#Medieval Science
snake are beasts of the air, that’s a new one to me
“I’ll tell you what I did,” she said, “I had spent a long time raising in my castle one of the beasts they call serpents; he was more useful to me than you can imagine. Yesterday, that beast flew by chance to this mountain and found a lion cub that she carried to this rock. You ran after her with your sword and killed her, though she had done nothing to you. Tell me why you did this. Had I done something to you to warrant this killing? Was the lion yours or in your charge, so that you felt obliged to fight on its behalf? Are the beasts of the air so insignificant that you can kill them without cause?”
— The Quest for the Holy Grail, Chapter 29, E. Jane Burns translation
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year
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detail of an astronomical tool in the "liber quodlibetarius" (illustrated encyclopedical manuscript), bavaria, ca. 1524.
source: Erlangen, Universitätsbibliothek, MS.B 200, fol. 17 recto
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geopolicraticus · 8 months
The Light Ages?
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I have finished listening to The Light Ages: The Surprising Story of Medieval Science by Seb Falk. I enjoyed this book and learned much from it, but if I were writing a book about medieval science, the result would be very different. Salk manages to skirt the whole of medieval philosophy while discussing medieval science, which I understand, but I think that treating medieval science in an intellectual vacuum gives a misleading impression of it. The best part of the book was the Epilogue, which made several good points that didn’t really stand out in the bulk of the text. If I had been the editor, I would have taken the Epilogue, broken it up into a table of contents, and sent the author back with instructions to use that for the structure of the book. Instead, the structure of the book is supplied by the life of one John Westwyk (as it is apparently the editorial requirement for science and history books for a popular audience to humanize the subject matter as much as possible). The author did a good job of larding in human interest through the life of John Westwyk, and the latter’s design for a particularly elaborate equitorium, without overdoing it.
The author takes a brave stance on the role of astrology in the period, and its close relationship to astronomy. By “brave stance” I mean that he didn’t try to minimize it. I wouldn’t be able to be so sanguine about astrology if I were writing a history of medieval science. My takeaway from learning that there were regulations for medieval physicians to own an astrological almanac and an astrolabe would be that even promising bodies of knowledge can get lost in the weeds. The argument could be made that the development of any form of quantitative thought directly tied to observation, as well as the existence of precision instrument makers, were conditions for the possibility of the scientific revolution, which did eventually appear within this milieu. Salk, however, does not make this argument, though perhaps one could say that it is implicit throughout.
I understand the interest of medieval scholars to distance themselves from the stereotype of the “Dark Ages,” and their desire to showcase the intellectual achievement of the age, but this shouldn’t come at the cost of misrepresenting the period. Salk’s book moves back and forth in the last few centuries of the Middle Ages, which, for some historians, is already showing signs of modernity to come. Some scholars place the earliest manifestations of modernity in the fourteenth century (for example, Petrarch’s ascent of Mt. Ventoux), when much of this book on the middle ages is taking place (John Westwyk’s approximate dates are 1350-1400, so already verging on the fifteenth century). One could write a book on this late medieval science and, instead of portraying it as an achievement of the Middle Ages, claim it as an early expression of modernity.
The darkest of the dark ages, from the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West to the appearance of Charlemagne—about three hundred years—are not addressed at all in this book. Even after Charlemagne there was no real tradition of surviving or reawakened scientific thought. The period discussed in Charles Homer Haskin’s classic The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century is yet several hundred years in Charlemagne’s future, and this renaissance was primarily literary. Jean Gimpel’s The Medieval Machine would be a good source for the story of medieval technology prior to the time of John Westwyk, and one could make the argument that there is an implicit science behind the technology described by Gimpel, as indeed there is implicit science behind the construction of the great cathedrals in the thirteenth century. Salk could have made this argument, but, again, he didn’t.     
These criticisms, however, aren’t really criticisms of Salk’s book, which I recommend. There is more that can yet be done in recounting the development of science, technology, and engineering during the Middle Ages, and Salk’s book can be understood as a contribution to an area of scholarship in need of more material.
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elizatungusnakur · 1 year
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The May Queen at this year’s @beltanefiresociety’s Fire Festival has chosen a medieval science and solar theme to align with her interpretation of the goddess Brigid. So as a hinge-point of this year’s festivities, of course I couldn’t wait to join in! 🌞 With some bizarre luck though, I managed to source a small Nepalese-Italian business based in Paisley, Renfrewshire - just a mere 25 minutes away from where I live - that was selling the exact pendants I needed this week. Scroll to see how I turned these beauties into a pair of enchanting earrings. 🌞 Thank you @akuaduulza_art for sending these vibrant faces my way. 🙏🏻
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thoughtportal · 2 years
Matthew Gabriele and David M Perry speak to David Musgrove about their book The Bright Ages, which tackles the big themes of the Middle Ages and challenges some widely held views about the history of medieval Europe.
(Ad) Matthew Gabriele and David M Perry are the authors of
The Bright Ages: A New History of Medieval Europe (HarperCollins, 2021). Buy it now from Waterstones:
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hajjtrips · 21 days
Discover the significance of the House of Wisdom in history. During the Islamic Golden Age, it was a renowned center of study.
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upennmanuscripts · 8 months
I'd like to introduce you to LJS 57, a compendium of Astronomical text in Hebrew, written in Spain around 1391. It's an interesting combination of astronomy and astrology, and illustrates how the division between "science" and "not science" was not nearly so clear in the past as it is today. It has some fantastic illustrations of constellations!
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barksbog · 12 days
sorry i know this is extremely unrelated to my usual posts but all my friends lust after knights and i feel like a freak and outsider for not getting it.
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worldhistoryfacts · 29 days
The "sea monk" and "sea bishop," exotic creatures that washed up on European shores in the 1500s and 1600s.
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In reality, they were probably partially decomposed giant squid -- a creature I wrote all about here:
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gyossefka · 2 years
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  Vitaly Bulgarov
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medieval science - buoyancy edition
Then they searched her, but found nothing. Next they went to the squire, and when the maiden saw that they were being so mistreated, she asked the dwarf to do as she had ordered. He immediately took the letter and threw it into the water. But the seneschal saw what the dwarf had done, went to the window, and saw the letter, which was already sinking because of its wooden box — for wood always sinks.
— Lancelot Part VI, Chapter 165, trans. Carlton W. Carrol
Bonus: the iconic translator’s footnote about this paragraph: “though this statement runs counter to the usual generalization, this is clearly what the text says.”
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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Artfight against @ejsuperstar ft. The Mad King and Chip. They're both so evil. I hope they have the most extravagant downfall of any onscreen villain.
This interaction is based on a little fic writing >:)
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Via print:
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mysharona1987 · 8 months
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crustyfloor · 27 days
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Till's piece from the event is a very honest depiction, but I want to examine it in more detail since it looks so interesting.
For one, I find the headpiece confusing, I was hesitant on this point in the last post I made covering this I assumed the headpiece Till is wearing (separate from the headphones) was this device.
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There isn't even a name for that device, but it's been theorized that it serves a similar function have the collars pet humans have, but affects the pet humans in some way.
I believe it's a behavioral management device since there is an emphasis on the brain when it's shown. And just based on the design itself. I think the purpose of it is similar to a shock collar.
Till in this environment looks familiar, he has that focused expression that he always has when he's writing music, like he's in a daze. Since this is a practice in a controlled environment I think he might actually be handling an instrument this time around (hence the headphones). Till has a natural passion for music, the environment of Anakt Garden also appears more calm than what he goes through with Urak so he looks very much in his element.
But despite how calm, and focused he looks outwardly, his collar shows orange.
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Till is giving with his expressions even around the aliens, so if he was feeling bad (I would suspect as much seeing the fresh experiment patches..) I believe it would look more obvious, but the difference threw me off a bit. I could be reaching (definitely) But given how unruly his behavior can be, and how much effort the aliens are putting into finding ways to subdue him I think they used that device to mellow him out so that they could properly monitor him.
The collar being orange gives me the impression that he's not as calm as he looks but the headpiece is keeping him in a 'sedated' state(?)
Red - Condition in the negatives, energy depleted, feeling bad. overall horrible state.
Orange, yellow - to a lesser extent, more like if you're feeling skittish, nervous, (think of this mode as feeling under the weather)
Green - Good, calm, happy, normal and a healthy mode.
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(Translation by kh47uo on Twitter)
This behavior could also show desensitization, as he had likely been conditioned to not be phased nor show weakness in front of the aliens even if he feels bad, a way of tolerating. But this is just me trying to make sense of whatever that head gear was... he could've also been sedated beforehand (banging my head against the concrete)
Also interesting to me that we weren't shown Till doing other things, like dancing, or singing. I think it's a testament to Anakt's (And Urak's) priorities as they have Till build on his music skills, his strongest skill. It's probably because that's all he has to offer is his music (His grades in every other subject are a mess.). So building that to its greatest potential before anything is important. But it's a reminder of the situation, he's not so intense about his craft because of his inclination to it. He doesn't make music simply because he likes it, he does it because it's what he has to do to survive. Despite doing what he is naturally driven to do, he looks like he has had his life drained out of him.
Urak (the bastard) knows that for sure. Appearances, and 'decent' skills can get you far but overwhelming passion and skill can put you farther above all the rest, it's exactly why Luka is the best in his league, and why Urak pushes Till to his limits to surpass that even with such destructive means.
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heartnosekid · 6 months
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yalemedhistlib on ig
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