble wrap." Sighing there's just an unexplainable love for Dura and Tog. "I don't want anything to happen to them. And just shouting to the world that my parents are Orcs will cause unnecessary hate."
Pausing he lets everything sink in. Everything he knows and what he found out today. “Sprinkles, you are the most complicated person I have ever met. With an immensely kind heart."
"Thanks." A defeated chuckle escapes. "Besides, you have no idea how restricted and complicated the adoption process is. But to adopt from another race is nearly impossible. The only successful cases were those involving half breeds but then they were only allowed to be adopted by whatever races they were a part of."
"How do you know this?"
"When I was nineteen I wanted them to adopt me. So I went and got the paperwork and researched everything. But I wasn't able to do anything about it, besides this country doesn't recognize adult adoption as being legal."
"That's bullshit!" Scoffing that's ridiculous.
"I know!"
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night-market-if · 9 months
Meet the Parents
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This month on Patreon, we are focusing on AU situations where the MC has to meet the RO's parents for the first time. In this story, go with Milo to a home he was never able to see, and meet the one that should have raised him.
Join at the Courtesan tier of Patreon to read.
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In this story, meet Lucinda for the first time. As an MC dating Hazel, have dinner with Lucinda Albright and have a few moments to see just how Hazel and her mother interact.
Join at the Courtesan tier of Patreon to read
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my-fandom-mania · 1 year
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west-brooke · 7 months
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part 2.
*confetti popper noise*
New parents just dropped. Y’all will learn more about them in future parts hehe. Donnie is currently regretting the emotional repercussions of his gift more and more.
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longsean22 · 2 months
Meeting the Family (Part one)
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Here's a comic I've been wanting to do for a while now. Also needed a little more Hop on Spots to heal my soul. I doubt I'll ever get far enough into my story to write this part out, so this'll have to do.
I don't have names for Carm's parents (maybe I did at some point, but they're long gone now) but I should probably think of something at some point. But I did like the idea of them being opposite body types. Short chubby mom (let's see how you look after four kids) and thin as a rail farmer dad. Good combo.
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dax-enfinity · 11 months
Shoko is very vague when it comes to her relationships, normally she never admits certain things to her family until she’s with some of her cousins and offhandedly mentions she’s got a boyfriend
Cue all hell breaking loose and Shoko doesn’t realize her mistake until she’s sober again which she will not admit anything ever again unless she wants nosy and gossiping family members all over her love life
Her family members going all out to find out more about Shoko’s mysterious boyfriend since she won’t tell a thing
Kinda Outsider POV at times since it’s just Shoko’s family members trying to guess at what type of person Satoru is:
“Shoko’s boyfriend is from the city, I’m betting tall and hardworking.”
“Since Shoko’s a doctor and all that maybe this boyfriend of hers is a doctor too?”
“I don’t know, I just can’t see Shoko dating some office guy that’s just too basic for her…”
“How about, someone her parents wouldn’t approve? Like a biker? Or bad boy? Am I getting my point across?”
“Does anyone know what Shoko’s type is? Maybe she slipped something out back when we were teens?”
“Not trying to call Shoko a gold digger, but what if this guy is rich? Like I wouldn’t blame her for shooting her shot with a rich guy.”
“No, that’s totally out of Shoko’s league, I’d say someone she met back in medical school, speaking of medical school how the hell did Shoko even graduate in just two years?!”
“Child prodigy am I right? So I guess at her boyfriend being a tech guy, like, works at a huge company and all that stuff.”
Then Shoko tells Satoru all of this and it’s like:
Shoko: “Satoru, I fucked up, listen, I told my family offhandedly that I had a boyfriend while I was drunk, no details, nothing like that and now they kind of want to meet you.”
Shoko: “Kind of is an understatement.”
Satoru: “Cool, so Shoko what’s the best way to impress the future in-laws?
Shoko: “My parents are probably going to invite me to some family gathering and then tell me to bring you along, so make a good impression.”
Satoru: “Got it!” *Finger guns*
Shoko fucks up big time and Satoru will not stop teasing her about it
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starlight-nerd · 4 months
Hi I saw that you accept prompts and I have one in mind that has been stuck in my mind for days.. Can you write about Bedelia's parents visiting and Hannibal is her fake "husband"? HAHAHAHA I want him all playing the part too well and Bedelia being kind of awkward and grateful about it. Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Bedannibal Headcannons prt. 9
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I LOVE this prompt, and tried so hard to make this one a drabble, but I couldn't make it flow in a way I felt made sense. So I took the base idea and turned it into this, hope thats okay!
Hannibal was not supposed to be there. Not at all. Bedelia remembers specifically telling him that his appointment was tomorrow, not today.
But here he was, minutes before her parents were set to arrive, letting himself into her home.
"You weren't answering my calls." "Do I have to answer all of your calls?" "Usually you do."
She had left her phone on silent and up in her bedroom so she didn't have to listen to every voice mail her mother would leave on the way over.
Bedelia tries to send him away, but he comments she's too tense, and her perfume is too sweet smelling, meaning she applied to much, and headed to the kitchen, following his nose to find out what in the world she was attempting to cook.
Of course, the harder she pushes for him to leave, the more he insists on fixing the chicken alfredo she was attempting.
When the doorbell inevitably rings, she doesn't go to answer it, at the second ring, Hannibal litterally pushes her towards the door and tells her not to be rude to her guests.
"Could you at least sneak out the back?" "Would you like me too?" "It would be preferable." "No."
After greeting her parents, taking their coats, pouring both a finger of whiskey; Hannibal makes his first apperance, interupting Bedelias mother from whatever comment was sitting on her tounge about her daughters home decor.
He has no hesitation introducing himself as her husband.
"Mr. and Mrs. Du Maurier. I've heard so much about you." "I'm afraid we can't say the same." "Ah, well, lets correct that then. I am Hannibal Lecter, Bedelia's husband."
Bedelias jaw is on the floor. She almost drops her glass from shock, and Hannibal is enjoying every minute of it.
"Husband? This is the first I'm hearing of any of this!" "Bedelia, how could you go and get married without telling your father an I?" "Now, now, It was a courthouse wedding, not all that long ago. The legal paperwork is still processing. I suppose our annoucement got lost in the mail."
Hannibal is masterminding the damage control while Bedelia is trying to understand what the actual hell, he just did.
Bedelia, knowing her mother, is prepared for her to pry and she has no idea what to say. Thankfully, nothing is said right away, both her mother and father were too caught up in getting to know their new 'Son-in-law'.
During dinner is when the questions finally start to come out.
"How did you two meet?" "A psychology confrence in Boston." "How long have you been seeing one another?" "A year and a half." "Is Bedelia as stubborn with you as she is us?" "Very, although I find it rather charming."
Hannibal does most of the brunt work, weaving together a convincing story that almost convinces Bedelia herself.
Once food was served, Bedelias father claims its one of the best dishes shes' ever made. Hannibal lets her take all the credit, and just comments that he's been giving her cooking lessons.
Despite being completely put off, and upset that Hannibal would distrupt her life with such a lie, Bedelia finds herself actually enjoying the night.
Usually, she is stuck listening to her mother going on and on about how she doesn't visit or call enough, how she needs to learn to decorate her home properly, how she should settle down and start a family before its too late.
And then shed listen to her father comment on her food choices, how her lawn care company has butchered her hedges, and once again tell her to call a plumber for the 'leaky' fauset in her first floor bathroom, even though its perfectly fine.
But with Hannibal taking on the conversation, she was able to eat in peace, to talk only when she wished too, despite most of the things coming from her being lies.
Once her parents finally leave, satisfied with their evening, Hannibal sticks around to help her clean up.
"You know, now I'll have to give them your phone number?" "I'm aware." "And that they'll expect us to send them a christmas card with a 'family' photo?" "I suspected such would be the case, as well as you signing 'Bedelia Lecter' instead of 'Bedelia Du Maurier' on anything your parents might see. Unless you plan to keep your maiden name?" "I'm not signing 'Bedelia Lecter' on anything."
"Why would you go through the trouble of doing all this?" "Doing what?" "Creating such a lie and feeding it to my parents as if its the truth?" Hannibal leans in close, his lips pressed to the shell of her ear. "Maybe next time you'll answer your phone."
When he leaves for the night as well, Bedelia cannot bring herself to be truley upset about anything that transpired.
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kingsoverjacks · 2 years
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Stunningly sexy Teri Polo
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